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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Maxie choosing to be with loser Levi when Nathan is an attractive, single, kind/supportive guy with a respectable job reminds me of Brenda or Slagbeast - or any woman really - choosing Sonny when Jax was available. Although Jax obviously has factors like high intelligence, lots of $, and lots of charm in his favor as well. Does. Not. Compute. I could be wrong, but I'm under the impression Dr. O thinks of this "Win the Prince" idea as Britt v. Liz in the same way she thought of herself v. Anna Devane. She sees Anna as beneath her for a bunch of reasons, and figures hey I never "won" but Britt can because "that Webber girl" is just a lowly nurse, not a child of brilliant people, won't wear a bikini like Britt, and isn't adored by Nik's son like Britt is.
  2. Hey, it's summer - all the power to Sam for showing off great cleavage and legs. I WISH my legs looked that good!! I see too many women in this world showing too much cleavage or leg when (often due to weight) theirs are more cringe-worthy than attractive, and I wonder if they actually look in their mirrors before leaving home. I liked that Patrick told her she looked great, after that idiot Silas just left her in the park to run home to cray-cray. I think Patrick may subconsciously like Sam (more than he ever had "feelings for" Sabrina) but with everything that's happened with Robin's return and exit and the rollercoaster with Britt, Sabrina as well as all the associated baby drama, his mind just hasn't gone there. Also, he has no idea if Robin really could bring the Jasoncicle back to life. Patrick actually speaks, in real sentences, is a doctor, and can have real conversations with Sam that aren't about Sonny/mob/Michael, so that automatically makes him 1,000% better than Jason even if he's only ever Sam's friend.
  3. Watched the Nathan/Maxie/Levi scene and I think KSt did a great job of showing that Maxie knows Nathan must be right about Levi being the source to snitch to the judge. The tears and the "I don't want to hear this/just want the day to be over" speaks to her denial and wanting so badly for Nathan to be wrong when she knows it couldn't have been anyone else. Levi was the one who didn't want her to see her daughter, and wanted Nathan out of Maxie's life/apartment. She knew that. She just doesn't want to believe that after this period of "growth," she chose and brought home a lying, manipulative freeloader who doesn't respect her. Also, Sam must be annoyed (deep down) that Nina is the new Carly in her life. Jason was constantly running off to help/save Carly while he was w/Sam because of Michael and his long history w/Carly. Now Silas is having Nina live w/him,and running to her when she calls to say "Help." Nina hates Sam now like Carly hated Robin when she found out Jason was in love w/Robin.
  4. I think Patrick's outrage about Robin saying (via phone) she's not coming home immediately/staying put to revive Jason was too much. Emma was scared about being in the car accident and Sabrina/baby (what child wouldn't be), but not injured or traumatized. Traumatized is Kristina witnessing her big sis shoot somebody, screaming her head off, then going mute. Seems like Patrick wanted Robin there to love/attend to Emma while he's at the hospital attending to Sabrina and the baby. I think he also wants to be able to lean on his wife for emotional support. What's gotten lost there is that Patrick (in theory) is better equipped to help Emma feel better after the accident because he is also her parent and he was driving their car. That phone conversation/argument didn't seem like it was all about Emma's needs - more like "I can't handle all this, so you need to come home right now."
  5. Levi trying to be Maxie's hero in court, vomit-worthy. KSt did a terrific job with her monologue, though. "If Kiki can forgive you, so can I." Vomit-worthy. I do like seeing Tracy attempt to manipulate Michael. But everything Kiki...go AWAY you stupid b. Tracy's "Kiki kaka line" makes me think TWOP was actively trolled. "I'm moving in." Molly, there are days you make it really hard to like you. Even when your mother is being stupid. Sam's hair, pretty top - so lovely. Living sans Jason agrees with her. Wow is Nina manipulative. I hate what I heard while eavesdropping through the door, so I'll just imply that Sam is clearly still in love with her late husband.
  6. Favorite lines of the day... Dante to Sonny: "You selfish son of a bitch" Morgan to NotTodd!Franco: "No one asked you" Tracy snarking at Michael and his worthless gf was a nice ending. Good to see Tracy interacting with her grandnephew about the family business instead of being All. About. TG's Gross Current Character.
  7. Gotta love that Sonny tells Dante "you're lucky" re: walking into his home and telling him what to do because he's "my son" - as they are standing in the area where Sonny shot Dante in the chest a few years ago. Glad Dante was not taking his father's usual douche behavior.
  8. NuJoss is SO the daughter Carly deserves - love it!!! I hope that the worst mother ever award is polished and ready for when Carly is finished browbeating her little girl into accepting NotTodd!Franco into their home. BTW Carly, that little bit of pain your girl caused him is absolutely nothing compared to the pain inflicted on your 'treasured' first born son thanks to him. Only Carly would see how angry/upset her child is and want to be all kissy face with Psycho. I really hope that is Joss's permanent nickname for him. (Yay Jax!) I can't even - re: Sonny's threats/insults to Julian. Kiki and Morgan repeat, coming soon? Sam - yes The Nina is clearly trouble but she and Silas aren't worth it. Also, I have a slight headache from that Jason anvil.
  9. On the one hand I'm amused that upon learning of Ric's "death," Nic ditches his conversation with Britt to go running to find Elizabeth. On the other hand, he's a total douche to want to go find her when his cousin Molly is the one really suffering because she thinks her dad got killed. Molly could use an adult male family member to lean on - who's not a greasy criminal that is. Nikolas and Sam should both show up to comfort Molly.
  10. Yes, that is indeed Kerr Smith - I remember him as Jack on DC. I knew immediately by the stricken look on his face when Callie was talking, and the way he was staring at her, that he would turn out to be her bio father. So he must have been a young guy (early to mid 20s?) when he left Callie's mom. Great casting for the role of the younger half-sister. She certainly looks a lot like actress MM. I too was thinking, C'mon Brandon, 'fess up to your dad that his gf is guilty of statutory rape. The sooner that woman is gone, the better. Lovely seeing Callie have a mom go toe-to-toe with the judge to get her back. Poor girl!
  11. We all totally called it that Anna and Nathan set up that "shot fired" scenario so the three could fake Ric's death. But it's cruel to allow Molly to think her dad died. I felt for her when she saw the bodybag. Both BH and HP did a great job looking shell-shocked. I totally get Elizabeth believing he's gone, because she has no reason to think that Anna would lie to them. Same for Molly. So is Maxie going to dump Levi now? Hoping so - nice to see her old backbone coming to life. Go away Levi, so we don't have to see your horrid self/hair anymore. That is some serious manipulation going on from The Nina, but at least she knows Silas said ILY to Sam/that Silas wants her to stay because he feels obligated to her. Purina - Yeesh.
  12. KeMo looks so beautiful in actual feminine top with some color in it. While pink is a lovely color on Becky Herbst, an outfit that emphasizes how thin she is, I find disturbing. Sabrina's acting the same way now as she did with the non-wedding and Robin's return - no tears, wanting the funeral to be "perfect", wanting to focus on thank you notes. Sobby needs some therapy, stat. How could she put on her wedding dress, didn't they get rid of it? The Nina is somewhere between a young girl with developmental issues, manipulative and Koo Koo for Koko Puffs. Yikes. Methinks Rafe is going to die from drugs. Uberdouche behavior today! Also pretty clear he's the hit and run driver responsible for the Purina baby's death. Ric lost points for putting Elizabeth above Molly in importance. And no Molly, Elizabeth "dating" Rick does not make her "practically family." I get Molly's hostility toward Alexis, but geez dial it down w/the demanding attitude toward Commissioner Anna.
  13. I realize the reason I mostly liked today was I'm interested in 10 characters out of about 14 who appeared - all of whom are true GHers. Some mentioned relevant GH character history, recent and not-so-recent. And the majority are portrayed by actors who know their lines and have talent. Most of the characters we complain about currently weren't on today, so yay.
  14. Re: the Elizabeth-Britt scenes - Britt really is just a 16-year-old girl in a woman's body. I wish Monica had happened to hear Britt's AJ bash and issued a smackdown as she was going at Elizabeth. Good to see Diane!! Really good Diane-Elizabeth. Diane was mostly right, although she was a little wrong because Liz hasn't "fallen for" Ric. Nice of Ron to have a character acknowledge this is a repeat of the AJ downfall. Super sweet/well done Molly-Ric scenes. That's the first time I've believed Ric loves his daughter. Great job by Hearst. Nikolas looks great. I'm so amused at his jab at Britt and Brad. Love that Alexis-Nikolas relationship, I like that she called him out. Also, Brad really is just an immature teenager at heart as well. Ugh. Re Previews: Don't tease Samtrick, show. It's not nice.
  15. It's good to have this site, for the continued Snark and so I can figure out when I want to see GH! :) The Patrick-Liz scenes (for me) hold the power for feeling the loss of baby Gabriel. Becky did a great job conveying Liz's heartbreak for her friend Patrick, and there's far more of a emotional connect/ obvious bonding over this loss as they remember how Patrick and Robin tried to save little Jake's life. Elizabeth is the right person to lend support to Patrick in his grief and help him tell Emma her baby brother died. I think Felix taking Sabrina back to their apartment, and Elizabeth staying with Patrick, was the appropriate way to go w/those scenes. I wonder if Sonny will actually get this line for a scene with Dante and Lulu: "Ava is pregnant with either my child or my grandchild." Their WTF faces would probably amuse me.
  16. Looks like a few here are bothered by Sam not 'standing up for herself' to Nina. I totally get why she played things that way - the smart and safe way to go in a major WTF situation. Remember, this is the woman whose son got kidnapped because she didn't 'deliver the letter to Steven Lars' for crazy Heather Webber. This shock is happening just feet away from her little boy, during his b-day party. She has no idea if this woman could freak out and harm her son or another loved one, have a loud breakdown right there in the park and ruin Danny's b-day celebration, have a medical crisis/collapse in the park from the "shock" of seeing the S&S relationship that the vindictive Madeline later blames Silas and Sam for, etc.
  17. Ah geeeez, I missed that part KerleyQ. That makes it worse! I will guess Levi doesn't want Maxie to have baby Georgie in her life because he thinks it will make her harder to control/manipulate? Baby Georgie back in Port Charles would mean Maxie's family spending more time w/her, and they don't approve of him.
  18. Did Levi SERIOUSLY just say "the daughter you raised was selfish and materialistic" to Mac's face, implying that he was a crappy father? DIE, Levi. Mac says he doesn't think Maxie needed to be fixed, Levi says "I disagree." I really don't get why he's so opposed to Maxie fighting for baby Georgie. Looks like he truly believes he saved/fixed Maxie. Ugh. I had to turn it off when Epiphany started crying over the Purina baby. UGH the propping!! She really didn't even cry when her friend/colleague Robin "died"!!! I heard Moobster say Ava has 9 months to live and turned that crap off.
  19. Lillybee - You are not alone. The "I really wanted to reach into my TV screen and slap Carly silly" is a fairly common reaction with us GH snarkers when LW is in a scene and Carly has lines. The one time I remember her not being awful was in a scene of Carly comforting Kristina (played by LA) after the shootout in the hospital involving her boyfriend Kiefer's father. That Slagbeast is genuinely disappointed that Sonny has not murdered Ava yet. Ugh. Can someone pretty please tell Morgan that his father shot his mother in the head while he was being born. It REALLY needs to sink in that the best thing for him and for Michael (during a decent bros conversation) would be just to walk away from their 'loving parents.'
  20. So I guess this is TCa's maternity leave storyline - baptize the baby, discontinue life support, and then head out of PC so Sabrina can mourn her baby's death while the actress is off-screen for some months? Sheesh, that's how TPTB originally intended for Becky Herbst's firing to play out (going away, unable to deal with the grief of Jake's death). I got the impression JT is playing Patrick as a man overcome with guilt and absolute exhaustion more than devastation that he will lose his premie son. Yes, he wanted another child - with Robin, not her. He must really feel like a jerk right now. That scene of them sitting together outside NICU, when he kisses her head - really spelled out the emotional disconnect between the two. It seemed like a scene between a pair who'd had a ONS and barely know each other. Nina crashing the b-day party, befriending Danny and then looking up at Silas's shocked face schemingly/sweetly made me roll my eyes.
  21. Elizabeth's reaction re: Ric's fingerprints on the gun makes sense. She doesn't love Ric, but he's demonstrated that he's very determined to get a "second chance" with her and she's afraid of what could happen if she and Nik became romantically involved again. Plus she figures Lucky would hate them both forever long-distance. I think the tears came from frustration and embarrassment that she thinks she's just continued to believe in men who lie to her/hurt people - Lucky, Australian doc, AJ, and now Ric again. (I don't include Jason because I remember she called him an "honest man.) I understand that she would like to believe she could be happy with someone other than Nikolas, but Ric is the kind of guy who should never get a chance with her again ... if for no other reason than a needy, obsessive guy who uses her son for manipulative purposes is a BAD example as a male role model for boys. Ric is now in the role that AJ had in the love triangle with Liz and Nik, with a variation of the downfall storyline. However, Liz had genuinely developed feelings for AJ before Nik returned to Port Charles,AJ was clearly not ready to be in a healthy adult relationship due to all his issues, and he and Elizabeth did not have a history. With AJ, there was a give-and-take, she liked spending time with him, and wanted to see where they could go. With Ric, she all but said she was settling.
  22. Ha, annabel - so true. Anthony wanted the $ and ELQ, he was about blackmailing Tracy into marriage. He leered at women. I still remember when his daughter Claudia went to see him (before he realized it was her), he saw her approaching, was checking her out and said, "Helllloooo Nurseyyy!" He would be the type to make a pass at Kiki (gf and ex-wife of two Corinthos sons) or Sam or even Alexis (to piss off Julian) and then insist they wanted him. The way he spoke to Lulu in the park made me think, "Anthony Z." He seems irritated about having to converse with Lulu; if I recall correctly he hated it when she and his son Johnny were "in love" and Johnny was so hell-bent on protecting her.
  23. Anna's superiors don't trust her because she's with Duke? Feel the burn, commissioner. Anna and Agent Ashford discussing the crime storyline loudly at that shipment site is as idiotic as all the loud baby secret conversations in the hospital hallways and at the Nurses' Station. HATE that Anna - in tears - hugged Duke at the end. Use your brain, woman!! Elizabeth looks gorgeous, although a bit on the thin side. That shorter hairstyle really flatters her. Really like the color and style of that blouse too. But geez Ric - when your teenager daughter is uncomfortable about your words/touchy-feely behavior with your date you may want to dial it down. I half expected him to try to start making out w/Liz while Molly watched. Liz praising him as a father makes me roll my eyes, but I guess I can understand due to lingering guilt that her sons' dad abandoned the boys and shows no signs of returning or checking in. Poor Cam and Aiden. I think someone here pegged it correctly - that Geary is supposed to be playng a resurrected Anthony Z. A few have said Damian Smith, but I don't remember that character objectifying women of all ages like this. The way FauxLuke speaks to Lulu, Ned, and others screams psycho and barely covering that fact. Also why else would Ric mention the Z Family death-imprisonment storyline to Elizabeth today? Ugh at Sam, Duke&Sonny, and Tracy. We must be seeing PodTracy - the real Tracy would have kicked "Luke's" ass out of the Q mans the moment she saw him pointing a gun at her son, who was obviously afraid for his life. The "hmm, I don't know what to think" look on Tracy's face, and then choosing FauxLuke over Ned, makes me want to smack her over the head.
  24. Just wanted to say, I absolutely love the title of this thread. I also really like the Julexis scenes/relationship, which tells you something - I'm approx. 20 years younger than the two characters. I like them so much more than any other "official" couple on the show. If the writing for Elizabeth and Nikolas would get good/believable, which I know it won't, then I'd be on board for that too. I think Nik has always felt an attraction for her aside from their friendship, that he never saw her as a sister (respected her as his brother's wife, great's love bestie, yes, that I buy.) At the moment it seems like Elizabeth is reluctantly sayng yes, she and Ric have a chance because Ric wants her and she has fears about actually being in a real relationship w/Nikolas. Liz can do SO much better than a guy who is obsessive and once nearly killed her.
  25. I second what @Grrpants09 says. SO disappointed he's not a bad shot like Shawn. Boooo! You just needed to aim a little higher and to the right (mouth area), dude. NotTodd!Franco needs to DIAF a few times over, and take the Succubeast w/him. UGH!!!! Sonny also needs to DIAF. Alexis, Anna and Sam all look fantastic. Such great hair!! Also, is Anna a hypocrite, or just projecting? This is an honest question, from watching her get nasty toward Julian, Alexis and Sam. As soon as FauxLuke asked Harry to give him the gun, I knew he was a dead man. I liked seeing TJ call out Shawn. So deserving. That young guy is a talented actor.
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