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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. And how entitled she is along with her ex/current love, and CarSon. Carly encouraged her and Jason to work together to find a way around the big bad parole officer who has the nerve to do her job. Yesterday I saw just how much of Sonny's personality she had absorbed. The way she spoke to and threatened Nelle could have come from a script between Sonny and another character. In fact, her threat yesterday sounded like it was lifted from the time Sonny wanted to get rid of AJ when AJ and Sonny's blonde sister were getting married.
  2. Yes, she and Lucas were friends. Bobbie mentioned that history of friendship when Brook showed up at General Hospital to try to see Lucas right after the accident.
  3. She recalled her conversation with Julian (when they were strangers) about him wanting to terminate the partnership, and saw him fighting with Brad. Immediately after that, Brad and Lucas were in the car accident. She claims it makes sense that he was Brad's accomplice who wanted out re: the baby switch and believes Sonny will agree with her theory.
  4. Olivia rightly fired Brook. She shrugged it off and told "Daddy" that she needs to spend all her time writing music. He told her she needs to get a job now that pays bills, and suggested office ELQ work. She didn't like that idea, so her response was to get angry and walk away from him. ETA: Brook told Julian she thinks he was Brad's partner in the baby switch and threatened to go to Sonny with her theory. It appears she is going to demand money/a big favor from him in order to not sic Sonny on him.
  5. The saving graces of today: Wiley's "whatever lady" dismissive looks/ignoring Josslyn's yammering, tone regarding Brucas and pleading to hear him say "Aunt Josslyn" and Alexis being absolutely exasperated with Sam's attitude about her parole officer/determination that she will not be kept apart from Jason. Actually I also like Alexis telling Sam "I can speak for myself" when she was getting on Julian's case and giving him bitchface because he said Brad needs a lawyer. (Kudos to Julian though, for the implied dig that since she got back together with Jason maybe Lucas and Brad have a chance.) I assume the audience is supposed to see the parallel between Sam's behavior toward Julian and Carly going to Pentonville to threaten Nelle. I feel bad for Ned that Josslyn is coming off as less self-obsessed than Brook is. UGH. The only positive thing she did was confirm that Monica is thrilled about the surprise great grandchild.
  6. The irony is that Jax and Carly talked about keeping Spencer safe from Helena, Nik's grandmother. Now Carly and Bobbie have told Brad "that's no excuse" and Carly bared her teeth when Brad said one of the reasons for the baby lie was to keep Wiley safe, knowing that grandparents Sonny and Carly caused Michael and his siblings to be in danger, i.e. kidnappings and such. I get what Michael meant. She intended to leave the country with Wiley and never come back. She is a flight risk, and if she saw the opportunity would do it again. As long as Jason was alive and in Port Charles and wanted to have a place in Michael or Carly's life, no way would Carly have ever decided to leave with baby Michael and not look back. Instead she bragged to Elizabeth that she already drove one "angel" away (meaning Elizabeth could never keep her and Jason apart). Michael will never see his mother as straight up evil like he sees Nelle because there wasn't a deceased newborn involved in the AJ/Carly and baby Michael/Jason mess and he's been raised to believe that S&C are flawed people who break the law because it's inherently necessary due to Sonny's business, but they're not actually evil people. Jason has been reinforcing that mindset with Michael for decades. She did have a reaction. She went from surprise to a beaming smile at Michael and Wiley with one look. She was happy to see Wiley, and thrilled to realize he is the first of another generation of the Quartermaine family. I think Monica and Michael made a point of saying that Wiley has spent a significant amount of time there so it doesn't seem to the audience like Michael took Wiley out of his happy and comfortable home, brought him to the Q mansion for the first time last night and just expects him to adjust to a new home life setting. Monica had the "always here anyways" attitude about Danny and Scout when Jason asked about them staying there while Sam was in prison, because Sam or Jason or both are perpetually telling whomever that "the kids are at Monica's" or "I'm on my way to pick up the kids from Monica's." I hope she is in Wiley's life, but I'm not sure it should be dialed back. Wiley should have a mother figure or at least female role model in his life who's not a great/grandparent and she's wonderful with him - they have bonded. Nelle is a definite no-go as a parent, Sasha is just his gf and they could break up at any time, Kristina and Joss aren't fit to be role models to a house plant, and the one smart thing Sam has done recently is tell Lucas since she's on parole it's better for Wiley to have a different guardian (I know in her mind being a terrible role model for children is completely beside the point.) This reminds me of when the Show tried to imply that Sonny and Dante were similar/could really have a father-son bond because they both liked pasta and the Yankees.
  7. The Show did it a little bit when Sabrina was crushing on Patrick while watching him with Britt. She looked crestfallen and said something to Elizabeth like, "Do you think they're having sex?!" and Elizabeth said something like probably, why?, then realized Sabrina had a crush and tried to comfort her, like a woman trying to comfort a young girl with her first crush when the crush is seen with a girl his own age. Kiki was Franco's only supporter other than his ex Ava and psycho Dr. O. The vast majority of their conversations were about Franco, so Kiki's life experience or Elizabeth being in a supportive older woman role weren't even part of the picture. Elizabeth has had few scenes with Lulu (since ER took over the role) that weren't about their children, and in general Lulu is so arrogant esp. about being a Spencer who can handle anything that I don't think it would ever occur to her to ask Elizabeth for advice, or lean on her for support.
  8. She hasn't blamed Brad for SIDS; she's heartbroken over her baby's death and furious at Brad's disrespect/disregard for his short life (handing his tiny body over to psycho Nelle and the baby being purposefully wrongly identified) as well as the long cover up after she entrusted her newborn into Brad's arms. As any parent who has lost a baby would, she wonders well what if circumstances had been different. I could be wrong, but I sensed irrational guilt in Willow, basically: "what if I kept you and held you (instead of Brad taking you to their home and putting you down in the crib to sleep), would you still be alive. I wanted you to have the best life, surrounded by love."
  9. I actually really liked the Monica-Michael-Wiley scene(s) until Jason showed up. It was nice to hear Michael call her Grandma, nice to see her speak directly to Wiley/see the three of them behave like this is a normal family scene. She is clearly thrilled to have a great grandchild, and I was surprised to see him smile and seem to consider the possibility that maybe Wiley's last name could be Quartermaine when she said "another Quartermaine." If Michael is so concerned about being enough for Wiley, he should invite Lucas to move into the Q mansion. I assume the Brucas home is just a space of pain now. I also felt bad for Monica about being so thrilled to have Jason, Michael and Wiley there. They are all she has left of her family, esp. life with Alan other than Jason's sons (whom we rarely to never see with her) and Drew's daughter (also rarely to never seen with her). Brad's behavior today is why I can never empathize or sympathize with him. He feels bad about getting caught and that Lucas no longer has Wiley, but has not given a thought as to how he betrayed Willow's trust and lied to her for so long, nor thought about the baby in that grave because Wiley was the "second chance/replacement." Brad didn't seem to understand he was not replacing a defective appliance! Children are not interchangeable/replaceable. Brad being so focused on Julian hiring a lawyer who would ensure he beats the charges, and wanting to get Lucas back. show he doesn't deserve to be a husband or a father. I actually liked it that Carly got a text from Bobbie saying Lucas wants to be alone. Seriously, why would he want to see Carly of all people right after giving up his son? Hearing a tirade from her about how awful Nelle and Brad are is not going to comfort him in the least.
  10. Yes, She has her partner, Olivia, for management of the Metrocourt and Avery's nanny for care of baby Donna.
  11. I swear I heard Jason say "Mom" in that 4-Quartermaines-on-the-couch scene. Did SBu slip or did the writers make a scripting error in the dialogue about a family pic w/Wiley? I ask because Jason has always called her Monica since the accident. Anyone here with good ears, or who uses closed captioning, please chime in. Jason basically being a stand-in for AJ/considered a true Q in that scene with Monica is gross, but about what I would expect from this show. I also hated Michael's line that this (being with Wiley in the Q mansion) feels like right, like it always should have been this way makes me want to smack him. I get that it wasn't a purposeful dis of Lucas, but it absolutely comes off as all the time Wiley has spent being the son of Lucas (and Brad) doesn't count. Willow's monologue at her baby's grave continued to break my heart. But Becky Herbst did a beautiful job with her lines and embrace at the grave. Elizabeth's tears for Willow's pain got me. I doubt it was intentional, but Elizabeth being the last person to hold Willow's deceased son (while on duty as a nurse) and now holding Willow to comfort her is a beautiful parallel. The Brad-Julian scenes made me go of course. I had roughly the same reaction to Franco asking Ava are you hitting on me. Ummm, I think it's more like she's plotting to set up Nikolas to hit on/make a pass at Elizabeth. Also, of course it's Carly not Michael visiting and threatening Nelle in jail in the preview.
  12. For me CL's acting showed that she saw the baby as a possession to keep away from Michael, as punishment for not getting what she wanted/felt entitled to from him. She knew Michael would go to Willow and Chase's apartment to obtain his son the moment she eavesdropped on the truth-telling, so she ran to grab the baby and take off. I assumed that she intended use the baby as an accessory/prop to get what she wanted from people in Argentina. A young woman alone with a baby is generally seen as vulnerable, easily gets sympathy, etc. The first sign of that was when she said to Chase, "What are you going to do, shoot me when I'm holding my baby?"
  13. Wiley was grinning at RC today too, in the scene I call "Daddy Lucas, bitch-hypocrite aunt/grandmother and hypocrite No. 2 great grandmother Bobbie give Wiley a snack in kitchen as they make it very clear that poor Lucas is no longer this baby's father." Carly is far too selfish to genuinely consider that; Michael thought of it. I thought it was stupid that Lucas turned Wiley over to Michael right that minute. The boy is legally Wiley Cooper-Jones; they don't yet have a DNA test to make anything official, and all of Wiley's clothes, toys, etc. are at the Brucas home. It's gross to me that little Wiley is being treated like a transaction that needs to be completed, not like a child with attachments, needs, etc. Willow has every right to blame even hate Brad for the way he covered up her son's death and has been lying to her face from the moment they met, through her going to jail to protect Wiley and praying with her for Wiley's safe return when Shiloh kidnapped him and Brad knew damn well the baby wasn't her kid. Brad knew Willow trusted them with her newborn, and he has been using/relying on her whereas Nelle was nobody to Willow until they inadvertently met in the hospital in recent history. Brad is absolutely responsible for all of his poor/illegal choices.
  14. Bobbie and Carly need to shut the f up, acting like Lucas has been a foster parent all this time. They are NOT a "safe space" for Lucas. Gag me. UGHHHH at the hypocrisy of Sonny tells Michael he needs to "claim" his son and Lucas has to "respect" it when Michael pauses to consider if Wiley should stay with the father he knows, Lucas. Lucas was acting like Wiley is a nephew he's seen from time to time, who he'll be sad to see go -until the last moment when he got choked up on the line "your son" and handed him over and went to get a hug from Bobbie. The Jerome Siblings scenes about the baby switch were well played. MW's holy S*it faces are great. Ava's fear for her brother is palpable, as is Julian's sadness. I rarely cry when I watch TV, but yowza Willow absolutely broke my heart today from beginning to end. What a great performance of denial, despair, rage and disgust. When she finally let it sink in what all had transpired and collapsed in Chase's arms, I wanted to reach through the screen and hug her tight. Chase looked like he was trying hard not to cry.
  15. A) The fact that the writers consider the two of them as central to this storyline while Lucas is basically a prop/supporting player in "Michael's child was kidnapped/stolen at birth." B) You are correct, but that was at a time when the Qs were still a prominent family, with one of their family members brain damaged and seduced into doing whatever Carly and later Sonny wanted him to do. AJ and Jason were the sons of important doctors Monica and Alan, then the brain damaged brother conspired with Carly to keep his nephew away from his brother. AJ and the rest of the Qs were betrayed by "one of their own" who had been convinced he was doing the right thing. In this storyline, Lucas and Brad were never important. The writing spells that out from the beginning. Lucas is the adopted son of Bobbie; over the years Bobbie has become a mere prop for the family of the daughter she didn't raise who played a significant role in the breakup of her marriage/family. (Bobbie didn't even get a mention when nephew Lucky, whom she did help raise, was mourning the loss of his legal son Jake even though the Jake and Josslyn situation was a redo of when she lost her daughter BJ.) Bio mother of Lucas is deceased and bio father of Lucas is basically a pariah in town. Brad is certainly not a true member of the Corinthos clan and he has no family connections in Port Charles whatsoever that we know of. Therefore Brad is less compelling and easily disposable. That was clear to me when Lucas said how Brad has devastated his family (not him). The writing should have spelled out how Brad betrayed wedding vows to Lucas. Instead, it's spelling out that any pain Lucas is feeling is unimportant because he's just a prop for Michael the important one. Therefore, there won't be a struggle about Michael claiming his son. That last shot of Lucas seeing Wiley in Michael's arm was RC playing sad resignation,. The preview for today's episode has Lucas asking Carly, "What happens now?"
  16. Yes, I'm really confused about Theo's behavior, age and what he knows. Danny at 12 is in middle school, which is the right age to have recently learned about reproduction and also to understand that when two people are married they are only supposed to be intimate with each other. But, does the audience have confirmation that 10-year-old Theo who comes off as being significantly younger knows "where babies come from"? He knows that Daddy did something with Aunty Delilah that was bad and it hurt his Mommy and she went away for a little while. He saw Sophie outraged toward his Daddy. But does he actually know anything about sex, did he ever see Aunty Delilah and Daddy being flirty, how does he understand that flirting can lead to a baby and thus Daddy being flirty with Dakota upset him?
  17. He was carefully moving around while Michael kept Nelle talking. His body language told me he knew immediately when Willow wasn't in the room that Nelle must have knocked Willow out or stashed her somewhere in the apartment, but she would say first priority is to make sure the baby is okay. So he carefully gets up right behind Nelle, when she's too distracted by Michael to see exactly where he is. Then once Wiley is safely in Michael's arms and another officer has secured Nelle, he goes looking for Willow. While Chase now knows that Wiley is not Willow's biological son, she thinks he is and loves him and Chase knows that. I could see her being angry at Chase and Michael if Nelle got away with Wiley and disappeared because one or both of them focused on her needs first.
  18. A and B) They didn't actually say why she was under arrest. I assumed she was handcuffed and arrested because of the attack/assault on Willow. That apartment was clearly the scene of a fight and Willow was unconscious in her own home. C) I agree. I wonder if the re-intro of Taggert, and the emphasis on the school dance, will lead to Elizabeth telling Cam she was raped after a school dance when she was his age and Taggert was the detective who handled the case. That is why he's so concerned about Trina not being alone when she goes home. I don't understand the energy-less scenes today. Lucas had a few tears. I don't think Brad even shed a tear. Same for Bobbie. You would think Lucas found out his husband stole his credit cards, went on a spending spree and left him in debt instead of lying about their child for a year and a half. Another case of GH telling instead of showing is Michael yelling at Brad for hurting the "people you claim to love." Brad has claimed to love Lucas and Wiley, not the rest of them. Brad and Lucas with Wiley have had scenes of bonding with Elizabeth and her family only. Not once that I can recall has Brad been seen (before this storyline or during) having warm one-on-one family moments with Carly, Michael, Sonny or Josslyn. I think he once referenced seeing Kristina since she helped out with Wiley. He's had very few scenes even with Lucas, so this attempt by the writers to make it seem like Brad was close to and betrayed a big, loving family is a FAIL. The only truly positive thing I can say about the Wiley storyline scenes is that neither Sonny nor Jason got to be heroic in saving the baby from crazy Nelle.
  19. Brad said no one else was involved in the baby switch (that is true; he confessed to Julian however long after the fact). Julian spoke up for Brad a little, and Bobbie snapped back "You would defend him" (um, hypocrite much Bobbie?) and his response was he doesn't condone what Brad did but the motivation is understandable.
  20. So GHScorpiosRule, you missed Carly telling Jason that she doesn't care if she sounds like a hypocrite, that they were trying to give Michael the best life possible while Nelle and Brad "were just being selfish." News flash, you snarling shitty excuse for a mother: it's not a twisted version of history repeating itself. The only true difference between what you did and what they did is that you didn't hand anyone a deceased newborn. Of course Bobbie says it's "not an excuse" when Brad said Wiley was safer with them than Michael because of the kidnappings, etc. that Michael/Corinthos sibs survived. She's one of Sonny's top apologists. I wanted to see significant emotion between Bobbie and Lucas, so I was really disappointed. That comforting hug was not enough. He should be sobbing, and she should seem devastated for him. HATED hearing Michael say "your grandson" to Sonny. And how did Sonny even know where Chase and Willow live? I was ticked off that Chase just carried unconscious Willow out, to take her to GH. She could have had a neck injury! Isn't standard for the police to call paramedics when someone's on the floor and in and out of consciousness?! HATED seeing everyone's joyous smiles (except Lucas) as Sonny and Michael walked into Casa Corinthos with Wiley. Also WTH with Curtis leaping to the theory that Taggert having a daughter he (Curtis) didn't know about means maybe Jordan is secretly Trina's mother. The only good stuff about their storyline today was when he asked Cam if he's related to Elizabeth, and told Cam his test is making sure Trina gets home safely after the dance (because he and the audience remembers when he worked the Elizabeth Webber rape case after the h.s.'s V-day dance).
  21. Aiden. While Aiden is Jason's first born son's half-brother, he has never had anything to do with Jasam or Carson and their kids.
  22. That scene needed Robin, i.e. Robin shows up because she was invited to the Bon Voyage party for Lucas and Brad. She walks in on Carly's screeching and says "Hypocrite much? How long did you lie to/keep Michael away from AJ and Spencer away from Nikolas until I told them the truth because you were never going to?" Robin and Lucas had a relationship growing up, whereas Carly has never actually had a relationship with Lucas until the writers manufactured one at the last minute for this storyline. Robin is an ideal friend/extended family member to comfort Lucas as this awful time.
  23. Not so far, but the only people in that room right now older than Carly are Julian (who may not know that bit of history) and Bobbie (who isn't about to bring that up while her son is crying and his marriage is imploding). I have a tiny bit of hope that might happen when the Qs hear about this (emphasis on tiny since Tracy has left PC again). I am happy for Monica that she gains a great grandchild after all the losses she has survived. I want a scene of Monica in the Q crypt, talking to AJ and Alan's spirits about his grandson/ their great grandson.
  24. Carly has been at the center of too many dramas to even remember them all at this point in GH's history, so in too many ways this moment of drama is same old, same old. I've had way more than enough of Carly's screeching, hypocrisy, etc. at whomever she feels has unfairly wronged her family/bff. (I'm throwing in the bff mention because I remember her stalking into Elizabeth's home, looking at baby Jake, then screeching at Elizabeth that she was going to make sure big bad Elizabeth didn't get her way/ that Jason would get shared custody of Jake.) I would be fine, even applaud, a high-drama moment between Michael and Brad about betraying him and Lucas, with Lucas raging at Brad the entire time. This scene came off as Carly taking aim at a delinquent minor in defense of her own minor child, while completely ignoring her own brother's devastation. A scene that should have been about both Lucas and Michael's heartbreak was instead about Carly, and her prize possession son Michael being betrayed by the husband of the brother she rarely acknowledged in life until this storyline started.
  25. UGH at Carly's extended yelling at Brad. Yes, I know Michael yelled at him too and spoke about all Willow has been through (unlike Carly who only cares about her own immediately family + Jason's), but this should have been a face off between Lucas, Brad and Michael. Carly needs to shut her hypocritical mouth and take a seat in the corner because it's not her fight. Hey Carly, Michael has not missed out on more than a year of Wiley/Jonah's life!! Good for Willow for punching Nelle in the face. That fight scene was 1,000 percent better than the Josslyn-Nelle fight scene. Nelle seemed like she definitely was not expecting Willow to fight back so hard. Trina turning out to be Taggert's daughter is a cool twist.
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