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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I highly doubt her exit has anything to do with Cyrus. I am sort of assuming she will collapse with a brain bleed or other internal injury and then be in a coma (think tween Michael getting shot in the head) sometime between today and the middle of next week. There's been too much emphasis on "you need to get checked by a doctor" "I'm fine; I just hit my head" "I'm still waiting to be seen" for that to not be the logical next plot point. No, Jason and Danny had stopped playing pool because Laura wanted to talk to him outside. Their last scene inside the FR was Danny bragging that he wanted Jason to see how great he is at the [insert arcade game name] now after playing it with Cam and Dev watching him for the last however many minutes. Since Jason just returned to the FR, I guess the explanation will be he told Danny they had to go, he took Danny to the Qs, and then he was just returning for whatever "meeting" trap where he was supposed to get blown up by that bomb.
  2. I assume this is what will happen as well. Do any of you remember the winter bus crash involving some adults and kids? Michael and Kristina were in high school at the time. Kristina's good friend was "fine" after the crash, then suddenly collapsed at the hospital and died - she had a brain bleed. Lulu told Laura she has not yet been seen by a doctor. She has been insisting to Laura and Dante she is okay. I assume she has some serious internal injury/brain bleed, and she's going to collapse and be in a long-term coma (thereby Lulu is no longer an active character unless the Show recasts, but Lulu also doesn't abandon either of her children). Dante gets his house back, and raises their son as they hope and pray that "Lulu/Mommy will wake up and get better some day."
  3. I think Cam and Joss will get together in part from mourning Dev. Cam is dealing with physical and emotional trauma now, and Joss lived with Dev. In their last one-on-one scene, she told Dev he's "like a brother." i felt for Cam, and Lulu's pain, shock and fear today. DZ also deserves praise for how Dante held Lulu still once she got up, keeping her from injuring herself worse by trying to get to Dustin while the paramedics took care of him. His quiet protectiveness and trying to soothe/comfort her shows he still has a cop's instincts and a husband's love.
  4. DAMN, Sonny talks about "good kid" Dev dying like he was some warehouse worker he hardly knew. Not one tear. Carly's tears lasted 3 minutes, which she spent praising Sonny for giving the kid a good life the last two years. Valentin's letter genuinely touched Alexis. Me, too. I rarely feel anything about Diane but she made me cry in her tearful appeal to Alexls. NLG did a terrific job with her lines about Jason and Danny, just wanting her to grandson to grow up but always in danger because of Jason. All Julian can do is sit there and cry while clutching Danny's baseball cap?!?! I called it that Dustin would be killed, and of course Jason and Danny left before the building blew up. Dante saves Lulu, and of course promises Dustin he'll be there for Lulu. Dante's reluctant approach to tell Lulu the news got me. I guess she will collapse tomorrow in Laura/Dante's arms while sobbing about his death? I really don't care that Franco doesn't want surgery. Whatever. I like Elizabeth's angry reaction though. And poor Cam is injured as well as traumatized, seeing Dev.
  5. I am hopeful, based on what looks like Maxie speaking to Laura, that Lulu winds up in a long-term coma off-screen, a la Michael after getting shot in the head. Maxie looks like she's been crying and is scared, but not in a state of despair like her best friend is dead. I really don't want to see Laura devastated over the death of one of her kids, yet again. I don't believe the Show will kill off Franco or Jason (unfortunately), especially since there has not been news of either Howarth or Burton leaving. So, my best case scenario is that Dustin seems to be knocked unconscious temporarily, helps rescue Lulu, and then collapses and dies from head bleed/internal injuries like when teenage Kristina's friend was "fine" immediately after the bus crash drama, then died. Dustin's only "storyline" other than being Lulu's boyfriend was the occasional scene with students, but mostly with Joss, esp. telling her to keep a journal to mourn her loss. Rocco has his father Dante back and Charlotte has her father Valentin, so they don't need Dustin. Yup. My best guess about his so-called devastation and that line in the promo is that Dev dies. He was closest to the bomb, other than Lulu and Dustin. Sonny would be sobbing his eyes out to Carly if Jason died or Jason's kid died. He'll just feel guilt that he brought Dev into his home and life to "save" him because he felt like he owed him, and instead dies in a Mob act of violence.
  6. The script for this was sloppy; I think the comparison is in part because Lulu is currently faced with Dante, her great love, and Dustin, her new love, both in Port Charles. Laura sees ex-husband Scotty around Port Charles and they are friendly, while she is currently married to and in love with Kevin. Luke left Port Charles. He is not a part of Laura's life now, so for script purposes, Luke doesn't "fit" the point Laura is supposed to be making. Yes, Luke and Laura have not been romantically together or married now for a long time. When Laura returned from living abroad, she was with Scott. They got engaged, and she married him (again) at Wyndemere, at TC's Nikolas's invitation. The marriage didn't last long, but that's not really relevant to her conversation with Lulu. During the last decade or so of Lulu's adult life, Laura has been married to Scotty and now Kevin. Scott, her first ex-husband, a man whom she re-married and then divorced again in the last 10 years, is still a regular part of her life and she certainly cares for him. She currently loves and is married to Kevin, but she does not have the decades of history with him that she has with Scott, and Luke. Luke has left Port Charles, and she does not see him - not even when Lulu was critically injured from getting stabbed. However, Scott, Laura and Kevin all live in the same town and interact with one another like Dante, Lulu, and Dustin. The more accurate comparison would be Luke = Dante, the great love of the woman's life and father of two of the woman's children, Laura=Lulu, and Dustin=Kevin, the promise of new love if Dante and Lulu definitely can't reconcile/are no longer in love/do not fit together as a couple anymore .... which is clearly not the case given Dante and Lulu's recent conversations with other people. Although it was sort of obvious when Lulu ran to the door and collapsed in tears right after Dante shut the door and left when he told her he's back for good. She wouldn't have had to say "Luke." Laura could have said "I still feel love for your father" to Lulu. This sort of reminds me of a time when Sam was complaining that she had always felt threatened by Robin's place in Jason's life, because Robin was his first love and persistently a higher priority in his life than she was. The reason? At that time, there was a storyline involving Jason and Robin. I had at WTF reaction, because she was describing how the Sam character had been feeling about Carly for many years due to Carly's lack of boundaries and Jason not putting his foot down. That script, of course, was written not to show accuracy to the characters' or show's histories, but to fit a plot point.
  7. Yeah, Sam is stupid. What bothered me more though is that Ned and Jax, who were close to Alexis many years before Monaco was even cast as Sam, let alone chosen to be the long-lost daughter, were missing from this "intervention." I HATE that instead of focusing some attention on long-time BFF Alexis, Jax is absorbed with Nina's find-my-baby-drama and Carly's secret(ish) Nelle's dead drama. Jax and Diane, with Valentin and Ned as primary back-up and Molly and Sam as secondary back-up in the room, would work much better since there's been so much hostility between Sam and Alexis. Molly clears wants to help her mother, but she's really not sure how to do it.
  8. Monica does not deserve to lose a grandchild after all the family losses she has suffered. I don't want Alexis to lose her grandson either, especially after he said to Jason they miss Grandma Alexis (what can I say kiddo, your mother sucks).
  9. The Show had a public park set for when Dustin was bonding with Rocco over baseball. If it was "too cold" to spend time out and about in a park, he could have told Lulu he really wanted them to drive by a new area of the park where Rocco can play ball, then proposed in the car there.
  10. You don't have to have a fancy dinner and flowers to create a romantic, special setting for a proposal. I feel like there are several problems with this dive bar setting alone: she started getting to known Dustin because she was with Maxie at the Floating Rib, crying about Dante leaving/divorcing her. Most recently, they celebrated Maxie and Peter's engagement at that same dive bar and things got awkward with Dante running into them there. It's such a casual place that a kid is even playing an arcade game there now. Dustin said he got there quickly when she called because he was in the area. He decided to propose in a very casual, unromantic location (hell, AJ and Carly conceived Michael there during their ONS!), out of the blue (expect for buying the ring) , where she has history both with and crying over her ex-husband. Who knows what crud may stain his pants from kneeling on the floor of the FR. If Dustin had wanted to propose to the woman he loves "with all his heart," he could have chosen, and planned to do so, where he and Lulu have special memories - a spot where they started spending time together and he helped Rocco with baseball, a cafe they both like from date nights, even Laura and Kevin's front porch would have been a more appropriate place.
  11. ESPECIALLY since Lulu closed her eyes, took a breath and expressed her relief that he was also re-thinking them moving in together right now because of Dante's return and the associated feelings. Yes, getting down on one knee with a ring at the local dive bar while discussing your love's ex-husband is a mega YIKES move.
  12. Renault told him to call the burner phone to tell him that the bomb had been dropped off. Yes, he told Julian the bomb would go off when Jason would be alone at the Floating Rib for a meeting. I think the implication is that Renault was telling Julian whatever was needed to make him comply with the order.
  13. Pretty sure the bomb was auto rigged to go off when Julian was "calling" Renault on the burner phone he was given, because it's been made very clear that Renault doesn't care about anyone's lives. He just wants results.
  14. Cyrus lied to Julian about how/when the bomb would go off, shocking. I will say Julian trying not to cry as he said good-bye to Alexis, and her wondering what's going on, was well played by both actors. I guess Julian will now go back and try to rescue people? I call utter b.s. that suddenly, teenage boys are hanging out at the Floating Rib and Jason would think it's a good place to teach Danny how to play pool. And since when does the Floating Rib have an arcade game?! I figured Lulu would be there when the bomb went off. I did not think Elizabeth and Franco would be. Why didn't they meet Cam at Kelly's?!?! Dustin is an idiot to propose "to demonstrate his commitment" seconds after they agree that it's not a good time for him to move in since Lulu is trying to figure out her feelings and what to do for herself and the kids. I guess Dante is going to run in and try to save Lulu during Monday's episode. Maybe I should be moved by the preview of Sam's tears and begging for news about Jason and Danny, but I'm not. I am amused by Sam getting all pissy at Valentin for stating the obvious, that he has a better chance of getting through to Alexis than she does.
  15. I thought the writing, and CL's acting, made it clear that Nelle had decided if Michael wasn't going to choose to be with her and/or give her what she wanted financially, her intention was to make sure he (and Carly) never got to see the kid again as punishment. She said as much after kidnapping the kid, during the argument in the cabin when Michael confronted her, before Carly showed up.
  16. She should have therapy, yes. However, Lucas wanted Wiley to have a relationship with "his mother Willow", after all the Shiloh stuff came out but before he remembered Brad confessing the truth. Soon after Willow found out her baby had died, she went to see Michael to tell him she was going to step away from Wiley's life. Sasha tried to manipulate her out of that choice, and then Michael asked her to still be a VIP in Willow's life in response to her statement about grieving/healing/walking away. Totally agree!! I feel like a more accurate statement is "Willow loved Wylie as her son due to circumstances and Brad (and Nelle) lying to her. She married Michael reluctantly, out of love for Wiley. Michael married Willow for Wylie's sake, but also because he wanted to since he always had feelings for/was attracted to Willow and now she was free." The way he kissed her after they said their vows - in front of his family -is not the way you kiss someone you only think of as a friend. He clearly didn't give Sasha a second thought the moment Willow walked away from Chase for "cheating." He didn't care enough to confront Sasha in pain or anger.
  17. I am really hoping that Lulu will have witnessed an illegal activity since she's so gung-ho about taking Cyrus down through journalism, and thus agrees to witness protection after good-byes to Laura, Charlotte, Nikolas, Dante. I do NOT want Laura to be devastated over the death of one of her children, yet again ... I don't care that Lucky and Nikolas didn't actually die in the past. Laura thought they did, and was heartbroken. Also, the idea of kids - even fictional kids - crying over their dead mother is not something I want to see or hear about on this show given children really are losing their parents this year due to the global pandemic. Shut up, indeed. I liked how Trina shut him down/put him in his place when she said he crossed the line too. He's not at all sorry, clearly, and is irritated that they are mad at him. I wish Cam had an actual guy friend he could hang out with, and confide in. He deserves so much better than this "friend" Dev. It's genuinely funny that he's angry at her for knowing "all this time" and not telling him. Mikey, do you not recall when she lied to you and covered for Sonny when he murdered your biological father, AJ?! Seriously, this CEO is not so bright. One of the rare moments I've liked her. I loved the "spare me" tone. It's funny that he genuinely seemed let down that it didn't turn her attitude opinion of Sonny around. I was genuinely surprised by the Epiphany/Taggert scene and that the writers remembered she had a son who died because of the Mob. But, how does she know that Trina and Portia talk about Taggert all the time? Does Trina spend that much time with her mom and the staff at the hospital?
  18. I assume that BL had the pregnancy test with her because the last actress playing BL really is pregnant and it's a convenient way to bring her back (at some point). I'm reallllly hoping Maxie's pregnancy will not last past Heinrik/Peter being exposed; that it's a plot point intended mostly for the Heinrik/Peter, Anna and Valentin story arc. If the writers have any guts, Heinrik/Peter's actions will directly or indirectly cause him to lose his child.
  19. Yup, to all of this. I was totally confused who the tall, dark haired, blue eyed medical professional was until he started yelling and Julian said "Lucas." This guy looks so unlike RC. I have no clue if he's a temp or permanent re-cast. Yeah, I totally believe Carly wants Jax to lie to Nina so Nina won't be devastated. There's no way this is really about Carly wanting Nina (and all others) to shut up about Nelle for all eternity esp. because she doesn't want to be accused of letting Nelle die if the truth comes out. Seriously, since when does Carly give a damn about anyone's feelings outside of her kids and Jason? I laughed at the preview of Michael asking why they're just finding out about this now. I don't know, Michael - perhaps because you didn't give Sasha a second thought after you two broke up, except for a second or two when she hugged you and then ran off when she heard Mike died? I assume now that the three of them are in the hospital worrying Sasha is going to die from drugs, Chase will confess that the "affair" was a lie. If not, I expect Carly will speak up.
  20. It's just nice to see Brooklyn being a decent/supportive person to a guy not named Sonny or dying relative of Sonny's. She's been such an insufferable and immature brat (with both actresses) that I was genuinely shocked. I'm glad I'm not the only one who had that reaction. The Willow actress was Trying. So. Hard. to make the awful, awful script work. I felt bad for her that she had to try to act like being close to Michael and reading the legal stuff was turning her on. I swear that is sort of recycled "my love for you is stronger than...") from the Nurse's Ball some years ago when Elizabeth was fighting Helena's mental hold over Jake during his fixation on the magic set when it was rigged with someone poisonous to hurt people. I don't understand. Explain please?
  21. Glad to see Laura show real anger toward Jordan's confessions. Good eye acting from GF when Laura saw the screen shot/file # Jordan gave her. I think the case from 40 years ago that Cyrus wants must be something LnL related. My gut feeling is that she called Tracy. This is one of the very rare episodes where I liked Maxie for getting slightly emotional and giving Lulu a hard time for acting like Dante just up and abandoned Lulu and the kids without thinking and without reason. At least Lulu acknowledged she's not taking Dante back because she doesn't trust him not to leave again instead of trying to insist that she's so in love with Dustin and over Dante. The audience is going to need some headache medication from Pappa Harrison's "kids change everything" anvil. Finn is sort of sitting up and looking well right after heart surgery? Okay, show. I hate that Valentin convinced Anna to lie to Finn about the test results. It makes me wonder if this secret is going to result in Anna and Finn breaking up/Anna and Valentin getting closer. I've gotta say, I love the way Dante easily lied to Peter's face about the computer and left. Peter's last lines to Valentin, and his contented face, that all is well because of Mommy just made me roll my eyes. Now I wonder how he'll find out since Anna is determined to protect him and encourage him to be a good man by Maxie's side. The "I love him as a son" line should have caused Finn's fragile heart to have some reaction. Jason's face when he realized he was Lulu's source was funny. I thought Peter said he wouldn't publish the story?? I liked Cyrus telling Jason his mother and Bobbie Spencer were both fired for cause and re-hiring them would be bad for the hospital's rep. But the plot point of Taggert showing up at Sonny's office unannounced just moments before Cyrus did is also eye-roll worthy - in reality there's no way Cyrus would not have seen him go in.
  22. The only girlfriend Willow had was Sasha, which was because Michael was dating her and Willow and Michael are friends. Willow's mother seems to have disappeared. Elizabeth seems (both in that really sad scene at the baby's grave and recently in their conversation at the hospital) like she is trying to be a friend/mentor to Willow. Willow herself said something about Michael's family surrounding them/being welcoming to her. Maybe it was unintentional, but a combination of the writing and acting made it seem to me she was implying she felt like she would be alone without Michael and his family now that she and Chase were over. I don't think living with Qs is such a treat, but the way the Willow actress has said her lines suggests she does.
  23. Absolutely - the way they hugged, looked at each other and she took his hands in hers showed that these two characters are still in love no matter how much Willow tries to convince herself she is "falling for" Michael. It is too much to hope that Willow will drop in to visit Finn and he'll tell her that the Sasha/Chase "affair' was a lie? It really seems like the only reason (aside from being close to Wylie) that Willow is hesitant about ending the marriage to Michael is that she likes living with Michael and his Q family members, versus being alone. When is the last time she even saw her mother? Does her mother even know she married Michael? Willow seemed like her old self both in attire and speech while talking to/comforting Chase about Finn, and talking to Epiphany about her career and education. She has more to her life than Wylie and his father. Michael likes to feel like important. I suggest he go help Maxie pick up the pieces of her life when the Henrik/Peter situation blows up. GH likes love triangles involving siblings or cousins, so maybe Michael and Dante can be in a rivalry over Maxie. Just have Michael stop feeling sorry for himself about letting Willow go and have him straight out honestly say she deserves to get back together with Chase, the man she truly loves.
  24. Totally agree! Dev has been cocky ever since Sonny brought him home to Casa Corinthos. He clearly felt insulted/put down (but held his temper much better) when he bragged to Sonny and Jason about how he "handled the police" when he was questioned about the disappearance of a warehouse worker, and they were not at all pleased with his statement to the police. He was not pleased when Sonny told him 'you're not working for me; go to school!" IMO Dev's reaction to Joss's rejection is just a louder, nastier version of behaviors he has already demonstrated. I rolled my eyes at him saying Joss was "all over me" last winter. No, she planted one very brief, awkward peck on his mouth when he seemed to be hinting he felt something for her after Trina said something like "I think Dev's into you." From the clever blocking of the Joss/Cam kiss, I'm sure Dev could see she was much more into kissing Cam than the blink-and-you-miss-it moment on NYE between himself and Joss. The point is that Dev is outraged Joss would friendzone him but like Cam when he believes himself to be an awesome guy who should be with a beautiful girl like Josslyn. He's attached to Joss, but not in love with her. When he, like Sonny, has such an ego, it's extremely insulting to think that two girls may like another guy. Think of how Sonny would react to both Brenda and Carly paying a lot of attention to/praising/behaving as if they have feelings for Jax around him in the same year! I am also wondering if Dev will attempt assault, and Cam or Cam along with a couple other people will save her.
  25. Their scenes just proved to me that Dev wasn't madly in love with Joss; he didn't want to "lose Joss to Cam." His behavior reminds me of Sonny asking Brenda, who wanted a divorce, not to leave with Jax. Like Sonny, when things don't go Dev's way, he trash talks those who don't kiss his ass. I half expected Dev to call Joss the w word, which is Sonny's favorite. Joss and Trina were both friends with Cam since way before Dev ever came to Port Charles, so they both know better than to believe Dev insulting Cam (especially since Trina and Cam recently had an honest conversation about their feelings). Dev snarking at Joss about her "precious Oscar" would have been more appropriate coming from someone who actually knew Oscar and witnessed the relationship. It kinda reminds me of Britt putting down Elizabeth about Lucky leaving her and Port Charles behind, since Britt never met Lucky and certainly never saw the LL2 relationship for herself. My favorite part of the teen scene was Trina yelling at Dev and being outraged by how nasty he was to them and about Cam. I also really liked Robert straight up telling Peter this is the first time he's seen Peter approach without an agenda. LWB/"Henrik"/"Peter" demonstrated "THIS IS WHAT I THINK ACTING IS!!!" instead of actually acting quiet terror that Maxie and his unborn child could be harmed.
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