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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I haven't had that impression at all. She has treated him like a brother-in-law for years, and was definitely accepting of him once he and her late husband Nathan became friends. I don't think she would ever have asked him to be the godfather to James, after Nathan's death, if she only tolerated him. I really didn't care for the conversation between Elizabeth and Jason, and I say that as someone who is mostly a fan of the character but I have no use for Jason. The problem isn't Jason; the problem is how Franco handles things and basic dysfunction within the Friz marriage. Jason didn't go to Franco and start making threats; Franco went to see him. Elizabeth is still mad that Jason doesn't accept Franco is a "changed man" and she's mad that Jason didn't come to her to let her know her husband went behind her back. If Elizabeth really thinks Jason is at all motivated to go after Franco out of jealousy regarding Franco parenting Jake, she clearly hasn't been paying attention. Jason barely parented Danny and Danny has even said Jason isn't invested in spending time with the family when Jason lives with them (or did, up until recently), so it's absurd to think he feels he's missing out on spending time with Jake. Elizabeth came off to me as someone who is in total denial of even a possibility that Franco could be a danger to their family. I hated Jason's condescending tone, but I can't disagree with what he said. I don't know who wrote the dialogue for Olivia, but I will assume the writer knows nothing about alcoholism. Olivia was talking like the sex was sober, deliberate and considered. Someone who has been drinking, especially if they're an alcoholic, doesn't stop and think. They're avoiding emotional pain and going for instant gratification. Olivia's words would have been better directed toward Ned. Yes, please, STOP with the necklace. The Nina's child storyline feels like it's been going on for years and years. Now, how dare you doubt that Sonny is an expert on running someone else business? Seriously, really truly, fuck off, Sonny! Tracy decided that she knew how to help Ned and was going to do so, since Monica "couldn't be trusted." She started out demanding to know what Monica was doing to handle the situation, as if Ned was a teenager getting into trouble or flunking in school instead of a 50- something adult male who needed to handle the problems in his own marriage. She didn't have any remorse for what she had done, and then turned it around on Ned with some rather atrocious dialogue. She's welcome to think whatever she wants about Ned screwing up, but it's not her mess to handle. I also don't believe for one second that she is invested in little Leo and is eager for him to become a Quartermaine. I can't recall her ever being invested in her actual grandchild, Brook Lynn, until she was proud of BL for being nasty to Nelle. But it doesn't have an impact because Jason doesn't care about any kid's needs except for Michael. (AFAIC, Michael is a kid in an adult's body.) I think she didn't contradict Dante's version of what happened because she felt it was his choice, but I don't recall that she helped cover it up. Olivia also has a right to be angry because in addition to betraying her, Ned was not going to tell her the truth before legally adopting her son. It seemed like Tracy wanted to ensure Ned had a legal claim to the boy, while keeping the boy's mother from realizing her husband was not as trustworthy as she believed. How can she be sure Ned can be trusted with Leo? Say Leo gets hurt somehow while he's with Ned and it's because Ned was doing something he shouldn't be. Would he be honest with Olivia about what actually happened? This situation is different for that reason. In Olivia's previous relationships since coming to Port Charles, she did not have a young son.
  2. Show wants us to think Sam and Lucas are actually invested in their mutual sibling, even though I can't recall either of them mentioning or seeing Leo since he was an infant. Also, the point was to have Sam in the room when the drama regarding her mother and Ned's ONS/her mother not being guilty of DWI was exposed. Tracy thought Alexis would be forced into rehab, and thus out of the picture so she wouldn't have "loose lips" around Olivia. Maybe a weak attempt to give Sam some personality? That's not a concern for Carly or Elizabeth. That was the scene where Tracy was way out of line IMO; she reminded me so strongly of Carly or Sonny talking about AJ re: Michael. Tracy has only been around briefly here and there for years now, so she is hardly a witness to Leo's relationships with his father and stepfather. The "Julian was just a sperm donor; you're his father who loves him," comment from Tracy was utter b.s. That's not how Olivia thought of Julian. From comments various characters have made, it is established that Julian visited Leo at the Q mansion regularly. Olivia told him he was welcome to see Leo at any time, when Lucas was in a coma. Sam and Jason had a conversation referencing that Danny had developed a relationship with Grandpa Julian, from seeing him when he spent time with Leo at the Q mansion. This is the only moment where I liked Tracy this week. It doesn't matter if they find the journal; the point was just to mention the journal so that at some point, Cam and Joss can discover they were both deceived and get on the same page about their feelings. They wouldn't find the forged entry anyway because Dev threw it out at the hospital after he convinced Cam not to follow up with Joss about the kiss. I agree!! Liz and her boys have not been able to have a storyline where Franco wasn't central in years. I am so tired of Liz acting like there isn't a family without Franco. She and the boys are a family together, period! Here's a thought Liz, if you hate how people still bring up Franco's past and hate that Franco is still going behind your back and making decisions, perhaps Franco isn't really the man you want? And you've just been in denial for way too long? I didn't see that as conscience. Tracy values Finn's friendship and wants him to think the best of her, so she was embarrassed at her lies being exposed in front of him when Alexis is also his friend. She's not repentant, she's just upset her lies caught up to her and it happened in front of him. She only confessed when her back was up against the wall. I thought LLC's acting worked for this scene, demonstrating Olivia being angry and utterly fed up/exasperated that her family - her mother-in-law and husband - have been lying to her about her marriage.
  3. I love this line so much!! Hilarious!! He really hates it that Willow is still in love with Chase. I almost laughed that she rushed to bring up Sasha and he acknowledged that like yeah it's true, there are feelings, but she's mostly an afterthought to me. Michael is acting like he's going to settle for getting back together with Sasha (because she'll be crazy about and devoted to him, without him making any effort). But he's still be thinking about having sex with Willow under the drop cloths of Wiley's paint-fumed playroom because it was oh-so-amazing and memorable. GAG. I'm pretty sure this is just a clunky plot point for the Nina/Nelle storyline. No basis in reality. Kinda like when Sam said she had always felt threatened by Robin's importance to Jason. Yes, to Trina, during dances on the FR. They acknowledged Lulu and Joss are cousins when they spotted Lulu kissing "Mr. Philips" (dance chaperone). More recently, during the fall, Joss took Trina into a bedroom/stateroom to talk privately when Trina was upset and wanted to go home. Trina asked if they were allowed to be in there and Joss shrugged it off that it's fine because Lulu, her cousin, owns the place. Joss may have said something about Lulu being her cousin when she caught Dev "not robbing" Dante and Lulu's home (which was the very beginning of Dev living in PC after fleeing Turkey). That's the only time I remember EM's Joss sharing scenes with ER's Lulu. Making the journal an issue is so Joss can find out at some point that Dev stole it and forged a journal entry stating Joss was turned off by kissing Cam. Thus when she realizes that Cam never made a move because Dev made him believe she wasn't into him, she and Cam can realize their feelings are mutual and become a couple. See above. The deep dark secret is that Dev stole the journal, forged a false entry about the Cam/Joss "bad kiss' and showed it to Cam, then threw away the journal because he was satisfied he had convinced Cam not to pursue a romantic relationship with Joss. Eventually Joss and Cam will realize they were both manipulated, and declare their feelings for each other.
  4. YES, please!! I laughed at Michael's sulking and jealous reaction to hearing how Chase and Willow's dinner went and that "it happened, we didn't mean to." I'm not so sure though that he is assuming sex, not a kiss, because I think he knew they were having dinner at the Metrocourt - not Chase's apartment? It's not like either Chase or Willow had a room booked at the Metrocourt in case things escalated. Michael is mad that Willow is definitely still strongly attracted to and in love with Chase, despite being married to him for however many months now and having sex with him twice. He's used to getting everything he wants handed to him. That first snarky comment to Chase about his dinner conversation with Willow made him look like the pathetic, insecure ass he is. His dismissive attitude about Chase's genuine concern for the Corinthos/Q Family's safety was shitty too. The "it's being handled" line certainly made him sound like Sonny Jr./Jason. Chase dear, please get a real male buddy because Michael is not one. Me: Sam, do you want a pop quiz? Just to be safe? 😂 It really did, and my thought was "Why does anyone think you're decent/honest and/or a good guy?" UGH!!! I thought the same thing - there has been zero effort to find out his identity.
  5. When MB leaned his head back against the seat (the bandana didn't help), especially with the way the scene was lit, I thought he looked exhausted, old, gaunt. As a stranger witnessing his life, with the way Sonny looks, speaks, and moves, I would assume he is Avery and Donna's grandfather. How old is Sonny's grandson/Dante's son Rocco, btw? I think he may actually be older than Avery?
  6. A) This reminds me of Carly crying to Sonny "Jax is going to take my little girl out of my home/to Australia and I'm never going to see her again" when Jax had the audacity to say he wanted Joss to live with him because Carly being around Sonny endangered Joss, and Carly could visit as much as she liked. B) Losing a father and a home, and the child only having visited the new home/mansion a few times in the past, certainly wasn't a concern for Carly when she told Michael to go to Brad and Lucas's home to claim his son. I literally laughed when Nikolas said the custody paperwork is simple, Carly as the stepmother has no rights, and Carly's reaction was to look offended. Hey Joss, did anyone ever tell you about the time you almost didn't have a dad because Sonny paid someone to disable his airplane and he was presumed dead? A really damn old Tiny Tim. Yikes, those scenes of Sonny sitting in the guy's truck really did not do him any favors. SO very true. I rather enjoyed everything Nikolas had to say to Carly. His first line about Carly not having any rights in reaction to Carly saying Ava is "only Avery's mother legally and biologically" was great and I clapped, even as I rolled my eyes at Carly's line. Her "how dare you!" reaction when Nikolas brought up how she and Jax tried to raise his son as their own was just .... bwahahaha! Actually she had the same reaction within the last year when Jax brought that up. Carly's outrage at Karma coming to get her was hilarious!! Also, Molly owes Brando a big, sincere apology for assuming that he attacked TJ, for insisting that he keep their hook-up a secret, and for her behavior toward him since she started lying to TJ about the hook-up. Brando is not responsible for Molly's poor choices, yet she's been taking out all her inner turmoil and guilt on him for months.
  7. I heartily endorse this excellent Ted talk!!😁 I was also amused when Carly said to Jason: I don't know why I fell in love with Sonny; he's so selfish and arrogant. Me: You just answered your own question; you fell in love with a variation of yourself. Jason didn't want you, so you settled for someone who is a mirror imagine of your own grossness and doesn't care that you chose him in part to stay close to Jason. Plus Sonny doesn't/didn't really care that Jason always comes first in your life. (Jax did!!)
  8. She wants to be Jason's partner/back up in the Mob. She made that more clear today. She already implied it and GH had Carly in a fantasy sequence about it years ago. I'm so confused about this. He was lying in the snow, but now he's on a sandy beach at sunrise, and clean shaven with a fresh cut on his head?! Yes, this is what I want to know too. I can't tell where he is or when this is supposed to take place. He hasn't had anything to eat or drink in how long, but he can stand up and talk and seem just mildly injured? Yeah okay, Show. SO totally agree about Carly's fuming contempt. Carly is conveniently forgetting that Sonny went to find Gladys, pressured her to go along with the story, and offered her money. She didn't ask for the situation. Then they treated her like crap. It will totally be their own fault if this scam blows up in their faces. But again I don't see why any government agent would care at this point because Dev is DEAD.
  9. @GHScorpiosRule in the DMV area, what was advertised as the 1/8/21 episode aired, but the last 10 minutes were cut off by the Biden press conference. I saw part of the show; the last thing I saw before the cut off was the Willow /Chase COVID kiss (that she seemed to initiate) in the Metrocourt. I didn't think it was hypocritical for her to lay into him today for implying that the Gordon/Lesley affair was all Lesley's fault, and that his family leaving Port Charles (and thus how his life turned out) is therefore her fault, too. I thought, jeebus dude, you sound like Sonny (it's always someone else's fault) except with better grammar. And then he doesn't like that Laura called him out, so he makes a veiled threat against Lesley's life. Yes!! The way she is speaking really, truly makes it seem like she took a dose of Nyquil before walking on set, and is struggling to get through her lines before she passes out. It's very noticeable and weird. That combined with her telling Dante she's glad Julian is dead, then shrugging off the mention of Leo's sadness with "he's better off never remembering Julian" and saying that they, his siblings, need to step up for him, made me hope she would slip off the barstool and into a coma so she would shut up. I thought she would say "Who?" when Dante brought up Julian's son, their little brother. Was that comment to Dante, with that voice and raising her glass, supposed to be Sam hitting on Dante? I'm unclear. *I still don't believe in nor care about Carly's angst that Sonny may be dead, Show. Sasha's reaction and trying to be supportive of sad sack Michael also does nothing for me. Hey Michael, remember your actual father, the guy Sonny murdered?!?!
  10. Here's a thought, nitwit - don't propose/demand a double wedding if you don't want guests of the other bride and groom to be a part of your big day. Peter should point out that she can verbally change her mind to Anna and Finn since apparently Maxie isn't bright enough to figure that out herself.. No; approx. 40 minutes of GH was pre-empted (at least in the DMV area) for President-Elect Biden to make a statement about what happened at the Capitol yesterday. He then introduced his choices for his Admin, DOJ nominee made a speech, etc. I was on the phone with the TV muted, but I saw enough that I can say about a minute or so of yesterday's episode that included Dante/Anna aired, and then Martin was screaming at Valentin as they sat at the bar in the Metrocourt.
  11. FYI: first 15 minutes of GH pre-empted in the DMV area because of special report on protests in downtown DC/evacuations of two Capitol Hill buildings as well as the Electoral College count/objection(s) and debate(s) going on. As a result, we missed the Anna-Obrecht scene(s) and most of Anna-Dante. Dante about when he was undercover as "Dominic" and infiltrated Sonny's business: "Look how that turned out." However, Obrecht and Britt are face-to-face, with Obrecht still wearing her wig. Britt asking if Obrecht's release is for real. Laura briefly with Ava and Nikolas at Charley's talking about Cyrus, then Kevin calls and she tells him they'll be right there. Cyrus gets in Jordan's face because he's pissed off at her nonchalance about his mother missing. After 10 minutes, GH is again pre-empted in the DMV because of the Capitol on lockdown - breach of first floor. Both Houses of Congress in recess now. Did anyone else get to see today's show?
  12. A) While Nina should stay out of it, she only butted in because of Carly shrieking at Jax for not having blind faith in her about protecting Josslyn, and Jax raising his voice in return. B) Yes, I really don't like Laura's plot point stupidity. Same goes for so-called WSB bad ass Anna's plot point stupidity in not recognizing Obrecht because of a wig and mask that doesn't cover her face in the preview for tomorrow. I thought the same thing. Jax: The longer Sonny is missing, the less likely it is he's coming back (paraphrased). Me: Don't toy with me, Show. That's not a nice way to say Happy New Year. I liked seeing Elizabeth interact with Dante and then Anna.
  13. They really were. Nancy was excellent when the scene got to be between Alexis and Ava. What I found even more appalling was her taunting/bragging to Cyrus that his elderly, ill mother would "find her way back." So true. I'd like to see Bobbie and Carly in adjoining jail cells. Carly looks like she's waiting for Jason to give her a gold star for how she "handled it." She really is so proud of herself, thinking she has Jason's back. I got a chuckle at Jason's "Are YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" look at Carly when Cyrus accused him of kidnapping Florence. I kinda laughed when Cyrus said to Carly that she doesn't seem to be so broken up about her husband missing. Me: "She cried on Christmas Eve -what more do you want from her, man?" It's hard to feel bad for Jax's frustration about Joss's attitude when he's the one who told (former) Nina "I respect the hell out of Carly." Well, what did you expect would happen. You know Carly is a mob mole, raising Josslyn to think and act like her. In revenge, I would suggest that Cyrus kidnap Carly and baby Donna, but he would have to offer his goons hazard pay for dealing with that mouth of hers for hours on end.
  14. LW as Carly reminded me of ^ in her 12/30 scenes. My impression is that Carly's ultimate fantasy (there was even a fantasy sequence about it in the past!) is to be Jason's lover as well as partner in running the biz. Her line read seemed to indicate she accepts Sonny may be dead, and she is determined she will be everything Jason needs now. Carly has shown that she essentially has a cocaine addiction, except instead of powder her addiction is Jason and Sonny and the lifestyle she has with them. She is all talk about how much she loves her kids; she told Laura (when Laura was deciding whether to reconcile with Kevin last year) that she has no regrets about standing by Sonny. She clearly never gave a thought about baby Donna while she was going on about showing up alone/doing whatever it takes to have Jason's back..
  15. No, she also had a scene of talking and crying alone at the baby's grave. Elizabeth found her there (she guessed where Willow would be from talking to Chase at the hospital when he was looking for Willow), said she was so sorry about her baby's death, and hugged her. Willow herself told Michael she needed to walk away from Wiley; Sasha and Michael both responded by doing their best to talk Willow out of it. Wiley needs you, you need each other, blah blah.
  16. Seriously. Willow and Chase had fun dates, he cooked for her, they both clearly enjoyed the sex, he broke the news of her baby's death and was there for her as she cried. Michael ... was grateful to Willow for sharing her cult experience with Kristina, and wanted Willow in the mother role for his child. (Sasha also only cared about what she thought was best for Michael and Wiley, too). The only "fun" Michael and Willow have had together was Michael taking Willow for lunch and a ride in his thug father's boat, and painting Wiley's play room. The actress playing Willow seems to be giving off an "I enjoy being part of two families vibe." She's only looking at the Corinthos clan on the surface during a less than one year time frame. I get that after growing up in a cult, having her mother turn her over to a predator, and never having siblings or extended family, that she is just overwhelmed at seeing how two families rally around Michael unconditionally. She walked into the room with Michael after Chase spoke about Julian's body found with two gunshot wounds, and I'm sure she has not heard about Michael getting shot because he was standing next to Sonny, or about how Sonny almost blew Kristina up with a car bomb. I always assumed she knew about Julian the mobster because Julian was in Port Charles and had a reputation in the past, well before the Sonny character was ever created.
  17. I will be surprised if his character Finn does that, because Finn reacted with quiet, simmering anger instead of screaming when Hayden confessed that yes, Violet is his and that she deliberately kept Violet from him upon finding out he had moved on with Anna. He never railed at Hayden the way she deserved especially considering she's the one who ran off/dumped him and lied about a miscarriage. So, I don't think he's rail at Jackie. The situation with Finn's dad and Jackie and Finn's history with Jackie is complex in my opinion.
  18. I was thinking the same thing. I get that the writers think the threat from Cyrus was supposed to make him look like a cold-hearted scum bag, but I thought it made him look stupid. Dev is not living off tax payer money. Would any authority take an attorney seriously who says, "these people conspired to protect an illegal immigrant!! No, you can't question the boy because he died in November 2020."
  19. 1) I assume that's a rhetorical question. She would insta-marry Jason if he would be open to it, if they both believed Sonny had died. 2) Today she seemed to feel awkward that she's still strongly attracted to, and in love with, Chase, and likes being around his family, when she has recently slept with and is married to Michael, not to mention spent Christmas at Casa Corinthos. I was amused when she said to Chase "just talk" in response to having dinner together. I imagine one kiss between them and her brain would go, "Michael who?" In my mind, that would be any normal woman's reaction anyway. 3) I figured the Luke mention is because Jackie has history with Robert, Luke's old best friend, and knew of Laura as Luke's great love. I felt no sympathy for Carly's fear/pain. How many women have woken up in despair that their man is missing/dead because of Sonny and Jason? Also, what woman sleeps with a giant rock on their finger like that? Her diamond ring could cause real damage while sleeping. I loved that Laura felt nothing in reaction to Cyrus's "beneath you" line, attempt at a guilt trip. Puh-lease. When Carly balked at being "interrogated" and then Jason told Dante protection of the family is being handled, I soo wanted Dante to respond, "the last time you claimed that, you got shot, kicked in the harbor and were gone for years."
  20. There's a primetime medical show where the lead (a doctor) and his wife knew they were having a girl and named her Luna. And I have heard the name Luanne before. Either one would be a better choice; I certainly wouldn't think "oh, sounds like Lulu" if someone announced they were calling their child Louise.
  21. This was my reaction as well. In all the time she has known the Spencers, didn't she ever hear of or meet Lesley, and understand that Lulu's legal name is Lesley Lu? She was called Lesley Lu when testifying in court. That should mean something to Maxie, considering she wanted her son to have his father's/her deceased husband's first/legal name? So, her eldest girl child is named after her deceased sister, who would have been the girl's aunt. Her son, her second child is named after his deceased father. This baby is sort of named after ... her best friend who may or may come out of a coma. And by the way, Peter, when you refer to the child as "Lou," people may assume you're talking about a son. Idiot. This idea is not as stupid though as deciding that because the baby is female she will inherit Maxie and/or Anna's personality characteristics, instead of Faison's. Personality traits or talents inherited are not based on sex, dude. That's not how human genetics works.
  22. The theme for today seems to be, of course. Of course Maxie invites Britt to Christmas, and just decides that Mac and Felicia are going to get over the past and accept her as family - without asking them first. In one breath she wants to honor Lulu with the baby's name (does she not know that "Lulu" was always a nickname?!), and in the other breath she wants the woman who stole Lulu's embryo to be part of their big, happy family. Um, okay. I swear Jason has communicated more with Britt in full sentences in their scenes today and recently than he has communicated with Sam in more than a year. I would feel sorry for Jordan if she didn't totally deserve to get blasted by her husband and her son for her actions and lies. Who chose that awful blond wig for Liesl Obrecht? She needs to shut up about Anna's "obsession" with her, especially considering that Dr. O has always shrugged off Robin's torture and captivity with "at least Robin is still alive; Nathan is dead." Yes, Nathan is dead because you enabled and protected Faison for decades. I was shocked someone actually brought up Elizabeth's parents. This Show usually pretends they never existed. Terry, the only thing Dev would care about regarding how Cam spent his time was that he spent less of it with Josslyn. Of course Carly is rude to Chase for doing his job and questioning her precious Jason. Of course Michael wants to throw around his biological father's last name to try to find/save his thug adoptive father. Of course Willow volunteers to go check on Wiley, Avery and Donna. Carly hugging Jason and crying just makes me 🙄.
  23. It didn't even occur to me that Sam might call Alexis. I assume she thinks Alexis is in a jail cell, without her cell phone.
  24. The best things about Christmas Eve at Casa Corinthos: Jax saying quiet is not unusual for Jason, and Jax spending time with Joss/being with his former family instead of Sonny. So let me get this straight - nu"Uncle Lucas" is Michael and Willow's Christmas gift to Wiley?! I HATE seeing Michael so happy/pleased with himself, and Lucas telling Carly Michael is amazing. UGH.🤮 "You and Mr. Corinthos must be very proud." Ugh, Willow dear, you need to step out of your ignorance. Ask Michael how his bio father AJ died. ENOUGH with the Corinthos Family propping!!🤬 Hated Trina yelling at Curtis for "lying" and then yelling at him again - how is it his fault his commissioner wife lied to him? The scene with Portia was good though. Just when I think Sam can't be more insufferable, she is, between saying Julian got what he deserved, and then wanting Jason to stay overnight on the couch to be with the kids for Christmas - right after she asks him if he's the one who killed Julian!! Hey Sam, this man you love had to be told by his BFF to come see you at the hospital when you texted him. I really enjoyed the Martin/Laura and Kevin scenes. Great acting by MEK, holding back tears about being included and them wanting to know him better. HP did a good job with NLG; I found Molly's anger and exasperation toward her mother for drinking at Jordan's believable and not over the top. Alexis dropping her phone at the headline of Julian's death was a well-done moment, too.
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