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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I really liked the end scene with Robin between her two parents, and Mac and Felicia, having a drink in memory of Sean. I don't think the 5 of them even got to have a moment together for JT and K.McC's last episode, when Mac married them in their house surrounded by Emma and guests. His stories were indulgent, but Luke also in the last 20 years has crapped all over the relationship with Laura in conversations with several characters, and IRL Geary made it very clearly during interviews/quotes that he resented having L + L as his legacy instead of being remembered for just Luke. He wouldn't have had such a significant career if not for the excellent work he did with GF, and later with JJ when Luke and Laura returned as a married couple with a young son. Geary's resentment spilled over into Luke, which was a problem. I find his attitude gross. Robin is a researcher, but I don't think she worked on projects with the "he could die in hours/days" pressure on her. I'm also skeptical of her returning for any story arc. I recall I read an interview where K. McC. said that GH asked her to come back for something, but the timing just couldn't be worked out because she has such a busy schedule (locations/travel included) between directing and devoting time to being at home with her family. I assume she has (good) stress on her between her directing career really becoming successful at the same time she has a young child. The one thing I don't like about her coming back for the Nurse's Ball is that she always connects with Sonny in a positive way. I also still roll my eyes at the last time Robin went to Casa Corinthos, and Carly was pretend-friendly as Sonny and Robin had a warm conversation where he told her he wanted to meet little Noah. Other than special episodes like this, I don't think Robin will ever be in a GH scene where she's not being used to prop Sonny/Sonny and Carly/Jason in some way. ETA: I genuinely liked the Maxie-Bobbie scenes, because these actresses connect well and the history was acknowledged. Also, it's nice (shocking because it's so rare) that Bobbie is being used for something other than propping her horrible daughter/the Corinthos family.
  2. Mac has not been absent. He had a scene with Maxie, Peter and Anna at the Nurse's Ball right after Maxie had the hot mic moment of discussing her pregnancy with Lulu. When Maxie and Peter arrived on scene at the Floating Rib after the explosion, Mac was the one to tell them that Lulu went to the hospital because Dustin was injured. Mac was also with Maxie in the non- wedding scenes, and then was literally worrying over Maxie at her bedside, when she was in the hospital. There may be other scenes I'm not remembering....
  3. Yes. Totally agree. I appreciate when Dante and Alexis can have great moments like this. Brilliant!!! I find it hard to support Felicia's anger because while Anna is Maxie's godmother, Felicia is Maxie's mother. A mother who voluntarily missed her only living child's almost- wedding, who has been away so close to the due date for her grandchild. A mother who hasn't been in a scene with Maxie since before Maxie found out she was pregnant. Felicia now says she would have made "other arrangements" for (whomever it was) rather than miss the wedding/Maxie's trauma if Anna had told her what was going on. Why wouldn't you make other arrangements regardless? Mac commented on the non-wedding day that Maxie was upset by the pic James drew for "mommy and daddy." Felicia should have known that Maxie deciding to marry her her late husband's brother would be an emotional time, and been there for her. I like seeing the (natural) glossy, dark hair on Robin/K. McC. I was not a fan of the times when Robin had the blond highlights ... I guess it was called ombre style at the time. The Show was promoting nostalgia/guests for this episode, so I assumed that meant Sean/Tiff's daughter, and Robin, and Frisco. The Show can bring Frisco back to propose to Felicia out of nowhere at a Nurse's Ball, but not when Maxie and her unborn child are in danger and simultaneously his career associate Sean dies? Frisco is currently head of the WSB and should give some sort of tribute.
  4. In mid-November, when Chase walked in on them, they were upright but getting undressed and kissing. They were not under the drop clothes anymore. Chase left. Then came the news of Sasha's OD. They all went to the hospital. Then Chase confessed the truth. Yes, Willow did give him reason to hope. The Polar Bear Plunge was for New Year's. During the 12/7/20 episode, he specifically asked her to just tell him if she had moved on and there was no hope of them getting back together. She told him she still loved him, but had an attraction to Michael. Since then, she has willingly met up alone with Chase on a few occasions. They kissed. When she was all upset about Wiley and Nina, she went to Chase and they hugged and held hands. She held his hand and was there for him when the Finn/Jackie sex and questionable paternity secret blew up. She volunteered to go with him to find out the test results. She has not said to him "I want sex' but has most definitely given him the impression that they are more than friends, starting to rebuild their relationship. So of course Chase wants to spend some time alone with her. It wasn't until Michael told Willow that he and Sasha had broken up for good, that Willow declared she didn't want to "lose what we have." Whatever that is.
  5. No, he walked in on them starting to take their clothes off and kissing. He knows Michael and Willow had sex, but she told him that while she has feelings for Michael, she still had feelings for him, chose to go out with him, and willingly kissed him. Michael got jealous upon finding out that Willow and Chase kissed, which is why he was an ass to Chase. Willow didn't leave Chase to be with Michael on Valentine's Day; they finished their dinner and then he drove her back to the Q property where she lives. She wanted to check in on Wiley, which is how she found Michael already home and that Sasha left. Chase's family thinks they are "back together" because that's what he thinks since that is the impression he has from Willow. He couldn't know that hours or at most a day after Michael and Sasha decided they were definitely over, Michael and Willow decided to be together ... and the reason he couldn't know is because Willow didn't bother making a clean break with one guy before being "committed" to another.
  6. Yup, she was becoming his public arm candy/trophy and he was looking forward to sex in exchange for giving her drugs, but then she inconveniently OD'ed. Cyrus wanted Brando to get rid of Sasha's body; Brando took her to the hospital instead. Once she survived, Brando gave him the impression that talking to her was for Cyrus's benefit. Cyrus shut down any accusation that she almost died because of his drugs when she got angry at him. Cyrus had some hope that he could again get what he wanted from Sasha after she backed off from him. He thought she was great, and gave a resilience impression, during her GMA interview. His delicate ego can't deal with his (almost) trophy being pregnant . In a few months, it will be obvious that Sasha was/is involved with someone. Cyrus has issues with women and pride: pain at his mother's rejection, pain at Laura's rejection, and now his potential sex object got pregnant.
  7. Adding Michael's "offer" for Chase to move into the Q mansion while he's sick, Willow swooning at how "lucky" Chase is to have Michael as a "friend" and the two acting like they are martyrs for protecting Chase while he's ill... I'm not even sure how many vomit emojis are needed at this point... Also, Michael, your grandmother is a cardiologist not a toxin/infectious disease specialist. Volunteering her to take care of Chase in her own home was not cool. Michael and Finn should both have spoken to Monica first, and then proposed this very bad idea to Chase. So...I guess Chase will overhear something or see a "private" moment between Willow and Michael who are just sooo hot for each other (shudder/bullshit), at the same time he's trying not to die from this toxin. Poor Chase. He deserves SO MUCH BETTER. Britt and Jason have certainly made leaps in trusting each other. Their conversations remind me of when Jason and Robin used to talk to each other when Robin was trying to decide about what to do regarding her HIV+ diagnosis. I don't like Gladys but I did like that she called Carly out on the Corinthos hypocrisy re: Cyrus. So Sasha was blindsided by this pregnancy even though she wasn't consistent with birth control, the implication is they didn't use condoms because they were in the moment, and Brando is shocked, but they're totally into each other and want this baby. All....rightey then. Shut UP, Nina and "Mike." They both sound like they need to be in a psych ward.
  8. Seriously. They go to "Corinth" and Sonny doesn't react/have a glimmer of recognition. Whatever, Show. It's gross and also, Willow is not his wife right now. They signed the annulment papers, so they're not anything at the moment - not spouses or fiances. Shut up, Michael. I would love for Sasha to say Peter is the father of her baby; conceived when they were both having a bad night. Then hopefully, Cyrus will take action. Back-up option: Brando tells Cyrus that Michael is the father, from a night when it seemed like Michael and Sasha were getting back together, but it didn't work out. Not to mention their lives. I am enjoying the Elizabeth and Finn scenes. I like Elizabeth in mom and healthcare professional mode, not being wasted endlessly propping Franco/Howarth. On the other hand, Anna comes off as spineless for asking Finn to apologize to Elizabeth for her. I will also say TR and FH do an excellent job (the Sean passed away news is just the latest example) of showing how Anna and Robert know each other, and love each other, like nobody else can. I understand that Sean was Maxie's godfather, but did she ever actually know him past the toddler years? Her sobbing on Anna took me by surprise, but I guess the tears can be blamed on pregnancy hormones. So Sean was godfather to both Maxie and Robin?
  9. The Show appears to want more Mob drama, for Sonny's inevitable return. The mothers of his two youngest children working together, when those mothers hate each other, creates much more drama than Ava quietly murdering him with a gunshot wound to the head when he's alone.
  10. Yes, it seems that way. Same here. I saw the jealous pout when she saw that Britt was with him. She's trying to give the impression she has self-respect, by telling him (with an angry edge to her voice, in front of Britt) that she's doing this for the kids). Yet her declaration about dropping Britt off (getting her away from Jason immediately) and their passports as a couple named "James" while she helps Jason escape to Canada would indicate otherwise. Sam liked her "ride or die" lifestyle with Jason; the fantasy in her head of a family life with him was not compatible with reality. She also never considered that he could/would fall in love with someone else and they would only be (so-called) co-parents. And of course, the Show will never let her admit that leaving Drew, the better version of Jason, was a mistake. The problem with Jax is he has always refused to see Carly as she really is: an addict (just not to drugs you put in your body). He has tried to blame/scapegoat Sonny for ....20 + years now? ... as a bad influence on her. He saw Carly's big flaw as being that she was in love with a dangerous criminal. Yet she was into that lifestyle before she ever married Sonny, when she was determined to be a family with Jason and baby Michael. Neither Sonny nor Jason was the true problem in the Jax-Carly marriage, it was always Carly's addiction to power/"status." He should have realized when she got back together with Sonny after tween Michael got shot in the head for being near Sonny, that she will always put her addiction ahead of her kids' safety. I agree with you about the 'barn door'. Saying he doesn't want Josslyn to turn out like Carly, should have been said when she was a toddler, and he should have used evidence of his airplane crash to ensure that Josslyn never lived with Carly as long as she had any association with Sonny's world. I took it not as Ava now wanting to be friends with Carly, but more of a "enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation. Cyrus blackmailed her beloved brother Julian into bombing a restaurant; now Julian is dead and Nikolas's sister is in a coma. Cyrus then put pressure on Nikolas for a deal, came to Wyndemere and made a passive aggressive threat again Ava's young daughter, and later told their family that he is having Spencer watched. All of his actions have harmed her family or pose an on-going threat to her marriage/family. I totally understand why she wants to take Cyrus down, and working with Carly is ... a way...to do that.
  11. Yup. Her smug attitude today about how good she is at running the biz, and her anger toward Jax, makes me assume the preview about changing her will means she wants to cut Jax out re: something to do with Joss. You all called it that Sasha is pregnant (and knew for sure what, two weeks after sex with Brando?!) Lucy, you've been pregnant - why would you stick the food right under her nose like that? I assume (grandma) Gladys is going to go right to Cyrus about overhearing Sasha ask for morning sickness meds. Sam is really stupid. Barging into the barn, trying to be in charge of what Jason does next/telling Britt they'll drop her off....... it's like in the time they've been apart she forgot whatever brain cells she had left. I enjoyed Britt's reaction to Sam thinking she gets to make decisions for her. This was pretty blatantly about Sam wanting to be Jason's hero, and she clearly hasn't given a thought to her kids despite claiming (telling herself) she's doing it for them. Then she folds and agrees to go back to Port Charles as soon as Jason says "No." Grudgingly thanking Britt "on behalf of my kids" before leaving with a pout was just all kinds of pathetic. Nina's dress was so tight she had to struggle to sit on the ground? I laughed when Sonny broke in and the building alarm went off and his "oops" reaction.
  12. Jordan is delusional if she really thinks she is held to a higher standard as a female black police commissioner. If true, she would have lost her a job a long time ago. The Black Lives matter conversations between Jordan and Portia and Cam and Trina seemed very clunky. Jordan and Portia are not friends (just the only regular cast members who are both adult black females), and Trina's outburst with tears in her eyes felt like an out-of-nowhere PSA, esp. because that "memory" she brought up of the three of them with a police officer seems like a retcon. The lines for Trina seemed to very deliberately not include the words "black" or "person of color." Sam getting tears in her eyes and being offended that Carly shut her down/out about Jason made me roll my eyes. So Jason and his wounds are too much for Dr. Britt to handle, and she really believes Jason needs her? Okay, suuuureeee. I thought Maxie has regained brain cells, but her a) never looking this nurse up online to see a photo beforehand and b) totally believing the nurse's response for how she knows the baby is a girl tells me otherwise. Willow getting 'hot for Michael' because they both touched the same kiddie toy is further proof she doesn't deserve Chase. UGH. Jason voluntarily complimenting Britt and being concerned about her seems like more words than he's spoken to Sam in some years.
  13. Seriously. I really used to like her and now she's awful...way to go, Show. The only thing I liked about her on Friday's episode was "poor Monica!!" since clearly nobody else (as usual) is thinking of Jason's mother. Yes to all of this! Sam seemed like she was using her status as Jason's second son's mother as an excuse to get back involved with Jason's current crisis/lifestyle. She said she was frantic and wanting to know where Jason is - after acknowledging that Danny doesn't even know about this yet/isn't asking questions (probably because he's asleep since it's supposed to be late at night). Anyone, not just Danny, could find out about this by seeing news on TV or reading on the Internet. She heard he'd been shot and was outraged that Spinelli would trust Britt with Jason's life. Hey Sam, when did you go to nursing/med school, to know how to properly handle a gun shot wound? She should be grateful he had a doctor with him. But nooo, she's not jealous. Right now Olivia is making Carly look like a stand-off ish mother, wow. Her request to "talk to Mac" about Dante made it sound like Mac's a high school teacher and Dante's a student who got a bad grade because he was upset while taking a test. And the way she spoke to Dante about Sam ... no words. Olivia talking about enjoying 'playing spy' with Robert shows she's no match for him. His world/job has never been a game. Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I thought Jake was hurt and insulted thinking Cam accusing Jason of murdering Franco meant that Jason didn't love Jake enough to refrain from doing anything that would cause Jake pain, i.e. taking Franco away. He seemed to take Cam's words as "You're too naive to get that your Dad is a killer who hated Franco way more than he loves you." So Cam apologizing for being mean to Jake, but not for believing in what he said, upsets Jake. Yes. Cam was also furious at Jason for testifying that the public was better off having "Drew" than "Franco" about Franco's mental fitness after the memory mapping thing with Shiloh. When Sonny tried to murder Jax via airplane tampering, Joss was a young child. That hasn't been mentioned (to my knowledge) in the time since EM was cast as tween Joss, so I wonder if the current writers don't know about it. I would bet Carly has done her best for that incident to never be brought up in front of Joss. The only 'bad Sonny' moment speaks of is when Jax got deported, which makes me think she has no clue about the plane crash. I had the same "Really?!" reaction to Olivia. The Joss-Cam scenes show that Cam is better off in life without a "friend" like her. He should focus on his relationship with his brother, Jake. He has been a fantastic friend to Joss and doesn't owe her a damn thing. On what planet is Michael "the best" of both Carly and Sonny"?! Carly's fantasy conversation with Sonny shows she's drunk on power, as @GHScorpiosRule said, and is deluding herself into thinking she knows what she's doing. Her ultimate fantasy always seemed to be runnin' the biz with Jason and being respected by Mob people.
  14. What? Michael and Morgan lived with Carly and Jax when they were kids (except for the times Sonny had them sent to "the island" for their safety). There was talk of legal adoption; tween Morgan even said that it would only be a formality because Jax already did all the dad stuff with/for him. Tween Michael got shot in the head because he was in Sonny's warehouse and went comatose, at which point Morgan was sent off to school under a different last name for his protection. The next time anyone saw Morgan, he was about 18/19 and complained that his parents rarely to never came to visit him. Sonny himself told Michael that when Kristina was a child, he never really made an effort to work/negotiate with Alexis about spending time with Kristina. Josslyn was off-screen "in Australia with Jax" for what seemed like years until the Show cast EM for the role. It's been well established that she is close to her dad/talks to him often when she's not actually with him. So it seems like Sonny has only been an active, day-to-day parent in the last six years or so, since Avery was born. Don't forget, this is the same show that tries to claim that toddler Josslyn survived because of a black market kidney from(much older) Nelle, and not from the body of toddler Jake who was switched out for another kid and never actually hurt in the hit-and-run, despite the fact that doctors Robin Scorpio-Drake and Patrick Drake, who both knew Jake very well, worked on the boy and told Elizabeth to her face that he was brain dead.
  15. Huh? All the characters run at the mouth; it's a Soap Opera thing. Of course she was upset with Finn; he's a trusted colleague and friend who was acting shady while they were working together in Chase's room, then snapped at her and asked that she be re-assigned. Then Britt wanted to discuss her employment status at GH. Her son was with his friends while one friend was injured, and that's how he found out about Jason being in the hospital and wanted to confront him. Elizabeth is his mother and he is a high school student living in her home; she absolutely should know where he is and what he is up to especially when he is grieving and probably experiencing PTSD from seeing Franco's corpse. The fact that he hid when he saw his mother at the nurse's station shows he knew he wasn't supposed to be there. She told the truth to the police - that she saw Jason kneeling over Franco's body and that Franco asked Jason to make a deal to kill him. She never told the police or Cam she saw Jason shoot Franco. She told him, and Jake, that the police were investigating the case, she did not say "Boys, Jason killed Franco." Cam overheard Laura and Elizabeth's conversation about Jason and Carly, and knew that Elizabeth gave a witness statement about what she saw. Elizabeth didn't know she made a mistake; she said that Jason seemed sincere when he told Jake he didn't do it. She said Cam was angry at her and Jake, feeling they weren't being true to Franco's memory. She only heard from Finn a few hours ago, in Show time, that Peter was the real killer. Supposedly, in off-screen land, Jason listened to her and was there for her when Oscar died. He also held a ladder once so the kids could get out when they did something stupid and got trapped. They had a scene together not long after Sonny disappeared. I remember because of commentary that Jason spent more time parenting Joss in that scene than he'd done in years with his actual children.
  16. I hope that Jax takes in this truth now. Is there a possibility he will stop seeing her through rose-colored glasses? Yes - some GIFs from @GHScorpiosRule are needed for this one!! Fixed it for you!!!😉 Dante is also Carly's former cousin-in-law; Carly is both a cousin to his son Rocco, as well as the boy's step-grandmother. i think he meant Spinelli and Sam are weak and predictable, so he and Britt had to get out of the safehouse before S&S brought the cops straight to the door of his safehouse. Sam's insistence that Dante needed her to bring Jason in alive, her outrage toward Spinelli for not being forthcoming, and then her outrage at Dante not trusting her and having her followed to the safehouse, amused me. She never knew where Jason was half the time when they were together. She had to find stuff out from talking to Spinelli. I thought for sure it was going to turn out to be a returning character to GH, like Jerry Jax or a SORASed Lila Rae (blaming Jason for her father's death) or even Johnny Z.
  17. Yes, but that just shows Cam's lack of life experience with a stable, loving, long-term devoted father. Cam had never seen selfless love like that demonstrated for himself from a male role model. It wasn't heroic; it was what any parent who wants to save their kid would do. The only other time I can think of for Cam seeing a male adult do something noteworthy for him was when Drew stood up in court to defend Cam for the weed incident, and called Cam "my hero."
  18. My first thought was she's finding out about a serious illness/complication of her drug overdose. That was stupid, did she really think Britt would just watch Jason bleed to death after he saved her from Cyrus' minions. Britt was in charge; Carly basically shut up and did what she was asked/told which was just shocking to me. He is a young favorite, but this narrative for his character screams inauthentic in my opinion. I agree. however after Cam was traumatized from being kidnapped and having a gun pointed at him when he fell, no way do I believe he would deliberately pick up a gun and shoot someone, unless his mother or one of his brothers was in immediate danger (i.e. a hostage situation). eh, Carly is fairly openly delusional and also suffers from Soap Opera selective memory loss. Yes, this is why Cam's rage doesn't fit. If Franco had been raising Cam and the boys since, say, within a year after JJ's Lucky left town, I could understand Cam calling Franco his hero, etc. It was only a few years ago that Cam gave Franco crap to his face about being a serial killer who wasn't going to stick around. In time, he grudgingly accepted Franco because his little brothers adored Franco and because he wanted his mother to be happy. The truth is that Franco was their live-in father figure/stepdad for less than four years. Cam is angry that he did not have a stable father figure growing up, and that makes life more difficult as he is becoming a man. He's hurting because he had love and acceptance from Franco and they were in a good place in their relationship, and now that is gone. He's heartbroken that the family life he and his brothers had has been shattered and that his mother is devastated. It felt to me like Cam's "hero and art therapist" line to Jason was meant to be a proxy for Jake, because Jake really did form a close relationship through art with Franco when Jake was having mental health issues. However, Hudson West is too young to be on-screen for enough time to carry this storyline. Cam's lines to Jason should have been something like, "How could you betray Jake's family?! How could you do this to my mom?!" Cam raging on behalf of his entire family, not himself, would make MUCH more sense.
  19. A) Yes, that works. B) I do, too. C) Yes, Cam got short-changed. Scott was accurate there, but then he went on propping that Franco is the only real/decent father Cam's ever had. Scott's all "I'm going to take care of you" because Franco's gone. A) Jason asked, "Where's Carly?" He asked (before "surgery") how long til the meeting of the five families. So, he's waking up worried that she went in his place. B) I missed the explanation of where Brick got all that stuff. C) It seems like he's remembering and the shock is wearing off a bit, because of the look on his face when Mac said the blood was a match to Jason's and Elizabeth protested that Cam didn't shoot Jason. D) Soooo totally agree. He is almost always used to prop either Franco specifically, or the "Friz" family storylines. From the way he was talking today, it made me wonder if he even remembers he has a daughter named Serena. I have to say, it was refreshing to see Carly just doing what Britt told her to do, without arguing or snarling. (Aside from quietly whimpering over Jason's unconscious body that she can't be without him, that is).
  20. I'm unsure how many eye roll emojis should be used for Brick being Britt's surgical assistant, for Carly giving blood on the spot because her type just happens to be compatible with his, and for her telling Cyrus in the preview tomorrow during the meeting of the 5 Families, that she's calling the shots now. Britt's line asking Carly how many times she and Jason have bled for each other, was a good line. WL did a good job with Cam looking terrified. However, Scott, Franco was not the only father Cam has ever had!!! I felt for Elizabeth, looking every bit the scared mother who knows her kid is in deep trouble. I was amused at Willow looking so guilty when Sasha was laying it on thick in her belief that Chase and Willow are back together.
  21. I think Sam will be jealous because she was already making faces seeing Britt looking sexy and talking to Jason, and then Jason holding Britt's hand. I agree Jason seems perfectly fine without her, however IMO the Show has always been about Sam not being able to truly move on from him. That's the way she acted with GV's Lucky and with Patrick, for example. I anticipate Cam having to beg Jake for forgiveness for shooting Jason (Webber Brothers drama continues!!), but he better not grovel to Joss. Jason is not Josslyn's family, no matter how much Carly and Joss may shriek about him. I did too; it's good to see these friends/colleagues/family being honest with each other. I just hated to see Elizabeth feeling so guilty that Jason got arrested for murder and was sent to Pentonville "away from his family." Elizabeth dear, Jason rarely spends time with his actual family, so it's not a big loss for them. The only one in hysterics about Jason spending time in prison is his co-dependent, perpetual pain in your ass.
  22. Good summary, but I would add to the above: Carly: UGH, Josslyn. Jax, you need to be a responsible father right now because I'm too busy saving Jason that I don't have time to be a parent. Also add: Trina to Phyllis, Phyllis to Sonny/Mike and Nina, Trina to Joss: OMG THE SAUCE!!!! Sooo, I haven't quite lost consciousness yet from the anvil that the jar/container of Sonny's meat sauce that Phyllis gave Trina will be how Joss/Carly/a Corinthii figures out that Sonny is alive. Back...area. It looked like his left side close to his hip not in the middle of his back. I thought either Britt, Cam, and/or Jordan (or some combo) would end up shot. Cam and Jordan aiming at each other was not how I thought the episode would end. I love the way Kevin complimented Laura, and kissed her cheek after she went off on Cyrus. LOL. ETA: I realized when TPTB decide they're giving Jason a new ride-or-die chick, they are very literal about it. I assume we'll get to see Sam looking very jealous that Jason went back for Britt and that Britt is with him "on the run."
  23. It could still happen. I couldn't help but be amused at Sam sounding regretful and almost apologetic in her conversation with Jason, that she has to stick with her decision to put "the kids" first, and so she can't be involved. I half expected her to say aloud, "I hate when being a parent interferes with the life I really want with Jason." Britt's WTF facial expressions were hilarious, - the best part of the episode. A) I thought the staff guy was planting a bug in her office, and was nervous that he almost got caught? B) Same. Going scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef would be a dream come true for me!! No, Jake saw Jason in the PCPD jail. I think the last time Danny saw Jason was at the Q mansion. I was genuinely shocked to hear Danny acknowledge Jake and his pain over Franco. It's been literally years and a re-cast since either boy has acted with or remembered a sibling aside from Cam and Aiden or Scout. I think that's the truth to you because that's basically Carly's explanation to Jason (while he was in the hospital bed) about why she needs him out of prison. YES!!! I.....think??....the show is trying to re-create the Mary Mae Ward/Laura Spencer relationship with Phyllis and Nina, and failing BADLY. The way Phyllis is behaving re: Nina as well as "Mike" is not what I would call "friendship." I thought it was because Cam's underage/a teenager who was not accompanied by an adult. The guard clearly saw that Danny was accompanied by his mother and heard their conversation. This really bothers me because not only is Laura condoning what Carly and Jason did - her own mother Lesley was once kidnapped by the Cassadines! Laura herself has also been kidnapped and held prisoner by the Cassadines! I guess the TPTB at GH have conveniently forgotten that history. Laura relying on a Mob family to stop another Mobster from causing violence in Port Charles - instead of her own colleagues in law enforcement - makes her look like a weak, inept mayor. Her friendship with Sonny and his family at this time should be as much a part of the past as her marriage to Luke, except in the instances they would have to occupy the same space for an event for Rocco (e.g. b-day or graduation party).
  24. You're welcome. Seriously, her reaction to his scraped knuckles was ridiculous! I'm also incredulous that after seeing Jason's knuckles and being oh so worried about him, she decides to have Shawn stab him to "protect/save him" from Cyrus. Given that Shawn is a lousy shot with a gun and knows nothing about anatomy, that stabbing could have been fatal. Carly's just really lucky in this case that her plaannn didn't go horribly wrong. Not torn right now. GH tends to put an emphasis on the present and people's feelings when they're about to make the opposite happen. That's why I wonder if Willow will start to fall in love with Chase again as she spends more time by his bed side.
  25. I felt the scene was supposed to show how self-sacrificing Michael is, with bringing Willow dinner and giving her a pep talk about why she's doing this. She practically swooned over how "sweet" he is. Her emphasizing her love to Michael made me wonder if she's going to be torn by feelings for Chase as she spends so much time at his bedside. A) Yes. In my opinion that's the best acting from KStorms in however many months. I felt Maxie's pain, regret, and fear. It was good to see her get honest with herself. I also got the impression BL is now taking Maxie's situation very seriously. B) Because Michael showed up and gave her a pep talk, so she's convinced she's doing the right thing. C) That's exactly what I got out of Nina's explanation to Jax. So...she just intends to hide in Nixon Falls indefinitely to avoid dealing with reality and let Jax, her boss, decide what to do about her job/the magazine? Nina doesn't have a home, job, or anything else there. She is staying at the bar, having this older couple to lean on as she's "healing," getting a tour from a guy she doesn't know, and hanging out with an amnesiac she knows from her Port Charles life. Yup. But also, as the father of one of Carly's kids, Jax will never acknowledge that his former stepson he helped raise for some years, is a dysfunctional adult because that is an indirect criticism of parenting and his daughter's mother. I also liked Britt flat out telling Jason she can make decisions for herself. (She's not Sam.) I thought the Laura-Elizabeth scene was well done; I didn't see it as Laura trying to say Jason is a good guy. But Laura doesn't know that Jason is not always level headed. I remember when he wanted to murder Dante, for example.
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