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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I almost choked on Dante's line to Carly reminding her he used to be a cop .... as they're standing in the same room where Sonny shot him in the chest when he was a cop! The only positive thing I can say about the Dante-Carly scenes is that at least Dante didn't thank her when she said he reminds her of/he's a lot like Sonny. I'm really wondering if the baby girl reveal for Maxie and Peter is to up the ante emotionally, for heartbreak when Peter is exposed - will she have a miscarriage? Btw Valentin, you're quite delusional if you think Charlotte has been a good girl this year. Such thinking is why she's a spoiled brat. GF is just the best! Her facing off with Cyrus in the hallway was awesome. I can't see him as a sympathetic character, anymore than I can see Sonny as a sympathetic character. Speaking of which, I had a teeny, tiny hope Jason would get poisoned by toxic waste and die of hypothermia for jumping in the water to try to find Sonny and then going back to Port Charles without changing. Guess he found the wormhole; he got back to Casa Corinthos from that bridge in record time for Carly to stare open-mouthed at him all wet. The "Boys Night" poker at Casa Anna & Finn was enjoyable. Why were Julian's hands crossed over his chest in that body bag, like he was being posed at a funeral?!
  2. Absolutely. Carly doesn't "love" Jason; she's obsessed with him and has been since back when he was in love with Robin. When she found out that then-baby Jake was Jason's son, she raged with jealousy (even more so than Sam, in my opinion). She had this "how dare Elizabeth get to have a night with Jason!" attitude when she first found out about it and acted like Elizabeth threw herself at Jason, who gave in because he was depressed about Sam. I still remember her "bitch in heat" line. If Sonny ends up missing for more than a couple days in a storyline (whether presumed dead or his body gets "identified"), I can see Carly and Jason turning to each other and having '"grief sex" now that Sam says the JaSam relationship is done.
  3. I literally laughed out loud😂 when that bridge platform construction zone broke under Sonny and Julian, and they went dooowwnnn - all because Sonny just had to corner Julian, and then go running toward the real love of his life when he saw him. At least Julian rushed him. Sonny being all "don't make me shoot you in the back" after his gun just fired into Julian's gut shows how truly a pathetic coward Sonny is. I also laughed at Jason running and screaming toward the edge, over the real love of his life plummeting to wherever. WTF with Carly's tears in her eyes? If she didn't want to live there anymore, she would still be in the same town - not in Australia - at her father's house. Ugh, the drama. Joss, your mother did in fact drag you into this life. You wouldn't even know Sonny and Jason to "love" them if not for her. Good lord, the great mom tongue bath Carly got her from her eldest girl spawn was nauseating.
  4. My take-away: Michael is now in love with Willow and wants to "keep" her and play house as a happy family. He thinks he wouldn't have gotten attached to Willow this way, if not for Chase lying to/manipulating him along with Sasha. He can figure out from Willow's behavior, and her asking for his assurance that they would always be friends no matter what, that Willow still loves Chase and therefore hasn't decided what she wants to do next. Hence, Michael's "take back" line. Michael is over Sasha, so he's mad that Willow isn't "over" Chase now that she knows the truth that he's not a heartbreaking cheater. He's insecure knowing that Willow hasn't actually fallen in love with him; feeling an attraction to him along with friendship and depending on him as Wiley's father is not the same thing.
  5. BIG mistake Show, putting shirtless Michael facing off with shirtless Chase; he really looks like a boy compared to Chase's six pack. Between Michael whining "you know Willow still loves you" and the punch - in Chase's kidney? (or just lower chest? not sure) - made him, not Chase, look like the asshole. Michael all but called himself a victim of big, bad manipulator Chase. I rolled my eyes at his attitude that he and Willow got hurt and now have to figure out what to do, and Sasha OD'ed because of her pain, while Chase gets to be the good guy martyr. The Trina actress performed as well as she could have, but with temp Taggert playing the reunion scenes with his daughter and ex, the emotional impact was rather minimal. The Laura/Martin scenes were well done. His WTF face and then her WTF face when Cyrus enters with flowers for mother, made me laugh and think 'good soapiness.' Of course Jason shoots and kills the shooter Cyrus hired to take out Julian. Of course the episode ends with Sonny facing off with Julian.
  6. It seems likely Kim's baby is a part of their current drama. It can't be a coincidence that Franco's Drew memories of Peter/Heinrik's voice (thanks to the Shiloh freak science experiment approx. a year ago) are re-surfacing and the Geneva specialist who could help him deal with that dies suddenly, at the same time the audience is made aware that Kim had a baby boy and named him "Andrew."
  7. Unsurprisingly, it's not so easy to remember because the writing and plot was a mess. I recall a lot of emphasis on Jason feeling guilty because "Sam wants a baby" but "can't because she got shot because of me." She yelled at Jason she couldn't have kids because of getting shot in the uterus. He said something about not wanting to hold her back from having what she wanted, and she chose to have that surgery that fixed or reconstructed her uterus or whatever. (I assume today's dialogue was a sloppy reference to that.) Then she got pregnant and due to the timing of conception she didn't know if the baby was Jason's or OG Franco's because of that sick "Franco stalks/terrorizes/mindfucks Jasam on their honeymoon" storyline. Sam moved out because of Jason's behavior, and so he not only missed Danny's birth but was indirectly responsible for her losing out on the first however many months of Danny's life. He had one night of being Danny's father before SB left the show. When he returned, little Danny thought Drew was Daddy. It's only been approximately a year since Sam asked Jason to move back in/be a family, and their time as a "family unit" has been disrupted by Sam going to jail and then Jason keeping his distance from the family home because "Sam is on parole and if she's seen with Jason she could go back to prison." I would LOVE for Scout to make an appearance, saying "He moved out?" *Shrug* "Well, he wasn't here that much anyway. Mom? I miss my Daddy."
  8. I'm pretty sure we're supposed to understand Kim lied to the nanny about the father of her baby boy. Yes Kim begged Julian to get her pregnant, but they weren't "trying" and the sex with "FrancoDrew" was sudden/spontaneous (no birth control) in her apartment. She named the baby Andrew. and Julian knows Kim cheated on him with Franco. She got rid of Julian by telling him "we have to leave" when the fire alarm went off in the building. She wants Kim to feel confident in her ability to handle the baby and whatever else. He left from the back, she left out the front door with the baby in the carrier.
  9. Baby "Andy" is totally Franco's son, right? I thought the Show would go with a "Kim's pregnant" storyline, but then when she left Port Charles I figured I was wrong. Now the nanny says Kim knew she was pregnant before she she left Port Charles, and assumed Julian knew about it. Is Howarth leaving the show? Is Kim being recast? Also, DAMN do MB and SB look way "over the hill" when the internal car lights are - or just external street lights? - on them. Jason makes it sound like Sam getting pregnant was this big mistake that he just went along with. .. um, ok. Shut up Jason and Shut up, Sonny. UGH. Carly's "I love you" voicemail to Jason after Sam leaves. Hmmm.... Good going, Scott. Sheesh. But how did Dr. Kirk wind up with the blade in his own chest from getting punched?! Did Tracy drug Alexis? I think her intent is for Alexis to get arrested for DUI since she already had alcohol in her system? I hate it; reminds me of Keifer's sister giving Alexis a drug to paralyze her in November 2019, and then run over her..
  10. Elizabeth's life experience - including raising three young sons - would make her appropriate as a mentor/big sister type to Willow, someone who could offer advice about parenting or the nursing program if Willow chooses that. I agree with you that Elizabeth was really good in comforting Willow at the baby's grave. However, I don't see Willow as being a friend Elizabeth could count on, like Robin or Emily used to be.
  11. So was Anna's line today, when Dante said Rocco was close to Lulu's boyfriend, and so that's a loss for him too. Anna, dismissively: "You're his father." Uh, excuse me, but where was that attitude/loyalty for her own daughter when Sam moved into Casa Scorpio-Drake and was playing mommy to her granddaughter?! And now Ms. So-called badass is mad at Finn because she didn't have the balls to tell Maxie NO in the first place. UGGGHH.
  12. Ah, ok thanks. That makes sense. I just didn't hear anyone say "An employee died in the explosion too" or "Mac's bartender didn't make it" or Mac say," --- was on shift and died, he was found close to where the bomb detonated."
  13. Did I hear her say that 3 people died? She acknowledged Lulu with "young mother in a coma" but I'm wondering if I heard wrong about the number of people killed by the bombing.
  14. No, this is another actor - no idea where CC is.
  15. Same: "Jake?" = in this house, we totally forgot Jason had another son!! Did anyone else's jaw drop at Sam telling Elizabeth she admires her?!? I'm also stunned that Sam told Elizabeth she and Jason have broken up, before Carly hears about it from either Jason or Sam. The writers are making these two friends?? Also, Elizabeth, you're not all stuck with each other since Jason has practically zero presence in Jake's life and Jake and Scout haven't had anything to do with each other since Drew was his active father. "My" Franco"? Shut up, Leisl. What's the deal with the re-casting of Dr. Kirk? Geez, Anna is such a coward!! I at least hope she gets that Dante has not recovered. Also, could Maxie be more self-absorbed. My conclusion from this week is that both Willow and Elizabeth are in dire need of real, and good, girlfriends. Sheesh.
  16. Well, some of you called it that Martin and Cyrus are half brothers, a la half brothers attorney Ric and criminal Sonny who share a mother. But Shut Up, Diane. You are not in court and Martin is not under arrest or in a police station for questioning. UGH. Genie Francis is truly awesome in showing badass Laura facing off with Cyrus!!! Sam sobbing to Jason about how much she loves him, yet again, while Jason gets tears in his eyes and thanks her for giving him a family. Yawn. Well, that's the closest she has come to acknowledging that the life she envisioned with Jason is a fantasy, and that she had romanticized him/their past. What "code" is she talking about?! This is the second mention of Morgan's death in two days! I guess it's good to know that Sam does in fact remember that Morgan died because of a bomb? Has there been some rumor or announcement that Morgan is being recast? Btw Sam, while Jason says he "can't leave the business," maybe one night while putting your daughter to bed you'll recall that her father did leave the business for your family. Sucks for you and your kids that you chose the wrong brother. I'm amused that Carly snuck around the side of the Q mansion to ask Michael for forgiveness because she didn't want to face/deal with Monica being unhappy to see her. I was also amused that Michael shut Carly down about her "impression" that Michael and Willow have gotten closer. UGH. It was nice to see Willow have anger in her voice toward Sasha on the "slept with my boyfriend" line. Um, Willow dear, you need more/much better girlfriends. I almost laughed that Michael looked sad/nervous that Willow wanted assurance they will always be friends first no matter what.
  17. I doubt he remembers that Olivia has another son, much less that Julian is her second son's father.
  18. Cam's interactions with/loyalty to Joss and Trina today and his attempts to hack into his mother's computer strongly reminded me of teenage Lucky with Elizabeth and Emily. Watching WL's acting made me wish JJ would return for Lucky/Cam scenes.
  19. Perkie: A) You read my mind!! B) This makes me wonder if Cam knows about the "when we were teenagers I believed Lucky died in a fire" time.
  20. So the spoiler "Jason plays a board game with Danny" was actually "Jason watches as Sam and Danny play a board game, high fives the boy, and then sends him out of the room so the adults can talk." Shockerrr..... Are we really supposed to believe that Sam is so shocked to hear that Danny's friends' parents are afraid of Jason?! The Danny actor is definitely more talented than the Sasha actress. I genuinely felt sorry for the boy acknowledging that his dad is rarely around/can't be counted on for events/isn't invested in their lives. Unintentional comedy gold: the look on Jason's face when Sam said "Don't come back." I didn't like Trina and Joss pressuring Cam to use his mother's computer and password to hack Taggert's medical records. I can't tell if Epiphany's look at the end was guilt, or if she realized what they were trying to do while looking at the record.
  21. Britt trying to describe Brad as a "victim of Nelle" didn't work for me. Sure, Nelle took advantage of Brad when he was emotional and she was alone with him when he was overcome with grief. But after that, he chose to lie to everyone, including the husband with whom he exchanged vows, and to be selfish when he had numerous opportunities to come clean. The whole "I had a second chance to be a father" mentality was all him, not Nelle. But Britt is the type to find ways to excuse everything she has done, so it's more irritating than surprising. Totally agree! There was the contrast between Michael appearing to have regrets for Sasha's suffering and how he was totally over her the moment they broke up, whereas Willow and Chase seem to still be in love .... while she is feeling torn because she has feelings (ugh) for Michael and they "rely on each other as Wiley's parents." I so agree. And I love that you call Maxie a twit! She is!! I enjoyed the Willow-Chase scenes; great job by both actors. Are we to believe that Violet is just a happy little girl who doesn't think about or miss her mommy at all, as yet another new person is introduced to her/added to her family?!
  22. As far as I'm concerned, hearing Carly's voice as little sister Bobbie wants to introduce you to her daughter is more than enough of a good reason to give up your will to live! Pat had been through enough in her life; she didn't deserve to have to meet and deal with Carly too at her advanced age. I think that dream-state was a not great way for the Show to indicate Sam was imagining that Brando and Carly were talking about plans for Danny's funeral. Yeah, seeing Sasha acting pathetic and desperate for Michael's love was sad to watch. I get the impression Willow is still in love with Chase; she has some feelings for Michael but she's the one who wanted to take a step back and figure things out whereas Michael more agreed with her. Nothing in Michael's behavior suggests he wasn't totally over Sasha the minute he thought she was a cheater. CD's acting says "Michael feels guilty for not giving a damn about Sasha when he now knows she "sacrificed for Wiley" and overdosed on drugs because she's been in such a bad place emotionally since they broke up." Absolutely. There was no reluctance from Michael about marrying Willow. The way he kissed her when they got married was definitely not a "marriage of convenience-this is my friend" quick touch of the lips. This. Lucas and Brad raised the baby for almost two years, but the dialogue and acting made it seem like the nuLucas character had zero pain or emotional investment in his child. I also strongly disliked Britt in that scene; she really reminded me of Carly getting all up into other people's business when she is determined that Jason is going to have the life, love and/or kid she feels he deserves. I will never forget when she marched into Elizabeth's house, took a look at baby Jake in his crib, and announced that Elizabeth was going to share Jake with Jason. I was half expecting Britt to demand that nuLucas march into Brad's room and tell him he loves him and that he wants to get back together because Brad is totally deserving. Mike's actual granddaughter, Kristina. Josslyn had the scenes at Mike's bedside that should have belonged to Kristina. Josslyn has come to know Mike because he returned to Port Charles in the time since Carly and Sonny re-married again, but she did not know him prior to her teenage years. Also Dante, but that was because Dante wasn't released until after Mike died. He showed up right after Mike's funeral. --- Michael and Willow have put an emphasis on how they are friends first. Great, so they should be friends who co-parent and that's all. I really would love to see Willow be free to get back together with Chase, where she sparkled and had some energy. I like Trina giving Cyrus attitude, and how she later spoke to Joss in asking for her help. It's nice when scenes aren't all about people telling Joss how awesome she is. Why does Jax have to come over to Casa Corinthos to talk to/spend time with Joss? It would be nice to see her in his house some times, and not just on a night of a big event where the focus is on her with her friends and Sonny and Jax facing off.
  23. When Carly and Sonny were in the limo to take Michael to the long-term care facility, she screwed Sonny and then asked/told him to sign over his rights to Morgan, and then she sent Morgan away to school under a different last name for his own safety. Carly is usually a hypocrite, but what makes that not so relevant here in my opinion is that everything she said to Sam is really about her friendship with Jason - what she wants for him and for herself. She wants Jason to have what she thinks he deserves: a woman devoted to him, and children who adore him. She doesn't now, nor has she ever, given a damn about Sam's feelings or the kids' safety (hers or Sam's). Carly will always be obsessed with keeping the life, power and money flow steady that she has with Jason and Sonny. If she ever was truly invested in the kids' safety, she never would have gotten back together with Sonny after tween Michael got shot in the head. She justifies her marriage to Sonny now with "well, it wasn't Sonny's bomb that killed Morgan." Aside from sex, Carly is much more like a spouse to Jason than Sam is. Jason talks to Carly about things. There are other examples, like when Anna asked him about his sizes in clothes, his response was, "Ask Carly." Jason also mentioned he offered an art camp to Jake because Carly found out about it and suggested it to him for Jake. Carly thinks Jason was an amazing father to Michael, and is the perfect father for his own sons and Scout. She wants Sam to just shut up and keep the status quo, because she doesn't want Jason's happiness/life disrupted, or her and Sonny's life disrupted by Jason having personal problems that would take his attention away from them. She also knows that Michael will always be the #1 kid in Jason's life, not Jason's own bio sons or Scout. What actually sounded like utter b.s. to me was Josslyn mentioning helping Dev with college apps. I get that it was supposed to show "Dev was thinking about the future" but I don't buy for one second that a kid who has a false identity and no school records from before age 16, who wanted to work for Sonny instead of attend high school, would be applying to colleges let alone excited about it. I don't recall that he ever said one word of enthusiasm about any academics. This reminds me of Carly and Sonny retconning their mutual memories of Morgan growing up, when the truth was he lived with Carly and Jax as a child and then went away to school until age 19.
  24. Especially considering that Jason is the one with brain damage!
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