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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Because she's an idiot. She thinks Brando, as a cousin of the "late" Sonny, is entitled to be a part of the Corinthos biz and the $ that comes with it. She feels that Brando is a young man who overcame his addiction and has a lot of potential., whereas Brando saved Sasha's life and Sasha is a newly recovering drug addict. Obviously Sasha must need to 'land' Brando in order to stay stable/sober and keep a foothold in the Corinthos fortune. *Eye roll* Gladys doesn't know enough about the business world, products and campaigns to understand that Sasha has no reason to want or need Brando to make a lot of money.
  2. Why was my post deleted? if I offended someone, I apologize. I have edited the part about Terry, to be more clear. (What I wrote was intended to be a criticism of the Show, not of being trans.) The show is capable of it - Spinelli just called Ellie his "partner" in the conversation with Brando, and said they had been together 9 years. So he and Ellie definitely never got married. He threw away a stable, happy home life (Georgie will be 8 years old soon) for Jason. UGH. 23 HOURS AGO, STATSGIRL SAID: The Spencer/Britt scenes were cute but I'm not enjoying Spencer manipulating people Spencer is a manipulator. One of the very few times he seems genuine is when he's talking to Britt. 22 HOURS AGO, TEEVEE329 SAID: Backing up to yesterday... Trina: Who's this annoying Spencer you guys are talking about? Cameron: He's an old friend, friend might be stretching it. Me: ...he's your cousin, which you know since you referred to your in-common grandma earlier in the episode. That would just confuse Trina. Cam, Joss and Spencer all know that Spencer and Cam aren't actually related. Although he could have said. "He's an old friend, friend might be stretching it, actually he is Aiden's cousin." The show is trying to have it both ways - Cam thinks of Laura, Lucky's mother, as "Grandma" while never, ever acknowledging that he called Lucky "Daddy" as a young child. Instead, Cam visited the grave of his bio father and acts like he has never known Lucky. 19 HOURS AGO, TVBITCH SAID: I assume Chase being able to stand (for Willow!) signals the beginning of the offensive upcoming story line wherein he pretends he can't use his legs to keep Willow. I assume it's a set-up for Chase to surprise Willow but he is the one who gets surprised, witnessing Willow and Michael in a moment when they just can't resist each other (but they don't see him). GAG. 18 HOURS AGO, TEEVEE329 SAID: The Britt/Spencer scenes were cute, I liked that they could be playful with each other, but that Britt was still able to give him some decent, mature advice. And her "...ugh" reaction when Nikolas first showed up was pretty amusing. That playful vibe seemed like it could possibly turn to a crush on Spencer's side. He definitely has her on a pedestal; it looked to me like he was about to flirt. I was expecting him to say one-on-one to Nikolas, "hey, if you're not interested, I certainly am." It's not like the Show hasn't gone there in the past. remember Stefan, Katherine, and Nikolas. I don't doubt he is attracted to Trina, but... 17 HOURS AGO, YADDAYADDA SAID: I officially dislike Terri. Isn't there more that they can do with the character other than trotting her out for Pride month and to gossip about this and that. She was annoying AF with her whole, lets go the the Savoy blah blah blah okay, spill. No storyline, the CoS "storyline" is a total non event. Same. According to their first conversation, Terri's only desire to be chief of staff is because she wants trans patients to have better care and Portia praised her for the answer. She's not saying she disgusted that the healthcare system is broke and she wants to improve things for all of the patients at GH, instead of seeing so many preventable deaths. Now, she's pushing Portia to spill personal gossip like they're old besties and calling Curtis "sexy." Umm, has Terri ever even seen/met Curtis? Between that and Terri showing off her dress to the bartender, it seems like the Show is using the Terri character to say "Trans matters!! See how "woke" we are?! Do we get a gold star?" I get that they want Portia to have a female talk-to who is not Jordan. It should have been Elizabeth (when she's not around Finn). Addition: They have a background of friendship as medical professionals and parents of teenagers who are friends. I believe Portia would talk to Elizabeth about something personal regarding a man, but I don't believe she would confide in Terri whom she barely knows. The lack of organic buildup for relationships or friendships on this Show bugs me. The Show did this also in the not-too-distant past at the time Willow thought she might be pregnant with Chase's kid, suddenly she and Sasha were "good/best friends." --- Soo, Gladys is determined to get Brando into Mob life and doesn't want him to be with Sasha even though Brando just told her to her face, with Sasha by his side, what he wants and doesn't want. Sam, you don't get to be offended because Dante isn't dishing compliments. UGH. She doesn't deserve him. Dante looks terrific in a collared shirt and a tie! Aunt Stella needs to shut up. Talk about not respecting Curtis. I don't feel sorry for Jordan witnessing Portia and Curtis kiss. Do the Quartermaines have a car service for Chase? Dare I hope that Anna seems suspicious of Finn and Elizabeth?
  3. Yes, Curtis/Portia dwelling so much on their kiss, and Dante dwelling on the kiss with Sam while talking to Chase, is stupid. Speaking of, Chase was talking about his happiness with Willow. Dante didn't seem to react like he knew it's a lie - did the writers and DZ forget that Michael told Dante he and Willow were officially together, and Willow had gone out to break up with Chase (and then didn't)? I assume the writers label "kidnapped then kissed" "blown up in a bar" etc. as more interesting, plus Cam and Joss got drunk at the Halloween party/dance on the Haunted Star because they wanted to feel "normal" after the traumas they had been through. I got the impression that Cam and Joss were thinking about their first kiss(es) upon deciding they want to be together was because it was a big deal for them since it had been building up for years - starting before Joss and Oscar were even a couple. Joss was holding hands with Cam and enjoying the feeling of Cam touching her body, putting sunscreen on her. It's the first time any guy has been touching her since Oscar was dying. She's thankfully not thinking of him/mourning him anymore. Joss and Oscar had decided they wanted to lose their virginity together, when they knew he was dying. They were making out on a bed (Cam and Trina were hanging out in another room), when Oscar collapsed with a seizure and they called an ambulance. After that, Oscar needed constant care. She must have felt traumatized by that experience. Assuming she and Cam decide they want to have sex, it should be written as a pretty significant moment. Joss has much more history with Cam than she ever had with Oscar, and this is Cam's first relationship. I think Trina forgave him easily in part because she feels for him that he grew up without his mother, but also she gets a "lost soul" vibe from him as she told Joss. They were going to sleep together. It didn't work out that way; see above. It was during the climax of the "Ryan took Kevin's place in Port Charles" story, when Ryan wanted Ava to run away with him to Canada. Yes. Trina's only "romantic' experiences so far were the two brief, awkward looking kisses with Dev and then Cam. Cam and Joss have kissed a few times in the past, now recently, and he had that one very awkward/chaste kiss with Trina.
  4. LOVED Josslyn and Cam shoving Spencer in the pool for being an ass!! Is one part of the pool six plus feet deep?! Trina was awesome taking Spencer to task; she's going to blow him out of the water (ha!) when she finds out he's still lying. I see the writers had Spencer acknowledge his mother by name and change the story to "died the day I was born" from "died when I was little." Spencer did not deserve the fist bump from Cam after the way he spoke and behaved toward Cam. I guess the writers have a sense of humor, with Elizabeth and Finn going between cheering Violet and talking about the Peter dead body situation. Loved the sweet Violet-Elizabeth hug, and that cupcakes Aiden baked saved the day. Violet "my cousin Aiden made cupcakes" awwww. So Hayden left Violet and Port Charles a year and a half ago, per Elizabeth. I was waiting for Violet to mention missing Mommy, when she was so happy Daddy and Aunt Elizabeth were there with her for her "best game ever." Between Elizabeth's line and Shawn being determined to figure out who shot Hayden, I feel like GH is telling us Hayden will be returning soon? HATED Shawn being freed, time served, Alexis calling him a "model prisoner" (he recently shivved your ex-son-in-law!!) Such utter bullshit. Enjoyed Alexis and Laura having a one-on-one conversation, mostly about Nikolas. No J/C/S/"Smike" and no Michael or even a mention of Wiley = an episode worth watching. I...think?.... Anna suspects the man on the roof was Finn?
  5. GH Team's likely reaction: "Hey, we're woke!! Smike is a Latino slash Greek Savior, thank you very much!!" Totally agree about Phyllis. Skye wasn't actually family. She also came into their lives as an adult. Brenda knew Jason (and AJ?) in high school. She and Jason hung out together after getting dumped by Karen and Jagger, before Jason jumped in the car with drunk AJ and wound up brain damaged which was the birth of Jason Morgan. I had the same reaction to "Smike" asking Nina to come home. WTH? Did she actually get a home and a job there, and is keeping that a secret, too? She spends 95% of her time in NF in the always empty bar with three people! I assume that line from Carly just goes along with the stuff that Willow was spewing, as a set-up that Nina feels accepted in Wiley's life now - right before Carly and Michael turn against her hardcore because her "Smike" secret blows up. Carly is the one trying to sell that they're in love. Jason is telling people "we've decided it's best for us" or "It has to be done." Carly is upset he's saying that, esp. to Britt, because it shows he's not in love with her nor is he trying to pretend he is. Did any characters say the pool is outdoors? I assumed it was the top floor/level of the Metrocourt, close to the roof.
  6. Carly absolutely wants to marry Jason, and people can see that. I interpreted that Sam picked up on that Jason has reasons for this marriage, but not romantic love. Same. It seems like it! Michael is a dumbo, and I want him to lose here because he said NotFranco!Austin will "taint" the ELQ shares. Screw you, Michael - you don't think using your mob boss adopted daddy's last name "Corinthos" taints ELQs shares?! At least Austin is a doctor, which is a Q Family thing. Phyllis was so rude to Valentin, ugh. Nurse Phyllis totally wants Nina to forget him as well as Jax, to be with amnesiac Mike who had a wedding ring on when Phyllis met him. Because Jason does not look like he has feelings for Carly and he chose his words carefully, so she believes the reason is that Carly and/or Sonny and Jason's bizness is in some kind of trouble. (She remembers how Jason acted when he did have feelings for someone - Elizabeth - and it wasn't like this.) Dante called the Facility on Maxie and Peter's (non) wedding day that aired in March, had someone hold the phone up to Lulu's ear, and talked about how they all missed her. I think she was trying to tell Carly she understands (from what Jason just said) that this a MoC with reasons, whatever trouble is going on let me know if I can help. Carly's glistening eyes look IMO means she is hurt and sad that Sam believes it's a MoC and there's not a chance Jason has romantic feelings for her. That talk wasn't about dignity; it was showing that Carly is not her enemy and also that Carly is so pathetic that Jason has to marry her to save her butt from the 5 Families. Yup. I liked that Sam's attitude toward Jason s fine, get married for whatever reasons, you always put Carly first anyway, but it is your responsibility to tell our son that you're marrying Carly. I laughed that suddenly after a blink-and-you-miss-it conversation with Monica, Jason tells NotFranco!Austin that he cares about his Quartermaine Family and ELQ because they care about it, and will protect them, all the while looking at Austin like he's as untrustworthy as (dead) Peter. i also laughed that he said it when NotFranco!Austin pointed out they're alike in both being illegitimate grandsons of Edward.
  7. Brando was right to call his mother out on her sexism. Gladys was asking, is Sasha not making it clear she wants a relationship and wants you to be an active father because she thinks you're not a good enough provider? He was saying basically "no mother, she's not making a judgement about me based on my income/status. There's no need for her to think that way because she has plenty of money from Deception." My interpretation of his evasive response is that he wants to be with Sasha and be an active parent, but whatever he and Sasha decide is none of his mother's business. Gladys was simultaneously trying to manipulate Brando to doubt/not trust Sasha and make him think he should work for "da bizness" so he'll have more money and status in Port Charles....which she can then take advantage of as mother of an important man in the Corinthos Organization.
  8. Weren't Ellie and Spinelli a couple living together, not married? I can't ever recall him referring to Ellie as his "betrothed" or any reference to a wedding, even in a court house. Spinelli lived for doing whatever Jason needed, until Jason "died" and he fell in love with Ellie and little Georgie came into the picture. Sasha is a career woman and expectant mother; her adult years have not been defined by Sonny and Jason's business so far and she's actually thinking, hey I'm concerned about Brando's intentions about associating with his cousin's family and danger to my child. It makes me wonder, did Michael ever acknowledge to Sasha that when he was a tween he got shot in the head and went into a coma because he was standing near Sonny in a warehouse? She didn't mention it to Maxie. As far as I can recall, Ellie has not been seen since Georgie was just starting to walk. Ellie has been the primary, live-in mother to Georgie since Spinelli won custody when Georgie was a baby. Though Maxie is "Mommy," she is more in the role of fun aunt. She has been comfortable and happy to have Ellie do all the heavy lifting of motherhood for Georgie. When she asked Spinelli if he would like her to "talk some sense into Ellie", I think it was more about a desire to keep Ellie as the daily maternal presence for Georgie, so she wouldn't have to take on more responsibilities as a parent long-term. I agree about Maxie's reaction to Spin's desire for her to take both kids with her. She was happy when she was pregnant with James because she was in love with Nathan. She spoke of feeling overwhelmed/not being able to handle it all in a conversation with Anna, when she knew she was pregnant with Louise but hadn't shared the news yet. Then when found out at the Nurse's Ball, Peter told her I'll be by your side so you won't have to worry about balancing career and baby and the kids, so she told Mac and Anna it was "the best" news. Maxie has been able to depend on Spinelli and Ellie for Georgie's needs, and on Mac and Felicia to take care of James the majority of the time, except when she asked Spinelli and Ellie to take James too so she could go on her "babymoon." I recall she even suggested to Britt that she could hide baby Lou with Spinelli and Ellie. My reaction was WTH - it is not Ellie's job to raise your children!! The point is, she has the time to obsess about not being with Louise because nobody has forced her to spend lots of time with her two elder children. I don't for a moment believe that Maxie wants to do daily parenting for all three kids, especially in that small apartment.
  9. So Spinelli values himself more as a part of the bizness than he values his relationship - good for Ellie for leaving him. I guess this is a set-up for Spinelli and Maxie to get back together after KSt. returns from medical leave? UGH. I feel bad for Georgie that her dad decided not to put her family life first because of his Jason addiction, and her birth mother/occasional active mother only decides to take her along with her brother to visit family because her daddy doesn't want her to watch Ellie move out. I did, however, laugh at Jason's pained, depressed look when Spinelli said the marriage makes sense, called them soulmates, and tried to toast him. Also "Unlike you??!" when Carly called Joey Novak a hothead. I hope that "Mike" being back to dyed black hair means the NF storyline is wrapping up. It looks like Valentin recognizes Phyllis's name. They're really pushing this new Metrocourt pool set as the place to be for the summer - a half dozen characters hanging out there or wanting to go there. Brando looks ridiculous in those swim trunks. I love how Portia's eyeshadow is color coordinated with her bikini, lol. Hey TJ, again, Brando kept the secret because your now "domestic partner" asked him to. How big of you to let go of your grudge against Brando! Sasha is showing more sense than she did with Michael. I know, low bar. Pretty, pretty please make Carly go back to the pool - I want Gladys to shove her into the pool in her perfect blue dress! Also funny: Yuri saying "Miss BLQ" before the door shut to start the scene with Nina. So much whatevs with Nina. i think she forgot about Charlotte until BL said something.
  10. Dante and Lulu were complaining about Maxie having boundary issues with "Connie" starting just hours after Maxie gave birth, because Maxie was seen in the hospital nursery trying to breastfeed her. They confronted Maxie in her hospital bed and she started crying. Things got worse from there... The only positive thing I can say about the Nina-Ava scene was that Ava looked gorgeous between the hair style and length, makeup, earrings and that lovely/artsy blouse. Totally agree that the pastel blue and pink blazers look beautiful on Monica.
  11. Seriously. Olivia's crack about "before you send Wiley off to Wharton" made me want someone to say, "He doesn't need Wharton; Michael got to be CEO as a kid who never got a bachelor's degree." I think Austin is going to go after any share that belongs to Jason or Jason's sons. Spencer is straight up creepy in the way he's using Trina to get all the information he wants, and I don't believe for one second he could climb a tree. I hope Trina blasts him when she finds out the truth. Also, the script writers need to be reminded that Spencer's mother died right after he was born, not "when I was little" as he told Trina a day or so after July 4th. What got me was Sonny or "Smike" as some call him, remembering kissing Nina while smiling at Lenny and Phyllis being affectionate and talking about their marriage/being in love. GAG. As for Nina, the "troubled history with babies" line made her sound like the time Carly said "I wasn't very nice to you know when I came to town" to Bobbie. Gag gag gag indeed. Olivia is such a hypocrite, getting alllll up in people's business but when Monica says you two are getting closer/still love each other, she's all "You Quartermaines..." UGH. Hey Olivia, if you think so little of the Q Family, then divorce Ned already. You knew who they all were when you married Ned. I thought Monica was surprised to hear this man introducing himself as Austin whatever Holt, not confused. I also thought BL's "sorry for your loss line" was weird. Does she not know that Aunt Monica and Uncle Alan lost children - one of them by the gun of BL's beloved "the sweetest" Sonny. I agree they should have hugged. @GHScorpiosRule - Scott was busy making Austin's entrance dramatic, Michael got annoyed at Austin's inexplicable appearance and then Austin introduced himself to Michael by his full name, finally. There hasn't been a vote yet. The Qs were expecting the vote to go Ned's way after Michael explained that he has oh so much on his plate which means he doesn't have the time to devote to ELQ - Ned with his experience can totally take the CEO job.
  12. Is this a rhetorical question? If not, consider which blond female she was "close friends" with and around often, before suddenly being Maxie's constant friend when ER's Lulu was fired and about the same time Sam decided she and Jason had to be "over". Totally agree! Cannot stand this story! Hey, cows are nature's lawn mower and they produce milk. Carly is useless and destructive. She doesn't even deserve cow's milk for her Corinthos coffee. It wasn't about the sex. She let Jason get close and was vulnerable with him, when she found out she has the Huntington's marker. He was encouraging her while she was scared, told her the sex wasn't a "one-off" for him and made a few gestures showing he cared and felt affection for her. This is the first time on GH she was being real the whole time the bond was building for her, which is a big deal for someone like Britt after the life she's had. That's why she's feeling heartbroken. I'm really confused about Lucas too - whether Howarth's new character was indicating that he's filling a position because Lucas has been promoted into another job/department at GH or if he's left town for a new job. If he left GH for a job outside of Port Charles, wouldn't Carly say "I'll miss Lucas but I'm so proud of him for getting that job in/at____" , because she makes everything about herself. Yes, he got permission from Dr. Robinson to talk about Lulu's case to Laura, etc. because he's "family."
  13. I doubt it. What she said to Britt was almost as nasty as when she said to Robin she could never have been enough for Jason due to sex/not being able to give him a child because of her HIV+ status. Yet in the end, Robin said to Carly's face that she's "good for Jason." Since that fight with Robin, she has paid Ned's daughter/Dante's childhood friend to seduce Dante away from her cousin Lulu because she wanted revenge on Lulu for "disloyalty" (everyone got over that), told Sam that she - Sam- couldn't understand her fear (when little Joss was briefly missing/Jason wound up injured) because she's not a mother when she was well aware that Sam's baby had been stillborn (they later became all "ILY/we're friends"), cheated on Jax with her ex-husband and then slept with Jax a few hours later but then had the cojones to try to shrug off his anger when that nastiness came out with "we were devastated about Michael" (Jax: "I respect the hell out of Carly" before he and Nina became a couple) ... I could go on. Unfortunately, the Show just seems to see her as a liar and schemer. Carly once told the Qs Jason she feared Jason because he was violent and might take/kidnap baby Michael. After that and everything he said to Robin and put her through and he didn't feel like she had crossed a line that he couldn't get past, it is IMO highly unlikely at this point. Only Carly and Sonny see themselves as victims in situations where something happens to them or someone close to them. I remember Patrick broke up the Robin-Carly fight where Carly snarled about Robin's HIV + status and not being able to give Jason a kid. Carly (after Robin left) called Robin a "bitch" and Patrick said "I think it takes one to know one." This was before Patrick and Robin were a couple in love. I wasn't talking about the kidney. On July 4th, Elizabeth brought Sam out to the large trash can on the docks, showed the bottle of vodka and her lighter, and encouraged Sam to vent as well as burn her Jason memories. It reminded me a little of of when she was a teenager, to mess with her sister Sarah and Nikolas (infatuated teenagers), she planted a pack of condoms. That is what I mean by "mischievous."
  14. I have so much❤️ for this accurate, eloquent post, I'm considering marriage! LOL!
  15. The Show probably has other options re: Maxie. I recall that another blond actress was in the role for an episode or two in hospital scenes right after Maxie gave birth to James, when Storms was ill or just unavailable. Elizabeth was part of a group of people who conspired to save Jordan. She did not say, "Hey everybody, let's steal Ryan's kidney - I have a plan!" I feel like for Elizabeth having a "dark" side means she, individually, has to do something genuinely dark intentionally/pre-meditated to kidnap, torture, kill someone, etc. IMO it's more like she has a mischievous side and can be snarky/bitchy and even devious when it comes to a guy she's interested in. I agree. She's hurt that he is over dealing with the fall out of her lies (including those that resulted in her son/his nephew being kidnapped and beaten!), wants out of limbo, and that her friend Portia and Curtis are attracted to each other. Well, there's nothing stopping her from moving on. Stella is one of those who thinks she knows best, and trying to reason with her is pointless. Curtis noped out of marriage after the truth about T.J.'s kidnapping came out and he also realized that Jordan kept her mouth shut for nearly a year despite knowing he felt tremendous guilt/that Trina hated him about Taggert's "death." Portia had actually encouraged Curtis to work things out with Jordan a while ago. Totally agree!!! I hope this happens - at the start of Carly and Jason's wedding vows!!! I also hope that Monica sees, beams a grin, and cackles with laughter! I think probably not long, after what Valentin and Monica have seen of what appears to be Maxie's fixation on "Bailey." Maxie shrugging off Monica's question about spending the holiday with her two kids and not taking her eyes off of "Bailey" was a terrible look. I half expected Monica to leave the room, call Mac, and tell him he and Felicia and the grandkids need to come get Maxie right now. Seriously. It seemed like GH stole a script from the Hallmark Channel. Jason getting back to Port Charles from the lighthouse in Canada in approximately an hour was more believable. Your reaction to the Carly quote makes my day!!🤣❤️😂 Yes, the Yuri/Monica, Yuri/Valentin scenes were great, as was Martin's dead pan "red nose etc" line when he was trying to get Valentin to pay attention. I enjoy such moments like this, as I enjoy Finn's sarcasm. I totally agree about Monica's reaction. At least she rolled her eyes while hugging Jason.
  16. Yes. My reaction to that line was "Uhh, he's brain damaged - not brain dead." Carly flat out said, when Brenda returned, that she wasn't sharing Jason, Sonny or Jax - Jason is like a father to Michael, and she has kids with Sonny and Jax. Totally agree!! I am wondering if Maxie's fixation on "Bailey" is setting up KSt's medical leave as Valentin and Monica insist that Maxie needs help and being around Bailey/Louise isn't healthy for her. I feel like the Finn and Elizabeth scenes are a slow build. Elizabeth is starting to feel something for Finn, but right now she is most comfortable with him as a supporter/friend, I liked how she said in that moment she wasn't miserable, and fell asleep on his shoulder. She wasn't pulling away from a kiss and feeling guilty. She is giving herself permission to live and not mourn Franco every moment. Good for her. As for Hayden, Elizabeth knows that she abandoned Finn right before they got married and then lied/decided not to tell him about Violet for four years out of spite that he moved on with Anna after she dumped him. If Elizabeth and Hayden had many years of sisterly bonding before that, a hesitation would be understandable. Finn' falling faster for Elizabeth seems realistic, because she's been there for him through the Chase poisoning nightmare, and he relied on her somewhat even before that when he was worried about Violet's safety. There is base honesty between them that he never genuinely had with Anna. The whole reason that he feared for Chase and Violet's lives is because Anna let things with Peter get so out of hand and was bad at telling the entire truth where Finn's concerned. He can't stand being someone she "protected" rather than relied on in a partnershiip, as with Robert or Valentin. Totally agree. I loved that Jax described it accurately as a "stranglehold" on Jason, every word he said was true, and that's why Carly got the crocodile tears going. I loved his last line to her, and that he got to have the last word. When she said to Jason that Jax knows how to "twist the knife" I thought, that's the least of what you deserve. Jax telling Carly off in this episode is the most I've enjoyed him in some years.
  17. In a world where a father prioritizes his sons/is invested in their lives, yes. Jason, however is only willing to have a limited number of uncomfortable conversations. He already told Britt, and he is going to tell Monica, according to his conversation with Carly and Michael. There's also the factor that he has no way of explaining a marriage of convenience in the Mob world to Jake and Danny that would get them to accept it as making sense. Danny is likely to be upset because he wanted his Dad to come home to them. I actually thought it was refreshing for Cam to be talking about something of teenage normalcy, in contrast to the conversations he has had with both Joss and Trina about their various traumas: multiple kidnappings/hostage situations, Oscar's illness and death, the Floating Rib explosion and Dev's death, Franco's death.... I didn't like Jake's dialogue defending Jason, but it makes sense that a 14-year-old kid wants to believe his dad wouldn't deliberately hurt him by killing someone he loves because that would shatter the "my dad loves me" belief. Lots of kids think well my parent has done some bad things, but he/she is not a bad person and really loves me. Sonny is both father of Josslyn's little sister Donna, and uncle of Spencer, since his sister was Spencer's mother. So Spencer is a cousin to both Josslyn's stepsister Avery and her bio sister Donna. Also, since Aiden is the bio son of Lucky, he is a cousin to both Josslyn and Spencer.
  18. It sounded to me like he was either volunteering, or being easily manipulated by her "hated it;' it was a Robin thing so hands off/stay away" (paraphrasing).
  19. It seemed pretty clear today that a slow burn is in the works for Finn and Elizabeth, plus Anna seemed happy to be kissing Valentin. I agree about nuSpencer amd Trina. I feel like she should be suspicious that something is off about him that he didn't want to meet/hang out with her friends on Independence Day. Best parts of the episode: Violet and her cute outfit, and the mutual adoration with "Uncle Chase; Bailey/Louise looking adorable for the holiday; Cam and Jake's emotional makeup (hit me in the feels); Britt and Jax being sparkly together plus Jason looking...not pleased to see them sparkly together; and Sam looking a combo of enraged and like she wanted to vomit overhearing the Carly/Jason engagement news, than drunken Sam at the end with Elizabeth. Using the tequila to burn the jacket Jason gave her along with "their" dominoes is the most creative thing the Show has done in a while. Does Jake not have any idea that his dad is a killer? Also, Joss is just an all-around idiot. I liked Cam's skeptical reaction to the Carly/Jason engaged news and Josslyn's excitement. I can't remember the last time Jason actually said the words "best friend" to Carly. Carly's tears and smile as Jason put on her engagement ring, and Jason looking like he is trying to fight indigestion...no words. It figures that the mothers of Jason's sons both find out about his decision to marry Carly, by overhearing Michael and Willow talking at a bar instead of from Jason's lips. Sam and Jordan both look ridiculous in baseball uniforms, and Jordan should never wear a backwards baseball cap. Don't let her hear you say that - she'll take it as a challenge!!!
  20. I really enjoyed Cam yelling at her about something not related to Franco or Jason, and I thought WL did very well with the anger and the shocked look when she grabbed him. I think we're supposed to be under the impression that his angry reaction to her turned her on (along with her realizing that there was a genuine attraction between them at that dance). I highly doubt he will have a come to Jesus moment that way. I'm actually wondering if this on-going fight between them will be retconned into "we were upset with each other over a misunderstanding about feelings for a while, and Cam's grief over Franco and Josslyn's loyalty to Jason just caused our anger toward each other to snowball." I will not be at all surprised if they together or separately, have a come to Jesus moment that the real problem has been they wanted to be in a relationship with each other this whole time. There was no significant reason for Nina to give Joss a new journal for her graduation, especially since Nina hasn't been dating Jax for a while. It served as a plot point to pick up the Cam and Joss may have feelings for each other/Dev forged a journal entry to manipulate Cam storyline. I really disliked him, because in addition to being so weak, he also only ever cared about his own feelings/needs and Britt's. He felt sorry for himself for losing Lucas, but I didn't see him feeling devastated over how deeply he hurt Lucas or hurting Willow (the woman he and Nelle used). He always seemed to me to be as self-centered as the Corinthii. His interaction with Britt at Pentonville is the first time I've actually found him genuinely tolerable, maybe even a likeable guy. So I guess, kudos to PS!
  21. The Show already propped Jason in this regard, using Jax. When Jax returned right after Oscar died, Jax praised/thanked Jason, saying Joss told me you were really there for her when Oscar was dying. (Yet all of that was off-screen, of course.) I don't think Spencer is here for a triangle with Joss. I assume the creatively bankrupt writers will repeat the past regarding Port Charles teenage girls: AT's Emily was at first afraid of Zander due to how they met/the hostage situation, then Joss's introduction to Dev was the "misunderstanding" that he was breaking into Dante and Lulu's house. Finn wanted her to come back/be found. Nikolas scared her into leaving town, and then he said he tried to track her down and couldn't find her. Nik told Elizabeth that he had done everything he could to find her, so he thought she got herself killed somehow. Yes, her scenes with Nikolas and his scenes with Laura and Kevin were the best! My guess about what comes next is that Trina will have understandably hateful/angry feelings about Spencer for a while (did they ever even know each other?) but over time they will be each other's love interest. I doubt it because Joss thinks of Spencer as family adjacent, since he's "Uncle Sonny's" nephew. I will not be surprised if the Show wants to follow history of Nikolas/Gia romance with a Nik's son/Gia's niece romance and start with Trina rightly thinking Spencer is an asshole for what he has done - the most recent of which is threatening his own cousin/stepsister with the creepy Ryan's voice bear. Remember, Spencer is the son of Sonny's deceased blond sister.
  22. My best guess is he wanted to know if there was a legal way to replace Jason as a Q heir, given Jason's brain damage and history as a criminal. Sam has mourned the loss of her relationship with Jason at least twice, was still obsessed with him for years when SBu was gone, twisted herself into knots about having a family with him, wanting him to be an active father in recent years, etc. She sadly believed he would be a devoted father everything with Michael. She is - off screen. Elizabeth and Finn have made references to Violet sleeping over at Elizabeth's house, Violet's fondness of cousin Cam's hair, etc. Nah. She thought he was the most perfect father to little Michael before Jason gave him up to Sonny, so it wouldn't surprise me at all that Carly would want Jason as Donna's guardian/replacement Daddy. Also, Bobbie is old. She's not up to raising a toddler. There are pictures of the Q Family around the Q house, where Valentin is currently living. I imagine both Anna and Valentin would recognize Alan in a photo with Austin. Austin as the son of Charity and Jimmy Lee seems likely. Elizabeth has mentioned her several times recently in conversations with Finn, and Shawn keeps mentioning Hayden to Alexis in his complaints that he's not the one who shot her. and after that affair, when Elizabeth was pregnant with Aiden, she and Cam and Jake lived with Nikolas at Wyndemere briefly. Correct. I don't believe Nikolas and Cameron have been around each other more than once or twice since WL was cast as teen Cam. However, WL's Cam has called Lulu "Aunt Lulu" and Laura "Grandma" so I assume he still thinks of Nikolas as his uncle. NIkolas considers all three of Elizabeth's sons to be his nephews. Elizabeth has also referenced Bobbie babysitting "the boys" over the years, so it seems like she is considered to be a great aunt to all 3, not just Lucky's bio son. What gets me is that all three boys call Laura "Grandma,' which implies that they do and always have considered Lucky to be their dad or at least a father figure. But Cam and Jake don't ever get to so much as acknowledge that they met or knew Lucky. The Show likes to have it both ways. Speaking of family relationships, is Audrey supposed to still be alive? The last time I recall any acknowledgement of her still being in touch with the Webber Family was when Elizabeth was about to marry "Jake Doe."
  23. KT was very good in her scene of Britt's mother-daughter time with Obrecht (I rolled my eyes at Obrecht. Finn telling Scott he wants Elizabeth to be Violet's legal guardian if something happens to him was worth watching, too. I saw about 30 minutes of the July 1 episode, between the storm knocking out my TV and then the Trump org indictments special report news. I really enjoyed watching Cam, Trina and Jake. Casting really struck gold with HW. He is an excellent young actor, and he genuinely looks like he could be SBu's son. (Whereas the Danny actor not only looks nothing like SBu or KeMo, he doesn't look like any other Qs or any Davis/Cassadine family members either. I also really enjoyed Britt telling Jason off for his decision to marry Carly. She was hurt, but was like hell no, I don't need your support in the scraps of time you're not devoted to Carly, don't want you, goodbye. I almost laughed at Jason's sad, teary, rejected face. I missed the first part - did Josslyn's "party" really just consist of her parents, brother, grandma, and Jason? It's so gross she wanted Jason's permission to go to Cam's party - that it wasn't "disloyal" to him. Her lines and tone with Jason made it sound like she doesn't even genuinely want to be friends with Cam anymore because she seems him as unworthy. She has never been more of a mini-Carly (IMO) than she was in the scene with Jason. And he speaks to her as if she is indeed just a younger version of Calry. As opposed to Cam's party, with actual guests. But Elizabeth should NOT have to welcome Obrecht just because Scott wants to make his new lover happy, Obrecht telling Elizabeth she believes Franco would want her there pissed me off. She had nothing to do with Cam, ever!!!! I
  24. I really don't want to watch this, after coming across a scene from 2007 where Jason was angry and appalled that Carly got his marriage certificate to Brenda to visit him in prison, claiming to be his wife and cooing "I've missed yooooooou" AND especially after I just read that Stuart Damon/Alan Quartermaine has passed away. It's sooo sad. Dr. Alan Q would be horrified at the idea of Jason marrying Carly. I feel for SBu, LC, WK, LH, JE, and Kimberly McC. I'm sure it's painful, sad news for them.
  25. I don't feel a need to respond to everything, just these bits. Nelle spent minimal time with Wiley because she was going to prison for her crimes. I can't stand Michael, but if the other parent of my child had previously left me for dead/tried to kill me and lied about the baby in the past out of revenge, I wouldn't trust her to be unsupervised with the baby or alone in the house, anywhere. She could find a way to poison Michael or someone else, she could find a way to fake the baby's death to get him out of the house, place a tracker which she actually did, etc. I don't care what Frank called her. Just because her adoptive father called her that, doesn't make it okay. If she really valued Wiley, she wouldn't think that was acceptable. Yes, her drive was to play keep away with Wiley because she was mad that Michael wouldn't stand up to Carly and choose her and want a family with her. She flat out told Michael that's why she decided their baby "died," when he found her at the cabin after she kidnapped Wiley. Her drive was to get the ultimate revenge on Michael and Carly, by them being deprived of a son/grandson. Nelle forced her way into Chase and Willow's home; she was not invited over. They were not friends hanging out, who ended up in a physical fight. She knocked Willow unconscious in her own residence; that is assault. Yes, Willow thought Wiley was her son because of Nelle and Brad's actions, and Nelle was fine with Willow and everyone thinking Wiley was Willow's, because it protected her con/revenge scheme against Michael. The moment Nelle felt Willow was no longer useful, she told Brad if he didn't get rid of Willow somehow she would (murder implied), Nelle didn't give a crap that Wiley was attached to Willow. She didn't give a crap that everything and anyone Wiley was attached to, was in Port Charles. My interpretation of the acting, directing and writing for her is that she wanted to keep "the prize" away from Michael and that she intended to use Wiley as a means to con men into getting what she wanted because who wouldn't want to help/take care of a single woman with a baby.
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