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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Why thank you! You are absolutely correct that Carly has no right, but it's totally in character for her. Felicia makes a point about the past that she was angry at Carly's actions hurting Carly's now deceased mother and Tony; Carly attempts to deflect by bringing up Felicia's actions that hurt her daughter but had nothing to do with Carly's life. Although I can absolutely believe Carly would judge Felicia (without knowledge gained from being directly involved in the situation) as an abandoning mother whereas she has considered herself to be a devoted mother to all her spawn. She genuinely thinks well, Michael recovered and Sonny and I did not cause Morgan's death - the horrible Jerome family did. Re-writing her own history as "close to Maxie" in this episode is very similar to what she did in a scene with MC when he started in the role of Nikolas. She saw him and said that she and Laura had become "close", so she was upset with Nikolas for keeping his not-dead status a secret from his mother. She tried to demand that he reveal himself to Laura soon. Carly and Laura were not then, nor have they ever been, "close." Laura was historically definitely not fond of Carly, but she also never seriously got into it with Carly out of love and respect for Bobbie and Lucas, esp. considering Laura knew they had suffered so much due to losing B.J.
  2. Yes indeed, GF forever! But honestly, that is perfectly in character for Carly. She sees herself in a very delusional way because that's the way it goes with narcissism. I see LW's Carly as the logical (awful) progression of the character. Brown's young Carly did show depth and vulnerability, but this is the Carly who has had children by and married three rich men, two of whom have New York-wide/USA-wide reputations for being powerful in different ways and the deceased one's family has an international reputation via their ELQ business. She became even more self-absorbed and entitled by always being associated with at least one of them. I don't think she's ever been without access to money and body guards in 20+ years and even the hotel business started because of her relationship with Jax. I understand that LC is ill, but she could still have been included in these tribute episodes in some way. Have her sit in the pew with tears in her eyes and have a flashback; she didn't have to stand up and do a eulogy. Or, use Michael to have a Monica/Bobbie flashback since he was going to be in these scenes anyway. Michael is in fact Monica and Bobbie's mutual grandson. There was no (real) reason he had to be with Willow for her flashback. After Willow spoke of how Bobbie made her feel, he could just had like two lines about Grandma Bobbie being a dear friend and caregiving nurse to Grandma Monica when Grandma Monica had breast cancer. The Quartermaines will always be grateful to my Grandma Bobbie Spencer for that. Robin should have in that church and part of Angela's interview process. Young Robin was in the storyline with all of them when BJ died, not to mention being Bobbie's colleague at GH as an adult. Kimberly McC's absence was glaring, IMO. I'm still disappointed that JJ was not there, but at least he was indirectly included when Laura mentioned him and today there was the Bobbie/Elizabeth flashback when Bobbie said "my nephew." ITA about Brighton.
  3. Felicia and Maxie both investigated and Maxie couldn't find the business card, combined with the feelings they had from their interactions with Angela. The flashback to little BJ with Felicia, showing what BJ was like as a child Plus Angela looks like she could definitely be a grown-up BJ. Then the name - little Angel girl who passed away now = Angela.
  4. I didn't have that interpretation at all. I was suspicious when Maxie looked back toward Angela literally a second after looking down at her phone, and Angela was gone. No way a person walking away casually disappears that fast. Then there is no record of reporter Angela when Felicia and Maxie investigate. Also, Angela reappears to say goodbye to Lucas, and calls him "Champ" with emphasis as soon as he starts to walk away from her. He instantly turns back but she's vanished. I thought the Show was making it clear that BJ's spirit had returned for the final good-bye to Bobbie. Angela never promised Maxie they would speak again/keep in touch, "seeing me" in the future to me means Maxie may just catch a glimpse as BJ's spirit checks in on her or Bobbie and Tony's graves, much as we see the late Georgie visit Maxie from time to time. I think renaming it "Bobbie's'" was a fitting tribute, and I love that Elizabeth re-painted the sign at Carly's request. That's a great way for Elizabeth to honor Bobbie's memory, in addition to nursing.
  5. I'm so glad I was home today to watch. FYI the 1/11/24 episode is MUCH better quality as a tribute to Bobbie. I choked up at ex-BJ aka reporter Angela interviewing Lucas, and the memories he shared of childhood with his parents and big sister, BJ. RC and the actress Breighton both had tears in their eyes. That flashback of Bobbie telling off Tracy about Lucas was great. It looked like LH was struggling not to break down sobbing during the interview with reporter Angela. The Elizabeth-Angela interview, with Maxie at Elizabeth's side, was just beautiful. Great use of history that Elizabeth's trauma inspired her to become a nurse because of Bobbie's loving care. The flashback to Bobbie taking care of teen Elizabeth after the rape was perfectly timed there. Felicia's dig to Carly about her not getting invited to parties at the Brownstone way back when was great. So was her truth-telling about Carly re: Tony and Bobbie's split. But excuse me, Carly, you did NOT spend a lot of time with Maxie while Felicia wasn't a part of her daughter's life. Felicia never needed/asked for/wanted Carly's forgiveness, Show. The private good-bye scene between Lucas and ex-BJ, really the last 10 minutes of the Show made me cry and grin - and I say this as someone who can't stand Carly. RC, BH, KW, GF, LH, GF, KS, and K Storms all got to shine today and showed their love for JZ. And LW showed Carly being oh-so-surprised that there were aspects of her mother she never knew about. For once, it was not all about Carly and her grief. Awesome. I really did not see the surprise about Angela/ex-BJ coming because Angela gave Maxie her business card before the episode started. One question, why was Robert at the hospital with Anna? There didn't seem to be a reason why he wasn't at the funeral or why he's not emotional when he's been informed that Bobbie passed away - and why they didn't mention Robin. I did like Anna falling asleep on his shoulder.
  6. ITA, but I'll add that GF's delivery of Laura's eulogy also saved it. I felt like she was talking about Jackie Z personally as much as Laura was talking about Bobbie. GF is such a treasure. She made me cry, again. The regular writers and GH execs had plentyyyy of time to reach out and coordinate with former and occasional current cast members about being included in Bobbie's funeral episode. I saw extras in those pews. LC (Monica), TR (Robert), JJ (ex-Lucky) Kimberly McCullough (ex-Robin) should have been in those seats. I can't believe they weren't interested or couldn't make the time. I can't believe JJ wouldn't want to personally grieve this loss alongside Genie Francis and Becky Herbst. I'm also disappointed that at least one of Elizabeth's kids wasn't at the funeral. Aiden is in fact Lucky's son and therefore Bobbie's grand nephew. Since WL is over 18 now, I was hoping Cam would be there during "winter break from college." I remember that Elizabeth would mention Bobbie babysitting "the boys" when they were little. Cam calls Laura his grandmother and Lulu his aunt, so he must also consider Bobbie his great aunt.
  7. Yep. You'll never convince me that Carly's presence/voice wasn't her cause of death. Bobbie was about to introduce them; smart old Pat noped right out of that. Pat had been through enough in her life - you really can't blame her for wanting to rest in peace rather than have "sweet Caroline" (tm Luke Spencer" become a part of her world. Hopefully someone mentioned that Bobbie is now reunited with her siblings (because they all think Luke is dead) and beloved daughter BJ? ETA: Did the Show even remember that Pat has a daughter who's on the PCPD? Bobbie comforted her after Pat died. Lucas not having any Spencer cousins there with him at his mother's funeral sucks.
  8. Please please please tell me Leslie Charleston, Jonathan Jackson and Kimberly McCullough are included in the farewell to Bobbie. Monica, Lucky and Robin were so very important to her. I don't recall that Robert was as close to her as they were. I wan to see GF, BH, JJ and Ryan Carnes together. Their characters need to hug and comfort each other. It is glaring and inexcusable if Luke's kids are not there and not mentioned. I would hope Geary would make a cameo for JZ, even if none of the characters see him to realize that Luke is actually not dead.
  9. She was extremely jealous when she saw (through the window) teenage Liz, then a waitress at Kelly's, slow dancing with Jason. She went to the Penthouse looking for answers about what was going on between Liz and Jason. Sonny taunted her about Jason, although I can't recall if she demanded confirmation of her worst fears that he was sleeping with Liz, and he let her believe she was correct, or if he flat out lied and said yes. Carly wanted to hurt Jason because she was feeling hurt/betrayed and Sonny was feeling self-destructive, so cue hate sex aka the beginning of CarSon.
  10. She's preferable to "Liv" all day, any day IMO for several reasons. As far as memories highlighting Bobbie's past, the only one of LW and JZ that would be appropriate to show is a very rare moment of honesty and decency from Carly to Bobbie, in the cemetery before the funeral service for Tony. It shows Bobbie's strength in not wanting to hold onto anger and pain as a weapon for the future. The way JZ delivered those lines is how Bobbie should be remembered for the Carly relationship in a memorial episode.
  11. Cyrus is the reason Sonny and Laura's mutual grandson is without his mother/ why Laura's daughter is in a coma. Cyrus also broke into the Robinson home and held civilian doctor Portia and her teenage daughter hostage at gun point. He recently paid that same teenager a visit at her workplace, uninvited. She is now dating Sonny's nephew/Laura's eldest grandson. Why should Laura care about Sonny beating up Cyrus at a time when she is mourning the loss of a woman who has been her family member/friend for decades. ETA: Carly calling someone else a selfish bitch is a pretty standard insult for her to direct at any of the love interests of the men she considers *hers.* She even called Robin a bitch, when Robin and Jason had been broken up for years. Ms. Brave and Strong is the master of grudge-holding. In this case, I think she's still nursing a MAJORLY wounded ego that Sonny fell in love with Nina while he couldn't remember her. And of course, she's furious she 'missed her chance' (in her mind) of being intimate with Jason again, when he was more than happy to give Sonny his wife back. Then she and Sonny split up, and she settles for a ... whatever you want to call that mess ... with Jason's back-from-the-dead 'twin brother' because Jason is presumed dead.
  12. Didn't Sonny and Jason once have a shootout with rival Mobsters in a church?
  13. Oh man this is hilarious!! GHScorpiosRule, it perfectly lines up with her delusions about herself. And Carly saying such lines to any character who is not a veteran actor with history working with JZ, makes them hollow/meaningless. It's a case of Carly *saying* whatever in place of GH exes *showing* with old footage of memories of JZ and LW in a great mother-daughter relationship, because there really aren't any. Actually my observation was that the increase in narcissism, monster behavior came with birthing a Quartermaine heir and having basically unlimited access to Jason, Sonny and Jax's money (plus security detail, etc). I love that the *showing* was in Scott and Laura tearfully reflecting on their long histories with Bobbie. That and Lucy/LH restraining her own tears in conversation with Kevin, Laura and Scott was much more compelling than any lines LW will be given. It seemed like Genie was doing her best not to just lose it, and sob all over the table. She made me teary.
  14. Alexis is a grown-ass woman who knows the law, not a naive teenager who didn't realize she was doing something risky. Her decisions are hers alone. Lots of people have someone in their lives like Diane, who have a certain history themselves and think it's NBD to encourage a family member or friend to do something stupid and illegal, saying 'no one will ever find out' and emphasizing "you need to have more fun in your life." I just can't take this show seriously about Robert getting into a relationship with a woman, unless it's Anna or maybeeeee Holly. Some time ago at the Q mansion, there was an attempt to set up Alexis and Robert. Between that and Olivia's flirtation with Robert, all I could was roll my eyes.
  15. Because Jason is unavailable. If not her Jason stand-in, Ms. Brave and Strong relies on Michael. Directing Michael to call Lucas to let him know his mom is dead is awkward/more hurt piled on after Lucas gave up his son to Michael.
  16. Yes - Bobbie and Lucas were together the most on-screen in recent years when Lucas was a father and Bobbie was the doting grandma during the baby switch storyline. Even then, the Bobbie-Carly scenes didn't have loving mother daughter depth to them. It was mostly Bobbie being around to say how conniving/untrustworthy/evil Nelle was. My point is, the vast majority of JZ's best work and most memorable stories over the years had little or nothing to do with Carly, esp. LW's version. I expect that LW-Carly will be front and center because that's how these execs roll, but it's not accurate to Bobbie's history and it's also a disservice to the memory of JZ's career/legacy on General Hospital.
  17. I disagree. Lucas (actor Ryan Carnes, not that last recast), Maxie and Felicia and Laura - as far as Bobbie's family is concerned - should be front and center. Carly is Bobbie's biological child, but other than the big storyline back when SB played Carly, Bobbie has only been a babysitter to some of the grandkids and an occasional prop in LW-Carly's storylines. Whereas Bobbie raised son Lucas almost from birth, Bobbie and Tony saved Maxie's life with the heart transplant and Bobbie and Maxie are still family to each other long after brothers Frisco and Tony are gone from the GH canvas, Felicia and Bobbie still love each as SILs and have an unbreakable bond after 'not Barbara Jean's heart!!" and in the Laura/Genie Francis tribute anniversary episode, there was a line of dialogue that Laura and Bobbie would always consider themselves SILs/family. I truly, deeply hope the "kids" in Bobbie's life - actors Jonathan Jackson, Kimberly McCullough, and Ryan Carnes will make an effort for a brief return to be a part of the tribute in scenes with current KS Maxie or original RR Maxie if Storms isn't available.
  18. To be fair, no one has ever praised Carly, Michael or recast Drew for being smart or educated to the point of acknowledging you know, reality and the law. I think Michael and Carly have a semester of college between them. Sonny's attorney, Diane, has always made sure the Corinthos Family didn't have to deal with legal consequences of their choices. The one time they did, and Michael went to prison, Carly blamed Dante and paid Brooklyn to seduce her then-childhood friend, current stepbrother, away from Lulu in order to punish Dante and Lulu for their "lack of loyalty" to Carly's family. I look at Olivia and think, a real mother would think Sonny and Carly were trash for all eternity over almost killing Dante and then trying to destroy his relationship. Also - is this "old friendship" between Lois and Olivia a re-write of the past? I remember all references to the past were about "Olivia and cousin Connie" and Olivia being a devoted mother at 15. I thought Lois and Olivia knew of each other but were hardly besties. My guess, manufactured drama because RS and WK still have fantastic chemistry, much more so than LL and WK. I always get the impression that Olivia wants to be part of the Q Family for her son's sake, not because she really loves Ned or values being around his family. In my opinion, she proved this every time she was upset with Ned and tried to flirt with/ throw herself at Robert. It made me laugh because after being in relationships with Anna and Holly, why on God's green earth would he ever want you, "Liv"?
  19. I understand that Spencer has major abandonment issues, but he's not the only one of Laura's grandchildren with that issue. Once again, this Show is ignoring an opportunity: cousins Spencer, Rocco and Aiden bonding over being abandoned by/without their mom or dad. I would like to see some acknowledgement that SORAS-ed Spencer is aware of Uncle Lucky and Aunt Lulu's existence as well as the fact that he has young family members not named Ace. Some of his energy could be spent on giving love to these two younger boys who could use an older male cousin for emotional support. Sam is no substitute for Rocco's real mother, and for Aiden, Franco is dead and we have no idea if Lucky has been in contact since Christmastime several years ago. Sure Kober is a great actor, but I don't consider Laura a hypocrite for her attitude because her criminal brother is, in fact, the one responsible for her beloved daughter Lulu being in a coma. Laura, Rocco, and Charlotte don't owe him a damn thing. While I agree Sonny is a criminal who has killed multiple times, he's not the one who deliberately set a trap via Julian, to hurt and kill a bunch of innocent people in a bar. That is a terrorist act. I don't care that the target was specifically Jason; anytime you make a decision to set a bomb anywhere in a space where there is public access, you know innocent people are almost certainly going to be hurt or killed.
  20. This show is ridiculous (aka lazy) about creating storylines for women having babies. The Molly and TJ surrogacy stuff is recycled from Dante and JMB's Lulu surrogacy storyline, until the point where Maxie had the miscarriage and then immediately got pregnant again (at the same time Maxie- actress KS actually was pregnant IRL). Molly has flat out said she wanted a baby because she was told she couldn't have one. She's what, 25 years old? and has not talked about wanting kids, until that moment. Lulu was around the same age and said the same thing for the same reason. These are young women who were enjoying their marriages and work - then, poof! Iwantababyweneedababypleaseasap. I stand by my opinion that Maxie never actually wanted kids. Getting pregnant by Spinelli was an "accident" (timing worked well for KS) and even once she got to a better place in her life after giving birth to Georgie, she was perfectly happy to let Spinelli and his long-time girlfriend raise Georgie while she was essentially in the role of fun aunt/visitor in her daughter's life. She wanted James because the love of her life was shot to death and James was all she had left of Nathan. She was excited at the idea of family life with Nathan. She was uncertain about the "Louise" pregnancy, which was also an "accident" around the time Henrich/Peter moved in with her. She wanted the baby because he said he would be by her side as an equal partner in parenting. BL and Chase raised Bailey Louise for the first months of life. She has hardly been seen or mentioned since Maxie got her back. Spinelli, Felicia and Mac have done more parenting of Maxie's three kids than she ever has. She has never actually learned how to parent. It reminds me of Sam's kids, spending early childhood years growing up in Grandma Monica's home with the extended family and nannies, staff, etc.
  21. I've been thinking in the last month what I wouldn't give to see Tyler Christopher, Nicholas Chavez, Genie Francis, JJ, Becky Herbst and William Lipton acting together just one time. I saw the news earlier this month about TC's death and I am still just stunned/processing. I hoped possibly one day I would get to see him return to the Nikolas role and be in scenes with "Mother," "Lucky," "Elizabeth". Not to mention long overdue scenes of them facing the sons they abandoned. I think Chavez and Lipton coming together in a confrontation scene with Christopher and JJ would be awesome. I give allll the kudos to Chavez for showing in Spencer's obsession with baby brother Ace how this young man is - in a really unhealthy way - trying to heal his long-term father abandonment issues and give himself a real family life now that consists of Grandmother, Step Grandpa, and baby brother. The way Chavez is conducting himself as Spencer, reminds me very strongly of how Christopher conducted himself as Nikolas when Elizabeth was pregnant with Aiden, and shortly after Aiden's birth. I can't imagine how wrecked Herbst must feel after losing Jackie Zeman, Sonya E, Billy Miller, and Tyler in ... a year?! I know that Maurice Benard, Kelly Monaco and a couple other current GH actors worked with all four of them as well, but she has worked with each of them a lot during her career. I imagine Kimberly McCullough is also deeply sad since "Bobbie," "Epiphany" and "Nikolas" were in tons of scenes with "Robin" over the course of McCullough's GH career. On an unrelated note, glad to see that Rena Sofer is back - but it's absurd she's returned this fall over worries about her daughter and ELQ versus the show making excuses for why Lois couldn't show up when BL was in the hospital, fighting for her life due to being slashed in the neck.
  22. It's strange to me, because HP-Molly and TJ (previous actor) were not handled this way as an interracial couple when they were much younger. HP was still a teenager and I think the previous TJ may have been as well, when Molly and TJ decided they wanted to have sex for the first time. Molly was in lingerie and they were kissing in a hotel bed, when Alexis busted in on them yelling "too young for sex." So it didn't happen that night. Maybe Trina will realize that while she loves Spencer, he comes with a lot of baggage and that's not what she wants for her first real love relationship. Spencer's tremendous guilt over Nikolas "abandoning Ace" combined with his desire to be a real, loving family with Ace and Grandma Laura is never going to allow him to put Trina first IMO.
  23. II we were talking about a different young couple with history, I'd agree. But I find it highly unrealistic that Joss seems to not have one second of pause let alone worry about pregnancy or STDs since she started sleeping with Dex while knowing nothing of his relationship/sexual history. I recall she and Cam had a conversation about condoms before their first time together, she had birth control, and she knew he was also a virgin. But with Dex, an older guy who has served in the military(and I think deployed?), not a worry in the world? Only in the GH/soap universe.
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