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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. It's rather pathetic that TJ has to have his grandfather tell him to focus on his relationship rather than fixating on what he doesn't like about his SIL/surrogate. This young guy got to be a doctor, is in a relationship with the woman he loves, is doing fine financially, is going to be a father soon, and his uncle/father figure just started walking again. How many men in the world would be thrilled to have his life?! Count your blessings that your biggest concern is that you don't have your personal ideal of a surrogate carrying your baby. UGH!! Nina wants Drew to cooperate so she can get back into her daughter's life and she also wants to get along with her daughter's husband ... so she walks in on a meeting Drew is having with Curtis and her daughter's husband and announces to the three of them that Carly is sleeping with John Cates. The only positive things I can say about GH right now is Hudson West is doing an awesome job playing Jake, and GF's/Laura's haircut looks lovely. Yeesh. (Carly's behavior and conversation with Jagger/John is so WTF I can't even comment.) ETA: I understand that some people think Drew/Nina is hot stuff, but the misogyny of Drew re: Nina makes it, and him, repulsive to me. I had hoped this show would limit misogyny to the Sonny character; people knew he was a Mobster sleazeball. This turn is such a pity because Drew used to be a promising character.
  2. Not just went back to him - had surgery after she got shot from being close to him, so she could get pregnant by him. Unlike Jason and Elizabeth's night of the defective condom that resulted in the Jake pregnancy, Sam very much wanted to have a baby with Jason and believed he would be a devoted father. Now, when their son is a high school freshman, she says his dad is too dangerous to be around. GMAB.
  3. Their anger would still be completely legit, for the reasons Jake stated, esp. when he forced Jason to admit he didn't come back to Port Charles or make contact as soon as he could. However, it would make Jason's actions more forgivable. I don't agree that the onus would be on them, when they didn't know because Jason made this decision that impacted several lives without consulting anyone. Jason, and only Jason, should feel guilty even in that situation. The "I took a job I didn't want because I had no choice" is a complete lie. It would at least be an understandable statement as a stand-in truth for someone's life is in danger or there's a risk of either son losing his mother long-term.
  4. I think it would make a world of difference if Jason had been protecting his ex-wife/son's mother, Sam, from being prosecuted for one of her past crimes, or if he was working in secret as an FBI informant/playing dead to try to free Lucky Spencer from a militant kidnapping in whatever country he's been supposedly doing volunteer work. Even protecting weak Spinelli from jail time would be a more understandable reason. (Spinelli has been unfailing loyal to Jason over the years, has a young daughter with Maxie, and helps Maxie with her two other kids/ their daughter's sibs). There is no good reason for Jason to abandon his two sons and let them think he was dead for two years, for Carly's sake. Carly is a) an adult b) guilty and c) would not be leaving Donna alone in the world. Even if Sonny died/got killed at some point, Donna has multiple adult siblings who could serve as her guardian for however long is needed.
  5. @Daisy Maxie told Nina she was acting "desperate" and would be seen as such, that having Ava as a "secret weapon" to get Sonny back would not work and that she (Maxie) was not fond of the person Nina became while she was Mrs. Sonny Corinthos.
  6. Bravo to Maxie in her scenes of truth-telling to Nina. She showed how she has matured and grown since her younger days of scheming to get Lucky away from Elizabeth. No, Kristina, it's not so weird that your dad is living with his young daughter and her mother. It is very weird, however, that your 1/2 brother and your nephew and are living with your 1/2 sister and your other nephew and niece, as a family. It's even weirder than you and your 1/2 brother are talking about the weirdness of dad's living situation while being oblivious to the weirdness of his living situation. You could even start with, hey bro, do you remember if you were ever told that your current live-in girlfriend once had an affair with dad, and was pregnant with our sister but she died at birth. *Seriously,* Head Writers. The Stella-Tracy scenes were awesome. I love the idea of these two women being friends! It was great to see JE show Tracy's vulnerability, acknowledging she has few friends and how different she is from her late mother.
  7. The new writers are a letdown regarding the Jason storyline. He's a POS for letting his mother and sons believe he was dead ... to protect Carly. Utterly predictable. Except seeing him wear a blue jacket that matches his eyes. I feel so bad for Monica, Jake and Danny. Those teenagers deserve better and should not be forgiving him anytime soon. I like that for once, Willow seems to be giving Carly a hostile vibe as she's happily chirping about Jason. Weird that it's on Drew's behalf. I lol that Willow sounds more invested in her husband's uncles than in him. I'm confused about the kids. Wiley and Donna are the exact same size now. Wasn't Wiley born before Donna?
  8. I don't think Elizabeth was trying to stop Jake for calling out Jason (she flat out told Jason she had some same questions), I think she didn't want Jake getting worked up and having it out with Jason, an adult, in front of Aiden when Aiden looks up to Jake as his older brother. After all, Aiden just a few days before witnessed Jake and Danny arguing and hitting each other. I think Jason has actually had more interactions with Jake over time than he's had with Danny, which shows how uninvested he is in his sons. The only "fun" time I can remember between HW's Jake and Jason was when Jake asked BM's Drew and Jason to meet him at some event (sports?) and neither knew Jake had invited the other. Jake wanted to hang out with both of them and for them to get along like he got along with his brothers. After that, Jake got close to Franco and so there was tension when/if Elizabeth and Jake were with Franco and saw Jason or talked about Franco to Jason.
  9. Mac knows this, but it seems like the show has made it a characteristic of Anna that she can't help but see Jason through 'guilty absentee mother/what would have happened to Robin if Jason hadn't persuaded her to take those meds decades ago' eyes. It's more comfortable for Anna to be in denial, believing that Jason would only kill if his/someone's life was in immediate danger.
  10. True. My bigger takeaway from those scenes is that Valentin is really a POS father. No remorse, no feeling about the shooting/potential death of Charlotte's stepdad/her brother's father. It's clear that Carly only truly cared about Dante waking up so he would exonerate Jason. Not one word about her own cousin's son's, her ex-boyfriend's daughter's, or Jason's son's worry/suffering. UGH. Of course. I assume she is hoping to resume their wedding night in her old room above "Bobbie's" now. With the way she was holding on to him, is he going to able to go anywhere without her attached to his leg? I found it lol funny that Sonny is the last to know about Dante waking up. Olivia texts instead of calls with such important news?! Also lol that Sonny is that stupid/gullible to believe that Ava could just call in to the hospital and get the information. I rolled my eyes when he kissed her and when Anna told Carly, thank you to Jason for saving Dante's life. Danny's desperation for Dante to exonerate his dad two seconds after Dante woke up was icky, but Elizabeth "not seeing anything" and the Dante-Rocco reunion was sweet for a Friday. Brennan and Carly deserve each other. Preview: I'm genuinely surprised Jason goes to see his first born. Good for Jake for being all "why are you here/what do you want"
  11. Robert has missed most of, it not all, of that history, though. So has Anna. He likes being his daughter's hero and maybe feels like he doesn't have the energy for a conflict with Robin. He doesn't actually know how Robin will react. So he verbalizes his thoughts to Anna, his daughter's mother and the person who knows him best aside from Mac. Or maybe this was just the show's sloppy way of conveying that Robin knows Jason is alive and what he's accused of and she's also in regular touch with her parents. Also, I wondered if the new writers are testing the waters for a renewed Robert and Anna romance? She and Valentin are clearly dunzo.
  12. I meant easy as in set-wise in one specific location, in a family scene in Monica's home. As opposed to a scene where Monica's presence wasn't essential or requiring LC to walk from the entrance of the police station set into the interrogation room so Monica could talk to her son.
  13. Try to imagine Molly's speech in court: "Your honor, it is unclear if my nephew's father shot my cousin and therefore ..." I assume the issue between Robert and Robin would be (if they discussed/argued about this) is she knows Robert has the experience to provide a strong verbal case in court against Jason, yet whatever Jason's been up to in the last two years, including on the roof and when Dante got shot, was definitely not on mob boss Sonny's orders.
  14. Her last appearance should have been Scout's recent birthday party. It would have been easy to just have her sit in a chair, give Emily Scout Cain a hug for her birthday, and comment that it's wonderful to have all her grandchildren together for this celebration. Perfect photo op for LC with CD and the three minors who play Jake, Danny, and Scout. I believe this is the first time that AJ's son, Jason's sons, and Drew's daughter have all been together at the Quartermaine mansion, on- screen. LC not appearing for SB's return doesn't bother me. The Jason-BLQ scene worked as a proxy for LC/Monica. It just made me sad that BLQ's lines may indicate we won't see Monica with her family at home any time soon.
  15. Danny is also under Michael (and Carly's) influence. Michael, his elder cousin and theoretically an authority figure in his life, expected Danny to believe in Jason and keep his whereabouts a secret. Danny wants to know his father and can't handle feeling like a traitor to Dante and Rocco, so he's in a really difficult situation if it turned out that Jason was lying and had in fact shot Dante. Jake is older and knows this is not the first time Jason has been accused of committing a crime. If Jason goes to prison, Jake doesn't have to see him around Port Charles and face the feelings of repeated abandonment. I think Jason's latest return drove home the point for Jake that in his 12 years of living with mom Elizabeth and his brothers in Port Charles, four men (including Finn) have made more of an effort to fill the father role in his life than his actual father. He is correct that their Dad left (he did, of his own free will, with Britt) and let them believe he was dead. Danny is desperate to believe that Jason had an extremely valid reason because the alternative (the two brothers just aren't a priority/important to him) is very painful.
  16. I am seriously concerned that LC may be done with the show. BLQ telling Jason that Monica is both sick and injured made me sad. But that cousins scene was well done. I will give Burton some credit for Jason's tears that his mother still loves him. @GHScorpiosRule You need to watch the Robert and Anna scene. So cute!! It's so weird to me to see Sam actually talk like and behave like a real mom. So, she finally sees Jason clearly re: Danny? Well, better late than never I guess. Preview: Is it wrong that I hope Kristina slaps Josslyn for yelling in her face? Joss is really such an insufferable brat.
  17. It didn't surprise me that he didn't know. As others have stated, Jason doesn't seem like the type to go on the Internet or watch a news station to keep up with Port Charles news. Spinelli used to be his Internet info guy. Also, he most likely didn't want to know and possibly get upset about what was going on with loved ones because he would be tempted to try to get back when he felt he wasn't in a position to do so. Jason had feelings for Sarah Brown's Carly, after Robin left town. He had become friends with Elizabeth and clearly was attracted to her but wasn't acting on it. Carly got jealous and went to see Sonny about what was going on between Jason and Elizabeth. The "hate sex" happened. Jason knew Carly slept with Sonny to punish him (Jason) for not being completely in love with/devoted to her. I remember when Jason said to Carly something like, "If I loved you the way you wanted me to, you'd wreck me." Anna is emotional because Dante is fighting for his life and it's hard for her to think about Jason shooting him given her history of working with Jason during a previous storyline and especially because of Robin's love history/ on-going friendship with him.
  18. No, he spilled to Anna because he's angry that John/Jagger knew him from a time he can't remember and targeted him for this job using his loyalty to Sonny/Carly/Michael as well as his brain damage/memory loss against him (to the FBI's advantage). He trusts Anna much more than he trusts John Cates after Anna brought up Robin and disclosed the history. Anna knows Jason is a criminal who gets into shoot-outs with Mob rivals, etc. but she doesn't want to believe that Robin's second great love and friend when not presumed dead, would try to kill a good man like Dante. Also having that conversation with her daughter would be hard. It has nothing to do with brains. The writers have given characters like Robert and Anna plot-point stupidity in the past to extend drama. I could see the show testing the waters on a romance for drama, with Lois saying, "We're just goin' out on a date. Brenda said he was fun back in the day. What's the hawwwmmm?"
  19. I want him to find out that Britt died saving Josslyn from Heather Webber. I assume(d) the show would hook up Jagger/John with Lois, because she was Brenda's business partner/best friend (he and Brenda had a fling in high school) and also because she and Sonny are good buddies. Cue more drama, conflict between John/Jagger and Sonny.
  20. I got the impression he realized there was no point. Carly walking around throwing tantrums about him because she was "provoked" (what I assume she'd claim) certainly wouldn't help him motivate Jason's cooperation. Yes, Carly has a history of not reacting well upon realizing someone (usually a woman) knew Jason as well as, or for longer than, she has. I have always believed that at least part of Carly's hatred/jealousy of Robin and then Elizabeth was a) they knew Jason and his family, the wealthy Quartermaines, years before Jason ever knew Carly existed and b) they both became close to him by really connecting, over time. Carly can never erase that her connection to Jason was just sex, which turned into decades of neediness and co-dependence when she found out she was pregnant with Michael but wanted to "protect" her kid from Tony and AJ/the Quartermaines. It's so ironic to me that now Michael lives on the Q property with his wife and kids, and Jason's younger son has spent so much time at the Q mansion as he's been growing up that he has his own room there.
  21. Jake (toward Elizabeth and Aiden) has had the best reaction to Jason's return/suspected crime so far. HW played anger toward Jason and shame (at being a killer's son) really well. Today, my reaction is maannn Jason's tears over finding out about Britt is more emotion than he's shown over Sam in a long time. Maybe he was falling in love with her in 2021? Carly's hostility at learning John/Jagger knew Jason Quartermaine before she knew Jason Morgan was hilarious. I'm surprised she knew anything of the Jason/Karen past. I don't recall Jagger and Jason being friends in high school; I remember Jagger had a fling with Brenda while being in love with Karen, Jason's girlfriend. I could have sworn Jagger worked a little bit for Jason/the Qs. Ava can be quite the smooth manipulator, lol. Although it helps that Sonny isn't so bright. The Curtis and Laura friendship is one of the very few times I find Curtis tolerable. Damn, so much drama in the preview with Danny punching his brother Jake and Sam screaming at Jason.
  22. I agree. Burton was rarely in scenes with the previous child actors who played Danny. The last Danny with whom Jason interacted complained (when J&S were still living together) to Sam that Dad is always going out/I barely see him. I think this is the most that Jason has ever talked to Danny. Whereas little blond Danny and Miller's Jason-then-Uncle Drew had a sweet relationship. Since Drew was moved away from Sam + kids when Jason returned the last time, Danny's gotten used to having Dante as a live-in father figure for around 2 years. Dante would take him along with Rocco to sports events and such. Jake had a great relationship with Dad-then-Uncle Drew, then we never got to see him react to/mourn Drew's death or be overjoyed to see NuDrew. (Has HW ever even had a scene with CM's Drew? It seems to me like Drew's relationships with Elizabeth's sons ceased to exist with the recast.) Then Jake and Franco "bonded over art" (I hated the killer-turned-art therapist stuff) and Franco used it to get close to Elizabeth. In time Jake adored stepdad Franco and that was an excuse for Jason to rarely interact with Jake. I think the only thing he knows about Jake is he likes art. After having time to mourn Franco's death and accepting that Jason was again presumed dead, Jake is developing ddee
  23. Yes, Aiden is Lucky's son and Rocco is Lulu's son, so they are first cousins. Danny and Jake are half brothers; Jason is their dad. Jake and Rocco aren't biologically related, if that's what you're asking. However, Laura considers all three of Elizabeth's sons to be her grandchildren. She is also Rocco and Charlotte's grandmother. That is one of the reasons it's awkward for Jake to date Charlotte. Another is that when they were younger, Charlotte bullied her cousin Aiden in school. I remember Cam advising Jake about how he could deal with Charlotte/help Aiden. I don't understand the desire to date a brat who used to bully your younger sibling and showed no remorse about it.
  24. Michael actually is related to him - he's Jason's nephew. As a reminder, AJ was Michael's biological father and Jason's elder brother. Jason took care of Michael long enough that he felt like a parent and even Robin referred to Jason as Michael's father around others on at least one occasion. IIRC, he was invested in Kristina because she was Sonny's first daughter and Sam's little sister.
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