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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Yup and Yup. Olivia should be incredibly embarrassed at the way she kissed her good friend Robert in the middle of her place of business, and then acting like she doesn't owe any explanation because she barely considers Ned to be her husband now. Really, then why are you still living in his family's home? Bitch, your stupidity got Robert punched. You owe him an apology! Not to mention Ned, for having the audacity to want to make sure your son whom he loves as his own gets the attention he needs. So bit shot former CEO of ELQ, an international business, doesn't get that fraud involves loss of money and identity theft involves using someone's personal information/ID etc. for calculable gain. Guess I missed the part where Nina tried to pass herself off as Sonny Corinthos or "Mike" or got "Mike" to spend a lot of money on her. I think the Show met the asinine bar back when Patrick took Robin to court for visitation with her pregnant belly, because he was angry and hurt. Did you see the episode where Victor told Anna yeah he gets that she's mad about his part in Robin being held captive, but she should get over it because "Robin ultimately walked away unscathed." Anna didn't really react to it. Robert would have probably grabbed Victor by the throat if he heard him try to shrug off Robin's trauma like that. I liked Robert saying to Olivia's face he doesn't hover/smother his daughter the way she loves her kid (s). If Ned said that to Olivia, she would have slapped him for sure. I smirk at the anvils that Carly's going to find out either from Phyllis or in court - not from Sonny - that "Mike" and Nina were in love. Did anyone else catch Willow telling Harmony she has love/a family with "Wiley and his daddy"? Hope she enjoys a life of constantly reassuring Michael how much she loves him. I half expected him to help her climb on the table today when she offered to get up and tell everyone in the club that she loves Michael Corinthos. Also, Cam Webber is a mature, sweet boyfriend and Joss soooo does not deserve him. I don't buy for a second she really thought he might dump her if she waited longer to have sex. Much as I'm thrilled to not hear Elizabeth called "Biz" during her birthday party, I don't understand why "childhood bestie" and all nurses were missing/the only females present for it were her little niece and her son's girlfriend.
  2. This, and Robert's line yesterday to Sam in response to her"you can't do this to me!!!" protest have been the true highlights! Sam being angry at Anna made me roll my eyes so hard. Honey, Anna is a WSB agent; you are a convinced felon out on parole. She may no longer be part of Sonny, Jason and Carly's world but she sure still has the entitled behavior. I am really hoping it's at least in part an act, since Drew shot the guy who was holding Valentin at gun point and he and Valentin were making their way across the bridge together when Peter shot Drew in the bullet-proof vest. Same here. The idea that Peter can shoot both Valentin and Drew multiple times and escape while Robert shooting didn't hit Peter once is absurd. Considering all the experience Anna and Robert have dealing with Faison, no way could this ridiculous Daddy wannabe outmaneuver them (again). Drew didn't "let" Valentin get shot. Peter was toward the side and then in back of them. I think the storyline is aiming to show that Drew is trying to fight the conditioning, and also wants to take Peter down. He can't do that if Peter gets away and/or lets Peter kill Obrecht, who has empathy for Drew and is the one person who has a strong understanding of Faison's mind control work. Totally agree about keep Peter off screen. Shove him back in the freezer and lock it this time!
  3. My reaction to "MY grandson" "MY hotel" was UGHH, typical Carly. With a personality as self-absorbed as Carly's (Sonny's, too) humans, property, etc. that are connected to her are hers and hers alone. Not to mention, the mother of his son was married to his best friend at the time the son was conceived and born. He is hardly a good man who has led an exemplary life. I wish someone would send this to the Show. Amen!! If the Show really wanted to do a story about a black man or woman facing racism, I would be on board for any of the others. Shawn however, is, in fact, a criminal. This was my favorite. I also thought, Sonny really is dumb if it takes a comment from Nina for him to remember and think about walking in on Carly and Jason in the bedroom. I had the same scrabble thought, LOL!! He noted when he barged into the bedroom that night that they were all dressed up, and they acknowledged that yes they just got married a few hours ago. They had been drinking champagne, standing feet away from the bed. Now he says they told him they got married, but he didn't realize they had literally just gotten married and it was their wedding night. Do you see bright lights on, and a board game on the floor or bed? Sheesh, such a dumb ass. Think, Sonny. Can you count the number of times you've seen Carly and Jason dressed up, standing close, in her/your bedroom over the years? This is in my opinion spot-on how Steve Burton has played the "Jason and Carly are getting married, Jason is falling in love again" storyline. He practically left a smoke trail behind when Britt texted him while he was in Sonny's office, and then he surprised Britt with both how fast he showed up and the "we" about her plans as they talked through what she knows about her mother's disappearance. It seemed clear that he is absolutely, totally on board to do whatever Britt wants or needs and still has feelings for her that he pushed down when he and Carly agreed to get married. Meanwhile, Carly is all emotional with Sonny as she tries to talk about her feelings regarding Jason, and him. I kind of laughed when Sonny said he chooses her and their future - he sounded like he just woke up from a nap.
  4. I think the Sam and Elizabeth mentions were because he has a son with each of them. i.e. the point is that even after he's had a kid with a woman Carly was determined she, not that woman, be his top priority. There's also the factor that there isn't a reason for people to be talking about Robin and Jason's relationship from 20 years ago, around Britt now esp. because Robin left Port Charles with her husband and child. The only thing I didn't like about that scene was Britt's opinion that Elizabeth is still carrying a torch for Jason. I believe the "torch" is residual hurt that he chose Mob life with Sonny and constantly saving Carly from herself over trying to be normal and safe/domesticated with her, Cam and Jake. Who could blame her if that still stings. I don't believe for a second that "we want things to go back to the way they were." No, Carly is accepting that her husband is back and her fantasy of being Jason's wife is gone - that he is not holding onto whatever so-called "feelings resurfaced" just before Sonny showed up.
  5. I've gotta give credit where credit is due: aside from Brando kissing Sonny's ass. Joss with Cam and Esme, and Sonny wanting Carly to kiss his ass about fatherhood, today's episode was excellent soap writing. Britt shutting Carly down (especially after Carly's "I'm the price of admission" line as she was encouraging Britt to be with Jason) was AWESOME. KT owned it and I genuinely laughed when Carly looked offended at the mentions of her behavior regarding Sam and Elizabeth. Trina angrily shutting Spencer down as he was "complimenting her" and trying to talk his way into her good graces, was AWESOME. Ava going into her former badass mode face-to-face with Spencer and having him arrested was AWESOME. Alexis shutting down Nikolas's whining, telling him to put his big boy pants on and be a father was AWESOME. Is the Sasha actress back from maternity leave now, wearing a big belly? The line about bedrest but doing better now makes me think so.
  6. Yup - totally in character. Joss is Carly's daughter, she is a teenager (giving off the invincible vibe), and she's experienced dealing with a psychotic female who tried to destroy her family in the past, so she is very over confident that she can handle whatever Esme does. Reading gems like these in your summaries are for the most part, better than watching the show. I say for the most part because I'm a fan of Elizabeth scenes that are not about or including Franco, really enjoyed watching Maxie let it all out to Peter in the hospital, and love it any/every time someone gives Carly a verbal smackdown/holds their own against her esp. Jax, Robin, and Elizabeth. (Honorable mention goes to TG as Luke for whenever he would say in sarcasm, "Sweet Caroline.") THANK YOU! The fact that he doesn't realize he himself IS criminal is Sonny levels of hubris. That was (little blond) Danny. Jake explained to Jason "he's you" when Jason didn't understand Danny's costume and why his hair looked like that. I loved Ned guilt tripping Jason on behalf of Monica, and I agree. It's so rare to see these cousins (Tracy's son and Alan's second-born son) talking, with Jason referencing history where both of the actors from that time in GH history are currently in the same roles. I was very surprised that Jason actually listened to Ned and they spoke to each other like adults. I think it hadn't occurred to Jason that his mother does worry/is concerned, since Jason rarely-to-never thinks of his own sons. I would bet Ned just assumes he does because Danny and sister Scout/Jason's brother's daughter practically live at Grandma Monica's house. Sonny got manipulated by a random stranger, who is a teenage girl no less! He should feel embarrassed and stupid. He certainly looks like the stupid thug he is. The positive of this is that Spencer, Cam and Trina all got to see and understand that reality, up close. Beloved, cool "Uncle Sonny" was dismissive of Spencer begging him not to beat up/kill Nikolas - Spencer's only parent - until Cam and Trina came running in to confess they lied. Cam and Trina have both been respectful/polite to Sonny since he's Josslyn's stepdad (Cam would call him "Sir" out of nervousness/fear), they know of his/the "organization's" rep, but now they've had hot head violent Sonny in the room with them threating their friend's dad ... or in Cam's case, his sort-of uncle. I think they thoroughly distrust Esme, so they didn't react with horror to Joss's veiled threat the way they would if Joss said it someone else. I laughed at Carly telling Jason "Nina's soooo lucky" that he got there as she was lunging to attack Nina ---- in Monica's house!! Carly really thinks she's so tough. Monica or Nina could have had her arrested for assault. All Carly has going for her is to shriek at someone what Jason and/or Sonny will do to them. Although in this case, she can also shriek at and cry to Michael that Nina should never see Wiley again. Hey Nina, you should ask about the time when Carly was getting into a physical fight with Robin because she was still jealous of what J&R had decades later, and Robin's future husband Patrick intervened then as Jason just did now.
  7. Nelle, using manipulation tactics, had more or less convinced Joss that Carly was mentally unhinged and had indeed tried to kill her by shoving her down the stairs at the Q mansion during the (Wiley) baby shower. Joss and Nelle were close-ish after Joss found out she got the kidney that saved her life from Nelle. Yes, Nelle and Joss got into a physical fight on the docks. Nelle was all "you're supposed to be my sister [because of my relationship with Michael/our kid] but you're an ungrateful brat" and Joss was furious upon realizing she'd been used as well as hearing what other stuff Nelle had done to hurt her family. I liked seeing Cam and Spencer have a real one-on-one conversation. Spencer's "poster boy for a good son" line was the first time he's ever said something nice to or about Cam, as far as I know. I also had a "WTH?" reaction to Spencer telling Esme that Uncle Sonny and Avery adore each other. He previously said during a poolside scene he would like to meet Avery. So he's never seen Sonny and Avery together, how would he know? Unless he's been in touch with Sonny over the years (I didn't get that impression) and Sonny talked about his relationship with his daughter. I am looking forward to Carly's head exploding at the "Sonny with amnesia and Nina fell in love" news. She was already 1) crying and angry at the hint that there was something between him and Nina/that "Mike" was happy in a different life and 2) devastated that her "loving relationship with Jason" got cut short - it was not even an entire day.
  8. Are you talking about his line "I fell in love with you but then you were with Sonny"? It was vague enough that I got the impression he was talking about when Robin was no longer in his life, he had given up Michael, and was spending more time with Elizabeth. (I still remember SJB' Carly's jealous line to Elizabeth that she already got rid of/drove away one "angel.") I have to give the blond ladies on this show credit for some great, convincing acting in the last few days. EMc did a phenomenal job behaving as a young LW/Carly's mini-me and LW really sold Carly's rage, pain and shock that Nina pulled off a deception on her and her family as big as Carly has pulled on others in the past. Storms showed that Maxie feels torn between empathy and love for Nina but also (as a woman whose husband was murdered) understanding the pain and heartbreak that Carly and fam have experienced while mourning Sonny.... it seems like Maxie was naively hopeful that if Carly heard the truth from a neutral-ish someone who saw Nina's remorse, Carly would somehow go easy on Nina. CW is doing a good job of showing she was and is addicted to the fantasy of being with "Mike," that emotionally she's never moved forward from being the young pre-coma woman who was pregnant and looking forward to being a mother, desire to have a relationship with her grandson because she never got to have a parent-child relationship with her daughter, and disgust/contempt for Carly, MW is fabulous at selling that Ava is absolutely heartbroken about making the decisions to divorce Nikolas and leave Avery because of the stalker situation. I really hoped lightning would strike her when Carly said sarcastically that Nina coming to visit Wiley after what she's done but before Michael and Willow hear the truth shows what a "stellar human being" she is. (NuWiley, who it turns out appeared as Maxie's son James in 2019, really looks like he could be the grandson of Sean Kanan's AJ). I despise Carly, but LW showed the layers when she started crying and said "DON"T CALL HIM THAT" in response to Nina saying "Mike was happy." Even though Carly is now out in the open in love with Jason, the idea that another woman had a connection/relationship with Sonny that she knew nothing about, and that Sonny has deliberately not mentioned so far, must burn her deeply. She feels her memories of her wedding to Jason are personal, and cherishes the three hours they were "happy," She is desperate for reassurance that Jason still shares her feelings, but also wants to believe that after everything they've been through, she is and will always be the love of Sonny's life. Meanwhile, Sonny is so arrogant it has not occurred to him that Carly and Jason were in the bedroom on their wedding night for a reason. On an unrelated note, I really enjoy Valentin and Anna together. They have so much more chemistry than Anna and Finn ever had. Anna finally got honest about why she feels she and Robert can't/don't work. Speaking of, wasn't Robert supposed to be back on screen by now?
  9. It would be interested to know what she thinks. I actually didn't see it as trashing their relationship. Monica 's line about Robin doesn't mean much IMO because she was not close to Jason at the time he was with Robin to really know what she meant to him, and she's saying this as a mother who wants a real relationship with Jason. When Ned asked her if she approves of the wedding, she never said yes. She keeps saying she wants Jason to be happy. Actively hating Carly isn't going to bring AJ back and will only cause tension in her relationships with Jason and Michael. With the exception of their scene not acknowledging the history that included Robin and Elizabeth and (ugh) kiss at the construction zone that used to be Jake's, Jason has never said he was in love with Carly or wanted to marry Carly or that Carly meant more to him than Robin did. He mentioned that Sonny and Carly were the only two who didn't know him before as Jason Quartermaine and accepted him. He also said Carly always stood by him. From Jason's perspective in the long-term, that's true. Robin was right to want more for her life than to be with Jason while he, with his actions, put Carly first no matter what she did and who she hurt because she was Michael's mother. Jason doesn't understand how unhealthy and dysfunctional their "friendship" is. He will never, or just can't believe that Carly and Sonny have been using him for the 20 + years since his accident. What I got out of Burton's acting is Jason wants Carly to be happy and feel secure, he has always felt a need to protect her, they understand each other, and so he tried to convince himself, Monica, Carly, etc. that the attraction is mutual and he could be happy in building a life with her. It takes more than a few days - a week of scenes to convince me that Jason is falling in love with someone. Burton is capable of showing depth of emotion with women. I've seen him do it with McCullough and Herbst. (I don't count Monaco because the Jason and Sam relationship started out when Sam was pregnant with Sonny's baby and she had nowhere to go/ he wanted to protect Carly.) Sort of related question - Anna said she had to go call Robin to let her know Sonny is alive because they were close friends. Was she saying that line of expo to Valentin, or Jax? It struck me as odd because Jax and Brenda were close with Robin when Robin and Jason were together. In fact, I think Jax has spent more time with adult Robin than Anna has, so Jax knows all about Robin's friendship with Sonny. Maybe Anna doesn't know about Robin and Jax's friendship. I don't recall if Anna and Brenda ever met. I thought the same. They are treating each other like spouses who have been apart for years and aren't 'all in' with their marriage. i saw Carly weepy eyed, Jason more relieved. He is acting like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. But, after everything he has done in the last 9 months and deciding to marry Carly and mentally getting himself prepared, this moment has got to sting a bit. When he said "maybe I deserve it" to Britt, I was thinking yeah because you've totally disregarded your sons in all of this, not just because you hurt Britt after getting close to her over the span of however many months. YUP! I thought she meant Dante, Kristina, and possibly Michael. It makes sense to me that she's emotionally exhausted, having mixed feelings, and wants to give Sonny time alone with his kids, esp. since she doesn't really have relationships with stepkids Dante and Kristina. He and Carly and Ava spent time with Avery off-screen (Ava saying goodbye) before she said that line, and in the cemetery he told Nina that Donna doesn't even remember him. So I figure he saw the two youngest daughters that morning. They were probably supposed to be in bed asleep at the time that Sonny surprised Carly and Jason in the bedroom. It looked like night time when the teens were sitting by the pool.
  10. She really did, and it felt like she deserved this moment of joy. Kristina has been through a really rough time: her alcoholic mother went to court and then to prison for stabbing her brother Dante with a syringe meant for Franco, in one night both her boss Julian (with whom she had a good working relationship) died and her dad was presumed dead, she got to be in propping/supportive role in Molly and TJ officially becoming "domestic partners" on Valentine's Day, and Sam made it clear on at least one occasion that Kristina is expected to stay with Danny and Scout indefinitely while she is out and about playing "PI Sam." LA did a great job with Kristina truth-telling to Sam about Jason a little while before Sam broke up with Jason. I think she deserves to be the one to confront Nina, spelling out the agony of thinking her father was dead all these months when she needed him while Nina ran away from life in Port Charles and lived a twisted fantasy with him. Kristina doesn't have any mixed emotions on this, unlike Carly. I assume that Carly will soon tell Jason she's in love with him but still loves Sonny, and she doesn't know what to do and it's all Nina's fault. I also assume when their family finds out about "NIna and Mike's love" and Nina withholding the truth from Sonny for so long, the focus will be entirely on how heartbreakingly hard this time has been on Carly and Michael with maybe a dash of poor little Donna doesn't remember her daddy. Sidenote: @GHScorpiosRule you really need to see SBu/Jason's shocked!pikachu face when Sonny walks in the bedroom. it's too funny, and IMO the best reaction after how Kristina sobbed and embraced Sonny. Carly, Dante, Michael and Joss acted like he had escaped from months of being a prisoner in a camp overseas whose living or deceased status was unknown. Such an underwhelming reunion!!
  11. I'm confused why there are floating, glowing balloons in the pool the color of Josslyn's dress. Was part of the reception supposed to be around the pool? And now Joss is channeling her mommy, threatening Esme with mobbies? Sonny tells Carly he knows now that he got up and lived for her and the kids. Omitting the fact that he had been declaring his love for Nina and making out with her on various occasions. And Carly, telling him it was torture taking off her wedding rings, as she removes Jason's engagement ring and goes to get Sonny's. There aren't enough gag and eyeroll emojis for this revisionist bullshit. But I love that Jason took his wedding band off and smiled slightly, not shedding a tear, before he even answered the door to let Dante in. On the other hand, hate Dante saying "I'm glad your my dad",etc etc. Dante, dear, you are not on "different sides." Your father is a criminal who has people killed! Of course Kristina is back just as her dad comes back. Her hair, makeup and clothipng look lovely for the first day of autumn. She really sold the shock, and joy the best (Burton second). The sobbing about how she's missed him is the best acting I've seen from LA since probably the Kiefer abuse and death storyline. If this is supposed to br Sonny reuniting with all his kids, why didn't someone get Avery?! The Show has made such a fuss about Avery living with Carly again to protect Avery from the stalker. I like Chase firmly telling Michael and Willow they are not going back to the way things were, and Michael's why not/offended look in return. Shut up, Willow. Hey BLQ, while you're out on a maybe date with Chase, you better tell him you knew that Michael and Willow were in wuv. I just can't with Nina now being frantic with worry and fear for Maxie and the kids, now that "Mike" has gone back to Port Charles. She finally says something nice to Jax. Yay Trina! I can't help but laugh that the "wedding night" ends with Jason going back to his house, and Michael and Joss who hours ago were sooo enthusiastic about "Jason and Mom's love" don't seem to even notice that Jason left. i think the way Carly looked at Jason right before he left was supposed to be "I'm so in love with you/I'm so sorry"?
  12. Michael was the one proclaiming "Mom and Jason are in love" at that wedding. It's interesting to me that not once has Jason said "I'm in love with you/I'm in love with Carly." Jason has told Carly in the past "ILY too" when Carly said "I love you." Now she tells him she's in love with him and she starts to undress him as he tells her no rush. What I get from this is all the emotion and desire is coming from her. Their first kiss (LW as Carly) was earlier that day, after Carly told him she was falling in love with him. I've seen SBu play Jason with genuine emotional investment, when Jason was with Robin and also when he wanted to be with Elizabeth when Jake was an infant. I love your description of Jason's reaction! His face at the reveal was the best part of those scenes. Yes the actresses did a good job there, but the glaring omission to me at that point was nobody has addressed Jake being told/reacting to his father's wedding or the fact that he wasn't at his father's wedding? Cam is sending selfies of himself and Joss, daughter of the bride, at the wedding, but there's not even an acknowledgement that his brother, the son of the groom, missed it all. I thought Jason's second asshole moment (first was they ditched their guests until Michael and Joss found them and stopped a kiss) was his line to Carly about being "surrounded by family and friends" when his two sons were not there. He clearly has not thought of them or missed them. They have not been on-screen with their parents since J&C decided to get married. It can't be a COVID safety protocols issue because both boys have had scenes with SBu/Jason during the pandemic and the Danny actor and SBu embraced/touched on-screen. Actor HW is a teenager, old enough to be vaccinated, too. Nope! She's jealous and angry watching BL treat baby BaileyLou as a daughter and making the decisions about who gets to hold the baby, spend time with her, etc. Honestly, I was genuinely amused by the Sonny reveal scenes. There is Carly, in the role of Jason's wife as she always wanted, thrilled to hear "ILY", and excited/nervous to sleep with Jason again after 20 + years. Her starting to undress him shows she did not want to wait/did want to rush. Then, BOOM! Sonny's back and she is most definitely NOT going to be having sex with Jason on her wedding night. Somewhere KMc/Robin must have burst into hysterical laughter. I think I can hear @GHScorpiosRule laughing. Jason's "pikachu" face was great. The emotion and joy in his face at Sonny being alive versus scenes with Carly that day and previous days .... no comparison. Sonny really is the great love of Jason's life, aside from Michael. How sad and pathetic. Whereas LW played it like Carly was stunned and happy to see her ex-husband is alive but she's embraced being in love with Jason now. In other words, Carly has mixed emotions. Jason, not so much. Does Sonny honestly believe that Carly marrying Jason was just about the business, when he found them in his/Carly's bedroom on their wedding night? When he knows quite well that Carly slept with him the first time because she was consumed with jealousy at seeing Jason with Elizabeth?
  13. I doubt the current writers know/care/remember that. The line about her son was bull, but "Good luck with your bride, you're going to need it" was the second best of the day after Monica's line about "your attorney/pre-nup." I couldn't tell if that was SBu genuinely smiling and laughing at how LC delivered that line, or Jason's appreciation that Monica was showing up for him. I think maybe both, given how much history these two actors have working together. The only other actor there in the church with as much (or nearly) history in the Q Family/on the show is WK. I thought Carly looked like an Emmy statue with that candlelight glowing on her dress. I saw Carly all teary-eyed; Jason looked like he was smiling at her warmly from the eyes to say, "we can do this" and to convince himself that this marriage is not the worst decision he's ever made. That was too funny! I thought, of course it is. Yes, Monica, Diane, Trina and Joss are my picks for best dressed women. Willow's hair looked pretty. Totally agree!! IR has been amazing in all his NF scenes. I loved his totally understandable incredulousness as it sunk in all the people Nina has put at risk to hold onto "Mike," and was like WOW what a BITCH" at the way she spoke to him instead of thanking him for saving her and her friend Phyllis. I don't care if her attitude was fueled by guilt, it was inexcusable. He risked his life to save you after you basically banished him from your life, you ungrateful delusional twit.
  14. Heeey, what did the sea turtles ever do to you?! ( I say this as someone who saw sea turtles up close abroad and was fascinated; they don't deserve to have to deal with Sonny in their environment.) It's interesting to me that after all the comments I've read about the actresses playing Carly, I really saw Sarah Brown's Carly in LW's Carly when she was sitting by herself, with that shit-eating contented grin on her face of "I'm finally getting what I always wanted!" I just know that look is going to be wiped off her face when drama and/or violence happens during the vows or reception. I assume Sasha will be injured, and maybe a couple others. Did I miss any mention of Jason's kids being informed he's getting married?
  15. I am wondering (esp. after the "Did I say something wrong?" line re: Britt) if the Show is going in the direction of Austin having Asperger's. Yup, and Spencer and Esme could not be more deserving of her bitchiness. Trina is her best friend but was pre-occupied with being upset that her mom was in an accident with the commissioner and Joss has known Spencer since he was a little kid, so i didn't have a problem with her confronting them. I totally agree!!! You put it perfectly. NO. Clearly. I assumed his lines about learning to love each other by raising you referred to when Carly and baby Michael were living with him in Sonny's Penthouse. They were "Michael's parents raising him together" at the time Tony kidnapped Michael, and during Tony's trial. He didn't say "fell in love" but Jason was invested in Carly as Michael's mother. "MIke" handled the fire situation in the dumbest way possible, so I can't feel sorry for him getting hit by that beam. I LOVE that Jax got himself and Sonny into the bar in a more safe way than a broken glass window, and that he was the one to save both women. He deserves big apologies and thank yous from them. EMc's hair and makeup looked beautiful for the wedding and that dress is a gorgeous color for her complexion, BUT I HATED the implied put down of Cam when Carly and Joss spoke about Joss possibly getting married some day. Joss does not deserve to maybe one day marry Cam.
  16. Eh, I think it's just pretzel twisting poorly written melodrama to create angst for the wedding day-month. Totally agree. SB gives off an annoyed brotherly vibe when acting with LW's Carly. It is his place as a father trying to protect his daughter. She is his top priority. He is rightly angry that someone from a Mob family tried to intimidate Josslyn. He also knows that Josslyn (unfortunately) loves and misses her stepfather. NIna's lies and "relationship with Mike" absolutely impacts Josslyn's life. Not even close! I remember my cousin's daughter sounding like that to announce my arrival or another relative's ..... when she was 3 years old. You put it perfectly. In their scenes today, I found it interesting that SB didn't act with Jason having light in his eyes, a little smile or any show of emotion whatsoever in saying those lines or (IMO) awkwardly leaning in for a kiss. I've seen him show more warmth in a few minutes with Monica or even when Jake visited him in the PC jail. it came off like he was telling Carly what she needed to hear because she was in a "vulnerable moment" when he knows they need to get married for her safety. He has flat out said many times he put Carly first because she's Michael's mother. He didn't need to "justify" it. I thought leaving out any mentions of Robin or Elizabeth as they re-hashed very old history was glaring and insulting; the Show working this hard to make us believe in J&C tells me all I need to know about their lack of creativity. Yes Carly, Jason shut you out as he was falling in love with Robin. You had revenge sex with Sonny because you thought Jason was romantically involved with Elizabeth, and then Jason left town. There scenes today make me think of how the Show retconned Luke cheating on Laura with Holly to establish Ethan's existence (when Gearly wanted a son not played by GV) and more recently when Cam was upset at Zander's grave, never acknowledging he used to think of Lucky Spencer as "Daddy." Absolutely!!
  17. I am under that impression as well. I really like HW as Elizabeth and Jason's son, Jake, and was curious about the boy who plays Sam and Jason's son, Danny, so I decided to watch Steve Burton and Bradford interviewing each of them. HW comes off as a grounded yet talented and ambitious young teen. SB sounded super impressed that HW is a much more experienced actor than he was at the same age. He was encouraging HW like he thought of himself as an acting coach, and seemed to feel the boy should be wowed and grateful for the compliments he, Steve, was giving him for his acting in the time he's been on General Hospital. Yes, and we see now on-screen, what happens over time when an actor with an over inflated sense of importance goes unchecked/unreprimanded by directors or producers. It's ridiculous to me that he would give young Kimberly crap for missing rehearsal when she was where she's supposed to be at that age - in school. If the problem was that he needed her to be present in order to turn out a solid performance during a rehearsal, maybe he just wasn't as strong an actor as he thought he was. *Shrug* I'm sure Kimberly was sincere when she thanked him for being a supporter. I guess in later years - while their characters were paired and/or after the break up, they developed a good working relationship and friendship. He should be grateful that he won an Emmy for scenes working with her.
  18. Did anyone watch/listen to MB's interview with Kimberly McCullough? He flat out said "jokingly" that he doesn't think he wants to be an actor anymore because performing at "that level" (compelling acting)/ the daily grind at GH is sooo hard. My reaction was yes, we can all see it's a real struggle for you dude. So RETIRE. He said he did some research in anticipation of interviewing her and was shocked at the length and number of credits in her acting career and more recently her directing career. WTF? It strikes me as highly self-absorbed, like he didn't really understand before there was more to her, his friend, than playing Robin Scorpio. She had to remind him that her name changed to Scorpio-Drake on the show. I will give him credit, though, that he brought up how Steve Burton won an Emmy for crying scenes with her. So Steve Burton was a jerk to her (it's not teasing as she tried to say) when she missed rehearsal while she was still in school and driving an hour to act at GH, while MB credits himself for knowing when to stop being a jerk? Alrightey then.
  19. That sucks! Jason David is such a cute kid, really looks like he could be the son of Elizabeth and Lucky, has awesome family chemistry with Herbst, Lipton, West and Francis, and can act. I am really fond of these actors in the roles like I still am attached to JJ/Lucky, KMcC/Robin, AT/Emily and JMB/ Lulu. This actor appears (and is) older than the Aiden character and looks nothing like Elizabeth or Lucky, I don't understand why they would re-cast, unless JD has a commitment to another show. Cam is not too old for camping. I wish he would have wanted this last chance to spend time with his Mom, little brother and cousin before he starts college, Also I assume the camping scenes were supposed to show Elizabeth and Finn starting to become a couple, and how their families get along so well. Cam and Jake should have been there. I would also like to know if Jake has heard yet that his dad is getting married, since Britt saw that wedding announcement and Carly said Laura RSVPed no to the wedding invitation. I wonder if Jake or Danny will be mentioned re: this wedding. I hope Elizabeth and Sam decide their kids aren't attending the wedding for safety reasons (if anyone remembers to tell them about it) because they heard about Mob families getting invited. I was reacting to Joss being all "I'm excited to cook, I want to make stew that my dad loves that was my grandma's recipe ... oops nevermind that will take too long to cook (i.e. she is crappy at preparation/planning). Hey, I found ziti marinara on the Internet, let's go with that instead!" If they were making the pasta from scratch, yes I would give them credit.
  20. Same and UGH. All I can think is the Show wants a current/long-time respectable authority on the Show and someone who used to be part of a supercouple (which didn't ever have sexual assault as part of the history) to congratulate C&J in a really poor attempt to make them seem like a legit couple with a real future, Well said!!! Swerve is the perfect word to describe the WTF-ery of their scenes as well as all the people who are either accepting or endorsing this commitment. She's a great cook .... of pasta and meatballs with sauce Trina brought from NF. Alrightey then. I LOLed that Trina said the Tan-O bar didn't serve food. Well, if you can get drinks there but no food, I guess it explains why they don't ever have customers. I had a hard time getting into the "fun" scene because is that a recast Aiden?!! 😢 Or hopefully just a temp re-cast? I was looking forward to seeing Cam, Jake and real Aiden with Violet camping since both Elizabeth and Finn had said "the boys." I heard the excuse that Jake had a sleepover, but where was Cam?🙁 I really enjoy seeing the Webber brothers interact so it was rather disappointing. ....in the same spot where their dear friend Lenny just died. Because he thought it would be romantic. Btw "Mike" you actually "met Nina" inside the Tan-O, not there. I love how he built it up that this was going to be a "surprise" and "romantic." Nina is excited, wearing a fancy-ish blue blouse and skirt that would be appropriate for an up-scale restaurant. In contrast, Sonny is wearing a black collared shirt and jeans and the "romantic scene" right outside the Tan-O, including the food, looks like it took maybe 30 min.-1 hour to set up. This Show proves again how low-budget it is. Meanwhile, now Carly is concerned about potential trouble with the 5 Families at their wedding?! *Gasp* Cyrus may still have connections that could hurt her and/or her loved ones gathered together on their big day. How many eyeroll emojis are needed for this one?
  21. SO TRUE!!! There have been various moments over the years since LW was cast as Carly that Carly has either demonstrated or said that she actively thinks of Jason as sexy/handsome/whatever. Whereas Jason treats her as a friend who often irritates him and makes his life difficult, but will acknowledge if necessary that they were involved a long time ago. I get that Josslyn is maid of honor because Carly doesn't have any female friends and Michael is best man in part because Jason's only male friend is Spinelli (I assume he'll be the wedding official), but they're acting like Michael never got shot in the head for standing near Sonny. Ridiculous. I never thought I'd say this, but I can't wait for Sonny to go back to PC so we can be done with this awful NF storyline. It boggles the mind that nurse Phyllis has completely shrugged off Sonny's amnesia despite seeing that he had a wedding ring on his finger when she met him, and is pushing him to move forward with Nina because she just lost her husband.
  22. My favorite moment of the episode!! Really good line read by IR. I actually clapped. But in what universe is it believable that Jason would voluntarily almost kiss Carly and she would pull away? Talk about sloppy writing given he still considers Robin to be a friend. I thought the scene at the pool of her reminding Jason of his days acting with SJB's Carly was building to her trying to kiss him and/or having a "realization that she's fallen in love with Jason" next week. It's like she's trying to tell him in as subtle a way as Carly can manage that they were always meant to be. Good use of Harmony, figuring out in just minutes with Esme and Ryan that Esme is a bunny boiler and warning Alexis. I really enjoyed Alexis trying to get through to nuSpencer; good work by NLG. "Smike" gets a clue. Phyllis is useless. LWB again demonstrates he thinks he's on a stage doing Shakespeare. Peter's threat to destroy her life in Port Charles is laughable; Jason would shoot him before he ever got close enough to Carly to speak to her and there are at least a handful of other people who would arrest/kidnap or kill him as soon as he was seen anywhere. Do the writers really think the audience is stupid enough to get on board with a Sonny/Carly/Jason triangle at this point in the Show's history? I want Robin, Elizabeth, Sam, and Monica to be present at that wedding and laugh their asses off when Carly doesn't get to marry the man she's always truly wanted. (I'm just assuming).
  23. Yup. I thought the same thing. But Sam wants Dante to think she's a good mom. Correct. He hired someone to stab Andre. Andre survived. Then he hired an assassin to sneak into GH and kill both Andre and Franco, but changed his mind and decided to play hero who "killed the assassin and saved them." Probably both IMO. I think she has already said it, without realizing it: Michael + Wiley and all Michael's relatives gave her an instant family. She told Carly right before Wiley's birthday party, that she "loves" being a part of the family. It was only her and her mother as she grew up, and she wasn't close with her mom. Then this week, she told Chase she felt completely alone after giving up her baby, when she met him. She just doesn't understand that getting attached to Wiley and becoming a member of Michael's families, was not the way to deal with her loss and fill the void(s) of loneliness and heartbreak after Chase and Sasha lied. Michael clearly never gave a damn about Willow's emotional health. He needed a mommy for Wiley and he had feelings for Willow from before she started dating Chase; he only cared about getting what he wanted. I remember when he flat out said he believed Willow and Wiley "need" each other. No. He said before the wedding-that-wasn't that marrying Maxie meant "I win" and Faison ultimately lost. He still wants Maxie as the prize. Having Maxie and Louise with him, regardless if it's Maxie's choice, is a win for him. He fully intended to kidnap Maxie and newborn Lou and start a new life somewhere. If she was the real Gangsta, she would have stabbed him while he was in her apartment! i was appalled that he pressured her to let him sleep on her couch at her "place" and she gave in (this was the first time I heard she was no longer staying at the Tan-O.). Or, there's no way she could have sneaked a phone call over night after Peter fell asleep, telling the PCPD or local police to surround her place without sirens, and then locked herself in the bathroom while they busted the door in and captured Peter?! Come onnnn. Not long after they took "Mike" in, Phyllis told him she and Lenny lost a baby. I think the infant died a few hours or day after birth? After that they didn't have any more kids. I thought the only positives about this episode were: Finn in supportive big brother mode giddily asking Chase to come camping with him and Violet, Elizabeth and her boys AND Liesl insulting Jason and Carly to Maxie/Liesl and Britt looking so pretty (their dresses, hair and makeup). ETA: Also, Chase shirtless at the beginning!! 😁 I missed the first few minutes. (Seriously, if not for the obvious unwritten rule that Carly and Sonny's eldest must always win, the only reasons for a woman to be drawn to Michael are: she wants to be a mother, financial security due to his wealth, and a bunch of his family members to have her back.)
  24. Thank you!!! I think the same regarding Maxie wearing a heavy leather jacket in summer. Is Leo a recast? I don't recall that the kid had thick, curly hair. Same. Maxie was supposed to be on a trip with her two kids, so that was a real surprise. I thought for sure the mixed look of shock, horror and panic when Nina answered the door was because Ava (maybe with Avery) came to visit, since Trina just said that Ava was "in no shape" to work at the gallery and Ava announced to Kevin that she had to get out of Port Charles. Yes. (Not a spoiler). Makes more sense than Peter showing up in Nixon Falls, with no sign of a recent traumatic head injury, hypothermia, or any other signs of physical injuries. Renowned disease physician Hamilton Finn also checked his pulse. If he had been inside the hospital, doesn't a doctor have to pronounce time of death for it be official? I got confused for a moment, thinking that he was imagining Scout as an adult (before she said her name). That scream didn't sound British. I also don't think it's Holly because no one has said her name in quite a while. That was my thought, too. At least a half dozen characters have said her name recently, wanting to find her or for her not to be found. Naomi didn't die/get murdered for no reason. "Smike" has shitty powers of observation, asking Nina if she's going to be okay with this guy when she looks like she's about to burst into tears and collapse to the floor in a full-on breakdown. Michael reminding Chase how he lied first with good intentions shows what a pathetic and entitled coward Michael is. And then that offended look as he was asking Chase not to give Austin that paper. At least Chase can move on from them now, seeing that they're not actually sorry and don't deserve his friendship. I enjoyed watching him drop truth bombs on Willow.
  25. I thought Nurse Eavesdropper was going to turn out to be a girl Spencer paid as a helper in his stalker activities. IMO he didn't looked shocked when his father announced that Ava's car was on fire but she wasn't hurt. Then when she kissed Spencer in front of Trina, I figured she was a wannabe girlfriend (a 'friend with benefits' situation perhaps) whom Spencer confided in/complained to at school but never intended for her to be a real girlfriend in his Port Charles life, hence the vague comment "France will always be there" when Britt asked him about his love life. He is a little pissant. And his father, grandmother and stepgrandfather as well as his "friends" should be questioning how it is that Spencer never mentioned seeing anyone, she wasn't there by his side during all the drama at the party (Trina was) but then she shows up and claims she's his gf and they share everything. Actually, I think Nikolas is in his 40s. When TC made his debut as Nikolas in the '90s, he was supposed to be not much older than teen Lucky. Lulu is supposedly 30-something now, and she was a baby when TC debuted. She really did. I was taken aback when Epiphany said she considered Jason to be a friend. She has been helpful to him before, but as far as I know the only thing she ever got out of it was him hiring her son, who was later murdered. I liked Elizabeth and Bobbie both spelling out the co-dependency of the Jason- Carly relationship, without actually using the word. Elizabeth's history with Jason is complicated and they have a kid, and I get that Bobbie unfortunately will always protect and defend Jason/Sonny/Carly. The other two nurses really don't know Jason at all. And if this is supposed to be a night of Terry inviting nurses out, where's Felix? The Show just made a point about Elizabeth and Felix being important nurses, in the scenes with student Nurse Tait. No, she was told to cut Elizabeth's hours. Finn requested that she be transferred from working with him when she got suspicious about the Chase situation. Yup, it was up to Terry to invite Britt. The scenes came off as very "I'm/Terry is the good boss who appreciates this team of nurses, we already know/I'm telling you that you have to earn good will from this team in order to be included in, or invited to, such a gathering." Terry's attitude about Britt sitting alone at the bar seemed to be "you're alone, you did it to yourself, too bad so sad. Terry and Bobbie were the worst, as Bobbie made damn sure to let Britt know she feels "Nurse Spencer" is superior. (Although I wonder if that's just part of the Spencer entitlement, that we've seen in Lulu's behavior so many times.) I caught that comment from Elizabeth as well; I don't know if she has any awareness of that incident because she got close to Jason after that was over and he had given up Michael. The Show has made it clear since JJ left that Aiden is Lucky's only child. I remember when Elizabeth said the father of "my youngest" is an absentee dad, and when there was a mention of Lucky at Christmastime a couple years ago, she told Franco that Cam had encouraged "Aiden to spend Christmas with his dad in Ireland." (As in, Cam and Lucky do not consider themselves to be father and son.) Jake's lines since HW took over the role, especially in the last two years, have him calling Jason "dad" and re: Franco "I'll miss being your son." Yup. As soon as they were alone, when Trina left, I thought "she's supposed to be Michael's Nelle - obsessed with being his "love," and is dangerous/mentally unhinged. " He is going to get in way over his head with this girl, and need Joss and Cam for backup when jealous Esme targets Trina. I won't be surprised if Spencer is "redeemed by saving Trina and Ava" from his lunatic girlfriend. I hope Laura will apologize to Nikolas. The line about her fears regarding him becoming a Cassadine are now coming true was rich. She knows he had an affair with his brother's fiance, that Spencer is the result of an affair with Sonny's then-married sister, she's supposed to know that he paid someone to shoot Hayden, she knows he let all his loved ones think he was dead for years in order to reclaim his fortune.....he hardly has a record of being a moral, upstanding guy. I don't get why they all decided he must be innocent just because he wasn't around when Ava's car burst into flames. It's not like he doesn't have the means to make that happen. On a related noted, why isn't anyone asking Trina about "Victor" anymore? Now after the party drama is the perfect time to address that lie. When Portia came upon the two of them in the park right after July 4th, Trina introduced him as Victor. And now, Portia knows that he is Spencer, son of Nikolas, but doesn't express concern that Spencer lied to her/her and her daughter? Come on. Spencer's anger IMO seems to be that his father outsmarted and scared him, when he always thinks of himself as the epic smart schemer in the room. There is a mixture of hurt and smug superiority present as well though, about how Nikolas has been so focused on Ava whom he feels is inferior the Cassadines, instead of on their father-son relationship and choosing a woman whom Spencer decides is worthy of being in their lives. Spencer flat out said to Trina that he threw this party for her, to show "I'm worthy."
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