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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I really wanted a woman to either be in the ladies' restroom already or enter to see this older man harassing a young pregnant woman, yell at him and call the police. Does the Show realize the message, when Carly basically told him your daughter will get past this, after some time you just remind/show her the loving father you've always been. It truly shows their utter lack of character that Carly and Jason are both well aware that pregnant Kristina was there, but they were totally worried about Sonny and are all teary eyed over him. Zero concern for Kristina or Dex's physical or mental state. For a loving father, Sonny sure didn't utter one word of worry about Kristina's physical or mental state either. All self-pity that "my daughter's afraid of me." Kudos to KM today for her acting of Kristina. Gregory/Finn and Finn/Alexis on phone scenes were well done, too. Alexis is a much better fit for Finn as a love interest. I'm confused about the Gregory montage, though, especially because Tracy wasn't in it. Glad that BLQ and Chase finally addressed the Jackie topic, although Chase was way too nonchalant about his mother missing. Do the actors and the Show realize that BLQ being wrapped up like wintertime when it's spring, and reaching several inches to kiss her husband, makes it seems like she's not actually attracted to him? It's a noticeably odd wedding night.
  2. @GHScorpiosRule That's correct. Sonny had turned away, and Dex put his hand on Sonny's arm, trying to assure him he's not an enemy. Sonny was outraged about being touched. He yanked his arm away and sucker punched Dex in the face. Next thing you see, Dex's eye is bloody and Sonny is attacking him. Jason found them and restrained Sonny just after he kicked Dex in the gut area.
  3. Do you mean too old? I think the scene of Dex with Lois and her mother and then the scene between Dex and Gio is to set up some story involving Dex and Gio. BM's Drew and Sonny have both had 'never knew I had a son' storylines where the son was a teenager or adult, so I hope the Show doesn't do that again with either of them. I'm going to hope/assume Dex either turns out to be related to him somehow or knew his dad but doesn't realize it yet. Gio mentioned Sonny paying for a couple years of college, so I think Dex is too young to be his father. I assume: Gio finds out that Sonny beat up and threatened police recruit/American veteran Dex and is disgusted that Sonny is not such a good man after all. He bonds with Joss over his Sonny disgust and music. Joss conveniently doesn't mention she cheated on her talented musician boyfriend with Dex. Cue Gio/Joss/Dex triangle that nobody cares to see.
  4. Yes, the borderline flirty behavior is weird esp. considering she is well aware that he was her daughter's great love after the first love died. I'm wondering if that messes with her judgement, "well, Robin was in love with him so though he's committed crimes he's actually a good man." Perhaps what she knows of Robin and Jason's relationship, and her perspective on Jason now, reminds her of how she felt about Duke? Absolutely. My reaction was, is this MB's impersonation/interpretation of what the Godfather movie(s) and also the Sopranos show looked like to him?
  5. I assumed Lois asked because the Show wanted to highlight Ellen Travolta, a well known sitcom actress from my parents' generation, as well as the elder sister of high-profile movie actor John Travolta.
  6. I'm skeptical of this since the bride's grandparents practically demanded that Sonny show up for their Independence Day party. Sonny trying to demand that Lois stop the Dex-cousin Gio conversation is so 🙄. Maxie's brief speech and the ILYs were beautifully acted by KSt and AS. Other sweetest moments: BLQ dancing with her dad and then Gregory, the friendly Lois-Ned hand-hold/mutual appreciation, a little actual warmth from Jason when BLQ hugged him, and the bride and groom mouthing "ILY" to each other while dancing with others. I guess Lois is in total denial about who Sonny is. Also deeply disappointing: the Sasha-Cody scenes esp. the reverse Cinderella stuff with Sasha. I'm confused - if Dante's cousins are so eager to spend time with him, why isn't Rocco at this wedding, too? It's like nobody has any idea that Dante has a son! So Kristina collapses (preview) at the horror of seeing Sonny threatening to kill Dex as he's beaten him bloody. Of course. And Sonny's mad that his daughter witnessed his thug behavior. The dropping of the cake plate was not as much drama as I was expecting.
  7. Please explain. I understand that Aiden has been abruptly re-cast at a time when Elizabeth is worried that he's getting bullied (again). I wish the David actor could be brought back to play Aiden again. I really liked him!
  8. Portia realized today they were most likely invited because Chase and Blaze have performed together at the Savoy, the club Curtis owns. Though Chase has given up singing, BLQ still manages Blaze and is in touch with Curtis about Blaze singing at the Savoy in the future.
  9. I thought the same thing. I hate that Spinelli complimenting her beauty today got rewarded by Maxie declaring her love for him at "my best friend's wedding" and planting a big kiss on him. Of course Spinelli thought the applause was for them instead of, you know, the bride and groom.🙄 Good for Maxie for shutting down Natalia. Tracy and Dante taking turns posing with Chase's family as (I'm assuming) substitutes for Chase's missing mother in the wedding photos was a weird choice. Although, no weirder than Jackie missing the wedding and never being mentioned. TV weddings rarely make my cry, but Chase's vows monologue to BLQ and the tribute to his dad actually had me in tears. Setton also convinced me that BLQ is madly in love with Chase. Although "Millow" the cheaters ruined it for a moment when she looked back and they exchanged a smile as Gregory was saying the lines about taking marriage vows seriously. Same for when cheater Joss and Dex exchanged glowing smiles. Does MB realize that when he's supposed to be smiling, it looks like he's glowering at the wedding guests? Also, are we really supposed to believe that Lois's mom, who considers Sonny her honorary son, never knew that Jason was in an accident, changed his last name to Morgan, and went to work for Sonny? So Jason actually spoke to Elizabeth in complete sentences/asked about spending time with Jake. I hope to see their chemistry and long history of friendship used in the future. Interesting to see that interaction while Finn drinks some alcohol without thinking and looks horrified/in a panic. Dude, it's not poison, nor does it condemn you to an instant return to the depths of addiction. Be mindful of this little slip and go to more meetings. This moment makes me wonder if the Show is hinting at recycling the Lucky addiction/Elizabeth leans on Jason storyline. ETA: Was I alone in thinking that Gregory and Tracy really seemed like they were about to kiss after the ceremony? The 'If I had met you..." lines seemed like his roundabout way of saying I've fallen for you.
  10. My thoughts exactly. At the apartment, Chase just thanked his dad for all the love and support he's had all his life. So, I would assume he has family members and friends from before he arrived in Port Charles? Instead, he invites Dex - a guy he has not known for nearly as long as the rest of his cop colleagues - as a stand-in for friends in his age group? I do not understand why the mother Jackie is missing. She was there crying over her son when he almost died, then she disappeared. Does she know about this wedding? Joss was also out of place at this wedding, while BLQ and Chase's mutual friend Sasha, Chase's mother, Tracy's son/Ned's brother Dillion, BLQ's cousins/Jason and Drew's kids Danny and Scout, Rocco (who definitely knows his dad's colleague/partner), and Felicia (grandmother of the baby BLQ and Chase protected) all should have been there. ETA: Their friend Sasha should have been BLQ's bridesmaid instead of Chase's ex who cheated on him with BLQ's cousin.
  11. During Chase's brief "performing career" when BLQ was his manager, he sang at Curtis's club, the Savoy. He still wants Blaze (also managed by BLQ) to perform at the Savoy. He also has friendships with BLQ's cousin, Drew, and Chase's brother, Finn. Joss's brother Michael is BLQ's cousin. Her late boyfriend, Drew's son, was also BLQ's cousin. Her only direct family connection to the Quartermaines is that great Uncle Luke married Tracy and thus Tracy is technically her great aunt/stepmother to cousins Lucky and Lulu, neither of whom are currently in Port Charles.
  12. From my perspective he should be more wanted at the wedding than Sonny is since he is Alan and Monica's son as well as Ned/BLQ's cousin and is the one who didn't place their first-born son on a meat hook to force him to give up rights to their grandchild, then later murdered him. Also, actors WK and SB have a long history together playing cousins who sort of have a relationship. I think the Q relatives were correctly shocked to see him because he is not one to go to formal occasions. I think Carly pressured him to be at her wedding to Jax? I only saw BLQ's wedding dress from chest level up and thought Setton looked lovely.
  13. I wish. I really miss Patrick and Elizabeth's friendship! He demonstrated that again today when he acted like being polite/kind to BLQ's relative was beneath him and rudely excused himself while she was speaking. Also, with all his Quartermaine/Corinthos wealth, he can't find a suit jacket that fits him? It was clearly too tight and too short. The scenes featuring BLQ with Tracy especially, and her parents, were beautifully acted. Wally Kurth looks handsome. Amanda Setton and Jane Elliot both look gorgeous as does Lisa LoCicero. Rena Sofer is also a beautiful woman, so that white/silver suit with so many necklaces and the stupid hat don't flatter her at all. Does Chase's mom even know he's getting married? Spinelli sucking up to Anna and then bear hugging Jason in adoration was just embarrassing. The look on Kristina's face when she saw her father with Blaze's mom made me think she was thinking, maybe Ava isn't the worse date idea after all. Ugh at Natalia being smug to her daughter that she still got to attend the wedding. Not sure if it was Ned or Drew's voice saying "Jason?!" Typical Jason: "Monica asked me to come." Nothing else to say upon seeing his relatives after being presumed dead for years. I liked seeing Elizabeth squeeze Violet's hand when Gregory started to struggle with speaking at the podium. @YaddaYadda I was under the impression that Maxie is BLQ's maid of honor? Willow walked down the aisle first and has not had any scenes with just BLQ. ETA: I saw that the Leo and Gregory actors are included in the headshots opener. Are they new additions/are they now contract cast members?
  14. I think there's more cast interaction, esp. featuring the kids. I'm glad to see more of Elizabeth's children. Although I don't understand why Maxie's children and Aiden are spending time at the Quartermaine mansion.
  15. Dante and Sam both also have siblings who are each other's cousins: Molly and Avery, plus his brother Michael is her kids' cousin. Don't forget Maxie, who has a son and daughter with half-brothers (Faison's sons), the late Nathan and Peter/Heinrick. That may be the one thing Elizabeth has in common with Carly - she's been with the three Q brothers also but she thought (prior)Drew was Jason at the time. I think the last women whose children were full blood siblings were Felicia and Robin? So the audience gets their brains fried with figuring out who is related to who, or not related.
  16. Sonny and Olivia didn't kill Connie. Olivia is currently the wife of the bride's dad, and Sonny has been "Uncle Sonny" to the bride since she was a kid due to her mother's long-term friendship with Sonny that predates him being in the Mob. Sonny and Olivia's relationship took place in Port Charles and didn't last obviously, since they both married other people. Who knows if BLQ's and Olivia's Bensonhurst family members were even aware that Sonny and Olivia got involved soon after Connie's death. ETA: As Connie was bleeding to death, she used her own blood to write "AJ" so the police would know Ava Jerome had shot her. That is a horrific detail that would be burned into the memories of Connie's loved ones, long after she died.
  17. It's not the same situation to me because Ava returned to overhear the end of Olivia making the point to Sonny about why she better not be his +1 at the wedding. Both BLQ's family and Olivia's knew, loved and/or were related to Connie. BLQ's now stepbrother and his wife Lulu even decided to name "our daughter" (who turned out to be baby Georgie) after Connie. Yes, Sonny shot and killed unarmed A.J. Quartermaine, with Ava as his encourager/accomplice, but BLQ and Chase never knew A.J. I think the only people who are invited to this wedding who have any positive memories of A.J. are Monica (but LC will obviously not be on set) and Michael? It's not a secret what Tracy, Ned and Jason thought of A.J. Ava doesn't have any kind of relationship with BLQ or Chase or their families, unless you count that she's the mother of Michael's little sister. She has no reason to want to be there other than to attempt to be perceived in public as Sonny's girlfriend/partner. That is selfish/gross on a day that is supposed to be all about the bride and groom.
  18. Thanks, Perkie - I corrected. That will teach me to pay closer attention when I go back to re-write/edit something! 😅
  19. NLG's line deliveries in the Alexis and Laura scenes about Heather were so entertaining to watch. Jordan addressing Laura about Heather was probably the smartest writing this character has had since the current actress was cast. There aren't enough eye rolls in the world for Sam assuming that Danny cut school to go see Jason, that she believes he seeks out danger and will want to be tattooed just like Jason. That is quite a leap in logic after he snuck out once and got caught drunk by the police. Sam, girl, go get some therapy for your leftover anger and hurt toward Jason. Projecting that onto the kid is not good for your parent-child relationship. I laughed at the 'oh shit' eye closure when the school called back and said sorry, he's here and Jason was repressing laughter. But Jason flat out lied to her that he would never choose to stay away from his family. Finn walked right into that, with Gregory. ME and NLG have better chemistry than he's ever had with Becky Herbst. I could absolutely see the Alexis-Finn friendship blossoming into a great love story, esp. since she and Gregory are firmly in the friend zone. That was a great smile from Finn when Alexis gave the thumbs up that Gregory was happy to have her come over for the night (while the bros are out of town for the rehearsal dinner). Is Blaze's fanbase all ultra conservatives? The mother seems to want to be proven correct that the brand will be ruined unless Blaze is perceived as a straight woman. Is Ava really that delusional that she thinks Brooklyn's Bensonhurst family and friends should be okay with her attending the wedding because her murdering Connie was "a long time ago"?! She looked offended that Sonny brought it up. Ugh at Sonny's skeevy smile when Blaze's mom walked by, and at her big grinning face when she sat down for more flirting.
  20. They were. Stone told Jagger about his diagnosis; by the time he knew he was positive he and Robin thought he was in the clear and had unprotected sex and so she was infected. Brenda and Lois were close friends/business partners at the time, so Sonny went to their business (he and Brenda were broken up) to tell Brenda personally that Robin was HIV+. Brenda broke down sobbing, terrified that Robin would die in the future as Stone was dying of AIDS. Lois was a guest at Jagger and Karen's wedding. The couple left Port Charles after that.
  21. It does ring hollow. The main difference now is that she is parenting three children. I believe the night of Jason's dock and roll/disappearance courtesy of Faison was literally her first night as a parent to baby Danny. When he came back, she had baby Scout with BM's Drew, plus they were raising Danny. In time she broke up with BM's Drew and got back with Jason, until Danny complained Dad was never around and Sam finally saw the light about Danny's safety. Add Rocco to the picture, whom she seems to love as family but has no actual parental rights to if Dante would have died, because they're not married. What would she have to do? Probably say "sorry kiddo, you now get to go live permanently with Grandma Olivia." I think what Carly said in the recording that the Feds have is a separate issue from Carly's desire for power and supposed belief that she had to protect her family. And yes it's sexist, but Jason believes a little girl needs her mother more than older boys who have reliable moms need their father. I assume that for him, he partly felt that way because Donna lives with Carly whereas Jake has never lived with him, and he was no longer living with Sam, Danny and Scout at the time of the tunnel collapse in Greece.
  22. Absolutely. I remember now what she said to Dante's comatose body in the hospital, which I think is supposed to be why she's reacting this way now. She was telling him how she realized how much she depends on him as a partner, loves him/their life, etc. Around that same time, she had the conversation with Danny where he asked if Dante knows how much he appreciates him. Dante has had "I almost died" plots before. For example, some audience members will remember that Sonny shot him and he got accidentally got a needle when Alexis grabbed one in the hospital and aimed for someone else. Sam was aware of those, but Sam and Dante were not in a serious relationship at that time. Once they got together and started living with their three kids, there have been references to Dante going to sporting events etc. with both Danny and Rocco. When nuDrew appeared, Scout was uncertain about him and stuck to Dante's side. So clearly Sam has trusted him as a live-in father figure to her two kids. Both kids know they matter to Dante. And Sam feels comfortable in a maternal role to Rocco, knowing quite well that Lulu isn't going to be questioning her about loyalty to Dante or how responsible she is as a parent. She never had that kind of trust/comfort/happiness with Jason. He always had somewhere 'more important' to be, neglected Danny, and was chronically in shoot-outs or explosions, getting critically wounded, arrested, etc. So, Sam was in her first happy "normal' relationship post-Jason, and then the reality of the dangers of Dante's job completely disrupted her and her kids' stable lives. And what would she do about Rocco about if Dante either didn't wake up or died? Now ... it's just a bad look for both the writing team and the character that Sam was written for so long as accepting Jason's highly dangerous lifestyle and wanting to be with him regardless of the consequences, until she feared their son was in the bar explosion. In this case with Dante, neither of her kids were in danger.
  23. Actually the episode is worthwhile. I had to LOL that Lois recognizes nuJagger/John and goes right over to talk to him despite BLQ protesting that he's a "dirtbag." BLQ asserting herself as "Ms. Quartermaine" is dumb because I'm pretty sure he knows who her dad/Lois's ex-husband is. Jagger/John was positively glowing about catching up with Lois, and vice versa. I liked the quality of the Finn/Chase and Laura/Kevin conversations. The negative: Anna, Carly is not a "strong woman" and Jason doesn't deserve to be seen as a noble/sacrificial man. Jason not appearing to realize Carly will do something stupid regardless of what she knows or doesn't, like flirting with first John/Jagger and now Brennan and talking about being "friends" with the FBI agent. Jason rationalizing his decision to "play dead" because his sons have great moms and good homes whereas Donna's a little girl who needs her mommy. Also, Sam being all teary-eyed and disappointed that Dante has decided to stay true to himself and not resign. Spare me the "learn to live with the fear" bullshit - you're the same woman who had a long-term relationship and child with Sonny's hitman, and only wanted out because you got scared that Danny narrowly missed being blown up by a bomb meant for his Dad. Dante, Sam isn't sacrificing a damn thing by deciding she wants to stay together !
  24. Today she said "my little kicker" and "we" regarding restaurants/food, which resulted in Alexis and Sam *exchanging looks*. Alexis wasn't wrong to ask if Kristina was being cynical about TJ and Molly's behavior, but she also hasn't seen their behavior with Kristina. TJ absolutely is treating this pregnancy as a goal that he doesn't trust Kristina to complete for them and check off that "life accomplishment box." Alexis isn't wrong to be concerned about Kristina thinking of this baby as being hers as much as Molly's - but it is in fact her baby until she signs away her right and Molly adopts. Episodes like this one remind me of why I find it hard to like the Sam character. She tells her mom and sis she has to leave to pick up her "almost grown teenage son." (Danny certainly is not.) She says nothing supportive of Kristina. She returns home and asks Dante if Danny is there; he says no. So, she didn't actually pick him up and is not concerned that Dante doesn't know where he is? Then says she's late because she had to check on Kristina and that Kristina is "hormonal and cranky." No, she wasn't! Then attempts to shrug off/dismiss Dante's honest (DZ's well-acted) self-reflection about being a cop and being the son of a Mob boss. I rolled my eyes at the conversation happening in the park, just so these two college girls could watch Dex run around with the class of police recruits. At least Josslyn had some mature lines about why she's re-considering her major. How did Carly think Sonny would react to saying no visits with Donna at his place? Of course she goes for his meds -in a home that isn't hers - and demands they call his doctor. The Drew/Nina scenes in "Washington" could not have been more unrealistic. Does the Show seriously want us to believe Drew is falling for Nina?!
  25. Thanks for the info! Yikes!! So if Kristina doesn't sign away her parental right at birth, TJ as the biological father has to take her to court to settle things?
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