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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. But this isn't the town -Jake is Jason's (biological) first born child. We should get to see his reaction to the possibility that his Dad shot Dante, who is a loved member of the extended family since he is Lulu's ex/Rocco's dad. Not to mention that as of Halloween/last we heard, Jake is dating Charlotte and Dante is Charlotte's stepdad. Elizabeth could acknowledge to Jake that this may be a painful reminder of when he and Cam were in conflict over whether it was Jason who killed Franco. I will give the new head writers credit that as of March I've seen the under 20-year-old characters interact with the adults and the extended family members (esp. Quartermaines) more now than in at least 10 years.
  2. Anna: <mouth agape> Seriously, now Anna gets that Sonny is a bad and dangerous guy? I rolled my eyes at her teary eyes. Spare me the tongue bath by Kristina and then Blaze's mom about what a wonderful father Sonny is. The line about her a young child in particular made me roll my eyes. He didn't know Kristina was his for the first couple of years, and he didn't see her very much for what, the first 15 or so years of her life? "love struck idiot" - more like sex struck, Joss, but yes you have been. I hoped lightning would strike Carly on her "doing the right thing isn't always easy" line. What would Carly know about doing the right thing, ever? I don't count her telling Nina the truth about Willow, because she really didn't have a choice at that point with Willow's life on the line. I LOVE seeing Elizabeth's relationship with Aiden and how things are with him and Jake. I just wish we didn't hear about Jake's reactions and responses regarding "Jason is alive" and "Jason may have shot Dante" second hand. It's an interesting difference between Jason's two sons: one full of anger and doesn't want to hear Jason defended, one is skeptical and wants more time with his dad. There is just no warmth coming from SB as Jason was - interviewing?? - Danny about his interests. I genuinely felt bad for Danny because part of what he told John/Jagger is acknowledging the truth: "I barely know him. I don't know why he came back but it wasn't for me." I also really liked Brooklyn dismissing the mention of Diane Miller and telling Danny he can call his Quartermaine Family lawyers if the police try again.
  3. Yep, he's been gone two years and three months if it's March in GH world. It was two years as of November/Thanksgiving time 2023.
  4. Not to mention that he and Jordan's ex-husband are supposed to be close friends. Curtis has zero romantic interest in Jordan now, but isn't there some bro code that you don't get with your buddy's ex?
  5. Interesting juxtaposition: Michael spouting to Danny the Word According to Carly (and him) about Jason and telling Danny he has to keep Jason's presence quiet, in one scene. In another scene at the hospital, Danny's mother, crying, tells Carly to call the police if Jason contacts her. The look on Carly's face legit made me laugh. I did not expect chem testing with Jordan right after he breaks up with Carly. I see you Jordan tryin' to get your flirt on. Is Drew really that stupid to not realize he was always a place holder/valued because he's Jason's twin? NM, rhetorical question I guess. Shut up, Sonny.
  6. Her mother's response represents how some people in society today think. I used to know a conservative religious woman who genuinely believed (in part due to "studies show ...") that identifying as gay came from a history of being sexually abused by a man. I also used to be friends with a woman who, as an adult, started identifying as bi. A mutual friend told me that before I met her, this woman had been engaged to a man. After she broke off the engagement, he convinced her he wanted to "talk" but didn't hear what he wanted when they were in the same space and he sexually assaulted her. Our mutual friend said this woman has had issues feeling safe with men ever since - she theorized that is why our friend said she is bi. So, Blaze's mom blaming Linc for Blaze's relationship with Kristina struck me as realistic esp. considering Blaze flat out told Kristina she's been in the closet re: her religious family up to this point.
  7. Aiden is a young teenager who enjoys baking and, in this moment, likes a smart boy. Elizabeth assumes he's gay for these reasons. He may find he likes a girl in the future, or a boy and girl at different times in his life. The show has done the opposite of this, with Kristina. Teen Kristina was attracted to Kiefer and then Luke's retconned son, Ethan. She also was married briefly but I can't recall if she was actually attracted to him. When she got older, she found herself attracted to the (married) woman professor at college and they got involved. Now she's in an actual relationship with a woman. I understand the show has established that Blaze is a lesbian, but Kristina's storylines for 10 + years indicate she's bi.
  8. Me, during that scene, "What you and Jason have is named co-dependence." With obsession thrown in, on Carly's side.
  9. Michael calls Dante and Sam's relationship "inspirational." Alrightey then. First five minutes of Jason parenting his younger teenage son involved explaining gun safety (with a bloody hand, no less) and asking him to lie to his mother. Figures. I love GF doing the wide eyes of horror at Heather's obsession with Ace. There was no need to make Heather get more unhinged by announcing that she and Kevin are adopting him. Oh, Laura. Molly, maybe pause and realize Kristina has good reasons to think you're constantly judging her.
  10. We can agree to disagree. From what I know, Anna had others raising little Robin and was a visitor in Robin's life known as "Love." Once Anna and Robert told Robin when she was around age 6 that they were her parents, Anna raised Robin 'til she was about 12, at which point the explosion happened. The next time Robin saw Anna, she was an adult (missed out on seeing the Stone and Jason relationships). They have seen each other from time to time, but I don't consider that to mean she was always there for/close to Robin. I always got the impression that motherhood came second to spy life. She felt that with Mac around, Robin was in good hands. Anna came back to Port Charles when Robin was in her 30s and discovered Robin had fallen in love with Patrick. Anna did not react well to the news of Robin's pregnancy, even though Robin was really happy. Anna also found out about Patrick's affair with Lisa and all Lisa had done to Robin, well after the fact.
  11. A) The writers are showing that criminal Jason's son is so attached to father figure/police officer Dante that he snuck out to check up on him. You know that Danny will somehow find out that his dad was there when Dante got shot. B) Rocco told Grandma Laura he wanted to stay at the Q mansion to be a support for Scout because that's what his dad would want. Also, last week Jake just insinuated to Danny that he's a bad big brother for vaping during Scout's birthday party. Getting away to the hospital is temporarily 'escaping the guilt.' Carly knows that Sonny shot Dante years ago and she's never really cared for Dante because he A) replaced Michael as Sonny's first child and B) she blamed (well-intentioned) Dante for young Michael going to prison, where he was raped. She tracked down Brooklyn Ashton/Quartermaine (the OG actress) to seduce Dante and destroy the Lante relationship because she considered both Dante and Lulu to be traitors to the family. Ironically, Dante and BL ended up as step siblings. Olivia should think her "good friend" Carly is trash because she knows that history.
  12. Maybe the show's writers were trying to downplay the relationship, but I think her line really demonstrated that she only ever heard about - never witnessed - Robin and Jason's relationship. She has, in fact, been mostly an absentee mother to Robin for most of Robin's life. Not to mention that John/Jagger just called her out a few episodes ago for how she has handled herself with Jason's former boss/best bud due to guilt over not being there for Robin. She may also be concerned that John/Jagger would have disdain for Robin's long ago romantic feelings for Jason the criminal. @GHScorpiosRule I think of Elizabeth as Jason's second love. They had phenomenal chemistry, and she was not inherently connected to his Sonny/ S&C caretaker life as his ex-wives have been. As far as I know, defending Elizabeth was the only time he ever screamed at Carly to shut up.
  13. I think it had a lot to do with Anna, his "friend"/his first love's mother, pointing a gun at him to surrender and saying "we'll straighten this out ..." As usual he wants to do things his own way - but I think he also didn't want to put Anna in the position of having to shoot him for struggling with cops/resisting arrest.
  14. I knew that but I missed the part about Kristina using her own egg. I thought Molly's condition meant her body couldn't carry a pregnancy to term, not that Molly had zero viable eggs.
  15. I got a good laugh at Anna calling Carly out that from how she's acting Jason is obviously in her house/on her property and to get out of the way. It's good to see that Anna has a few functional brain cells to figure out that they would likely find him on Jason and Robin's bridge. I laughed at Jason's "oh shit" look. I rolled my eyes at him jumping into freezing cold water with a gunshot wound. Is that the Q property where he passed out? ETA: Think about Ava's last relationships: Griffin chose her daughter. Ryan conned her into believing he was Kevin, and brutally murdered her daughter. Nikolas cheated on her with his son's teenage girlfriend and got her pregnant, then held the pregnant girl prisoner in their home,Wyndemere, without Ava's knowledge. In contrast, she has a comfortable co-parenting relationship with her (living) daughter's father since he's become distant with Carly, she understands his lifestyle due to her own Mob history, and they have some chemistry (as compared to MB and LW's non-existent chemistry). I also laughed at how the writers have given TJ a really bad memory. Uh, TJ, Dante is not just Kristina's family - he's Molly's cousin because she's Sonny's niece. TJ (previous actor) even lived with Sonny for a time when he was a teenager and liked him, if IIRC. Hey dude, if you don't want a baby who is related to the Mob because of the danger, don't pick one of Sonny's family members to be your domestic partner (they didn't know Molly couldn't have kids way back when). And did I hear right, this baby is actually Kristina and TJ's biological child?! The scenes of Elizabeth/Danny, Finn/Jake/Elizabeth and Alexis/Danny were great! Sam, as usual in a crappy mom. I can only roll my eyes at Sonny and Sam, esp. Sam calling Dante's shooter a "monster."
  16. This is exactly how I saw this "couple" as well. The show trying to sell Franco and Liz as a great love story was gross. It was never a healthy situation. I remember a scene at the hospital which pretty well summarized Franco and the show's perspective on their relationship. Elizabeth said she needed time to consider whether to continue in the relationship. Franco grabbed her and held onto her, saying "I need you; you make me better!" Elizabeth snapped back, "It's not my job to make you better!" From what I've seen over the years, Finn is the most stable, gentle loving and equal partner she's had - not using her as a life raft amidst addiction or for redemption and has no connection to, history with or interest in Sonny and Jason. He has history with addiction but has maintained sobriety on his own. They understand each other's work as medical professionals and support one another as parents. I hope Jake continues to get along well with Finn and puts Jason on blast for letting him think he was dead the last two years when Jason is well aware of the trauma and pain Jake has been through in his young life. Jason deserves the wrath of both sons, actually, for making protection of Sonny his #1 priority.
  17. Yes, this is my point. We never got to see Rocco's reaction to his mother's near death injury and coma, or see him actually have relationships with his father, grandparents, Danny and Scout, or step-mother figure, Sam. I don't need to see a lot, but it's really hard to get invested now in his pain/reactions when he's only been in one or two "fun" group scenes with the other kids. Same goes for Danny. (As opposed to when tweens/teens Lucky, Emily and Robin were on the show. The audience saw their real connections with other characters develop over time.) Suddenly there are multiple conversations going on about how Danny is "so much like Jason" and the conversation with his mother about bonding with a friend over missing absentee dads when we've never seen him spend time with Jason to have built a relationship. The only feelings we ever saw was the time the tween actor who played Danny complained to Sam that Dad was always going off somewhere/never home. As for today, of course Jason goes right to Carly, he apologizes for taking so long to get back, and they're both crying. It's been a long time since SB shed real tears on screen. Doesn't seem like he's thinking about his sons or either of their mothers. Shocker. I give alll the kudos to Kate Mansi, the new Kristina. She played the comforting sister to Sam, the loving daughter to Sonny, and the scared but strong sister to unconscious Dante, beautifully. Her scenes were lovely! Of course she shows more emotion than Sam, who shows zero emotion over Dante. I guess she already spent all of her emotion and energy on Jason during the many times he's been shot or otherwise injured. I guess Carly's angry reaction to John/Jagger and Anna was a mixture of her automatic protection instinct with Jason and assuming Jason being shot has something to do with Sonny and also Dante's gunshot wound.
  18. So Laura finally got a scene with her daughter's kid not named Charlotte? Awesome! I really enjoy GF's scenes with the young actors who play her grandkids. Danny and Rocco are not half brothers. They would be stepbrothers if Dante and Sam got married. Rocco is Charlotte's half brother because they have the same mother, Lulu. Danny and Jake are half brothers because they have the same father, Jason. So it takes SB returning to the show for Danny and Jake to actually be given scenes together, nice. Has Rocco ever been in scenes that weren't a group of the kids for a holiday? He never even appeared on screen when Lulu went comatose and got sent off to the facility.
  19. Sam's brother Lucas knows plenty about coping with loss(es) however reaching out to Lucas would a) mean the Show acknowledging that Lucas matters for relationships beyond Bobbie, Carly and Carly's spawn and b) allow the audience to be reminded that Julian existed aside from his relationship with Ava.
  20. Good for Kristina for opting out of Carly's attempt to gossip with her about her and Blaze's relationship. I miss when Anna was smart and showed good judgement. Did MB shave one side of his face but not the other? Maybe it's just the lighting on that particular set ... Dante speaks for us all in the preview: "What the hell?!"
  21. Odd. While her character doesn't dress sexy, she does make out with Chase, unbutton his shirt, etc. Maybe she declines being shot in a scene with her back bare or shirtless with just a bra on? It doesn't make sense to me because adult JJ (ex-Lucky/married a former GH actress when he was 20) is well known for being a conservative Christian yet he did a love scene with Becky Herbst/Elizabeth, which resulted in Aiden's conception. I recall when SB was young, he didn't want Jason in love scenes. Fast forward a couple decades, he was quoted about working out and a lot and really watching his diet when he saw in the script that he had a love scene coming up. These actors get paid to do a job and have co-stars depending on them. It has nothing to do with a commitment to one's spouse, unless the actor's behavior is in question due to observed flirting, lusting after/checking out another actor's anatomy etc. It makes me wonder if this actress's husband/family/community have given her feedback about perceived sexuality on-screen.
  22. So (deceased) Karen's not the mother of John/Jagger's son, Stone? I thought she was because John/Jagger said his son lives independently, implying he's an adult now. Karen and Jagger could definitely have an adult child at this time. I thought it was a little odd that Scott didn't ask about the kid nor did John/Jagger say "your grandson is ..."
  23. Yes. The wedding dress scene(s) involving Tracy, Lois, Maxie and BL were well done, connecting the show's history to the present at a time when OG Lois is part of the cast and Tracy has returned (again). The flashback with Sofer's Lois and Lila took me by surprise in a good way. And not a single mention of Sonny, Carly, or Jason by any of the four! Style-wise: Maxie looked better than she has in quite a while. The wedding dress BL tried on was what I think of as no bueno, and the same for that weird frontal hair style on Lois. Sofer has lovely hair, so I don't know what people were thinking.
  24. "I know you're not just here for Donna." That made me LOL. How right you are - it's your other ex-husband who has a history of being a devoted dad to your elder daughter. What a shit that he couldn't even be bothered to say good-bye to his little girl. She was riding by herself, not going to get distracted from "having too much fun." Referring to Jagger/John as a "punk with a badge" - also shows the real Sonny. The use of flashback of Rena Sofer as Lois with Lila about the wedding dress was well done. Also Jane Elliot showing Tracy trying to cover her pain as she acknowledged that she had rejected her mother's wedding dress when offered. Karen's grave used as a plot device to revisit the Jagger/Karen/Sonny history with Scott would be more meaningful if the actor at least resembled OG Jagger. Good lord Joss is insufferable. And having sex five minutes after you find him when you've been apart such a short time, is not convincing of great love. There is nothing romantic about these two. Hey @GHScorpiosRule Today's episode was unusual in that there were Robin (via Maxie), Ric, and Karen mentions.
  25. This is accurate. Recall during the tribute episode that she knew nothing of Bobbie and Felicia's friendship. She also never knew that Bobbie had parties at the Brownstone and included Tony in those parties after their marriage was dunzo. All Carly ever knew or cared about regarding Bobbie's life was their relationship concerning what Bobbie was willing to do for her, or as a grandmother and also regarding the baby that Bobbie's son had to give up to her grandson. Carly never showed concern for Lucas or paused to wonder if perhaps her mom was feeling torn between Lucas's pain and Michael's happiness. The situation was treated like Lucas had been a great foster father to a baby who didn't have parents. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually enjoyed a Maxie-Spinelli scene. It was awesome to see Maxie get angry, not get taken in by Spinelli trying to justify lying to her, and then kick him out. Also, is he really in love with Maxie, or is he really just tired of/sulking about being single because it's been awhile since Ellie dumped him for choosing his precious "Stone Cold" over her? Ugh at Drew/Carly and Sonny/Nina. Unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough to switch off before getting an eyeful of Drew's bare back in the bed.
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