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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Finn yelling was very melodramatic when he was reviving Chase. Could Willow's "come back to me" have sounded any less enthusiastic, when Finn told her to talk to him? She looked like Finn had betrayed her, and she and Michael both looked pretty upset at the news that he's not going to die. They are SO selfish and gross!! But then Willow looked generally relieved, even happy, when Elizabeth spoke to her and Michael personally, so I'm confused as to what the writers and directors are going for here. UGHHH at Cameron and then Elizabeth falling all over themselves to apologize to Jason, and Cam being oh-so-grateful to Jason for easily accepting because he was suffering over the loss of Franco and "you owned your mistake." Cam, you see how "your friend" Joss is acting (like her mother), walk away from her now. The only bright spot was Cam's hair is looking much better now. Best parts of the show: BL's joy (and leaning on Valentin in relief) that Chase will live, the tearful and joyful Elizabeth-Finn hug, the Gregory-Jackie hug, and Maxie alone talking to sweet little Bailey's face in the Q mansion (bringing the onesie gift was a good cover). Hey Carly, in case you were wondering, Ava's request is what real, unselfish parental love looks like. She wants to protect Avery above all else. Carly's shocked face shows it would never occur to her to put any of her kids' safety above her own desires. I liked the Dante/Avery high five moment, that was sweet.
  2. Yes. I wonder if they've gone overboard in directing the way Kate __? (sp) is supposed to have Willow look at Michael versus the way she's supposed to look at Chase. She apparently has been told to look at JS like he's a guy she loved a long time ago but is now repulsed by, and wishes to leave him in her past because her heart and life are completely consumed with Michael and Wiley. The problem is, CD and K_? have anti-chemistry, her eyes don't "glow" with him, and the writing for them has been so awful, that it seems more like Willow has convinced herself she is in love with Michael. She keeps re-assuring him she loves him, which comes off as if she's afraid she'll lose Wiley and comfortable family life she has with them and the rest of the Q family at the mansion. The script today called for Willow to (again) claim she loves Chase, that it wasn't long ago she thought they would be together for the rest of their lives, she's grateful for everything Chase did for her, etc..... but her actions and facial expressions with him, since she brought him to the hospital, convey she really doesn't even like/care about this terminally ill man. So Michael sitting alone in the chapel, crying and feeling sorry for himself, makes Michael look awful instead of like a martyr which is what I think they intended. To me it appears to be a doily that someone thought could be made into a cover-up/blouse. It really is NOT a good look for Sam!!
  3. The only people who know Michael and Willow are "in love" (aside from Wiley. because of Michael's monologue a few minutes after they moved in with her) are Dante, BL, and Sasha. Dante has other stuff going on - pretty sure he has no idea about this wedding. BL stayed home with Bailey, and cried. So only Sasha was present and knows that Michael and Willow are lying to Chase and Chase's family, Anna, and Elizabeth. Did anyone else find it funny that Michael didn't seem to notice that his ex-girlfriend looks to me in her second or third trimester of pregnancy.? Within the last month, she asked Willow not to tell Michael she's pregnant-that she wanted to tell him herself. Guess she showed or told him off-screen, lol.
  4. I think Carly is hurt and upset for several reasons, one of which is that this is a rather unique situation (Britt and the circumstances is not like his former love interests, except for the fatal disease factor). She likes to think of herself as the expert on Jason's past and present. She can tell Jason feels something for Britt (the handholding she witnessed, Britt's phone call a priority), and when he shuts her out instead of at least slightly explaining, she is worried he may want to have a relationship with Britt ....which means now that she's single and he's single and time has passed since Sonny "died" and Sam ended things, Jason is still not interested in being with her ever again. She also hears Britt saying she knows they're "tight" and doesn't feel the least bit threatened or intimidated by Carly. Britt's confidence that Carly is strictly friendzoned/a responsibility for Jason while she tells Carly Jason "stuck by me" and we're "honest with each other" makes Carly burn with jealousy because she doesn't know anything about it and Jason clearly behaved that way of his own free will. Deep down, Carly knows the whole basis of her "friendship" with Jason is his love for her first born. Carly is constantly saying she and Jason are "best friends" and she often says "I love you" to him. He will say "I love you, too" in response, and certainly never tells people she is his best friend. In fact, he recently told Britt there's nobody he trusts more than Spinelli. Also, all of Britt's actions are of public record. She's not keeping secrets from Jason or other people Carly knows and claims to care about, and her romantic history in Port Charles is with guys Carly hasn't slept with at some point ... so there's no dirt that Carly can threaten to expose if Britt doesn't stay away from Jason. I wouldn't put it past her to use health secret against Britt if she found out about it, though, after the time she told Robin you can't give Jason a baby because you're HIV +. I assume the reason Jason didn't say much to Britt on the phone is because he didn't want Carly getting all up in Britt's face/business. He was trying to not have Britt on Carly's radar. Telling Carly yes we're starting a relationship but back off Britt or leave her alone wouldn't work; Carly always thinks she knows better about what's best for Jason. He told Carly to leave Elizabeth alone and it was best for her to have custody of baby Jake. Carly's reaction was "she convinced you that you wouldn't be a good father", started to contact their lawyer Diane, and marched over to Elizabeth's house and demanded that Elizabeth share custody with Jason because it worked for her and Jax. She even barged into his bedroom when he and Elizabeth were starting to have sex. When Jason told Carly that Sam comes first and brought up boundaries, Carly whined and cried like a teenager having a tantrum. It seems like Anna and Mac felt they had to let it go after Maxie was devastated by Nathan's death, and Obrecht was part of her support system/James' grandmother. They haven't come close to bringing up Obrecht's crimes since Maxie announced her James pregnancy. Yup, that clearly bothered Carly. As for today: UGHHHH with Willow and Michael's sad faces about Willow and Chase getting married - you'd think it's an arranged marriage to a stranger whom they've heard doesn't treat women well even as Michael says Willow said that Chase has about a day to live. That, with Willow's lines praising Chase and Michael being such a lying shit to Chase's face again while accepting compliments..grrr.. Goodness gracious, Sasha looks like she's about 7 months pregnant!! LMAO at Carly's confidence/pride bubble being burst and claiming 'misogyny" as Jason and Brick said this happened because she's an outsider/has no experience/5 Families accepted her because they didn't have an alternative in that moment. Is Sam wearing a lacey doily over a black tank top? Chase and his adoring niece, hit me in the feels. Chase being all choked up, soooo sad!!! She looked adorable joyfully tossing the petals for about 6 ft. and for Chase's "I do." Sasha is standing right next to Michael and you'd think they're practically strangers. The only thing positive thing besides Violet is Michael's misery. My heart hurt for Chase, saying he's not afraid to die with his mom and wife there with him. I sense Chase/BL/Valentin/Anna starting.... Soo, Dante got to repel down the mine shaft to find dead fake nurse Chloe. That was a lot of stuff covering the hole - Maxie's handiwork? Austin's attitude with Dante actually is funny. Yay, Gregory gets his son back/Chase gets his dad back. Not a single viewer saw that coming....
  5. You (and I) missed Carly announcing to Jason that she saw him holding Britt's hand and asked "What's that about?" She was trying to get him on the phone because she was gleeful to tell him that Cyrus was being taken away by the FBI. Also, I interpreted her words as "if you're interested in a relationship, it's you're move now." I don't see it as her pining; more like "this guy seems to genuinely like me for me as I am. I'm not lying and keeping major secrets like with Patrick or Nik. So this feels good." Do you mean Luke Spencer and the forced marriage to Stavros Cassadine? ---- Laura, you do condone lying. The tongue bath she gave Jordan and asking her not to resign is nauseating. I laughed at Carly saying she didn't see "sparks, but a connection" and looking pained while telling him "sorry if I made you uncomfortable" and then her "damn it, I'm hurt" look in reaction to Britt's smiling, "you want to know how close" re: Jason. Carly saying Jason didn't "have to" tell her there is a connection between them and trying to shut down Britt about having any expectations of Jason now that they're back in real life/Port Charles, at the same time Britt was blowing her off with smiling (but generic and vague) answers ....so entertaining! I can't help but be amused at Carly trying to seem subtle and not look like a meddling bitch with the "I'm grateful to you for saving Jason, but..." (translation: he's mine, so you need to understand that whatever was going on between you while you were fugitives is over now.) Her attempt had zero impact on Britt, can't decide who's face made me laugh harder as she walked away, Britt or Carly's, I hated Obrecht telling Britt Jason is her "savior" but the rest about being a woman who can defend herself was good. I'm shocked Obrecht brought up her role in Robin's abduction to Jason. @GHScorpiosRule you'll be happy that Jason was like nah, I'm not past what you did but you were the only choice I had for someone to call to support Britt. Gati was really good in the scenes with Burton, esp. the emotion of her devastation about Britt having the marker for Huntington's. The Gregory-Finn scenes were good, too. I feel like Elizabeth could have just come clean to Anna in the roof scenes about Peter. LOL at "Ghost Peter" with his bloody head staring/glaring at Elizabeth. The only thing worthwhile about the Trina-Joss scenes: Trina's reactions to Joss being a brat. News flash, Joss - Cam deserves much better than you in his life. Promo: That Violet-Uncle Chase moment makes me sniffly. Is Willow really wearing blue to get married?
  6. Britt didn't know Robin was alive. Anna's issue/concern with Britt was about Emma, being inappropriate and forcing her way into Emma and Patrick's lives. When Britt got on stage at the Nurse's Ball and announced to Patrick, Emma and everyone else that Patrick was the father of her baby (Ben/Rocco) and Emma would have a baby brother or sister, Emma got upset. Another example was when Britt and Patrick were a "couple." Little Emma ran away from Kelly's. Patrick, Anna, and Mac were in tears from being scared/worried, and then Sabrina came in with Emma, saying Emma found her on the docks. She told them Emma told her she ran away because Britt didn't like her and she felt Emma was telling the truth. I think their friendly conversation today was because they're both worried about Maxie, and are concerned about Peter being "at large." As for the girl bonding scene of destruction with Anna and Obrecht, I absolutely think it's all part of Obrecht's continued redemption. I can believe Anna sort of tolerating her because of their mutual love for Maxie and James. However, Anna being grateful to Obrecht for the introduction to smashing things, and the pep talk, is just utter CRAP. Obrecht used to be really cold to and hard on Britt, even hitting her. She always had nothing but contempt for, and jealousy of, Anna while acting like Faison was an underappreciated genius. Now supposedly her generic "I've made mistakes but I'm building a new life" combined with her adoration of Maxie and little James, her being loving toward/concerned about "my Britta" and her letting go of her hatred of Anna is supposed to make her a character you can root for. My question is, why can't she specifically apologize to Robin's family for what she did to Robin while she was Faison's partner in crime, and to Elizabeth for shooting her when she created that hostage situation in Elizabeth's home because she wanted Britt to "keep her son Ben"? The whole idea that Obrecht really paid for what she has done because Faison shot and killed her "beloved son Nathan" doesn't work for me. The only reason Faison got to the point in life of being able to shoot Nathan and create mini-monster Peter, is because Obrecht made Faison #1 in her life for decades, enabling him and being his accomplice/protector. She didn't raise Nathan, and never told Britt she had a brother. The "Robin came back, Nathan won't" is not a defense. Did she set Robin free, did she help her? Did she work to bring Robert out of the coma after stabbing him with that needle instead of Robin? NO.
  7. I'm confused - is this just since he has returned from being a fugitive? When Sam came to Casa Corinthos to ask Jason if he killed Franco, she told him (and Carly) that she went to his house to talk to him and when he wasn't there, she thought he'd there (at Casa Corinthos). First 15 minutes of the Show were pre-empted in the DC Metro area/DMV for a special report on the Biden-Putin Summit in Geneva. UCG moment - Elizabeth's "to me?!"and WTF reaction when Britt approached her,, cheerful and beaming, and announced she wanted to apologize. Carly's tampon sweater returns. Why is she wearing that in spring/summer? LOL at Carly swinging between confidence and doubt about how she' has handled things, and suggests to Jason they can both be in charge. I had some glee at Carly's unhappy look at figuring out that Jason's conversation was with Britt. @GHScorpiosRule the lightbulb went on for Finn, when Cyrus taunted him and Jackie about Chase, as the FBI took him from the hospital to recover far from Port Charles. (Chase asks Willow to marry him tonight; they got their license and he may have "hours" left to live.) UGH at Willow telling Sasha that Chase deserves to be happy, being married to her when he dies. BTW, was that Gregory-Jackie table scene on a new (real) outdoor set? I don't recognize it. Anna has some functioning brain cells back! Eureka! Weird seeing Anna and Britt be borderline friendly, though. I liked the little touch of Elizabeth being icked out at rearranging the leg of Peter's corpse in that box. I roll my eyes that Aunt Stella makes sure to let Nina know she came all the way back from Europe out of love for Curtis. ETA: Laura looks beautiful in the blush pink ruffle blouse, the matching eyeshadow, and perfect hair. Compliments to GF, makeup and wardrobe for her look. Preview: Of course Carly goes right to Britt for a confrontation about what she thinks Britt can "handle." And the race is really on for Finn! Yes, it is time for Jordan to resign.
  8. It sure seems that way. IMO this was the Show's subtle way of all but confirming he's part of the Q Family. True, and I don't understand how either Phyllis or Nina think Nixon Falls could be her permanent home. She doesn't have a job there and hasn't expressed interest in working anywhere. She doesn't have a place to live; hasn't she been staying in a room at the Tan-O all this time? At this moment, now that Elijah has been taken away to jail, she knows exactly three people in Nixon Falls: Phyllis, Lenny and "Mike." Or, 4 if you count the police officer who has dropped by a few times and questioned "Mike" and Nina. She has spent 95% of her time in Nixon Falls in the bar with the three of them. That's not "a life" Even aside from visiting or not visiting Wiley, Maxie and James - the son of her beloved late brother/cousin - were supposed to be so very important to her. It seems like she never thought of them while she was away, didn't keep in touch, but now is 'concerned that you're obsessed with BL's baby." Says the woman who is obsessed with another woman's amnesiac husband, and is lying because she knows Maxie would call her out. Totally agree. I liked how Willow seemed to genuinely cry for Chase on Michael's shoulder. I thought finally, real emotion for the man who was there for her through horrible moments for more than a year, and whom she was deeply in love with. A man who went along with a stupid plan so she could be Wiley's mother. But THEN she's sobbing and utterly heartbroken about stepping back from her relationship with Michael, much more so than over the man who's in love with her and DYING. You would think they agreed not to see each other at all and not speak for 5 years. Michael is acting like not being openly together is a tragedy. I was appalled at the hypocrisy of the "even if it's not real?" (yes, I know he reluctantly admitted that) and thought, more proof that he is his mother's son. That seems very likely. You'd think Howarth was still playing Franco, with all the scowling KeMo did throughout those scenes. What got me was the way she said it - like nope, my kids aren't an issue because I already told Kristina she has to be there all night with them. (Because you know how vital Sam's insights are into what happened to Maxie's baby.) Her mother is in prison, Jason has moved on, she has no real job, and she doesn't want to spend time at home with her kids....so meddling with Dante's work FTW! It was weird. I think for now people are writing it off as shock and exhaustion. Anna flat out said to Valentin "the reality hasn't sunk in yet." I could believe that Maxie has faith in Mac and Anna, and wants everyone to understand that she is also concerned about spending time with her first two kids. Oh, I think that may happen. IMO she looked both stunned and hurt (almost in tears) at seeing Jason holding Britt's hand. It's not as strong a reaction as when she found out about Jason and Elizabeth conceiving Jake, (and not telling her), but she was definitely upset. It was even weirder that he said "Elizabeth is my only ex in town, and I don't think she's the stalker type." Even putting that aside, she's been a little busy lately and he knows it!! Also, BL is his ex, too! She's definitely a schemer and he is aware of that.
  9. The Show made the same kind of choice when Becky Herbst was pregnant with baby #3. Elizabeth is her usual thin self when she's in the hospital bed at GH due to hypothermia and her doctor, Kelly. announces to her, Lucky and NIkolas that she's pregnant. She gets admitted to Shadybrook immediately after that, and boom, she looks several months pregnant in her scenes in her room. Herbst said in an interview that she told the bosses she was pregnant, and they told her Elizabeth would be pregnant very soon. I guess the idea of a storyline of Nikolas and Lucky WTD drama was too good an opportunity for them to pass up. However, first first pregnancy was not written into the show. (When she was pregnant with her daughter, Elizabeth was pregnant with Cameron). Lisa L (sp?)'s pregnancy did not need to be written into the show, as there was no reason to give Olivia a second kid. And as far as I know, the only reason LW had to play the most recent pregnancy storyline was because MB asked to honor a makeup artist named Donna whom he was close to, who passed away.
  10. Yes, it occurred to me that the closest Bobbie will ever come to having grandchildren from BJ is Maxie's kids. That reminds me, has Bobbie ever had a scene of meeting her youngest grandchild, Donna? The thing that gets me is Willow wouldn't be in this situation if she had gone to Chase and dumped him immediately upon finding out from Michael that he and Sasha broke up. The declaration of love, and the sex happened while Chase's condition was progressing. He didn't go from feeling a little ill when he got home from the family dinner to collapsing on the floor in minutes. Her behavior has been beyond disrespectful of what she and Chase had together, to the point that I don't recognize the Willow character. It's utter b.s. that she would now find Michael soooo utterly irresistible. 🤮
  11. Not today. I ... think ... the Show is building toward it after the Finn-Chase emotional scene today. But, seems like the most likely scenario is that Finn will come up with a cure after the Willlow-Chase "pity" wedding. If anything, Michael and Willow look like the pathetic, pitiful liars they are. Chase and Willow were in love up and adorable until however many months ago - not years ago. She just told him in December she still loved him, and happily kissed him not long after that. So Willow behaving like she can hardly stand to be around Chase and is so overwhelming in love with Michael now, is awful and completely unconvincing writing. There would be nothing between them if Michael didn't have a son. The only possible good thing to come out of this is maybe it takes a wrecking ball to the "Millow" relationship, and Michael loses (at least temporarily). I hope Chase turns his back on both of them when he finds out the truth.
  12. Wow, Stella is giving Carly a run for her money in meddling and trying to boss her family around. She talks like TJ is a h.s. student who is jeopardizing his chances of getting into college by going to see Shawn at Pentonville, and like Jordan and Curtis are early 20-somethings who argued over some household chores and then decided to divorce. Soooo, Jordan has some awareness that Curtis and Portia have feelings for each other. I guess all her skills of observation are focused on Aunt Stella and her soon-to-be ex. Carly to Michael: "I trust your judgement." Since when?!?!? You radiated hostility from the second you barged into Willow's home without knocking, gave Nina an "intruder" look, and "asked" (announced to Nina and Michael), just like in Nina's office) that it's "past Wiley's bedtime." I rolled my eyes at Carly's suggestion that Willow should go along if Nina gets to take Wiley out anywhere. Some strong scenes today: Maxie getting comfort from Bobbie on the couch while letting her emotional pain show, Alexis and Molly bonding at Pentonville, and Chase with Finn and then BL, Elizabeth comforting Finn as he cries. Finn holding Elizabeth's face. It all got me in the feels. "Michael's always been more open-minded than his mother." Jax, you make me laugh. Also funny (ok, hypocritical) is Carly trying not to answer Michael as he's pressuring her regarding her status with da bizness, and looking away as he brings up baby Donna. "I'm going to be there...." sounds like Carly promising to mentor her children in her free time when she's not running da biz, LOL. It makes me think of Sam having to be reminded that she's a parent, and the time she greeted her son like he's her favorite waiter at a restaurant.
  13. Oh, I thought DZ played that scene as Dante being angry and disgusted with all of them especially Carly, but she didn't have a gun in her hand whereas Jason did. Carly is the mother of two of his (living) siblings yet chooses to step further into Mob life after his father is presumed dead. Nikolas is his former brother-in-law and his son Rocco's uncle, and Ava is both Nik's wife and the mother of one of Dante's sisters. So, Dante has some investment in all three of these people who are engaging in dangerous, stupid behavior. Spinelli is not his family. The only fall out for Dante if Spinelli gets killed is that he would feel a need to be there to comfort Maxie if her eldest child's father died. Ava once had an affair with Franco, he believed he was Kiki's father, and he and Kiki were close after the "Silas is her father" reveal, until Ryan murdered her. Ava would not try to kill Franco. She had her eyes open and blinked in the 6/7 episode, when Olivia and Valentin were handling her. I also saw her open her mouth a bit and kind of yawn in Friday's episode. I read spoilers too; Louise/Bailey is played by babies Harper and Scarlett Bloom starting June 3 (when BL was in the hotel room and called Michael). She was played by another set of twins (bigger babies, I assume?) for the two days of Louise is born, crazy nurse chases Maxie, and Maxie gives baby to BL scenes. ETA: It's kinda cool IMO that one of the Louise/Bailey twins has the same name as KSt's (Maxie)'s real-life daughter with Brandon Barash (ex=Johnny Z).
  14. Oh, he may well be holding a grudge that she covered for and helped Julian which culminated with Lulu being seriously injured in the FR explosion. But he also busted Nik and Ava a.k.a. "the Gladys decoy" along with Carly, Jason, Spinelli and minions on the docks at the end of the Mob shootout, right after Cyrus got away. Since Nik and Ava didn't have weapons/weren't committing crimes, he let them go. In Dante's shoes, I might also think Ava likes feeling important.
  15. Yes red-haired demon wanted to be Sonny's "heir to the bidness." However, he and little Morgan lived with Carly and Jax. Carly's "new family" consisted of her boys, Jax and "his son John" (newborn Spencer, actually Nik's son) along with Jax's parents making appearances and acting as g'parents to Carly's boys. Jax interacted with Carly, Michael and Morgan together or sometimes with Michael and Morgan, but not one-on-one with Michael. I remember they would have a "family breakfast" scene, or a "getting ready for Jax to take us out for the day" scene, that sort of thing. but the audience never saw "Corinthos kids with Jax at Disney" that Michael mentioned. HUH??? Jackie had feelings for Finn and slept with him the day before she married his father, She married his father. Gregory said their joke was that Chase was a souvenir from their honeymoon. Based on the time of conception, Gregory realized that Finn could be Chase's father instead. Michael was dumb and stupid waaaayyyy before he ever met Willow. Chase and Willow were in love and living together, until Chase agreed to Sasha's plan and they put that idiotic plan in motion. In fact, Willow looked pained, like she was trying not to be sick, when Michael kissed her during their wedding ceremony. Dante never hated Chase. It was just hard for him at first to see another police detective take his ,murdered/deceased partner and friend's place in the PCPD.
  16. No, little red head demon played child to tween Michael, when Carly was dating and then married to Jax. I think the kid was supposed to be 12 when Carly and Jax had been married a while and Michael got shot in the head. Then Carly screwed Sonny in the limo when they took comatose Michael to the "long-term care facility" while she was married to Jax. She had a tantrum when he was furious at her for cheating on him, because she thought he should just get over it because of the circumstances of why she screwed Sonny, so....the CarJax marriage really went downhill after Michael was off-screen.
  17. Correction,: They think that Wiley hearing anything positive about Nelle ever is going to hurt him because "he'll find out the truth when he gets older" i.e. the only acceptable narrative Wiley gets to hear someday is Michael and Carly's, when he's old enough to understand that she was awful but Daddy and Mommy Willow and his grandparents saved him from her in court. Carly all but said "acceptable truth that we tell him" in her scenes with Jax today.
  18. As soon as Chase asked to talk to Willow alone, I figured he would propose. So now she's going to go home to Michael and tell him she said she'd be "honored" to marry Chase? Nina looked like she'd been slapped that the guy she dumped now has a baby with another woman, looks happy and is living a family life at the Qs. They're clearly still both delusional about Charlotte. I get that the Anna-Valentin dialogue was supposed to be ironic, but I liked the chemistry between BL and Valentin when they were quizzing each other playfully about the deal between him and Anna and her and Chase. Nina, a 3-year-old is not your therapist. But now I'm sort of expecting that Michael will tell Carly or Willow, "Wiley said the " Grandma lady said Grandpa Sonny is alive and Grandma Carly is mean to her." I will guess some combo of Wiley repeating and Chekov's sauce from Trina or Nina will lead to the Sonny is alive news. Young Georgie almost looks like a tween now! Good work by KSt. in that scene about Georgie's drawing and why Louise isn't home. Her story is sort of a combo of nurse stole the baby and "my sad friend (BL) fell in love with Louise the moment she was born, so she's taking care of her for awhile." Spinelli was a good supporter. Carly truly demonstrates again she is hellspawn when she has very recently cried over missing Sonny, and today shows up and, rather than reacting in appreciation to Jax's wet, half naked bod, demands to know what he's said to force Michael to let Nina see Wiley. She clearly came straight from the hospital after taunting Cyrus. She's such a heat-seeking missile about Michael and Wiley's lives. Does she even remember she has a toddler? Elizabeth cries, and then holds Finn's hand as he is in despair. Nice slow burn there. ETA: Anna seems quite non-frantic to find Peter, find baby Louise and help save Chase's life. Also, I (and probably @GHScorpiosRule) almost hurt myself rolling my eyes at Michael's "Jax trashed my childhood by doing this" line. Umm, no dear, your childhood got trashed by kidnappings, constantly having to leave the country for safety reasons, and getting shot in the head because your beloved Daddy is a Mob kingpen. Geebus what a drama queen he is!!
  19. Michael and family are hypocrites that way. They still expected Jax to get along with/be friendly toward Sonny after Sonny had his plane disabled so it would crash, as well as set Jax up to be arrested for assault. Michael is just so used to having everyone around him bend over backwards to give him what he wants, when he wants,, and cover for him because he's a Corinthos and a Quartermaine by blood, that his reaction to Jax standing up to him with a very lame blackmail is to have a temper tantrum. NOPE. I think that every time he gets close to Nina. He looks like an old man trying to coax a younger woman into falling for him, for his own ego. YUP. A) My bet is Josslyn, since she could taste the sauce sample from either Trina or from Nina, while accompanying Jax whenever he tries to get back with Nina. Or maybe Carly, since the Show finds ways to make her the center of the GH universe. B) This is plot point stupidity, to drag things out. "Sonny prevails, even in death" - 🤮Shut UP, Laura Wow, Phyllis certainly thinks highly of herself, Lenny, "Mike" and their town to think Nina will absolutely be back once she's bored with spending time with her grandson. P&L are getting very pushy about Sonny and Nina being together. UGH. Don't care about the P&L angst. Elizabeth continues to be good at getting through to Finn when he's frustrated and/or being dramatic. Don't care about the Brando, Sasha, Gladys stuff but Sasha's "sharing" line was so cringey/sounding like Carly/'badly written!! The only version of Cyrus I like is the one threatening/trying to blackmail Carly (and her kid). Good to see Carly nervous. Preview: well, maybe Nina will want Valentin back now that he's showing her his "second daughter."
  20. This irked me so much. Sean is no victim of racial discrimination. I rolled my eyes at him feeling sorry for myself. Hated everything about today except Finn and Elizabeth working together, Dante having more sense than Nik and Ava together, Britt scolding her mother for her sweeping trash talk about the staff at GH, and JW did a great job acting that seizure/collapse in response to Finn's cure. That's the first time Michael looks genuinely horrified at what Chase has been going through. My reaction to Willow's horror/tears: You should feel like one guilty bitch. Michael was such a pathetic, whiny man baby to Jax. Umm Michael, you've never been there for Jax and the Corinthos family has never had his back, so the "who's going to be there for you?" line was hardly a burn. I don't get why in the world Anna would ever trust to be alone with Dr. Leisl Obrecht when the psycho is holding a crow bar. So now she is being used to further Obrecht's redemption? Big fat NO to them being friendly since Obrecht has never apologized to Anna for what she did to Robin, or for nearly killing Robert. i call major bullshit on Obrecht in the role of encourager/ understanding ally to Anna and Anna thanking her. I guess those scenes were supposed to be funny/creative, but not to this viewer. Anna also should have picked up on something being very off with Maxie, but chalks it up to mother's guilt. She knows that Maxie was talking about coming up with a plan to keep baby Louise safe. Also, Maxie, Louise is not one of Peter's victims. Ugh. I don't understand why she stopped short of telling Britt the truth. I thought, and wondered, the same thing.
  21. I've never liked the Brooklyn character much, but I love and adore her for cockblocking Michael in that moment. Allll the praise for BLQ!!!! I agreed with everything Elizabeth said to Finn about him being Chase's best chance, that Finn being questioned /spending any time in jail will cost time that Chase doesn't have, etc. Either she should have told him to leave Peter's body there and go back to his research while she let the police know she found him after she heard a sound in the stairwell - OR they both should just leave Peter their for the police to find. Two things I don't understand/seem to be dropped - that Peter had planned to escape with Maxie and the baby via helicopter (or possibly airplane) and that there is a cabinet of doses of the antidote and fake nurse Chloe had access. Maxie's recorded statement that Mac said he heard, included the part about the plan to be airlifted. So the PCPD should have police immediately on or near the roof since they/Mac knows Peter has the means to escape by air. It's plot point stupidity (AGAIN) that Finn is alone on the roof with Peter, and is the only one to think to go up there. What was the point of showing fake Chloe closing the cabinet with all the doses of antidote (or the toxin), if the Show was just going to kill her off? If it was just supposed to let the audience know that they were already working together or she really works in the medical profession, there were plenty of other ways to do that. Elizabeth and Finn's scenes can easily build to them falling for each other in time. I will laugh if Hayden comes back and Finn is clearly falling for Elizabeth. It's a case of Finn can trust Elizabeth, and Hayden's actions have made it clear that Finn can't trust her. Hayden is less trustworthy than Anna, and Finn doesn't trust her. The anti-climactic death (if Peter's dead) isn't surprising for this show. There have been plenty of moments that should have been BIG, and they .... weren't. Some examples are Jakeson (Drew) getting his "Jason memories" back and the subsequent reunion with Sam, Burton's Jason and Sam getting back together, Nikolas seeing Robin alive when he thought she was dead, a handful of Anna's reactions Robin/something involving Robin in the last decade, Sonny almost nonchalantly telling Carly that Morgan was dead, etc. (I'm not sure if it's partly the actors' faults or it's mostly the writers, but I just don't believe that Anna has been deeply emotionally invested in adult Robin, and the same with Sonny regarding the late Morgan.)
  22. Yup! She did so much with one moment today, when BL adjusted the baby to face Maxie as Maxie was looking at them through the blinds of her hospital room window into the hallway. Good to see Mac. I missed much of the episode - is Peter really dead or did he just manage to somehow fool Elizabeth and Finn? Since Anna was easily duped by Peter, I guess it's not a surprise she gets duped again by Maxie. Good acting by GF, as usual. Nice to see Trina get to embrace her dad. LOL at the teaser for Friday: Carly looking genuinely surprised/taken aback in response to Jason, who is behind bars, and apparently telling her she made a mistake...what would Jason do with himself without her delusions of grandeur. I am actually curious to see who went to see Britt. It's sweet to see Valentin in awe of the baby.
  23. I don't see Finn doing that either. By get him, I meant confront/corner. My best guess right now is that Peter takes a header down the stairwell as he's trying to escape from Finn confronting him and demanding the antidote. Some may remember way back when, AJ grabbed SJB's Carly by the wrist and she yanked her hand away and fell down the stairs at the Qs. Wouldn't surprise me at all to see a redux of sorts: if Finn and Peter are arguing, Finn tries to grab Peter and force him back into the hospital to help Chase, Peter yanks away/steps back too far and down, down, down he goes. That's more dramatic than if he takes a header down the stairwell just because he's desperately trying to run away from Finn and gets clumsy on his feet. Could be that Elizabeth is concerned for Finn and Chase, hears something, and is just in time to see Peter fall or get pushed.
  24. Absolutely. IMO it's the best acting from Kirsten Storms since the funeral of Georgie Jones, when Maxie told everyone from the podium about Felicia abandoning her sister and her and Felicia ran out crying.
  25. Ding ding ding! WOW, KSt. deserves a daytime Emmy for today's episode because Maxie was ON FIRE. She tapped into her old skills with manipulation!! I love that she recorded Peter's whole confession and sent the file to Mac before Peter could get her phone! I was taken aback that she actually called him Heinrik several times and a "cheap imitation" of Faison. But it's ridiculous (plot point stupidity) that it took that long for a nurse to check up on Maxie and Peter when Maxie had been screaming at him at the top of her lungs for at least, several minutes. I love Trina's feistiness. Her new hairdo looks great, too. Also plot point stupidity: Curtis kicking in the door with Laura at his side, I think unarmed? Of course Cyrus, is going to hold a gun on mother and daughter and kick him and Laura out. Anna: "Did something happen to your baby?" YA THINK? Would Maxie's face look like that if things were going well?! WR's acting on the roof was so very, very bad. Get him, Finn! Previews: Maxie tells Anna the truth, and Taggert shows up for the drama at Casa Robinson?
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