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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. He wants somewhere to place the blame. I thought it was interesting that Jordan had to ask him if he's spoken to Trina and his response involved the words "I may replace the father she loves" and that Trina has accused him of trying to take her father's place. Wasn't that conflict well before the wedding? It's sad that he didn't decide to go talk to Trina until Jordan said something. It looks like Esme is getting her memory back, between the beaming smile of pride at Spencer about her baby boy, and referring to the baby as "Ace" again. I rolled my eyes at Ava sorta yelling at Austin to get out of the hospital bed and come back with her to Spoon Island before the police find Nikolas's body.
  2. I thought of them, but as far as I'm aware Rocco is a non-entity (part of Dante and Sam holiday "family scenes" only) unless Lulu wakes up and Charlotte is only ever seen/mentioned regarding Valentin. With the way this show has been going I'm not sure Rocco and Charlotte are even aware they even remember they have an uncle Nikolas let alone that they were going to have a new baby cousin. Shouldn't she have recused herself immediately when Elizabeth brought up Nikolas - not after the statement? Or as soon as she saw Elizabeth? Not only is Nikolas Molly's cousin, but Elizabeth is Molly's dad's ex-wife. ETA: Not to mention, Dante should also recuse himself because his son Rocco and Elizabeth's son Aiden are cousins (via parents Lucky and Lulu Spencer), and Nikolas is also Rocco's uncle since Nikolas is Lulu's brother.
  3. Chavez is doing an excellent job showing Spencer's heartbreak as everything sinks in. I felt so sad for him when he was speaking to his Grandmother Laura with tears in his eyes, and felt for her because she so badly wants the rift between her son and grandson fixed. I agree about MW too. I also think we're supposed to feel for Joss and Dex since I guess they're supposed to be portraying a couple madly in love, but all I see is Joss in a sex haze with a guy she barely knows and clearly thinks there is more to this relationship than their actually is - while not pausing to think/worry about the people she has claimed are her best friends - Trina and Cameron. I hope she gets wounded during the Sonny/Dex illegal event that is coming soon, because she just can't stay away from Dex. Yep, baby Cassadine is Steven Lars' nephew as well as Lucky Spencer's nephew, Aiden's cousin, and Spencer's brother.
  4. I thought she was going to say she's naming the baby Colin, after (Grandma) Laura and (Great Uncle) Kevin. That could continue family tradition, since Nikolas claimed and re-named his first-born son Spencer, after Laura and his siblings. Also....good karma for the baby to turn out sane! Not much to say about today's episode. Willow and Carly's dialogue was an anti-abortion extremist advocate's dream (reminds me of a former friend), so I just had to turn it off. I can't believe I actually enjoyed watching Sonny yell at someone. Sonny yelling at Michael was oddly satisfying.
  5. Yes, I think that is the direction the storyline will go. Today Esme told him she's not that awful person anymore. Spencer will be loving and protective of the baby, endearing Esme to fall in love with him for real and wish he actually was baby Cassadine's father. They get closer but he's in love with Trina. Esme gets her memory back and hides it... I can see her being an OG Carly type, with Esme using "baby brother" to keep Spencer close and spend less time Trina as Carly did with Michael to try to cause trouble between Jason and Robin.
  6. I understand that it was so Heather could have her "I'm your mother" reveal. so she could tell Esme - with Laura and other witnesses present - why she did the Hook killings, and so Esme would shut her out, but that could have been accomplished with much less dialogue, ranting, and movement. The cop was barely trying. Then Heather was doing the same thing when they arrived back on the pier in front of Jordan and Spencer. I thought "seriously, why aren't there two cops restraining and forcibly moving her along?!"
  7. YUP!! I actually clapped when Ryan went down and the camera panned to Mac with his gun aimed and the look of hatred in his eyes. All the kudos to John Y York for the way Mac handled approaching Ryan on the ground, and the restrained emotion as he was comforting Ava. It felt like he was seeing younger Felicia in her as he looked into her eyes. Jordan appears with her gun ready to shoot after it's over, lol. The emotional Ava-Felicia hug, Felicia and Mac embracing, the Mac and Kevin moment, Felicia and Kevin emotionally seeing for themselves that Ryan is dead - these veterans rocked it! Also excellent: Taggert telling Portia he is Trina's dad, period. Portia looked so pathetic, wearing her "Just Married' sweatshirt from Trina and eagerly going to answer the door because she thought Taggert was Curtis, coming back to her. I liked the conflict playing in Spencer's face, as he saw his newborn brother for the first time and fought the urge to grab the bundle out of Esme's arms because she is gazing at her son with such loving adoration. Plus, paramedics around and all, lol My one complaint: WHY did the cop just hold with one arm and keep letting Heather yell, lunge and rant when he was told repeatedly to get her away. If she's that difficult, have a second officer help to drag her away. Jordan was being useless, so she could have helped the cop instead of letting Heather get in Spencer's face.
  8. Same for today. Spencer demonstrates how much he has grown as a person and how much he is in love with Trina, by not wanting their first time together to be in an empty art gallery while she's hurting from the confrontation with her mother. No, he told Ava "we" and Esme and the baby are going on the run to be a family. I think he intended to leave Heather behind. Heather's mad/jealous that Ryan's decision to go to Wydemere for Ava has derailed her plans, so she figures Ava with a gun will get revenge on Ryan for both of them. Plus I think she figures Ava going after Ryan will keep Ryan from leaving with Esme and without her. Ava and Ryan facing off while she has a gun on him is the very best kind of soap drama. These two vets are awesome together. Her eyes going wide with shock and the truth hitting her as he said "my grandchild" JL's line delivery of "You shot me!!" (tone: how could you??) was hilarious. - Spencer's WTF?? wide-eyed reaction when Alexis said "her biological parents" was almost as good. Jordan should just resign and leave police business up to Mac and Laura to handle since they are 1,000x smarter than she is. (Curtis was on and whining, but did not express one word of concern for Trina, of course.)
  9. Actually, his second wedding night is still better than his first in my opinion - no dead bodies! When he and Jordan got married on the Haunted Star, they (after the vows were concluded) found Kiki's body in the bed! Ryan had killed her and left her body in there. The Ashfords' wedding was definitely overshadowed by Ava having a breakdown over her daughter's corpse in front of all the wedding guests.
  10. It must be nice - easy money - for Roger Howarth to get paid to lie face down on the floor for at least an episode. When Ava said "he's losing a lot of blood" I thought, really, he doesn't look bloody and I don't think she got any blood on her from looking at the wound. Cassadines always think they've got it covered. I'm not sure if Taggert was armed at that wedding. I thought the lead up to the first Spencer-Trina kiss was well done, especially Spencer keeping the tiny distance between them so that Trina got to decide if she was ready to kiss him. Then her little kiss leads to him going for it. Thanks, perkie! I was thinking Heather must have bragged about killing Rory, and I missed it. Speaking of Heather, AM as Heather comes off as more goofy/wacky with Felicia and Ava than menacing. JL. on the other hand, sounds every bit the unhinged serial killer: "You and that baby belong to me" and "Daddy''s here." Curtis really is the "one who got away" fantasy man to Jordan, ugh.
  11. I knew this version of The Hook killed Britt. But did I miss her confirming she killed Rory? And if so, why? I understand she wants to get rid of Ava, but she just snuck in the door and raised the hook toward Austin a couple of feet away without any situational awareness of where Ava is in that mansion. The audience has seen The Hook stalk victims in outdoor locations from a distance and sneak up on them. For all this Hook knows, Ava could come running out from somewhere and attack her with a weapon while she is attacking Austin. I guess the police will soon find Nikolas and assume Ryan killed or grievously wounded him?
  12. I don't think he has hearing or comprehension problems. I think he was incredulous and trying to wrap his mind around the fact that he has loved and put so much faith in Portia only to find out she's been keeping a huge secret from him even when he had asked her directly about Trina and even during their wedding vows. She only told the truth because Trina confronted her and really sounded (to me) like she was telling Curtis she wasn't going to allow him to be a father because a) he broke her heart by walking away and b) Marcus was acting like the husband she wanted and he was excited to be a dad. The usual woe-is-me victimhood title that usually goes to the Carlys definitely goes to Portia for this Friday episode. Marcus Taggert is an awesome dad. That is all. Ava sneering at and taunting Ryan and Felicia being her side kick in it was fun. Mac threatening Ryan over the phone gave me old school Mac and Felicia v. Ryan vibes. I don't get why "the Hook" snuck into Wydemere that way. How could she/they have known Franco...er....Austin would be there and making a call (besides a plot point.) He was inside and all doors were closed. It's a beautiful day when there are no Carly/Carly spawn or love interest sightings and the only ones connected to the Carly/Sonny clan on screen are Spencer and Dante!
  13. She was also walking around to the guests with a video device, asking people to look into the camera and record well wishes/advice for the bride and groom. I guess Trina asked her to do it? Unclear.
  14. I disagree, because for the first time I saw the "fire" in nuTrina that I haven't seen since Sydney Mikayla left the role of Trina. The mental anguish she showed, and then the rage came in waves with every word that Portia said to excuse/justify lying to her and both Marcus and Curtis for 20 years. My favorite Trina part was her exploding "You're a doctor!!!" in a tone that I interpreted as: are you f-ing serious you self-absorbed delusional twit. Was this supposed to be a Friday cliffhanger episode? Because both potential baby daddies in the doorway as Trina's storming out, Mac knocked out by Ryan, and Ryan face-to-face with his two obsessions at Wydemere (awesome!!) seems like a Friday episode to me. Although Dante's "I'm confused" look instead of shock/horror when Maggie finally spit out "Ryan Chamberlain" did nothing for me. The only genuinely romantic Valentine's Day moment I've seen so far was Mac and Felicia being lovey, and the mentions of both Robert and Anna were good too. ETA: President Biden's remarks only took out a few minutes of the show
  15. You may be correct; I know that LW has worked with Howarth twice, when Carly was sort of paired with Todd, and then she was engaged to Franco when she thought he was her dead bestie's twin brother. That was before the writers decided that Franco would be Scott and Heather's son instead. As for the wedding, what was the deal with Portia's dad and brother leaving before she threw the bouquet, and Trina returned? Did I miss that they had to go somewhere urgently? Portia's fine with Trina missing the bouquet moment because "I don't want Trina catching the bouqet." Seriously, give up thinking that you have control over your adult daughter's life. Sure, Trina and Spencer are into each other and have had a rocky history. Yet they're being honest with each other, which is more than you can say about your relationship with your now husband. And of course Portia seems to think that Trina's text to Joss means Trina wanted some alone time with that bad influence Spencer. I really liked Stella's line to Spencer that this is a family matter and he's not family, when he mentioned secrets. It's a great callback to Spencer very recently asking Trina to leave the hospital chapel so he could talk with his grandmother and father about a "family matter." VW did a great job with Stella answering yet not answering Trina's questions and then the hug. Ava and Nina shimmying as Marshall played on stage was the best part of the wedding! Also, I think hell froze over when Sonny expressed gratitude to Ava for being a good friend to Nina, and seemed genuinely friendly to her.
  16. Yep! Actually Carly was sexing up Johnny at the time that little Joss got kidnapped from her house (by Jerry Jax, who injected both Joss and Alexis so they would be immune to the toxin he put in the Port Charles water supply).
  17. That's what I think, too. When the affair was first acknowledged on-screen, the writing for multiple characters made it sound like Trina already existed when the affair happened. Also, Taggert said he realized Portia had been having an affair that (last?) time he came back, because there was something "different" about her - he just wasn't sure about the identity of the guy. No way he wouldn't have pressed the issue about an affair if Portia was clearly pregnant. Curtis walked away from Portia upon finding out she was married. However long later, Portia and Taggert decided to divorce. I rolled my eyes at how contrived this Trina's bio father storyline is as of this moment. Portia is determined to have her perfect wedding day, and keeps her mouth shut while Trina decides she must leave the wedding moments before her public toast to her mom and Curtis, to persuade (demand?) that Aunt Stella come and make the day a completely happy one for Curtis. Btw, does Stella even know Spencer? When Joss told Spencer she still thinks he's not good enough for Trina, I wish he had said, "Well you're definitely not good enough for Cam," instead of "ok" re: her indirect line about Dex. Does it not even occur to Heather that she just gave Ryan a weapon he could use to kill her and leave with Esme, instead? I've thought Heather is supposed to be delusional but not stupid. (??)
  18. I was really disappointed that lightning did not strike Joss down when she snapped at Sonny that his nephew is selfish and inconsiderate (re: Spencer and Dex). The hypocrisy, wow!! You'd think Spencer had screamed at or tried to assault Dex during the ceremony in front of all the guests. So, you have to stand up for your new boy toy to his boss? How pathetic. And then her disdain when Spencer apologized as they were seated.... I can't with Portia crying with fear/regret as she's about to walk down the aisle to Curtis. Sam is back to her old look of wearing a black bra under a white/light colored shirt?
  19. A) Yep, he both looks and acts like RH is back to playing Franco except with a different character's name. I suspect Nikolas was not entirely dead and so Austin somehow injected him with something that keeps him alive. (Remember what Helena did with Stavros to bring him back to life.) B) It really did!! I thought, "shiny purple garbage bags??" That's beneath Ava!!!
  20. It was hilarious to me (my guess is, unintentionally funny by the writers) that she pouted lightly to Trina about not having a date for Trina's mom's wedding but she's glad she's date-less with Trina at a wedding, then Trina grinningly announces she has a date ... and they both turn as Spencer walks in. It seems Joss has yet to confess to Trina that she's doing a mobster. I loved that Trina wouldn't let Joss avoid speaking to "Cam's grandmother." Speaking of which, Laura looks absolutely beautiful! Sooo, Britt died saving Joss's life, Cam is heartbroken over being cheated on and dumped by Joss, Joss's once and future SIL is in the hospital dying of cancer BUT the big thing on Joss's mind is that she doesn't have a date for her best girlfriend's mom's wedding. Who doesn't love seeing Carly behavior when the actual Carly isn't even in the episode?! UGHHH I give Katelyn Mc. credit for great acting (the best I've seen from her since Willow learned about the death of her bio son from Chase). Willow's emotional scenes with CD/Michael got to me and given her history (Harmony, cult, etc.) what she said about her choices makes sense from her perspective. (My interpretation: all she knows is putting others including children first/ she doesn't really see her life as an individual inherently valuable. Turning away from the heart necklace Nina gave her confirms this.) Good Finn-Elizabeth scene(s), with her being firm about her actions and desires. Also, loving the look of Becky Herbst's hairstyle/color.
  21. A) I thought that was so obnoxious and in-keeping for how characters like Carly and Liesl think. Liesl supposedly loved Franco as a best friend, Elizabeth and her children were Franco's family, and Scott is Franco's father. She should want Scott to take care of Franco's widow, but as usual she only thinks of herself. Did Scott leave Liesl's side during Britt's memorial? No, she was gushing over niece Nina and expressing happiness at the birth of Nina's granddaughter at the time Elizabeth contacted Scott, not sobbing alone over "my Britta." B) I assume he'll rise from the grave. The stuff with Nina and Austin and Nik's body seems to vague for Nikolas to be truly dead. I like the name WIllow chose for her daughter, mostly because Amelia is my middle name in honor of a family member. When she said "Grace" I thought, hmm, does Carly know her new granddaughter has the same middle name as her old rival Robin Scorpio-Drake's daughter? Just for this moment I would like Jason to appear and say "Hopefully, Michael's daughter will wear the name as well as Robin's daughter does." LOL Speaking of, I think Nina may have surpassed Carly's long-time hatred of Robin and Brenda. I swear Nina lives rent-free in Carly's delusional mind.
  22. It looks like just moving forward on Ava/Franco to me, as the show should have done instead of using legacy character Elizabeth to make Franco happen. Ava and Franco kissed when Franco and Elizabeth were trying to set up/trap Ava and Nikolas. For however long, Franco thought Kiki was his daughter resulting from his pre-Port Charles relationship with Ava.
  23. Thanks, that's very nice of you to say! I'm glad that in today's show in her parting comment to Spencer, Laura validated what I've been saying all along- her guilt over leaving/not raising Nikolas has always stayed with her. That's the real reason she has never seen him as the selfish, weak man he really is and why she's never been REALLY hard on him, more like heartbroken about him whenever she finds out about his latest reprehensible actions. She believes he wouldn't have made such horrible mistakes and choices if she had not abandoned him on Cassadine Island when he was an infant. There is the additional pain that Nikolas is the only of Laura's three kids on screen, having a real relationship with her. Lulu is still in a coma, and all we know about Lucky is that she speaks with him from time to time. The last time she actually saw him was when she and Luke rescued him during TG's retirement storyline/the return of little Jake. While it's sad that Laura is so determined to never give up on Nikolas, it makes total sense to me. Then you have Nikolas proving yet again what a very stupid man he is, telling Ava he's letting go of the fantasy of reconciling with her after the baby is born and instead is going to take Avery away from her with Uncle Victor's help. A smack with a small statue is cliche though. I guess Finn is going to now show up at Windemere to confront Nikolas about using/manipulating Elizabeth and see Ava trying to drag Nik's body somewhere? I was wondering if Spencer's line that Nikolas should have stayed dead was the show's way of saying casting MC was a mistake, in addition to the obvious anvil that Ava was about to smash him over the head with the metal eagle?
  24. She did! I watched live today. I haven't watched the show (except clips) since probably Genie Francis's anniversary show, when I wanted to see Laura and Elizabeth scenes. There is so much UGHHH and WTF-ery about GH that much of the time, I just go looking for scenes involving Elizabeth's family, Laura with family, and young adult Spencer and Britt. Chavez is doing a terrific job with the Spencer character. As for today, I laughed that a temp (?) Heather had a "private" loud whisper conversation toward Ryan about Esme and Nikolas, while no more than 5 ft. away from Esme. I had a major WTF reaction to Sam holding onto Dante's arm and promising Jordan cooperation with the police like she's always been an upstanding citizen, then after Britt's memorial talking to Jordan again like she had been obligated to attend. Yes, I know she's now dating Dante, but she's a former felon who was jealous when her now presumed dead mob hitman ex-husband had feelings for Britt. Why was she there? Why was Dante there, given his and Lulu's history with Britt? I was expecting Spencer to get up and give a moving speech about who Britt was to him; instead we get Scott briefly getting up and claiming to have known Britt well. It's so disappointing that Spencer's screen time all got focused on anti-Nikolas/save the unborn baby stuff. Trina shouldn't have to say hey, this day isn't about you or your father, it's about Britt. Why did no one acknowledge that it was Josslyn's life Britt saved? Jordan, Dante and Sonny all know it now if the others don't. Also, given how often the focus is on Sonny in this show, I would think he would have let it slip to Spencer that he was grateful Britt saved Joss after she saved his best friend Jason ... only to realize Spencer didn't know Joss was the intended Hook victim. (I want to see Spencer find out that Joss left Britt alone to die, and the same night cheated on Cam.) Well played by GF: Laura's horror at seeing (temp! thug-looking) Nikolas manhandle Elizabeth as he was basically yelling in her face. You could almost feel her flashing back in her mind to the days of Stavros being violent toward her. l loved how she shut down Nikolas whining "sorry I'm not the son you wanted." I laughed at Finn's look of surprise/shock when Elizabeth confessed she was never pregnant with Nik's kid. Really, dude? The jokey vague reference to Britt once setting Emma Scorpio-Drake's doll on fire "I heard it was an accident" made me roll my eyes. Yeah Brad, you weren't there and neither was any one else attending the memorial. UGHHH that the episode ended with Sasha, Maxie, Nina, Sonny etc. fawning over Michael and Willow's newborn and Sonny calling her "the future." Since Britt was Nina's cousin and that baby is Nina's granddaughter, it should have ended with Nina saying something about Britt's legacy of medical care and playing a part in bringing this new life into the world. Terri's big surprise for the mourners is that a tiny portrait of Britt goes on the wall under Lila Q's giant portrait? Britt was a chief of staff, I don't see why that is such a big deal.
  25. NuJordan looks like she should be Curtis' little sister, or some young medical professional who's into TJ and wants to take him away from Molly. I can't get over how Liesl somehow thinks Anna should have called her and now they can kinda be friends. Finally, Anna vaguely resembles her real self by bringing up how Liesl tortured Robin. Liesl freely did that because she was devoted to a psychopath; she talks like she did it because she was Faison's hostage and had Stockholm Syndrome so Anna should just get over it. Please!!! A) It has nothing to do with rights. Jason was a hitman who also would physically harm someone to send a "message" to someone to back down or disappear. Terrorizing or torturing someone in the afterlife is absolutely in his wheelhouse. Her son Nathan was a police officer and had a rep as a kind guy; he would never terrorize someone even if they deserved it and she knows that. The one action, which people noted was out of character, was when he freaked out (prior to coming to Port Charles) upon finding out that his ex-wife cheated on him with priest Griffin, and shot Griffin. B) No. C) Yes, it's still Hudson West; he turned 14 on March 3 and SoapHub wished the General Hospital star a Happy Birthday. He has of course matured since he was cast six years ago. He's much taller, his hairstyle has changed/gotten thicker, and his voice change = puberty. The recast Webber son is Aiden, which occurred over the summer. (I'm still upset about it.) This is the most perfect, beautiful reaction to the episode!!! Yup, he saw Elizabeth and then Cam at Kelly's in December. She mentioned there was "someone" in her life but wasn't sure it was going anywhere and his response was that he remembers what it's like to be in love with her so the guy is stupid if he doesn't want her. So I thought the Show might be gearing up for a Drew/Elizabeth/Finn love triangle, silly me! He said he would come see her and the boys, and then that was completed dropped, which is absurd because he's the ideal guy to comfort Jake in the losses of Franco and Jason. Jake was much closer to BM's Jason-then-Drew than he ever was to SBu-Jason, Drew considered Franco a brother/friend, and Jason was his bio brother. There should at least be a mention of Drew reuniting with Jake and Aiden if not all three, but no the Show prefers Drew just be a constant stand-in for Jason in Carly/Carly and Sonny scenes. UGH!! Yes, Hudson West is still playing Jake, he's just grown up a lot since he was cast in 2016. Soap Hub wished "General Hospital star Hudson West" a Happy 14th birthday this week. He's been on other shows/in other roles as well in recent years. We can agree to disagree about comparing Jake to Michael in those scenees.
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