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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I kind of think that's exactly why Geary was not there. He has made it very clear he resents that his success/fame is eternally tied to "L&L." He did the emotional scenes with GF back when JJ left the role during the "Lucky died in a fire" storyline. Coming back to the GH set during a risky situation like a pandemic, and getting attention for his work with GF yet again for essentially doing a repeat of scenes (albeit for their younger child) they did in the late '90s likely does not appeal to him. Absolutely. I felt so bad for Laura, that she has zero support from either Lulu's father or the brother she grew up adoring, at such an awful painful time. Yes, that was a fail, especially after Olivia specifically said Dante had asked for a traditional Thanksgiving for Rocco because Lulu is in a coma. So...did they leave Rocco and the other kids to be alone with the nanny on Thanksgiving when they showed up to love and support to Rocco's maternal grandmother? Then he'll hear from his sister at some point about seeing Mommy in the hospital before she was transferred for long-term care? How does any of that make the holiday special for him?! All of this. Tracy said "my stepdaughter," which to me means they are (re-)married now. She sounded like a delusional woman in love when talking about Luke's love for Lulu, at her bedside. Her line "don't make him wait too long" would make a stranger think she believes he is a regular, devoted presence in Lulu's life who just happens to not be reachable in a moment when he's really needed. Does she have no idea that Luke abandoned Lulu to be raised by Lesley, during the years Laura was in a catatonic state? Lulu even told Dante, back when she decided she had to be a part of the "rescue Lucky" L&L (part of TG's retirement) storyline, that she wanted to feel important to her father. I would have rather Tracy just said, "I'm sorry your father isn't here. I love you very much and I can't wait for the day I see the smile in your eyes again." As for today: No, Sonny, Julian almost killed your grandson's mother who is in a coma, and did kill a teenage boy who was living with you. The fact that he wants to focus on telling Sam to make her hate Julian more when Danny wasn't at the FL instead of the actual victims is so gross. Instead of doing whatever he can to support Laura and Dante and Rocco, he's implying to Jason that if Ava had protected Julian/taken his side in this, she'd either be killed or be punished with losing Avery. So the only way Carly even acknowledges that Lucas still exists, or that she knows how serious Lulu's condition is now, is in a brief line or two of thanks to Trina's mom. She appears to give a damn about Lulu as much as Sonny does. Ugh. Hey Josslyn, you can have a normal life in Port Charles - by moving in with your father. I'm amused because Carly is clearly miffed that Josslyn is honest with Sam, but not with her, that Josslyn's not totes happy and comfortable with the bodyguard life she has thanks to Carly and Sonny's life choices. I'm also rolling my eyes that Carly's like, of course you can lie to your kids for their own good, I've been doing it for years and you can too and you totally should because Jason's such a great dad. The signs made by Violet were cute, but GHScorpiosRule is going to hate the Henrik/Peter "Mom" moment. But the storyline is going in the direction of Franco's buried Drew memories exposing Peter, so there's that. Cyrus reminds me of Sonny in that he seems to think he's always the smartest guy in the room. The two of them facing off in Sonny's office makes me roll my eyes. Contrast that with Trina being so genuine and flashing her gorgeous smile at her mother.
  2. Your statement wasn't about mobsters in general - it was that without Sonny and Jason specifically, the Show is nothing. However, GH definitely more than survived when either MB or SB chose to leave at various times in the past. Also, as some on this board have pointed out, GH was a thriving soap way before SB was ever cast as teenage Jason, and before the Mob character Sonny Corinthos was ever created.
  3. The show actually had rather terrific moments within good storylines, especially involving the hospital and the Q Family, before those two became a "team." GH had a solid fan base well before MB was ever cast as mobster Sonny Corinthos. I'm old enough to remember when 11-year-old JJ as Lucky came to Port Charles, followed by L&L. Back then, Luke knew what Sonny was. There was even a scene of Laura meeting Sonny, where Sonny said Luke has made it clear I'm not supposed to be around you or your family. Jason turned into Stone Cold over time. Back when SB played Jason was in love with Robin, he showed real emotion. It was after Robin introduced him to Sonny, that he picked up a gun and got comfortable with killing people. Sonny was happy that Jason was content to take orders from him, and kill people "when necessary." It was convenient for him to have a brain-damaged young man doing whatever he was told. Before meeting Sonny, Jason was not the kind of guy who would corner and punch someone in the stomach without knowing for sure that person was guilty of something serious. If the Show was really nothing without them, there would have been minimal viewers and the threat of cancellation, during the years when MB and SB were not on GH. Yet both actors have happily returned, which would seem to indicate they need the Show more than the Show needs them.
  4. She was at least mentioned. Right after he gave up Wiley, Carly had a scene where she told Sonny something like, "My mom said Lucas just wants to be left alone." There's at least the suggestion that Bobbie was worried and maybe tried to be there for Lucas. We've also heard references to Bobbie in the past, like Elizabeth on the phone saying "Thanks Bobbie, for taking the boys." All that was needed is a line like, "Bobbie was here last night. She is babysitting Rocco; since she's a nurse with so much experience we thought it would be best for her to explain why Lulu isn't coming home, in a way he can understand."
  5. I am appalled that Nina, Charlotte's ex-stepmother, was in the episode while Lulu's Aunt Bobbie, is neither there nor acknowledged in any way. This reminds me of when Elizabeth and Lucky were dealing with little Jake's "death." Bobbie was nowhere to be found despite the fact she's a Spencer who has been an active presence in Lulu's life from birth. Yet she's used where she's not necessary or inappropriate, like the Nelle drama or the 'special' Suffrage episode. I think Elizabeth and Cam should have been there as well (Cam is of the age to say "I'll look after Rocco") but Bobbie is an essential family member. Genie Francis absolutely deserves an Emmy for the 11/30 and 12/1 episodes. She broke my heart. Maxie's goodbye to Lulu was heartbreaking as well. I was moved by Tracy's tears, but her lines about Luke fell flat to me. Sure Tracy, Luke adores his daughter so much that he has not made an effort to contact her in years and can't be reached when he is needed most. I'm confused as to why Charlotte is telling Lulu she'll look after/take care of Rocco, like he's a toddler who can't possibly understand why Mommy is gone. Aren't Charlotte and Rocco almost the same age?? I find it hilarious that the two nitwits distracting Ava is why Julian got away. I couldn't tell what he landed on - shrubs? A patch of grass? Isn't that the exact same spot where Valentin threw Ava over on New Year's Eve? I thought there's nothing but water down there to fall in to? The only positive thing I can say about the Jordan/Curtis scenes is that the Curtis actor pronounces Spanish quite well.
  6. It was strange to me, though, that Nikolas suggested Elizabeth could find/call Lucky - instead of asking Laura if she wanted him by her side while she called Lucky. The last time Lucky was "on the phone' with someone on-screen, it was Laura, during the psychic story arc last year. Elizabeth is worrying over her injured husband and son; the Show has made it very clear that the only connection Lucky and Elizabeth have now is Aiden when/if arrangements are being made for him to visit Lucky. Laura obviously has Lucky's phone number, and as both his and Lulu's mother, should be the one to call and say "Get back to Port Charles ASAP, your family needs you." Sam was around for that, so for her to suddenly be highly aware of the danger to her children is very absurd. She and Jason were broken up when Michael got shot in the head because he was with Sonny, but she certainly knew it happened and felt bad for Jason. She was also around Jakeson/Drew, Sonny and Carly when Morgan was killed by the Mob car bomb meant for Julian. Wasn't she with Jason, or at least around him, the various times little Michael and Morgan were sent to Puerto Rico for their safety? Knowing Josslyn "rolls with it" should not be news to her. When she said she "almost lost Jason and Danny last night," I thought no, you almost lost Danny because he is Jason's son. It should also bother her how Jason appears to show zero sadness/guilt that Lulu (whom he's known for decades) and young Dev were severely injured and killed by a bomb meant to kill him. All he cares about is taking down Cyrus and Julian. I'm not exactly surprised since he didn't show much guilt when his own sister Emily was killed as revenge on him, but it still disgusts me.
  7. Yes, all scenes involving Laura were amazing today. I legit cried with/for her. No, there's a preview with Dante at Lulu's bedside for the 12/1 episode. That may be her last episode?
  8. I thought the same thing. She was even more upset to hear Franco had been injured, but hearing that Cam - another teenage boy, who is Franco's stepson and Trina's friend - was in the explosion as well and also was injured really got to her. That brief eye close thing she does together with the gritting of the teeth when horrified/angry is a terrific somewhat subtle reaction. Yes, she mentioned that killing Connie was another example of her trying to protect him (Julian).
  9. WOW - a mostly awesome episode. (Sonny and Jason being thugs and Sonny's weird repeated tapping on the waiter's head is why I say mostly. Even Sasha didn't really bug me.) LOVED Alexis dropping truth bombs on Carly and especially Sam, and Sam's scowl, and Carly's WTF?? wide-eyed reaction made me actually clap and laugh out loud. I was genuinely shocked at Julian getting snide toward Ava and bringing up how she shot Connie! Some of you called it that Sam now is thinking of Danny and Scout's lives and the reality of the danger for them which wasn't an issue when "I became a mother." Robert threatening Ned and later wanting to support/comfort Laura was great! GF rules!! Laura's tears of gratitude made me cry. LOVED seeing Monica, Laura and Alexis together ... and then TRACY!!!
  10. Did not wish to offend the few people who thought Michael and Sasha had chemistry.
  11. Yes, it seems to be a combination of he doesn't feel it's important to communicate with her about major things going on/she's on a need-to-know basis with him AND when she wants him to spend time with her and the kids, his response starting around Halloween is perpetually, "I'll try/I'll get around to seeing you three eventually." Sam wants to believe she and Jason are partners in life and raising kids. So when a bodyguard shows up and says "I'm relocating you and your kids to Mr. Corinthos' house; I received a text from Jason," Sam is angry because she and Jason haven't even touched on that possibility in their conversations. Sam is being told what to do, and talking to her about stuff that impacts her life is an afterthought. I thought of Carly asking Sonny over the phone "do I need to pack up the kids?" Umm, no Carly, that's not a decision for you two to make alone - Josslyn is not Sonny's daughter, and Avery is not your daughter. Josslyn could move in with Jax and be much safer there with him, always. The only child you are allowed to get ready to take with you is the infant daughter you share with Sonny. Has anyone even mentioned or seen Donna in months? I assume this means you have never seen Michael and Willow in a one-on-one scene together.
  12. A replacement for the "voids" left by Morgan's and Oscar's deaths. In one teenager, you have a guy who can be a replacement "son" for Sonny (who looks up to him as a so-called role model) and wants to prove himself to/work for Sonny at some point, as well as add a second teen boy to the teen group of 3. and bring some drama to the lives of Joss, Cam and Trina. But his character was a fail in my opinion because the Show didn't need more Sonny proppers. Dev's back story was created because Mike mistakenly thought Dev was related to Gladys, as the son of her son Brando. Now that Mike is dead and the Brando character is established as Sonny's loyal adult cousin (another actual Sonny family member), Dev was no longer needed.
  13. But did she know she was leaving when those scenes were shot? Since the news appears to have been a shock to her, maybe ER was under the impression that Lulu would be in a brief/temporary coma.
  14. This. Also, I was ticked off that Elizabeth's trying to hold in the tears because her son has been injured and his friend is dead, her husband is undergoing major brain surgery ... but no one has bothered to give a damn about her physical or emotional well-being when she was in the explosion too until Scott comes along. She has an open cut on her forehead, is still dirty and her her hair is almost black from the soot.
  15. No cliffhanger moment; the President-Elect's Thanksgiving speech cut off the last 6 minutes or so of the show. Honestly, I was just sooo happy and relieved that the breaking news turned out to be his speech instead of more tragedy. I called it that Lulu would have major brain surgery and they have to wait to see if it looks like she'll wake up. Good Laura/Kevin/Dante/Nikolas scene(s). I feel so bad for Dante after what he said in the chapel to Sonny. Ava's outrage and despair toward Julian was well done. I rolled my eyes that Avery, in bed asleep, got to stay at Wyndemere with Ava not because Ava asked Sonny but because Jason told Sonny he thought it was okay for now. On the other hand, I laughed at: Sam's quiet simmering about Jason just letting the bodyguard show up - via text- without calling her first, then Jason telling her she can go to Puerto Rico if she wants to, and then C/S/J being in agreement about what next. Molly's scene with Sam was one of the few times I thought Molly did well/was not annoying in ... I don't even know how long. Unfortunately she's talking to a sister who acts like it's a struggle to stay conscious. Loved the Laura-Cam dynamic. WL is, as always, VIP of the teen set. My heart broke for him when Elizabeth broke the news of Dev's death. On the other hand, I almost laughed at how Joss got some tears in her eyes about Dev, then begged for her and Trina to be allowed to go be with Cam right. this. minute. The girls hugging Cam, and the three talking about gratitude and the time they have, was sweet though. It seems like Joss is about to declare to Cam in front of Trina that she has feelings for him? Summary of J&T's reaction: Cameron is essential to our lives. Sorry Dev died-it's unfair.
  16. Yes, they were legally divorced. I remember they made a point of the legalities because once she and Jason were officially divorced and she married Drew, she was proudly talking about/showing Drew her official name change to "Samantha Cain." She and Drew legally divorced before BM left the show. No. Franco and Elizabeth arrived, so Cam was talking to them right by the bar at the same time Danny was supposedly coaxing Jason toward the back to show off his awesome video game playing skills. Dev went to sit at a table, and he felt the bag with the bomb at his feet. He looked under the table to see what it was, alerted the bartender about it ... then BOOM. Yes, her hair was supposed to have dirt and dust in it from the explosion, since she was under a beam on the ground and surrounded by debris when she woke up.
  17. Did Jason and Sam ever actually get re-married? I thought they were still legally divorced, but got back together and he moved back in.
  18. I give Laura and Mac a pass on their reactions; they knew who Dev was and I believe Laura met him a couple times because of Cam, but they didn't know him. Laura has known Jason's adoptive mom Monica Quartermaine for decades and Laura considers Jake to be one of her grandkids; Jason is Jake's father and Danny is Jake's brother (not that it was mentioned). I didn't interpret Maxie's advice as "forget Dustin; go tell Dante you love him." Maxie was recently talking to Peter about love and loss after being rescued from Alex. She doesn't want Lulu to have any regrets (although it doesn't hurt that she has a high opinion of Dante as her late husband's best friend). The "too bad" reaction from the awful foursome, but especially Sonny and Carly, is beyond callous and gross. There are moments when you would think a puppy they recently brought home for the kids got hit by a car and died. Also, Sonny, Dev did not "travel across the world to be a part of our family." He was asking for protection and money after fleeing a dangerous situation and figured he could get it from you. The only person in your family he knew about was Dante. It was your idea to make him "part of the family" to feel good about yourself. The problem is, she cares about sooo few people - Brad, her late brother's son James and I guess Maxie, and bratty, entitled Spencer?
  19. I guess that was the final scene for Maxie and Lulu speaking to each other; beautifully acted by both ladies esp. KSt. This was a terrific scene for Maxie. Lulu mouthing ILY to Dante as she collapsed in his arms in the chapel was a very soapy goodbye. Where did Laura go?!?! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Mac's "I give no fucks about whatever you want" tone in reaction to Sonny coming to him for answers. I so wanted Mac to say "I can see how devastated you are" in reaction to Sonny's "I lost someone here." Also enjoyed the Alexis-Valentin game. Twisted and creative. Great parting line from Valentin, showing he doesn't want nor care about Sam's gratitude. Sam being so pissed that Jason isn't going home with her because he has an important business thing to take care of almost made me laugh out loud. So did the split-second "he was a good kid" acknowledgment of Dev's death. So, Britt calling Jason is what saved his life. Not one word about the drugs in the hospital - she's just wants to spill all the dirt to the two of them about Julian to save Brad? Without asking Brad first if he's okay with it ... of course. Ava's horror and anger at Julian spilling his guts to her was also really well done. So are Cyrus and Sonny both now in a competition to see who gets to kill Julian first?
  20. I highly doubt her exit has anything to do with Cyrus. I am sort of assuming she will collapse with a brain bleed or other internal injury and then be in a coma (think tween Michael getting shot in the head) sometime between today and the middle of next week. There's been too much emphasis on "you need to get checked by a doctor" "I'm fine; I just hit my head" "I'm still waiting to be seen" for that to not be the logical next plot point. No, Jason and Danny had stopped playing pool because Laura wanted to talk to him outside. Their last scene inside the FR was Danny bragging that he wanted Jason to see how great he is at the [insert arcade game name] now after playing it with Cam and Dev watching him for the last however many minutes. Since Jason just returned to the FR, I guess the explanation will be he told Danny they had to go, he took Danny to the Qs, and then he was just returning for whatever "meeting" trap where he was supposed to get blown up by that bomb.
  21. I assume this is what will happen as well. Do any of you remember the winter bus crash involving some adults and kids? Michael and Kristina were in high school at the time. Kristina's good friend was "fine" after the crash, then suddenly collapsed at the hospital and died - she had a brain bleed. Lulu told Laura she has not yet been seen by a doctor. She has been insisting to Laura and Dante she is okay. I assume she has some serious internal injury/brain bleed, and she's going to collapse and be in a long-term coma (thereby Lulu is no longer an active character unless the Show recasts, but Lulu also doesn't abandon either of her children). Dante gets his house back, and raises their son as they hope and pray that "Lulu/Mommy will wake up and get better some day."
  22. I think Cam and Joss will get together in part from mourning Dev. Cam is dealing with physical and emotional trauma now, and Joss lived with Dev. In their last one-on-one scene, she told Dev he's "like a brother." i felt for Cam, and Lulu's pain, shock and fear today. DZ also deserves praise for how Dante held Lulu still once she got up, keeping her from injuring herself worse by trying to get to Dustin while the paramedics took care of him. His quiet protectiveness and trying to soothe/comfort her shows he still has a cop's instincts and a husband's love.
  23. DAMN, Sonny talks about "good kid" Dev dying like he was some warehouse worker he hardly knew. Not one tear. Carly's tears lasted 3 minutes, which she spent praising Sonny for giving the kid a good life the last two years. Valentin's letter genuinely touched Alexis. Me, too. I rarely feel anything about Diane but she made me cry in her tearful appeal to Alexls. NLG did a terrific job with her lines about Jason and Danny, just wanting her to grandson to grow up but always in danger because of Jason. All Julian can do is sit there and cry while clutching Danny's baseball cap?!?! I called it that Dustin would be killed, and of course Jason and Danny left before the building blew up. Dante saves Lulu, and of course promises Dustin he'll be there for Lulu. Dante's reluctant approach to tell Lulu the news got me. I guess she will collapse tomorrow in Laura/Dante's arms while sobbing about his death? I really don't care that Franco doesn't want surgery. Whatever. I like Elizabeth's angry reaction though. And poor Cam is injured as well as traumatized, seeing Dev.
  24. I am hopeful, based on what looks like Maxie speaking to Laura, that Lulu winds up in a long-term coma off-screen, a la Michael after getting shot in the head. Maxie looks like she's been crying and is scared, but not in a state of despair like her best friend is dead. I really don't want to see Laura devastated over the death of one of her kids, yet again. I don't believe the Show will kill off Franco or Jason (unfortunately), especially since there has not been news of either Howarth or Burton leaving. So, my best case scenario is that Dustin seems to be knocked unconscious temporarily, helps rescue Lulu, and then collapses and dies from head bleed/internal injuries like when teenage Kristina's friend was "fine" immediately after the bus crash drama, then died. Dustin's only "storyline" other than being Lulu's boyfriend was the occasional scene with students, but mostly with Joss, esp. telling her to keep a journal to mourn her loss. Rocco has his father Dante back and Charlotte has her father Valentin, so they don't need Dustin. Yup. My best guess about his so-called devastation and that line in the promo is that Dev dies. He was closest to the bomb, other than Lulu and Dustin. Sonny would be sobbing his eyes out to Carly if Jason died or Jason's kid died. He'll just feel guilt that he brought Dev into his home and life to "save" him because he felt like he owed him, and instead dies in a Mob act of violence.
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