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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. SERIOUSLY. She also has serious balls raging at Anna for "letting me rot" when she worked with Faison to keep Anna's daughter, who was never a criminal, locked up for ages and performed electric shock torture on her. Also, Obrecht enabling and conspiring with Faison for decades is both indirectly responsible for Nathan's death and contributed to Peter being the man he is now. Nelle wanted to call all the shots in Wylie's life once it was clear Michael didn't want to be with her and the baby as a family. That's why she walked away from Michael after the accident, that's why she gave the baby to Brad and told Michael he died, that's why she stopped from telling Michael the truth upon seeing a pic of Sasha holding Wylie, that's why she went to court for full custody, and that's why she kidnapped Wylie and told him that Carly and Michael will never see you again. A) TRUE. B) Willow got honest with Chase after running out on Michael and the two grandmas today - it blindsided her because it brought back the reality that her baby died and she hasn't really processed that grief because she's been focused on being Wylie's mother. I liked the end scene of Chase holding Willow in his arms. Yup. Lucas and Brad encouraged her in the role of de facto mother, as did everyone in Michael's life. All we know today is that off-screen, Nina wanted to be "honest" with Wylie, and brought up Nelle in a way "the books" say you're supposed to address difficult topics with a young child to explain how she, Nina, is related to him. Surrrreeee that kid asked Nina "How are we connected?" and said to Willow "You're not my real Mommy." He doesn't speak! It's disappointing, but not surprising, that Maxie is insisting to Britt that there's no proof against Peter and he "would never hurt me or the baby." She's dumber than a box of rocks. I gotta give Franco a little applause for knocking Peter out with a tire iron in the hospital stair well. I never condone violence, but his arrogance and F-off attitude toward Mac and Robert made me feel like he deserved it. I'm assuming the gun in his waistband meant Peter was going to try to coax/kidnap Maxie from the hospital at gunpoint. So, is Franco attacking Peter the beginning of the end of Friz? Rolling my eyes, though, at Sam leaving Jason a VM and warning him to "be careful." I missed a moment, was it Jackie who took Finn's hand in hers? She still totally carries a torch for him. She seems to be alternating between wanting to start something with Robert, and wanting something to happen with Finn. The only person I feel sorry for in all this is Finn. Well, I also feel a little sorry for Gregory because it sounds like he was always way more in love with Jackie than she was with him. I liked Mac fussing over his daughter, and Robert and Anna holding hands as he gave her a pep talk.
  2. Yes, yes, and yes! It's a sad day when I'm thinking, Valentin and Anna are lucky that Leisl Obrecht showed up since their plan/Val's minion failed so badly. As soon as Dante helped Peter out of that utility closet I figured Dr. O would be arriving at any moment. A) I was wondering the same thing, and also, did I miss explanations for why the mother and son of one bride, and the daughter and grandchildren of the other bride weren't there for this wedding?!! I don't buy for a moment that Felicia would miss her daughter and close friend's wedding, or that Robin and Emma (if not little Noah, too) would miss their mother/grandmother's wedding unless they were critically ill or injured and in the hospital. I also don't believe Maxie would get married without her mother present, or that Anna would want to get married without Robin and the grandkids there. Her lines to Finn about the romantic fantasy of running off with just him and Violet do not ring true after all the years and moments Anna missed with Robin. Maxie should be feeling regret that both Lulu and her beloved cousin Robin were missing her wedding day. B) Yes, Jason, Sonny and Carly were absent from this episode and Britt got sassy/snarky with Sam! So great. Britt, you could not be more right about Sam if you tried. YES. I looooved Dante's line to Britt. A)Violet fist bump with Chase was adorable and her 'uh-oh' made me laugh. The girl knows trouble when she sees/hears it! B) I legit 😂 about this interpretation for a few minutes. Thank you!!! When she's throwing the sass at Sam or Carly, all day every day!!!
  3. Mac is in his tux in the preview for Monday; Sam and Britt are telling him they don't know where Maxie is.
  4. Dante got a syringe in the chest right in front of Sam at the hospital, and when he got out of the hospital he left with Sam. Britt wasn't Dante's doctor, but she certainly could have heard that Sam was visiting Dante in the hospital and he left the hospital with her when discharged. Jason could have mentioned it; he saw Dante and Sam at the Metrocourt right after Dante left the hospital.
  5. Eh, Maxie would say Spinelli is "misinterpreting" what Peter actually said. And don't give the Show any ideas, please.
  6. She said it was only a couple of months, which is why no big deal ... conveniently leaving out that the reason it was only a few months was because Robin told the truth. Carly wasn't about to let Nikolas call her out without doing her best to discredit anything he says. Yeah, that seems to be the direction the Show is going because now Anna is focused on "protect Maxie." I second that PLEASE. Hahahaha! Indeed. Also, the bitchface she gave Britt for appearing friendly with Jason while wearing a form-fitting red dress, and asking her about Dante, made me laugh!! Britt's big fake smile and "Good talk!" response made me laugh as well. I will guess that the person Maxie is upset to see coming toward her at Nathan's grave is either Leisl Obrecht or the returned Brooklyn (on her way to visit Sonny's empty grave). I appreciate Cam's hostility toward Jason, but wanting to be backup/body guard for his mom and Franco just looked ridiculous. And I feel bad for Cam in general, taking the responsibility for his family's safety on his own shoulders. Elizabeth needs to have a serious talk with her son. ETA: So. Many. Anvils. I think I need Ibuprofen. We get it, the Peter and Finn/Jackie secrets are going to blow up the double wedding with drama.
  7. I agree. Teenage girls reacting strongly to a major haircut decision seems accurate to me, esp. since they both really like his hair LOL. They've mentioned first names of classmates before though. I recall Trina trying to force/dare Cam to ask out .... some girl ... in the past by grabbing his cell phone and typing in digits (can't remember the name). No, I thought the same. Anna and Valentin are better than the Anna/Finn anti-chemistry and Alexis and Finn enjoyed sex and friendship before he and Anna officially became a couple. He wanted her legal input for the Carly/Nina situation. Otherwise, he wouldn't have bothered. I thought there was a definite used-to-be-friends, now-we're-not vibe. Jax doesn't seem to care about her at all. To show that Michael relies on/trusts Willow completely as his son's mother. And yes. Does Michael do anything without mommy's permission? Yup. Also, Britt doing her best to be there for Maxie. Absolutely. I thought for a second (while she was standing in the door way of Nina's office) she might actually say, "Michael, why would you bring my grandson to meet Nina without asking my permission? You know how I feel about her right now." When Michael told Willow he just talked to his mom and it's been confirmed that Nelle was Nina's daughter - how? Nina didn't get a DNA sample from Wiley, right? Did she find a piece of Nelle's jewelry with DNA on it and get a test run? I'm wondering if I missed a scene. The Nina-Maxie scene about Nelle was, IMO, the best acting from KSt in a while so I thought I paid attention but maybe I missed a line about confirming for sure Nelle was Nina's. Also, since when does a 2-year-old watch a documentary?! All I can do is roll my eyes, and GAG, at Michael and Willow. Ugh.
  8. I'd say gold-digger is the wrong word, because she's not asking Michael for expensive stuff. To me, it feels like the Show is trying to emphasize that Willow has gotten used to being involved in Michael's "affluent" lifestyle and so while Willow is still attracted to/feels like she is in love with Chase, she and Chase don't "fit together" anymore because she also has feelings for Michael and her life has changed too much. Willow isn't capable of seeing Michael as trying to manipulate her into choosing him over Chase. Unfortunately, all the writers have succeeded in doing is making Willow bland/boring when she's out of range of Chase. They turned her into Michael's Wife/Wiley's Mother. Willow and Chase had adult conversations, honesty, fun dates, and she had a passion for teaching children. I liked that Willow. She had conversations with a range of adults, and interacted with kids. She reacted in anger to bullies. Sigh.
  9. It was sweet, but then (IMO) Brad ruined it by complaining that he was sitting there making Valentines for others. Good for Britt for scolding him that the Valentines are for kids in the hospital. I guess PS deserves credit for making me loathe Brad. It seems like regardless of the circumstances, Brad feels sorry for himself instead of considering how he's hurt/betrayed Lucas or anyone else. Thanks for confirming; I wondered if I was seeing things because the concept of Jason smiling or flirting is shocking. This isn't the first time wardrobe has done such a thing. I recall Carly showing up to a wedding, wearing a dress that looked like she was about to perform in an Ice Capades show. I was SHOCKED to see Kristina being a sweet, supportive big sister instead of an immature, pouting brat. She didn't force anyone to focus on herself as a daughter in mourning. A) It's hard to get a relationship/friendship back when he kneed Chase in the junk as Chase tried to apologize. Such as ass. B) Yes. I genuinely enjoyed seeing Trina and Joss show up to offer Cam love and support on Valentine's Day! He deserves the attention! I'm glad they found out that he got accepted to Stanford! As for Franco, the couple heckling at the restaurant and before that the radiologist who refused to work with Franco because Franco had hurt someone they loved in the past are rare instances of this Show involving some realism in Elizabeth/Franco's storylines.
  10. Because Carly acted like Nina was desecrating sacred ground, when she has zero proof that Sonny is even deceased. I agree. LW plays Carly as if Carly's perspective is the only narrative that matters/is accurate, and she will take the head off anyone who contradicts her (whether she's talking about Nelle, AJ, Ava, etc.) She wants Nina to believe that Nelle was a worthless waste of space so she will shut up, go away and stop being an inconvenience she has to deal with while "mourning Sonny." The most recent scenes just show yet again how selfish and self-involved Carly is to the core. Nina is mourning the life she didn't get to have with her daughter, is consumed with despair at how Nelle grew up and hurt people and then died, is feeling guilty that she testified against Nelle at the Wiley custody hearing, and is understandably angry that Carly thinks what she says about Nelle is all that matters. Nina lost 20 years of her life and her child because of her mother's actions, is not happily married, and her only sibling/cousin was murdered by her Aunt Leisl's lover/partner in psychotic behavior. Carly has adoring kids plus the support of Sonny's other kids, her mother and brother as well as Jason, ex-husband Jax and other enablers to kiss her ass. The only reason she's not happily married/ "a widow" right now is because dumbass Sonny decided he had to chase down/corner bleeding-to-death Julian in an off-limits construction zone. Yet she wants to dig into/tear down Nina due to feelings of entitlement and rage that Nina would dare to confront her/disrupt the moments of "putting flowers on Sonny's grave." So much UGH. Her "I'm so put upon" attitude with Joss re: Nina says it all. Yes, they were fighting and Nelle knocked Carly down, then ran off. When Carly found her, she was dangling on the cliff. Yeah, they're conveniently forgetting that. It was the same with Julian. He willingly donated bone marrow, which saved Danny's life.
  11. How much do I LOOOVEEEEE this line, let me count the ways!!!! 🤣 I cut Jax some slack in this moment, because he's concerned about Josslyn's grief as well as Carly's. Yelling truths about Sonny's thug life wouldn't make him a good father in this moment, knowing that in her teen years so far his daughter has lost her brother, her first love, her step-grandfather, her foster brother/live-in friend and now, her stepfather (they assume). He is supporting his daughter during a difficult time for her family, and unfortunately being supportive of Carly as well. The smart thing to do, moving forward, would be to point out to Joss the high price of choosing Sonny's world and push her to make better choices than her mother did. Yes, he yelled when it seemed Brenda, a woman he loved, had been in the limo. This was after years of Sonny and Jax being rivals over Brenda. I want to believe her grief is over the top because the acceptance of Sonny's "death" has come after her young son Leo lost his father, she found out her husband cheated on her with an ex and lied for months, and her son Dante almost died from a syringe. She already had a lot to be upset about! She really was! I liked how when Jax, Jason and Diane had Carly's back, she said the "three enablers" were proving her point. I also liked how Olivia and the rest were like, we're outta here, Carly can deal with the angry, yelling woman in the cemetery without us. Smug and remorseless, but also furious and baring her teeth about Nina "ruining the funeral." Bitch, there's isn't a body in that grave and everyone knows it! There was no reason for you all to gather in the cemetery!!! Carly wanted to have her way as the "grieving widow," so Nina's "too damn bad" line and the burn about enablers got her riled up. I didn't understand her lines about how her not staying around to help "clean up the mess" shows things have changed with her and Jason, and she's excited to meet the new Sam without Jason. Ummm, when was she ever expected to clean up a mess that Carly/Sonny created? I only ever remember her with little Michael and baby Morgan because Carly was institutionalized. Jason always handled the messes. And, Sam was without Jason for years. She was a single mother to Danny, who got involved with Dr. Clay. She was later involved/playing house with Patrick and Emma when "Jason" (Drew) became a topic of interest in her life. I remember she told "Jason" (Drew) that her life at that point was very different from when they were together, and she was happy with who she was and the life she had. Even since the real Jason came back, they have spent most of that time not living together with the two kids, because of various plot points/storylines. I enjoyed seeing Nina confront Carly and Jax, but I liked Lesley's surprise appearance at the board meeting (with Britt grinning at her!!) and then at the Q mansion to enlist Monica's help in dealing with Cyrus.
  12. Yup, that's Carly propping for ya. My issue was that the relationship should never have even gotten to that point. IR as Jax was introduced on the show as this business savvy and worldly man, who was obviously attractive to lots of women. With Brenda's upbringing/background and beauty, the mutual attraction seemed natural. Educated Alexis, who had grown up outside the United States, made sense for Jax as a BFF and potential love interest. Carly, who grew up in a low-class environment, went from Florida to Port Charles and never traveled or finished her education due to lack of interest and a preference for latching onto men who made her feel important due to status/wealth, is not the kind of woman Jasper Jaxs would EVER be interested in and certainly would not be interested in competing with a thug like Sonny for a place in her life. A real-life Jax would see this woman's attachment to Jason and Sonny and be like "F-this; I can do better than Carly anywhere else." Unfortunately, Jax, like JZ's Bobbie, has been turned into another character who exists for the most part to prop up Carly.
  13. This is the episode airing today. However, Joss saying she now feels fear when Carly or Jax leave the room rings false to me because Jax's business doesn't involve crime and murder. On the other hand, Jax is the first dad since Uncle Mac with Robin, to show what real fatherly devotion to a teen daughter looks like, when the father has seen his girl regularly all her life. Michael saying "ouch" when Willow called him her ex-husband to his face made me roll my eyes. Olivia crying over the Dante/Michael hug that "would make Sonny so happy" made me gag. Of course Carly doesn't know what her life is supposed to look like without her dysfunctional relationship with Sonny. She has never tried to be a functional woman without Jason and/or Sonny propping her up. That's not a sign of "strength" or being a "survivor." It's called co-dependence. Hello, Kristina. Where has she been all this time? I recall Michael said he 'talked to Krissy" but that was it. And did the make-up department put foundation on her that is way too dark? I swear her complexion was never light brown/dark beige/orange-ish before. It's rather distracting. So, Nina overhears Carly speaking to Jax without remorse about being on the cliff with Nelle and putting Nelle's death behind her. Preview does seem to indicate she will hold Carly responsible for Nelle's death. Honestly, the only relative of Sonny's I liked in this episode was Dante. I suppose his subdued behavior could be written off as "he's already been through so much and now he's a single dad, with beloved ex in a long-term coma" but I like to think that the former cop in him thinks that this "end" for Sonny was to be expected. I liked that he was more concerned with Michael's pain, that he told Olivia not to regret her choices and he was meant to meet Sonny later in life.
  14. Ok, I should have said Dante is recovering from intervening in an attack. The bottom line is Dante almost died, and here is Elizabeth not even acknowledging that or showing Dante gratitude because she is so obsessed with Franco (and has been for years now). Considering how long she has known Dante and that he is family since he is the father of her kids' cousin, I find her behavior abhorrent. Yup. That's actually not what happened. She never said suck it up. She was trying to gently tell him that due to what she had seen/experienced recently when she saw Jason, that she had to be honest and tell him she knew in her heart he's not Jason. Robin told Drew that not being Jason doesn't erase the relationships he had built with people in Port Charles and doesn't take away that he has a daughter. Or MB and the writers are comfortable with/think it is right that Sonny behaves this way and believe it makes him a nice guy who does know better than everybody else. The non-acceptance of Franco and Peter make Elizabeth and Maxie feel resentful because it implies they are naive about their men/ have poor judgement, and even worse, are bad mothers by possibly endangering their children by having these men around their children. Maxie, in particular, is desperate for validation that she did not fall in love with an illusion and encouraged her kids to get attached to the illusion. She does not want to believe she was drawn to Peter because he reminds her of her late husband. I saw her tears as despair that maybe she's wrong and everyone else sees what she has refused to see. I LOVED how Britt taunted Peter, because she was right.
  15. I am a Liz fan, and I hated that she was all angry when Franco is not the one Dr. Robinson just had to save from dying. Dante, who is her kids' cousin's Dad and Lucky's former partner, is in fact recovering from being attacked. Elizabeth has known Dante longer than Franco has even been in her life!! Elizabeth can express anger about Peter's actions putting a target on Franco's back and possibly endangering her children, but talking like Franco was the one who almost died is crap. Also, Obrecht is no hero. She is using a guy suffering from PTSD, to take down Peter. Dante had a close call and is in a hospital bed, but she's pressuring him that he "hasn't done enough" and he must do whatever it takes, no matter the cost, to "complete the mission" of taking down Peter. If Dante dies doing her bidding and Rocco is left without a parent, so be it as long as she "is vindicated/free." You would think she'd give a damn about Rocco since her own daughter Britt was once attached to the boy after giving birth to him, but nope. She doesn't care about Dante's life just like she didn't care about Robin's life and has shown zero remorse for the hell Robin endured while she was a prisoner or that little Emma lost time with her mother. Obrecht is just like Peter in that she is selfish to the core. Britt is showing she has some brains and spine, but she is far from showing herself to be a hero at this point. You are not the only one who had that reaction. I really wish Dante had actually responded, bringing up that obviously glaring contradiction about danger. The Floating Rib didn't explode because Alexis was inside or is an alcoholic. Same here. She's had affairs with his father, his uncle, and his former brother-in-law. Sam gave birth to Dante's second little sister thanks to her affair with Sonny, but baby Lila was stillborn. So Sam is one of his father's baby mamas, in addition to them having mutual sister Kristina, mutual brother Leo, and her sister Molly is his cousin. Re: Peter, I wish someone would point out to Maxie that Lulu's nephews could get hurt just by being next to Franco if someone tries to kill him. Or, at best, they're likely to get bullied (again) at school.
  16. This is SO TRUE and I HATE it. Plot point to involve Jaysus in a scene where he doesn't really belong and make it seem like he may be insightful when he actually isn't. The only reason right now I could possibly see him being concerned about Dante getting attacked is because it could upset Michael (Sonny's not around to care). Carly doesn't do remorse or guilt. Nina is in a place of absorbing info and getting over an initial shock, so I wasn't really expecting her to want to take Carly's head off at this moment. The "slut" comment was lazy writing. Shocker. I assume this is a rhetorical question? That would be the logical reaction to the "Nelle could have been my daughter" news, so of course the writers don't have Nina react that way. You're thinking Sam would speak in multiple sentences, sound coherent and raise her volume enough to be heard by multiple people?! You MUST lower your expectations, @dubbel zout!!!😉 That really was hilarious and awesome!!! Yup. It's very lazy writing. Olivia, it's your husband's fault that your husband got drunk and cheated on you. And Alexis did not chase Dante down the hall with a syringe with the intent to "murder" him. I rolled my eyes that she's calling Alexis a "murderous bitch" after Sam told her that Alexis was going after Franco and Dante intervened. It really was!!! And Valentin's comment has truth in it (whether or not he realizes it), which really burns Carly. The last time Carly was "done with Sonny," (after Morgan died/Sonny "cheated" with Nelle), she slept with Jax while he was visiting to tell Joss that Lady Jane had just passed away. She would go for Jax because Jason had zero interest. Eh, I think Carly (and Jax) will face some backlash from Nina after Nina proves Nelle was her daughter. She was more focused on running off to look for proof today. Hey genius, instead of digging through Nelle's stuff, maybe go straight for a DNA test of the child you know is Nelle's?!
  17. I must say, today was the most useful/best Michael has been since he was in his "don't give a fuck" mindset upon finding out Sonny and Carly conspired re: AJ. Carly looking so nervous and trying to distract Michael as he was innocently providing Nina with much-need info, made me laugh. "Carly, Stop." -- The most useful words Jax has uttered in Lord knowns how long. Finally, he stops covering for his bitch of an ex-wife. I think Monday will be the episode you want to see, @GHScorpiosRule Shut up, Ned. I liked Robert's grin at how mad and defensive he is, though. So now Olivia is out for grand revenge on Alexis? Hmmm, has anyone remembered that Kristina exists? Does she even known her father is missing?
  18. His son isn't in striking distance of a "former" serial killer with a growing brain tumor who previously tried to kill his sister/his son's Aunt Lulu with a bomb. You're correct that it isn't Nik's decision. However, it bugs me that Elizabeth is not thinking as a responsible mother, Nik is worried but hasn't actually done anything, and people are talking like Nikolas just grabbed the three boys and took them to Spoon Island without a word to their mother, or behind their mother's back.
  19. You should watch the scenes of LW's Carly taunting Robin about her HIV and Jason. These recent scenes of Carly with Ava, nuNikolas, and others aren't anywhere near the lowest she can go. That scene was the first time I've ever liked Britt. I was actually cheering for her. She genuinely showed strength and like she could be a formidable opponent. Nik didn't decide anything. He automatically assumed to Elizabeth's face that she would instantly think as he does - which is that the safety of her sons comes first. Yet Elizabeth is going on faith and love in her determination to believe that Franco would never hurt her boys. The truth is, she doesn't know that for sure. Also, the reaction Nikolas had is understandable since OGFranco strapped his sister to a bomb. Lulu was saved because Dante rescued her. Elizabeth once again wants to ignore Franco's past. Well, too bad. I also liked Jax's "Damn it, this situation is blowing up" expression. Yes, 😂. Bitch, Lucy doesn't work for you. Unless there's a shooter in that building who is an imminent threat to the people in that room, shut it! (Which is not the case, since Carly's husband is missing and her BFF is in Peter's office). I really laughed at Carly's look of horror mixed with panic as Avery said her necklace is on TV and she saw that it was indeed, clearly and prominently hanging from Sasha's neck for all the viewing audience to see. I also love that the reason this happened is because Ava did the motherly thing (that Carly will never give her credit for) by dropping Avery off in the restaurant to spend time with Carly, and Avery innocently gave her "good luck charm necklace" to Sasha for the interview. Carly is getting taken down by her own lies and a mother and daughter who were not even trying to take Carly down! After she's been a constant miserable bitch to the mother and consistently tried to keep the daughter away from her mother! He didn't even come close to kidnapping Elizabeth's children. He was saying to her face that the boys can be moved to Spoon Island immediately for their safety (because he is rightly worried). And Elizabeth knows damn well that "Tumor Franco" had her own newborn son kidnapped. So her absolute confidence that Franco is no danger or threat to anyone is absurd especially since she's a nurse.
  20. Absolutely. When they were alone in Jackie's room at the Metrocourt to talk about the past, she specifically brought up how she would have called off the wedding if Finn had told her he loved her/wanted to commit to her. There was anger in her voice, just as in her voice today when she snarked about Finn's changed attitude from his youth 'til now about honesty. So, she is implying that it's his "fault" that she married Gregory, and that Gregory and Chase don't know about Finn and Jackie's history. The actress IMO has been projecting an undercurrent of carrying a torch for Finn all these years. It was there in the one-on-one scene with Anna, where Jackie seemed to be holding in some resentment that Finn had a family life with a daughter. It's there when people talk about Anna and Finn's upcoming wedding. Jackie does not seem remotely happy for Finn that he is getting married, and that he is raising a child (when she's not the parent). Jackie seems to not realize she was an independent adult at the time she got involved with Finn. Nobody forced her to have an affair with Finn. Nobody blackmailed, threatened, or otherwise forced her to marry Gregory if it wasn't what she really wanted. She could have come clean to Gregory and her son at any time about her history with Finn. She chose to keep her mouth shut. I do believe the part about her not wanting to hurt "Harry" with a possibly life-altering truth now after almost 30 years, but it seems to be more about her wanting to protect her relationship with her son and her ex/not taint how they see her. He called Sasha "brave and strong" and I thought the Show was implying "just like his mommy!!!" (gag), so I was anticipating that he wanted to try again with her .... until the line about his love for her in the past. Yes, Willow is still in love with Chase while having feelings for Michael whereas Michael does not appear to have feelings for Sasha. He'd rather moon over Willow and pout that she kissed Chase.
  21. Really, truly. And her backing up/complimenting Carly's lame on-the-spot cover story just made her look even worse if that's possible. A) 😁 B) Are you sure? The are so many to choose from. I will cut Jax some slack that he probably wanted to get back to post-sex stuff with Nina instead of dealing with his ex who right now makes feral cats look good. C) I half wondered if Nik would end up with bite marks and his face scratched from Carly's attack/antics of mis-direction. I had to laugh at her being so outraged that she got caught, and then spouting to Jax how Ava's the evilest evil to ever evil. Uh-oh, Diane's gonna be pissed!!😂 Yes, that some weird and awkward choreography for a love scene. After showing him shirtless with lips on Nina's neck, why not just fade to black? A) The TempJordan scenes didn't work for me, in part because she doesn't look or sound (IMO) like either actress who has played Jordan. It literally seemed like a stranger was interacting with Anna and then Curtis. B) Carly needed to shriek to someone about her frustrations, and she already confided in him about the necklace thing because of their history and because Nina is his girlfriend, and Jason and Jax have both established that they will drop everything whenever she (thinks) she is in need. That is why Carly showed up uninvited saying "I NEED to talk to you NOW" instead of "Hey, are you free to talk?" C) Bobbie sees Carly through false rose-colored glasses, and I actually think she meant Carly's not going to try to get Jax in bed at this point (why would she, when Jason is now available?) D) I thought Jackie's tone was "fuck you, you don't get to known if Chase is your son because you didn't stop the wedding to your dad, and then we didn't see you all those years." And actually, Jackie swanned back into Finn's life. Finn has been living in Port Charles for years now. He has a job and a home with his fiance. Right now, Jackie is a visitor in Finn's life as well as Chase's. She has kept the secret of her affair with Finn quiet all these years to protect her relationships with her son and soon-to-be ex-husband. She sounded a lot like Hayden to me today, i.e. , you don't get to known if you're the bio father of my son because you hurt me by not declaring your love for me in public and instead let me marry your father (even though everything I did was entirely my choice.)
  22. A) Absolutely. B) He actually wasn't cheering Julian's death because he was too busy crying and scared over Sonny going missing when the authorities pulled Julian's corpse out of the water. It seems like he and Carly both barely registered that Julian is dead because of that. I kind of doubt he has even seen Leo, Scout or Danny since before people got word of Julian's death; he's been laser-focused on Carly and the biz and big bad Cyrus. As for Trina, Mac asked Jason if Taggert said anything to him before dying that could give Trina comfort and Jason referenced hearing Taggert say Trina was all that mattered to him. I don't think Trina and Jason have ever had a one-on-one conversation about Taggert? The last time I recall Jason actively comforting a weepy adult who doesn't live in Casa Corinthos was when Monica was sad about Oscar's terminal illness/probable death. Good point. I chance my critique to say she has awful judgement, period. I thought it was Avery's playroom, not bedroom? I saw a couch with toys on it, and the dollhouse. The necklace wasn't in a girl's jewelry box, it was in the dollhouse.
  23. Yes - for CHILDREN. I did not mention adults because Jason seems to be empathetic toward adults experiencing loss depending on the loss. I see Pif as a proxy for the friendships Liz used to have with Robin and Emily. Liz had a temporary friendship with Kim, and occasional scenes with the oncologist who was created out of thin air to be Elizabeth's "old" friend and Oscar Nero's doctor. The only "girlfriends" scenes on GH in the past year to two years that have aired with any kind of regularity are Lulu/Maxie and Alexis/Diane. The picking and choosing of showing actresses' pregnancies on GH has been odd to me. Becky Herbst's first pregnancy was hidden; Liason's baby Jake was a storyline-only pregnancy. Storms got pregnant during the Georgie pregnancy; baby James and now Lou are storyline-only pregnancies. Monaco doesn't have kids, so all three of Sam's pregnancies were storyline-dictated. McCullough was pregnant with her son when Robin visited a few years ago, so "baby Noah" was sort of written in ... but the Emma pregnancy was storyline-dictated. Rylan had that massive pink dress for a Nurse's Ball because the show was hiding her pregnancy. I don't know if the Ava or Nelle actresses were pregnant during the baby Avery and "Wiley is born by the side of the road" storylines. Same for when Britt was pregnant with the boy who is now named Rocco ( stolen embryo storyline/Dante and Lulu's son). Seriously. What those saccharine flashbacks showed, along with Willow's voiceover, sums it up: she wants to be Wiley's mom, she is comfortable playing house, and likes having a family esp. Michael as a co-parent (whom she somehow finds attractive? 🤮) that she can depend on. She never had a family environment before thanks to lack of stability from her mother. She is nowhere near being in love with Michael; she is nervous/skeptical about giving up the stable family life she has grown somewhat used to in the Q mansion. However, that's really because she and Wiley haven't yet been targeted by Sonny or Jason's enemies. No, she flat out told Jax, and today, Bobbie, if the truth comes out it will end up with Nina accusing her of killing Nelle/letting her die by letting her fall from the cliff, and she just doesn't want to deal with accusations from Nina and a police investigation into her role in Nelle's death. So she decides she's going to "replace" Avery's necklace, and once again use her mother as a co-conspirator. By the way, so nice of Bobbie to drag former nursing colleagues into the kidnapping conspiracy so she can run off to Wyndemere with her low-life daughter to steal/switch a little girl's necklace because the low-life daughter has decided this is the best option to make the Nelle/Nina secret go away. Side note, Maxie's outrage at the reporter getting in her and Sasha's faces, and then their eagerness to pitch Jackie on "Sasha's side of the story" made me roll my eyes. She's a dumbass who makes incredibly stupid choices and has bad taste in men. Not so compelling. LOVE this! A) So TRUE!! B) Perfect description of the Willow/Michael montage 🤢🤮
  24. I agree about Liz's problem reading the room. Jason cared about Jake when Jake was a newborn and toddler because at that time, Jake was "off-limits" so he got to stare from a distance and feel sorry for himself without actually doing anything, while Lucky did the work of parenting. He took down the box o' pain so the audience could see how very much he regretted not being a part of his son's life. In the years he's been back in PC and could spend time with Jake whenever he wants, he will drop off a birthday present for Jake or have the occasional sleepover, just enough so Jake remembers he exists and Carly praises him for being the bestest dad. Jason doesn't care about Drew, but the one consistent thing about Jason is that the idea of a kid suffering emotional or physical pain gets to him. He was relieved when toddler Jake was okay after being kidnapped. He was kind toward Joss when Oscar was dying, and when she was mourning him. He knows that Jake was close to Drew, and tried to set up Drew and himself to get along. So I think Elizabeth bringing up that Jake has already suffered at the loss of Drew should have some sort of impact on Jason because Jason has said to people "Scout lost her father." I know Jason referred to Drew as "Drew Cain" in his conversation with Britt, but I thought that was because she didn't know Drew since she was not in PC at the time. There are others in PC who didn't know him either. All true. Jason is more like an uncle - a sibling of one of your parents who lives somewhere and you see him every once in a while. You're welcome. That line struck me as really odd. Alexis has been at the Metrocourt as a paying customer, and has been to the Q mansion over the years due to various reasons, but it's not like Olivia invites Alexis over on a regular basis for tea time or cocktails and to chat. Alexis is Ned's old friend and former fiance, but Olivia talking to Alexis like she's a close girlfriend who betrayed the friendship and has been lying to her face, is absurd. Alexis has seen Olivia a few times since the ONS, that's it. I think it was just easier for her to take it out on Alexis then to really let Ned have it for betraying his wedding vows and her trust by lying to her face every day of their marriage since the ONS. Yes. And true.
  25. You don't recall because there isn't one. Alexis and Olivia had baby daddies Sonny and Julian in common and so both of Olivia's kids are siblings of two of Alexis's three daughters. While Julian and Alexis were married, Alexis was technically Leo's stepmother. Alexis represented Olivia when she wanted a lawsuit over harassment for breastfeeding baby Leo. But they have never been friends who meet for drinks, discuss men or work problems. The closest thing I've seen to a girl friendship for Olivia was Carly (like Carly telling Dustin it hurt Olivia to hear that he was basically taking Dante's place in Rocco's life). Yes, yikes/ugh. Yes, Elizabeth yelling at Jason over Franco takes away the enjoyment. If she wanted to get to Jason, this was not the way to do it. If she wanted to talk about Jake being hurt, she should have started with "You know how close Jake was to your brother Drew when he thought Drew was his dad. When Drew died he was devastated. But you didn't show up to comfort him when he was hurting so much, or fill that void in his life. Franco and I have given Jake everything he needs. And now you're willing to kill Franco, and have Jake devastated again?" The way to maybe get through to Jason is to emphasize Jake's pain and the loss of Jason's brother from his life, not make it about "you've always hated Franco, we love and we need him and he would never ever ever ever hurt us because I'm absolutely positively sure that this growing tumor won't cause him to be dangerous and so YOU BETTER NOT HURT OUR FAMILY." I can't really blame Jason for not taking Elizabeth's reasoning seriously. Elizabeth came at Jason like she doesn't have tons of history with Jason, to know what to say to have an impact. "Waaah poor Franco is my husband, how dare you agree to something he asked you to do" is a stupid argument. Yes, Franco is again making a bad decision. This is why Friz needs to acknowledge they should go to couples/marriage counseling instead of their neighborhood hitman to deal with their difficulties.
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