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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Has Sam taken lessons from Brenda in how to wear sleeves?? She acted like a bratty, impatient teenager with Robert and Jason, so I legit laughed out loud that Robert announced to them "The deal's off." Valentin is kinda tolerable with Alexis. She was good with both him and with Nik. Her mentioning her brothers surprised me. I don't buy for a second that Franco has ever thought about finances re: Cameron going off to college. Is Nik hoping Ava will cheat on him with Franco, thus voiding their deal? I'm astonished that Brook Lynn Ashton/Quartermaine had a serious scene and was good in it. Her appeal to Sonny to have last moments of grace with Mike instead of trying to force a cure was well done.
  2. He is, however, friends with her mother Alexis. He's already voiced concern about Violet's safety and Anna's judgement regarding Peter. He doesn't want Anna to suffer the fallout from covering for Peter (e.g. career, family's trust). Yet Anna won't listen to him out of a blinding case of very misplaced guilt. Now after their AA meeting, Finn wants to know what Alexis is thinking about/holding inside and she spells out that she's worried about her daughter Sam, and why. She says "from your lips" and he replies, "Exactly." I don't think Finn gives a damn about Sam or Jason personally, but he cares plenty about Violet, Anna and Alexis. I interpreted his resolve to "betray" Anna as an effort to be a good/protective father to Violet, to save Anna from herself, and also do what he can to take away a big stress factor in the life of his friend the recovering alcoholic, Alexis.
  3. I want Robert, or someone to point out to Anna that when Maxie sounds like Anna in her defensiveness, you know there's a serious problem of judgement. Sonny mumbled so much I have no idea what was going on with the end of the phone conversation - Show lost me after Sonny said he intended to see his dad but then he was unable to do so.
  4. I see Carly was talking to/at Brando in an exam room, and my first thought was, "he already got shot for her, hasn't he suffered enough?" It's so gross that she wants leverage against him and his mom. Glad that Robert gave Anna crap for pressuring/demanding that he look the other way regarding Peter since he's done it for her and other agents in the past. That argument *might* work if Peter had ever served/worked for the WSB - is she getting medication that causes stupidity/memory failure in her tea? I can't tell if that last moment was Peter glaring at Robert or giving him a look of "are you betraying my mother?"
  5. I think she was calculating in her scene with Lucas, to make sure she, not Nelle, would be the one to take care of Wiley until Lucas has recovered. She lets Lucas know that Brad has been erratic/can't be trusted, so he makes a decision without consulting Brad to hire her. Brad has yet to show any sort of backbone where Nelle is concerned because he's afraid. Now if Nelle shows up somewhere and tries to hold/take care of Wiley and Brad doesn't shut her down, Willow can go tattle to Lucas about Brad's poor judgement regarding their son's safety.
  6. If so, it would be something like Sam shows up at Anna and Finn's place with Scout or both kids, and claims she would love for them to have a play date with Violet. While the kids are off playing, Sam starting snooping around looking for evidence against Peter while Anna and/or Finn are out of the room for whatever reason. And then if she finds what she wants, turns around and yells at Anna 'how dare you protect your son, with his history, when he continues to endanger other people?" ... because I'm not lucky enough for a bolt of lightning to come down and strike Sam as soon as she opens her hypocritical mouth.
  7. My gut says Emma being all positive about "Uncle Peter" is a set-up for Anna's poor judgement to come crashing down on her when the truth comes out. I expect Robert and especially Robin will be furious that Anna has been protecting Peter and ignoring the obvious out of guilt instead of giving Robin the heads up to protect Emma and Noah from getting attached to someone who should not be a role model/a trusted family member. I chalk up Emma's "attachment" to Peter to her worship of her grandmother and also a misguided attempt to fill the void of lack of family on the West Coast. She always had extended family to love and protect her when she lived in Port Charles. Seems like Violet playing with Anna and Peter, then Maxie stupidly beaming as Peter spoke about being a part of Anna's family is also a set-up for Anna and Peter to be taken down/lose loved ones by their own actions being revealed. Weren't you at all amused by the bitchface Sam gave Finn as he was leaving Kelly's and made the "how's that working for you with Jason" comment. I'm sure it's rather inconvenient to her delusional self-image that she does in fact endanger her two children by choosing the relationship with Jason. I rolled my eyes that Jason and Sam seem to think that they can pressure/manipulate Finn into helping them take down Peter.
  8. The only thing that made me laugh/smile today was seeing Peter's bitchface in the preview over Maxie hugging Spinelli about his moving back news.
  9. Because he enjoys thinking of himself, the "godfather" as Wiley's savior while Uncle Lucas (the responsible one of Brucas) is incapacitated. Jason and then Sonny thought of themselves as Michael's saviors when he was baby/little kid, so he has learned all about acting inappropriate from them as well as his mother. I feel the worst for Willow in all this. She is the one who was traumatized, then saved herself and eventually faced down her rapist in court and went to jail, and is now very worried and feeling more and more attached every day to a kid who is not her biological child ... ALL because Brad is a low-life who won't tell the truth and feels he and Lucas are the only people in the world who matter (besides his friend Britt). Brad better watch out when Chase finds out the truth. I feel bad for Lucas, too. I don't feel anything for Michael, so I guess that is a fail for the writers.
  10. I'm under the impression that the only moms he knows are Delilah and Katherine. Prior to the affair reveal, comments he made spelled out that he didn't like/respect Katherine because in his mind she was too much of a downer adult. Delilah is his close friend who made him feel taken care of on a hard day, so it's not surprising (just sad and pathetic) that he would declare her the best mom he knows. Have Delilah and Eddie acknowledged to anyone that they were going to leave their families for each other? I thought the friends group only knew about the affair - not that John committing suicide nixed the lets-abandon-our-spouses-and-kids idea.
  11. Does whining to/asking Spinelli to do the PI work count?
  12. I just wanted you to realize this is correct, you didn't actually need a longer explanation. Carly decides she isn't able to leave a child if she is actively working to withhold someone else's child from them because she deems only herself and her partner at the time as the "safe" choice. When it's her own kids, she's not concerned about it unless someone else decides to go for custody for the kid's own safety. For example, she voluntarily left Morgan at boarding school for how many years? She never, ever referenced missing him or going to see him and then SORASed 19-year-old Morgan said he rarely or never saw his parents. Josslyn was out of the picture indefinitely "visiting Jax" in the past and Carly had an out of sight, out of mind attitude. I have joked before that Carly could text Joss angrily wondering where Avery's toy is and Joss would be like "Mom, I have no idea. I've been living in Australia with Dad permanently for a year now, since the judge wanted to make a decision about custody and you never responded."
  13. Nelle already went down that staircase once, during her baby shower. I don't think they'd have the same person go down twice. Maybe the next time it will be Sasha getting knocked down the stairs by Nelle.
  14. Nina's own mother almost murdered her so I don't think attempted murder of two people phases her much. Also, she didn't have a normal adult development and healthy relationships in her life due to being in a coma for ....how many years was it? I think she was in her early/mid 20s (?) when she was married to Silas and found out she was pregnant.
  15. A) Agree, unless he's trying to take down Sonny a la Dante undercover when DZ first came on the show. That line from Gladys about Brando being too brave (saving Carly wasn't the first time he's been in danger?) made me wonder. B) I do NOT want Jax to have a previously unknown kid turn up, since that's been used for Sonny, Scotty, Alexis, etc. It would undermine Jax's character and I do not want to see Josslyn acting like a more bratty teenager because she's competing for Jax's attention. Do you remember how Michael behaved upon no longer being Sonny's eldest during the "Dante is your son" reveal and aftermath? I would much prefer Jax get a previously unknown niece/nephew via Jerry, a half-sibling (maybe Lady Jane gave up a kid for adoption before she got married) or a cousin he's heard of but never met.
  16. Oooh, may I play?? Jax: "I'm not sure given the list of killers she knows, which one would want to stop her meddling this time - Sonny or one of his associates, or Ryan, or Nelle. I know Joss, you're right. I need to ask Jason."
  17. I'm not disputing that Amelia's family is awful, but she immediately lied to her sister about him. I interpreted "who she really is" as him acknowledging to himself that Amelia has a difficult time with honesty in situations, not just in dealing with her family. The truth is, Amelia has a history of poor judgement, for example getting back with Owen and then having a *fling* with Linc right after her relationship with Owen was over again. I believe Amelia and Linc have become very infatuated with each other over X months, but they certainly haven't been a couple for long enough to be declaring that they're truly in love and committed to one another. Case in point, when Amelia and Linc told Meredith and DeLuca that she's pregnant and Meredith said, I didn't know you were that serious. Amelia said, Neither did we. I wouldn't believe it if a guy declared about his pregnant girlfriend that he doesn't care who the father of her baby is. Of course it matters. Yes, there are plenty of men in the world raising children who are not biologically theirs, by choice not ignorance or deception. An uncle of mine married my aunt when she was a young mother of two sons (the father/husband abandoned the family and then died). He came into their lives when the younger son was 3. He had a son of his own and chose to become their father as well. He even legally adopted the younger son (the elder wanted to keep his given last name).
  18. I also can't stand her lack of basic background knowledge about Michael's family. Hey Sasha, look up old news. You may find out that your CEO boyfriend got shot in the head for standing near Sonny in the warehouse, when he was a child. Clearly Michael isn't going to be honest with you because he's worried you'll use your brain and walk away from all of them.
  19. Joss broke the news to her that Laura had been shot. Carly had about a two-second sad sigh reaction that came off like "damn. That sucks" and then told Jax she's staying at the hospital because of Gladys lying/wanting info on Brando ... no thought to go ask Kevin how Laura is doing. Bitch. Elizabeth knows both Nikolas and Hayden have a history of sketchy behavior and that Nikolas was NOT Hayden's "friend" so some of her reaction didn't ring true. At least she is genuinely angry at Nik for this. His response about not realizing Hayden would be unreachable and not check in on Violet was really lame.
  20. It started off with cowardice; they ran into her sister in a public place, her sister assumed Link was Owen, and so Amelia went with it rather than immediately clarifying that she and Owen were no longer together. I'm not disputing that Amelia's family's behavior was awful later during the dinner scenes. My point was that Amelia could and should have said, "Actually, this is ---. Owen and I are no longer married." But she didn't want to tell the truth up front because it would make her life harder.
  21. The adoption was off-screen except for a couple scenes of meetings with Alexis or Diane. Alexis placed newborn Wiley in Brad's arms; Lucas and Brad did not meet Willow during the adoption process. It's not that Willow disliked Brad; she just focused on the fact that Lucas was a doctor, a stable person. Brad has been squirrely since he accepted Jonah from Nelle. He has not been flakey in terms of leaving the baby behind at Kelly's, forgetting to feed him or some other kind of neglect, but his behavior with everyone has not been super sketchy, he trusted Shiloh with important details about their lives when he barely knew the guy and then got nasty with Willow for maligning Shiloh, and kept his mouth shut about the truth when Shiloh kidnapped the baby. So in my mind, he has endangered "Wiley"/Jonah. He is just very lucky the baby was not hurt/killed or disappeared with Shiloh. I didn't know there would be a new show today!! I missed the part I really wanted to see, but I did enjoy Ava getting in Valentin's face and Nikolas and Ava appearing to be a united front against Valentin. Valentin's smug attitude that no one else can love Nina like he does made me roll my eyes. OF COURSE Carly wanted to stay behind at the hospital to try to figure out what she could about Gladys lying/what the deal is with Brando...instead of staying close out of concern for her cousin's mother/ Rocco's grandmother/Sonny's friend who got shot because she was near Michael!! So much for her recent claim to Nikolas that she and Laura have grown close! I call bullshit on that police officer not sensing/seeing Carly maybe a foot away from him, removing a photo from Brando's back of personal stuff!! I liked the last Elizabeth/Finn scene.
  22. A) Joss needs to shut up, but Willow did not give up Jonah to Lucas and Brad. Brad has known all these many months that Willow's son is deceased. He has been lying to her face that the baby she entrusted to him and Lucas died while in his care. Yes it was a tragic accident, but that's not going to matter by the time the truth comes out. He has allowed and then encouraged Willow to get attached to the baby she thinks she brought into this world. She gave up her child at birth to protect him and went to jail because she thought she was protecting that baby she gave up, so she is absolutely entitled to think he's a crappy father for letting Nelle in. If his husband Lucas had been there, Nelle would not have been allowed in. Brad is allowing Nelle to do what she wants because he is a coward; he's certainly not protecting "Wiley." Whatever you may say about Willow's flaws, being a coward who wouldn't protect her child isn't one of them. Brad is a low-life like his sister-in-law. B) I agree that he truly doesn't deserve to be CEO of ELQ because of his loyalty to his thug "father." C) Not sure if Nelle knows everything. She knows the basics about the custody battle for Michael, but probably not the details of Carly's extensive scheming. When Carly has compared her young self to Nelle, Jason and Jax have dismissed it with "you learned from your mistakes." D) I also want to see Elizabeth slap Nikolas. Anyone know where/when that's going to air?
  23. Eh, Delilah is busy complaining to infant Charlie that mommy needs sleep and ignoring Charlie while she cries, and joking with Maggie about the affair with Eddie. So it's now funny to Delilah that she had no self-control with Eddie while married to John. I kind of wish Katherine had heard their conversation and slapped Delilah across the face because she deserves it. UGGHH, Show. Sophie is in a place where she is going to say in return "and you lying and conceiving a child with my father's best friend will also not be tolerated." The best moments were Rome's words to Gary while they were in the back of the police car, and Katherine telling Gary off. Hey Gary, do you even remember there is a (now unseen) dog in your apartment that you have basically stolen from the old lady widow?
  24. I agree that she was used to be adored and taken care of by her father and Jack, and eventually Miguel. But as a parent it was up to her to have the maturity to understand that it wasn't her sons responsibility to take care of her - a not disabled 40 something adult. They were teenagers, becoming adults. At that age they were supposed to be moving away from childhood and starting independent lives. I saw Rebecca wanting to sing, but giving up because she would have to work hard to succeed as a professional outside of Pittsburgh. Basically, her attitude was people hear that I have a pretty voice, I should get a label immediately, why do I have to be ambitious? It makes me think of Kate being offended that she would have to have a college degree to teach music, that having some singing experience through a few gigs wasn't enough. Rebecca's total disinterest in Kevin's career just makes her look like a bad mom. It's good that Rebecca took responsibility in therapy, but her son was in his 30s at the time. The damage was already done. Her owning up to her mistakes is good for her son's life when she becomes a grandmother again when he becomes a father in the not too distant future, but it's too late for young, developing Kevin to feel valued by his mother.
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