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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. He's been in the warehouse. The UCG moment for today is Jason's "Are you high?" expression when John/Jagger tells him he's off the hook because Anna is the head of Pikeman. SB has his moments. John/Jagger saying he believed in Anna because of Stone and Robin and he was wrong is gross. I bet his brother's spirit wouldn't appreciate that comment. Sam is dumber than a box of rocks if she actually thought that asking Carly "mother to mother" to ask Jason to stay away from Danny because he's a danger to Danny would go well. Sam was there when Carly got back together with Sonny and still kept her close friendship with Jason after her son -Jason's namesake - was presumed dead by a Mob car bomb. I'm a little surprised that Sam actually had the guts to say she didn't want Danny to end up like Morgan. Ouch but accurate - Carly's line that Sam wanted a baby and Jason "gave in." I can't feel sorry for Sam's "I was in love with him" tears. Sasha, you should thank Gio for (unknowingly) stopping you and Cody from having sex in the Q boathouse. Eww. (I think that's where Lulu got pregnant as a teenager?) I would think Sasha should want better for herself after conceiving now-deceased Liam in a car with now-deceased Brando (RIP JW). She wasn't in an actual relationship then, either. Scotty and Lucy spending an entire episode talking about Heather is a waste.
  2. I assume he wants name recognition. Being Drew Quartermaine, the son of the late Dr. Alan Quartermaine and thus a member of the prominent Quartermaine Family which started the company ELQ, sounds better than orphan Drew Caine. I guess he figures cousin Ned changing his last name from Ashton to Quartermaine, and then Ned's daughter following his example, has worked out. I'm not sure if Drew knows that Michael briefly changed his last name to Quartermaine. Does Willow have a hyphenated last name? What about the two kids?
  3. Why is Chase required to be at the surprise party Michael threw for Willow? And then she offers condolences and hugs him like they're great friends? Hasn't he suffered enough already? I did like that he didn't want to acknowledge/accept her "you were the first man I ever loved" crap. Of course all the guests except for Curtis were Michael's family or Quartermaine employees/property residents. I guess Curtis was there because he was waiting for Portia. Shut UP, Carly. You need a hobby that isn't PC busybody. And it's not your party. NLG really rocked the scenes of Alexis giving Finn a reality check. It's clear her words hit him hard (more so than Elizabeth's) because he respects her so much and values her friendship. It's hard to feel sorry for Finn crying over his glass after the way he devalued Chase's loss and made Alexis cry. Willow, on what planet is Drew running for office a "sacrifice" for him?! Wonder how long before she cheats on Michael with Drew. He's sooo oblivious. Also, giggling with Sasha over Cody was lame. Do the writers realize these women are sexually experienced adults, not middle schoolers? My last WTF is why there's a flamingo figure on the top of a birthday cake in upstate NY instead of the words Happy Birthday or anything resembling birthday celebration decorations. Preview: It's such bad writing that Carly would choose now to get in Sam's face about one of her past pregnancies.
  4. They have the illusion of grown-up independent life there. They will have privacy (no "take-out food smells" or "other peoples' noises") in their own place that is away from other students and their parents which they didn't have to put forth any effort to attain, they will absolutely pay less money than they would if they signed a lease (security deposit, rent that includes amenities), Josslyn can complain to Michael whenever she's not satisfied by anything ranging from the hot water ran out to Lois said something nice about Sonny in front of her, Sasha would never say no to Michael's sister wanting to take food from the Q Mansion, etc.
  5. So much this! You know who should live in that two-bedroom apartment on the Quartermaine property? An actual Quartermaine family member or two. BLQ and Chase, now a married couple, should live in a place that doesn't have memories of his live-in relationship with Willow. They may also need space for their niece, Violet, while Finn gets his life together. Or here's a thought, the show could bring back Tracy's other son instead of pretending Dillion doesn't exist anymore.
  6. I think he means well but he is brand new to the Quartermaine Family. It was NOT his place to offer the garage apartment to Joss and Trina just because Ned had offered it to him, but "Aunt Lois" wants him in the main house. Yet again, Joss acts entitled like her mother and doesn't actually have to put in any effort to get what she wants. Ugh. Gio would certainly be a step-up for Trina, friend-wise or as a boyfriend. He was awarded a scholarship and is going to school because he wants to in order to achieve goals, got a job without whining about it, cares about developing his talent, and doesn't throw money around to solve problems. I feel bad for Kristina, Elizabeth, and Chase. Now Finn turns his asshole behavior (preview) on his dear friend, Alexis? Ughh!! Something Alexis said got my attention. Was she around Elizabeth, Lucky and Nikolas during Lucky's pill addiction storyline?
  7. The only time I remember outright hostility between Kristina and TJ was when the actor prior to Tahj was in the role. Lexi's Kristina said something snarky about them not being sexually active together (because HP's Molly had acknowledged at some point before that scene that she was still a virgin). TJ didn't get why she was trying to start stuff and told her to mind her own business. I would say TJ has thought of Kristina as not a great sister to Molly and well as someone with a troubled history, but not hate.
  8. She's wondering about her rights and responsibilities regarding the baby if they break up. Between the talk with Blaze about hypothetical children in the future and acknowledging that sometimes she feels like the baby is hers, and then the contemplative expression on her face and the look in Blaze's eyes after Molly left, it seems to be going in that direction. Kristina would not willingly give up her biological child (which this baby is!) to a man who is treating both her and her sister/the baby's intended mother like crap. That would be a toxic start for a newborn.
  9. It seemed today in Molly's scenes with Kristina and Blaze, that deep down she knows now she and TJ are over and she doesn't actually want to raise a kid with him. The tearful hugging of Kristina and the fake smile about TJ screamed desperation and denial. It seems likely Kristina, Blaze and Molly will end up raising this baby esp. after the Kristina/Blaze fantasy future chat. The dialogue today made me wonder if TJ will end up not wanting the baby after all of this because s/he is 50% Kristina and he despises Kristina so much at this point. KM did a great job with Kristina appearing stunned at the thought that Molly and TJ could break up. I actually thought all the scenes with Tracy-Stella, Heather-Curtis, Diane-Alexis and Laura-Trina-Kevin were all well done. Some really good/funny lines in the scenes. I didn't even hate Curtis ... so weird!! I liked it! What is the world coming to?!
  10. How long has the spewing of racist garbage been going on? Makes me wonder if the Show needs to invest in a security detail for Taby. I just saw the news story about the march for JW on Access. The actors who have played Phyllis, Gladys and Brad were there. Wactor's friend said he'd been talking about preparing for an audition, then was murdered on a street without lights. Ugh, so heartbreaking.
  11. Chase has called him out on his drinking and that right now he's not in a state of mind to be a stable parent to Violet. He even brought up seeing this behavior in house calls as a police officer. Finn resents being compared to people whose lives are out of control from alcoholism/addiction. Finn knows Chase is telling truths he doesn't want to hear and so he's defensive and angry. I have addicts in my family; this sort of behavior strikes me as accurate. I think Finn also sees his little brother having it all: long-term great relationship with their dad, their dad officiated at Chase and BLQ's beautiful wedding, Chase is a respected police detective and starting married life with a wife who really loves him, and their dad chose him as executor of the will. Whereas Finn has regrets about his dad, is haunted about finding dad deceased in the bed, Elizabeth has officially broken up with him upon finding him drunk and cheating, and he knows he will not be practicing medicine in his current condition since his ex-girlfriend who is a nurse at GH and his brother who works for the PCPD both are watching him.
  12. Not outright. Aiden and Elizabeth both figured out Jake wasn't where he was "supposed to be" and Elizabeth said she was going to address that with him later but was proud that he came to her and then called Jason about Finn because she always wants him to come to his mom when there is serious trouble. I like that the Elizabeth/Jake conversation ended with a hug. No. Jagger very briefly implied that Brennan and Anna are up to no good. He then lef the hospital room and went off to be a target of Spinelli's "stealth."
  13. No. I enjoyed seeing Becky Herbst rock her scenes with HW and the new actor who plays Aiden. JS is rocking his scenes as well. I felt bad for Chase when Finn was all "I'm not going to let you and BL steal my daughter."
  14. Think of the context. He told her he had no desire to drink again and was going to meetings. He told her he felt horrible for the way he had spoken to her. Not long after that (hours? a day at most?) he chose to go to a bar and do shots, then bring a strange woman home from the bar for an anonymous ONS. We know from Jake's line to his friends that Elizabeth and Finn were still in a relationship at this time. Elizabeth enters and sees Finn drunk with this woman, but Finn does not ask the woman to leave or apologize to either woman. Instead, he accuses Elizabeth of abandoning him and tells her to leave her keys. The only thing Finn didn't do was call her names or try to hit her. She didn't "need" Jason to show up, but I think we as the audience must understand that Jake is a worried teenager who had no idea of what Finn could be capable of while drunk and in a confrontation with Elizabeth. The only men currently on the show with a history with Elizabeth who could step up to help her are Drew and Jason. (I don't count former FIL Scotty because he is older and could get hurt.) The show has effectively erased Drew's past relationships with Jake and Elizabeth. That leaves Jason, who Jake knows has plenty of experience handling dangerous situations.
  15. The writers were trying to sell that Sam was "redeemed" in his eyes by going with him after the kidnappers and jumping out the window with toddler Jake when the bar (?) exploded. It was in the writing and SB's acting that as Jason was driving with Sam and Jake back to Elizabeth's after the rescue, he felt crushing guilt over Jake being kidnapped and nearly killed because of him. Even Elizabeth had a line about being forever grateful to Sam for saving Jake.
  16. I thought it was to drive home the point that Finn lost a relationship with someone he loved due to his drinking/addiction. The montage included the scene of him saying ILY to her. "Reminding" the audience was unnecessary, because in the bar scenes Jake told his friends that Finn is his mother's "boyfriend." Then when Elizabeth let herself in to Finn's apartment and caught him with Barb, she said she's the "ex-girlfriend," i.e. now that I've seen Finn drinking and cheating, I've decided this relationship is absolutely over.
  17. Turning Finn into an unrepentant drunk jerk toward Elizabeth and her leaving her keys in his glass was ... a choice. Jason telling Finn to stay away from her definitely brings up the memories of Lucky/Elizabeth/Jason. Was I supposed to feel sorry for Finn during the memory montage of Elizabeth while he's drinking? I didn't! I was not expecting to see Jason put his feet in the pool with Elizabeth, listen to her, and show tears/remorse that he left her and Sam to raise their sons. SB is good at showing that Jason still has an emotional attachment, and under lying attraction to, Elizabeth while vowing to do whatever it takes with Jake. Becky Herbst always brings her A-game to emotional scenes. JE was also awesome with JS and AS. The line about the Q mansion being a place for neglected children of Port Charles was a great zinger! Michael is really a pathetic loser to feel threatened that both Drew and Willow are not hating Nina right now.
  18. Yes, I imagine he, and all of them, are feeling some raw emotions so soon after a former colleague was murdered. Was JW actually fired? I really thought it was icky that after Stafford's acceptance speech in which she gave a shout-out to her former co-star (Finola) Hughes, Hughes who is the real long-term star stayed, or was left, in the back of the stage when FV accepted for the show while Wright made sure to get to the front and be by his side. I don't doubt that the show's "leadership" has encouraged or at least allowed her to think that she, Burton and Benard are the true stars of GH.
  19. Okay, good info. Thanks. I still think of Maura West as a relative newbie because her character is not a veteran character on the show IMO. She made her debut when the Morgan character was SORAS-ed.
  20. I'm... perplexed...as to what's going on with General Hospital. I happened to see the Daytime Emmy Awards tonight. A head writer with the last name of O'Connor gave the speech for GH's win. With the exception of Rebecca Herbst, Steve Burton, and Finola Hughes, I did not see any veteran/OG actors representing GH. Aside from Laura Wright, I think of all of them as relative newbies. Then when FV accepted the final award with much of the GH cast and crew behind him on stage, he looked kind of ill, like he absolutely did not want to be there, and read an acceptance speech off of his cell phone in a thoroughly monotone voice. Yikes!
  21. Jason doesn't just show up because he thinks Elizabeth can't handle herself. Jake called him. Jake is a teenager, worried about his mother confronting a man under the influence. I think it's totally understandable that he's upset and worried about his mom's feelings and safety.
  22. Poor Jake! I assume that Jake witnessing Finn doing shots and leaving with a bottle and a woman is a set-up for him to want Elizabeth and Jason to be together? I knew that's who Jake called. Elizabeth's face when she caught drunk Finn in his apartment with the woman is sort of a hardened version of the look on her face when she caught Lucky with Maxie. Now, Jason coming to the rescue (preview) as she's confronting crying Finn is a sort of full circle moment to her walking away from cheating Lucky, going to Jason, and them conceiving Jake. Nina, if you fall for Drew it will make you even more pathetic than you were with Sonny. If that's even possible. I feel bad for Trina. Also for Chase and BLQ.
  23. I noted this as well during the BLQ + Chase wedding prep scenes and when she was talking to Finn about taking Violet for swimming and a sleepover. Good to see! For several years (post-Nathan) through 2023, her hair and clothing did not at all resemble what a fashionista like Maxie should look like, and when she changed her hair color to brown (way too harsh on her) I literally did not recognize her. I think I recall the Show excusing the poor wardrobe/hair choices on women (not Maxie/KSt specifically) with well, we come up with creative ways to cover pregnancy. Um, no. KSt confirmed after the surrogacy for Lulu and miscarriage/oopsie pregnancy with Georgie storyline was over, that she became pregnant with her RL daughter during that storyline. Yet Maxie's hair looked normal and she was allowed to wear cute clothing. So, I don't understand why years later, I was wondering why Maxie wore what looked like a black trash bag out in public. Ridiculous!
  24. I thought the flirty scenes were clearly the start of a Joss-Gio-Trina love triangle, esp. since Joss 'isn't sure' she wants to get back together with Dex. This guy Gio's smile does remind me of how Spencer would grin at Mikayla's Trina. But Joss bringing up Tracy irritated me because she barely knows Tracy! The scenes involving Maxie, Finn, Chase, BLQ and the kids were all well done. It's also amazing how much the now-tween actress who plays Georgie looks like the late Georgie Jones!! I was actually impressed by both the lines for Violet and how a child actress was able to convey that something is wrong with dad, but she can't quite understand and explain what's going on with him. It was a good episode to watch because as far as I'm concerned, a day that does not involve Carly, Sonny, Jason, Sam, Drew, Molly and TJ, Michael and Willow, and this version of Anna is a win!
  25. It's true that Bobbie was his great aunt and Spencer was his cousin. Yet the audience never actually saw Aiden with Bobbie. Aiden has never mentioned "Aunt Bobbie" and Elizabeth would reference that Bobbie was babysitting the boys for the night, but Bobbie was never seen them dropping them off atX Elizabeth's, leaving hospital day care with them, etc. Baby Aiden was in a scene or two with little NB-Spencer, but SORAS-ed Spencer never was. Once NAC took over the role, Spencer would refer to Elizabeth as "Cam's mom" and "practically family" but never acknowledged his cousin Aiden directly. That is weird considering that when he was a boy, he thought Aiden was his brother for X number of months. I figured the writers forgot that Aiden is/was related to Bobbie and Spencer.
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