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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Ava is definitely guilty of hurting Kristina, out of selfishness and anger at Sonny. She was nasty to Kristina about both her parents because she was feeling vengeful (bad for blood pressure of a pregnant woman; Ava has been pregnant twice so she knows better than to do this) and then grabbed her arm. Kristina stepped back to get away from Ava grabbing her and that's how she got her foot/feet caught in John's bag. Kristina is Avery's big sister and the baby is also Avery's family, but Ava doesn't seem to care about that. This is definitely worse than the AJ/Carly moment on the Q stairs. Carly had shoved her fist with the diamond ring in AJ's face and he grabbed it. She yanked her arm away, and that's how she fell.
  2. So Leo and Violet, who both live in the Quartermaine mansion right now and I assume see Wylie on an almost daily basis, didn't get invited to his b-day party?! Geeeez, Michael and Willow. Have there been any specific mentions of Lucky Spencer yet?
  3. I thought she said she was gay during the interview. Did I miss Perez say it first? The gay label doesn't fit Kristina's life thus far. Even if you put aside the abusive relationship with Kiefer, LA's Kristina had a major crush on Ethan. Then the other actress who played Kristina was in a storyline where she married Connie's long-lost son. Then LA's Kristina went on a few dates with a guy, and she had the unhealthy affair with the female professor Parker who I think was still married at the time. During the cult storyline, she said her sexuality was fluid. As far as I know, Kristina was bi until this Blaze storyline where she is saying she is gay. It doesn't seem right that because closeted Blaze has thought of herself as gay, Kristina now has to be gay too. The storyline seems very rushed in that it went from an attraction to supposedly two women in love and committed in a matter of months, when they've had basically one real date, have not talked at all about the future and what they both want. For example, Blaze is clearly focused on being a musician and doesn't want to be a parent for the foreseeable future, while Kristina clearly wants to raise her baby and open her youth center.
  4. Thanks for the heads up. I think I've had enough of this show until JJ returns. I'm only interested in seeing Elizabeth and her kids with their fathers and Grandma Laura and Kevin, or Mac with his family as well as Dante and Chase. I would love to see Monica once more, hosting a dinner featuring her children and grandchildren as well as Elizabeth and Aiden to celebrate Jake's acceptance into art school in Barcelona ... but I highly doubt LC and HW will ever be scene partners.
  5. I agree about Danny. I think he took a significant step in that direction, which is why he threw the phone when Jason offered the half assed good-bye and then abruptly hung up on him. I bet that's the first time Jason has said ILY to either of his sons? Jake knows he can't rely on Jason. He called Jason once, when he was worried about his mother in a difficult situation. They went to one baseball game together and he had one more brief, awkward conversation as Jake's looking forward to studying in Barcelona. Jake yearns to be an artist rather than see Jason as a role model, thankfully. He's not the one sneaking into Jason's room, desperate for fatherly attention and acting like Jason making a few hours available for him (prior to John/Jagger's interruption) is the best thing ever.
  6. YES!! Also, his attitude "Well I've missed most of my sons' lives anyway, so no big deal if I leave again now." Jake got the best of him by accepting that envelope recently, for sure.
  7. There should be a poll on who yelled the most absurd/ridiculous line today_ "I'm a big girl!" Carly, to Jason "Jason is an honorable man!" Anna, to John/Jagger....yeah, tell that to the son he first broke plans with and then didn't even say goodbye to in person. Jason, Donna is not entirely dependent on Carly. Ugh. Anna can't handle him calling her out about Valentin. I can't decide if Ava was trying not to come face-to-face with Natalia because she didn't want to hear her mouth or if she was worried about being blinded by Natalia's dress. Ye gods, the dress and Perez's suit will burn your retinas! GH deserves any and all hate mail it receives from the LBGTQ+ community for Blaze and Kristina protecting/lying about and praising Blaze's bigoted mother on national TV, and then getting BLQ's praise. It's so odd when Nina telling off Ava is the best part. Preview: Drew flirting with his niece-in-law, Molly yelling about Kristina to TJ. UGHHH.
  8. You mean the numerous Danny recasts have confused you? Shocking. Here's how I remember: Boy with fair complexion and brown curls/ringlets is Aiden (Becky Herbst's hair is similar, but Elizabeth's hair is usually straightened for the show). Whispy brown haired kid who looks nothing like SB but does look like he could be the younger brother of the Molly actress is Danny. Rocco also has brown hair but doesn't look like anybody.
  9. This, on a set that's supposed to be outdoors. BLQ's black dress and jacket would be appropriate if she had just returned from a funeral and burial at a cemetery. However, this is a business meeting near water on the Quartermaine property. Anna and Laura both work in what I assume are air-conditioned office buildings, so that didn't seem weird to me. Same with Ava wearing all black to meet with Scott in her MC hotel room.
  10. Laura isn't stupid. She's under emotional distress because of her granddaughter, and unfortunately trusts that her friend Anna wouldn't lie to her. In other circumstances, I think she would have.
  11. Anna shows what a destroyed character she has become by easily lying to Laura's face when she's frantic that she's unable to get in touch with her granddaughter. She should be ashamed by seeing Laura cry. How would Anna feel if her friend lied to her about Emma?! Laura's line about her children missing/unavailable to her= first direct sign that Lucky will be coming home soon. Carly hovering around Jason and Danny, being the one to drive Danny home when Jason had to cancel er "re-schedule" their plans, and then going to Anna to yell about John/Jagger shows her Jason obsession, and that she has no real life. Sonny, Natalia is NOT "trying to make it right." LOL at Sonny's anger when Michael said it could come up in court that his mom sent Morgan away to school for safety because he got shot in the head and went into a coma. Diane yelling at Sonny was a great moment. BLQ's big interview achievement is Perez Hilton, ugh. Kristina, it's not Good Morning America, you will not get to talk all about your new center.
  12. I doubt whatever is going on has anything to do with what JJ is or isn't asking for/agreeing to. JJ's own sister is a public figure and lesbian, married to a woman and they are raising twins. From what I know, the Jacksons are a close family. JJ is also close to Tony Geary (his GH dad, Luke), who lives in Amsterdam with his husband. Elizabeth and Finn talked on-screen in the spring or early summer about Aiden telling Finn he liked a boy. IMO that's too recent to retcon, although if the show goes for Aiden being bi-sexual that could work too. Aiden has never said he is definitely not attracted to girls at all. Being bi would absolutely give the son of two legacy families more storyline opportunities in the future. The storyline with Aiden was never actually established for the audience to know what was going on. Elizabeth suspected that there could be bullying going on, but as far as I know, there was no follow-up about if she met with the teacher/counselor and what was said. I'm not going to make a judgement when we just don't know what the intentions are for the Aiden character going forward. It could be that they want a more experienced or mature looking actor for Aiden, and it was a bonus that this boy looks more like he could be the son of JJ and B Herbst. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the show is waiting on JJ's return for a real storyline for Aiden that would then involve both of his parents.
  13. I think this is the intention. I see the prep signs that I'm sure the show thinks are subtle: Laura mentions to Rocco her memories of "your Uncle Lucky" and Sly playing video games when she was comforting him about Dante being shot; Portia screams at Laura and Elizabeth about them being in-laws and Elizabeth tells Laura "your grandchildren are proud of you"; Aiden has been on-screen several times and mentioned a few times, Charlotte was just on-screen; Laura tells Dante she's a bit rusty on "exhausting" parenting, but he praises her as a mother to Lulu and now to Ace as well as expresses appreciation to her for being there for Rocco when he was in the hospital. Then he mentions he doesn't know what is best for Rocco/what he needs at this time. This is all more attention focused on Laura's Spencer kids and grandkids in recent days and months than the audience has seen in years. My impression is the show is establishing a need for Lucky in Aiden's and Elizabeth's lives now that Finn is out of the picture, in his mother and Kevin's life to help with Ace, and in Dante's life for Rocco and whatever will happen next with Lulu. Also, since the show seems determined to make Dex relevant with the PCPD, I could see Lucky being re-added into the mix there. If Chase is really supposed to be a new mentor and buddy to Dex, then Dante and Lucky could end up being partners again.
  14. I assumed this boy got cast as James because he looks like he really could be the son of Maxie/KSt. And the sneaking out because he's determined to get what he wants/fix the problem is a very young Maxie thing to do. If the show actually does go through with waking up Lulu, I would prefer her to cast again. Berman was believable as the daughter of Luke and Laura, and she worked well with JJ, GF and B Herbst. I was not a fan of ER's Lulu.
  15. Yes, but for Lulu to remember tea parties and other great things Laura did as a mom implies that Lulu was an older child when her mother went to Shady Brooke/GF left the show and Grandma Lesley took her in. IIRC, Lulu was no older than about 5 years old when Laura had the breakdown.
  16. Highlight of the episode: Tracy's face when James said "ride share."🤣 I liked the way she spoke to Gio too. It makes his useless character seem like he could have potential. Nice of Laura to lie to her comatose daughter about Charlotte. Does she even know Charlotte just came to Port Charles? Great Laura-Dante scenes. He's sweet to her. But is the show trying to retcon Laura's history as a mom? I don't recall tea parties with Lulu. She spent some time with toddler brunette Lulu, and then when GF left the show, Grandma Lesley raised Lulu until JMB was cast as teen Lulu. With the addition of today's scenes at the clinic, I feel like I am about to be crushed by the anvils that Lulu will wake up sometime after Lucky comes home. I had to laugh that Carly's dumb butt doesn't get he's insulting her by explaining why he decided to be an FBI informant and why she doesn't owe him anything. Her obsession with being a "team" with Jason and the way she looks at him is so pathetic. I'm a little shocked that a Joss-Trina scene actually focused on Trina. 😂 at the preview of John/Jagger telling Jason he's not done with him.
  17. I think Carly actually knows Jason was never in love with her, but always deluded herself into believing if the woman he was romantically interested in (ex. Robin, Elizabeth, Britt) he came to believe or accept was not an option for whatever reason, he would fall in love with her. I've always believed he humored, tolerated and protected Carly because of his love for Michael, and later on because of Michael's attachment to his siblings. SB's acting convinced me Jason feels significant guilt in retrospect that Michael's life was never safe starting with the choices he and Carly made when Michael was a baby. I agree that Robin and Elizabeth are/have been his two great loves. With the way Jason and Sam started out (Sonny/affair), the incidents with baby Jake, and Jason just not appearing very invested in Sam and Danny during SB's last run on the show, I didn't buy they were a grand love story. Since he didn't mention Elizabeth at all while they were on the bridge, and Jason's behavior when he's around Elizabeth, I am under the impression he has remaining feelings for her that he has not addressed so far due to this stupid Pikeman storyline and her dealing with breaking up with Finn.
  18. I think that was part of the message to Carly because of the way she was talking about his life. He's not interested in being romantically involved with Carly and he and Sam are long over.
  19. Hope it didn't ruin your enjoyment of your Peppermint Mocha, so yummy! The writing on this Show for the past week or so has been both unexpected in a good way and shockingly bad. So, I don't know what to think. Jason admitting to himself and to Jake that he hasn't been a real father was unexpected in a good way. His desire to hug Jake definitely surprised me. Today (unfortunately on his and Robin's bridge), telling Carly he wants to hang out with his boys and that he'll "miss" Jake also surprised me. He doesn't know Jake. I think what he really meant was he thought that now that he could get to know Jake but he's going to miss out on it mostly since Jake is starting his own independent life and it's too late to play daddy. Too bad Sam didn't get to hear him tell Carly that getting back together with her the last time was a mistake that hurt the kids. Carly admitting to Jason she was jealous knowing Jason was falling in love with Britt, and that Britt died saving Joss, was very unexpected to the point of shocking. (LOL at Jason's exasperated look about the "love me" remark.) Makes me wonder if she'll go back to giving Elizabeth resentful looks whenever she sees the way Jason looks at her while they talk about Jake. Of course Carly thinks Sam's been too hard on him. Why on G-d's green earth does Sonny think it's okay to toast with and continue associating with the bigot who said ugly things about his daughter?! That scene of the three of them grinning and drinking as he vows to take down Ava was gross. JE rules with the way Tracy speaks as an elder to Cody.
  20. Yes. The character of the current Drew has been utterly ruined, but when BM played "Jake Doe"-Jason Morgan-Drew Cain, Drew and Jake had a great father-son relationship. HW was clearly fond of BM as well; once the news broke of Billy Miller's death HW posted on social media that he was heartbroken over the loss of his TV dad. Makes sense to me because BM shared many more scenes with kid/tween HW than SB has to date. I don't think CM's Drew and HW have ever been in a scene together.
  21. This reminds me to ask, has the Show addressed Elizabeth's current relationship with Audrey or written a death for Audrey, and I missed it? For however many years while Laura was away from Port Charles, Audrey/Grams spent a lot of time babysitting child Cam. When it wasn't Audrey, there were references to Bobbie babysitting Cam and Jake if they weren't in hospital daycare. The last time I recall that Audrey was mentioned was she couldn't make it to Franco and Elizabeth's wedding, but she wrote Elizabeth a letter. It would be good for Elizabeth's financials to be mentioned even if it's just that inheritance from the Hardys helps her pay for Cam's expenses. Luke was living off Tracy's money in the years since Elizabeth had children and he didn't consider Cam or Jake to be his grandchildren, so I doubt she has money from him.
  22. Elizabeth said they were looking into loans. Jason said would you let me cover the costs instead. Scott knew of Jake, but he didn't have a relationship with him until Elizabeth and Franco got serious. Jake was only Franco's stepson for about four years when Peter/Heinrich killed Franco. Elizabeth would never, ever ask Laura for money at a time when Laura and Kevin have started raising a toddler who is Laura's grandson (not to mention Jake was technically the result of Elizabeth cheating on Laura's son), and the Quartermaines hardly know Jake. I've only seen one scene of HW's Jake interacting with family in the Q mansion in the eight years he's been playing Jake. I don't think LC and HW have ever acted together (which is such a missed opportunity). Yes, Cameron worked. Cameron's biological father is deceased so no $ from him. Who knows if Lucky has contributed anything financially since he never legally adopted Cam and it's never been mentioned what, if anything, Lucky was required or volunteered to pay to support him. Elizabeth just told Jason she's paying for expenses for his college. I think he also got a scholarship? Or partial? So what if Jason wants to pay because he's feeling guilty? Let him!!! Elizabeth deserves help paying for an incredible but expensive overseas opportunity her son has earned through talent and hard work. She's still going to have to make financial decisions in a few years regarding Aiden's post-high school education, training or goals.
  23. Yes, but does Sasha know about Willow cheating on Chase? I remember that Chase confronted Willow and Michael, but other than that he mostly kept the betrayal to himself. BLQ is the one person I know either found out, or Chase confided in her.
  24. Laura and Kevin briefly discussed Heather today. I can't with Laura feeling sorry for Heather that she'll never get to watch Ace sleep in person. Mac, Maxie's intentions were not always good when she was lying in the past and Felicia, Cody is not Mac's only child! Mac is entitled to be angry and not trust Cody. Their attitude that he needs to forgive and welcome Cody into the family immediately is very irritating. Portia, way to ruin a romantic dinner your thoughtful daughter set up for you and your husband as a celebration. The script for Elizabeth and Jason today and SB's subtle reactions were effective in showing that Jason knows so little about his son and has missed his whole life. I guess Jake going to college in Spain is how the show is going to write HW's exit in the near future? I thought Jake was about to be a senior in high school so the "sooner than you think" and mention of 4 years of language in high school surprised me. Elizabeth, one baseball game is not "making an effort." My favorite line of the day though was Jason crediting/praising Elizabeth for how her boys have turned out when she brought up Franco's influence. I think SB's face continues to convey that Jason has lasting regrets about his romantic feelings for Elizabeth and not being a family with her and Jake (and Jake's brothers). The 'vibe' if you will when Jason is in scenes with Elizabeth is completely different than when he is with Sam. (Maybe Burton and Monaco are just not friendly BTS? I think I recall mention of that.) So Cody thinks Sasha should keep her mouth shout because the Q Family is rich and powerful? Lovely. Umm, her friend Nina has a right to know that her sorta lover has been kissing her daughter. Anna, if you're this defensive with Jason about Valentin, how are you going to handle it if/when Robert finds out what you've been up to and confronts you?
  25. Tasteless for sure. Don't assume he wouldn't let anyone say anything about Leo or say something about Leo himself, since Leo is (his late enemy) Julian Jerome's biological son. I know Leo is Dante's brother, but Sonny has no use for Dante right now because he feels Dante is "disloyal."
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