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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I don't believe there's been an explanation/poor excuse yet. Nikolas appeared to Ava, then took off. Ava said Nikolas saw her at the Metrocourt Halloween party, and then followed her to the gallery. Laura responded she was at the party too, wouldn't he have come to her if alive? (Well, he did see her face-to-face, just didn't take the mask off or say hello, mother I've missed you.) She told Ava she misses him/wants to see him every day of her life. Nikolas showed up in his tux and without the mask at Jax's place at the last moment today; Jax and Hayden both obviously knew he was alive. Just booze from Sonny's liquor cart, that Cam poured into an empty soda bottle.
  2. I love the mother-son chemistry Elizabeth and Cam have, even in bad moments like him being caught "drunk." She said she was going to have a long conversation with him tomorrow, which was good to hear because it's a reminder she was parenting these boys waaaayyyy before Franco came along and she doesn't need Franco around to handle the good and bad of parenting. She has the life experience of being around Lucky's drug addiction and drinking to use as an example of why it's bad for Cameron to go down this road when he's in pain. I pretty much never feel bad for Ava, but I did when she was crying on Laura. Laura better get a mega, heartfelt apology from Nikolas for letting her believe he was dead all this time. Yes, Brad, go on and be offended and loudly protest about being accused of lying to/betraying Lucas.
  3. When Cameron asked his mother if it was okay for him to go to the Halloween dance with Trina, Joss and Dev, she said yes because Jake and Aiden are "spending the night at Aunt Bobbie's." I guess that means Bobbie took the two boys off Laura's hands.
  4. So Nikolas was the "unidentified man" Cassandra had been spotted with in Europe. I will always think of Tyler Christopher as the true Nikolas though. Sam, you really are an idiot. I love how Lulu goes from making out with Josslyn's teacher where Joss and other kids can clearly see them, to being shocked/scandalized that Joss was getting drunk while she was keeping Dustin from monitoring the kids. Here's a thought, Nina. If the sight of Sasha is soooo upsetting, don't go to a Halloween party at the hotel Sasha's boyfriend's mother owns! So is Kendra the trainer going to turn out to be a psycho like Nelle? I don't understand why she would be trying to taunt/scare Molly since Molly was just a child when Kiefer died and had nothing to do with his death.
  5. Seriously. It looks like the Show has decided Jason should have Drew's place as male role model to Cam now, in addition to being Scout's replacement father. Nice of you to speak of Jason parenting Danny and Scout in the future while forgetting that Jake, not Scout, is Jason's child, Carly! Also, Jason had just been at Elizabeth's house to check in about the FrancoDrew situation, and Elizabeth and Cam made it very clear to him that Jake's going to be heartbroken due to his closeness with Franco. Yet when Carly asked how he's doing it appeared he's already totally forgotten about his elder son's suffering because he was summarizing Sam's latest mess and that Alexis is upset. The only parts of today's show I liked was Finn's attitude/questioning making Hayden squirmy, Ava calling Michael out on his hypocrisy about her gun versus Sonny or Jason carrying, and Laura and Molly's costumes. I thought Elizabeth would have an incredulous "how could you not tell me when I just asked you about having a child?!" reaction to the Violet news, but I'll assume she's emotionally exhausted by her own family mess. Hayden's one honest moment about herself is that she's just so used to lying.
  6. She believes the cheating wasn't really her fault because she got "swept up in the moment," and thinks he would still love her and be loyal to her because she's just that delusional. It happens, unfortunately. Someone in my family was married to a man who was a verbal bully, also flat out told her he wanted to have sex with another woman, also consistently couldn't hold a job (and thus support the family) because he thinks he knows better than everyone, also went behind her back to ask her parents for money, etc. He was shocked when she filed for divorce. A long time after the divorce, I happened to see him and he told me he felt he had been an underappreciated husband in part because he never hit her and never actually cheated on her. He was also having "trouble" dating because his reaction to going out on a date with one or two women was "I wasn't impressed."
  7. THIS. Drew was a kind person who was only "like"Jason Morgan in that he knew how to handle a gun/had weapons skills because he had served in the military (just didn't remember serving and being trained). I think of that in comparison to when young Jason Morgan was able to use skills that his former self Jason Quartermaine retained from medical school/training (although he didn't remember learning it) to save Nikolas Cassadine's life outside of Luke's club when Nikolas was severely injured. Drew's personality showed up in moments like flirting with Elizabeth when she was his nurse, referencing Taylor Swift music in conversation with Sam, saying Sam would look "smoking hot" in whatever, calling Sam "preggers" when she was pregnant with Scout, telling Sonny that time with his family was more important than working for the Corinthos buz, developing a close and easy relationship with Jake, wanting to have a real conversation with Monica about her family, and more. These are all things that are just NOT Jason's personality. The character Howarth is currently playing comes off to me as basically Franco with Drew's memories and a weird accent. Whatever Drew's flaws, he never acted entitled to be in an insta-relationship with either Elizabeth or Sam, even when he believed he was Jason and brought recovering Sam to the penthouse home "he" and Sam had lived in in together. FrancoDrew's behavior toward/with Kim is absolutely like Franco was with Elizabeth. Drew also never punched a stranger or threw and broke something in a public place because he got mad, as FrancoDrew did at the Floating Rib. Franco demonstrated impulsive, threatening and violent behavior even after the tumor was removed - for example what he did to Tom. FrancoDrew was acting like a petulant teenager who didn't want to hear it when Kevin saw him at Shadybrook and talked to him about the reality of his situation. Franco has a history of speaking like a petulant teenager to people who say what he doesn't want to hear or bring up the inconvenient truth of his past. I doubt this was the writers' intention.
  8. Yeah, the desperation combined with her "you don't owe Elizabeth and her family anything" line seemed to get to him. I think it bothered him that not only is she essentially saying their first kiss saved her, she's also wanting him to totally disregard Elizabeth's request for basic decency and is totally unmoved by Cameron's (her late son's friend!!) obvious pain/despair. She made it clear she wants FrancoDrew to walk away from Port Charles with her immediately and not think of Franco's wife or Franco's stepsons ever again.
  9. Seems like he is, because Alexis is working with her and he appears to be jealous (the "shrink boyfriend" comment to her) that she is moving on at a time when his relationship with Kim is definitely over. My interpretation is he may work out with Kendra in an attempt to have more in common with Alexis as well as change his life some more as a single guy, but then remembering how Alexis said to him "she's trying to kill me (with workouts and healthy eating/drinking)" and seeing the trainer by his dumpster will make him suspicious once Alexis is actually ill.
  10. Yup. I thought, after humiliating himself by going to Sonny, Scotty was going to get slapped too, when Kim turned around and stalked away from Julian - it seemed like Bobbie and Scotty were in her line of sight. I really expected her to start screaming at Scotty (while gesturing toward Julian) that thanks to the two of them Drew thinks she's too broken to be in a relationship with him right now. But I guess she wants to give Julian the impression he totally "lost" and she and "Drew" are going to ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after.
  11. Of course. Lucky was a young man at that point, and her beloved son whom she'd raised from birth. She thought he was dead for a year. He had been brainwashed to react/attack and that's a genuinely dangerous situation. This is a different situation - Scott didn't know about Franco for most of his life. He wants to believe Franco is a good person now. He acknowledged aloud to Bobbie that he feels like Franco is his one/last chance at fatherhood because Serena 'keeps me at a distance,' and the other two children are deceased. He said that a while after he confirmed (in that awful impromptu marriage proposal) he wants a relationship with Bobbie because he's getting older and feels comfortable with her and doesn't want to end up alone. Scott's efforts are not about the deep love a father has for his son; it's about Scott feeling old and alone and wanting to be a part of the 'happy family life' of "my son", Elizabeth, and the three boys.
  12. Trina said "Dr. Nero is a good person" - not Cam. Cam said Oscar would be upset to see his mother attacked on the witness stand, which is probably true. Trina doesn't know Kim personally at all - just as her deceased friend's mom. She certainly doesn't know that Kim had sex with FrancoDrew. Trina also has made at least one positive comment about Dev, so to me her judgement can be questionable.
  13. A) A lame way to give Alexis and Kristina/Sonny's daughter more storyline when Kristina eventually realizes this woman targeted my mom because of my lies to Shiloh and Shiloh wanted revenge, wah wah it's all my fault. Cue Sonny and Alexis: It's not your fault, yada yada. B) Why is this a problem? Both Alexis and Carly's kids also have three different bio fathers. Sonny's kids have four different bio mothers and I think it was the same for Edward. At this point long-ago character Dr. Jeff Webber also fathered four children by three different women (w/Heather Webber=Steven Lars; w/Mrs. Webber= Sarah and Elizabeth; w/Mrs. Barnes=Hayden).
  14. I don't know; she turned to him to be comforted and was literally crying on his shoulder. He looked straight out -not glaring over at Scott and then down at Kim that would suggest a feeling of anger and protectiveness. He didn't respond or appear to look at her with love and compassion when she took his hands in hers and apologized that he heard about "what I did to Drew - I was going through a horrible time." She clearly meant the real Drew Cain, which IMO can only mean she's admitting (but not realizing she's admitting) that she's using him.
  15. Yup, plus Finn now knows Hayden really can't be trusted (she used her friend Curtis in her deception too) because she's so selfish so he has to proceed with caution. Hayden flat out said recently she wanted to be done with the project soon so she could get out of town before Finn found out about Violet and tried to get custody. It's interesting that she thinks Valentin is such a low-life, yet he very much has the same entitled mentality about his child where the mother Lulu and former stepmom Nina are concerned. It's the same way Carly behaved when Michael was a baby/young child and she wanted to hang on to Jason. You're not going to choose me? Okay, well then you don't get to have a relationship with this child. Although Hayden couldn't try to sabotage Finn/Anna like Carly did with Robin because Anna has been out of town so far.
  16. I feel for your SIL. A white friend of mine adopted her Latino son when he was 1 year old. For the first few years, when he was right there, people would ask her questions like, "Does his real mother miss him?" "How much did you pay for him?" They also tried to speak Spanish to him and ignored her when she said flat out, "He doesn't speak Spanish."
  17. Finn has just met his daughter, and right after that in the halls of his workplace Hayden dumped a lot of information in his lap in a brief time frame. A doctor with his personality isn't going to get enraged and start screaming at Hayden in that situation, esp. with their daughter in a hospital bed nearby. He is still in shock. I think he needs time to process it all and figure out what he wants to do. He and Curtis recently had a conversation about Hayden's tendency to lie, and cut and run when things get tough. It's not unreasonable that Finn could be worried that the moment Violet is better, Hayden will check her out of the hospital and disappear because she's hurt that he is engaged to Anna. (He doesn't known about her 'secret project' and meetings with Jax and Curtis.) He should talk to Robert and Anna because of how they started out with Robin. I'm appalled that Dr. Monica Quartermaine would say on the stand he's Drew neurologically so he is Drew. Excuse me?! I chuckled that Kim looked shocked and hurt/uncomfortable when Scott came at her on the witness stand about drugging and trying to conceive a baby with Drew against his will. From the look on FrancoDrew's face, I guess he did not know that part of his perfect one true love's recent history.
  18. Truly. I realized yesterday that the only young adults and children on this Show that S&C don't consider family and aren't blood relations are Cameron, Trina, Leo, and now Violet. Yes, Cam has always been family to Laura and Lulu because Lucky raised him until he left Port Charles when Cam was about 6, but Carly clearly just considers him to be Elizabeth's kid and Josslyn's friend. She has never, ever acknowledged him as family even though he is the older brother to both her BFF's first born son and her cousin Lucky's son Aiden.
  19. Kids don't always resemble their parents when they are little. I didn't look like mine when I was a little kid, but relatives on my father's side would say to my parents and to me how I looked sooo much like my aunt/father's youngest sister and he would agree. Fast forward to present day in my family: a cousin's child looks nothing like the father, and doesn't resemble my cousin at that age either. BUT she does resemble her aunt who is her mother's sister. A second cousin's two kids didn't look anything like her or her husband when they were young children (I wondered if people speculated they were adopted). As the years went by and the kids grew, a resemblance to a great grandparent was noted for one and the other kind of morphed into resembling a blondish version of my cousin (who is a brunette). To me, Violet is believable looks-wise because she could be a relative of Elizabeth and Cameron Webber, Hayden's sister and eldest nephew - or maybe she resembles someone else in her gene pool not present in Port Charles.
  20. Is that what that was? I did't see a lid. Looked like a decoration that was supposed to be a family heirloom.
  21. Scott was right to say that FrancoDrew's attorney has approved him wearing a Halloween costume (because that is all the uniform could be to Franco). The lawyer insisted first to Scott and Elizabeth and then to the court that FrancoDrew is Drew Cain now, has Drew's memories, Navy SEAL skills (where's the proof??), etc. and therefore is entitled to wear the uniform and medals he earned. But then Scott presents the evidence that this man has Franco's fingerprints, ID etc. and the lawyer is all 'we're not disputing the truth of the physical evidence.' He really should have gotten into trouble for treating Cam like he was on trial.
  22. I hated that the acknowledgement of Drew's presumed death played out between Jason and Monica like it's sad a neighbor or some distant relative died. I never thought I'd give Jason Morgan credit for giving someone a genuine reality check. The writers are making Monica look delusional and desperate, almost as bad as Kim. Hey Monica, your granddaughter is what's left of Drew!! So, is Danny the only one who thinks of Scout?! I really thought Danny was telling Jason no problem because they "live at Grandma Monica's," but when Monica came in and said sure about a longer stay, I realized the audience was supposed to hear "love Grandma Monica's." Well, of course they do, since they are loved and well cared for there as opposed to Sam and Jason's home. FrancoDrew's lawyer is a moron and a bully. Poor Cameron! I noticed Kim looked down/away whenever the subject of Franco's love for Elizabeth and family came up during testimony. Who the hell does Hayden think she is to tell Finn not to shut her out!! Easton is doing well showing Finn's awe, joy, and worry over Violet versus anger, hurt, and disgust toward Hayden. At least she looks ashamed that he clearly feels betrayed/heartbroken by her deception all this time.
  23. I thought Budig was temporary casting to keep the Finn character busy until the return of Finola Hughes. Am I wrong? Is Budig back on the show indefinitely?
  24. Wooowww does Howarth look ridiculous in dress uniform!! I enjoyed the scenes of Robert and Laura and Ava and Kevin. Great conversations! I was hoping the writers would have Julian tell Elizabeth and Scott about walking in on Kim trying to rape Drew, so I'm glad that is obviously what happened today, off-screen. The attempt to be mysterious with Elizabeth's vague lines so the audience, Kim, FrancoDrew and the judge will be "surprised" in court makes me roll my eyes, though. Good for Trina for calling Joss out on being a self-absorbed, poor friend to Cam as he's going through an awful time - after Cam was there for her before, during, and after Oscar's death. I am unmoved by Joss's tears. So Hayden and Finn's daughter has been nearby all this time?! I saw a promo but I thought Finn followed Hayden to a hospital like when Laura followed Ryan to Shadybrook; I did not expect that the little girl would be brought to General Hospital. Soapy sure, but this makes Hayden look awful.
  25. THIS. He reminds me of Maxie back when she was determined to be with Lucky and felt that Elizabeth didn't deserve him. She used her 'service' at the hospital to supply him with drugs and her closeness to dad/stepdad Mac to gain access to official stuff at the PCPD. Although Brad is definitely worse because I don't recall Maxie ever asking anyone to kill people to protect her secrets. I don't see guilt from Brad; I see fear that Michael will somehow figure things out. Guilt would manifest as offering Michael something but Brad is about trying to limit Michael's time with the baby without raising Michael or Lucas' suspicions that something is wrong.
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