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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Yes, she thought having nothing to do with the adoptive parents was the safest option under the circumstances - she didn't count on seeing and feeling drawn to the baby she believes is the one she gave up. She knew of Julian Jerome's reputation/history, so a condition of the adoption was that Julian would not be in the baby's life. (Yes, it's stupid that she didn't have the same condition for S&C and that she would be accept a recommendation letter from Mob boss's wife, the sister of adoptive father.) Willow told Julian that it's her fault he's not allowed in Wiley's life, she thinks Wiley should have a grandfather and believes Julian has changed, so she wanted take back the condition she set on the adoption. She's mostly peripherally involved in Wiley's life because she's friends with "godfather" Michael and helped save Kristina, also Wiley's family (not sure how), from Shiloh. I agree. But according to Lucas, they wanted an open adoption from the beginning. Lucas went to see Willow in her classroom and specifically said they would value Willow being a part of Wiley's life and intended for him to know she's his mother, once he's old enough to understand. Willow said no because Shiloh and his DoD people would figure out Wiley was her baby (not realizing that Shiloh would figure things out due to Brad, Lucas, and Kim freaking out, oversharing). It was a little strange to see Willow at Wiley's birthday party, on the floor helping him open presents while Brad and Lucas watched. It seems like things have been shifting to Lucas considering Willow to be Wiley's unofficial third parent.
  2. I don't know about a fall per se, but definitely a set up for some home scenes when Willow is devastated, crying and depressed upon finally getting the news that her baby died. The scene of Willow and Lucas at the pub bonding over pictures of Wiley, her feeling "blessed" and him saying one day Wiley will know about her was also a set-up for future scenes of them crying together.
  3. Was there any mention of regretting that Lulu didn't want Rocco to come because he would be missing Dante, or that Morgan would have been so happy about this, or that Laura was invited but couldn't attend? Just wondering because we're repeatedly been reminded that Laura and Sonny have known each/been friends a long time, and Laura and Carly are family via Laura's daughter/Carly's cousin Lulu as well as Rocco regardless of the Lante divorce.
  4. So much this. I feel like the writers just read your post and realized they needed to start addressing the Cassandra poisons Sasha plot line in the show today. Today when nuNina said Sasha's been sick more than 48 hours, I was thinking, yeah how many weeks has this been going on now? But I rolled my eyes that Cassandra sent the pic just after Sasha took the medicine and Finn speculated about deliberate food contamination. The Alexis and Diane scenes were fun/ny especially in the park, and Willow and Chase are so sweet and adorable and attractive. Willow looked as gorgeous today in a summer dress as she did at the Nurse's Ball. In contrast, there's the Casa Corinthos home of dysfunction. The best part was LA as Kristina looked prettier, happier and more energized than she has in a long time, Josslyn looked quite pretty, and Avery looked adorable. I skipped most of it, just had a WTF, seriously?! reaction to Sam asking Sonny if he was nervous and felt bad for little Avery about marching stone-faced down the "aisle" tossing petals as fast as her little legs could go. Was she reacting to Step-Grandma Bobbie's fugly dress? If so, I feel ya kid.
  5. Does this mean you've skipped all/most of the Anna and Finn scenes of "falling/being in love"?
  6. You're the best - this reply literally made me laugh out loud. 🤣 I feel like being a regular person on this show is tricky - you get reduced to falling in love with a 'reformed' serial killer or you get a cat poo virus diagnosis when you declare that a Mob boss's business is a threat to your S.O./family. Jason agreed to build a treehouse for Danny and Leo after Oscar died at his request, and Sam hugged Danny that time Jason brought him home from the Quartermaine mansion, but now you want them to watch Danny play baseball too? I just don't know how they can manage to live up to your parenting expectations esp. when Jason needs to share his knowledge of/experience with neuroscience as they discuss the Shiloh/Franco/Drew plot points.
  7. I hope Scout's Aunt Molly or Grandma Alexis. SORASed Scout was last seen with her Daddy and Grandma Alexis. How hard would it have been to have Danny say, "Thanks Dad. I wish Scout could be here to watch me play" and then Sam reply: "Maybe next time, Danny. Scout was really looking forward to going to pre-school orientation/friend's birthday party today with Grandma Alexis/Aunt Molly" since God forbid Jason be in the park watching his son play baseball without Sam there to keep him occupied.
  8. I imagine @HeatLifer needs help getting off the floor after laughing hysterically at Sam's line about happiness (when her face and body projects the opposite). The picnic/normal family stuff makes me roll my eyes. I see Show wants the audience to get that Monica is fully invested in the Morgan Family - she gets to stand next to Jason for a full 10 seconds or so! Yippee. Please someone make a GIF of Carly's face when Jax "went to get Liesl." 😂Seriously, best moment of Friday!! Good for Trina for giving Cam and Joss a reality check. Cam's smile at Joss = awwwww. I assume @GHScorpiosRule enjoyed Robert threatening Peter with obstruction of justice if his actions re:Shiloh qualify. I also assume Peter's scheming is going to go sideways and Drew and/or Dr. Maddox are going to be presumed dead in some sort of accident. Re: previews: Shut up, Kristina.
  9. Yup, Jeff is Hayden's bio father and he's also Liz's father as you know. They got this life-changing news from Franco, of course. Details are sketchy because Liz decided she didn't want to have a confrontational conversation with her father. Hayden first appeared at Elizabeth's door claiming to be Jake Doe's wife (aka Jakeson than Drew), because Ric Lansing paid her. Ric wanted Elizabeth back and so he hired Hayden, not knowing they would turn out to be bio sisters of course.
  10. Yes, it was mostly a good episode with the various character interactions and not a mention of Jason, Sam, Sonny or Carly either! I am always happy to see little Aiden, so I adored seeing him with his mom and Aunt Hayden and Cam but I hated the "make us feel safe." It's so inappropriate coming from Aiden of the three boys since Franco kidnapped him when he was a newborn. Now had Jake been there and said it, I would grudgingly find it ok because Franco was Jake's art therapist when Jake came home. Jake is the one who has always felt safe with/been about propping Franco. I really find it funny that the Show is so cheap that a recording of "park noise activity" played in the background instead of having any hint of real music or extras as fellow wine tasting attendees. Justin the driver/teacher bringing wine glasses to Maxie and Lulu while orange lighting shines on the three of them passes for a fun evening out in public. TVGoddess, while I agree with you about the "ILYs," I saw it as a positive thing because that scene followed by Peter lying to her face and then seeing Shiloh (and Maxie and Lulu squealing like teenagers, ugh) made it clear this couple's lame happiness is about to get blown up temporarily if not permanently.
  11. Shiloh was trying to manipulate FrancoDrew so of course he brings up Drew's son who FrancoDrew has never met, but Shiloh got to know. FrancoDrew can remember conceiving Oscar with Kim (although of course he doesn't know which time it happened when they were together). I think mentioning Scout will happen when TPTB want to ramp up the drama with FrancoDrew, Sam and Jason. Notice Drew didn't respond to the comment "I missed being a father by X months." He didn't want Franco to go straight to Sam to see Scout as soon as he got out of jail. I'll bet that FrancoDrew will overhear someone say "Sam and Drew's daughter, Scout" and then Sam will answer the door to FrancoDrew stating "I'm here to get to know my daughter. Look, Sam? I don't know you, but I have a right to spend time with my daughter." Then Jason will appear behind her, glaring.
  12. I don't see it as milking his death for ratings, esp. given that Carol Potter and Shannen were not physically present for the first episode. Carol acted with Luke on a regular basis, so (to me) for her not to acknowledge his death and that they're all sad about it was glaring. I wanted some acknowledgement of missing Luke/honoring his memory from Shannen as she entered the space with the other original cast members. Touching his face in the original photo or sketch of the photo and whispering "for you" right before she's about to help recreate the cast photo without him would have worked.
  13. I think the scenes between Gabby and husband are well-acted, but it seems to me like she's trying to make it easy for herself by asking for a storyline where Andrea is "exploring her sexuality" so that she - Gabby - can try being with a woman but not be labeled by her husband/thought of by people she knows as a cheater because she's doing it "in character" instead of as herself. In general I like Jennie in this reboot, but Jennie's tantrum about Jason being a hypocrite made me roll my eyes. He's allowed to be furious that his wife got pregnant by another man, and was lying to him. Yeah, I know the wife said she thought it was his (not knowing he had a pre-existing condition), but she knew quite well the writer could be the father. He's also allowed to be furious and disgusted that the writer taunted him about his marriage. If some woman got pregnant by her husband and the woman taunted her about her marriage, she'd be furious too. I'm disappointed that there was no acknowledgement of missing Luke during the therapy session, when Ian said he was happy to be at the bar with "my boys," or recreating the cast photo shoot. It seems like "ok, we touched on missing Luke in the first episode, check." Shannen was not in person with them for the first episode, so I would have liked to see a small gesture written in such as just before the cast photo shoot she touches Luke's face in either the original cast photo or the sketch of the cast photo and gets tears in her eyes. One small moment would have an impact.
  14. Hey Scott, why are you acting like it's Elizabeth's responsibility to handle the Franco situation? He could also be spending time doing research and making phone calls, instead of going over to the Metrocourt and drinking with Ava. Ass. Some viewers will be in pain from rolling their eyes at "The Franco we love" crap. Elizabeth's hair looks great, though, and it's nice to know she's in touch with Patrick. The "I'm entitled to information about my son" approach to a mother mourning her dead son when he knows from Drew (and refers to BM's character as Drew!) that Oscar died just shows Franco's personality is about entitlement/lack of boundaries regardless of any medical procedure to his brain. Good for Kim for pushing back rather than giving in to the attempts at emotional manipulation. Did I miss that Franco has an ankle monitor? Is that from the PCPD because he punched Chase?? Some of you called it that Drew would decide to go to Afghanistan to 'undo' Shiloh and the dead guy's crime.
  15. It's worse now that he's not in the "dark place." Recently Laura had the one-sided conversation with him where he assured her he's fine and she told him to "have fun," then the psychic said she wasn't referring to "your son in Africa." It's clear Cameron isn't even allowed to acknowledge Lucky ever existed in his life.
  16. Monica said something about it would be awful for Elizabeth to lose her husband. She wasn't suggesting that Kim should try to be with Franco who thinks he's Drew; she said that Kim is the one person familiar to Franco right now and the idea seems to be hey Kim, could you stay because I value your work in this hospital, it would be great if you could sort of help with the Franco situation/give him a reason to stay here and yes I acknowledge I would like to know about my son's life before he came to Port Charles. I would have liked either Monica or Jason (ha!) to voice concern that her grandson/his son's life is disrupted by this and someone needs to think about the emotional fallout. Jason claims to love Jake, how about stepping up and spending more time with him as a way to say "hey, I know this is rough for you because you care about him, I'm here for you."
  17. I think Laura has a college degree in social work? Or was that Mary Mae Ward? The late Silas Clay talked about meeting Nina when they were in college, so I think she had graduated and he was in or finishing med school when she went comatose? Elizabeth went to nursing school off-screen... Can't recall if Ava has a college degree....
  18. So they bought it from Tex's widow? I thought Drew said Tex hid it ($$ Shiloh is desperate for) in his wife's vehicle, and the implication is that it may still be there in Cam's?? The next thing I saw was a preview of Cam in his truck/car/vehicle. I agree with @ffwbe that Kim's scene with Monica confirms what I've thought for awhile due to Kim's behavior - Julian is far more invested in her and their relationship than she is in him and their relationship. I get that she's grieving Oscar, but between her line to Lucas and her conversation with Monica, it doesn't seem like she would be heartbroken if he decided not to join her.
  19. Sonny needs to be yelled at by Josslyn's father as well as Carly for promising Josslyn without their knowledge that she can do home school/tutoring if she feels like it's "not working out" after trying to go back to school without Oscar. I'm confused - where did Oscar's car come from, that now belongs to Cameron? There was some reference to Drew's war buddy's wife?? Would six vomiting emojis be overkill for a reaction to the Maxie and Peter scenes? I just can't. Good to see more of Monica.
  20. This. It figures that the only time I've enjoyed Howarth as Franco is when he's supposed to be playing another character, and the character is treating another character with deserved contempt. Aside from Franco as Drew taunting Shiloh, the only thing I enjoyed was the acknowledgement of history in Lulu and Sonny's conversation about Dante/the Lante marriage. I was definitely surprised that Sonny referenced his history with her parents and watching her grow up. The one line from today I liked because I think it was accurate for back when JMB and DZ played the characters coming together as a couple, was "we chose each other." Olivia sounded like an idiot today - she is aware that Dante with his mental health issues shot Peter and she is acting like they just need to bring him home and give him lots of hugs, repeatedly tell him they love him, give him her homemade lasagna and that will somehow restore him to the Dante they all know. Then she proclaims to Julian and Alexis she wants to buy the place because it's their elementary school-aged son's favorite bar and she wants it for when he grows up?! There have been quite a few scenes of baby Jonah/Wiley their with Brad, Lucas or both but has Julian or Olivia ever had a scene there that included Leo?! The only time(s) I recall Olivia being there was for the Ned/Laura election stuff in big group scenes. The scene of Elizabeth and Hayden made me roll my eyes because it's just Hayden propping. The "my other sister" line makes it seem like Sarah has never been to decent to/sisterly with Elizabeth. Yeah, she thought of Sarah as a rival when they were kids but I guess the writers are forgetting that she and her three sons went to live with Sarah for several months when Aiden was a newborn, at Sarah's invitation. It is a That is a lot more of a commitment to being a supportive sister than staying the night and offering pastries for breakfast, geez. ETA: I would like to see Sonny, Jason, Shiloh and Sam fall in a deep hole and leave them there to kill each other. I have felt that way about three of them already, but Sam's love for Alexis, Kristina and Molly made her not a total waste. After the bitchy lines to Alexis and Julian yesterday (especially given her hypocrisy in loyalty to Sonny and Jason), I want to see her dropped in the hole too.
  21. I am seriously shocked that Jason acknowledged "my brother AJ." Yet the show is still so predictable - as soon as Franco started yelling at Jason and caught Chase's attention, I figured he would punch Chase and get arrested as a result. With that temper, snarky way about him and lack of impulse control he is definitely not trying to be Drew. He comes off as someone who couldn't make it past basic in the military. Cam is such a sweet son; Elizabeth is damned lucky. I was awwwing over him while rolling my eyes over Dev with Joss, S&C with Sam, and Finn and Hayden. We get it, Hayden is still in love with him and hiding their kid somewhere or perhaps visiting the kid with his/her adoptive family. Good to see Drew with Monica but what happened to Monica's hand/wrist? I thought it was interesting that Jason was reiterating the past with Franco while Monica was doing the same with Drew.
  22. Many of us feel this way. [Insert music note] Youuuu are not allllonnnne [insert music note] (Sorry I don't have a gif of Patrick, Sabrina and the rest singing it for baby Purina during the Nurse's Ball).
  23. 🤮=Maxie's line to Peter that she has him so a crush on Jax is unnecessary. It's also pathetic propping that she's just generalizing/dismissing what Dr. O's done in the past which includes the hell her beloved cousin Robin survived, all because Dr. O is "James's grandmother." Franco as Drew is an ass. I can't picture the real Drew grabbing and kissing a woman he hasn't seen in years, and then getting angry and walking away when she doesn't swoon and tell him what he wants to hear. I thought TB played all the reactionary scenes well. And then I was shocked to see Sam and Drew speaking face-to-face. Bless you Robert, for lying to Valentin. What an ass (to Jax yes, but also in general). Speaking of Jax, Hayden shut up you are not a pimp. You did something stupid, find a clever way to get out of it that doesn't involved using someone who doesn't deserve it. Brad is an ass plus he's just plain stupid. I felt for Lucas in the scene at the computer. I laughed at Franco calling Jason "rich Quartermaine with my face" in the preview. I thought Drew never had any knowledge of Jason, that Faison discovered the twin thing as "luck" re: Drew and Jason?
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