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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. The second Kim said she was going to GH, I knew the show would end with Franco kissing her and Elizabeth and Drew witnessing it. The Drew and Elizabeth scenes made me want them to get back together (which I'm sure was not the writers' intention!!), esp. when he was saying Franco is some version of him and the love in Elizabeth's voice would get him to stay in Port Charles. Jason and Sam being kissy face just looks awkward. It's so strange to see Jason in a sports jersey that I just stared. Bless you, Robert, for interrupting the forced-looking yuckfest. Poor Jax re: Dr. O's crush. I liked that he laughed at Peter telling him flat out. I knew someone would catch Hayden in the creepy room at Wyndemere, but I thought it might be a re-cast Nikolas because seriously, Dr. O went all the way back there to freshen up so she could knock Jax's socks off? They all could have left the bar by the time she got back.
  2. TK had just a few very brief scenes involving SBu as Jason IIRC. For most of TK's time on the show, Monaco and Miller played his parents and the scenes had some chemistry (which may be because Miller is great at playing a devoted dad). The most glow-ey I've seen Monaco look in a scene that I can recall is when she was on a couch with Miller, TK as Danny, and baby Scout and they were talking about the future of Aurora. I think she genuinely liked the little boy; he was probably pretty easy-going. Contrast that with the first scene of re-cast Danny with his parents. Monaco as Sam half hugs the kid and greets him (as a poster previously noted) like he's her favorite waiter at a restaurant. Burton's Jason was really awkward with TK and doesn't seem at all invested in the re-cast either. The emphasis on Dream could also be a propping of "Dream" (Drew + Sam and the couple's fans)/a dig at Burton. As in, she and Miller really enjoyed playing a family with TK as Danny but then Burton came back to reclaim his character and ruined the good thing they had going.
  3. She has been through something similar before, yes, but in this case she actually saw Franco when he was unconscious and had the probe thingies still attached to his head. Cabot was right there, telling her he had to handle things properly. So for Elizabeth to go from that scene to behaving like the memory transfer cannot be real and insisting to a man who has just woken up approx. an hour ago that he is her husband strikes me as poor writing - esp. because she is a nurse. Trying to force something with a patient who has just been through a highly questionable neurological event is not a good idea.
  4. I can't believe I feel worse after Laura has an actual onscreen one-sided conversation with Lucky. She tells him to "have fun"?!? and that everything is fine when the truth is his first son Cameron has just been through a major traumatic event?!? WTH, Laura!! Carly beaming with joy over Mike's wedding given the circumstances was just not a good acting/directing choice. Sonny, your father and Yvonne "getting married' while suffering from Alzheimer's is not "having all the fun." UGHHHH. I assume Morgan's death is lumped into the "ups and downs"? LOL. Of course Drew finally hands Franco a mirror at the end of the episode after he's been trying to get past fretting, "you're my husband" Elizabeth and has been sedated. Given that Elizabeth knows exactly what has happened to Franco, her reaction/behavior is just off. Did she really think he would just say, "Ok, since you insist I'm Franco and not Drew and you're upset, I totally believe you. Let's go home." I will give some credit that Franco-as-Drew is MUCH less annoying as a character.
  5. Laura and Elizabeth talked about Cameron; Laura was taking care of the three boys overnight and dropped Jake and Aiden off at camp. Laura mentioned that Cam was being protective of his brothers by providing an explanation of Mom and Franco's absence at home, which wasn't technically a lie. The scenes with Joss and Trina show that he feels major survivor's guilt over what he thinks he should have done to get away. At the moment, thanks to his lines to Joss and the tears in his eyes - I believe he feels responsible for the "happy family" his mom and brothers were enjoying getting disrupted/destroyed. That is understandable, given the unhealthy message his mother has been projecting that her, Jake and Aiden's happiness is dependent upon being a family with Franco and everyone in Port Charles "accepting" that Franco is a wonderful family man who has totally transformed from the twisted killer he once was. I can believe Laura wants her grandsons to have a stable father figure in their lives who will love them and not endanger them, but I don't believe she would be so on board with Franco specifically (given his history) replacing Lucky and Lucky being a non-presence in their lives as long as he is alive. It seems like this plot point is supposed to serve several purposes, once of which is to make Laura grateful to him forevaaa/an unquestioning fan girl for saving Cameron.
  6. There's a lot to like - Rebecca Herbst and William Lipton knocked it out of the park in showing fear and how much mother and son love each other. I rarely cry when watching TV, and they got to me. Billy Miller and William Lipton were awesome too. I loved Drew expressing to Cam how valuable he is, and saying "I love you." He would make a kickass stepdad. I also really enjoyed Robert giving Maxie the verbal smackdown in front of Peter for associating with Peter, then being utterly unmoved by her anger and indignation. The Willow-Chase scenes at the end were sweet. I liked Lucas totally ignoring Shiloh's attempts at taunting, too. Lulu wanting to tell Willow's story as well as the OTT praising of Franco as a husband/father figure and friend to Drew made me roll my eyes, but I expected that. I could ignore it thanks to the other good stuff. Also, any episode not highlighting the Mob Four is at least worthy of consideration.
  7. I assumed the awkwardness was because Lucas is standing there, and Lucas is Carly's brother via adoption/technically Michael's uncle as well as Finn's colleague. In that situation, I would feel awkward asking a guy about his sex life in front of his family member. But, maybe that's just the way Finn is?
  8. There was no mention of Lucky for years, and then right before Lucky appeared during TG's retirement storyline, Elizabeth mentioned Lucky Skye'd with his son (Aiden) once a week. In the next scene it got changed to Lucky Skypes with Cam and Aiden once a week, so she was worried when he missed a couple calls. After that, Lucky just appeared on her door step (to let her know Jake was alive and he was waiting to come inside). She embraced Lucky and told him she had been worried. He was like yeah I got kidnapped, no worries it's all good now. Yeah it's bullshit that Laura would totally accept Franco as the boys' father and think it's totally fine for her grandsons, or her and Lulu, to never see Lucky. Lucky had a great relationship with his father as a child, and the show put an emphasis on how much first GV's Lucky, and then JJ's Lucky, loved Cam and Jake. He really wanted Aiden to be his, and had an emotional reaction to finding out Aiden was indeed his. So the abandonment was completely out of character, and not something Laura would EVER accept as no big deal. Yes, there should be references from time to time of Laura taking the boys and meeting up with Lucky, spending a day or a few days with her son and grandsons, and then leaving them with Lucky for some father-sons time. She would value time spent with Lucky all the more since Nikolas died. If the show doesn't ever want to mention Lucky, reference him having a psych breakdown over everything that has happened and that he had to be institutionalized due to being suicidal over abandoning his children, failing at marriage, his unique history with his parents, etc. That would have been an easy out after his "battling the darkness" line to his father and the sad look through the window at Elizabeth, Jake, and Jakeson/Drew. It would have been believable due to everything he has been through as well as his mother's mental health issues, which resulted in her being in a catatonic state for years. Otherwise it's completely out of character for Lucky to cut himself off from his beloved sons, his mother and sister and her kids, and for Laura to just shrug it off while encouraging acceptance of Franco.
  9. I don't think Elizabeth knows about Sam putting herself at risk with Shiloh. I wish she had a different approach with Jason, but he would be very dismissive if she brought up his job with Sonny. Bringing up that Franco is more of a presence in Jake's life than his own father is was a good point, but she should have pressed upon him about being an absentee father. If Jason believes himself to be a better role model than Franco, prove it. Show that he is aware of when Franco locked Tom in a dog cage then tortured the guy after the tumor was removed, and promise Elizabeth he will no longer be committing violent acts on Sonny's payroll. Vow that he will spend time with Jake more than once every nine months or so. (The last time Jason was in a scene with Jake was Halloween 2018.) It's pathetic that Jason's definition of being a good father is that he doesn't lie to his son, and offers one general line that whatever he does for his two sons can't hurt him.
  10. Not long after my uncle died of cancer, my aunt decided to give me his car because mine had become unreliable. I had to call her from the MVA and ask her to leave work and go home and get his death certificate because the MVA wouldn't transfer ownership of his vehicle without it. I had the rest of what I needed on hand, but they were ready to turn me away without his death certificate. I think the point of that scene was to empathize with Cam (and also to make Kim look good after drugging Drew, followed by attempted sexual assault). Cam is a character from the legacy Spencer and Webber families; we've seen him grown up from when he was an infant in Elizabeth's arms. There was some hurt and sadness in his eyes at seeing Oscar's date of death and age in print, because they were friends. Cam is happy to have his own car, but moving on with life as a teenager who just lost a friend of the same age must be a difficult experience.
  11. Her looks of panic were in reaction to Harmony saying (paraphrasing here) that Shiloh would do whatever it took to get his hands on Wiley, and she hoped Lucas and Brad would run away with the baby. During her last conversation with Brad, she said you'd find a place in my little boy's life for me when I get out of prison right? So she could be worried about a paternity test, or simply that Shiloh believes the baby is his and so he might kidnap him - thus dangerrr. On the other hand, she may be worried that - with encouragement from Harmony and/or her daughter and maybe others -Lucas and Brad will indeed run away with the baby to keep Shiloh from getting him. Thus she would never see her son again. I've been under the impression that Nelle gave Brad her son with the intention of not only keeping him away from Michael and Carly and Sonny, but also reclaiming him from Brad and Lucas when she got out of Pentonville one day ... or at least playing the role of "Auntie Nelle" in his life. I remember her saying "my son" to Brad when they saw each other at Pentonville, and he corrected her "OUR son," mentioning Lucas. I think the Nelle actress was directed to show that she sees Wylie/Jonah as her (and Michael's son), period.
  12. describes Carly today, too, in her description of Ava when she was gloating about the Crimson article and congratulating Jax. I caught a hint of a tear/regret from Carly when Nina expressed surprise that Carly and Jax are exes given how she speaks of him ... like Carly was acknowledging internally that life was the best it ever was going to be when she was married to Jax, but she couldn't hold on to that because she's so addicted to her toxic relationships with Sonny and Jason. I'm not an Ava fan but I really enjoyed her interrupting the Nina and Valentin ick fest in the Crimson office, and all of her lines to Nina. I don't get why Nina and Valentin and also Maxie and Peter think all the kissy face, I'm soooo crazy about youuuuuu behavior is appropriate for the workplace. Speaking of ick, Franco - but I enjoyed seeing him all squirmy and freaking out that he could be harmed by some unknown situation in the future. The Nelle actress did a good job in appearing scared/unraveling upon realizing that her baby boy is in danger as a result of her own lies and scheming. Did Hayden steal that blue blouse with sleeves that are much too long for her from Brenda Barrett? And why is she wearing a long-sleeve shirt for house-hunting in the middle of summer? Btw the show acting like Elizabeth and Hayden are warm and sisterly and always have been is stupid.
  13. Absolutely. I feel like "unidentified male" Cassandra was spotted with must be either Jerry or *possibly* Nikolas, IMO, because the characters have been mentioning Jerry about as much as Nikolas and the circumstances of his death. Joss is damned lucky to have a friend like Cam!! On the other hand, Cam deserves much better than the attitude and behavior Joss has a tendency to demonstrate that she has learned or inherited from Carly. I am half expecting Joss to start listening to Whitney Houston's "I Will Always Love You" on repeat as she stares at their Great Lock of Love .... or worse, tries to play the song on Oscar's guitar. And btw, I don't believe teenage girls would want to spend summer hours binge watching Grey's Anatomy. Why suck up to that show? Something going on with the network? Given how Carly and Jason's closeness was on full display today (she certainly seems more emotionally dependent on him than Sonny), I am wondering if the baby will die of complications in the surgery right after birth and then Carly will have grief sex with Jason. (Hey, remember the limo sex with Sonny after they left comatose Michael at the institution, while she was married to Jax.) Willow and Chase, can you please take up time on the show that's been devoted to some other couples? I prefer to see you two over least 6 other couples on this show.
  14. I am so. very. disappointed not to see Joss looking heartbroken/betrayed at Cam because her J + O lock was removed from the bridge. Hey, I'm not a total hater LOL. I like seeing Jax having no use for Sonny, Valentin, and others. I also like how sweet Willow and Chase are together.
  15. The only scenes I enjoyed today included Finn, wow. I laughed that Valentin's getting his panties in a twist because of Finn calling him out/not bowing down to his entitled attitude about talking to Anna. Btw, Show, ya know who should have had that conversation with Rocco? His step-grandfather, Kevin, who has been family for years now and is also a psychiatrist. The propping of LWB/FS is absurd, especially in this situation since Peter never had parents together, or any kind of healthy relationship with his own father. Never, ever would a kid be willing to discuss his thoughts and emotions with his insta-babysitter/mother's boss - has he even met Peter before?! I rolled my eyes that Lulu agreed that Dante is a "fool" for letting her go.
  16. It doesn't help that Burton being Drew in the flashback isn't anything like how Drew behaves. He is playing his own character, raging/threatening Shiloh just as Jason would at one of his or Sonny's enemies. It's such lazy acting, and potentially confusing for the audience.
  17. Well, Alexis aunt of Nikolas, is his best friend; Laura, mother of Nikolas, used to be Carly's aunt via marriage; and Lulu, sister of Nikolas and daughter of Laura, is still Carly's cousin. So I can see him being angry that this woman got away with her role in the suffering of people he cares about - plus there's the memory that baby boy "John" he was raising he had to give up to bio father Nikolas, only for Nikolas to decide to fake his own death despite the responsibility of being a father.
  18. Sonny had scenes one-on-one with Olivia, and he and Olivia were in scenes with Laura and Lulu. Jax resented Nikolas for having an affair with his wife Courtney and so she didn't know who her baby's father was-no friendship there. He was, however, good friends with Kate Howard and brought up to Ava how she killed his friend as well as business associate Kate (by then she was "Connie") in cold blood, right there in the Crimson office.
  19. Sooo, how long 'til a recast Nikolas shows up now that Valentin, Ava, Nina and Jax were all talking about his death in the same episode? Who the hell does Nina think she is to call Laura delusional?! She was not there when Nikolas died. She did not know Nikolas. Lulu yelling about having to make the decisions now about dinner, movies to watch, what the kids wear was dumb because she's been making those decisions since Dante left to work undercover for the WSB. The new decisions would be about $ and related issues, like what to do regarding Rocco's education and activities, if they had a retirement plan in place, etc. I would have liked to see a scene of Sonny and Olivia leaving Dante and Lulu's home at Laura's request. Olivia was way out of line demanding that Lulu tear up the divorce papers. It was good that Laura said 'we have to support whatever decision Lulu makes" but I wanted more than that. Today's show was a great example of why the Drew and Curtis friendship is awesome. I really liked Curtis's truth telling. I almost laughed out loud at Valentin's look of hurt/rage/betrayal when he heard Nina bring up Cassandra to Jax. Sooo, how long 'til a recast Nikolas shows up now that Valentin, Ava, Nina and Jax were all talking about his death in the same episode? Who the hell does Nina think she is to call Laura delusional?! She was not there when Nikolas died. She did not know Nikolas. Lulu yelling about having to make the decisions now about dinner, movies to watch, what the kids wear was dumb because she's been making those decisions since Dante left to work undercover for the WSB. The new decisions would be about $ and related issues, like what to do regarding Rocco's education and activities, if they had a retirement plan in place, etc. I would have liked to see a scene of Sonny and Olivia leaving Dante and Lulu's home at Laura's request. Olivia was way out of line demanding that Lulu tear up the divorce papers. It was good that Laura said 'we have to support whatever decision Lulu makes" but I wanted more than that. Today's show was a great example of why the Drew and Curtis friendship is awesome. I really liked Curtis's truth telling. I almost laughed out loud at Valentin's look of hurt/rage/betrayal when he heard Nina bring up Cassandra to Jax.
  20. Perhaps you mean that Robin was made to look like she abandoned her family, and then her storyline was re-purposed to make Dante look like a tragic hero since he had been working for the WSB to take Raj down because of Lulu? But now he's too messed up to be Lulu's husband. Show was never going to make Sonny's first-born son look like a bad person/family abandoner. The same standard does not apply to Robert Scorpio's only child.
  21. I don't need scenes of Sonny shaming Lulu "how could you forget about my son in 2 months ... well, I can forgive if you are there for Dante's baby brother." (Not spoiler, just assumption that since Morgan is still dead at the moment and Dante is out of Port Charles indefinitely, Carly & Sonny's spawn must be a boy.)
  22. I want Lulu on the show as a character who reminds us through behavior that she's a Spencer, and why she values what she values. For example, a conversation with Laura where she says "It was hard for me to grow up into my teenage years without a real family under one roof, and I want that more than anything now. That's why I've struggled with Valentin over custody of Charlotte, and why it's so hard being without Dante." Then I would empathize with Lulu, that she had more or less reached a place in her life where she had a happy family life and then it was gone, versus acting like he just has some minor mental health issues and went away because he wanted to be alone instead of being a family man. Lulu should have some in-depth conversations with her mom about what they both missed out on when she was growing up such as time with each other and with her brothers, rather than the idiotic, foundation-less (given her background) "I'm a superstar professional reporter" storyline. Lulu should have a career too, but one that makes sense for who she is. I believe Elizabeth is a nurse because she has a compassionate personality for people who are suffering, and her grandparents were well known at GH. I believe Maxie is a fashion editor because she's been into fashion since she was a teenager and she has the type of scheming personality that can be beneficial in the publishing world. On the other hand, I don't think I recall Lulu ever even reading a newspaper or magazine before she got the job with Peter.
  23. I find the excitement hilarious because BM and SB sat across from each other like two kids who have agreed to eat lunch at the same table and bond over a mutual enemy because the teacher has threatened to give them an F if they don't try to get along.
  24. I can't believe I'm typing this, but Kristina looked lovely today and (aside from the one Sonny ass-kissing line) I liked how she stood up to/told off Shiloh when he decided to corner her at her workplace. Aiden is super adorable on his own, but add his brothers to the mix and the excitement over his birthday gift from Cam, and the cute moment with Willow, and I'm just all melty inside. Shut up, Lulu. Only she would wish for his return when he just shot someone!! It is wrong that I laughed at her horror/despair that Dante sent her divorce papers. Some of you called it, re: Ryan taunting Jordan that he is a part of her now.
  25. He didn't feel that way when Sonny was sleeping with his little sister.... It's way past time for Josslyn to find out that Sonny had an affair with Michael's aunt Emily and disabled Jax's plane so that it crashed and he was presumed dead for a time, all because Jax had the audacity to want custody because he didn't trust Carly (due to her continuing association with Sonny) that little Joss would be safe.
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