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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. To be fair, the little girl's name full name is Emily Scout Cain. Scout was the name Danny wanted for her, so I believe they use her middle name to make him happy and also to show the world "we're such non-traditional people." (Gag.) Also Alexis and Sam mentioned one day making Scout aware of the child character Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird. I dislike "Lulu" more. Luke and Laura named their daughter Lesley Lu in honor of grandma Lesley, and the Lu was an acknowledgement of L&L's past. "Lulu" was fine for when she was a little girl, but to me it sounds stupid for an adult. I can't imagine wanting "Lulu" in your byline, ugh.
  2. You are referring to Hollywood celebrities naming their children. The two Donnas I have met in my life are white and blonde, and approx. 60 years old or older. Donna is not a normal name for a bi-racial daughter of a Mob kingpen in upstate New York in 2019. Her life as a Latina girl born with a medical condition will be difficult enough in this country at this time in our history as it is; Carly and Sonny have made it potentially more difficult with giving her this name. I understand that the MB and maybe other cast members want to honor the memory of the makeup artist who passed away, but this isn't the way to do it. In addition to the name itself being a concern, the "Donna" he spoke of today means nothing to any current Show character except Sonny, maybe his father Mike and maybe Olivia. The baby's mother, Carly, didn't know "Donna from the old neighborhood." Clearly "Donna" was not a close family friend as Sonny has aged because Michael, Kristina and Joss never met the woman. Whereas the other kids on this show being named after someone had meaning because the adults being "honored" that way were either current characters or deceased but remembered with love (e.g. Alexis thinking of her sister who had died in recent history).
  3. I thought a girl would be named in honor of Jason but a girl's name that wasn't a duplicate of Morgan, like maybe Jasell or Jaycee/Jasee. Naming a baby Donna in 2019 is absurd. The last time I heard the name for anyone who's not currently a senior citizen (or almost a senior citizen) was in the '90s when fictional teenage Donna Martin debuted on Beverly Hills, 90210. So now between his kids and hers, they have 6 living children. Carly has three living children by three different men, so does Alexis, and Sonny has 4 living (bio) children by 4 women plus Michael through illegal adoption. I don't ever want to hear again people smearing Elizabeth because her 3 sons have 3 different biological fathers (I got tired of reading on and off over the years that Elizabeth was sooo promiscuous; the proof is her sons have different fathers. At least with Cam, I'm pretty sure she knew immediately that Zander was the father?) I assume Kim will be the next one pregnant, realizing at some point this fall that she is having a kid with Franco and it is Franco's, not Drew's.
  4. I was shocked for a moment that the baby is a girl, then I figured TPTB on this Show don't want the audience to think that they are 'replacing' Morgan with another bio Corinthos boy. (Also, if Morgan comes back from the dead via a re-cast, there's no need for a dramatic "you didn't miss me, you replaced me!" confrontation.
  5. That was (unintentionally) funny but even funnier was Jordan telling Sam she's under arrest for murdering Shiloh, and the reactionary look on Sam's face. I legit laughed out loud! Of course they leave it up to Jason to tell Michael about their baby's condition, and then he in turn gets to tell Joss and Kristina. Had Carly and Sonny agreed to a boy's name and girl's name prior to this episode and I missed it? The whole 'we have a name picked out and there's a story behind it' came out of nowhere as far as I know. Yeah Kristina said the lady from the old neighborhood, but I don't ever recall Sonny mentioning Donna to Dante let alone Carly or his other children. I get the impression Carly never met this 'character' they're naming their daughter after either. I liked the Alexis-Kristina scenes today. They also seemed to resemble each other as mother and daughter with both dressed to exercise and both with their hair tied back for exercise. I assume Kendra remembers Kristina and just won't acknowledge they've met before because that would interfere with whatever her plaaaan to hurt Alexis is.
  6. THIS. That scene was really random. Instead of going to spend time with her own children because she's had a reminder of the fragility of life after she and Jason just "saved each other," she goes to the hospital to get in Elizabeth's business about Franco after very recently telling Elizabeth to accept that Franco is gone and move on - which is an interesting comment given that one of Liz's boys is Jason's son and she and Jason know young Jake is attached to Franco. Sam acknowledged Jake's existence in a conversation with Shiloh, so I know she hasn't totes forgotten about him (even though the last time she saw the boy on-screen was Halloween 2018.) Sam and Elizabeth have never been friends; they don't even like each other. Has Sam been taking lessons from the BFFs of her "great love" in how to insert herself into situations that are none of her business?
  7. I thought so too, and today it was confirmed that she was snippy toward Sam about the bandaging, and today again, because she eavesdropped on Sam and Jason when Sam was telling Jason why she wanted to kill/shoot Shiloh. I liked her for turning down Sam's request about Franco, and for going to Jordan to tell what she overheard. I guess we can just assume the nurse was a general Dawn of Day cult member who is mad that Sam killed Shiloh? I would assume he feels guilty because he knows his lies are the reason Shiloh wanted Wiley at all, that he overshared personal information about their lives with Shiloh (a guy he barely knew and had no reason to trust), that he knows he is lying to Lucas every day and has totally betrayed the marriage vows, etc. I too have never liked Brad and think Lucas made a huge mistake marrying scum. On the other hand, the actor playing Brad deserves credit for convincing me that Brad is essentially a scummy, spineless character.
  8. She came down the steps of the HS and shot Shiloh in the back with a flare gun as he was about to start beating on knocked down, pooooor defenseless Jason with what looked like a long wooden baseball bat that had a metal hook on it. You should watch Shiloh's death/fall off the boat scene, it was so OTT cheesy that the actor deserves credit for a hilarious exit. Everything about Sam today was just .... well other posters explained it well. Willow has been far more traumatized by years of dealing with Shiloh and in the last year fearing for a baby's safety - yet she demonstrated strength and resolve today. The Alexis/Neil and Alexis/Julian scenes were well done. It's nice to see Alexis being cute, supportive and non-toxic with men.
  9. I enjoyed most of the first 20 minutes (not Brad holding Willow's hand in prayer), before the POTUS news break. I shouldn't have tuned in for the last - FrancoDrew deserved to get smacked for calling Aiden a "rug rat" to his mother's face. That's a true Franco moment; Drew didn't dis children. So much love for the adorable Laura and Aiden moment, and I was happy to see Elizabeth not talk down to Cameron. So much love for Jax being a good father and pushing Sonny's buttons. It would be more subtle for Sonny to flat out say "screw your doubts" to Carly and Jax and immediately start calling Dev 'my replacement son, my future minion.'
  10. Snarking at me was unnecessary. My comment was not about shaming the kids; it's sad that American society has developed such a 'no big deal' attitude about teenagers becoming parents and the schools offering child care exemplifies that (there would be no need for such a school if it's just a teen here and there having a baby). I feel like in this country we have been, and are today, failing to raise kids well due to a variety of factors (just one factor is guns/violence) and it just makes me sad.
  11. Yes it does. My white, middle-class cousin got pregnant at 14; gave birth at 15 and she and her son were in the custody of her indulgent father and stepmother. My cousin recently became a grandmother at 39 because her now 20-something son and his gf had a baby in late 2018. Sadly, I have been told that there are high schools which offer child care so teenage parents can continue going to school.
  12. Yup, honorary police officer (/sarcasm) Jason Morgan walked her through the time line of drying Wylie off after swim class and getting him in the car. (Never mind the fact that chlorine/chemically treated water is bad for a baby's skin and his doctor father and nurse grandmother would know that.) Then she told Jason to "find my grandson" as he left at the same time the actual police officer showed up to take her statement about the kidnapping. My gag reflex was workin' when the ID "Fair Samantha" popped up on Spinelli's phone. Best part of today was Jax putting Sonny on notice and talking about wouldn't it be great for us to be neighbors, so good for Josslyn. Ha. Josslyn, don't feel too badly about the drama because your mother clearly showed today with her tears and words that you inherited all drama from her.
  13. Yes, I loved it when she told him ' you forget, I know the real Drew Cain' and mentioned Drew being recognized as a war hero in the past. Then recently, Franco was willing to die to save Cam. (Good points, given that FrancoDrew's behavior can't come close to touching the best of Drew or Franco.) She's pushing him to deal with reality instead of indulging him like Monica and Kim were doing. I am wondering if the last emotional Julian/Alexis scene was a set up for a Julian/Alexis/Neil triangle since the Julian/Kim breakup was about to happen. Julian made a point of saying to Alexis that he's not sure if he'll ever be completely over her. Question - Did Shiloh pull Bobbie over and demand she get out of the car because he had been following her and recognized her as Lucas's mother with Wiley in the car? Or did Shiloh just get a really lucky moment? I believe I probably missed a scene.
  14. My BIG eye-roll moment of the day - dayplayer doc relying on Jason Morgan for information about Bobbie's pre-existing conditions when she's a nurse in the hospital and was diagnosed there. So much love for the "my name is Julian!" parting fuck you to Kim. His anger was well-played. I liked that he figured out she was going to run away with FrancoDrew. Hey Sam, super PI. You can hear that Dev sounds scared and in trouble, then obviously something happened to him - but yet you don't enter the Haunted Star showing any kind of caution, and you don't have an easily accessible gun on your person in case of trouble? Dumb ass. I'm happy to be right that Shiloh would at some point kidnap Wiley because Brad is such as selfish asshole. Hopefully Brad feels like the scum of the Earth because Wiley is in danger because of his lies. But Shiloh stashing Wiley behind the bar was a WTF moment.
  15. I can't be the only one who kind of laughed that Sonny would rather they send Josslyn (at least "temporarily") to live with her father/a man he despises than stop the momentum of adopting his future minion. I also laughed at Sam directing bitchface at Shiloh esp. when he mentioned during testimony her history of conning his father. She's given numerous people over the years that bitchface whenever getting called out on her bad deeds or when not getting what she wants. Is that face supposed to be intimidating? 🤮 when Bobbie called Sonny "handsome papa."
  16. I figured Nelle (with Ryan's help) would kill him before the Peter minion gets the opportunity as hinted today. We shall see. A murder mystery seems like the natural next step, but who knows with this Show.
  17. Eh, I didn't see this as bitch mode. She didn't call Kim a bitch or whore, scream in her face or trash talk her about her life like Carly does about women she considers the enemy regarding their relationships (current or past) with Jason, Sonny, and Jax. Elizabeth stood up for herself, her marriage and the mentally compromised Franco. She has tried to be understanding of Kim's pain but now she's letting Kim know 'You hurt me, I'm done being nice. And you don't get to leave Port Charles with my husband and my sons' stepdad because he makes you feel good about your past and tells you he wants you.' Re: today, if Spinelli really thinks of himself as a "big gun," he's as delusional as Kim is. If he wants to be useful, he should have brought little Georgie to add some cuteness to the scene at Kelly's . I think it's been a while since the Show has had more than a half dozen cast members present for court room-focused drama? Also I don't understand Kristina's bitchface about Alexis. Not long ago she offered Alexis and Neil coffee like she was trying to be a matchmaker for them. Cassandra can stay if she continues to dis Sonny, whereas I just want someone to shove both Valentin and "Peter" off the pier because they're just. so. pathetic. LWB needs to be reminded this is not a high school theater stage.
  18. Yeah, I wonder how many audience eyeballs were rolling at Kim's bewildered/horrified/offended reaction when Elizabeth responded you didn't give me a choice. Where exactly did she think she was going to go with a man who claims to be Drew Cain but can't start a new life anywhere as Drew Cain because his legal photo identification shows that he is Franco Baldwin, any fingerprinting would come up as Franco Baldwin if tries to get a job, he does not have access to Drew's money and his wife Elizabeth can prove that anything he decides to sign, or any financial transactions he tries to complete, are invalid. I wonder if someone will point out to Kim and FrancoDrew that he would have been arrested for attempted identity theft and/or committed to a psych hospital somewhere for insisting he's Drew Cain, especially given that Andrew Cain's disappearance in an airplane crash was just in the news.
  19. Your first statement was "Kim is no different than Liz or Sam." That is not correct IMO. Kim has been lying to/withholding from Julian that she has 'feelings for' and has been kissing Franco, as well as indulging Franco's delusions to his face about who he really is - including the fact that he is NOT Oscar's father. Kim is living a fantasy/delusion that she is getting another chance to be with her "first love"/ her late son's father. My point was that yes, Elizabeth was wrong to lie back then but she's not just like Kim - she wasn't disregarding her own committed relationship, she was invested in this guy beforehand, and at the time they had sex she genuinely believed he was her son Jake's biological father because Jason is Jake's biological father. I agree with this.
  20. Strongly disagree. Kim never thought of Franco as a personal friend and certainly not as a potential boyfriend; she only engaged in one-on-one conversations with him and hung on his every word once he started spouting he's Drew and wanting to know about Oscar and talking about the memories of Drew's feelings for her. Elizabeth and Jake Doe had not-just-friends/romantic moments well before she was told "Jake is Jason." He started out flirting with her while he was her patient, and they got closer from there. It's true that she wanted her "time with Jason" when they had sex, but their relationship did not start out with him claiming to be Jason. Sam considered Jake Doe a friend once she got to know him, had moments of him reminding her of Jason, and there was a possibility of attraction (like she didn't react in repulsion or discomfort when he said she would look "smokin' hot" in whatever article of clothing they were talking about).
  21. GH hit a new/insane low today, with Kim telling Elizabeth she could no more get Franco back than she could get Oscar back. Aside from the lame slap, Becky Herbst really rocked her scenes today. I liked her incredulous reaction to Kim calling her delusional after insisting "Drew is in love with me." I thought it was interesting (in a sad way) that Kim gave no thought to Julian until Elizabeth brought him up. Those last two to three scenes show that Kim is in serious need of a psych hospital stat. Good for Elizabeth for surprising Kim/shutting down her attempted call. Cam, you are a sweet and adorable son, brother and friend. However, Joss or maybe Grandma Laura needs to make the point to you that you, your brothers and your mother were a family before Franco came along. You do NOT need him to make the family complete, blech.
  22. If we're going by the way the real Drew behaved when he was falling for Elizabeth and then Sam but they weren't in a relationship, he didn't go grabbing them by the arm and kissing them in the middle of a public building as Franco did with Kim in the hospital. When Drew understood that Elizabeth had some sort of relationship with Ric, he backed off. He was not aggressive/entitled as FrancoDrew is behaving. He did not do 1000 percent intensity about his own desires regardless of what was going on around him - if so, he never would have succeeded as a SEAL. I think it's within Franco's nature to latch onto the memory of a relationship of a few months and blow it up in his mind to 'we were madly in love and should have been together forever.' Such extremism is a call-back to his disturbing behavior like locking Tom in a cage with the shock collar 'out of love for/to protect Elizabeth.'
  23. No, FrancoDrew has referred to BM/Drew as "Drew" and acknowledged that yes, this is Franco's body but since I only have Drew's memories and don't feel any connection to Franco's life or loved ones, I want to be Drew. However, in a moment when Monica and Drew were in the early stages of bonding as family she said she was taking the necessary legal steps to confirm Drew and Scout as her son and granddaughter. So if Monica is legally Drew's mother now and Elizabeth is of course Franco's wife, I think they could both force him. Monica should force the issue regardless because FrancoDrew could decide he wants Quartermaine money and custody of or visitation with Drew's daughter.
  24. She is forever associated with the "Uptown Girl" song because she was featured as the uptown girl in (former husband) Billy Joel's music video for it - she wore a beautiful dress, hat, and shoes and stepped out of a fancy car. However, Joel has stated in concert that his long-ago girlfriend, Elle MacPherson, inspired the song. I
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