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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Yes, because Oscar was Drew's son, not Jason's. The episode today has me wondering if Harmony and Neil lost a daughter (the announcement Diane showed Alexis), but shortly after that Harmony realized she was pregnant and took off, the married the guy who raised Willow as his own. I'm going to assume the father Willow believes died of a deliberate drug overdose was actually her stepfather. Harmony is the type who wouldn't want Willow to go searching for family, so she engaged in selective truth-telling throughout her daughter's life. How long 'til Neil realizes Alexis and Kevin know each other? Seems like Neil is really invested in Alexis as a person/not just as a patient, but doesn't believe he has feelings for her (yet) because he won't let himself be open to experiencing emotional connection due to still struggling with losing a child.
  2. That's not quite what she said. She didn't say "I can't imagine what you're going through." But I think Elizabeth chose her words carefully because telling a friend "I thought my son was dead, but then he was returned to me a few years later" is NOT the way to help a friend who just returned from a trip scattering her child's ashes. There would be a tone of "lucky me, my kid turned out to be alive" when there is no possibility of that happening for Kim. I thought Becky H. and Tamara B. did a beautiful job with their scenes. I rarely tear up, but Elizabeth and Kim, and Willow breaking down as she told Michael the story of what happened to her father ... got to me. The Willow actress conveyed raw pain very well. Hey Carly, that entire conversation you had with Jason? You should have had with Jax, you know, Josslyn's father. I can't tell if the kid Sonny brought home is supposed to remind the audience of Sonny's relationship with Stone, or with Zander. Of course he doesn't discuss it with Carly first, just announces that the kid is going to be staying with them.
  3. I was shocked to see that Jason is capable of being deliberately funny/sarcastic. If three guys had been trying to supervise/manage any woman other than Carly (ok, or Maxie) I would have found those scenes gross BUT Carly is indeed an overgrown teenager who doesn't have the sense to think before she eats, takes action, or even speaks. The Chase & Willow and Laura & Kevin scenes were sweet. Finn offering to be a friend and listen to Kevin if needs it came off as kind of odd. Maybe chalk that up to ME? I assume Finn is going to be the one to need Kevin to talk to this summer. I think?? ER was trying to show that Lulu had a glimmer of self-awareness when she was yelling at Joss. Also, Show, Dante is not Joss's "brother." Lulu dear, you know that Olivia is not Joss's mother and Sonny is not Joss's father - he's her step-dad. Your husband is Joss's cousin-in-law (due to your marriage) and her step-brother via Sonny's marriage to her mother/your cousin. Lulu's defiant "because I'm an investigative reporter!" response to Chase made me roll my eyes. Speaking of eye-rolling, Willow's last line to Michael. Hey Michael, if Willow says she doesn't want to talk about it, respect that as her friend - aim higher in life than being like your mother.
  4. Actually, I though Felicia's line to Lulu that 'you know Dante wouldn't approve' was much more offensive because it showed S&C levels of sexism and hypocrisy. First and most obvious, Lulu doesn't need Dante's permission/approval to decide to do something (that doesn't involve Rocco). But Felicia is being hypocritical and sexist because she has never had the "Mac must approve" mindset regarding her own choices and conduct. Her most recent choice regarding something stupid/dangerous was she and Ava got almost giddy about putting a plan in motion to lure serial killer Ryan back to Port Charles. Mac told them, and Laura once she agreed to it, that the plan was dangerous and he didn't agree with it. They all just got lucky that Ryan decided to make a spectacle of Kevin once he knocked him out, rather than murder him.
  5. Maxie talking about Lulu doing this dangerous thing shows she needs Dante to come home and is lost without him made me think Maxie doesn't really know her BFF at all. Lulu doing stupid, reckless stuff pre-dates her marriage to, and even the start of her relationship with, Dante. One such moment I remember is JMB's Lulu screaming out to challenge Johnny's father Anthony Z. to come get her.
  6. The great about today's show: the Scorpio Brothers together, and Robert shutting Maxie down. She's acting like a pouty teenager who thinks she knows better than Robert and Anna about what's best for Dante and Lulu. The one good thing LWB/FS has done lately is giving Maxie a disapproving look for being so gleeful that she got some intel by eavesdropping on Robert's conversation. The amusing: Robert walks past Finn and doesn't acknowledge his existence with the group. Julian was sweet and gentle in his support of Kim, while shutting down the 'let's have a baby' idea as long as she's in this place of deep mourning for Oscar. Kim's face looked like Maxie's upon being told 'no.' I assume young-ish robber dude (is it the guy from the "Sonny rescues Dante" scenes?) Joss came upon in Dante and Lulu's house is intended for future scenes with her, Trina and Cam? And isn't Joss, the stepdaughter of a mobster who lives with guards around her, supposed to be smart enough not to enter a home that she sees is slightly open, with lights out?
  7. It's true Liz never had a gofundme; the Show instead emphasized how she worked extra hard as a nurse or would be willing to carry someone's child for $, and also how Lucky's rich brother Nikolas would be willing to whip out the Cassadine fortune. These scenes telling us Jordan and Curtis can't handle the hospital bills are nonsense.Their insurance and Drew's should take care of most of it. Curtis said the billing department told him they could pay "in installments." I'm going to assume this unnecessary, thoughtless plot point is to propel Curtis into some difficult investigative situation because he'll earn a lot of money for it.
  8. I don't recall Liz worrying about any specific hospital stay, but she worried about her finances and insurance a couple years ago, and more than a decade ago Liz and GV's Lucky were so desperate to pay all the bills - despite the fact that she was a full-time nurse at GH and Lucky got injured on the job! - that Liz made an agreement with Jax and Courtney that she would be a surrogate when they wanted a baby. Cue drama when the procedure didn't go as intended and instead she was pregnant with a Jax-Liz baby, which really upset Lucky.
  9. LOL!! Her purpose when she started in the spring was to prop Nathan and be a spoiler to Sam+Silas. Nathan wanted to investigate the truth about what happened to "my sister" and just-emerged-from-a-coma Nina was furious that a) she'd lost her baby and b) Silas had moved on to a girlfriend. I remember her sneering about Sam, but of course not to her face.
  10. I saw the movie and I think you are correct. In the real world, Michael's line about his parents being free 'in large part because of Diane" would reassure Willow that she has nothing to worry about in court - but would also make her want to dismiss any possibility of dating Michael/keep her distance from his devious, law-breaking parents.
  11. Also, does Michael realize that his mother was a reference for Lucas when he and Brad applied to adopt Willow's baby?! Michael: "My family of criminals totally has Diane on-call, so no worries, Willow, we'll make sure she fixes all your legal problems!" Willow: ....
  12. A) He also didn't make an effort in choosing a date location: his obnoxious BFF's place of business. The chances are high that Carly will crash the date if she sees/sniffs out Jason in the vicinity. They could have even gone to the restaurant connected to Sonny's office - he's not likely to be there and interrupt since he's spending all his time cooking/preparing salad wherever that new kitchen is (home or safehouse?) Diane had just (a day or so ago?) calmed Willow down in a one-on-one conversation about the adoption, plus Willow is a teacher and therefore not paying Diane a lot of $$, so I figure she didn't consider Willow's call urgent. But Michael is the son of Diane's high-paying client, and she's fond of him/has represented him in court in the past, so of course she's going to speak to him immediately. I mean, how many times has Diane bragged about how much she charges Sonny, about the expensive shoes she buys, etc. ETA: It looks like Michael has a private/cell phone number for Diane on speed-dial, so he used that "efficient" way of getting her to speak to Willow. Willow spoke to a secretary/gatekeeper.
  13. What stupid plot point has a General Hospital lab technician on-site at Pentonville, interacting with a prisoner who handles laundry? Also, Brad proves (again) that he is too stupid to live when he voluntarily shows off the cell phone pic of "Wiley" and expects that she is all about the baby's best interests. Nelle totally showed that she's a young Carly when she called "the woman on the red carpet" with Michael "trash" and told Brad it's okay for him to admit that Michael isn't over her. Show, stop trying to force the "Carly and Sam are friends" b.s. Carly's tears about the test results made me roll my eyes, but Sam pressing Carly to talk to Sonny about it made me wonder if Sam (his former lover!!/dead baby mama) had ever met Sonny before. Sonny doesn't care about such wimmins worries; his role is holding up the baby (if healthy) in triumph after birth and proclaiming "Mine!" So Josslyn is really going to talk Lucy into helping her do a seance to say good-bye to Oscar? Yes, ladies, you should be embarrassed for Michael to know anything about that conversation. I will enjoy Jason, Carly, Sonny, Sam and Shiloh having the smug wiped off their faces and looking stupid after all this plotting for nothing when they find out the real Wiley is dead. Maybe Carly's rage over realizing Wiley is really Jonah will make her stroke out?
  14. Yeah, I loved watching her react a few years ago to overhearing Brenda and Robin talk about how pathetic she is. They were totally right about her and she knew it. I think my favorite thing about Brenda is when she refers to Carly as "that girl."
  15. That was a reference to the scene of Jax shaking Jason's hand and thanking him for supporting Joss (with Carly on the couch witnessing this exchange). Jax said that during their (off-screen) phone conversations, Joss would tell him about Jason being there for her. The only stuff we've seen on-screen is Jason helping Joss and Oscar get out of the catacombs when they were trapped, and Jason telling Carly that she/S&C spawn and Josslyn were more important than dealing with Shiloh. Oh, and I think Jason hugged Joss in the hour or so after Oscar's death.
  16. That he's stuck with listening to her talk about what could have been (when he has no memory of their time together), while being in the awkward position of pretending to be their dead son because she's out of it right now. The contrast between Drew and Jason re: the women in their lives is quite striking. Drew would check in on Elizabeth and her kids; it's clear he cares about her and her boys and wants to know she's okay or at least hanging in there when things are tough. With Sam, he is kind and assures he that he still intends to be a devoted father to Scout. With Kim, he is determined to support her in grieving no matter how personally uncomfortable it is. With his mother, he is present and grateful and affectionate. Jason, on the other hand, fails to truly give a damn/be present on any kind of regular basis except to fix Carly's messes and be there for mini-Carly as her first love got sicker and died.
  17. I assume the preview means Nelle will help Ryan out/they'll have their own kind of a crazy partnership since Nelle will absolutely sympathize with having a kidney stolen from one's body. I called it that Nelle would be back! I am seriously confused as to why Maxie is all of a sudden acting like a big sis/mentor to Josslyn. I had a WTF reaction to the hugging. Has Josslyn ever even met Maxie before? I really, seriously hope Kim doesn't try to get with Drew for a "little brother or sister" for ghost Oscar. I felt so sorry for Drew in those "Kim is drugged/sick" scenes.
  18. He told Maxie (I think when they had their first kiss?) that whatever relationships he's had were "short-lived." I wondered if that was meant to imply he's either never had sex, or had sex once or twice before a budding relationship or two ended. I guess (??) the actor is trying to portray that "new" Peter doesn't know how to behave with a woman when he doesn't have the dark cloud of Faison looming that will cause a relationship to inevitably end.
  19. Because at that time, Sam felt like she was setting him up and she was in control. She (stupidly) believed she would never be in any real danger. Now in reality, she knows she was heavily drugged and almost raped because *surprise* she and Jason weren't in control. I was reacting to Sam being smug that Shiloh came to Port Charles because of her, that he wanted the satisfaction of her in his arms and to believe that she wanted him. Sam, sweetheart, you are not the first woman he ever wanted to sleep with and you will not be the last.
  20. At this moment, I can't decide who is the most delusional: Nina in general, Sam to Shiloh in general today, Sonny to Kristina: "I'm a nice guy, everybody knows it" or Maxie to Peter: "Love is my thing." Also, is she really going to have sex with Peter on the floor of Nina's office, with the door open? Chase and Willow continue to be sweet together. "Connection to a living child" was a helluva heavy anvil, geez. So Jason and Sam finally have an honest conversation about Franco v. Shiloh, and Sam focuses on Jason acknowledging that he has nightmares still and she wants him to reach out to her when that happens. Of course, Show. At best in an "emotional" scene like this, these two come across as exes who still care about each other.
  21. The reason I think Lucas will be apologizing/pleading to Carly for forgiveness for trusting Brad is that (temp)Monica apologized to Carly for trusting/welcoming Nelle into the Q home. Carly's response was well if you can be a big enough person to acknowledge you were wrong than I can be a big enough person to accept your apology. I assume Carly's response in this case will be while she appreciates his apology, she knows he could not have predicted that Brad would lie to him every day and do something as awful as keep Michael from being a father to his own son.
  22. Seems more likely that Lucas will be begging Carly for forgiveness that he trusted Brad when he should have known better given Brad's past re: Rocco as well as other sins, and as a result her grandson was kept from her son/his own nephew all this time. Julian has no idea that the baby is actually related to Carly, so I doubt the focus will be on him (although a Lucas-Julian fight is likely when he finds out what Julian did know). I assume Carly will be gnashing her teeth at Brad and Nelle, if she gets out of prison for a couple scenes.
  23. I can't believe I enjoyed a scene involving Carly! "You're late to the party" was great but really, all of Julian's lines to Carly were true and well-deserved esp. since she was bashing him in his own business. I liked Lucas shutting Carly down/explaining that Julian had his back. The best moment though, was Ava's "wow, she's crazypants" face when Nina was going on and on and on about how great it would be for Ava to be the cover of Crimson. Nina was definitely doing crazy eyes when she said "phoenix." I hope someone gets a screenshot of that and Ava's face. Jax's face in reaction to Nina's announcement was funny, too. HATE that Chase thanked Jason for not killing Shiloh, and that he felt a need to personally visit Sonny to say that Harmony got arrested and Shiloh was let go and ask for their continued cooperation. HATE Kristina kissing Sonny's ass (and everything he said in response), but like that she told Carly "be nice to my boss" when Carly said Julian "butt in" to her conversation with Lucas. It was nice that Bobbie is so happy to see Jax, but whhyyyy would she think Jax should be so eager to see pictures of/meet Maxie's baby? And why did she ask about Josslyn like she hasn't seen in her ages/ they don't have a relationship?
  24. Nina told Valentin during the Nurse's Ball that she's hopeful Michael will motivate Sasha to stay in Port Charles. Also, she seems to like the idea of "my daughter" being with a rich, successful CEO. I don't think Nina gives a damn about Michael personally. If Ryan had been Kevin, yeah I could see him suing people. But Ryan is a serial killer, so after initially briefly admiring the "evil conspiracy" he's more likely to stalk Jordan, Kevin, and possibly others.
  25. I'm almost positive that the boy who plays Rocco is in an All-State insurance commercial. He's sitting on a lawn, playing with a doll house/toys. I also saw Haley, the actress who plays Molly, in some sort of Hallmark drama recently and her hair was different and the character was ... less appealing than Molly.
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