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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. The writing on this board is so much better than the writing for the show. I appreciate such accurate, hilarious comments!!
  2. I thought Cam threw the first punch to shut up the kids who were trash talking Aiden? Also, I am a little confused by what Carly told Jason about Oscar having another seizure. She indicated that Josslyn was a few floors up with Kim, Drew and Oscar. Was he settled at the Q mansion, then had another seizure while Josslyn was present and came right back to the hospital? I thought at this point, he would be enduring seizures at the Q mansion and people would be on hand to keep him comfortable until he dies. Lucky needs to come back to Port Charles ASAP, to be a dad to Cam and Aiden/push back against Franco, to help Laura with Charlotte/push back against Valentin as well as shut down Spencer's behavior, and be a PCPD partner to Chase. I was shocked when Dante mentioned Laura's son was a cop; I was thinking yay someone aside from Elizabeth is allowed to acknowledge Lucky's existence!
  3. Sort of. There was a very brief scene at Kelly's. Sam came in with Danny, said hi to Brad and the baby, who promptly spit up on Sam. Shiloh came in, Sam introduced Brad to Shiloh, then left Danny with Shiloh and Brad so she could go clean up her arm. Then Jason came in. The Brad and Shiloh actors really did not interact. Brad clearly feared Jason (because he's worried about what Jason will do to him if the baby switch secret is exposed) and figures Shiloh must be a decent guy because SIL Sam is friendly with him (that's what he told Willow).
  4. The story was actually that Helena intended to combine sperm from Stavros with Lulu's egg, but then Stavros was not viable and so instead she took Valentin's sperm when he was drugged/unconscious/whatever. Then the fertilized egg was implanted in Claudette. Valentin had not planned to be a father, but he found out what had happened and felt no child should be exposed to Helena, Of course he fell in love with baby Charlotte, blah blah blah.
  5. STFU Franco!! And Elizabeth, you suck as a mother for agreeing with Franco's nastiness and walking out of the room, instead of having a real conversation with Cam who is almost in tears. Franco acting like Aiden is his own precious child and Cam is a terrible person who deserves anger is utter b.s. I don't agree with beating up people, but Cam is totally right that teenagers/Aiden's classmates' siblings should NEVER get away with talking about or nastily labeling a 3rd grader. Spencer 's line to Nina about Valentine and "your precious Sasha" was the most I have ever liked the character. Valentine's phone call to Nora and then explanation about Spencer should make Nina suspicious if she has two brain cells to rub together. Shut up, Jason and Carly. Michael, the paternity of Willow's baby is none of your business. I get that this is going to push the storyline of Michael finding out "Wiley" is his son/Willow finding out her son died, but I don't care.
  6. Not only did his lines with Maxie sound programmed - they made him sound like a teenage boy who (until moving to Port Charles) lived a very isolated life that did not include any actual relationships with women. And his anger toward Anna in various scenes since he arrived in Port Charles kinda makes him sound like 20something Carly, outraged that Bobbie had given her up for adoption. C'mon now, it all rings false/forced considering that his character I believe is supposed to be approximately mid-30s/early 40s. Teenage Cam Webber comes across as more natural and mature with Josslyn and Trina than "Peter" and Maxie. Of course, Josslyn's imminent loss of first love Oscar is in no way Cam's fault. I guess the best comparison I can offer is that Peter with Maxie reminds me of Sabrina's behavior with Patrick and Emma when she had a big crush on Patrick/before they were a 'serious couple.'
  7. I totally agree that Arthur leaving the church came out of nowhere. I thought (given how he met Trish and that he clearly enjoys playing with a band) he was going to announce that he wanted to start/become a part of a music ministry so he could touch more lives. I feel like that would allow for more storyline possibilities. I figured Arthur was going to propose to Trish after the father-son scene in the church. But I could swear that Trish has referred to herself as "a single mom raising two children"? So, why haven't the kids been in any scenes and wouldn't she have to talk to them before accepting Arthur's proposal?? I totally agree about Miles and Rakesh's FreeVerse and IdentitySeal issues getting resolved through Simon's actions. With Miles, it's a stretch. With Rakesh, there's no way IdentitySeal people would or should ever trust him again given everything he's done. He needs to start over with a project/company not associated with IdentitySeal.
  8. It's such unnecessary, manufactured drama. If the writers pay attention to science at all, Robin the expert research doctor could inform her mother, father, Finn, and anyone else of the term "Fetal microchimerism." If Anna is tested/found to have cells matching Robin's in her body, that is proof that Anna *not Alex* gave birth to Robin.
  9. The scenes with Robert and Anna annoyed me because Anna should know better than to let Alex of all people (someone she KNOWS is deceptive) mess with her head. And she is not giving Robert basic credit re: their history. However, this can happen in real life, My cousins' step dad, who is in his 70s, got into the ancestry investigative/DNA testing thing a couple years ago because a friend was into it. DNA testing within the last year revealed that his dad, the man whose name he inherited and whose name he passed on to his own son, was not his biological father. Both his dad and mom are deceased, so he can't ask/confront them. He is devastated, despite his (now half) brother saying "we're still brothers; this doesn't change anything for me." He seems to believe that this changes everything, to the point that he's engrossed in the ancestry/DNA stuff and trying to figure out the identity of his biological father. Scenes over the years indicate that Anna believed Robin was the one pure thing in her life that she handled well as a young person, up until both she and Robert disappeared. So, in theory, I could see the suggestion that Robin is not her biological daughter as devastating. But setting up the story this way with Alex trying to create doubt just makes Anna look stupid/gullible. Speaking of stupid...Maxie being so invested in/having feelings for "Peter" in an attempt by the writers to make him an appealing character. This really comes off as no better than Elizabeth falling in love with Franco, to try to force the audience to think Franco is a good and redeemed guy. I don't buy Maxie falling for the man who's responsible (aside from Faison and Dr. O) for her husband's death/ James growing up without dad any more than I buy Elizabeth falling for the guy who once kidnapped her newborn.
  10. With all the talk of "is/could Ryan still be alive?" and then Valentin coming upon Spencer alone in the hospital, my thought was "Hey Ryan, could you make yourself useful and kidnap this annoying brat? It's the least you can do after you failed to get rid of Carly."
  11. Yup, first being the professional doctor calmly giving Joss (and Carly) the sad news and then crying with Drew on the bench ... most heartbreaking scene in this storyline so far IMO. I really felt for Drew and Monica. The weird thing about this moment though is that it seems like Kim doesn't have any family or friends who are family that she's calling? She doesn't have a living parent, sibling, or long-time friend who's an "aunt" or "uncle" to Oscar, who would be rushing to see him one last time? I do enjoy the irony that after Carly fought so hard to try to keep Michael away from the Q mansion, Michael now lives there and has a relationship with grandma Monica, and Josslyn intends to spend her time there because she's in love with Jason's other brother's dying son. I am hopeful that Carly talking about Jax re: the book to Joss means Jax will show up soon to be there for his daughter, and we'll see some good Jax-Alexis and Jax-Ned scenes.
  12. Perfect time for both Olivia and Ava to drop in for different reasons, hear him say that, and respond simultaneously: "You know that's why I never told you Dante was yours when he was growing up" and "It wasn't intentional - I was hopeful Avery was Morgan's." That would shut Sonny's stupid mouth up for at least a moment.
  13. Milo came across much better as an adult on Gilmore Girls "A Year in the Life." The Dean character went bad when he was trying to get back together with Rory as a married man, and dismissing his relationship with his wife. I don't love his portrayal of Jack, but it seems like bad writing is to blame for his behavior while Rebecca was in the hospital. The Jack character was written to be over the top about how he and the kids can't function without her. I could understand him having difficulty with answering their questions and parenting if he was worried because she was in a coma or in ICU after a risky surgery, or Kate got her first period the night Rebecca's in the hospital and that's an awkward thing to handle for a dad - but come on. He could have handled dinnertime. (I agree with poster who said it was like he'd had 3 kids dumped on him out of the blue and he'd never had to think about children eating dinner before.) The kids being unable to sleep/having bad dreams is somewhat believable, especially given Randall's closeness to his mother and tendency toward anxiety. But Jack taking the kids to the hospital because they all miss Rebecca so much, and pleading with the nurse to let the 4 of them see her was really bad parenting. The message is: "this family is entitled to get what we want; rules don't apply to the Pearsons." Now, I understand kids can get upset about not being around mom for a night or two. I know a kid who was crying and saying he missed his mom when she was gone for most of a night. But that kid was 6. The Pearson kids were tweens when this happened. Give me a break.
  14. Picture Sonny stutter-barking: "It's completely different! Jason doesn't live here and I don't tattoo people! "and then *Scowl*
  15. So much this. I liked when Dante asked, "Peter August is spending time with Nathan's son?" Then Maxie responded defensively that Peter is James's uncle, as if that's a great reason. Umm, Nathan is dead and will never spend time with his son in part because of Peter's actions. Nathan and Peter did not know each other. James could learn about his dad from Dante, not Peter. The Peter-Anna and Peter-Robin "bonding" is not believable either. The show wants me to buy that ultra-cautious Robin (especially about people/things related to Faison), who is a full-time doctor with a husband two young children, makes the time to respond to Peter's e-mails and sends him a picture of the kids, while Maxie - who's had a sisterly relationship with Robin since they were children - sees the same photo for the first time on Anna's cell phone? Yeah, okay. And Anna is questioning first Maxie and then Peter about what's going on with them when she barely knows Peter? And *then* she's all grinning and excited that they may start dating? Seriously?!
  16. I'm literally laughing out loud here - best/most accurate description I've seen of the 3 as individuals and a great dis of Sam. I thought the same thing when she was yapping at Drew about Shiloh/DoD while his kid is terminally ill and has been in and out of the hospital.
  17. True. I will guess that the next drama will have to do with Liz's kids, i.e. Franco doesn't think about consequences and either lies to her or oversteps without consulting her, resulting in either Cam or Aiden getting hurt. I hated Aiden's "we missed you" line to Franco. Kid, if not for your dad Lucky, you would have grown up without your mom and your brothers thanks to Franco. And Elizabeth was perfectly fine with marrying Franco in jail because now they're family? Although I guess it would be embarrassing to have a wedding where all of 5 guests willingly show up. Ughh.... Most likely, Laura will tear up her divorce papers and Oscar will die during May sweeps.
  18. You did not miss any scenes of them talking through the issue. Cam decided he had to apologize to Franco because the press was calling Franco a hero, and Drew reiterated that Jordan swore Franco to secrecy and reminded her that her belief/faith in him when they were together got him through a dark and uncertain time. Then Elizabeth told Franco she missed their life together/is in love with him and stated that Jake and Aiden really see him as their stepdad. In return he reminded her of their vows (um hello, in JAIL!!) to "weather the storms together." The implication seems to be that she decided to dismiss her feelings of anger and betrayal for all of the above reasons and accepts his statement that he can't promise she and the kids won't get hurt again.
  19. Wasn't she brought on to be a foil in the Silas & Sam romance? I think I recall that Nathan came to Port Charles because he held Silas responsible for Nina's coma.
  20. KMc was not in every single scene with him. For example, a scene I really liked was when Elizabeth was at Shadybrook after her breakdown, and Patrick visited her. They sat on the floor together with him talking quietly. He was able to get through to her. Another scene I remember without KMc was where Patrick is receiving praise (I think from Mac?) and Patrick didn't want to hear it because he felt that he failed Robin and Emma. Then in September 2012, Edward refused the anti-serum so that Patrick could save Emma's life. JT got me "in the feels" in his scenes with Emma both at the hospital when they were ill and then later that month when she got angry/upset because he went out to dinner with Britt and left her with Sabrina.
  21. What Jason Thompson should be worried about is that after Y&R bounces his untalented ass, GH may well not be there to pick up the pieces. --I'm going to stick up for JT here, because I think he was very believable as a guy who didn't want to fall for Robin, as a devoted father to Emma, and as a close friend to Elizabeth. One of JT's best scenes ever IMO was of Patrick sitting on the docks with Robin, heartbroken that he had failed to save the life of their dear friend Elizabeth's son, a little boy who had played at their house with Emma. He felt he had failed as both a doctor and a friend.
  22. Is Stafford still going to be playing Nina when Nina finds out Valentin lied AGAIN/Sasha is not her kid but Willow is? I assume the Valentine-Nina scenes where they are threatening and bullying Willow are a set up for the entitled, smug looks to be wiped off their faces. I would laugh if Charlotte decided she wants to live with Mommy and Rocco full-time because she can't stand Papa and Nina's break-up and get back together cycle anymore.
  23. I feel like the GH anniversary episode really hit the mark with a bunch of scenes: loved the Lesley-Laura chat in the chapel, Monica and Lesley snarking at each other, Lucy and Laura both trying to be kind/consoling to Scotty in his grief and regrets regarding Gail, Bobbie and Felicia talking about their daughters and the Tony mention, and the Elizabeth-Bobbie and Elizabeth-Epiphany scenes. Elizabeth touching on her history with Lucky and Bobbie, and telling Bobbie she was an inspiration, is the most I've liked both characters in quite a while because their scene(s) were not about propping Franco or Carly/Corinthos Family. It was a much appreciated reminder that Elizabeth and Bobbie both had lives, careers and relationships in Port Charles for decades before they ever connected with Franco or Carly. I think all of the characters except for Epiphany, Sonny and Julian had some sort of history with or connection to Gail. What took me out of the scenes slightly was seeing Sonny and Julian there. Sonny got Gail's late granddaughter Karen to take drugs and also caused her friends/colleagues the Quartermaines a lot of pain, so I can't imagine Gail wanting him there. And Gail did not know Julian. I don't buy that Gail requested Sonny and Julian's presence but not Robin's. Robin should have come from Berkeley for this episode; I wanted her to have a moment of reflection with Monica over the loss of Alan and how he was there for her when he told her she was HIV+. It was rather insulting that Sonny paused at the HIV wing sign with his name on it, but didn't text or call Robin. Because the writers have to remind us that Sonny is more important than Alan or Robin, characters who were in Port Charles long before he was and who were both actual doctors on a show called "General Hospital." I'm wondering: did anyone else find it ironic that Elizabeth spoke to Bobbie about wanting Aiden to be "surrounded by love" and yet Bobbie, Lucky's aunt, didn't encourage her to/didn't volunteer to ask Lucky to return for Aiden? To me, that is a glaring oversight like Bobbie not being present to support L&L2 during the "Jake is dead" storyline. Aiden is in pain from being bullied and Cam's dealing with some stuff - these are concerns their dad should be addressing with Elizabeth. I thought it was gross and highly inappropriate for a former sexual assaulter and rape enabler to have the women/sex talk with a teenager at the request of the teenager's rape survivor mother. The only good part about it was Cam's incredulous/horrified reaction to Franco of all men trying to have that talk with him. I wish Cam had called his mom and Franco out on the insanity and hypocrisy of Franco having "the talk" with him.
  24. Agree that he has no chemistry with TB, but I'm skeptical that the show will try to push Drew and Kim as a couple. They do not have anything in common other than Oscar, and he still does not remember being in a relationship with Kim. Seems likely Kim will lean on both Drew and Julian. Drew, on the other hand, I think should lean on Elizabeth when his son dies. She had been raising Jake in a co-parenting situation for almost 4 years when he was declared brain dead, and certainly remembers the devastating feeling of saying good-bye to her son. Though Oscar is a teenager, Drew has co-parenting him with Kim for less than two years, I think. Drew's pain is more comparable to Elizabeth's pain; Kim had been raising Oscar alone for 14/15 years. I would love to see Drew grow closer to Jake again as he is mourning his bio son. Jake is a compassionate kid who adores Uncle Drew. Given how little Jason actually pays attention to Jake, Drew could move in to the Webber home (establishing a 3-parent household) and Jason wouldn't notice until he was invited to Jake's high school graduation. I read on this board that Josslyn and Robin had a conversation this week about losing your first love. Could someone tell me where that clip is on YT? Also, was there an explanation of why Kristina wasn't at Dante's welcome home party? Given that Dante is about protecting the women in his family, and Michael said Kristina's been brainwashed, it seems likely Dante's first impulse would be to check out the situation (esp. if he wanted to compare Kristina's behavior to his own).
  25. Peter should NEVER be a godparent to James since he played an important role in Nathan's death yet didn't know his half-brother. I could see Lulu developing feelings for Peter since she works closely with him, and Maxie getting pissed off. I just hate the idea of Maxie getting involved with Peter for multiple reasons. But I also hate her even being civil to Dr. O.
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