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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Just the fact that he asked that means the answer is "No." Jason should feel ashamed because clearly, his behavior shows his son that he is not invested in Mommy or having a healthy family life with Mommy and Danny. Young children pick up on vibes - if they see hugs, warm smiles, touches, hear a certain tone of voice, they know X loves Y (whether the love is between parent and child, Mom and Dad, siblings, etc). I had to roll my eyes at Jason's "I'm trying to seem interested" tone when looking through the "Family" book that Danny made at school. Here's a tip, Danny: if you want Daddy to be enthusiastic, Uncle Sonny and Aunt Carly must be featured in any school project that is family-focused.
  2. My impression was that Carly wanted Kiki to take care of (aka "date") her weak/unstable son so she and Sonny didn't have to be bothered - they wanted to focus on other things like interfering in Michael's life, keeping Avery awake from Ava, etc. I seem to recall that as Morgan was getting out of rehab, Carly saw Kiki in the park with Dillon and was not happy. She said something along the lines of Morgan loves you, but if you can't be devoted to him/handle the responsibility of being with him, then walk away now. Carly is all about co-dependent relationships, as is obvious from her decades of unhealthy connections to Sonny and Jason. Whenever Sonny has in a darker than usual place, i.e. having a bi-polar episode, Carly believes it is up to her and Jason to take care of him/pull him out of it.
  3. Olivia is part of the Jerome mob/crime family, Duke worked for the mob/Corinthos crime family which means that choice got him killed, and the late Sabrina proclaimed that she did not want to be associated with Carlos because of his mob connections.
  4. Olivia was a player in the Mob world, as was Sonny. Morgan grew up in the mob world because his father chose mob life and his mother was his father's enabler/supporter in that life. He is dead mostly as a result of Sonny and Carly's choices. (Olivia's little mob sister Ava switching his meds also played a role in it.) It's a similar situation to tween Michael getting shot in the head. Sonny had his minions hold Johnny Z. prisoner and beat him, believing Johnny was responsible for something that he was not. To get revenge for her brother, Claudia arranged for the hitman doctor to shoot Sonny at his warehouse. The hitman botched the job, and tween Michael got shot instead because he was standing near his father. Just because Sonny didn't physically plant that bomb or pull that trigger, doesn't mean he is not ultimately responsible for Morgan's death and Michael's bullet to the brain/coma.
  5. Yes, she clearly is. I don't think she's actively trying to sabotage the Kevin-Laura marriage, either, but it seems like she's trying to make it clear to him that *she* knows him, cares about him very much, and is happy to take care of him. If Kevin expressed doubts about staying in his marriage due to Laura's priorities/continued absence from home, I absolutely think Lucy would be all "you deserve to be top priority in your marriage." I also think she would let him know that if he chose to end his marriage, she would be there for him. If the fussing over "Doc" was an innocent, platonic move, she could have placed a delivery order for Kevin's home ... and she wouldn't have reacted like she was caught being inappropriate. I feel like Jason and Carly could have easily slipped into Kevin and Lucy's places in that bar scene, with the touchy stuff and the dialogue. When Laura answered the door to Lucy, I was thinking "that's such a Carly-type move" to show up uninvited, dying to take care of/spend quality time with Jason while he and Sam are apart. Although, Carly would have reacted very badly to Sam trying to set boundaries (seeing how that worked out in the past when the issue was brought up).
  6. I liked what Laura said because Lucy showed up at Kevin and Laura's house announced to give him soup specifically because she thought Laura was still out of town, after proclaiming at the bar that "Doc" was clearly under the weather and touching his face. That's has an I-want-to-be-your-girlfriend-look-how-much-I-still-care vibe about it. In Laura's shoes, I wouldn't have reacted well to Lucy showing up either. Laura effectively made the point that Lucy lost the right to act like Kevin's significant other when she cheated with Scotty. I recall that Laura asked Scotty to watch over Nikolas in the hospital when she and Luke went after Lulu, who had been kidnapped. The other time they left town together was to go after Lucky, who had been kidnapped. It seems to me it's different when the two characters have children and grandchildren in common, esp. when you have a daughter like Lulu who acted like she neeeeedeed her dad to be present in Port Charles for the sake of her emotional health. She was thrilled at seeing her parents, fully functional, in the same place (especially after Laura had spent years being catatonic). I also remember in recent years Tracy of all people telling Laura she would bankroll her in going after Luke, but Laura said nope not anymore.
  7. Hopefully to annoy Ryan into breaking character before he hurts the non-deserving PC residents such as Laura or Mac. If he gets nervous that Carly is onto him because of the tapping and happens to fly into a paranoid rage that lands her in a coma for a while, I won't complain.
  8. I don't know if it was poor directing or an odd acting moment, but an expression that says "Why is this strange woman kissing me?" was the wrong reaction for Ryan with Laura. He knows Kevin is married to Laura, and Laura is not some woman he's never seen or heard of before. Since he's only pretending to be Kevin, why didn't he look like he was trying to hide disgust instead... Best moment: Laura's burn to Lucy about giving soup to Scotty instead. Yes, Lucy, you should feel awkward.
  9. I assume the idea was that the audience is supposed to be deeply moved that Jason went to see Sam and suggested family time that involves Monica/the Qs after Sam recently asked him to "be present." It suggested that Jason possibly cares about his 'great love' and his sons, not just living to serve S&C and Michael. I didn't like the scene because Sam told Jason she just knew that Danny was going to be okay because that's a retcon. The reality was that at that time she was hugging Julian and crying on him for donating bone marrow because "I thought I was going to outlive my son." The second reason I didn't like that scene is because it seemed like Jason suggested going to the Qs because he wanted to make Sam swoon that he's paying attention to what she asks of him - not because he actually cares about spending time with his mother and son. I was thinking, it shouldn't take your ex asking you to be present for family and then hearing that your nephew is dying to willing spend time with your mom and other family. Ugh. And btw Jason, much of your history indicates that you DO in fact take Sam for granted.
  10. I assumed because Kristina is Sonny's daughter, and Molly is his niece - as well as Kristina and Sam's sister. Aside from Jason and Sam (who are considered by Sonny and Carly to be family), the only person not connected to Sonny by blood, marriage or illegal adoption is Kiki.
  11. Up 'til the moment when Anna told Robin "Peter/Heinrich is my son," I've observed willful blindness from Robin about her mother's character and choices in life. That is why it's easy to understand her choice to overlook the truth about who Sonny and Jason really are. It's hard for someone like Robin to admit to herself that those she loves maybe don't deserve her loyalty. Anna was Robin's first parent, even though she didn't identify herself as "Mommy" to Robin. I believe that Anna loves Robin, but her choices show she has not put Robin first in life. Rather than acknowledge something so painful about her beloved role model, Robin put her on a pedestal as the "hero/adventurer" who had important things to do. Robin also calls Robert a hero, but I think it was easier for her to be angry at him because of a) his casual reaction to seeing her at GH for the first time in her adult life b) he spent less years parenting her than Anna did and he's not her gender role model, and c) he came back into her life at a time when she was falling for but frustrated with Patrick. Comparisons were made between Patrick and Robert, and the idea that she was drawn to/feeling hurt by someone who reminded her of Robert had to be upsetting in the "we choose what is familiar" scenario. The only time(s) I thought Anna was better than Robert had to do with their talks about Robin growing up with Mac, and all she had been through without their support at a young age. Robert's response was basically, "she had Mac, and turned out well, so it all worked out" and Anna insisted "It should have been us, Robert." I expected to see some guilt from them as parents even though they did not willfully leave her to be raised by Mac. I only saw Anna being written as feeling guilty. The one time he got a well-written scene that I saw was at Christmas soon after Emma's birth, when he acknowledged he had missed out on a lot of her life, that it's easy to be a hero when you're not present, and that Mac did the hard work of parenting.
  12. Laura is NOT a Corinthos; she's Sonny's son's mother-in-law. Also interesting, Avery's big sister is in the photo but Avery is not. Or is Kiki included because she was Morgan's on-again, off-again girlfriend/briefly his wife? Sam is not married nor engaged to Jason, so why is she in the photo? Spencer should take Kiki's spot, next to his grandfather.
  13. This reminds me to ask: was there a follow-up scene to the scene in the park where Cam was eye-to-eye with Franco and angrily brought up him having killed people in response to Franco telling him him words to Aiden were not cool. I would like to know if Franco had a response to a teenager calling him out. Cam's lack of respect for Franco is the best thing about the SORASing. It's also a sad day when I'm cheering on a 14/15-year-old in disrespecting or telling off an adult. I would love for Cam to spell out to his mother, face-to-face, why Franco is no role model for him or his brothers.
  14. I thought this was clearly the reason for her anger, and dumping on Robert. He was so nonchalant about being face-to-face with her for the first time in more than a decade when she thought he was dead. I feel like so much of the writing for R&A in their reactions to Robin's first pregnancy (okay, just Anna there), Robin's "death" in the lab explosion, and then the rescue during JT's exit storyline has been poor and sloppy. The one scene that I recall being well-written for Robert was a one-on-one with Robin at Christmastime, when he met newborn Emma and Robin asked him to walk her down the aisle for her *real* wedding to Patrick.
  15. I know Ryan went on the Internet to look things up about Kevin's life. He seems to know that Kevin and Lucy are friendly, but Kevin is now married to Laura, that Felicia and Mac are married, etc. But does he realize how much time has passed? He seemed to be surprised/taken aback when Lucy mentioned James/Felicia being a grandmother. He remembers Maxie from when she was a child, and she's standing there by their table talking to him - clearly old enough to be a parent.
  16. I get what you're saying, but I don't agree that they have it in common. Drew is genuinely emotionally invested in Oscar and Scout regardless of his status with Kim or Sam, not to mention his nephews and I think still cares about Elizabeth's eldest and youngest too. He *wants* to be a great dad. Franco has made it clear he is only invested in Jake (which started out at least because of his Jason fixation), and the writing/RHo's line delivery strongly implies that he just wants to get along well enough with her other two children so Elizabeth won't break up with him for "the kids' sake." Saying vaguely "he's a sweet kid" re: Aiden is a far cry from being a father figure who loves these children. If he did not consider himself to be "in love" with Elizabeth or if she died suddenly and thus couldn't make him "better" anymore, he would have zero interest in Cam or Aiden. A *real* father, or even a father figure, doesn't function that way in my opinion.
  17. Thanks!! I just think some people have very high expectations for Robin, at a time when her life has about 90% moved on from Port Charles, when she had a few moments of connection/gratitude with Drew but not a friendship or romantic relationship with him since he's not Jason, and when he was looking for belief from her that he was Jason - not empathy that his life had become difficult due to identity uncertainty. Now, in fall 2018 after the identity issue has been settled, he would be more open to empathy if offered.
  18. So true. I believe that Sam feels connected and concerned in scenes in recent months with Alexis, Maxie, and Drew so I know it's not an utter lack of interest in doing her job as an actress on GH. The Jason-Sam scenes have something of the Luke and Laura vibe during TG's retirement storyline in that they seem like two people who loved each other a long time ago and still care about what happens to each other, but they are no longer "feeling it." However, there was still more warmth between TG & GF in there scenes - despite the fact that TG has disparaged their history publicly. THAT is professionalism.
  19. Felicia was married to Mac, and Luke and Laura were possibly separated? I remember a very awkward scene of Mac and Laura seeing them in Luke's club right after Felicia and Luke had obviously just screwed around. I think they emerged from his office. I felt sorry for both Mac and Laura.
  20. I think I understand your perspective. It's true that she wasn't going "there, there Drew, I'm sooo sorry for this situation, it must suck for you." Some people have reacted like she was a cold, uncaring person in that scene with Drew. I just didn't see her as utterly lacking in empathy, just firm because she had recently seen and talked to Jason, and was positive he was who he said he was. In that same time frame, Drew was written as practically demanding that those who were close to Jason say "You are Jason, that other guy is some imposter, no question." So that put Robin in an awkward position, in my opinion - she was trying to be honest without being mean, by saying the connections he had built still had high value even though he doesn't have the identity he believes is his. If Robin had entered Elizabeth's house and said, "Why are you here? You're NOT Jake's father. It's time for you to accept that you ARE NOT Jason, and move ON with your life" I would agree with the other posters here. I will agree that she didn't spend time thinking about how Drew was coping, most likely because her life is in California now and she had spent very little time with him. While she felt grateful to him for saving her from the elevator bomb and thought he was a kind person, she realized that she didn't actually know him. It made sense to me that she was thinking about Sam and Jason's lives because she's had a long history with them. She verbally empathized with Sam to Jason.
  21. That, and many people online over the years have thought Becky looks way too young to have children who aren't little kids.
  22. She didn't actually say he needs to get over how he's feeling, she just made the point that she knows he's not Jason ... and she wasn't going to tiptoe around that. It seemed like he wanted her to take the same faithful stance that Elizabeth appeared to be taking (I felt like Becky played it as if Liz knew Drew was not Jason, but wasn't about to say it out loud to him.) Elizabeth had to be careful about she handled the situation because her son was very close to Drew, whereas Robin didn't have to negotiate a delicate balance because she didn't have a kid invested in it. Robin did offer pure honesty, and Drew was angry because he didn't hear from her what he wanted to hear. Robin figured it was pointless in that moment to say anything else (I guess) because she wasn't going to lie to his face, so she left.
  23. I thought their scenes were were good because these two actors work really well together. She can be honest with Jason because he's not invested in her marriage or how she handles parenthood; he maintains that it's her life. Patrick would want to try to fix her anger and pain somehow, but he can't. If she lets him know she's upset that she missed whatever moment in Emma's life, Patrick will remember that either Sabrina or Sam got to be there for it and then he'll feel guilty. Robin knows all that, and so she keeps her mouth shut. Robin is also not invested in whether Jason and Sam are together or not, or whether or not he's a f/t parent. The only concern she would have is her mother's pain if Jason killed Heinrich, and so he assured her he's not seeking revenge. He figures Robin has been through enough hell in one lifetime, he doesn't want his choices to negatively impact her life ever again. What stood out to me is that as Robin says she stays strong for Patrick and Emma, he doesn't even mention Danny and the only reference to Sam is horror that she almost married Patrick. This is clearly not a man longing for his family, or thinking that he regrets the time he's missed seeing Danny grow. It also seems like it's much easier for them to connect because Robin, at least, is in love with her husband, and the anger/hurt of the past is not an issue esp. since Jason realized over time that Robin had been right about everything he didn't want to acknowledge regarding Carly, Michael, and A.J.
  24. Unfortunately, it feels like going overboard in the wrong situations is an Anna characteristic. I actually find this less offensive than how she reacted to finding out Robin was pregnant with Emma - grabbing the pillow and pushing it at Robin, then going out to have a few drinks because she couldn't stand the word 'grandmother' since that meant she was old. Umm...hello how about being grateful that your daughter can give birth to a healthy baby despite living with a serious disease! I remember she whined to Luke about becoming a grandmother, because it was his bar. Years later, she spent more time obsessing over her mobster boyfriend Duke getting killed and big bad Julian being responsible than she spent being devastated over Robin's "death" that left her only grandchild confused and missing Mommy. I also remember a scene where Robin had just given a speech at the Nurse's Ball, and Anna praised her right after it by saying something like "I've never heard you speak about the disease and your passion to defeat it before, you were wonderful." My response was: And who's fault is that, Anna?! People have respected that about Robin since she was a teenager, yet her own mother has never seen that aspect of her and has so little personal knowledge of what Robin has been through in living as an HIV+ woman.
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