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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. This. Elizabeth has and Robin sort of has, although with the Michael situation and other dramas she tends to blame Carly's influence. I will forever find it sad that Robin seems to see Jason through the lens of her young, vulnerable self when he was a confused, brain damaged young man looking for a way forward in life.
  2. Molly's capability of going off on someone she considers bad news should be put to use with Jason. Ideally, she would somehow hear that Jason thinks Drew is bad for Sam, and why. Since Molly has actually been around her sister pretty often in the time Jason has been away and Drew and Sam have been together, I'd love to see her tell Jason, Carly and Sonny off in front of Sam. "My sister has not been made weak, Jason. She had to survive a lot because she chose YOU repeatedly. In the time she and Drew have been together, she has not been shot nor have the children been harmed, threatened or kidnapped. You're just hurt because she has been happy with another man."
  3. Jason ended up being wrong about AJ, which is why I wish Elizabeth or someone would bring up to him that while he was gone, Liz and AJ started a promising romance and Michael formed a great relationship with him - which ended abruptly when Sonny shot him at point blank range while AJ was unarmed. That someone could throw in that Jason is wrong about Carly learning from her mistakes; her choosing to marry Sonny yet again after being shot in the head by him and Michael being shot in the head because of him (not to mention all the other incidents) proves she has learned nothing.
  4. Best use of Bobbie since TG's retirement storyline. Otherwise - before and since then- for many years she's been on only to prop Carly, wave away Carly's heinous actions of the past, and most recently to be hostile to big, bad, devious (rolling my eyes) Nelle.
  5. It really was fabulous to see Bobbie, Kevin, Lucy, Mac, Felicia, Monica and Elizabeth interacting. It is sad that I was so thrilled to see Elizabeth chatting with adults who have known her since she was a teenager, she got to mention her grandparents' courtship, AND Franco was not by her side at the time!! Between that and Kevin, Lucy, Mac and Felicia acknowledging their history together, I think I'm going to fall over in shock. But I felt sorry for Monica when she brought up the "moment" of realization that Jason Morgan loved her. I was underwhelmed by Jason's reaction. Anyone else would think, "hmm, maybe she deserves better from me than how I've behaved in the past." I don't for a moment believe all of his lack of attention, consideration of, and demonstration of love for his mother over many can be blamed on brain damage. God Bless Mike for thinking about Brenda and Sonny; he's probably the one person in Sonny's world not forced to act like his current wife is the most perfect center of the universe.
  6. I think there's a difference between Carly and a regular mother losing her son after raising him on a daily basis into adulthood. When the boys were small, we always heard how they were "with Leticia" and then they had another nanny after she was murdered. Then in his early adolescence, Carly sent Morgan away to school. He spent at least one school holiday break with a friend's family. BC's Morgan expressed anger that Mom and Dad didn't come to visit him, didn't seem to want him. And for a significant amount of BC's time on the show, Carly and Sonny were either focused on Michael and the 'problem' of feeling they might not own him anymore because of AJ or focusing on ownership of Avery. If anything, Carly should mourn/be broken up by how things might have turned out differently had she really spent time, energy and love on Morgan during his lifetime.
  7. Yes, she said "my father" to him, not being warm toward him and saying"Dad." I thought the sad look at the end was because he wouldn't say to her that he had regrets about missing out on her life. In my view, anyone person wants to hear that their biological parents wanted them, regret the time missed (if the bio parent has not raised them), and always loved them. Instead he told her things turned out the way they were supposed to, didn't express remorse for any of the messy history, and offered a half-assed "You know I love you, right?" In her shoes, I'd feel sad and rejected, too - no matter how much my mom and step-father loved me and would always be there. I'm also reminded of a moment during the series (I think when Christopher had gone back to Sherry) and Lorelai said to Rory "He misses you." Rory responded with "He misses you." I thought that was an astute observation for Rory, that Christopher wanted to be with Lorelai and saw his daughter as just a bonus. On the other hand, she referred to Luke as "our Luke" when he and Lorelai started dating. Rory's connection to Luke wasn't merely as an extension of his relationship to Lorelai. I felt she considered him family, if not specifically 'stand-in Dad.'
  8. She never referred to Luke as a father figure. Lorelai did that in the letter to the court on Luke's behalf, when he wanted a chance to get to know April. Lorelai described how good Luke was to Rory as she was growing up, and reading that is what made Christopher so furious. The letter made it very clear how much Luke meant to Lorelai and Rory, and it made Christopher feel guilty, jealous and inadequate for all the times Luke was there for them when he failed to be. It seemed to me like the only time Rory thought of Christopher as her real dad who was looking out for her was after the accident, for the weeks she was in a cast. He started to talk and behave like he wanted to try and be significant other and father to them since it was over with Sherry as far as he was concerned. Then Sherry called to say she was pregnant, he went running back to her, and blamed Lorelai for Rory not wanting to call him back. Rory still cared about Christopher after that, but she was totally over the idea of him having a real "Dad" role in her life.
  9. I don't think they had any extended scenes, but they had moments together here and there. For example, the time Rory was injured in the car accident with Jess. Rory went into the diner alone (Lorelai was angry at Luke re: Jess and they weren't speaking). Rory said she itched because of the cast. Luke told her not to use a pencil to reach in and scratch it; he did that once when he had a cast and the result was bad. Then she told him it wasn't Jess's fault, and Luke said "I know." Another example was at her 21st birthday party at the Gilmores, Luke (when Lorelai was not by his side) gave Rory his mother's necklace. Luke was a guest at Rory's 16th birthday party, was angry at Dean for breaking up with Rory and intended to go yell at the boy for hurting her (stopped by Lorelai), attended her h.s. graduation basically in place of Christopher, and Luke spent a whole night stitching a protective covering for Rory's goodbye party in Stars Hollow after the Yale graduation, because the forecast was torrential rain. During the "Wedding Bell Blues" Lorelai, Christopher and Luke argument, Luke spoke of moving Rory's stuff into her dorm room at the beginning of the year, and then moving it out at the end of the year when Christopher was all "Lorelai and I are her parents and you're nothing." After April came into the picture, Lorelai and Rory had a brief conversation with Luke about how it was sweet he gave her a birthday present every year as she was growing up.
  10. Agree. I was wondering if the show was going in the direction of "Auntie Nina" getting VERY attached to the baby from the moment of birth, at some point begging Maxie to let her take care of the baby for the night at Wyndemere when Maxie has a lot of things to get done, and then Maxie goes to pick up the baby and they've disappeared with the next scene being Ava holding the baby in an unknown location and referring to herself as "Mommy." If a baby switch happens and the Michael-Nelle baby lives, it seems more likely for the "soapy factor" that Lucas will end up with his nephew's baby OR people with think Michael is crazy from grief for insisting that "this baby isn't mine" after the switch where he gets Adopted Baby. Because hey, Jason's wife got to cry over a dead baby that wasn't her a few years ago, so wouldn't it be fun now for Jason's beloved nephew to do the same thing. On a sort of related note, I rolled my eyes at Carly 3 explaining to Carly 2...uh I mean Kim ... why she's crying in response to the line "my son is my everything," and how the family is "so close now and talks about feelings." When she showed the framed photo of Morgan, I really wanted TB to go off script and say, "Wow, my baby really grew up" and "Why in the world didn't you make it work with Jax? If you had, Morgan probably wouldn't be dead now. I know Josslyn has told Oscar what a wonderful man and father Jax is, whereas Sonny has been a source of danger and chaos as she's been growing up." Seriously, that line from Kim would make Carly think of Michael, not the son she ignored and didn't raise after the break up with Jax. I did enjoy Kim shutting Carly down about Julian, though. Carly and Kim are NOT girlfriends, so Carly smiling slyly and suggesting that Drew could be free for Kim and objecting to Kim spending time with Julian was extremely inappropriate. So, typical Carly. I would love for Michael to say, "Hey, Mom 2, let me give you a history lesson on her lack of boundaries with me, Jason, and others."
  11. THIS. Lorelai is relieved that Rory is getting "back on track" but apparently has an "oh, well she'll get over it" attitude about the hurt Rory caused Emily. She seems to think her parents should just get over the pain first she, and now Rory, caused Richard and Emily, because Lorelai has never grown up emotionally.
  12. I just watched the episode where Rory has moved out of the Gilmore Mansion while Emily is out, Richard is stunned when he comes home to no Rory and no Emily, and Lorelai finds a very upset Emily interested in buying an airplane. It struck me that Lorelai looks sad as Emily rants to the point of tears, as it's obvious that Emily is re-living the pain of Lorelai moving out. Lorelai - 16 years older than Rory who is no longer a child - won't even offer a simple, "I'm sorry you were hurt then, and now" or "I was wrong for the way I handled things when I left." All she would say about herself was, "You didn't lose me." I honestly think Lorelai never gave a moment of consideration before that moment that what she did really effected them. Lorelai did her best to raise Rory to think and behave like the ideal (academically talented, no bad behavior) version of herself, so it's not surprising Rory would not consider the impact of her behavior on Emily and Richard when she acts out. Also, I find self-involvement in a 20/21-year-old more forgivable than I do when it's seen in a person of the late 30s/early 40s. Then, Lorelai goes rushing into Luke's with the joyous news that "Rory's back." He looks very serious/sober (because he's just found out that he has a daughter) and Lorelai talks at him as she grabs food, tells him they can now set a wedding date, and then rushes back out again. She doesn't even give him a moment to take in what she's saying and respond. I saw some Emily in her there. When things aren't going their way, Emily, then Lorelai, and now Rory, can't deal with it.
  13. Correct. Someone really needs to give Carly a history lesson. Morgan is dead because Carly chose Sonny again and again, instead of being a semi-decent human in a good marriage with Jax. Morgan involved himself with Ava and Julian as a fuck you to Sonny for not giving him responsibilities in the "bidness." Also, Sonny banged Ava on AJ's grave, hence conceiving Avery. Ava never would have had an opportunity to sneak into Morgan's room and switch out the pills without having access to the house because of Avery. Sonny and Ava and Olivia Jerome, not Julian, are responsible for Morgan's death.
  14. She a) wants Sam and Jason back together, so Kim wanting a relationship with Drew would in theory help to break up Sam and Drew b) because of her toxic relationship with Sonny she thinks Julian is scum, and thus believes Julian should be hated by all and made to suffer for the rest of his days. Wouldn't surprise me if she used Josslyn and Oscar to manipulate Drew away from Sam/toward Kim to give Jason a better shot at reuniting with Sam.
  15. She a) wants Sam and Jason back together, so Kim wanting a relationship with Drew would in theory help to break up Sam and Drew b) because of her toxic relationship with Sonny she thinks Julian is scum, and thus believes Julian should be hated by all and made to suffer for the rest of his days. Wouldn't surprise me if she used Josslyn and Oscar to manipulate Drew away from Sam/toward Kim to give Jason a better shot at reuniting with Sam.
  16. I was watching a re-run of "Bones" tonight (from the time that Booth was in a relationship with a blond journalist) and the actor who now plays Lucas on GH was the pervy boyfriend of a suspect. Booth questioned him because he had a camera in her bedroom to record her having sex with other men. Strange to see him with blond highlights in his hair.
  17. Watching live today - best part after Francesca's expressed desire for "simple, uncomplicated, no drama" and Michael saying not one word about Nelle in response was Nelle then crashing that so-called "first date." Since when does Kelly's require a suit and a cocktail dress? Good for Francesca for walking away. Michael, you can't do "uncomplicated" as long as your "Dad" and mother are in your life, even if Nelle and baby weren't an issue. Griffin, dear, you are ridiculously naive where Ava is concerned. I'm wondering if now that Sam is so overjoyed that Drew is safe, kissing him like that will reinforce to her how much she loves him, and she's not really so torn about what she feels toward Jason v. Drew. Those brief moments of Drew by himself gave me a teensy bit of hope that maybe Franco wouldn't make it, and that Elizabeth would be free.
  18. Agreed. Although I would not want to see a "slow burn" between Maxie and Dante. Maxie's cop boyfriend Jesse was killed, and then there was the affair with Jesse's colleague, cop Lucky who is Lulu's brother. Maxie has slept with, or made out with/almost slept with Lulu's brother, boyfriends and guys who have been into her except for Milo and Dillon, Maxie's former BIL. I don't need to see her get involved with Lulu's husband, too. I could possibly see Dante and Maxie remaining friends esp. because Maxie would want Dante to talk to the baby about Nathan a lot, but aside from both being close to Lulu, the only thing Dante and Maxie have in common is they've both had an affair with a Spencer family member.
  19. I don't think S&C have had a one-on-one conversation where Dante was mentioned since Nathan's death. Their only interest in Dante is how he can serve their own interests; not sure Sonny even remembers that Nathan was Dante's partner at the PCPD, not to mention his best friend. Sonny had a lame line acknowledging Maxie's pain when Anna said the baby is Maxie's reason to keep going. I would think Olivia (prior to the earthquake) would be showing up a big plate of lasagna for Dante as he's mourning Nathan. It's so strange to me that Carly had a brief scene with Nina and then Nina and Maxie about Nathan's death, but co-owner Olivia who is close to son Dante and DIL Lulu, who also knows Maxie (well after that awful surrogate storyline), doesn't seem to acknowledge Nathan's death or show concern for Dante.
  20. I just watched the video in the Press Club section about looking back on GH character's histories. MB says with a smirk "I killed my son's father, but he deserved it" and SBu laughs hysterically in response. SBu says he's killed like 75 people and adds, "That's pretty cool, right?" This makes me want to watch Sonny and Jason even less, if that's possible. Just a warning to any of you watching the videos ...
  21. Dismissive is exactly the right word - his behavior would make you think they've been divorced at least a decade and are both re-married. As far as being sweet and lovey to Maggie, I wonder if that could be exactly because she is "off-limits" as his mother's step-daughter. When he first started to ask her out, she said it would be weird for multiple reasons, so did that forbidden/complicated aspect just make him want her? Also, she hasn't had a front-row seat for his years of relationship/sort-of relationship status with April that Meredith, Arizona, Alex, etc. have. Someone relatively new to your life, who is forbidden, is of course going to seem fun as compared to the hard work of maintaining a long-term relationship and raising a child together. It would be nice if Jackson's mother or Richard flat out said that to Maggie since I guess she's too emotionally immature to pick up on something basic like that on her own.
  22. Nope, no offense taken @ulkis. While I thought TG, GF, and JJ had awesome family chemistry (and now feel that TG did a lot of his best work with JJ), I really didn't like the way Luke spoke to Laura regarding Nikolas and the Cassadines. I thought referring to Nikolas as her "demon spawn" (or close to that at least), pressuring her to have nothing to do with him, and acting like her desire to connect with her son was a betrayal of their Spencer family was totally out of line. I saw Luke trying to shut her down and usher her out of the morgue when she was going off on Sonny and Jason as one of the times he was trying to control her words/actions when they bothered him. I don't think Laura was harsh to say they didn't "have kids" because A) Sonny married Lily for business, then stayed with her because of the pregnancy, and certainly never became a father because of the explosion that killed her. He did not lose a beloved child. B) Jason had been raising AJ's son that he helped Carly and then S&C keep away from A.J. Just because he 'felt like' he was Michael's father didn't make it so. Neither of them had a clue as to how Laura was feeling from losing a teenage son she had raised from birth.
  23. It has everything to do with Jackson. If he didn't truly love April and intend to look out for her/be her partner for life, then he never should have interrupted the April-Matthew wedding in the first place. He didn't seem get that her experience of carrying their child for nine months and then watching the baby boy die was traumatic for her in a way that I think a man can't begin to grasp unless he studies maternal-fetal bond. She survives the C-section that nearly killed her, and then a year later she is faced with the trauma and tragedy of seeing Matthew's wife die, and the happiness managed to find after April die with it. In April's position, I would be thinking, "If I hadn't left Matthew for Jackson, he wouldn't be suffering like this twice." Jackson never had to deal with the misery of seeing this new young family experience tragedy; he only heard about it. He should know April well enough that she would be deeply affected, since he met Matthew while M&A were dating, and he was 1/2 the reason why Matthew had to start over in looking for love. Did he ever express regret (other than the 1-second "I'm sorry") for humiliating Stephanie, and his part in Matthew being humiliated in front of family and friends? If Maggie is aware of Jackson interrupting that wedding, she would be wise not to trust any of his declarations about feelings. Of course April is going to tell him to "drop it" when she's spiraling. As for Arizona, she cheated on her wife, has a not great relationship history, and will say things to people that are not her place. I wouldn't trust her judgement when it comes to a delicate balance involving a kid and an ex/sex partner in the last year.
  24. Yes, Sonny went camping with Luke and Lucky. There was a time when Sonny said (I'm paraphrasing) to Luke that hanging out with Luke and young Lucky made him want to be a father. While the show didn't have Sonny hanging out often with Luke and Lucky on-screen (I assume in part because JJ was still a minor), it was implied that Lucky got to know Sonny well and trusted both Jason and Sonny. I recall a conversation in the police station when Lucky, played by adult JJ, was telling Claire that Sonny had a childhood that "would break anyone's heart," can be generous with money, and genuinely loves his kids -that how he lures women in because they think they can save him. The implication was that as a kid, he thought well of Jason and Sonny, but now as an adult he knows better.
  25. She said the first comment because he tried to shut her down as she was yelling at/blaming his buddy Sonny, and Jason too. And she's not wrong for what she said - young Lucky did believe Sonny and Jason were safe and trustworthy because that's what Luke believed. Adoring and following his father is also what got child Lucky shot before that, a fact which Luke conveniently forgets in the moment. Luke was pissed off that Laura thinks (accurately, in my opinion) that he's partly to blame, so he tries to say well, Lucky felt he couldn't come home and that's your fault.
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