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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. The Sonny and Michael situation is not comparable to the others you mention. Sonny physically forced AJ to give up his rights to Michael, and did everything he could to prevent AJ and Michael from forming a relationship when AJ resurfaced during Michael's adult life, ultimately shooting him at point blank range and killing him. Mac, Robert's beloved brother/Robin's uncle, became Robin's guardian because her parents were presumed dead, and Maxie is Felicia's daughter, so once Mac and Felicia got married, they were cousins (stepcousins, if you want to be really technical). Now that Mac and Felicia are married again, they are in fact legally cousins again so I don't know why they shouldn't consider themselves to be. They have been raised as family for many years now. I recall a scene where excited little girl Robin wanted to go see "Felicia's new baby," so she has literally known Maxie since birth. Dante was an adult when he met Sonny and also teen-aged, emerged-from-a-coma Michael. Lucky didn't force Zander out of Cam's life, and he certainly wasn't the one to kill him. He and Elizabeth decided to get married and that they would raise Cam as their own - after Zander was dead. Jake, is legally Lucky's child because he was married to Elizabeth when Jake was born, and his name is on Jake's birth certificate (unless that's been retconned since). He and Elizabeth agreed to raise Jake as their own. Jason chose not to be in Jake's life - with Elizabeth and Lucky in agreement - and has only been getting to know the kid for a few months. Drew, who was believed to be Jason until a few months ago, has been acting as Jake's father since Lucky and Luke rescued the kid from Helena.
  2. Ha! So true. The only actual romance on this show is the almost-never-seen TJ and Molly. The only other real example of love is Robert, trying to talk sense into Anna (but doing it as an ex/friend esp. since Anna is such a mess). Sadly, I see Elizabeth and Nelle deluding themselves about being "in love" with Franco and Michael, and that those are somehow healthy relationships. Too bad someone didn't say to Carly, when your 14-year-old has to point out to you how toxic your relationship with your on-again, off-again husband is … you're pretty pathetic. Aside from Mac and Felicia, for couples or sorta-couples on this show...…..there are just no words.
  3. Oh, Carly flat out said to Jason at least one time that it should have been him there that night at the bar for the ONS, not AJ. For those who remember, young Carly and Jason would shoot pool and hook up in his room - they did not have a ONS kind of situation. She wanted to see Jason that night after the fight with Tony Jones, but ran into AJ instead. So as far as she was concerned, when she started lying to people by claiming Jason was the father, it was the truth as it should be. As time went on, in her mind they really were a family and so when Jason's love for Robin made it clear he didn't really see it that way, Carly would question his "loyalty to Michael." I can't even remember how many times SJB's Carly said "Jason's son."
  4. I hope it means we see more of him with Danny and Scout. He can essentially be a single parent to his daughter and the nephew he still loves as a son, since Jason's priorities do not seem to include daily interaction with Jake and Danny, and Sam's priorities do not seem to include daily interaction with Danny and Scout. I think Danny was more comfortable with Drew anyway. If Jason says "you're his uncle, not his father" Drew can simply reply, "That wasn't a problem for you while Michael was growing up and you were involved in keeping him away from AJ. Hypocrisy is not an attractive quality, brother."
  5. I can understand hating him, but ... Dr. O wanting to kill him when she has spent the majority of her on-screen time basking in her and Faison's so-called brilliance or with Britt in the Ben/Rocco storyline - NOT as devoted mother to Nathan (whom she did not raise) - feels hollow IMO. I would buy it coming from Nina, who has shared memories of "Jay" growing up and has been very consistent in her love for him. I would buy Dante snapping after everything that has happened, esp. since he worked with Nathan every day and clearly mourns him. I would buy Mac snapping after losing Georgie and now Nathan, especially knowing that Maxie got attached to LWB/FS in the wake of Nathan's death. Mac respected Nathan as a police officer and they were friendly, he was there when Nathan and Maxie got together, saw his daughter find happiness and they were all overjoyed for the birth of this baby. Because of Dr. O and LWB/FS's actions, the joy is mixed with sorrow. The real drama would be Mac coming thisclose to killing Dr. O and LWB/FS in cold blood, and then changing his mind at the last second. Dr. O wanting revenge is hypocritical, boring and predictable to me - like a day when Carly is telling someone off because she's not getting her way. A better use of Kathleen Gati would be scheming to use /kidnap Nelle and her baby in some way (either before or after birth), since that's Monica's great grandchild. I could see her forcing Monica to do whatever she wants at the hospital, otherwise she'll never see that baby. She's certainly not scared of Sonny Corinthos.
  6. Can't feel any enthusiasm for her revenge after she was set to murder Robin in cold blood; the only reason Robin is alive is because Robert got stuck with the needle instead during his rescue attempt. Peter/Heinrich's efforts in luring Faison only succeeded because Faison was a free man as a direct result of Dr. O's help/enabling all of these years. Her son's blood is on her own hands. Dr. O should be in Peter's position, fearing for her life as Robin threatens revenge for herself, her parents, and now Maxie losing her husband. But Robin has better things to do with her life than declare revenge on that miserable bitch.
  7. While I think it's great she gets to have scenes with Drew where she's happy, my ideal scenario to start the day's show is LC as Monica walking into the room where Sonny is trying to intimidate Nelle, do her disgusted face as seeing him, yell "What fresh hell is this?!" and then tell Sonny YOU MURDERED MY SON, GET OUT!! as the housekeeping staff physically carry that trash out of the mansion.
  8. Am I the only one laughing at Carly's frantic line to Sonny "Tell Michael and Josslyn that I love them, Avery won't understand why I'm not there." She's talking as if she's been sentenced to death/ to not seeing her children for years to come in the future, and like Michael and Joss are middle school or younger children who don't know how to survive without Mommy there. Um, Carly, Joss was really upset that Nelle fell down the stairs and probably thinks you deserve to be in jail. You need your adult son Michael in your life far more than he needs you. Also, Avery is not your child. You are not her caretaker, and she does not live with you full-time. You should be concerned if, say, her nanny went to jail.
  9. Yes I would assume Kiki knows that Liz was raped because Franco got so obsessed with protecting Liz from evil Tom when he got released from prison. I assume Franco told her, or Liz told her to explain Franco's fixation on Tom. Griffin also figured out it out/Liz confirmed when there was a fuss about Tom doing assigned community work at the hospital where Liz worked and the late Emily had worked.
  10. Absolutely. I thought there was a reference in recent years to Cam being 12, so it's time for him to have a 14th birthday party. I would like to see a snarky Cam - in front of Jason - call Joss a spoiled brat who behaves like an entitled princess just like her mother. Then, to Jason: "And you've enabled all of it."
  11. I really enjoyed the recent scenes with Carly, Sonny and Diane - because it was SO amusing to watch Carly seethe while Diane said Carly looks guilty in the incident with Nelle due to her well-established history of unstable/volatile behavior and being institutionalized. It's not like Carly can deny that everything Diane brought up is true. I realllly wish LC as Monica had been present for Carly's line that Nelle is trying to "turn my two surviving children against me," to retort that Carly didn't deserve to have won them back in the first place after Carly covered for the bastard who murdered Michael's father and re-married same bastard after he tried to murder Josslyn's father by disabling his airplane. Carly's top priorities are her own ego/comfort and her two mobster men ... certainly not the love and welfare of her offspring. I also really enjoyed Maxie's scene of telling Mac and Felicia that she's naming the baby James Malcolm. The joy in Mac's face was beautiful; he so deserves that after everything he's done to raise Maxie, Georgie and Robin responsibly with a devoted father's love. I'm still annoyed that Robin and Patrick didn't name their baby after Mac, since he's been FAR more involved in their relationship over the years and Robert has been more absent than present in Robin's life from the time she was a tween/young teen when he and Anna were declared dead.
  12. Does Anna even know about that? Sonny shooting Dante in the chest was way before Anna came back to Port Charles permanently.
  13. After watching the scene(s) of Anna giving Robert the details of targeting Faison and later giving birth, I ... almost believe Anna has delusions about what happened in her past, due to memories planted This "storyline" has been so poorly written and badly managed that not even Finola and Tristan can sell it, IMO.
  14. In watching the scene of Jason, Sam and Spinelli bringing the case of stuff to Anna. it occurred to me: has Anna ever met or spoken to Spinelli before? Also, the petty part of me wanted Anna to say - in front of Jason - "Hi Sam, I've barely seen you since you were engaged to Patrick and ready to raise Emma as your own." I will assume Jason still doesn't know that Danny had cancer, either.
  15. Yes, I know that Carly disregarded what was left of child Lucas' mental health and family stability when she screwed his father while his entire family mourned the death of beloved sister/daughter BJ. Given that, and Carly's known history of breakdown/hospitalization, a shooting in a courtroom, marriages to mobsters Sonny and Alcazar, and her own children being both kidnapped and victims of violence, I find it absurd that supposedly smart Lucas would have her as a reference. I'd think a rational birth mother would run screaming at the thought that Lucas would have that woman around the baby - let alone Sonny.
  16. It's ridiculous that Carly, who was not raised with Lucas/ never lived with him and Bobbie as family, and isn't close to him now (have they had scenes together in recent years?) is considered a reference. Not like the show could *gasp* have Dr. Monica Quatermaine, who has known him via his mom his entire life and is his ultimate authority figure at the hospital now, write him a reference letter.
  17. Sonny and Ava proved that they are utterly disgusting people because they chose the Q Family Crypt/AJ's grave to have sex on, after the two of them were responsible for his death. They did this knowing that Michael, a young man Sonny claims to love, was very clearly devastated and when Ava knew her precious Kiki had connections to Morgan, Michael/Q Family. I thought GH couldn't get any more disgusting than Sonny and Carly having sex in the back of a limo after putting their comatose son in long term care - while Carly was married to Jax. I was very wrong.
  18. I remember what you're talking about, and in that case I understood why Rory said that. Rory ran into Lindsay, and she thought it was weird that Lindsay snubbed her. Then Dean told her he and Lindsay were dating. Rory recalled an anecdote when she was in school with Lindsay, indicating Dean was dating a nice girl. Then Lindsay came to join Dean and snubbed both Lorelai and Rory. When Rory looked in Dean and Lindsay's direction during a town meeting (not even speaking to them), Lindsay caught her eye and looked displeased, and then quickly looked away. Lorelai smiled toward Luke and Nicole in the town meeting, Nicole saw her smile, looked displeased, and then quickly looked away. That's what Rory meant by the "Lindsay attitude." I don't think they were talking so loudly, but not sure. I get that Nicole was jealous of how much important Lorelai was to Luke, and Lindsay was jealous of Rory's history with Dean, but that is not the GG's fault. That's an issue both women needed to take up with their boyfriends. My feeling is, if you're not confident and comfortable that your man wants you and only you, why are you with him. At that time, I think Rory genuinely wanted Dean to be happy. That's why she apologized and offered him the catalog when he got engaged, adding in wedding advice from what she had learned in observing all the weddings Lorelai had coordinated at the inn over the years. Lorelai, while not a fan of Nicole, told Luke "you really like her" and encouraged him to go on the cruise with Nicole and enjoy himself.
  19. Yes that's what I heard as well, and then I got confused when Carly said "Spencer's mother" not "Nikolas Spencer's ex-fiance and Spencer Cassadine's mother." Did Ava even ever meet Spencer, to understand that explanation?
  20. Criticizing or venting - terminology isn't really the point to me. She wasn't telling Lindsay off or making demands of her. While I agree what she said was critical, I don't agree that the writing or AB's acting showed she wanted Dean. She was thinking of him as friend who, when he was her boyfriend, was smart and motivated to succeed in school and was backsliding in his potential because of his marriage. She was also critical of how her frenemy, Paris, was treating her boyfriend Jamie that year. Now if Rory had said to Lane what she said to Lorelai upon getting caught with Dean emerging from her bedroom (MY Dean, etc.) then yeah I would agree with you. What I thought was far worse was the moment in that same store that Dean (after cheating on his wife, but still living with her and not confessing to adultery) cornered Lorelai, anxious for information about Rory's whereabouts because he heard she was traveling with her grandmother. At that point, Rory was a college student, her mother Lorelai still had their permanent home there, and so Stars Hollow was absolutely still Rory's hometown.
  21. But she wasn't expressing it loudly to Lindsay, expecting her to defend herself or step up and be a better wife to Dean. In that case, I would say Rory was out of line. She vented to her best friend Lane, after a conversation with Dean where he was telling her he had to work really hard to afford the town home Lindsey expected. Dean was in the wrong; he shouldn't be discussing the financial situation of his marriage, or Lindsey's desires, with his ex-girlfriend (and without Lindsey's permission/knowledge, no less). Lindsey then asked Dean not to talk to Rory anymore, a request he blew off. The times that Rory brought up Lindsay, he said something vague because he wanted to focus on Rory and not think about his wife. Then he got close to Rory because he wanted to kiss her, was interrupted, and followed that up with going to her house to see her - knowing she was alone because Lorelai had told him. He was telling Rory it was over with Lindsay, as he got closer to kiss her. It seemed to me that as Dean's marriage got into troubled waters, he totally lost interest in his wife, wanted Rory back, and made it happen. I got that impression because as they were in bed together in her room, she said "I can't believe this happened" (or close to that anyway_ and he replied, "I can" - while looking totally happy and not the least bit guilty about cheating on his wife. Rory was struggling in several ways in her first year at Yale, and Stars Hollow and Dean represented her safe, comfortable past, They were both totally wrong for having the affair, though. In time, it seemed like Rory felt remorse. I never got the impression that Dean felt guilt and shame for betraying his wife - just irritation that he got caught and had to move back in with his parents as a result of the fall out.
  22. Reminds me of Sam telling Elizabeth she was "falling in love" with GV's Lucky, wanted to go camping with Lucky, Cam and Jake, an d generally play family when Lucky had visitation with the boys. Then she and Lucky argued because she wanted to get her PI license but he objected to her getting herself into dangerous situations. Then Jason and Sam decided to 'work together' in going after runaways Michael and Kristina. During that time which was clearly a setup for Jasam to 'fall in love again', there was some implication that Lucky was boring while Sam was always a ride or die chick at heart.
  23. Linny, this line made my day! Hilariously accurate! I really wish some of the posters here would write for the show.
  24. Yes, that was funny but I really laughed at Anna telling Jason he's a brick wall. Well, Anna, there IS a reason Spinelli started referring to him as "Stone Cold" a decade or so ago.
  25. I really liked Robert's lines; their scenes show how connected they are v. how Finn really, truly does not work as a love interest for Anna IMO. I wonder if Robert will let Robin know Anna was less than honest with her about going on a 'fun adventure in Switzerland' with Emma. I'm personally annoyed that in the first scene Anna and Robert have had together in years (I think since Patrick, Robin and Emma left Port Charles?), Jason is with them, he doesn't even greet his first love's father with a minimum of respect/decency, and then leaves with an 'I wanna be away from these two' kinda vibe. I hope to hear a line that Robin had to calm Patrick down from yelling upon hearing Emma say via Facetime "I heard Grandma telling Grandpa that Jason is our bodyguard." Also, Drew is so much better than Jason. If Sam chooses Jason, she proves she's an idiot with no concern for her children. In that case, my ideal scenario is that Franco dies (I don't even care if it's due to injuries from being attacked by Harvey), and Elizabeth and Drew wind up back together.
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