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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. This *should have* been what he said to Elizabeth re: Jake, and then later at the gym to Sam re: Danny instead of that shitty line that the one reason he's grateful to/should thank Drew is that Sam didn't marry Patrick. Jason reacted to finding out about Sam's engagement to Patrick approximately the same way he reacted to finding out Carly had been engaged to Franco. What an ass. Sam thinks back to the awful time when Danny was diagnosed with leukemia, and Jason says he wishes he could have been there for her in the same tone the parents I know express regret that they weren't there to comfort their child after an injury in a fall. Sam's selective truth telling was interesting. Yes, Patrick was there for Sam to talk to - about Danny somewhat, but mostly he was her sounding board about dating Silas, then Nina returning and interfering with their relationship. Was Silas part of the McBain/Todd/Star character ownership issue and that's why his name isn't brought up? Sam should remind Jason that Patrick saved not only his life, but tween Michael's too. KeMo's acting played out to me like she was saying "you and Robin were close, I got close to Patrick, it made sense to me" not because that's actually what she was thinking during Samtrick, but to calm Jason down by poorly attempting to justify the relationship with Patrick as a means to stay connected to Jason. Jason's response was basically well Robin and I were in love but we were so young that we weren't going to end up together, and that's completely different from your adult self getting engaged to someone who not only was not like me (as opposed to Drew) but was also my first's love then-ex husband. Jason's contempt for Drew, a man who's been an outstanding father to both of Jason's sons, is so gross. Sam and Jason treat each other like friendly exes of a decade or more, who are sort of co-parenting their son. I say sort of because Jason seems happy to see Danny, but not actually invested in him. You'd think after missing five years of the kid's life he would want to spend every possible minute making up for lost time, but it's more like ok sure I'll entertain you here and there when I have some free moments that are not devoted to Carly and Michael.
  2. I'm confused. What does Michael think Nelle took from him, and why? She wasn't in town yet when Sonny murdered AJ, and Morgan's death resulted from the Jerome Family's actions. Carly has briefly been locked away, and Michael doesn't have privacy as long as he and Nelle are under the same roof ... but those aren't "losses."
  3. Liesl's crimes include torturing Maxie's beloved cousin and almost killing her cousin's father, and Liesl's crimes/enabling played a large part in Nathan being murdered, so no it's not really appropriate for Maxie to offer her compassion IMO. Plus, Robin has been Maxie's family for 20+ years before Maxie even met Nathan. Now Nina is a different story - her life derailed as a young woman, and now the loss of her brother/cousin, are results of her mother and Aunt Liesl deciding to play God and enable a dangerous man.
  4. He told Maxie (right before getting locked up in the PCPD) that he had committed fraud - Peter is a name he chose. So I guess any of his dealings with Aurora Media are illegal? Is Josslyn now going to behave like Carly once did when Jason turned her down for sex? Ugh. I suppose we'll see her flirting with Cam to make Oscar jealous. Jax, please come and take your daughter to Australia for a few years to cure her of becoming more like her mother.
  5. Tamblyn is definitely overlooked IMO. She is much more well known for the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" movies than for GH. In recent history someone commented on Twitter about JJ, and Tamblyn replied that she had a crush on him when they worked together on GH and she still does. I thought, what a sweet thing to say! Side note for Tamblyn and Kimberly McC fans: Tamblyn starred as Joan in the TV series "Joan of Arcadia" after she left GH, and Kimberly guest starred in 2004 as Joan's brother Kevin's ex-girlfriend Beth. I forget if she was in more than one episode.
  6. I agree that Jake wasn't looking for reassurance; my point is that Jason seems to have zero interest or concern about what Jake has been through (including the relationship he has formed with Franco!), or how he interacts with his brothers (even though Jason has known Cam since he was an infant). Most devoted parents want detailed information about their child's struggles if they either don't understand or haven't witnessed it. Jake was trying to do what he thought was right; he just doesn't understand that Jason doesn't give a damn about blood family unless that family is named Michael because he and Jason don't know each other. I wonder how he would react to hearing about Jason and AJ's history, given how much he values Cam and Aiden. Jason is so self-absorbed that it doesn't occur to him that his young son wasn't asking about his relationship drama. He doesn't bother to ask in return, "Why would you ask about me getting back together with Sam?" I agree that Hudson West is a great actor.
  7. You all weren't kidding about Sam having a pity party for herself in her conversation with Alexis. Geez, she sounded like Carly (or Brenda) re: Sonny. The one positive thing about her working with Curtis is that she has conversations with people that aren't all about Jason, Carly, Sonny and Michael or her sister Kristina being in danger/trouble. If the Jason/Jake/Drew scenes were supposed to make Jason look like a good dad, Show failed. I liked that Jake said in front of Jason that they're both his dads, even though Drew is actually his uncle ... why don't you let that sink in, Jason. BM and the boy who plays Jake seemed at ease and like they genuinely love each other, while SBu played Jason as bored and humoring this kid he's not really comfortable being around. Jake specifically mentions that he was messed up in dealing with his brothers when he came home, Drew reassures him, and Jason....doesn't ask a single question or express even a hint of concern about Jake's well-being either while Drew was there or when they were alone after Drew left. And yet, in the same day he's on the phone demanding action out of concern for his adult BFF's welfare.
  8. I would assume because Nina's brother/cousin was gunned down in her own office space, and he was really the only family she had since her own mother put her in a coma and then killed her ex-husband.
  9. Emma *did* do a better job - she figured out that Alex wasn't Anna in under 5 minutes at the airport. Alex had been walking around Port Charles for some time, pretending to be Anna.
  10. I want the answer to this question, too. It seems like in any conversations Jason's had with Sam, Sonny, Carly about Julian, the fact that Julian saved Danny's life gets left out. How convenient. How about putting it simply: ""Jason, while you were dead, Danny was dying of cancer. Julian donated bone marrow, saving his life. Sam was grateful to have Alexis and Julian to lean on . You missed that awful time when your wife and son needed you more than ever because as usual, you put Sonny and the business first, leaving your infant son on his first night home. So Sam got to grieve your death and then face the potential death of the child you share. Let me guess, you had no idea your own son had cancer but you know every last detail about Michael and Carly's problems with Nelle."
  11. It wasn't actually random. I remember that Carly's hatred/jealousy of Elizabeth started because she looked through the window of Kelly's and saw Elizabeth and Jason dancing (he was trying to help ease her pain after Lucky was declared dead in the fire). Carly ran to Sonny and demanded to know if anything was going on between Jason and Elizabeth; Sonny tormented her and so they had hate sex because Carly wanted to get back at Jason for caring about Elizabeth. I think Jason got shot in an assignment from Sonny gone wrong, at about the same time Sonny and Carly were going at it later that day/night. Jason, injured, went to see Sonny and saw that they'd just had sex, so he took off and Elizabeth found him passed out in the snow. She got him back to her studio and took care of him. He told her he didn't want to see Sonny or Carly. So Carly of course got furious that Jason was shutting her out but leaning on Elizabeth. She reacted by getting in Elizabeth's face on the docks. From that moment on, she deeply resented Jason having a friendship mixed with attraction with Elizabeth. As with Robin, Jason was both physically attracted to Elizabeth and saw qualities in her that Carly knew she lacked. Additionally, Jason and Elizabeth had the bond that they both loved Emily. Back then, SBu didn't play Jason as such a limited character.
  12. A) I think somewhere in the years that LW has been playing Carly, she has played acceptance that Jason will never be in love with her. I think she also told Michael that. B) Yes, he's expressed multiple emotions with Robin, and I saw some with Elizabeth too -after Jake was born. The irony is he was more interested in Jake as a baby/toddler who had Daddy Lucky, than he is now when he's the acknowledged biological father and can see the boy anytime.
  13. The first problem is, Jake was a vulnerable patient when Franco got to know him and he clearly wanted to get close to the kid and his mother, Elizabeth, because of their connection to Jason. The second problem (which is associated with Franco's crimes) is he said to Elizabeth: "You make me a better." She then told him it wasn't her job to make him better, and not to come home. Well, it's even more not Jake's job to make Franco better. The kid has been through enough in life; he shouldn't be one of the two people a sociopath focuses on for redemption. He deserves a normal childhood. He more or less admitted when he hastily proposed to Liz in the hospital some months ago that he wanted to get married so he'd have as much say in decisions about Jake's life as Jason ... or almost as much. Jake could aspire to Molly and TJ's relationship, Mac and Felicia's relationship, and up until recently, Drew and Sam's. It was established that he was comfortable with the Drew, Sam, and Danny family dynamic.
  14. Carly's resentment of Robin stemmed from the fact that Jason saw Robin as a smart, strong, capable young woman who really cared about people - and he loved her. She saw that other PC folks, especially Sonny, saw Robin the same way, and that made it worse because she knew that Robin was everything she was not. The only things (in her mind) that she had in her favor were she was more sexually experienced than Robin/dressed to show off her assets, and she had Michael. Carly's awful remarks to Robin about being HIV positive were the one way she thought she could hurt Robin the most - "Hey guess what Saint Robin,you could never give Jason the hot sex I could, and you could never give him the child he wants/deserves because you have a disease." After Robin left, Carly also got in Elizabeth's face for being close to Jason; she just wasn't as horribly nasty. I still remember she was furious that Jason was hiding out with Elizabeth to recover from a gunshot wound, after Jason saw that Sonny and Carly had just had hate sex. Carly stopped Elizabeth on the docks and said something like "I already got rid of one angel." Of course she decided that Robin walked away from Jason all because of her.
  15. I agree with you. I mean that Jason doesn't get that Michael isn't exactly the same as when Jason "died." Younger Michael was more obedient/wouldn't have argued with Jason when Jason asked him not to do this. Jason also doesn't get/doesn't want to accept that Sam had changed - she was genuinely a different, and happier, more family-oriented person with Drew. Also, Jason would have nothing to do with his time if Michael, Sonny or Carly didn't have a crisis going on. Speaking of crisis, he's apologized to them for not being there when Morgan died. Does he still not know that he wasn't there when his own son had cancer?
  16. Jason doesn't really recognize Michael as a man, nor do S&C. Jason has missed out on years of Michael's life, which I think plays a part in his behavior. S&C literally only think of Michael as their greatest long-term possession, so of course they're going to react when he tries to show independent judgement. They, especially Carly, behaved much the same way with Drew when they thought he was Jason. Jason's scene of trying to talk Michael out of his plan with the "you can't do this to your parents" crap showed astonishing lack of awareness. First, if Jason really understood how Michael thinks, he would have guilt-tripped him by saying "It would break Josslyn's heart if you died." Second, Michael was an innocent kid when he spent years in a coma as a direct result of S&C's choices. I wished someone, probably Tracy, would just appear and say "He can't do this to them? He almost lost his life once because of them. You do remember that, don't you Jason?" Also, what is with Michael's "hostage" line? Is he seriously trying to say that because the baby hasn't yet been born, it's a hostage?!
  17. Does this mean Michael intends to have his wife locked away in a mental institution forever as soon as she gives birth?
  18. No. I'm kidding; yes, he speaks/shifts awkwardly when he happens to see either one of his sons, the so-called love of his life, his twin brother's ex, etc. The only actors from the f/t cast SBu appears to be comfortable around are Herbst, Bernard, Wright and Duell (I'm not counting temp Monica).
  19. Yes, they can. The go to for MIA/off-screen Laura is that she should be kept in the dark about things because "nobody wants to worry her due to her mental health/history of breakdowns." When teenage Lucky wanted nothing to do with Luke after finding out about Laura's rape, Laura didn't know they were on the outs 'til she returned to PC. When Lucky was devastated about Luke running over Jake, there was little to no mention of Laura or Bobbie being worried (and certainly no JJ&GF or JJ&JZ scenes) about Lucky - even though Bobbie had been in the same situation and could empathize with her nephew! I'm pretty sure Laura was kept in the dark when Aiden was kidnapped from the hospital, too. The only time in the last few years that I can recall the writing supporting that Laura should possibly be involved with a "crisis" is when Luke was MIA and Tracy offered Laura her plane/financial support to go find Luke because she felt that L&L's history made Laura the right person to retrieve/save/smack some sense into Luke. Laura turned her down, saying nope not my place anymore.
  20. Is it too much to hope that Elizabeth will be surprised by her brother, Steven Lars, coming to visit? He needs to get out of prison already. They had a great sibling relationship, he had a relationship with her boys, he was a doctor at GH, and he could remind her that a) Franco is his half-brother so it's weird and b) he was there and witnessed the hell she suffered when Franco arranged to kidnap newborn Aiden and c)all of the Franco's behavior can't be blamed on a tumor or trauma in childhood.
  21. Not to mention Jake. I just saw the scenes of Jason visiting Jake for his birthday. Their chat on the couch was all kinds of awkward. Liz had to tell Jason what subjects Jake likes in school, and then when Jake explained his math studies, Jason couldn't even begin to grasp what he was talking about. Sooo, it seems like between Christmas and Jake's birthday in May, Jason has spent most to all of his time with Sonny, Carly, an Michael dealing with their self-created problems instead of focusing on building relationships with his own sons. Oh, and he's also spent some time trying to judge Drew and the relationship Drew and Sam built. When Jake said I have three dads while Spencer doesn't have a dad (and Jake knew Spencer's dad!), I thought "aww, an indirect acknowledgement of Lucky in addition to Drew and Jason" ... then realized he meant Franco, Drew and Jason. Ugh. I also thought it was glaring that he's talking about his conversation with Spencer, yet no mention of Grandma Laura. So he didn't get to say hello to Grandma Laura, for a Happy Birthday wish? Okay then. I'm also ticked off that Elizabeth told Jason that Franco inspires Jake's art. Not only is that gross, it ignores the fact that she - Jake's mother - has been an on-again, off-again artist since she was a teenager! Waaaayyyyy before the Franco character ever existed. UGH.
  22. I agree with you, except for this part. I took her reaction as hurt and especially embarrassment at a public humiliation. Dean was always so sweet and devoted that him calling her out *then* and *in that setting* is what took her by surprise. Rory has been written as someone who is really uncomfortable with the possibility that anyone outside of Chilton would not like her and think highly of her. Her mom, her best friend and the Stars Hollow were so anti-Jess, and Dean was so devoted to her, that she stayed with Dean because it was safe. I saw a lot of her behavior as having feelings for Jess but being in denial about it, and also not wanting to make her own life harder by breaking up with Dean to be with Jess. Rory's problem was that what she wanted in a boyfriend was Jess's snark, interests, intelligence, and looks but Dean's general reliability, devotion to her specifically, and ability to get along well with Lorelai and the Gilmores. The guy Jess became after he left Stars Hollow is the type Rory wanted. She liked Logan and I think she figured once they had sex, he would immediately become a one-woman man. She was stunned and humiliated to find out he slept with his sister's friends after they had a big fight, and that he assumed they were "broken up." Then in the revival, she seemed to think she was - or should be - the great love of his life. I thought it was pretty clear he saw her as a long-term mistress. She was really hurt when she realized he never had any intention of re-considering his engagement to his fiance. The possessiveness toward Dean while he was still married to Lindsay, and then toward Logan while he was engaged, definitely made her look bad. However, I think Lorelai, Richard and Emily treating her like she was the most brilliant, beautiful, sweet angel girl in the whole wide world during her teen-age years contributed to her behaving in such an entitled way.
  23. Well, Jason does have basic powers of observation; he's brain damaged not brain dead. When you act like a child which Carly does around him and really everyone, you deserve to be handled like one.
  24. The 'only my feelings matter' mentality is consistent with Lulu's character, dating back to when JMB was in the role. She asked Lucky - while he was grieving his dead son that Luke killed (before the terrible "Helena kidnapped Jake and staged his death" retcon) - to go bring Luke back to Port Charles because "I need my dad." She was more than willing to pressure/guilt her so-called beloved brother into putting her feelings first, his heartbreak be damned. So I absolutely believe that she thinks she should get what she wants from her 'best friend forever' (whom she hated as a teenager) immediately.
  25. You want Kevin to spend more time with Lulu, self-absorbed Girl Reporter Extraordinaire? Geez, what did Kevin ever do to you? I'd rather see him being a positive influence in the lives of Laura's grandchildren in Port Charles. God knows Liz's boys could use a grandpa with psychiatrist/therapist training.
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