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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Laura: "You started all this, Luke. Don't you realize that? You taught our son to trust people like this. You made him believe he was safe with people like this, and that's why he never came home." Luke: "The reason he never came home was there was no home to come to. There was a house of lies."
  2. I thought Bobbie's wide eyes and screaming for two seconds was horror for her brother - she asks "Where's Luke?" "Where's Laura?" No sobbing in Mac's arms for a minute or two before going to hold Elizabeth. Just strikes me as odd now. Sonny's utter lack of emotion through the scenes is gross, too. His supposed close friend's son is presumed dead, and he just shrugs and says "Sorry" - no single tear running down a cheek, no wobbling chin. I had forgotten how awful he was even back then.
  3. It's ironic that teen Emily is sobbing about Lucky's death in the fire, and tells Jason this is not his fault ... only to have the adult Emily recast get murdered as revenge on Jason. Luke makes a total asshole comment to Laura moments after she's just seen the burnt body of "Lucky." UGH. Bobbie sits next to a sobbing Elizabeth and doesn't even seem to shed a tear that her own nephew is believed dead. She just seems vaguely disappointed or sad, why was that? Those scenes at the burned down shop showed the very beginning of Jason and Elizabeth connecting after JJ Lucky is declared "dead." Can you image if someone predicted that she would have a son by Jason, and then a third son by Lucky?
  4. It seems Elizabeth thinks he is, for cooperating with Dante to get Drew out from under the freezer door. Her line "You saved his life" makes me roll my eyes. I would like Mike to get away from Sonny, spend more time at the hospital getting evaluated and hanging out with nurse Elizabeth Webber. The Mike-Elizabeth scenes were Becky showing Elizabeth's true heart, compassion, empathy, kindness instead of the pathetic Franco propper she's currently being written as. I loved when Mike asked her if Lucky still plays his guitar for her; my heart melted. It was nice for her to get a reminder of her past and the person she used to be. The last time I was moved by a Liz scene was when she tearfully convinced Jake to deactivate and put down the canister of Chimera. I watched the scene of Elizabeth angrily, indignantly telling Jason that Franco feels guilty for what he did and "has apologized." So I'm wondering, did I miss scenes of Franco offering some half-assed apologies to Sam, Michael, Lulu (for strapping her to a bomb)? I've only seen him whine that people need to get over that and that he had a tumor so it wasn't his fault, it's unfair that everyone hates me, etc. I agree with those who have posted that Elizabeth's need for Jason to think Franco is a decent person/redeemed shows she wants her faith in Franco to be validated by someone who matters to her. She has a history with Jason that dates back to her teenage years, so I'm sure it hurts that he won't say "I trust your judgement" and won't play nice with Franco for Jake's sake. I'm sure it hurts much worse than it would coming from others because very few characters currently on the canvas in Elizabeth's general age group have known her for so long and had faith in her. Carly's disapproval, on the other hand, is easy to blow off esp. when she's all "well I can be excused for my poor judgement of being involved with and getting engaged to Franco because I thought Franco was Jason's brother and I was missing Jason - nevermind that Franco had my beloved son raped."
  5. Agree. I have watched on and off; the supposedly romantic Jackson-Maggie scene grossed me out and had me thinking very poorly of Jackson. This guy stood up at April and Matthew's wedding just a few years ago, declared his love to April saying "Even the things I don't like about you, I love," basically asking April in front of everyone to leave Matthew for him. Since then, they've lost a child shortly after April gave birth and April almost died from the traumatic C-section of their second child. That was just a year ago. While they are no longer married, we know they've been intimate, are co-parenting and remaining colleagues since Harriet's birth. April's Game Night outburst and then hinting at a hook up with that doc as she left should have flat-out alarmed Jackson, at a minimum because she's the mother of his child. Instead, he's merely very irritated with April's behavior toward the woman he's dating when he's actually focused on Maggie. So he takes his date home as it's clear that Maggie and Clive are done, breaks up with her, and then returns immediately to tell Maggie he wants to date her. Yet the woman who has been his "great love," with whom he shares a child, isn't even a thought in his head? Someone should be at least checking to make sure April got home safely, and if April doesn't want to have conversations with Jackson, he could ask a mutual friend to look out for her explaining that right now April is shutting him out.
  6. I think Gail Baldwin was Elizabeth's therapist after the rape? I know Lee passed away, but is Gail still alive? I would love for Gail to find out EIizabeth is engaged to Franco, then she runs into Elizabeth at the Nurses's Ball, and asks her if they can speak alone. Gail would be right to show concern for her former patient, with Liz's history of dysfunction with men and relationships ending, and now engaged to Franco. If Kevin joins as back up in a Liz intervention, even better. He has known Liz since she was a teenager as well, and could touch on how danger can be lurking in plain sight.
  7. Carly never had the state remove Josslyn from her custody after her first child was shot in the head for being near Sonny, and her second child was (as far as we know) killed by a bomb meant for another Mobster. If she can keep Joss after almost marrying Franco and re-marrying Sonny yet again, Sam doesn't deserve to lose custody for a conversation with Jason. Liz has exposed her children to both Franco and Jason; she needs intervention from her isolation and also to get real friends. The writing for Liz is so abysmal. UGH. Jake already acted out, and the end result (due to Sam's stupidity, actually) was Liz's house blowing up.
  8. A) Agree. That scene played out like Sam verbally acknowledging how she was reacting when Burton's Jason returned. I thought it was pretty clear that she knew right away he was the real Jason, and still loved him when she looked at him, but is *in love* with Drew and is happy with the life they've been building together. Every scene shows they have history and can read each other well, that she still feels love/attachment to him and is relieved he is alive, and that she didn't want to hurt Drew by saying immediately, "Listen, I'm completely in love with you, but you're not Jason. He is." Jason seemed to understand that what Sam feels for him does not lessen what she feels for Drew, and how much she values their life and their child together. The interesting thing to me was that the actress plays her scenes with Miller like Sam constantly wants to kiss him, whereas I didn't get the sense at all that Sam was fighting an urge to kiss Jason - even after they've just had that physical danger/big crisis moment that is reminiscent of the "ride or die" life she had with him. B) Agree. That shows maybe there is still hope for her not to continue behaving like her mother into adulthood. I wish Alexis had seen her behavior, and said "Josslyn, word of advice: If you want respect from people as you grow up, perhaps it's better to follow your father's example of behavior rather than your mother's. All of this carrying on is not a good look."
  9. Yes Jason needs to move on, and he should think of Jake - the one reason not to kill Franco. Jason needs to have it spelled out for him that Jake went through a lot, acted out, etc. Unfortunately, Jake is really attached to Franco, and he would eventually find out that Jason either killed Franco or let him die, causing Jake emotional trauma and harming the relationship Jason is trying to build with Jake. There are a few positive notes about this earthquake: -Franco getting trapped under a heavy fallen object. -Franco's suffering gets extended because it's too heavy for Mike to lift. -Lulu has a couple of moments of being a kind, non-self involved person while helping make a sling for the kid in the red blazer. I liked that she offered the kid a mom's perspective. -Kevin's line "He'd do it for me" was a brief, vague reference to their history. -Carly being trapped in a room with Nelle. That's what you get for showing up at someone's workplace uninvited, to bully/threaten a pregnant woman. Michael has been over 18 for some years now; it's up to him and Nelle to decide how much they're in each other's lives and what arrangements they make about their child. -Sam asking Olivia if Leo is okay.
  10. A) I can fanwank that Elizabeth might not feel a need to go to her boys because they're with Bobbie (who's been a nurse for many more years than Liz has), but she would be trying to call Bobbie on her phone as she tried to rush to the hospital to help care for the casualties. The ONLY man Elizabeth would ever wait on at a church in the midst of a crisis, hoping he'd show up, is her ex-husband Lucky Spencer (as played by JJ) who raised her eldest son during his formative years, who raised her middle son until he was kidnapped at almost four years old, and who is the father of her youngest son. I wish that "Friz" montage had started with Liz's introduction to Franco - JJ's Lucky coming to see her at the nurse's station and warning her that a dangerous man who considers himself an artist and is obsessed with Jason, might approach her, and that he was sending a patrol car to the house to protect her and the boys. Lucky said her relationship with Jason is a matter of public record, so that was why Franco would be interested.. B) Preach it, Darlazr!
  11. I know there are Elizabeth fans (myself included) who had hoped she would call off the wedding to Franco because she came to her senses. But I think this would be most fitting: Jake was boasting to Danny that he would hold the rings at Mom and Franco's wedding, and Danny was objecting because he has heard both Daddy Jason and Daddy Drew talking to Mommy about how Franco is bad news. Jake holds out the rings to show them, arguing back. Annabelle II is upset to see the boys arguing, grabs the rings with her mouth and takes off. By the time they find her, the rings have been buried. Cue Franco "Even Jason's son's dog hates me? Whine whine whine." At this point, Sam shows up with Scout. She puts Scout down for a moment to tell Franco to stay away from Danny; Franco blows her off by walking a few steps away and trying to be cutesy toward Scout. Annabelle charges at Franco, growling, showing teeth, ready to attack if he takes one more step toward Scout. Elizabeth is upset that Jake and Danny are fighting and Annabelle II obviously believes Scout is in danger from Franco. She says the wedding is canceled.
  12. Does Elizabeth know Franco was Nina's partner in going on the run with kidnapped newborn Avery? Can't recall if she helped to treat Ava at GH after she was found. With the way Liz is written now, I guess she found a way to dismiss a second newborn abduction.
  13. But he IS in the Mob, and someone should ask Michael, "Don't you want better for your child than the childhood you had?" Would you want your child to be constantly surrounded by bodyguards growing up, and at risk for kidnapping or worse? You were shot in the head as a boy because you were near Sonny; Jason's ex-wife was shot in the back because she was near him. Think about that."
  14. A) So Drew could be the heroic chaperone who gets a father-son moment with Drew at an event that's important to the kid, and so Kim could be impressed and grateful for Drew's help/support. B) I assumed Obrecht would be there since she's such a Franco supporter and values loyalty. I sort of expect to hear a line from her soon saying it was a relief that they were told the wedding is off because she wasn't up to seeing his happiness when she's mourning the death of her son. C) I agree that was funny. Pip can see through people, especially someone as transparent as Scott.
  15. For once on a wedding/non-wedding day, there weren't any church scenes with other cast members going on as Liz was having her side room conversations and wondering about Franco's whereabouts. Scotty's line about "guests getting restless" was amusing because as far as the audience knows/can assume, the guests consist of three of Elizabeth's colleagues (Felix, Epiphany and Bobbie who may only be there for the sake of her grandnephews), and the three people other than Liz and her sons who don't hate Franco: Kiki, Ava, and Obrecht. Maybe Elizabeth's Grandma Audrey showed up too, but did she even get a mention? If so that would be a total attendance of 8 people, not including the bride, her three sons, and the groom.
  16. I especially think this is true after the school alt dance scene on Friday. Monaco played it like Sam was having a lot of fun chaperoning/dancing with Drew. The vibe I got was, "Wow, I didn't know he could do this - being in love with and married to Drew just gets better and better!" Jason would never have volunteered them to chaperone and then danced like that with her in front of a crowd of kids - he barely tolerated being at weddings for his own family or close friends. Sam comes across like she will always feel some love for Jason and treasures their past and their son. She speaks to him as a friendly ex. She wants Drew in present day.
  17. Nelle responded to Michael that she doesn't have any family; he is thinking of their mortality from seeing Sonny dealing with Mike's dementia). Michael started to respond with his thoughts, and Nelle said he better not be thinking about turning their child over to his mother. We don't see the rest of their conversation; cut to Michael meeting up with Jason in the Quartermaine mansion. Jason had received a text from Michael, but didn't tell Carly he was leaving their pep talk to go see Michael.
  18. I didn't see the Liz/Ric storyline, but my understanding is that Ric never kidnapped infant Cameron, and I was watching when they got back together - at which point he didn't kidnap any of her three sons. I think Ric didn't stalk Liz, as Franco did by hiding in the backseat of her car? My guesses for the spoilers: Elizabeth is grateful because Jason reluctantly saves Franco because he has heard that Franco is important to Jake. Drew and Kim will have to save Oscar and Josslyn from the freezer because they're now locked in since the dumbass took her in there to make out. Carly will continue to try to bully Nelle, even during an earthquake. She will freak out when she sees Josslyn's dress covered in red. Upon learning that Kim has said more about Drew's past, Sam will say "Okay, we need more information about your past" and will take "the next step." I hope Elizabeth and Kim bond because Liz needs girlfriends and Kim understands what it's like being a medical professional and a parent without a spouse/steady partner.
  19. I can't be the only one wondering who wrote Jason's delusional line to Carly: "You learn from your mistakes, Nelle doesn't." I just can't with all of his Carly propping. UGH. Carly seeking out Nelle to warn/threaten her right after the talk with Jason proves yet again that Carly has not learned from her mistakes. My speculation is her hatred toward Nelle leads toward a miscarriage. Nelle's a big bad again because she gave a dress from Crimson's closet to Josslyn, Oooohhh *rolling my eyes.* That lame, staged stunt by the sketchy-looking kid to prop Drew, Kim and Sam as parents/chaperones and then the 4 exes all having their cute "moment" just as the Port Charles-wide trauma-drama starts is also eye-roll worthy. Michael is definitely a Stupid. Little. Shit. It doesn't dawn on him that by deciding to name Jason as guardian of the baby, they are turning the baby over to Carly. Scotty is an ass for trash talking Kevin (dude you had an affair with Kevin's wife!), but at least Liz knows, yet again, that Franco is keeping something important to himself.
  20. Have Felix and Elizabeth had a scene together since Sabrina's funeral? The cast is so diminished that we can't even get a scene of Elizabeth seeing just two girlfriends whispering, ask them to talk to her and get a line like, "Elizabeth, ggggirl, we love you and that's why we can't go through with watching you marry Franco." Cameron's lines make sense. He adores Elizabeth because she has been raising and loving them, as opposed to all the people who have left them in the years since Aiden's birth (for whatever reason): Dad (Lucky), JakesonDrew, Ric, Uncle Steven, Aunt Hayden, Uncle Nikolas, and Grandma Laura. He wants his family to be stable/for his mother not to cry and feel alone as she has after every guy walks out on her, so he tells her he wants her to have someone who loves her (I certainly took note that he didn't endorse Franco). He stated the obvious about Jake's feelings regarding Franco, and I totally believe that Aiden is just thinking of this as a party (a.k.a, not attached to Franco). Hopefully, something happens so that this wedding is off forever.
  21. Brad's line that the birth mother will "find out about Julian" made me roll my eyes. A deeper background check would reveal that Lucas had a legal father who raised him, *Tony Jones*, and that Tony is now deceased. Lucas only met Julian as an adult, has never lived with him, and hasn't spent much time with him - as opposed to all the contact Lucas and his mother have with his sister, who lives with an active Mob boss and has been married to him on and off for many years now, and by the way during this time multiple children have been killed, nearly killed, and comatose.
  22. I get that it's a different experience, and she feels that fostering is hard to do. Understandable. BUT I found "the hardest thing I've ever done" to be an eye-roll worthy line. This is a woman who graduated college and then got a master's (years of hard work), has a successful marriage with a man who dwells on perfectionism and has issues from his childhood family life that make him not an easy person to live and raise a family with, has handled two pregnancies and been a parent for some years now (physical strain and hard work), has handled her husband moving his dying biological father into their home and then Randall's subsequent breakdown after they all got attached to the man. Yet taking care of troubled young Deja, getting attached and then letting her go in a period of weeks or months, was totally harder than all of her previous much longer term life experiences. Yeah. Okay. Surrrreeee. Now, if Deja had been a part of their lives since early Season 1, I could think that line has a shred of credibility.
  23. *Sigh.* Yes, he has to go to his mother's wedding (assuming it happens). But did anyway actually say, "Oh, Elizabeth's wedding is today." I thought there would be a scene of Jake putting his suit on and maybe telling (ugh) Franco, "yeah I'm excited, I'm just bummed that I'm missing my sister's first birthday party." Jake is much more attached to Scout than Oscar is.
  24. THIS. Also didn't care for Beth's line to Kate that "fostering is the hardest thing I've ever done," and then the tear she wipes away as she shares that she's been thinking of Deja. Really?! Taking care of a girl with issues for...a few months? is harder than carrying two pregnancies to term, giving birth to your daughters, and raising them everyday up to this moment? It's harder than dealing with however many years of Randall's anxieties while raising your young children? No mention of checking in on their own children. UGH.
  25. I liked the Scout birthday scenes, especially seeing both grandmothers there, BUT - where was Jake? Did someone have a line explaining that he had other plans? That bothered me because during the holidays Drew and Sam told Jake he will always be Scout's brother (even though they're technically cousins). Oscar, who just saw Scout for the first time at Christmas (approximately two months ago), shows up at their door and Drew says they couldn't celebrate Scout's birthday without her big brother. WTF? Also, I guess Kristina didn't send her niece a gift? Has she shut out her sisters too, not just Alexis? It's so nice that Monica can go to a birthday party and see her grandchildren without being forced to deal with Carly and Sonny. Monica has built a relationship with Drew that she had always wanted with Jason; it's great to see her have one decent, living child who shows her respect.
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