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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Omg, isn't that what Amber T.'s Emily said to SB's Carly when AJ and Carly were engaged to be married and planned for the whole family to be there for their wedding? I would love to see Amber as Emily take on LW's Carly. Carly wouldn't know what hit her, lol.
  2. Omg, isn't that what Amber T.'s Emily said to SB's Carly when AJ and Carly were engaged to be married and planned for the whole family to be there for their wedding? I would love to see Amber as Emily take on LW's Carly. Carly wouldn't know what hit her, lol.
  3. Huh, my GH standards regarding the wardrobe dept must be pretty low these days because when KMc walked into the scene to join SB, I was thinking that she looked significantly nicer in that blue top than she did in that floral (?) shirt she was wearing when Robin interrupted Patrick and Sabrina's wedding. I would say that they just don't care because Robin's not a regular on the show anymore - but there have been some seriously bad wardrobe choices for women who ARE still regular contract characters.
  4. Did anybody see the Hallmark movie where GH's "Nathan" and "temp Maxie" (actress is Jen/Maxie who married Matt) fall in love? That is a small world. I found their storyline far more believable than Nathan and Maxie (as played by Storms) from day one.
  5. The last reference to Lucky I recall was during a Halloween party at the Metrocourt; Elizabeth was talking to Griffin. At the time, Griffin thought Charlotte was his daughter and was struggling in 'taking on the responsibility of single parenthood' since Claudette took off. Elizabeth told him that she understood because the father of her "youngest" was an absentee parent, too. I thought, hey Liz, he was the only father Cam ever knew too. Grrr at those writers. I know that Liz mentioned "losing Lucky" to SBJason recently, but I don't count that because it about his actions or parenting re: her sons. What I feel is long overdue, is middle school/teenage Cam being angry that Lucky and then Jason abandoned him.
  6. Hmmm, what if Mac kicks them BOTH into the harbor? I'm willing to compromise.
  7. I was also disappointed in the writing because Jason did not thank Robin for going back into that lab because she was determined to save him. She lost years with Patrick and Emma as a result of that. I don't get why Robin had dialogue about CC and the 'other Jason' but not that very important moment in their history after we saw SBJason cry over her "death" - her actions in getting the formula out to Patrick saved his life but cost her hers. Whether he should have thanked her or not for her second time in captivity to save who she thought was him is subjective, but the moment of Robin running back into the lab for Jason's sake is not.
  8. This is my only interest in Britt - bringing Faison with her. At which point (on an ideal GH), Mac and SBJason would trap him and take turns making him feel the pain, fear, and despair Robin felt when she was his captive. I don't include Anna because she's already demonstrated she's completely incompetent when dealing with Faison. If SBJason wants to finish it by shooting Faison in the back and kicking him into the harbor in return, well nobody important would object.
  9. THIS. And could Oscar's mom please kill Carly by beating her with a large, chewed turkey leg and scalding her with gravy on Thanksgiving. If that happened, I wouldn't think bad thoughts about GH for a week. The idea of Monica Q. rejoicing that she has two sons to love this Thanksgiving (as opposed to after AJ had been murdered but before Jake Doe was declared Jason) while Carly's holiday is awful makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
  10. I really want to see Mac Scorpio show up in a scene where Robin is visiting from Berkeley to help resolve a Tale of Two Jasons. Someone, possibly Robin, explains the situation as the twins stare at each other with contempt. Mac: "Wait, there are two of you now?? What fresh hell is this?!" Somewhere, somehow, Tracy Q. can hear him same that and we, the audience can faintly hear her response: "I knew I always liked you, Mac. "
  11. You know, a bunch of old Sonny scripts could be recycled for this, just erase "Griffin" and "Ava' and insert "Jax" and "Carly" or "Brenda." I have zero interest in Ava, but I would get a kick out of Sonny and Carly seeing Ava emerge from a bedroom wearing just a robe, getting in her face about what a pathetic loser Griffin is to have gone to bed with her (yes, hypocrisy from him of course) and ... SBJason comes out shirtless from the bedroom and tells them to SHUT UP. Their heads exploding would be better than the time Carly saw hungover Michael in Brenda's bed. I really don't care why such circumstances happen. Maybe Jason is getting drunk because he saw Sam making out with BMJason, and he's talking to Ava who's also drinking because she had a big fight with Griffin about something. But S&C looking like the stupid assholes they ARE would be awesome!
  12. I don't think it's about "the life" because you are correct that Jason having a gun and shooting at people as Sonny's enforcer never scared Sam. SBJason was constantly tasked with dealing with Carly's drama; guarding/rescuing/temporarily caring for the children, attempting to manage Sonny, and more. BMJason has definitely shot people in relation to his association with Sonny, but he hasn't been in shoot outs very regularly as SBJason once was. He hasn't been tasked with anything to do with Josslyn or little Avery (that I remember) that took time away from Sam, and his only interaction with Morgan was the sorta-car chase in the moments before Morgan got blown up. Carly didn't run to BMJason to beg him to get Michael to dump Nelle. Yes, she says Sonny and Carly are their great friends, but it's easier to say that when they're not dependent on your husband on a weekly basis to deal with the fall out of their life disasters. BMJason has been a supportive friend to them and had moments of protecting and/or saving Sonny, yes. However, we've seen him having actual conversations with Sam that aren't all about Sonny or Carly and Mob enemies. We've seen him get into bed with Sam and tell her that he supervised the boys brushing their teeth, and he put them to bed. In this world of BMJason and Sam, they have some focus on their own children (when the kids aren't with Grandma Monica, Grandma Alexis or Aunt Molly). Their kids aren't at Casa Corinthos with whichever nanny has full-time responsibility for raising little Avery. I feel like that's where the kids would be, if TPTB had been writing for SBJason and Sam. THIS^ is why Sam is so happy; BMJason having Jason's memories of their love just made the whole situation sweeter.
  13. I love (sarcastically) that Carly is completely ignoring how utterly traumatized Danny would be if she had her way and he was handed over to SBJason tomorrow with the announcement, "He's actually not just an old friend of your mom's - he's your Daddy. But you can still like this guy you thought was your Daddy, because he's your uncle. " She doesn't care what he would go through, anymore than she acknowledges the hell her own kids have been through as a result of her repeatedly choosing to have Jason and Sonny as her topic toxic priorities. I loved when Joss called her out on her "cycle."
  14. Back when both Jason and AJ were alive/around at the same time, Monica still had Edward, Alan, Emily and (often-ish) Tracy in her life. Aside from the twin men, Sam, and the three children/her grandchildren, she has grandson Michael and Ned and Olivia (plus toddler Leo) in Port Charles now. That's it. She didn't act like Jason has never had a brother before. I think it's totally understandable, especially at this point in her life, that she cares about them getting along as family.
  15. Absolutely agree. And LW plays Carly as completely entitled, with no hints of genuine self-hatred or vulnerability even after her kids have been shot or blown up.
  16. This. BMJason is the kind of partner Sam wanted even before SBJason's dock-and-roll. He is a family man, who doesn't live to serve S&C.
  17. So true, although at the time they were in the safehouse, he didn't yet know about Scout. Speaking of how awful they are, I'm wondering whether to expect Carly to go to Sam within the next week and demand that she dump BMJason for SBJason 'because I know you know the truth, Sam' OR to expect she'll pressure/demand that Liz bring Jake to Casa Corinthos for Thanksgiving because 'Jason deserves to see his son for the holiday', and she'll do the same to Sam re: Danny. Her line to BMJason would be a half-assed "I'm so sorry, I'm not trying to hurt you, but you're just not their dad." I anticipate this because of the time when she told Liz she was on her way to see Diane because 'you're going to share custody with Jason."
  18. Thanks, HeatLifer. I watched that scene because of this post. It is hilarious, esp. "you're staking your claim!" Ummm, no that would be *you* BMJason, saying "my wife" to SBJason twice now instead of "Sam." Any hint that SBJason and Sam have history and he's ready to fight. It's funny how much he hates Sam being comfortable around/not afraid of SBJason. Sam gets to play referee because BMJason has such a chip on his shoulder regarding an identity he didn't want not too long ago, lol.
  19. While I agree with you all that it is funny/weird/OTT, I kind of enjoy the irony that Jason's brother has been raising Jason's son, at the moment the real Jason is 'nothing to Danny' (borrowing Sonny's quote to blond sister back when Michael was little), and the brother wants to keep Jason away from Sam, Danny and Scout, saying he's a danger. All because Jason made a choice five years ago, and it wasn't to stay home with his family on his son's first night at home. Karma sucks, huh Jason. Although now I wonder if Sonny will try to intimidate BMJason into giving up Sam, Danny and Jake to the real Jason. The difference though is that BMJason could squish Sonny if he tried to put him on a meat hook.
  20. I can't decide which is most amusing: BMJason insisting *he* is the real Jason when he once said he didn't have a good opinion of Jason from what he'd heard and thus was struggling to accept that identity, or the Commissioner telling hostile BMJason she didn't need his permission for a DNA test due to it being a public safety issue, or Monica hearing about the twin thing from BMJason before S&C/S&C being offended that they had not heard about the twins possibility from either Jason, or BMJason approaching SBJason like he thinks he can intimidate him. SBJason's "you're an annoying idiot if you think you scare me" look is back in that spoiler clip.
  21. I think we are supposed to feel for Sam, not necessarily root for BMJason and Sam. I thought the monologue was written as Sam's acknowledgement that she knows SBJason is the real Jason, and she still feels love for him when she sees and talks to him - but she will not act on it because she's in love with BMJason, she married him, he is Emily Scout's father, and the only father Danny knows. The Derek Wells Media mention was deliberate. After he said that and she sat down and started the monologue (while not facing him), I got the impression she was remembering how she told BMJason, "I didn't know how much I wanted this until you got it started." She was grinning from ear-to-ear, with baby Emily Scout in her lap, and Danny was excited by the idea of helping them, hugging BMJason, etc. That is the life Sam wants now; not being second to S&C (and Michael) on his priority list. SBJason doesn't know the woman Sam is now, and they both seem to recognize that. While some may think it's inaccurate/poor to compare Julian and Alexis to Jason and Sam - things were ugly between them when Jake was an infant (including Jason's threat although he did not hold a knife to her), Julian also did not put Alexis first, both Alexis and Sam have lied for these men. Sam recognizes that Alexis just can't turn off what she felt for Julian (she's just blind as to how destructive her relationship with SBJason was at times, like nobody aside from Joss saying Sonny is just as much if not more of a pig than Julian ever has been and that S&C have a sick, destructive relationship).
  22. It seemed like SBJason was trying to be gentle/non-confrontational in speaking to Sam, since he'd already turned her world upside down. She was (understandably) crying when he came to see her and held her hand in the hospital. He knows she's in a very difficult position, as a parent and as spouse to BMJason. He had no idea when the other guy would return to the penthouse; Sam in tears would have definitely meant BMJason attacking SBJason, whether Scout was in the room or not. Maybe the "how could you believe he was me?!" will come later. I thought he seemed to feel restrained pain/sadness at seeing Sam holding Emily Scout; his reaction was not happiness/joy in the eyes like it was for Robin back when she got what she wanted: marriage to Patrick and a healthy baby girl. Any expression of anger or pain is more likely to come later, when he's alone with S&C or possibly Elizabeth. What got me was Sam going on to Jason about how evil Julian is, without acknowledging that they all got close to him in the first place because he was a bone marrow match to Danny and so he saved the boy's life. I want to see Jason feel like shit because his son had cancer and he wasn't there for his son or Sam. Again...because he chose serving Sonny/their 'business' over family.
  23. I didn't say she only gets to be upset about one thing in life. However, he is a 30-something man in a committed relationship and is now engaged to the woman who is pregnant with his child. The worry/drama would be understandable if, say, a pregnancy resulted from a ONS/fling and an abortion was planned.
  24. THIS, especially because as far as we know Toby did not get divorced because it was a mentally or physically abusive relationship, or because one of them was cheating. A very conservative Catholic parent would be deeply upset that their child married and divorced young , and no grandchildren resulted from the marriage on top of that. After that, I think a mother should/would be happy (or at least not that upset) that her child is marrying a woman and they're having a baby.
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