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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Serena could possibly help the show be less Mob-centric. She's the bio daughter of Mac's old love, could be skeptical of Laura as Kevin's gf given her history of marriage and then engagement to Scott, and could put Kristina in her place ("Oh, just shut up Princess. Your father is not a good man. Have you ever heard the name Karen Wexler? Well, we should talk!" I would like for Oscar to turn out to be the son of Carly's dead ex/Sonny's former enemy. "All my mom ever told me is that my father's last name was Alcazar." Cue S&C's horrified faces. Priceless.
  2. Actually, IMO Carly's the one who should have died at some point for choosing Sonny over and over and over again. Instead, her kids get physically and emotionally wounded (or killed). I would like for this Oscar kid to turn out to be the previously unknown son of Alcazar, Carly's dead ex and one of Sonny's Mob enemies. The kid never knew his father or anything about the Mob. S&C would hate for a kid of Alcazar's to be Joss's first love. It's just a bonus that the kid would be a half sibling to a sorta-Q daughter's little girl, Lila Rae.
  3. In the quick scene of the photographer taking the N&O wedding family shot, the groom's aunt and the bride's son are included, but not the groom's brother?? What?! It was especially glaring because Dillon went out on the balcony with everyone else to see the fireworks. Hey Carly, if you hate seeing Nelle and Michael together (Ha! Suck it up!), maybe you shouldn't be there - you hate Michael's Q family and in fact helped cover up the fact that your date murdered the groom's cousin, you and Olivia are business partners, not friends, and your date also shot the bride's (and his own) son. - a second reason he shouldn't be there. I did like that Michael and Nelle chose not to sit with S&C.
  4. Until we hear otherwise, Michael is AJ's only child. The father of Brenda's child was a Russian mobster,Karpov's son. IIRC, the story was that Brenda dumped him and tried to get some distance, he cornered her, they struggled and she accidentally killed him. Dante knew her back then and helped cover it up. Karpov wanted revenge ... cue the storyline of Brenda coming back to Port Charles and moving in with Jason so he could protect her. Bleh. At that time she believed her baby had not survived.
  5. Possibly - in a Ned-Tracy goodbye seen (on the Q couch) he mentioned love of Olivia and his daughter. So no mention of his daughter on his wedding day is glaring.
  6. I just don't think Monica would "sit vigil" unless a nephew, her son or one of her grandchildren was the one shot (assuming at close range) and badly injured. I am, however, assuming Michael will not be shot again, and that Nelle will comfort him. I am looking forward to S&C being forced, at least temporarily, to shut up about how Nelle would only ever hurt Michael, there's nothing decent about her and he should never forgive her, blah blah. On the negative side, I hate that a shooting will make Joss cry for her awful mother and stepdad.
  7. Sooo ... what are the odds, based on spoilers, that "Crazy" Sam tries to shoot Sonny during the N&O wedding, and a Q gets the bullet instead? Given recent news, I'm wondering if Jason will get shot in the face/head, go into a coma, and months later (after surgeries) ... will come back fully functional looking like *gasp* himself the night he went to the docks, waving goodbye to Sam and Danny.
  8. So many missed opportunities since Josslyn doesn't know about the ugly past. She should be screaming at Carly because first Sonny almost killed her dad via plane tampering, and now deportation. Also, when Carly was lecturing Joss that "anything could have happened" during the party, I wanted Joss to respond with, "Oh, you mean like Michael getting shot in the head because he was in the warehouse with the love of your life, Sonny?!?"
  9. It's better for Michael that he didn't. Knowing her, she'd feel a sense of loyalty to her P.O.S. boss and first baby daddy, and either a) said he's not allowed to bring that girl to my wedding or b) lectured him about not doing this to his family when they're going through such a hard time. Michael gets enough unsolicited "advice" from his own mother as it is; he doesn't need to get a lecture from his brother's mom, too.
  10. Hmm, are they going to have him color his hair black, and also be the (previously unknown to the audience) son of a Sonny mob rival family? Worked so well for SJB, after all /sarcasm.
  11. Or to knock them off their high horse when they're being snide, judging, and/or condescending about someone's behavior when it's extremely hypocritical. Carly would have to actually acknowledge having made mistakes (aside from 'betrayal of Jason'), for them to be a teachable moment. Bobbie had zero interest in a "teachable moment" when she was trying to convince Michael that Nelle will be bad for him; Josslyn's eye roll was the perfect response. The air of superiority JZ is bringing to the scenes make it pretty clear she's not going to talk about the devious or destructive things she did when she was younger (but an adult). The only reason Michael now knows details about the grossness of Carly's past is because after talking to AJ, he confronted her, pushed for answers, and got angry when he could tell she was trying to worm her way out of being straight with him (and even as she admitted the truth, was spewing excuses). I love how, during Bobbie's b-day party, Carly's little speech to her in front of the fam was "I wasn't very nice to you in the beginning." LOL - wow, that is a quite a white wash of seducing her husband as revenge for the crime of being given up for adoption. I really wish Joss heard that Sonny was responsible for disabling her dad's plane when she was a child. She so deserves to tell her mom and Grandma Bobbie to STFU about defending the S&C relationship or criticizing her error in judgement, given everything that has happened in their lives. Bobbie needs to shut up, period, since she still adores her brother Luke after the heinous things he's done.
  12. I remember inconsistent writing for Liz re:Jason, while she was pregnant with Jake and when he was a baby. She turned Jason down when he said they could get married, giving the reasons that she loved Lucky and he loved Sam. When Michael was about to have brain surgery, Liz looked down and saw Cam in his place for a moment. Then she and Jason agreed to a secret relationship. I remember her telling baby Jake something like "Jason loves you, but his life is just too dangerous' (soon after she saw a shoot-out). She also told Robin at one point that she would have been in a relationship with Jason ages ago, but his life wasn't safe for her kid(s). She's also told Jason he would be a great father. Basically, she wanted Jason in a fantasy safe family life with her (no guns, no S&C, no Sam).
  13. But Sam can't say she is a victim unless she feels she/Jason/the kids are "trapped."
  14. For those of you who've paid attention: Nelle and Michael talked about how he had a real family, with all that comes with it. Has there been any reference to Nelle's mother? I assume she's not Virginia's daughter. I remember a conversation where she told Michael that her father, Frank, abandoned her for a time after the kidney surgery. i guess Frank died years ago? She told Nina that she left bad memories in Florida.
  15. Absolutely. Sam's behavior would make more sense if it started not so recently. Jason risked his life to save pregnant Robin from Olivia Jerome's bomb in the hospital elevator immediately after Scout's birth. Frantic Sam handed the baby to Epiphany and was all set to go running back into the evacuated hospital to save her husband. The storyline should have started with that moment. Knowing that Jason's first child was targeted*, and that Helena's messed with both Jason and Jake's minds (to the point that other children were around the chimera at the Nurse's Ball), she should be concerned for her own children being around Jake (he could unknowingly pose a threat still). In addition to hallucinations of Sonny bragging that Jason belongs to him, she should be having nightmares/visions of something like Jake showing an unloaded gun of Jason's to Danny (because Jason's never talked to him about guns being dangerous), and flashbacks of herself diving into the harbor after SBu's Jason final scene of being shot , then going into the harbor. All of her fears are related to Jason's more or less casual attitude about putting himself in danger, which he started doing a long time ago for Sonny. *While Jason went after the magic set delivery man to protect Jake, not for Sonny, Jason has a ton of experience going after "bad/dangerous guys" because he worked for Sonny,
  16. While the Michael and Nelle scenes don't have heat, I still prefer them to any of Michael's previous pairings. Sam introduced him to stripper Abby so he would get over being raped, Kiki was his brother's gf and they inexplicably became insta-attracted to each other once he saw her wearing just a towel (all downhill from there), and Sabrina was encouraging him to forgive Sonny for killing AJ when she didn't even know AJ, or anything about his relationship with Michael. She knew his grandmother because of the hospital, he hired her to be Avery's nanny after seeing her with the baby for just minutes, and their relationship, IMO, was just very forced from that point on. Nelle and Michael have had lots of scenes over X number of months of getting to know each other and/or him being angry about her actions re: his family, and she gives good attitude/snaps toward Bobbie instead of cowering. She and Carly are not on good terms, which is another plus. Michael needs a friend or gf in his life who's not about kissing the asses of the Corinthos Family or Bobbie. Bobbie's "I'm a badass Grandma who used to be a bad girl and I'm going to tell Nelle what's what" attitude is obnoxious and poor writing (shocker) given that her daughter is a heinous bitch who's done far worse ....just UGH.
  17. Ha ha! :) You're welcome. Michael needs to watch her do it, practice it, learn it well. It will be useful during so many conversations/scenes with S&C. His mother 's(and grandmother's) hypocrisy regarding Nelle is just one example.
  18. A Josslyn Jacks eye roll is needed for the scene of Jake telling Hayden shes "pretty cool" and hugging her (which of course Elizabeth witnesses) - when he's known her for what, 5 minutes? So nice of Show to now use Liz's middle kid to solidify Hayden's decision that she wants her baby. Such b.s. After everything he's been through, this kid should take a while to warm up to someone he barely knows. I hated her referring to herself as "Aunt Hayden" like she's been part of his life for a long time. As with so much on this Show, no build-up for the Hayden-Jake warmth to be believable.
  19. Rachel was a nasty bitch to Liz previously about her 3 kids, and them being without a dad. Then she shows up at the hospital, and asks Liz in front of Cam if she can take her "nephew" out since she has the day off (so she can have a brief experiment at mommyhood, but doesn't share that part with Liz). And then brings Spencer along on her "day with Cam", doesn't talk about it privately with Liz or Cam, doesn't know nor care that the boys don't get along. As far as we know, has expressed zero interest in getting to know Cam before. Even aside from the "bastards" comment about Liz's children, since she used Liz's kid to "test the waters" regarding children, Liz is not really out of line for questioning her about wanting the baby. In Liz's shoes, I'd be wondering if the woman would give birth, take the baby home, then decide she can't really handle parenthood and leave it on Liz 's doorstep for her and Gram Audrey to raise the kid because "we're family - you're already a mom. You can totally handle another kid. Thanks. Bye!"
  20. Her only female friend parent (okay, only female friend, period) is Maxie, who only visits with her child. I assume that's why Show has some awkward bonding scenes here and there, of Sam and Elizabeth discussing Jake or Danny and Scout. Liz is the one female Sam sees (in her age bracket) regularly, whose young children live with her full-time and are not being raised by paid nannies. GNOs were plot points for the single girls talking about or taking action to advance relationships. The only young "single women" now are Liz and Kiki, both in "committed relationships." I think Kristina's status is uncertain.
  21. Monica, as a doctor, should be rightfully disgusted that Sonny and Carly are enjoying a patient's pain. She has a right to call all 3 out on the hypocrisy, especially since Carly sabotaged AJ back in the day and Carly and Sonny let Morgan and Kiki skate on messing with her grandson's - AJ's son's - medication. That's two generations of Monica's family. Don't care about her concern, or not, for Ava. After all the hell Carly put AJ through over many years, Monica is not actively hating on her (and she would be entitled to). Carly and Sonny were ruining lives long before Ava hit town. I'm just totally over this "Morgan was an innocent little lamb, sweet boy" CRAP.
  22. I wish Monica (I think she knew?) would remind the "Ava is a sick monster for switching Morgan's pills" hospital huddle of Carly, Sonny and Kiki that Morgan and Kiki switched Michael's medication to make him seem like he was an alcoholic and therefore a danger to Avery. M&K did it gleefully.
  23. I could believe Molly as a law firm intern and probably TJ as a guy who wants to study medicine because he lost his father. Kristina's only interests seem to be bitchily defending her father, and contemplating her sexuality or being devastated over a break-up. Although she did tell Sam once that she did well in a law class. So (as someone who tends to think of herself as a victim) the one type of job or internship I could see her go after would be an aide for a firm specializing in LGBT discrimination cases. Serena is not the daughter of anyone the Show deems to be important, so it's unlikely she would be cast or be part of of a twentysomething storyline. It's hard to believe Michael as the CEO of ELQ, since he only took a couple classes at a community college. I know he worked/supported AJ in trying to take over ELQ, but didn't that last just a few months? Even Maxie as an assistant for Crimson was more believable, due to her years of scheming and interest in fashion from the time she was a teen.
  24. The kid was not Scott's grandson; Karen was not the mother of Jagger's child. When Jagger and the kid came to visit Robin (back when she lived in the apartment, well before she was pregnant with Emma), Robin asked about little Stone's mom and Jagger said "she's not/no longer in the picture." That's not something you say if your kid's mother, the love of your life, died.
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