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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. It's hard to get excited about Cam spending time with a family member when the audience didn't even get a scene beforehand with his mother telling him 'that woman who used to live at Wyndemere with Uncle Nikolas and Spencer is actually my sister, my father's daughter." The audience would be right to expect Cam's response to the "aunt" line to be "What? You're not Aunt Sarah! And also Uncle Nikolas is dead, so you're not my aunt anymore." As for Gati, not feeling sorry for her. She still gets more screen time than really talented vets like York (Mac) and until recently, Elliot (Tracy) who have helped carry major storylines in the past. Since Kim McC left to pursue film, York is lucky to get even a few minutes of screen time with her during her returns, and we very rarely see York acting for more than a moment or two here and there with KSt's Maxie. York and Rogers or Hughes should have had a showdown scene with Gati for the torture of Robin (and Robert's coma), but of course the soulless characters on this show get away with everything. It's disgusting that she's allowed in that hospital in any sort of staff position, I'm definitely glad Obrecht does not have scenes with Franco; I certainly don't want to ever hear again that *Liz* is not good enough for him.
  2. Correct - Jason and Sam were both involved in violence together for what, 10 years before she met Julian? I remember when they talked about Claudia being killed like other couples talk about paint samples. How many people have they killed? Yet when someone threatened Jason or Sonny (her husband, former lover) they were the evilest evil to ever evil. Duke was associated with Sonny and was the great love of Sam's former almost-mother-in-law's life, therefore Julian is awful. Throw in Julian putting a knife to her mother's throat, and Julian is beyond redemption in Sam's eyes. Yeah Lucas has had zero issues with Carly - probably because his mom, Bobbie, raised him and she is one of GH's designated Carly proppers. Nevermind the part Carly played in breaking up his childhood family life. I assume he loves his awful sister because his mother taught him to do so after the marriage was over. He has seemed indifferent to Sonny. Aside from his bio connection to Sam, he had a few nice bonding/brotherly scenes with Kristina, so *now* (since he feels connected to Alexis' first and middle daughters) it makes at least some sense for him to look down on Julian.
  3. I see a difference in that Lucas and Sam didn't meet Julian until adulthood. Sam already felt loyal to Sonny for years (on and off) because of her relationship with Jason, and I guess because Sonny is also her younger sister's beloved father. In the case of Lucas, Tony was his true dad who loved and raised him. The audience never saw Lucas and Julian form a real father-son bond. When Dante first came on the show as 'Dominic' (under cover), he despised Sonny. Michael, Morgan, Kristina and now Avery were taught/indoctrinated to think this way^ about Sonny from birth (for two of them) or starting in childhood (the other two). Kiki ... well she chose to date (and briefly marry) Morgan, chose to be friends with Franco, and seems to genuinely not realize Carly is scum. Don't even get me started on her mis-guided loyalty to Sonny. Her judgement just plain sucks. Does she know Sonny wanted Ava dead, and only 'let her live' because she was pregnant with his child ... that the two conceived on the grave of Michael's (the guy Kiki once claimed to love) beloved bio father.
  4. THIS. So much love for "succubus" re: Carly because it's a perfect fit (run, Jax, RUN!!) IMO Michael trumps at least two (more like 3) men on this show because the way they behave, and the creepiness (predatory, if you will) factor are the opposite of sexy. Sonny is definitely one of those.
  5. I loved BH's acting in the scene(s) of Elizabeth talking Jake into turning off the chimera canister. That's the best writing IMO she's had since JJ's Lucky brought original Jake home from the Cassadine compound after the years of 'Jake is dead.' She was focused on her child and their connection - not caring about Jason, Franco, or any other man's ego or feelings. That so rarely happens for Liz. Her line "It's a mom thing" (so great) could easily have been said to both Franco and Jason, since neither one seems to get that he is not the center of the universe.
  6. JJ also said (when asked along with other soap stars about the most daredevil thing he'd ever done) his response was 'I guess proposing to Lisa when we hadn't even dated.' So not kissing before they got engaged - while they were just close friends - makes sense. JJ's not the type of guy to kiss a woman outside of an official dating or married relationship.
  7. A) Agree, and I remember him saying that to Olivia. B) Maybe a little akin, but they were also well aware that Lucky hurt Liz a lot - and they know Liz is raising their grandsons without active parenting by Lucky. While Luke wouldn't care about that, Laura absolutely does. I continue to be disappointed that Laura's not allowed to express any feelings regarding Lucky's absence.
  8. I think those are two different situations because he's their father. Michael was indoctrinated by Carly to love Sonny from the time he was a toddler. It's pretty much impossible to turn off that many years of conditioning, even with such a heinous act as that. The audience didn't meet Dante until he was 20-something, and he spoke about the wonder and desire for a father ever since he was a child. Sonny (and others) have said 'well, he never would have shot Dante if he'd known he was his son at the time.' (Of course that doesn't ever justify it.) Dante wanted Sonny to go to prison for crimes with proper evidence - not because of a situation in which he feels he messed up (as a police officer). The impression I've had since then is that Dante wanted a relationship with Sonny because a) he yearned for a son-father relationship after so many years of feeling he was 'missing out' and b) he believed he had seen Sonny being a loving father to his other children when he's not just a terrible criminal, and so he decided he's willing to be open to that 'goodness.'
  9. I understand your perspective, but IMO after Sonny endangered Emma by firing a gun in Robin's home, Robin (if written in character, not to prop Sonny) would never be close to Sonny again - only polite and caring about his health/his kids' health and safety. That's a line you can't uncross, for someone with the kind of childhood/upbringing she had due to being the child of two spies - it's been very important to her that her child has a stable, non-violent /danger-free (as much as possible) life. For Sonny to violate that and basically shrug it off because Emma didn't get hurt and Robin was only mildly injured should absolutely have been a deal breaker for her.
  10. We know that to be true, but BC's Morgan had lines (to Carly, I think) about getting sent away to school and not being wanted at home in Port Charles (lack of visits from them, too). Morgan said a few times (in various scenes during BC's time) that Michael was the favorite.
  11. But since then, the writing for Robin re: Sonny has changed back to how she used to be about him. At the 2016 Nurse's Ball, Sonny said something to Robin about Julian, and getting revenge/justice for Duke. Her response: "I know you will" - no condemnation of his behavior, or protest. Then when he was on the bridge with a gun during the fall/winter after Morgan got blown up, Robin got all teary and was saying "I love you.' No suggestion about stopping the violence and living life differently to honor Morgan. (Not that he would take it anyway.) I really wish TPTB had kept Robin's disgust with Sonny, instead of her getting over it and returning to propping him.
  12. Michael got more attention because Carly used him to hang onto Jason, she and Sonny felt he was a prize to keep away from super evil AJ, and the Q family. Tween Michael was starting to get out of control because he figured out what Sonny did for a living, and wanted a share in Sonny's "power" (before the bullet in the brain). Michael got more attention when he was SORAS-ed because he had anger control issues as a result of being shot in the head. Morgan flat out said he was angry because he got sent away to school, and he felt more entitled to Carly and Sonny's love because he was their biological child. This became an issue for him whenever Michael had the audacity to show some love/loyalty toward AJ, instead of unquestioning loyalty and devotion to Sonny. Morgan never understood that Michael was the favorite because to Sonny, what you can steal and lord over someone else is inherently of more value than something/someone who belongs to you naturally.
  13. The brief Robin video was lovely. So, did she just go right back to Berkeley after the airport scenes, and leave Emma with Anna? Or was the background supposed to be Anna's place? I roll my eyes that the first kids who turned on the deadly toxin were Anna and Robert's granddaughter, along with Laura and Luke's granddaughter. Of course. I guess Jason, Anna and Valentin will be the great heroes, saving the three beloved children (and everyone else). Did Sam leave to go home and feed Scout?
  14. Yes, I've taken a look. I think those are different because Ric is no longer in Port Charles (?), Sam and Sonny's baby died (so it's not a reality she's living with) and Kristina was also a little girl when all that family drama happened. She may not remember it. I just find it interesting that she's so friendly with Dante's ex-mistress Val when she was fuming to Michael that the 'scheming homewrecker' Nelle (despite knowing her Dad and Carly have already been divorced multiple times) was now "practically family" as nanny to "Dante's stepdaughter." Lulu hated Maxie for having an affair with Lucky - it took them quite a while to become friends. But the circumstances were also different in that Maxie was a teenager who'd had a crush on Lucky (years before they both got involved with drugs). Lulu was a teenager who had a crush on Dillon. Georgie and Dillon were teen-agers who got married for the wrong reasons; not at all comparable to grown woman Val choosing to scheme because she had a crush on grown man Dante, her cousin's husband. According to Kristina's attitudes about family loyalty and how terrible infidelity is, she shouldn't be friendly with this woman. But TPTB do not care about character consistency.
  15. Eh, there are worse things than being unexciting - like being his mother and father-through-illegal-adoption (so much toxicity), the Franco-Liz grossness, Kristina's first (abusive) relationship, for example. Speaking of Kristina, why was she hugging her brother's former mistress? The dressing room scene was written/directed like she and Val are great girlfriends - but do they even know each other?? Kristina is not a Spencer, so they're certainly not family. I thought the same thing about the randomness of the Jake/Emma/Charlotte scenes. I guess Emma and Charlotte have met off-screen because Griffin and Robin spent time together due to Anna, a long-distance Jake-Emma friendship is maybe believable - but when did Jake and Charlotte meet and become friends? With the way Laura and Lulu feel about Valentin, they certainly wouldn't have taken Jake to Wyndemere for a play date supervised by him.
  16. This describes the "storylines" for what, at least 1/3 of the cast at this point - everyone involved in the Jake/Joss kidney transplant retcon, the Jason and Jake on Cassadine Island nonsense in addition to the Valentin, Charlotte, Lulu crap.
  17. I think cute is required with these two kids because Jason and Lucky are their bio fathers. The Aiden actor seems like he could grow to be a look-a-like of JJ when he first appeared as Lucky at age 11. It was nice to see Jake with a brother aside from Danny. Jason saying "You didn't know I was your dad then" was the perfect opening (for writers who would acknowledge Lucky Spencer) to allow Jake to say, "yeah, the only dad I had was Lucky, he's Cam and Aiden's dad." Jake mentioned recognizing him/remembering him as the guy with the motorcycles - so that means he should remember being raised by Lucky before the kidnapping, too. I hope they're in the process of recasting Cam with a teen too (maybe one who resembles Becky H.) but I doubt it. Cam should absolutely be 12 or 13 (even 14??) at this point.
  18. Maybe the Hayden actress has told her boss(es) she's pregnant? That seems to be why all women on the show in recent-ish years (aside from KeMo/Sam, and Becky/Liz's Jake pregnancy) get baby storylines. Aside from inventing storylines to make Jason a baby daddy, the only non-IRL one that I remember is Robin's unexpected Emma pregnancy. And I agree that C&A offscreen is nonsense. Show just wants to keep the on-going drama between Liz and Sam, Franco and Jason over Jason's first born kid. I remember when baby Aiden was talked about non-stop, until first Nikolas and then Lucky left Port Charles. Now we can't even get a scene of Grandma Laura hugging Aiden and then saying softly with a sad smile (to herself or Liz once he's run off ) that she misses Lucky.
  19. If Jake *has* to have a birthday, viewers should see Grandma Monica show up with Danny, and Grandma Laura and/or Lulu show up with Rocco (so we know she remembers she has a son, who wants to play with his cousins) and possibly even Charlotte. We should at least hear mentions of gifts from Grams, Uncle Steven, Aunt Sarah. I'd even accept Hayden showing up to test the waters with Liz's kids (because now she knows she's pregnant). I would love to see Cameron in big brother/cousin mode with Aiden and Rocco, while shooting Liz disgusted looks as he overhears her on Franco propping duty. Instead, therrreeee's Kiki to help with the Franco propping. Blech. If they need to service this ludicrous storyline, Liz could send Jake and the other kids outside for a few minutes to play, and then ask the adults to let her or Jason know if they hear or see anything strange from Jake, like mention of a scarecrow.
  20. THIS. Actually, Cameron is the one who should have a birthday party (not now-during his b-day month) to kick-off a teen story with Josslyn and other kids. I want to see some attitude about his mom's life choices, his dad not being around, and the attention Jake gets. Has Cam ever had a b-day party? I remember a b-day party for Jake in the park (I think his first b-day?) and Lucky, Liz and Cam sort of celebrating Aiden with brownies Liz made.
  21. Don't hold your breath. Carly and Joss had a scene where Joss said she hopes Carly never gets back together with Uncle Sonny. Carly didn't assure her that was the case; she was silent. I think the writers/TPTB are just deciding when S&C will get back together - probably after Sonny does something "heroic" again to "redeem" himself or after a new Morgan gets cast and thus their family is "healed." I also expect a Sonny/Carly/some dude love triangle soon-ish. These writers are nothing if not predictable.
  22. Agreed that she is a bitch from hell, but disagree that she deserves anything. This is a woman who went on a crying tantrum straight to Sonny about "losing my daughter" because Jax had the audacity to say he wanted custody/to supervise Carly's visitation of Joss due to Carly making unsafe choices, like having Sonny around. Then Jax was set up for a woman to claim she'd been assaulted by him, and Sonny had someone tamper with Jax's plane so it crashed. Soo ... the bitch re-married the Asshat who already nearly got her daughter's father killed. Then Carly went to Alexis, saying "we have to take a stand and protect our kids from Sonny." Alexis rightly told Carly off. She's just mad now somewhat because Joss is now old enough to understand what's going on but mostly because she thinks "how DARE Sonny lie to me" (when he has a long history of lying and she knew that). This isn't about Jax.
  23. So, no last Tracy-Michael scene, with a mention of ELQ - after ALL the scenes they've had in recent years about the company?! I guess I can understand Tracy and Lulu not having a good-bye, since JE and JMB's Lulu worked together much more and had a good on-screen bond. I think having flashback of Tracy and Edward, and Tracy and Alan, would be sad.
  24. Inheritance implies a relationship with some value. Jason Morgan said numerous times that Sonny was like a father to him, and the first time he really showed care or respect for Alan (aside from re: Emily) was when Alan was on his death bed. Jason and Sam never, ever talk about Grandpa Alan to Jake or Danny on-screen. The kids have Jason's money, and probably Jerome money too. They'll be fine.
  25. Carly is also broken, and she proves over and over again that she doesn't *really* want a healthy relationship. People just want to contain the destruction. They wreak less havoc in the lives of other men and women (in theory) if they are focused on each other.
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