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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Liz thinks Jake, for a little while at least, is choosing his dad and dad's wife/her former rival over his own mother and mother's (creepy) boyfriend - just a few weeks (?) after Jason threatens to go to court for custody because he's angry about Franco being around Jake so much. Liz desperately wants to believe her relationship is healthy and all 3 sons are totally happy spending time with her and Franco, so any evidence to suggest that is not the case pushes buttons on all her insecurities. She may even think Jason is influencing Jake in some way to want to be around them, and not around Franco (without actually saying "I hate Franco; stay away from him, son.")
  2. They were not in a public relationship, no - but they friends and dates before Jake, were intimate again when Jake was a baby and said "ILY", romantically, to each other. To me, a ONS baby is where there is at best a mutual brief attraction, but no love or even growing feelings from either party involved. Jason and Liz did decide they weren't going to have a long-term committed relationship, but I don't agree that Jason "readily walked way from Jake and never looked back." I'm no fan of SBu's Jason, but I know that's not what I saw in either SBu or Becky H.'s acting. I remember Liz snapping that at him after Luke ran over Jake, because Jason asked her to give Josslyn Jake's kidney when she hadn't even had time to let it sink in that Jake was declared brain dead. So, I'll agree to disagree with you. :) I do agree Jason is half-hearted now with Jake. I wonder does Jason really want to be an involved father to Jake, or does he mostly just want Franco to stay away from Jake forever.
  3. I figured TPTB wanted Ned to only have kids within a legit relationship/marriage - not a ONS - since he's supposed to be the one respectable, in contrast to AJ and Jason. And now, same for Jason (so-called respectable since he's become a husband and devoted father). I don't think of Jake as a ONS baby because Jason had dated Liz previously, and they had an on-again, off-again friendship and attraction over the years. I still consider Michael to be a ONS baby because there was no love or mutual respect between AJ and Carly, before or after Michael's conception. Carly has flat-out said she went looking for Jason that night, and AJ was basically just a substitute in the moment.
  4. Ok, thanks. I thought (again) that he's dead because a monk told Tracy that Edward had been there, and he gave the name Jimmy Lee Holt as an alias. I assumed before that he was dead because of the time Skye told Edward Emily died, and Edward talked about burying "children, grandchildren." Re: "children" - I know he was there for Alan's death, but I thought he didn't know he was the father of Mary Mae's son (a man he'd met a few times) until after his death. So I figured he meant Alan and JLH. I agree that he or a child of his would be better for a storyline. Hey, even Edward's babymama(?)/ex, Beatrice, could come into the mix, demanding the painting as inheritance for her grandkid(s). Jason, Michael, Ned and Dillon having a new cousin or two in their lives as friends or rivals might make them more interesting (because I don't count involvement in Sonny's/Mob drama as interesting).
  5. Laura Spencer. I remember dialogue on this show at least a couple times making a point that Laura has blue eyes.
  6. I'm confused - this Samira is Edward's maybe illegitimate daughter from a time he ran away from the Qs?? Alrightey then. So how many children did Edward have from affairs?? There was the son from Mary Mae Ward, who died, a Jimmie Lee Holt, and others? Is Holt alive? Who was his mother?
  7. I was talking about Carly's perspective, not mine. I agree with you I also believe Carly is forever addicted to the toxicity/dysfunction of Sonny. She never has, and never will, appreciate Jax. She didn't truly want a better life; she enjoys the power and status of being with him and using their connection (along with her connection to Jason) to try to threaten/intimidate people into getting what she wants. She accused Alexis of never getting over Sonny or the fake marriage to Jax when Alexis called her out for always being on Sonny's side rather than being true to Jax (when his plane went missing). A friend of mine once described another friend's relationship, and in my opinion it has always applied to Carly and Jax, too: "She doesn't love him; she loves the way he makes her feel." Being around Jax makes Carly feel like she's a better person than she ever was, or could be, and he glosses over the many terrible things she's done. Re: assault ... I would argue that GH hasn't taken assault seriously since Elizabeth was a young rape victim. Wasn't 20-something Emily told to get over her rape, and get on with her life? Aside from AJ and Monica's reactions to the news, the aftermath of Michael's rape was written poorly IMO (intro of Abby, for example). Franco's crimes against Michael, Sam and others got whitewashed. Jax was raped by an old flame of his brother Jerry, and Carly and Jason literally laughed about it. Ned's daughter, Brooke Lynn (paid by Carly), tried to drug and sex up Dante, but Lulu interrupted. She screamed at them and threw Brooke out of Dante's loft. Lulu and Maxie later had a conversation about how gross Brooke's behavior was, then Olivia went to Brooke wanting answers and she lied. The topic was never addressed again that I recall. "Sexual assault" or "rape" were definitely not terms in the scripts those actors had. So this incident with Nelle is just another in a history of dropping the ball on properly addressing sexual assault on GH.
  8. Actually, Carly told Sonny - in front of Jax - that their marriage had not been in a good place, regardless of the I-didn't-actually-have-sex-with-Nelle declaration because of the lies in the time they've been married (this time). He lied to her about being paralyzed for a while after he had started standing/walking again. (She was stunned to walk in and see him able-bodied at Alexis and Julian's wedding. Then he told her he wouldn't go after Julian, but he did ... it just so happens it wasn't Sonny's hit that got Morgan killed. Carly's basically saying Sonny being self-serving/not having her back in this situation by withholding information was the last straw for her. Plus, of course, the name calling when he showed up and realized she'd just been with Jax. I don't believe their marriage is over, because well, they're them.
  9. NOOO!! I could not stand to hear her called that. The name Kiki suits that serial killer Franco's buddy, dead Morgan propping, pathetically-intimidated-by-Carly twit just fine.
  10. True - actual research. But Show also writes characters and glosses over past actions to attempt to make Carly look like she's not the long-term self-centered, toxic trainwreck she really is (see roadkill Bobbie and Jax as Carly proppers as examples). Nelle, at the appox. age Carly was when she came to Port Charles, isn't even close to touching Carly's level of destruction.
  11. I would *love* to see Genie, aka Laura, and JJ act together again. (I believe Geary, aka Luke, is retired now and living abroad.) But Avery's parents were already cast; they showed up while Juliette was pregnant and things didn't go well - Avery was angry about their criticism, telling Juliette to ignore what was said.
  12. Carly, too. I could swear either Carly had a line to Sam (or the other way around) that they are the only ones who are superior enough/strong enough to accept Sonny and Jason as they are. It's been used to insult Elizabeth as basically not being woman enough to handle Jason's life. Sam even said recently to Carly (right after Scout was born) that she is the only woman strong enough to handle Sonny. I was thinking, ' if you mean pathetic enough to go back to him over and over and over again despite trauma and abuse to her and her sons, then absolutely you are correct Sam.'
  13. Heeeey now, what did Australia ever to do you to deserve Sonny?? Although, the idea of Sonny as shark bait would work. I'm open to the possibility of him being dropped into the water off the coast of wherever, to be breakfast, lunch or dinner for some hungry great white(s).
  14. Dare I hope for a rift between Carly and Joss? When Joss told Carly she hopes she never, ever goes back to Sonny ... Carly was silent, instead of saying something like "Of course not, baby." Joss should say she wants to go to Australia and live with Jax full-time, even after Grandma Jane's funeral. She says mom, you can come too. It would be great for Joss to realize Carly will never, ever choose her own children over Sonny (and Jason) no matter how much she swears she loves them more than anything. She will never leave Port Charles; she'll make the excuse that she has to protect Michael from super evil Nelle. Then Joss can write her off for good. It continues to bug me that the heinous shit Carly and Sonny have done to Jax is being glossed over. Joss doesn't know about it, and Jax is being written like it never happened and he's still fond of Carly. I don't believe for one second that a guy like Jax hasn't met a much classier woman, who truly appreciates him, for a serious relationship in the time since Sonny arranged for the tampering of Jax' airplane. I would have loved to hear him tell them that while he is struggling with his feelings about his mom's death, after Lady Jane's funeral he would like for Josslyn to meet this woman who makes him really happy. That is exactly what Carly deserves to hear as her train wreck of a marriage to Sonny (the slime she betrayed Jax for), is over yet again. Also, for a woman who fancies herself as giving as well as she gets, WHY didn't she shoot back with "Says the man who has children by four different women" when he called her a whore? If all his babies and the other women had lived, it would be closer to, what, 7 or 8 children and women? It amazes me that Liz especially, but also Carly or Sam get talked about for their history and having children by different men, when Sonny makes them almost look pure in comparison.
  15. Duke's kid is the perpetually weepy doc who has now spent more time with Anna than Robin has - on-screen -in (or at least it seems like) KMc's entire adult life on this show.
  16. That would be the moment of most valuable time he's spent with them in 20 some years.
  17. Kristina defends/stays loyal to Sonny these days despite knowing he almost killed her with a bomb a few years ago, and that he tried to kill Jax (I'm not going to assume she knows of his numerous sins from before SORAS-ing/Lexi taking on the role). Molly's not angry about anything in her dad's past, and has spent many years romanticizing Jason and Sam in her own mind. "I'm glad you two are in love" blah blah. At 12 years old, she asked Jason over to see if he could 'deal with' a person she considered to be a problem. The only reason she ever hated Julian is because Ric's life was impacted by Julian's actions. She mourned her father when the PCPD told her Ric had been killed. Mob actions and murder/attempted murder are not concerns for Molly unless someone in her family is dead or presumed/declared dead as a result of it. Otherwise, she would have broken up with TJ for getting close to and admiring Uncle Sonny.
  18. So much THIS. They are back to propping Sonny - a man who has threatened and degraded her mother, a man she called out years ago for pushing people (along with Jason) to 'fall in line' with what those two wanted/demanded people do, according to their 'code of what is correct.' But Sonny must always be #1 on this show, so his current enemy Julian gets written as the worst mobster ever for first being responsible for Duke's death, and then holding a knife to Alexis' throat only to be *saved by Sonny*. Therefore, Sam gets to hate her father forever and be forever grateful to a POS. Carly has always been a train wreck, who 'fell in love' with an equally toxic character, and has reunited with him multiple times despite being shot in the head, called a whore, cheated on, etc. She indoctrinated an innocent child, toddler Michael, into a Stockholm Syndrome-esque parent-child relationship with Sonny. That's really why Michael still loves Sonny to this day, and chose to not hate him anymore over AJ's murder. Some gratitude for Sonny taking that bomb out of his hands on the Haunted Star, and a sense of duty to be a good big bro to Morgan and Kristina - who loved dad Sonny regardless - also played into him getting past the rage and hurt, I'm sure. Michael really understands now that Sonny is an 'institutionalized' mobster, who is incapable of being a decent human being. Carly never *got* that, and neither did Sam. Their way of thinking is so deeply f*ed up, that they are unable to clearly see what Sonny already was when they met him, and what Jason has become over time under Sonny's influence (as opposed to Robin, who knew Jason when he was a young Q and saw him change over time).
  19. Was it really Jax and Sonny giving each other looks, or was it more Ingo and Maurice exchanging "What the hell is this nonsensical bullshit storyline we have to play?" looks...at which point Dom could have just walked up to Maurice, all 'You think you have a contorted pretzel of a storyline to act? Check out my script coming up about Lulu's long-lost daughter, " ETA: After watching a Michael-Kristina scene, I realize Charlotte's parents are Kristina's uncle and sister-in-law, technically her little sister Avery is Sam's cousin - in addition to the fun 'my sister is also my cousin' situation with Molly.
  20. I'd like to see Brooklyn's reaction; I envision awkward holiday dinners in the future, since she (recruited by Carly to break up Lante) drugged and tried to "seduce" (rape, really) her new stepbro Dante the last time she had a stint in Port Charles.
  21. I really, really want someone to say to Carly - in front of Jax, Sonny, Michael and Joss - "You had sex with Sonny while married to Jax because you were destroyed over Michael being comatose due to Mob violence, you had sex with Jax while married to Sonny because you are destroyed over Morgan getting blown up due to Mob violence, you helped Sonny cover up him murdering Michael's biological father - and you think Nelle is a treacherous snake who should have seen the good in you?!?" ETA: When Carly was going on to Jax (in that voice of dismay she has) that Michael is kind, forgiving etc. and Nelle will take advantage of that ... it was SUCH a wasted opportunity to not have that conversation in public, where Tracy could overhear and wander by, saying "Yes, you only appreciate those qualities in Michael when you want him to get over something reprehensible that you and Sonny have done. You see them as weaknesses when they don't suit your agenda."
  22. Yes, Liz lied to Lucky about Jake for months - after Lucky (while still unstable) said over and over and over again to Liz as well as others that he was going to get clean because Liz and the baby meant everything to him. He presented the "family" image as his only motivation to walk away from drugs. Then, as Elizabeth was thinking about what to say to Lucky, Luke went to see her and said Laura's forgiveness/getting past the terrible things he (Luke) had done allowed them to move forward and create a good family life. Liz then had a line about how she'd admired/loved Laura for a long time. So yes, Liz continued to lie, but that wasn't a decision made 'in a bubble' so to speak - she had pressure from Lucky and his family to suck it up and give Lucky a happy family regardless of what she had been through. Lulu was outraged to find out Liz had been intimate with Jason for a night, knowing full well her brother had been cheating on Liz for months. Under those circumstances, how could Liz read Lucky for filth? Then when Lucky (GV) found out, he called Liz a whore and got pissy with Nikolas for telling him not to judge Liz too harshly, reminding him of his affair with Maxie and that she saw him with Maxie. Some viewers may remember that Liz was not exactly having fun regarding the 'secret love child with Jason.' Yes, Lucky thought they were going to make a fresh start, but IMO it's because he hung onto the fantasy of thinking the relationship they once had could be forced into the present reality. That time Liz thought their relationship could 'save' her from her own darkness, and Lucky could see she was perpetually tense, struggling, even crying (not for joy) when he gave her the diamond. I agree that Lucky should have been angrier with Nik. And that line that he would always love the "precious little girl" he found, crawling out of the bushes after her rape, was loathsome. That never should have made it onto the broadcast.
  23. I would prefer for him to walk in on her at his/'our' house, consuming the booze and throwing barware - just to see him be offended and/or have a temper tantrum that someone else has taken over that responsibility in his own home. :P
  24. Seems like it would just be a replay of tween Michael gets shot (unless the bullet went in near the transplanted kidney). When Carly gets angry at Sonny, we hear "my son" or "my daughter" so she could remind him that he's only bio dad to Morgan. I think little Avery as victim is the only child shooting for S&C that would increase the drama. Then Sonny would have two irritating blondes screaming in his face. The only compelling acting would come from Chad D., in Michael's angry and horrified reaction. Then someone, maybe Mac, could wander by and say, "You all knew what happens in this life you chose, being around Sonny. Michael's just very lucky to have survived his shooting, and time in prison."
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