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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. You are correct that Logan found a job in California. He had also been house hunting. He came back, propose to Rory, and told her all about his ideas/plans for them. He got on a bandwagon of excitement and wanted her to go with it. That was my problem with it - basically "Here's the life I've chosen for us. Do you accept? If yes, yay. If no, well then we're done." That is not a sign of love, in my opinion - it's about control. I felt like that's why he proposed in front of her family and friends, instead of in private. He didn't ask her ahead of time, would you be interested in living there? It reminds me of when he arrived at Rory's door, when she was hanging out with Marty, and asked her to ditch what she was doing and come with him ... oh and Marty come with us too if you're going to be friends "with Ace." So I agree with the previous quote, that is was all about Logan. I agree that Emily should have been there for the ceremony; she was supportive of their engagement in the end. I remember she was really hurt and angry when she believed (for a few moments) that she had missed Lorelai and Max's wedding because they eloped.
  2. She tends to act like she's fifteen. The day she got mad and defiant (re: Valentin) and walked out on Nathan and Maxie, I was expecting her to toss her hair and say: "I'm almost an adult, and then you won't have any say in what I do!!"
  3. I barely saw anything today. Why? I couldn't stand to watch Carly and Sonny in bed, Alexis at a bar alone asking for Vodka and trying to play off her problem, and Elizabeth and Franco embracing. UGH!! Happy New Year, indeed. The preview of Valentin and Nina in bed, with her naively asking about Claudette, is not enticing.
  4. Why only the Justice for Duke storyline? I feel righteous indigestion toward Anna because of Robin (and Emma), toward the Franco and Liz horror show, toward Sonny and Carly pretty much whenever they open their mouths, toward Lulu's batshit attitude about embryo-now Charlotte, toward...well, you get the idea. *Sigh* Show is best at stirring up indigestion and/or rages in the audience.
  5. Oh, don't misunderstand - the boys should be well aware that Liz has been their consistent parent. I'm talking about Cam's memory of feeling loved and having stability, when he spent time with both Lucky and Liz (regardless of living situations). Lucky and Liz were great together at just parenting, and being friends (with either GV or JJ as Lucky). Cam would run to Lucky to hug him. Also, it's been indicated that Liz is seeing/leaning on Franco because she has no one (other than off-screen Grams) to be there for her and all three boys. Yes Laura offers some support, but Spencer now being an orphan/'danger' from Valentin and Lulu, Dante, Rocco and now Charlotte are her top priorities .... I think Lucky returning would probably make a difference re: Franco in Liz and the boys' lives.
  6. THIS, minus the AJ (not a father of her kids) and Zander mentions. Zander got shot to death before Cam was born. And before that I think Ric had a plan to force Zander to give up rights to Cam, because he wanted Liz and the baby to be with him? Liz as the only parent is especially obvious during Christmas -there's not a mention of the boys opening presents from Lucky or him having a Skype call with them. Lucky said good bye to Cam at Christmas years ago (when Aiden was an infant, Jake was "dead") and made it sound like he would be around for him in the future. But he hasn't been. So Christmas should be a holiday associated with abandonment for Cam. It wouldn't be hard to do a scene where Cam and Aiden are with Grandma Laura on Christmas Eve (Jake's with Grandma Monica or whatever) and Cam has an outburst of anger that Dad left on Christmas, and never kept his promise to "be there for me"- instead I'm "stuck with Franco, watching Mom talk art with him, and them fawning over Jake. She's not even with us tonight - she went to the police station because Franco's in trouble! Grandma, can you get my dad to come back? Please?!"
  7. Which actors? I know Elizabeth has Cam and Aiden because of two of Becky's RL pregnancies, and Lisa's RL pregnancy is why Olivia has Leo. The Sabrina actress is gone, and her baby was written out as well. KeMo does not have children. Not sure about LW's Carly, the previous Carlys, or the Ava actress. I don't think Rocco was a write-in; don't recall any news about Kelly T. being pregnant in RL. I believe KSt. became pregnant while Maxie was already pregnant during the surrogate story.
  8. For me, the difference is that Liz is a single mother and is pretty often seen at the hospital working as a full-time nurse. The other mothers of teen-age or younger children (with the exception of Olivia) like Carly, Lulu or Sam don't appear to actively work for anyone (themselves included), have their husbands or exes as involved co-parents, and seem to ignore their kids as they leave them with nannies (remember when Michael and Morgan were little?) or grandparents all the time anyway. Yes, I know Carly has scenes at the Metrocourt - talking about personal stuff, starting drama with people in the restaurant or at the front desk, or using her access to get into guest rooms. Olivia is the one working at Metrocourt. Months have gone by without a mention of Josslyn; then eventually we hear "she's in Australia with Jax". That's what prompted the jokes that Josslyn moved in with her father permanently and Carly never noticed - esp. once she could help Sonny keep Avery away from Avery's mother. Lulu's only care re: Rocco for a quite a while now is "give him a sibling." She and Dante may mention him in conversation, but she's not seen wanting to spend time with her son, and I don't remember the last time she acted like she actually owned the Haunted Star. Sam wasn't seen with Danny for a long time (napping 'upstairs'/out with Molly, or spending time with Grandma Alexis or Grandma Monica) not sure the last time she was in her PI office or made a reference to a client. Right now, I don't count Sam and Jason being focused on proving Sonny's 'absolute innocence' in Morgan's death as a real case.
  9. Yeah, both Matt and Patrick are gone from Cam's life, too. I guess the only "male role model" he has now is Uncle Dante, whenever the boys see Lante and cousin Rocco. Cam and Joss had scenes together during the kiddie quad awfulness. Now Joss is mourning her brother, and Grandma Jane is ill/on her deathbed. That's enough for a teen-ager. I also don't want to see Cam in any storyline touching Carly's life. His younger brother is Jason's kid, so he has to deal with the Mob'apologist' lifestyle somewhat as it is -in addition to mommy dating gross/crazy Franco. Poor Cam.
  10. Sorry, I forget to mention my idea takes place in a GH world where the Franco character died w/the end of the vanity project of RL/actor Franco. We don't know what Cam knows about him (if he even knows Franco was responsible for newborn Aiden's kidnapping). But a kid will worry about his parent's fears, unless the fears have a history of being irrational or because of mental illness instead of a real danger. In the GH world where Liz is dating Franco: As far as we know, so far, Cam has not overheard or witnessed Franco saying or doing something to harm his mother or brothers. Kids react to real and present danger. The only potential danger he knew of was coming from Jake, like a Halloween incident when Grandma Laura was babysitting, or when Jake broke the window and claimed it was a threatening person, to get his dad Jason to spend time with them.
  11. Cam is 12, or 13 now? I remember in 2010, JJ's Lucky said he was 6. So I agree, he should be slight SORASed to 15 (old enough to feel protective of his mother, as that's the age his mom was at the time of her rape). The way this should have played out: he overhears Liz saying to Grandma Laura or maybe Uncle Dante (not Monica, as he has no connection to her) that she's feeling nervous and/or afraid because her rapist, Tom, is now out of prison. He 'researches', finds out what happened to Mom, and vows to protect her and his brothers since Dad is indefinitely MIA and Jason's only concerned about Jake now. A good young actor could tap into Cam's anger that Dad isn't there to protect them, that there's been so much upheaval in his young life due mostly to Mom and Dad's choices, that he is the artist like Mom, not Jake. TPTB poorly did something like that before, with the Dylan version of tween Michael, when he was turning into mini-Sonny/Jason, wanting to protect Carly and Morgan from danger. I think that's when he had a gun and accidentally shot Kate Howard? It would be great if something like that (would make sense if Cam briefly got himself kidnapped) resulted in Liz being a part-time sketch artist for the PCPD - anyone remember her drawing of Faison based on Olivia's description? Makes more sense than Nina running a magazine after 20 years in a coma/no work experience or ex-con Michael (who took a couple of classes at PCU?) running ELQ for any period of time. I loathe that Franco gets Elizabeth's art studio and all the art focus as a sociopath, while Elizabeth's long history of art is only utilized in the context of connecting with him. UGH!!
  12. I remember JJ's Lucky saying "Grandma Laura" to Braden's Cam (during Christmas tree shopping) - in a scene with Elizabeth, and toddler Jake. So she has always been "Grandma" to him. I believe Spencer is Laura's first born biological grandchild (just a little bit younger than Cam). I think he's about 11 years old now? Anyway, he's been raised by either Great-Grandma Lesley or Grandma Laura off-screen when he wasn't appearing as part of a storyline with Nikolas.
  13. Jake and Liz's "story" - about Jake not getting along with other kids (after being returned to his family), his anger and then somewhat violent behavior - was tied to Franco with the art therapy crap. I agree Liz was used to make her 'sister' relevant. Blech. I remember a scene (when Jake was in the hospital) where Cam confessed to Jason that he didn't feel connected to Jake when he first came back. TPTB should have had Cam and Jake at odds with each other about the art thing, since Cam, Liz's first born, was the one who started doing art - he had moments of connection with Liz here and there over that. Also, Jake gets the most attention because his father lives in Port Charles; Cam (and Aiden's) doesn't. Cam's life has been in a steady state of upheaval since he was a tot, between Lucky and Liz's on-again, off-again relationship, Lucky marrying Siobhan and then she's dead, moving in and out of Uncle Nikolas' home, losing Jake and then he's back in the family, etc. Cam, esp. now as a tween, should have anger directed toward both his mother and Jake (whether or not it seems justified).
  14. I don't want Robin to care about the Samtrick crap either. What bothers me is how Sam handles things/the writing for her re: Robin. It was Robin who sacrificed tremendously/never gave up on Jason, and a vision of Robin (because of their history/connection) that stopped 'programmed' Jason from killing Sam. Sam knows this. Also, at the Nurse's Ball, Robin was talking to Jason and Sam, had barely gotten out the words that Emma was with her to see her mom, when Sam squeed about saying hi to Emma and ran off to find her. Umm, Emma is not a long-lost gal pal of hers. The only reason Emma got close to Sam was because she was 'replacement mommy' while Robin was a prisoner, saving Sam's husband. Not only did Sam not say 'thank you' when she had that opportunity, but she ran off to chat with Robin's daughter - and didn't even say a casual, "That's great, may I go say hi to Emma?" For all Sam's talk about Jason being her great love, this second chance for them, their miracle baby, etc. the glaring ignored point is that Robin made it possible for Sam's dream(s) to come true. A scene could have tied that in w/Sonny and recent events- as the four of them are standing there, Sam has a line or two about her gratitude toward Robin, and then Sonny chimes in with his gratitude that Robin talked him out of suicide on Stone's bridge (which of course JaSam found out about off-screen, at some point). She reminded him that his kids need him, blah blah blah.
  15. So strange to see, but I guess the alternative line: "Sorry I was banging your husband while you were a prisoner after saving mine" would have been awkward. Still, I'm irritated that Sam doesn't take a moment of opportunity (as Robin compliments her/sees she is clearly pregnant) either in front of Jason or just between the two of them, to say THANK YOU for all you did for Jason - we wouldn't be anticipating this miracle baby and Danny never would have gotten his father back if not for your hard work and sacrifice. Robin deserves that minimal acknowledgement.
  16. It was nice seeing Monica at GH enjoying Christmas with the children, esp. her little grandsons, after all the family she's lost. Show let all 3 of Liz's sons appear - I'm shocked. The boys looked cute in their hats. I don't care for Monica giving Liz and Franco's 'relationship' any kind of credibility, but Jason can have *all* the seats rather than give Monica attitude or looks about backing off/not harming Franco. Jason has gone back to being BFF w/his brother's/Monica's son's murderer ... not to mention the woman who helped cover it up. Also, Franco was originally drawn to Jason mostly because he's a killer, too. I want Liz to hit Franco, hard, over the head with a bedpan to shut him up.
  17. Sadly, we've seen worse - her having a friendly, brief exchange with the woman at the Metrocourt NYE party last year. It was about Jason, of course. I had hoped Monica would tell her off about AJ's murder, but of course not. Jason is the one who matters.
  18. Someone - maybe Anna, since she was a witness to it? - needs to remind Lulu that Charlotte has screamed "I want my Mommy!" re: Claudette's disappearance. She wants the woman she calls "Mommy." The so-called loving father Valentin took away/tried to kill the only mother little Charlotte has known. I thought his (fairly recent) line to Nina that Charlotte would get over missing her mother soon enough was pretty cold. Sure Valentin looks stable compared to Lulu - but that's not saying much!
  19. Thanks for the warning! Now I know not to watch the rest - I could not deal with that. I saw Liz being sweet to him (shudder), inviting him to spend Christmas with her and her kids. That alone disgusted me, esp. knowing they were just steps away from what used to be her studio - where she went to paint/feel better after Lucky "died" in the fire, where she and Jason decorated a Christmas tree back when they were friends with feelings, where she and Lucky conceived Jake. Now, her sociopath boyfriend/Jake's former kidnapper gets to lie to her face and use her old safe space to torture her rapist? SO. MUCH. NO!!!! My only other thought about the episode was, "Oh, Nelle got Sabrina and Felix's old apartment set, but it looks much nicer now."
  20. Yeah, but Claudette clearly was raising Charlotte as her own with Valentine's knowledge; the girl is school-age and thinks of Claudette as Mommy and as Valentine as Poppa. Claudette has not been hiding from him with Charlotte since giving birth, otherwise Charlotte would have no idea who Valentine is. You forgot Anna, who already jumped on the insta-Grandma/protector bandwagon since she assumed Charlotte was indeed Griffin's daughter.
  21. I don't think it's so impressive after she miscarried Lulu and Dante's baby, lied about that, got pregnant with her own child, kept lying, and only told the truth because she was confronted at the baby's Christening. I hated that the writers just went 'bygones' because Britt's baby Ben turned out to be Lulu and Dante's.
  22. Lulu is an idiot. So is Maxie. Also, the writers having an older doctor comment twice to a patient's face about being unmarried and possibly pregnant is just .... sickening. How Maxie didn't go off on him for the "good news is you won't be showing at your wedding" comment just blows my mind. IRL, can a doctor get a reprimand from some board for saying that? Liz is clearly feeling lonely/family-less to want to have some sisterly connection with Hayden. Blech. The one good thing: Dillon reflecting on Emily's life and tragic death. Then Kiki goes and ruins the moment with "Emily, Morgan.."
  23. You can still see GG on Netflix, if you like. FYI, Carolyn H./"Diane" was in another DAR scene in AYITL (prior to judging young trophy wife), because Emily had a gathering of the group in the backyard (or whatever they call it) at the Gilmore Mansion. You may have seen a moment of it in promos - Rory arrives and that is the DAR group's cue to leave.
  24. So much THIS. Too much time with Kirk, when we should have heard more about Lane's life, and hints about how she and Rory have maintained their friendship.
  25. In the Fall (4th installment) of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, on Netflix, JMB - with high society hair and make-up and wearing a sexy dress - for a few minutes played a young trophy wife trying to get into the Daughters of the American Revolution. She did a good job reacting to Kelly Bishop's Emily outburst with the DAR ladies. Hilarious. Carolyn H., who still plays attorney Diane on GH, was also in that scene as one of the DAR ladies who is judging the young trophy wife. She gets mad at Emily for the outburst....I wonder what it was like for Julie and Carolyn to be on another set, acting together again after years.
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