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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Especially since the last time she sat on a bench at night outside and was being watched, the monster grabbed her and raped her. I know some people would say, 'not comparable - she was right outside Kelly's, in public, with Laura" but to me it makes the scenario really creepy/sick/disgusting. Also, Elizabeth not establishing firm boundaries, and NOT being scared off by his behavior, shows -possibly more than any storyline in her past - that she did not get the proper help she needed after the rape as a teenager. She has grown up to be a very emotionally unhealthy woman. If we didn't already know months ago that BH is staying, I would swear that Sam's recent line (returning Jake's book scene) 'it's only a matter of time before Franco turns on you too' was an anvil that Elizabeth was soon going to be raped and murdered. SO GROSS!
  2. This legit. made me burst out laughing! What a mental image for Halloween!!! Franco's behavior makes Nik's controlling, obsessive-ish behavior (which upset Liz-she hated it!!) look like amateur hour. I hope that if he goes after Jason (due to jealousy), Valentin accidentally kills Franco instead while aiming for Sam (because she's a Cassadine/daughter of Alexis/insert whatever dumb reason). Then the TPTB who are so determined to make Franco a thing have a momentary true purpose for him. End of story. Time for everyone to move on now...
  3. I was thinking the same thing today. Get rid of Claudette (unnecessary, pointless character) and have Liz an Griffin bond, be friends, grow closer. I liked most of their conversation (Aiden is not Lucky's only child, grrr) and it's not creepy and forced like Liz is with Franco.
  4. UCG moment was Sonny's face when Zombie/Ghost!Morgan appeared in front of him, on the couch. I liked Liz's WTF face when Franco confirmed yes, he's upset that they haven't had sex yet ... on top of being pissed off that she was kind to Griffin by helping him with Charlotte's tantrum. Then she ruined it by kissing the controlling, stalker-y freak. I just ... can't. Franco pouting (like Morgan) that Griffin was fawning over "my girlfriend" ... UGH. It's all even creepier with RoHo wearing that costume. Good to see Robin in the previews.
  5. I remember more to Emily than what you describe here. There were times when Emily and Lucky were great friends (starting when young Amber T. played her.) Given all of Emily's history with her own brother Jason and her best friend, Elizabeth, while also knowing what Lucky had put Liz through and what Sam had done (including starting out in Jason's life as Sonny's mistress), I totally understand why she was encouraging of Liason and would feel zero loyalty to Sam. I figure Sam chose Danny's name (after her brother, who was not well known to Jason), so why not have Jason choose this baby's name, and if it's to honor his late sister, so be it. Wasn't Emily the first of the Qs to be kind and supportive of Jason when he woke up and chose to be Jason Morgan, the man Sam loves?
  6. Yup. She should be at Sonny's house, taking care of Avery. The house is big enough for Bobbie to ignore Sonny if she wishes. It should have been her driving Avery to Ava's for trick-or-treat/visitation. It's better for Avery to be at Ava's, if Bobbie has bailed as nanny and all Sonny does is drink and feel sorry for himself. Just another obvious writing fail. I don't believe for a second Alexis wouldn't think of/mention her sister Kristina when she and Sam were talking about Morgan's death, and Sonny's probable guilt. "You know, your sister was named after my sister..." etc. I also don't believe for a second Elizabeth would miss out on Laura's "say goodbye to Wyndemere" event - which is supposed to be about Nikolas/closure - to be with Franco (of all people) at a Halloween party. I want either Lucky in person, or Ghost Nikolas, to scare the bejesus out of Elizabeth by suddenly appearing at her shoulder to say, "Wait, you're dating the deranged artist who kidnapped our/your baby boy? We need to get you to a hospital for a brain scan!"
  7. Did I miss a line explaining why Elizabeth wasn't at the gathering at Wyndemere? As Nik's BFF, and the one person (aside from his mother, Laura and sister, Lulu) who wasn't angry with him when he died ... or supposedly died, whatever ... she should have been there (no Franco, or mention of him). I'm not counting Alexis, because she was hurt - or at least upset - that Nik's actions re: Jason resulted in Sam being hurt and angry, feeling Danny had been deprived, etc. On a semi-related note, does Valentin know Alexis and Sam are mother and daughter, and that Alexis also has Kristina and Molly? I expected Liz to be there and possibly mention that Laura selling it maybe was for the best - some bad memories like Emily dying there, her betraying Lucky there with Nikolas, Helena's torments. I think the Kristina-Sonny scene(s) were supposed to come off as touching, but what I saw was a girl desperate for her father's love and attention. The plea for a Dad-daughters (Avery included) Halloween was just ... sad. Also didn't like Kristina propping up her father with b.s. yet again - that he gave Morgan a good life. No, Jax gave Morgan a good life, until Carly sent him away to school.
  8. Absolutely. She explained she came to the bridge to "say Hi to Stone." She did not race to the bridge to talk Sonny down, after hearing he was talking about suicide and had disappeared with a gun. She was taken aback to see Sonny there, holding a gun ... in the general location where they had scattered Stone's ashes so many years ago. Kim McC did a great job of acting Robin's surprise, sadness, and anger.
  9. His decision to go up on that bridge with a gun was not a result of being unknowingly bi-polar though, or struggling with 'how do I manage my bi-polar?' - he did it out guilt, self-pity, and cowardice. Robin was approaching Sonny as the man she has known since she was a teenager. She was not wrong to call him out on truths - he doesn't feel like dealing with his family's anger so he's willing to leave them behind to pick up the pieces after a disaster of his own making, he doesn't want to live with the guilt of that disaster, and he doesn't want to give up his pursuit of revenge on Julian. Robin is very well informed on Sonny - she remembers when child Michael was brought into the ER with a gunshot wound because he was near Sonny. Her husband operated on the kid! Robin would absolutely be out of line if she was in a hospital, talking to him as a parent who was suicidal because he'd forgotten his child in a hot car, or run over the kid in a driveway because he didn't see him. She would be out of line if she was saying it in anger, to hurt him back because he'd killed a loved one of hers while off his meds.
  10. I agree that Chad did a great job with the Michael-Carly scenes today. However, I hate that the full weight of Michael's pain (AJ and now Morgan too) is still being glossed over/dismissed by his so-called devoted mother. That's what I got from their lines, and LW's performance. She will never truly understand, nor care, that Sonny betrayed Michael by killing AJ. She and Sonny were never, ever sorry about murdering AJ and covering it up. They were sorry they got caught and that Michael shut them out as a result. She should have said, "You never should have been made to feel responsible for any of us in the first place after you got shot in the head just for being near Sonny. I am so sorry for everything you've suffered because of our mistakes." Her attitude is about Michael not being the one to take care of Sonny, and also not to feel guilt about Morgan because she believes he was a great brother to Morgan. I don't think she gets mom points for saying that after Michael was already nearly killed, and has lost two people he loves. Saying what she did is the absolute least she could do for him.
  11. As far as he knew, Carly was at home, mourning. She wasn't there when he started talking to Alexis, who is hardly a stranger to how Sonny's recklessness hurts people (both her late sister and her daughter). Julian was not loudly/drunkenly proclaiming to Carly's employees or Metro Court guests that Morgan was a runt and his parents were lousy. Yes Carly got angry because she misses her dead son, but a lot of it is because she knows he's correct. She has never been a good mother to Morgan, and Sonny has repeatedly failed his children. Even leaving out the auto theft, she knows Morgan was drunk that night yet was well aware that alcohol is a no-no when you're taking meds. Julian touched on something else that Sonny (and everyone else) has ignored - that car could have killed other people, kids included, if it had exploded somewhere other than the side of a road. But other peoples' loved ones don't matter to them. The recent examples are Sonny again shrugging off Scott's pain over Karen, and both of them shrugging off Monica's pain over AJ (and Jason, and Emily). Now if he'd gone to the house and started saying that to Carly and Josslyn's faces, I'd agree with you.
  12. That was a quote from Kim McC. I hate the idea of this return being about him - either as a multi-day hallucination or in PC for him, specifically. The actress and character deserve better. I would like Robin to come back to PC to consult w/Monica about a patient at Berkeley ... give Uncle Mac career advice ... yell at Anna that she's got to drop her obsession with justice for criminal Duke ... tell Elizabeth to pull her head out of her ass re: Franco ... talk to Laura about the possibility/probability that Nikolas is still alive (because, hello, this is the Cassadine Family) ... literally any reason other than telling Sonny he's not a bad man at heart and shouldn't kill himself. Her disgust for him due to the Sonny-shooting-at-Jax-in-her-home (with daughter present) should still hold. If she has to talk to him, I'd prefer it be something like: "You broke Michael's heart by killing AJ, and now you've broken all of your family members' hearts by killing Morgan. I'm sad your life has come to this, Sonny. Go into exile now, while Kristina and Avery are still alive and well. Otherwise, your recklessness could get them killed, too." Robin should be genuinely upset about this. She knew Morgan when he was a kid.
  13. I missed that, but I picked up on the recycled (Sabrina and Michael, post-AJ murder) dialogue Nelle was spewing. However, I think Nelle may actually be more clueless about what all has happened to people in the past, because of Sonny, than Sabrina was.
  14. I'm no fan of Julian, but Carly overhearing him call S&C lousy parents and Morgan "misbegotten runt" was awesome!! Hey Carly, perhaps looking like crap and screaming "murderer" and slapping a man in the middle of the Metro Court restaurant is worse for business than customers seeing said man who's quietly trash talking - not doing anything to them. They see worse whenever your murdering husband drops by. It's so annoying that in the Carly-Alexis conversation, esp. the part about her never being in Carly's position, it didn't come up that Sonny nearly blew up Kristina when he tried to take out Johnny. Another writing fail for the memory of Alexis. Scott calling Morgan Sonny's "collateral damage" and today telling Sonny he'll be haunted by the son he killed/murdered was pretty great too. Scott and Julian's truth telling doesn't quite makeup for the Liz-Franco grossness recently or the waste of Laura and Kevin, though. Soo ... Michael is inadvertently setting Nelle up to screw Sonny after his pity party to Jason? It's almost funny that he's now blaming Jason -'cause you know Jason should have gone back to serving Sonny's needs the moment he turned up alive. Griffin needs to shut up. He's an idiot. Re: previews - Robin (a vision of her, I assume?) gets to talk Sonny out of suicide on her bridge?!! UGH!!!! Poor Kim McC (again).
  15. Thanks. I know that some people here hated Elizabeth saying maybe she should call Patrick and Robin, but I liked it because it touched on her years of friendship and professional history with them at the hospital (the only other P&R references we get are from Anna, blech - Mac doesn't even get mentioned!). I can still remember good hospital scenes of Robin telling Liz about her pregnancy (wake of Georgie's death), Liz being really excited for her, and encouraging the two of them. I loved the Tracy-Liz scene in the Metro Court restaurant (with Franco being ignored) because the Q Family and the Webbers/Hardy Family have been invested in that hospital for many years now .. plus Liz is still connected to the Q Family via personal history and of course, her son Jake. So I was feeling a little good about that - the show not being consumed by newbies from other soaps every minute - and then the Laura-Liz scene happened. I thought for sure, because Laura touched on what Nikolas would have wanted and because Liz is out of a job, that they would first have a couple lines about about how the boys are doing in the new house, and then talk about what's happening with the hospital. Laura should know about the hospital being closed, and feel something - maybe want to fight for it w/Tracy, Monica, Kevin and Liz because Lulu was born there and her young life was saved there, Lucky's life was saved there, her grandsons Jake and Aiden were born there, Nikolas has been a committed board member there. Instead, the propping of Hayden and then Franco, with the talk of "falling for men with dark sides" made me ill. I don't believe for a second that Laura would be all "okay, I don't judge" about her ex DIL dating the nutjob who strapped her daughter to a bomb and also kidnapped her newborn son from the hospital. Enough with Ava, Hayden, NotTodd!Franco, Claudette, and Michael Easton's latest character.
  16. True. Thanks to all the horrible writing, I only want to watch if JE is going to be on. So nevermind for tomorrow. I used to enjoy friendships on this show, once loved the Liz-Laura relationship, and more. That's all been destroyed now. Thanks, Show.
  17. And sobbing that Charlotte should/could have been her granddaughter in the life they should have had together. Who is Griffin's mother, btw? I rolled my eyes at the irony of Anna telling Robert (phone) to "call your granddaughter" when she was all about giving Patrick and Emma "space" at the times Emma was sad and confused about being without Mommy. Go off and train some agents, Anna. Make yourself useful.
  18. Does it not occur to Maxie that acting like an obnoxious teenage brat just serves as motivation for the kidnapper guy to shoot her in the head and be done with it? Not feeling sorry for her. At all. Well, at least Carly is honest in crying that she didn't take good care of/was a shitty mother to Morgan. I liked her having to acknowledge that Andre did order blood work recently but Morgan blew it off. Morgan's douch behavior and death are not on Andre. I laughed that she hung up on Nelle. Probably not the reaction the writers were going for. I assume that gloved hand was Curtis? I doubt Jason's taking the time to hang out near Sonny's/follow Ava. Re preview: So nice of Anna to tell Felicia that Port Charles is home after Robin's already been through hell there without her over the years and has now moved away. Ugh.
  19. Dr. O has been written as the type who thinks it's beneath her to speak to most people, including Ava. I'm saying the only reason I could see her thinking Ava is worth a moment of her time is (possibly) out of respect for her BFF Franco's previous association with Ava. Even that seems a stretch. The scene felt glaringly shoehorned/out-of-character. Now if Ava found out that critical information about medication and a potential investigation from eavesdropping on a conversation between Dr. O and Maxie (who's worried about the emotional suffering of Lulu and Dante-partner of Dr. O's precious son), that I would find believable. Eavesdropping is a soap staple, after all.
  20. I know it's too much to hope that Mac will go off on Maxie for leaving an innocent little girl with the psycho doctor who tortured Robin and helped hold her captive - just for the sake of an attempt to snoop on/tell off Claudette. I would love to hear him say that as a father, he's disappointed she shows such little regard for a child's safety. But I'm also the meanie who wanted Jax to walk into Sonny's house at the moment that Sonny was telling Ava she was the worst thing to ever happen to Morgan...and say (while Joss is standing right there), "Actually, the worst thing to happen to Morgan is the father who ordered the hit that got him killed. Not that it's a surprise, after another hit you ordered almost killed your daughter, and Michael got shot in the head because of you. Being your child is dangerous business. " Also on my Wish List: Ghost!Morgan coming to Michael in a dream to say "You want to know who's responsible for my death? Our baby sister's parents - the crypt screwers. Your dead family members probably didn't enjoy the show." Nobody deserves Michael's rage more than Sonny...
  21. But it was another out-of-character moment for yet another character. Dr. O thinks pretty much everyone (except for Nathan and Maxie, a couple of doctors, and Franco) are not worth her time to chat, regardless of where she is or having a drink. She was certainly not drunk, so I don't buy she would ever speak that candidly to someone she doesn't know about medicine and investigations. Yes, Ava is a former lover of Franco's, but Dr. O. has thought that no woman was worthy of Franco's "brilliance." She seems to hold him in the same regard she holds Nathan, so I'm surprised she didn't dig at/insult Maxie at all (because Maxie isn't a brilliant scientist...or doctor like Robin).
  22. Yeah, the preview has me thinking Sonny will hallucinate/dream that Carly has come back to him, and then in a state of despair go for Nelle. I'm actually wondering if this will bring Nelle closer to Michael - he (and maybe Carly) will rage at Sonny for using Nelle, after everything she's done for our family on top of blowing up Morgan. I could see Joss finding out and calling Sonny "disgusting". The writing for Nelle seems to indicate that she wants to be close to and adored by the (now) 4 children under Carly and Sonny's influence. The best way to hurt them is to have the kids turn against them. That reminds me - why was Nelle watching over Avery? Bobbie is supposed to be Avery's nanny since before Carly hired Nelle to work at the Metro Court. Also,when Jason went to check in on Carly at her house, she specifically said Joss was upstairs. No mention of her mom living there, or being there for her and Joss right now (instead of w/Avery).
  23. 1) I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes to pronounce it like that. And I agree. 2) They all know Maxie well enough to get that she just wants to go do something stupid and/or selfish, that there is no "emergency" - unless they know Georgie is visiting and could hear little girl screams in the background. Dr. O barely knows Maxie; Maxie is aware of that. Maxie knew quite well if she said "Nathan needs you," Dr. O would come running. In Maxie's mind, her MIL-to-be's history as a terrorist doctor is as old/irrelevant news as Maxie trying to pass off Georgie as Lulu and Dante's newborn.
  24. LOL at Hayden's nonchalant reaction to the sick, weak Finn breaking down the door of her date's hotel room. "Glad you're here; help me move him." Finn: "There's not enough hand sanitizer in the world ..." LMAO!! Sonny, once again - "my daughter" to Ava?? STFU. I assume Sonny is going to "reward" Nelle with sex for catching Ava. I didn't think even Maxie (esp. after everything cousin Robin has been through) would be so stupid as to break into the room of someone she knows is on the run from a dangerous person. Charlotte looks scared and confused that Mommy is now introducing her to Griffin and telling her he is her daddy. Poor kid. Her mother truly is heartless. Claudette really intended to sex up Griffin, run away with him, never tell him Charlotte isn't Nathan's, and leave Charlotte with Nathan.
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