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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I didn't mean that Monica should be sitting vigil at Liz's bedside, wringing her hands in worry. I mean behave as a true professional doctor with Liz, and also be concerned about Liz getting well so she can go home and be a mother to Jake (as well as Cam and Aiden) ... I don't like the possibility that this could lead to JaSam propping as the Greatest Love Ever/Best Parents Ever who should totally raise Jake along with Danny and new baby Jasam because Liz is now badly injured/ weak/pathetic in addition to questionable judgement by hanging around NotTodd!Franco. I'm recalling how Monica gave Liz attitude about Jason (when Liz was a patient in a hospital bed because Lisa threw her off the boat) re: Jason and Sam, and later - also while on duty - implied that little Aiden's strange bruises might be because Liz was an abusive and/or neglectful mother. Her grandson died because of Liz, and she felt it was all Liz's fault that she didn't know Jake was Jason's before he "died." (Although she blamed Luke as well - I remember that slap.) Well, if she loves Jake so much, she should want Elizabeth to get well.
  2. Thanks, Fellaway! If Paul goes after people by injecting them, then him shoving her down the stairs does not fit. Seeing as how Elizabeth is a nurse, a legacy character - granddaughter of Steve and Audrey - and was badly injured in the hospital stairwell, will TPTB at least have Monica or another doc mention that Steven Lars has been contacted and is worried sick about his sister? Or that Sarah is trying to come to PC and see Liz?? I continue to really hate that the only family she gets to have in town (other than off-screen Audrey) is actually her second ex-husband's family ... not counting this 'my enemy is my half-sister' nonsense. Monica better show some concern for the mother of her grandson.
  3. First day I've watched GH in probably 6 months because of work and my reaction is so. much. WTF?? Nice to see Felicia, she looks fantastic - I'm genuinely surprised GH remembers they still have Kristina/Felicia and she is Maxie's mom. So some generic looking blond is Nathan's ex-wife, and is all about a doc/priest. Ok. Yawn. What on Earth has the Nina actress done to her hair?! Although her dialogue today first with "J" (Nathan) and then Felicia was the most tolerable/normal I've seen her be since she was cast in this role- no repetition or odd mannerisms/gestures. I assume RBudig's character and Elizabeth were arguing in the stairwell, and Elizabeth slipped or yanked away? WTF with NotTodd!Franco saying he'll be the man Elizabeth needs him to be?!?! Umm, if written true to character, she would never have anything to do with him because of two past specific actions: he arranged to kidnap her newborn, Aiden, from the hospital, and also had former sis-in-law Lulu strapped to a bomb. She might forgive, but friends or anything beyond that? HELL No. This is a woman who still has twinges of anger directed at Sam for watching a woman kidnap infant Jake. Stop pushing to make NotTodd!Franco an acceptable character, Show! Michael Easton is back playing what, a 4th or 5th character? Let me guess, he's yet another identical brother or cousin of Silas Clay? I wonder if Kelly M. struggles to remember his character's name at this point. WTF is with Paul lurking behind Monica with a needle? He does remember that she is his son's aunt and Tracy's sis-in-law, yes? It is nice to watch an episode where neither Sonny, Jason, or any of their Mobby circle get mentioned.
  4. Absolutely. It's revolting that the relationships between Nina, Nathan, their now-offscreen mother/aunt and Dr. O have been established and Dr. O is still walking around after torturing legacy character Robin, while legacy character Elizabeth has not one family member on the canvas (I'm not counting her ex MIL and bro-in-law here) and we don't even know her mother's name even though Becky's been on the show for what, 18 years now? Even the most recent Steven Lars never actually named their mom/his step-mom.
  5. I watched online due to the news that Robin and Emma came for the Nurse's Ball. Her speech was great, but I had this reaction to Anna's enthusiasm/line that she's never heard Robin speak about HIV: What does that say about your priorities as a parent, Anna? Still bugs me that Anna's not seeking to take down Dr. O forever, to get justice for all that Robin suffered...yet she's still hung up on getting justice for her dead criminal lover. Blech. I loved the Robin-Anna-Emma hugging. I wish Uncle Mac had been there with Felicia! The other moment that bugged me was when Robin greeted Jason and Sam. I was hoping for Sam to take a moment to really, genuinely thank Robin for saving Jason's life, and sacrificing so much time with Emma as a result (mentioning Patrick would be awkward). We know (from Helena's deathbed scene) that Sam *knows* Robin was responsible for bringing Jason back to life. Instead, Robin barely gets out that she and Emma showed up to surprise Anna, and Sam goes running off to say hi to Emma like she's a miniature girlfriend who's been out of town instead of the kid who almost became her stepdaughter because Robin was a prisoner for saving Sam's husband's life. I mean seriously, Robin had the grace (when she returned) to thank Sam for being so great to Emma. Have some class, Sam! Maybe Sam has some jealousy/discomfort over Jason and Robin's history-connection? I don't know what else to think.
  6. My ultimate preference is for Dr. O to die by the syringe she tried to kill Robin with, that Robert took in the chest instead (which put him in a coma for a year). That would be some small measure of poetic justice. Have I missed any mentions of Lucky? I think JJ is too good for the show, but my selfish little heart wants Lucky to return (since the announcement of no more "Nashville,")deliver a smackdown to Dr. O about hiring the freak who tied his sister to a bomb and kidnapped his newborn son from the hospital. Then he can deliver a second public smackdown to Franko for trying to gain redemption through Elizabeth and working with Jake. I think Lucky could get through to Liz about moving past the Franko, Jason and Sam crap. I also would love to see him flat out tell them not to speak of violence or Sonny's business in the vicinity of Jake, ever. In response to Sam's righteous indignation that they would "NEVER..." he'd respond that Jason and Sonny had good intentions with Michael as well, intending to keep him away from the biz and violence...but he grew up to end up killing two people and spent time in prison for one of those incidents. And Lucky has a right to speak, since he raised Jake from newborn to almost 4 years old. Jason's only been in the Daddy role for almost a year.
  7. Whenever someone talks about how Sonny's home has always been protected, how a child is safe there, blah blah blah, I have wanted Monica...or...Mac...or Tracy (a character who was around Robin and Brenda'in the '90s) to say, "Oh really, remember that time Brenda was shot at in Sonny's shower? When Sonny wasn't even there?" I wanted some object to fall out of the ceiling and knock Carly unconscious when she was all self-righteous about Ava denying Avery access to her father. Just because Carly is a delusional, hypocritical moron doesn't mean Ava's as far gone in her thinking as Cujo (kudos to inventor of that nickname!!)
  8. Right on, Fellaway. Saw a few minutes of GH for the first time in months and wished I hadn't. The only thing I liked was Ava telling Carly that Josslyn is NOT Avery's sister, in response to Carly saying Kristina and Josslyn are also Avery's sisters. I thought, wait, Carly remembers she has a daughter of her own? Interesting that she remembers a kid not fathered by or illegally adopted by Sonny. And here I was hoping to see Elizabeth realize pining over Jason/Jakeson is a waste, that he is a waste and Sam can have him, and move on with her life. Booo...
  9. I'm not understanding Carly's behavior either. I just watched a scene where she realizes Sam spent the night with Jason...and her reaction didn't seem to include even a moment of seething jealousy...this is the she beast who would dump any man in a heart beat if she thought there was a tiny chance she could hook up with Jason again - so she clings to the "he's my best friend/I'm #1" stuff. She was definitely not happy when SBu's Jason and Sam got married. Is it because Sam and Jason now have a son together, and Jason has missed out on time with Danny? I know she's considered herself supreme in Sonny's life (regardless of if either of them was married at the time) because of being 'the mother of Sonny's sons." Has there been an actual verbal explanation for this change in her, and I missed it?
  10. Yes, but I'd say no more than once or twice before that deathbed moment. I know that years ago, Helena called Sam a little ninja to her face. Mostly she's just referenced Sam in conversation with Alexis, Jason or Nikolas.
  11. This doesn't bother me too much because I think Laura has always been motivated (subconsciously, if not consciously) by guilt where Nik is concerned. He was raised by the Cassadines, and one time when Stavros was back from the dead (the Julie-to-Emme recast time) Stavros acknowledged to Laura and Luke that he'd had Nikolas shot because he was disloyal. Nikolas still brings up Laura abandoning him (as a tool of manipulation) from time to time. Her behavior regarding him (towards Hayden, but not only that) comes off to me as truly warped by guilt, that he has become what he is due to his DNA and the lack of influence from her in his childhood and early teen years. Plus she knows why/how Hayden appeared on the scene. It's not like Hayden was some young and innocent girl, as Emily was when Monica and Alan decided to adopt her.
  12. Why did Anna ask Jordan to give her "a few weeks"? I get that it has to do with Carlos. Is that the reason Show has given for Robert leaving town, to pursue Carlos and Sabrina as a favor to Anna? Does that mean Tristan is coming back for a stint? I recall that Robert and Anna busted in on the room that Carlos and Sabrina had just abandoned, and then Mac and Felicia bailed R&A out of jail. I don't think nuDocGriffin is meant to be Carly's next affair; more like TPTB are chem testing him with Carly,Liz, possibly Ava. I'd be okay with him wanting to date Liz, as it would be nice to see her with a doctor who's just an old friend of Lucas Jones instead of someone tied to the Qs, Mob, Spencers or Cassadines. That flirtation with Matt was a missed opportunity.
  13. Show is seriously toying with us by having Sonny and Morgan on the ledge together. Ugh @ Sonny grandstanding and talking Morgan down. I guess we'll get to hear that he's a heroic dad, saving first Kristina and now Morgan? BLECH. I didn't have a problem with NuDocPatrickreplacement until he said Carly's "trying to do what's best for your family." Ugh. Clearly nobody has told him she re-married Sonny after her eldest son got shot in the head for being near Sonny. I did, however, like Hallucination!Kiki encouraging Morgan to jump and end their suffering. The actress did a good job with that scene; it was the first time IMO the character was genuinely interesting. Hoping I'm not the only one feeling unmoved by Anna's and Ava's tears over their situations..
  14. Interesting how perspectives differ. People being civil/nice-ish to Liz and telling her she's a good mother instead of being nasty toward her regarding the Jason lies is possibly the least offensive thing I've seen on this show in a while. We have a thug like Sonny getting praised (instead of rightfully shunned by the entire town for all the violence around him), Franco walking free amidst his former victims and being allowed to work with children, Nikolas sexing up and marrying the woman he tried to have murdered while waving away that crime like he paid a bill late, Anna cornering and shooting a man because he killed her loser Mob-associated lover, Franco and Nina existing w/all their grossness, two self-involved criminal monsters self--righteously fighting over a beautiful toddler neither deserves.....I could keep going. Carly's gotten praise over the years about being a good mother (despite all the trauma her kids have endured as a result of her choices). So has Olivia. So has Alexis. It's not that big a deal on this show.
  15. I could have sworn Lulu was in handcuffs when "Roy" threw her into the water. Did she get her wrists free while submerged?
  16. I can't decide which is worse: Kristina and Molly praising Sonny for saving Kristina, Anna thanking Sonny, or law enforcement officials leaving an open crate of automatic weapons unattended on the docks for Carly to start grabbing and throwing into the harbor in a fit of anger. Sonny being an arrogant asshole, expected. I was a little surprised he didn't ask Carly who's blood was on her hands and clothes. I can't stand Carly, but LW was great with the material. But that last line....clearly Carly didn't learn anything when Michael got shot in the head.
  17. Yes Dixon, please kill Sonny. I wanted to smack Carly for basically shoving Anna out of her way to run out the door to save her pathetic baby boy. So the spoilers had the wrong blonde getting shot. I guess it was too much to hope both dumb dumbs would get shot. And then Morgan turns into a whining, tantrum-throwing 4-year-old. Of course. The Sonny propping and Franco propping/Franco and Nina ...stuff....vomit inducing. Blech. It is UCG though that several officials are just kinda *whatever* about Kiki unconscious, bleeding out on the pier.... The paramedics are probably like another pier shooting? Pfffft. We'll get there when we get there. Also, isn't that just a foot or so away from where SBu's Jason was last seen, before the infamous kick-into-the-harbor?
  18. Seriously. Franco and Nina were there, while Diane, and Mac and Felicia were not. It was established well before Alexis and Julian got together, that Mac and Alexis are friends. I'm annoyed (but not surprised) that they didn't show up and sit next to Maxie and Nathan. Diane should have come in right before the ceremony started if she had a court appearance. Ugh.
  19. Seriously. Franco and Nina were there, while Diane, and Mac and Felicia were not. It was established well before Alexis and Julian got together, that Mac and Alexis are friends. I'm annoyed (but not surprised) that they didn't show up and sit next to Maxie and Nathan. Diane should have come in right before the ceremony started if she had a court appearance. Ugh.
  20. Franco and Nina are wedding guests, but Diane is not?!? And after that fuss about what Leo's going to wear to the wedding, Olivia shows up without the baby? And no one brings Danny to his grandparents' wedding? The kid is old enough to sit still for at least an appearance. Unsurprisingly, Sonny got more attention today than the bride and groom until maybe the last 5 minutes. Ugh that Kristina actually *paused* her march down the aisle to touch/beam at her father. So two of Nik's cousins say Congrats to Hayden on the wedding (seemed like at least Kristina was sincere) and Hayden doesn't say thanks or even acknowledge she's happy to be the new Mrs. Cassadine. So much eye rolling where Morgan is concerned. Same with Nina - she's coming off like a 16-year-old.
  21. Ugh, of course Diane brings a bachelorette party gift to Alexis' little wedding day celebration. And Kristina needs to be slapped. Molly's dress is a pretty color, but that dress style was too young for her....or at least add a necklace. Is it really necessary to have a gorgeous woman like KeMo in such a drab colored dress? Oh well, at least all their hair looked beautiful. Was not expecting the Jerome Family to toast Julian. Good to see Lucas. Rolling my eyes at the predictability of Dante calling, Lulu a prisoner of "Roy." Also at Kiki crying - on Ava's shoulder !!! - over Morgan. The Davis Women and Diane hug was sweet. Was that an ad-lib by KeMo? Seemed that way. ETA: Yes, The Davis Women Shriner's Hospital PSA was very, very clunky. Do they really need to say the entire name that many times in just a couple of minutes? *Sigh.*
  22. Ha tvgoddess, I think it's kind of a toss up as to who's the grossest between Luke and Sloane. They are both waaaaaayyyyyy beneath Anna.
  23. GH already crossed that line with that yucky Luke/Anna affair/ONS. And literally everyone knows about the history of Luke raping Laura. I like Anna, but she's had terrible taste in men in recent years. I don't care what she says, I will never think of Duke as a good guy. Even at his best when I saw, he was condescending toward Anna about her job/work and made jabs about her being a hypocrite. Blech.
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