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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I think it was for Michael's sake; he's standing there devastated by his brother's death as she yells at Jason. Tracy knows what it feels like to have a brother die tragically. Michael knew Tracy's right, that's why he didn't get upset with her. He could have told her to stop - instead he said she's "just being a Quartermaine."
  2. Funny thing, is, when Carly held up BC's childhood pic to Sonny, I was thinking, "That's not little Morgan! Morgan was adorable!" I know, shallow (but honestly that kid actor -Aaron?- as an adult would make me tear up about his death.)
  3. He went to tell them he was taking time off from ELQ, too. But I think it's because he needed real comfort from people who truly care about him, after having lost Sabrina (who they cared for, too) and now Morgan. Carly would just cling to Michael and sob/lean on him to keep herself standing instead of letting Michael grieve the loss of his gf and now his brother. It's all about her, all the time. Deep down, Michael knows this.
  4. CD, LW, JE and DZ were excellent today. Is Bobbie's utter lack of emotion because of all the cosmetic surgery JZ has had, or because Bobbie and adult Morgan never had a scene together? She was colder and flatter today than MB was yesterday - you'd think she'd never even met Morgan. That made Bobbie and Ava's conversation even stranger. I assume Monica's "sweet boy" comment means she's never spoken to adult Morgan. Contrast Sonny's weak "I never meant" to Michael with Tracy yelling at Jason (while Michael stood there silently) about the Mob violence. That was good. Morgan was really so dumb and manic that he assumed Ned and Olivia going at it in the boathouse was Dillon and Kiki.
  5. She's not forced. She freely and happily chose to marry Jason, again, knowing he has a child with a former lover, and knowing all the details about the child and the former lover's life, currently. Also knowing that Jason and Sonny's old enemies (including Franco), and Sonny's current enemies (since Jason and Sonny are now such good buddies again) could target her and her children. Everything that Franco did to her was because of his obsession with her 'great love.' A smart woman would have walked away and never reunited with him - if for no other reason than her and Danny's physical safety. (I have the same opinion about Elizabeth, fyi.)
  6. In real life, a judge would probably shut him down because Jason's been prosecuted for murder in the past, and has a reputation in Port Charles for being Sonny's hitman. And it's a matter of public record that Jason used a gun to kill some people (yes, I know, in defense of Sonny/others) in the time BM's been playing the character. Elizabeth's lawyer (on the show or in a real life case) could say something like, "Please, Your Honor - Mr. Morgan has a higher body count than Franco is accused of!" Actually, in real life, a court might take the kids away from both Liz and Jason and Sam.
  7. I thought you meant she seemed to be taunting Sam by saying that line. He was behind Sam because he was coming through the door. He didn't linger behind her. I guess this is a YMMV situation. I find it gross and creepy that he's in Liz's house and around either of them, or babies, children, innocent animals, etc. I'd much rather see him inflicted on Sonny, or locked up with Nina, Dr.O, and Heather so they can all irritate each other into shutting up.
  8. You've already given this more thought than the writers or directors. She asked Sam not to talk about/be hostile toward Franco in her home/in front of Jake - meaning if you and Jason want to trash talk Franco when you're alone, feel free. I think the hint of smirk and the eyebrow raise was the timing - Sam in her home telling her to keep Franco "out of my face" as Franco lets himself in (blech) because Liz wants him there and she feels he's the one person on her side after she's "lost" Jason to Sam, Jake was in the hospital and the loss of her home, losing Nikolas, nearly losing her own life, and most recently her friend Sabrina's death. So Liz's little moment there was basically a defiant, "You're in my home. And now here he is. He's going to be around - deal with it." IMO Liz didn't show any hint of taunting Sam about what Franco put her through.
  9. It's definitely about whitewashing Franco. Franco sat Jake down to talk to him, and Liz froze as he did so, instead of asserting herself as the parent and saying "No, I'll talk to him'. Bad writing choice/poor parenting. (I understand why Sam didn't step forward -impossible situation for her.) I could give the writers a tiny bit of credit if, in Liz's next scene, she says she was worried Jake would freak out if she separated him from his buddy Franco during that tense scene, and then tells Franco I am the parent, I decide what he should know about delicate subjects. Your decision to talk to him without asking me first is not okay.
  10. I assume because he was explaining to her impressionable young stepson, Jake. She can't just yell her feelings or attack him, esp. after what happened with her and Jake in Liz's first house. She hates Franco for good reason - but Jake's been through a lot and the show made a point that he has emotional health issues. Today the Show made it clear that Elizabeth and Sam have no idea how to approach this subject, or how Jake would react to any kind of a safe-for-kid-ears/sanitized version of the truth. Jake thinks Franco is a good guy, and his friend, so it's very tricky territory to navigate.
  11. Yeah, I believed Ava's devastation and guilt much more than I believed Sonny's. The way he told Carly that Morgan's dead was so flat/cold/matter-of-fact you'd think he was telling her the neighbor's dog got run over and she should just accept his word. The way they closed the scene is a duplicate of how the 'Jake is dead' scene was done with JJ's Lucky and Liz (in this case, their living room instead of the GH waiting/conference room). DZ was very good - I believed Dante's devastation (who hasn't known Morgan since birth) much more than Sonny's too - seriously, just resigned and not even a quiet sob before he went in to tell Carly. Damn he's cold! The b.s. way Franco explained himself to Jake was as gag-worthy as every Nelle-Carly moment. Hopefully this means Nelle is starting to scheme? I like that Michael will hear the news from Dante, so Sonny can't try to whitewash/deflect blame.
  12. No, it's going to be the fault of both Jerome sibs when it comes out that Ava tampered w/Morgan's meds. Not sure if you saw, but when they were all in the hospital while Michael was being operated on for the bullet to the brain, Sonny (screaming) blamed Jason for not 'doing your job.' He does not feel the need to just scream at one person when his so-called loved ones get hurt or killed because of him. Not sure where Carly will place blame. She sure sounded highly delusional while leaving Morgan that VM, like the message was meant for Michael, or the 12-year-old version of Morgan. The best would be for Carly to have an emotional meltdown after seeing a comatose Morgan, walk in on Sonny and Nelle in bed, and for Nelle to smirk at her with: "Lucas asked me to say, isn't Karma a bitch?"
  13. And remind her that's she re-married Sonny after experiencing the hell of Michael nearly being killed by a bullet to the brain from the fallout of Sonny's actions, as well as experiencing the aftermath of Kristina nearly being blown to hell from a car bomb Sonny meant for an enemy. Since Carly's been such a hypocrite regarding Julian, maybe Alexis again. Although I prefer Tracy. I could see her telling off Carly, since Dillon will be hurt now that Kiki won't get with him because she's feeling guilty about Morgan, and Tracy can correctly say this is Sonny's fault, and Carly's too - plus she justifiably despises Carly. It's not like Michael will get mad at Tracy for speaking up in this situation.
  14. Yeah, when they were (still in bed), she got a text about an emergency at the Metro Court. Sonny talking about "faith" in the Metro Court restaurant, them going home and everything that followed was a clear set up for things to become a mess and their marriage to be on the rocks once they both hear about Morgan stealing Julian's car, the explosion, and whether Morgan is dead or alive. I thought for sure Jason was going to call or show up just before or while they were in bed. Also, it bugged me that Dante told officers to go in easy while pursuing Morgan because "he's my brother." Not that I'm surprised, knowing how he is toward his criminal father Sonny.
  15. The comment was made to herself after Kiki left. She seems to feel bad for Morgan and secretly dislikes Kiki for hurting him. I thought for a second Kiki was going to take her up on her offer to confide in her, and then somehow Nelle would use whatever she was told to gain favor with Carly or Michael.
  16. Carly and Sonny sexing it up (had to turn it off) and Sonny wanting compliments/Carly telling him how happy he makes her ... juxtaposed with their one true offspring being at the bottom of some hill/point amidst a flaming wreck and emergency personnel dealing with the mess ... could not be more appropriate. I guess this week we'll be treated to Carly slapping Sonny for the sex when he knew he'd ordered a hit on Julian, and now their son is paying for that. Cue Sonny, "I called it off! I called it off!!! Besides, Julian's driver should never have left keys in a car!" I enjoyed seeing Tracy talk about fighting for the hospital. Also, Molly blasting Julian about trying to kill her mother when he asked about his car. Hated that M& TJ's conversation was all about awful Julian and how he'll "use it" to hurt Morgan. Ummm, drunk driving and auto theft are crimes, kiddies. Clearly they've spent way too much time around Sonny. So many characters being worried/upset about Morgan is just ...ugh. This is the kind of hand-wringing Michael or Jason usually get.
  17. Yes. He wandered on set leaving a VM for Molly, talked to Morgan/tried to keep him from drunk driving/car theft for a few minutes, Morgan punched him out. Then Jason found him, he had maybe two minutes of telling him what happened, Jason takes off after Morgan...end scene.
  18. I think your scenario is likely - except that Morgan will be in a coma like Michael was, and Kiki's lines to Dillon today make me assume Kiki will play some role in it (witness, accidental victim, whatever) because she's so upset about Morgan's condition and she finds out her Mom switched Morgan's meds.
  19. Yeah, Sonny calling off the hit at the last moment (because of Griffin's words) is basically a recycled scene - replace Griffin w/Alexis, Julian w/AJ (not played by SK at the time) as the topic of argument, the church w/the Penthouse. It was the night Kristina was conceived.
  20. I understand that Anna and Duke have fans. However, my understanding is that back in the day, when Anna and Duke met and then got together, he was a criminal. In recent times, he went back to being a criminal, and got murdered. My point is that Duke was not Mr. Good Guy/Upstanding Citizen through life. On the other hand, due to the fallout of her own choices, then a man obsessed with her, and then Victor Cassadine's knowledge of Robin as a brilliant doctor, Anna missed out on what, a decade or so of Robin's life? Respectfully to you -to me, that is an immeasurable loss. She owes a hell of a lot more to her only child than to a man whose choices got himself killed. Her line that she shouldn't have let Robin talk her into staying (when's she's lost out on more than two years of family time with Robin, Emma and Patrick!!) because she should have been in PC to ensure justice re: Duke's death, was just utterly disgusting. Anna shows poor judgement in her family/personal life, again and again. Duke is not half the man Robert is/was, and I don't believe she truly values her daughter and grandchild as a mother/grandmother should. ETA: So the Johnny-Kristina-car scenario got recycled, but this time with Julian-Morgan, except Morgan was no innocent. Not so imaginative, writers. For anyone keeping count, re: Sonny's kids (older than age 3-ish) : one bullet to the chest, one bullet to the head + jail time, two explosions.
  21. So much THIS. I want Mac to overhear at least part of Anna going on about justice for Duke and the years 'stolen from him' by Julian. Then he should go off on her: "What about Liesel Obrecht's crimes?! Where's your outrage for Robin, huh? The time stolen from Robin and Emma? She not only tortured Robin, she almost killed Robert! And she knew where Victor Cassadine held Robin captive the second time! I just came from forcing Obrecht to stand down. She was threatening Maxie about Nathan's supposed kid. Anna, she shouldn't be walking free, able to threaten another one of my girls or anyone else for that matter - she should already be in prison after a case and trial championed by you. But you're too damn busy focusing on getting Lavery's killer to think about justice for your own daughter. Anna, Lavery's dead because he chose to work as a criminal. Get that through your head, and move on. "
  22. So, Morgan kissing his not-yet-known/we presume half-sister. That's an ...interesting... writing choice. Well, at least it stopped his whining for a moment. And seeing anger from Nelle about the kidney was maybe the start of her not being dull? That's a beautiful bra Olivia was wearing. I wanna know where GH bought it. Also, does she think Julian has a secret identity as Captain Hook or Jack Sparrow?! She didn't have any "visions"! Even I think "WTF" about her assuming the hook is a threat or warning from him. You gotta give Sonny credit (in a scum bag kinda way) for disparaging God to a priest, and pulling the Deke card. LOL @Sonny glaring at a priest for standing up to him. Really, Dillon? The night of the Nurse's Ball with Kiki was one of the best of your life? You need to go back to L.A. to find some real excitement.
  23. I say betrayal because Paul lived at the Q mansion for a time (while plotting to kill people, including both of Michael's grandmothers), and still calls himself family. Sure, it's not betrayal of Michael specifically, but definitely a betrayal of his family that he claims to love. I assumed the Dean was apologizing because he knows of Sonny's Mob reputation and is afraid of Sonny putting out a hit on (or ordering the beating of) himself or someone else at the university - 'cause that's what Sonny does when he's not getting what he wants.
  24. Tracy told him while they were sitting with Sabrina's body. He was shocked, and I believe said, "Is she okay?!" Tracy told him that Sabrina performing CPR saved Monica's life. Later when Dante was talking about timing with Jason and Michael, CD played the quiet anguish/rage as it sunk in that Sabrina was murdered because the killer knew she could identify him since she found Monica and got her breathing just after the injection. Michael has said that the killer needed to be stopped before he hurt anyone else - at that point he knew the person was most likely responsible for shoving Jason's ex/Jake's mom down a staircase, also tried to kill his grandmother, and then strangled his girlfriend to shut her up. Then to find out his aunt's ex-husband/cousin's dad is the one responsible ... is a lot to take in. In the hands of better writers, he would talk about - or yell at Sonny and Carly about - being betrayed again when a loved one is murdered at the hands of family/someone he thought could be trusted. Then Monica would walk up behind him, facing S&C, and say, "I couldn't agree more."
  25. Does Michael even know Paul's motive? I may have missed something. He told Kiki and Nelle that he "just found out" but he didn't say who called him, or the details when Kiki walked away to call Dillon. All I heard him say was Julian was in jail, too, but is now free, no justice, yada yada. I was hoping for a Michael-Tracy-Dillon scene. Michael should comfort his cousin, since he knows what it's like to have a parent kill (I know, try to kill in T/P's case) another parent, and knows what it's like to have a parent responsible for the deaths of a bunch of people.
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