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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I actually thought his implication of sex from her in exchange for research grant $, and his "it's only words" line sounded like a vague reference to/jab at what's been going on with the Trump Presidential campaign. A while ago someone posted that Jason's "stronger together" line seemed like a Clinton Presidential campaign reference. I wonder if the writers care to do that.
  2. You're right - Charlotte shoots Maxie a look of disgust, and then a little "whatever" type face and headshake in reaction to Nathan's line that Maxie says pepperoni is too spicy. Maxie totally missed it. So funny! That moment is almost as enjoyable as Tracy dissing Franco yesterday. I want to know what dubbel zout thinks "too spicy" is a euphemism for. What can I say, you all are far more entertaining than the show. That video MB shared .... WTF? LOL!! HeatLifer, is there any explanation as to why he posted it for the audience??
  3. 1) Are you actually @HeatLifer, pretending to be Peachmangosteen :P ? Although several of us *would* love to have Anna's awfulness gone. 2) Please share at what moment Charlotte looked at Maxie with disgust. I missed it, and I'm feeling very disappointed. Thanks in advance!
  4. Agreed, that seems to be the way the story is going, between Maxie telling Lulu about Charlotte's existence, Dante telling Lulu he met the "beautiful" Charlotte, Claudette speaking in such a detached way about Charlotte (I would think PPD if she had recently given birth), and now the DNA test. Next thing you know, Laura will meet Charlotte and say something like "You remind me so much of my daughter Lulu at that age" - even though little Lulu was a round-faced brunette!!
  5. Seriously. Morgan's death is all Julian's fault (forget the auto theft) - how dare Julian not get killed in the hit that was meant for him? I like to think part of the call from Robert was because he talked to Robin, who expressed concern that Mom has completely gone off the rails. Laura talking about her and Spencer being so attached to each other and missing him - she has met her grandson, yes? How did Laura find out Hayden and Elizabeth are (ugh) sisters? It seems like she hasn't spoken to Hayden or Elizabeth since before she left. I'm disgusted, but not surprised, that the writers have Laura giggling with Liz over Franco/comparing Luke to Franco. I wish someone would remind Laura that Franco had Lucky's newborn son kidnapped from the hospital. Franco lurking in the dark near them, listening, is so damn creepy. The writing for Elizabeth's has gone from awful to now rock bottom over the years. UGH. Hey Nathan and Maxie, Charlotte can still hear you two arguing about her and her mother from two feet away. No shocker that Claud wants to ditch her daughter with her ex and Maxie and run away with Griffin. I'll bet some of you laughed that she "can tell" Maxie's a good mother to Georgie. All the Griffin-Claudette stuff is so eye-roll worthy. I will guess, from Maxie's reaction to the DNA test, that you all called it that this kid will turn out to be from Lulu's embryo (even though she's too old to be a result of that horrible storyline, yet too young to be a child of Claudette and Nathan). I felt sorry for the little girl that Maxie just had to do the dramatic thing right in front of her. It's good to see Tracy talking about the hospital, and being such a great supporter of Michael Easton's latest character. I'm a little shocked Tracy has been on so much.
  6. Is Ric even still on GH? Does Molly mention her dad? The last time I remember seeing him, he spoke to Sam and Jake Doe in the hospital as he was going into Sonny's room, on Elizabeth and Jake Doe's wedding day-that-wasn't. I would expect Max or Milo to answer the door and give Julian a hard time about showing up/defend "Mr. C" about the bomb and Morgan's death. Diane would be more likely to show up to give Sonny or Carly Morgan's death certificate, and then duck as Sonny threw bar ware while crying or screaming in despair. I sort of understand why Jason is propping Sonny. After all of Carly's screaming and despair/rage when Michael was shot and in a coma, she ended up going back to Sonny anyway (glad that was mentioned). She even had sex with him in a limo - while married to Jax - when they were so devastated about Michael going to a long-term hospital. She is well aware that Kristina had first-hand experience with a car bomb (when she was a teen-ager) because of Sonny. She even had a line to Alexis: "Kristina could have been killed..." So Jason thinks the two parents should mourn together, that Carly had her eyes wide open when she chose to re-marry Sonny, that walking away from him now is not the answer. Carly talks about taking care of Josslyn - but she's known all along that the safest, most healthy place for Joss to grow up is in Australia, with Jax. She's just been too selfish to admit that.
  7. If I ignore most of what's going on, I can enjoy small moments - like Tracy not even acknowledging Franco (as he's standing right there) while she's answering Elizabeth's question about the hospital. She totally played it like yeah I see him, no he's not worth a moment of my time. Gotta love JE!! I also liked Liz mentioning Cameron (and Emma).
  8. Michael's reaction to Morgan's death, and how he mourns, is one of the few I find believable. Michael has been 'responsible' for little brother Morgan since he was a child. Being a brother is a major component of his identity. Also, Morgan is the only other person who understood what it meant to grow up as a child of Sonny Corinthos. On the other hand, Michael has known Sabrina for maybe two years? They were officially a couple for less than that. Michael said the person who murdered Sabrina and others had to be caught/stopped. Paul was caught. Sabrina's child is now with her family in Puerto Rico. There's nothing Sabrina-related that's unresolved now - he could work and try to move on with his life. Then he gets blindsided with the Morgan's dead news. His grief for one versus the other is not even comparable.
  9. To me, moments like declaring their love for other people (Jason to Liz; Sam about Lucky to Liz's face), and Jason threatening to kill Sam (if she ever hurt Jake again) is more than getting "sidetracked with all the drama in their lives." And I wasn't trying to start a conflict with you - just saying that Jason's past, and Jason and Sam's history, has certainly gotten the white wash treatment to make them a root-able, happy couple now with a bright future. IMO the reality on screen is that they have not been a long-term happy couple, focusing on having a child together for most of that time. I agree with you about TPTB doing whatever it takes to sell Franco; he's now getting the whitewash treatment as well to force more terrible storytelling and Roger as an actor.
  10. Not a comparable situation. As far as the audience knows, Lucky is not actively visiting the three boys or arranging for them to come see him. No mention of Skype calls, either. Jason was back in Danny's life well before Patrick's exit storyline - which included Emma regaining her true mother, Robin. You may remember, before Sam and Patrick broke up, Patrick acting like the only reason Jason should speak to Sam was to arrange visitation/talk about Danny. At Christmas, Jason saw Jake as well as Cam and Aiden, and was talking about still wanting to be in their lives. He felt attached to them; he was with the three of them when he ran into Sam and Danny in the park. Liz didn't demand that he come see the boys for the holiday. Now his POV seems to indicate that his only concern is his son Jake, and the other two boys just kind of exist somewhere. Although when Jake had his line about not wanting to be separated from his brothers if Mom doesn't get better, Jason vaguely and lamely promised him he wouldn't let that happen. I disagree that Jason and Sam have been waiting almost a decade for Danny. That makes it seem like they've been a solid couple going through fertility treatments and attempted adoptions for a long time. The first time Jason considered being a parent with Sam, it was because he let her move in when she was pregnant with his best friend's kid, and he promised to be a father to the baby.
  11. I'm simply addressing what HeatLifer said about Frank and plot points. I didn't say I like the scenario/want it to happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if something like that was written. The kids do get used for stupid plot points, like toddler Danny running into John Doe's room and holding his hand while the guy was unconscious, toddler Jake being in danger from his bio-great grandfather's out-of-control car at a carnival, and Emma at various points during the storylines involving Britt and Sabrina. It wouldn't surprise me if Danny was used for a few minutes, to set up conflict for Jason, Sam, and Carly. I agree with Darlazr in that there should still be something (real) with Jason, Elizabeth, and Sam. After BM's Jason was in love with Elizabeth and spent so much time with her and her sons, I don't believe he would have no emotional reaction (aside from worry about Jake's feelings) to her near death in the hospital thanks to Paul. He should have been really concerned about Cam and Aiden as well, since they were going to be his stepsons. He talks/acts like he barely knows those boys. I don't buy that he remembered everything/fell completely in love with Sam again, and everything that he felt for Liz was wiped out to the point that he does not care about her at all beyond her ability to be a mom to Jake. Believable drama would be Jason loving Sam and being committed to her, but deciding he also needs to take care of Elizabeth as she recovers, then having conflicting feels while he's around Liz - NOT this awful Franco crap. Franco should be nowhere near Liz's home, her children, or Danny.
  12. Manufactured drama with Jason, Sam and Carly (like the Dante, Lulu, Dillon, and Val nonsense) to liven up the current JaSam dullness. Jason spends a lot of time with Carly, since she's a mess over Morgan's death. Sam is understanding and generous about sharing Jason, since her character is so vanilla at the moment. One night, Sam spends the night at her mom's house because she's worried about Alexis having depression and anxiety and getting drunk. Carly finds out that Sam will be out of the home for a night. She goes to see Jason, he tells her sure, we have the guest room and couch after all. During the night, she can't sleep and either asks Jason to let her sleep beside him and he says okay, or she gets into bed with him for comfort and he never wakes up and sees her there. She leaves S&J's bedroom early in the morning, but doesn't see that Danny sees her emerge. Within a day or two, Sam and Danny are talking and Carly is mentioned. "Daddy really loves Aunt Carly" (He reiterates what he was told, that Mommy and Daddy share a bedroom and bed because they really really love each other). "What makes you say that, Danny?" Danny explains innocently what he saw. Sam goes to confront Carly; Carly has been going on to Jason about awful life is now and how he makes it bearable for her, blah blah. She surprises Jason with a kiss. Sam walks in just in time to see the kiss, but not to see how it happened/that Carly initiated. Cue Sam's rage that maybe Jason is cheating on her. Makes more sense than Dante immediately believing that Lulu is cheating on him with Dillon because he saw their clothes on a bed in a hotel room.
  13. I mean because Sam is at home every night, sleeping in that bed. Now if she went out of town for a night or several (business or visiting people), I think Carly would give it a try (timing it by when she thinks Danny would be in bed already).
  14. C'mon HeatLifer. You know Carly will always carry a torch for Jason, Sam or no Sam. I don't think it should happen, don't want that to happen, but I could absolutely see her having a few drinks at the Metro Court or the Floating Rib, Jason intercedes to save her from herself, she breaks down crying in his arms and has a stupid impulse to seduce him, and he stops her. She already told him "all I need is you" when he suggested that she and Sonny need each other to deal with the grief. If he didn't have a wife and son in his home, I absolutely think Carly would be trying to sleep next to him for comfort.
  15. She told Carly on Friday she "used to think Uncle Sonny's job was cool" (reference to that scene) but she never really understood what it meant. What I got out of that was Michael and Jax tried to protect her from the truth over the years, because she was just a kid. She's spent a lot of time with her dad in Australia as she's been growing up. She may even have gone to school there for months at a time - that's never been clear. Bottom line is, she wasn't living in " Uncle Sonny's world" as Michael did. She would see Sonny sometimes with her mom, but not a lot until after AJ died, and Carly and Sonny were 'officially' back together after Franco's wedding day stunt. All along, Carly would have tried to make her impressionable young daughter Joss believe she's a devoted mother who doesn't make poor decisions, and that Sonny would be devoted stepdad, protector, etc. With older brother Morgan (as an adult) desperate for Sonny's love and devoted to him (unless feeling betrayed by his dad), and Michael not speaking out against Sonny in front of Joss - on top of Carly and Sonny's lies to get what they want - I can believe Joss would 'feel' tension in the air sometimes, have a sense that her family worried about danger - but not why. She may even have been in a bit of kid denial, with sometimes seeing an "alleged mobster" headline and Sonny's pic and also scared when there were fights she could hear - but repressed it because of her unfortunate faith in her mother and Sonny. She's what, 14-ish now? At that age, I didn't know (nor really care) what my 'uncle' - not blood, a close friend of my parents - did for a living. They all talked about lots of other topics around me. I didn't know until after age 18 that he had a long background in finance. So I buy Josslyn having this reaction, since she's old enough to take in more complex information (as opposed to "there was an accident and Morgan went to Heaven, baby") and the violence has directly impacted her home life.
  16. I think Dante and Michael should get some audience sympathy (3rd death of someone close to him in 2 years-ish), and Josslyn as well. Dante had a lovely bond with child Morgan; he even saved the kid at a carnival. Josslyn's lines on Friday made it clear neither Jax nor Carly ever spelled out what Sonny does and exactly how her mother, eldest brother and current step-siblings got hurt as a result. Other than that, yeah, not giving a shit is an appropriate response. ;)
  17. Rushing the beats is typical of GH, in my opinion. They did the same thing with the "Jake is gone" storyline. Lucky and Elizabeth were trying to accept what Robin and Patrick told them, and Carly was acting first toward Jason, and then toward Lucky and Elizabeth, like they had to consent to the organ transplant right. that. minute. or Josslyn would die before the night was over. They also did it with the lab explosion, when Robin had just "died" and Patrick (with dirt, etc. on his clothes) was attempting to wrap his mind around what just happened. Sam was following him, begging him to take the vile Robin had given him and go right now to Jason so that her child wouldn't lose a parent, too. Speaking of Sam, I was surprised she was so ....detached?.. when speaking to Alexis about the bomb and Morgan's death. Can't recall if Sam and Morgan (w/BC in the role) ever had a scene together, but Sam has known Michael and Morgan since they were children, her little sister Molly was close to child Morgan, and she and Jason just re-married in Sonny,Carly and Morgan's home. I thought I would see a hint of a tear in her eye or something. I also don't understand why we haven't seen Molly on-screen so far, at least getting a hug of comfort from Sam or Kristina. Molly absolutely should have an outburst of anger about the violence that Julian and Uncle Sonny just brush off - her cousins and her sister's lives have all been impacted by it. She and Josslyn could have a great scene about that. Although I'm not sure Joss, since she's so much younger, knows Michael got shot in the head and was in a coma as a child. Maybe that's still to come - have I missed Molly and Joss spoilers?
  18. Better his than Jax's . That is why I don't love the idea of Jax returning. Carly will want to lean on him, tell him Joss was right that he was right about Sonny all along (which she already knew when she was married to Jax and cheated on him with Sonny, while Michael was in a coma). And she had it re-confirmed when Sonny tried to kill Jax because Carly went crying to him during one of her typical overreactions (that time concerning Joss and Carly's judgement as a parent). I could see her wanting to sex up Jax as temporary pain killer; he is too smart for her and way too good for her. I think it's sufficient if Josslyn, Alexis and even Michael have lines about a "long talk with Dad/Jax on the phone" and references to plans to visit him in Australia, to help cope with the pain/stress. I just assume if Jax returned, even briefly, it would be all. about. Carly, and her new young bestie who saved Joss and is being so great to the family at this hard time. Blech. Maybe Michael and Josslyn would get to be in on a scene. But as far as I remember, the last time Jax and Alexis had a scene together, they were talking about her dating Shawn and him saving her life. That was ... how long ago? TPTB don't think their friendship (or really, anyone's) is a priority. What's most likely at this moment is Carly crying in Jason's arms, tries to kiss him to numb her own pain, and Jason gently tells her NO. Not just because he's married and has a family with Sam (along with no feelings for Carly), but also because he knows it's not good for Carly either. He won't help her be self-destructive when her kids need her, blah blah.
  19. Have Kristina and Josslyn ever been in a scene together?? I'm positive the two of them have never had a scene together with Michael. I'm laughing that Sonny is surprised/offended that Carly would leave him right now. He called off the hit - that should totes make a huge difference. No, Carly, you should never have reunited with Sonny in the first place, after Michael got shot in the head. Ugh. And Michael being softer on Sonny already is very disappointing. Nelle is aware that Morgan has just died but hopes she's not interrupting. The invention of the phone, then voice mail, was marvelous, girlie. They even have it at the Metro Court hotel. Wow, Kristina is a total B. I know she hates Julian for trying to kill her mother, but seriously...wish she would go back to the personality where she saw Sonny for what he is really is. Poor Josslyn. The Josslyn actress did a great job. She also really looks like she could be Carly and Jax's kid. So great to hear her actually reference time spent with Jax. "Dad was right about Uncle Sonny all along." Woo hoo!! I love that Avery verbally rejected going to Daddy, and also pulled away when Nelle tried to hand her over. LMAO.
  20. She gave him the retainer so he would be bound by attorney-client privilege as she told him that she knew Paul was the hospital serial killer before he was arrested. She then also told him about switching Morgan's meds.
  21. Gotcha. I understand - life experience w/family and family friends is what makes this a pet peeve of mine. It's a bad situation when the parent(s) want the kid(s) to parent them, and/or are self-involved (like Sonny and Carly), so they leave it up to their eldest or elder children to parent the youngest ones. The death of a parent is an extenuating circumstance - I know of situations like that, where older siblings help or even have to take over parenting. Yet the surviving parent still needs to do their job. In this case, during Michael's adult life, neither his mother or 'father' (by illegal adoption) has died or been presumed dead for a period of time.
  22. As far as I know, that's called parenting - it's supposed to be Sonny and Carly's job. They should have made sure he had those skills when he returned from the expensive school at age 18/19 (no longer a boy) during the gambling problem storyline, when BC was cast as Morgan. But instead, for years now Sonny and Carly have relied on Michael (and Jason, when SBu was in the role) to make them feel better about their awfulness as parents, help fix their mistakes, and "look after" Morgan so they didn't have to. Michael has tried to help Morgan, but all it got him was a lot of attitude from his brother, and set up to look like a dangerous alcoholic when Michael didn't do/act like Morgan thought he should (re: Avery). Michael was definitely not obligated to play babysitter to his brother after that. It makes sense, though, that Michael would blame himself - his upbringing and his parents' refusal to own their mistakes or learn from them, and the truth that they are awful parents.
  23. Yes - he was Morgan's one "friend." He told his mother to please back off because all he can think about right now is that he just lost a "friend." Yes, such a great friend - he inspired you to think more about sex with Molly because he was bragging/going off to hook up with a girl, and he also punched you out when you tried to save him from his drunken, stupid self. What will you ever do without him. I think they also wanted to remind the audience that Jordan is a mother and she and Sonny are not really 'on the same side' despite those asinine courthouse scenes.
  24. The problem is, Bobbie wasn't emotional at all. JZ played it like Morgan died months ago or even more than a year ago and Carly won't accept it, get out of bed and start moving on with her life. Bobbie had a hint of a tear in her eye when confronted by Ava (a woman she doesn't even know) offering condolences, but no emotion whatsoever or trembling voice for her line about Morgan not coming home, at seeing her daughter in denial, at her daughter in tears asked Dante what happened. Watching it made me feel like Bobbie hardly knew Carly and never met Morgan.
  25. He's aware of what happened to Alexis. But I don't think he needs to spend time with her - she dumped him/they broke up because she was so in love with Julian. ELQ is in Q hands, since Nikolas is now dead. Ned is checking in on his mother and brother and offering his support to them. Monica is recovering. Ned wasn't a part of anything at GH. Morgan whined, took the blood work script from Andre but didn't go for blood work, decided he would buy a term paper, got caught cheating, and has done nothing but whine about life and that he has to take pills. Ava didn't sabotage his pills until after she and Julian goaded him (when he attacked Julian) at Kelly's. This is after he attacked Carlos' brother, Joe, at the Q mansion and was yelling about getting Sonny's people to find and take out the serial killer. He's a jerk to pretty much everyone even while taking the pills. He's only nice if people tell him how awesome he is, he gets exactly what he wants, and is not held accountable for his mistakes.
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