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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Things to like about today: Jax telling Alexis it's a "stretch" that she's the reason Morgan is dead. He really shouldn't feel any guilt about the impact of his actions on Carly's life, after she betrayed her marriage vows to him, her whining to Sonny resulted in his plane crash, and now the life she chose has killed her 'baby boy'. Also, the "I love you" between Jax and Alexis was sweet. (What I don't get is now that we know Jax tapped into the black market and Nelle's parents sold her kidney (which Nelle clearly knows), why hasn't she been asking more questions about Jax, or trying to investigate him by breaking into Carly's e-mail. All I get from today is that Nelle seems to feel an emotional attachment to Michael.) Lucy today, with the attitude. "Ava has you by the.....ears." Ha. Yes, Scott really did think you're not that bright. Finn making Elizabeth realize (although not on purpose) that if there's not an emergency at the hospital and her kids are okay, there is no emergency (certainly not Franco!). What made me roll my eyes: Carly's line to Sonny: "Haven't you learned anything at all?!" I thought for a second lightning would come down and strike her down from the hypocrisy of that line, re: her life now. Elizabeth's rapist knows/remembers Alexis?!! Ugh, I see from the previews he probably slipped something into her drink.
  2. Is this one of the T-shirt slogans yet? Can't recall. If not, it should be added immediately.
  3. He loves his niece, Molly? That's news to me :P ... Spencer is off the show for now, so I don't expect that anyone aside from Laura, Kevin, Lulu and maybe Liz would mention him. As for Joss, Sonny has always loathed Jax, so I think it would be completely OOC for him to give Jax's daughter anything. I assume the only reason he let Joss move in was to get Carly to sleep with/marry him, and so Michael and Morgan wouldn't think he's a POS for refusing to accept their little sis into his home.
  4. I think they (or at least Dante) are incredulous that Sonny would try to recant a confession he made in front of a dozen (more?) of his dead son's loved ones, in a public church. That's different than confessing and than recanting to one or two detectives in a closed interrogation room. In Dante's case, I think he's also upset about Sonny pulling that stunt/saying that stuff to him and his/Morgan's brother, Michael, and now it's like "Umm, nevermind, I take it back." It seems to me that over the years, DZ has played it like Dante struggles with wanting a connection with his siblings (that he never had growing up) who clearly loved Sonny, yet resenting and not feeling any respect for how Sonny lives his life, while also wishing for a relationship with a father who's not a total douche. I believe Dante's pain right now, as I can remember him having such a sweet bond with kid Morgan. Kid Morgan emotionally said to Dante (who was recovering from Sonny's gunshot wound), "I'm glad you're my brother." Dante now thinks, for once Dad does the right thing and confesses so I -and Morgan's other sisters and brother can start to heal - and then takes it back. UGH.
  5. I saw just a couple moments of GH today - enough for me to want Mac to suddenly appear next to Dr. O, tell her off for having the balls to call anyone else a "terrible person" (especially since she was speaking to someone she held hostage and shot in the past) and then for both Mac and Elizabeth to throat punch the b.
  6. Haley may have reached her maximum, if she's still under 18 yrs old. Maybe the Josslyn actress, also a minor, reached her maximum as well? I think the writers wanted "the kids" gone for Sonny's "I'm gonna kill myself" moment. They don't want him to appear to be a violent, selfish, traumatizing-the-youngest-of-the-family monster. The youngest people there in the final moment were Michael and Nelle (both mid-20s?). I saw that Joss was gone; Michael and Jax were sitting next to Carly instead in the last moments of the episode. Also, Sonny and Kristina just had a scene where Kristina wanted to know why he sounded like he was saying goodbye, and he b.s.-ed his response so as to calm her down. She's been crying in front of and next to him. Once she's gone, he figures he can make a show of wanting to shoot himself without his reckless daughter lunging for the gun and getting shot. "Sam's had enough" was a good excuse to get the young, emotional daughter and niece out of there. Also, the last time Kristina and Molly were in that church (for their Mom's wedding), a dude had a gun pointed at them. Having them scared about a gun again in a church so soon would be kinda repetitious.
  7. LOL!! Thanks for that. Now I *really* wish Joss had overheard the exchange between her mom and step-sis, and shaded her that way. That would be the one good reason to see GH today - well, other than Molly's new hairdo that is.
  8. Bless you, Perkie. You made me laugh tonight, and I *really* needed that. I think I like this even better than your last one.
  9. What stood out to me is Nelle sitting in the pew next to Bobbie (we know she's given Nelle the side-eye), instead of Lucas. Also, Dillon shows up to offer condolences to the family and wants to offer support to Kiki - yet Morgan's one "friend"/Molly's long-time boyfriend, TJ, is a no-show. I had the same reaction to "forgive", but I had a stronger WTF reaction to Michael saying Morgan was "creative." What, is he counting the time Morgan hatched a plan with Kiki to set him up to look like an alcoholic and therefore a danger to baby Avery??
  10. Molly's hair cut and highlights look beautiful. She definitely looks more grown up now. Nice to see her and Joss together, with the candles. One sweet moment amidst so much ugliness on this show. Eyeroll at Kristina for continuing to be a brat toward Carly about Jax after Carly explained he's there to support Josslyn because "she lost her brother, too." Although I'm slightly amused by Carly shading her own dead son with the Kristina temper comparison. Shut up, Alexis. Jax does not deserve any attitude from you. He was right to say that to Sonny. It's sad that of the 4 Davis women, the only one with decent judgment is the 18/19-year-old. The rest is too awful, and predictable, for me. Michael's eulogy for Morgan sounded like he never even met his little brother. I think that's the the most WTF I've heard since the time Sam told someone that Robin as a priority in Jason's life has been problematic in their relationship (paraphrasing here).
  11. That was also my thought when Jax awkwardly half-hugged Sonny, lol! Perkie rocks.
  12. I desperately need a distraction from grief, so I watched a little bit today. Now I feel worse. Why? A)Because I got to see Liz (with moist eyes) tell Franco - not Laura, or Lulu or even Epiphany - that the parole board read her victim statement and let Tom get out anyway. B) Because I got to see Kristina be a snot to Carly about bringing Jax to Morgan's funeral, and thereby making things worse for Sonny. Someone needs to sit that brat down and remind her that just a few years ago, he almost killed her with a car bomb, she told her father off for trying to murder Jax by disabling his plane, and that Jax as stepdad was more of a father to Morgan than Sonny ever was. The only good moment was that last Jax line: "You brought a gun to a funeral?" Of course Sonny doesn't even say Thank you to Jax's very gracious condolence statement.
  13. I could be reaching here, but .... I'm wondering if there is a connection between this story idea and the campaign of the now president-elect in this country (USA). I am not starting any kind of political debate here, fyi. Viewers/citizens - including women - listened to him in recent months, and voted for him, despite a 'no big deal' attitude about inappropriate behavior toward women, assault, etc....so maybe the writers figured some time ago this could appeal to viewers who like these actors (or, at the very least, they think it's not socially unacceptable to write stuff like this for a rape victim and a character who's hurt so many people). The timing of this stands out to me.
  14. Me too!!! So glad I didn't watch today. UGH. Poor Becky Herbst - under contract to act such offensive, misogynistic material after all the years and effort she's put into this show. I really wonder if this is TPTB trying to force the Franco character into a full-on redemption, by remembering how 'love of Laura' "redeemed" Luke after the rape?? The Elizabeth teen rape storyline was more of a vehicle to give JJ and TG a chance for Lucky and Luke to dig into Luke's past. Yes, one really awful night Luke committed rape, and has done illegal things and killed people as a result of working for/running from the Mob, etc. - but Show wanted to make a point that there was more to Luke than that darkness, via Lucky's youthful hero worship perspective, and Laura's as well. It seems like this is a really sloppy, and offensive way to attempt to do the same thing. Regarding that nighttime bench scene - I think Laura's line to Elizabeth about understanding falling for a man with a dark side, and Liz saying 'hopefully someday they'll see what I see" was very deliberate (and awful).
  15. I think that's the one question that has an answer - no. Someone -Bobbie?-asked Pat if she was aware Aunt Ruby ran a whore house. She looked crushed and said no. I think, just from that, they made it pretty clear she didn't keep tabs on them. Maybe she had one other line? Basically she sent them away, and hoped for the best for them (with a fresh start, living with their aunt. I would think that if you check up on children, even if not face-to-face, it would be hard to miss that they're living amongst prostitutes).
  16. His "I like to give hugs" line to Carly confirmed that for me. I could *maybe* buy him saying that to comfort young Molly or Josslyn if he found one of them sitting alone, welling up with tears over Morgan - and then she just collapsed in his arms sobbing. But the way he speaks to Carly, Sam, and others now...just NO. I laugh at the memory of Sam telling him (before he 'got all memories back'): "You're really not that different."
  17. Anna's attached herself to this kid because she thinks the kid is Duke's grandchild, period. She's way more smiley right now than when she found out Robin was pregnant!! She has decided to take on Griffin as the son she never had, because he's Duke child. She's on a mission of loving Duke, just in a different way. Anna has made this about biological links. Now if she had met Griffin and/or Charlotte under different circumstances, grown closer to them over time and behaved like this without any knowledge of Griffin's biological link to Duke, I would believe differently.
  18. Felt so much disgust at Anna's big smile in reaction to Charlotte saying they're going out to eat "like a family." So in her mind, she's now an insta-family with Griffin and the little girl (that's she's vowed to herself to protect), when they don't even have the DNA results back yet? Yes, that's right Anna - it's perfectly safe to have the kid out in the middle of the restaurant, when Valentin can walk in and do whatever, like say maybe have Anna or Griffin's food poisoned? They could have taken Charlotte out to eat anywhere, like Kelly's. Do TPTB not realize Anna looks like a moron? Although...Griffin's shock face (when he hasn't yet seen the test results) to Valentin's "my daughter" declaration was pretty funny. Morgan's journal was seriously contrived, OOC b.s.
  19. People tend to gloss over the negatives about someone after death (unless the deceased is barking mad/evil like Stavros). So that's not a surprise. Right now everyone's saying nice things about Morgan that we know aren't true; everything he did wrong is being blamed on his mental illness..."so sad" "a shame" etc. Also, Anna knows Nikolas was a friend of her daughter, a friend of Elizabeth, the son of Laura, the brother-in-law of Dante (all people Anna respects). She would not take anything seriously that this Valentin would say about Nikolas, esp. given how many years Robin knew him. I doubt Anna's made the time to chat with Laura and Liz, Hayden and Finn, Curtis, or Sam and Jason about Hayden's scam, the blackmail, shooting, and where that all lead. After all, neither Nikolas nor Hayden worked for/with Julian, Carlos or Duke. :P
  20. Jason's "I like to give hugs" is as weird, if not weirder, than calling Sam "preggers", IMO. Anna taunts a man she believes to be a dangerous criminal - when he's not locked up in high security facility, when Charlotte isn't hidden away anymore (although he hasn't confirmed knowing she's in PC), and her own daughter and granddaughter are visiting. Why did the WSB want her back? I think Lulu's joy face about the sorta-rape embryo, and then the tears over no daughter, was really disturbing - and pretty much guarantees that Charlotte will turn out to be the Stavlu embryo. Well, this (Dante's partner/friend very briefly thinking he was a dad) is a reminder of Lulu's brother nearly becoming stepdad to Lulu's son/being unaware that his nephew was growing up in his own home.
  21. Because Liz is not allowed to speak about her own family (beyond a reference to her feelings of inferiority and sister Sarah ) - ever. The show does not want to delve into the emotional impact of being dumped by her parents (on Audrey's doorstep) as a teenager, or how being raped as a teen and not getting proper help has impacted her life well into adulthood. The show has zero interest in the Webber/Hardy Family, otherwise Liz's parents would have come to Port Charles at some point to meet their 3 grandchildren, visited their daughter when she's been sick or injured/near death over the last 20 years, or showed up to help their son/stepson Steven the doctor when he was going off to prison. All we're allowed to know (from Herbst's lines while Liz was in a hospital bed) is that Liz had this child-like view of her parents as a couple with the perfect marriage (nevermind that they abandoned their kids) and she feels it's too painful to let go of that fantasy/talk to her parents. I think that childhood ideal, and the traumas never adequately addressed, provide a good explanation about her hanging onto the vision of the LnL2 "happy family,"and her variety of unhealthy relationship/sexual choices as an adult. Herbst has the acting chops to do great work in lashing out at Liz's parents (like how she reacted to Luke when Aiden was sick), but the writers don't have the talent or background knowledge to handle it, and TPTB think Corinthos Family drama is way more important than focusing on any substance in the show's core legacy family. I get irritated about Anna being a crappy mom to Robin over the years, and I don't think that Robert is awesome dad like many here do ... but they are parents of the years compared to the Webbers. This "story" involving the Budig actress is nothing more than forcing her character to be relevant to the current GH canvas, by connecting her to a core family for no good reason.
  22. Best moment goes to Alexis crossing herself as she said may Mikkos burn in hell. Ha! Is Valentin supposed to be the youngest of the Cassadines, the result of Mikkos having another affair as a F-you to Helena for murdering Alexis' mom? I'm confused; the repeat of "bastard" child isn't helpful for determining his age, w/r/t Stavros, Stefan, and Natasha/Alexis. He just made it clear he knows her mother's throat was slit. Did anyone else see Franco's move as a suggestion he'll strangle her for talking to Griffin (or some other guy) in the future? It was good to see BH get to have a nice, normal conversation with an attractive doctor before RoHo appeared. Seriously dude, let Griffin have his personal space. I felt like Franco was going to murder Griffin after they disappeared around the corner, then the body would be found in a supply closet or in a stairwell or something. Also, shut up about fatherhood - nobody cares that Ava lied to you about Kiki. Of course I never got to see Dr. lose CoS position and get banished to records, but I see Monica give her a chance to help with patients because it's "a fresh start" at GH. UGH. I thought Franco would say "I was engaged to Carly, and look how that turned out" in response to Obrecht saying he should be with someone who loves him as he is/with the 'bomb' inside him, instead of him trying to be a better person for Liz. I guess the writers missed the implication that Franco's right for someone like Carly or Sam.
  23. Omg, I need the crying from laughter emoji right now!! Thank you Cheyanne! Sam: "I swear, I feel sharp points! Owwwww!! What in the world is this kid doing?!"
  24. The way he said to Claudette 'I believe you have something of mine" (or close to that, anyway) has me thinking he sees Charlotte as a possession - that she's not actually his daughter or Claudette's. Today he said children make the story interesting - it seems that Charlotte is a pawn, a a piece of a plan. I also think there's writing intention behind both Laura and Elizabeth seeing her at the Metro Court. This vaguely reminds me of Stefan and Nikolas arriving in Port Charles in the '90s.
  25. Are we supposed to recognize the hand writing in the letter from "your father" that Nelle was reading? I don't. It's a little refreshing that Anna has shifted away from her 'broken record' stance re: Duke and Julian to concentrate on Valentin and protecting Charlotte (even if she thinks the child is Duke's granddaughter). I understand it's in character for her to understate the hell she's been through, but I still hated Robin telling Griffin she was held prison by Victor but luckily rescued by Patrick, Anna and Robert. The poorly written lines made it seem like Robin was kidnapped for maybe a month. Also, on the one hand, Robin looks great in blue (and I much prefer her with this longer hair), but on the other hand, that shirt looked like a tent on her. They did the same thing for Kim McC's stint when Robin 'came back from the dead' - the shirt she had on during the Purina Wedding Interruptus. It's so annoying. So the first scene back at GH is pregnant Sam in a hospital bed, worrying about Valentin and Jason's intentions. Of course. Passed out Alexis missing Jason's phone call makes me roll my eyes. I tried to miss all the Valentin/Nina stuff but accidentally heard him ask, "Are we having a baby?" My timing sucks. So much UGH. Don't know nor care why he's so into her.
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