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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I wouldn't say just like everyone else on GH. Sam'has been hanging onto Jason's memory these past few years, just as she was about Jason when SBu was in the role. When Danny had cancer, she was crying/praying to Jason though she leaned on Alexis and Molly for support and found out Julian was her dad after the bone marrow transplant. She developed feelings for Silas when he was Danny's doc, but would say things to Patrick like I can't date Silas because I still feel married to Jason, then told him she hadn't yet slept with Silas, then she told him she didn't trust Nina (after she appeared in Port Charles). Then her friendship with Patrick turned into more, but she was super reluctant to move out of the home she'd shared with Jason, and so on. The part of her that's barely recognizable is she hasn't really delved into her bad girl side in a while because she wasn't fighting Liz, Carly, or anyone else over Jason's emotions, choices, etc.
  2. It took Emma noticing something on a woman that she remembered seeing on Spencer Cassadine for Patrick to buy a clue that Robin's in danger. Anna being all shocked - what, Robin's not with you and Emma?! - makes me want to smack her. But I did like Mac's "old habits die hard" line and smirk. I had to tune out when Sonny said Michael, I'm going to give you some fatherly advice. Ugh. Blech. JE is awesome, that tossing of Ava's dropped brand-new panties like she had accidentally come across a dead, decaying animal made me LOL. Previews: I see Robert, and I can hear the squeals of excitement from you all!
  3. Obrecht is a sociopath criminal who shouldn't even be COS since the guy who was instrumental in putting her there (Victor) is dead. Ran both her games? If you're talking about Danny's DNA test, Liz wasn't a lab tech or Jason's doctor (for her to do it as part of her job description). She took the sample as a favor to him and then had a selfish moment, it's that simple. She took him in when he was released from the hospital in the fall but he later moved out, to Kelly's I believe. The first time they slept together was in May, after the Nurse's Ball - not when she took him in. And yes, she started lying about his identity at that time. Your implication that she took him home from the hospital, seduced him and has been controlling his life since that time is incorrect. Obrecht (and probably Monica too) knew Liz took Jake Doe in and didn't care. After the Nurse's Ball she also made an orgasm reference re: Liz and Jake Doe during work time to Liz's face, but yet again had zero concern about the appropriateness or lack thereof of anything.
  4. I agree with you - I remember that. I was attempting to say that the Liz-lying-to-Jason-and-Sam-is-a-betrayal-of-Robin's-friendship idea seems like a huge leap to me. It would make much more sense that Robin might feel Liz betrayed her friendship by encouraging Patrick to get engaged to Sam, all the while knowing Jake was Jason and that Emma -Robin's beloved little girl- was pretty much guaranteed to get hurt by the truth about Jason inevitably coming out. (I'm putting aside Liz's disregard for her own kids because it's not related to Robin.)
  5. Not sure what you're referring to, as Helena doesn't work in the hospital and have a space there for Liz to tear apart. Liz did care about what Franco did to Aiden; there was at least one scene when she was in the hospital after giving birth to Aiden that she expressed fear for her child, and anger at Franco for doing the kidnapping. There have been times that Liz and Helena clashed at the hospital and Shadybrooke because Helena was being threatening, though.
  6. He hired someone to kidnap her newborn son from that same hospital, killed that person, and then took the baby to his mother to raise as her own child. Trashing a room where that psycho works when he has no business ever working there is less than the least of what he deserves.
  7. Liz doesn't know what Robin wanted, other than Jason alive (because he was her friend and she "died" to save him). They didn't have a talk before she left about her motivations for complying with Victor. The only person aware of what Robin was thinking and feeling at that time is/was Patrick. So her sources of information re: Robin reviving Jason, the clinic explosion, and Robin living in Paris are Patrick, Nikolas and (recently) Helena. If anything, I think Robin should be angry at Liz because her lies contributed to Patrick creating the situation that resulted in Emma calling Robin, sobbing and heartbroken.
  8. What she said was correct, but to me it rings hollow because Carly has used Michael numerous times as a weapon and trump card to get what she wanted, or to prevent what she didn't want, from Jason, Sonny and AJ for about 19 years now. Michael has definitely suffered because he's her son.
  9. I liked Liz recognizing that sympathy from Franco is a new low (after the boring Carly-Liz confrontation). Liz never claimed she doesn't lie, which is why I just rolled my eyes at Carly. So did she just show up at the hospital to confront Liz because Jason wouldn't answer his phone for "my turn"? She's such a bratty tween/teen in a woman's body. Olivia semi-crashed her DIL's lunch and then crashed her baby daddy's lunch in one episode-that must be a new record for her in lack of boundaries. Hey dumbass, Alexis is not "putting you in your place" by gently and kindly mentioning boundaries privately, one-on-one. Her "joke's on you" and "we'll see about that" attitude is just ... gross. It's awesome seeing Laura looking great and doing her best to be a wise, loving mom for Lulu.
  10. I thought Liz's POV re: Jake, and how Becky played that, to be the most interesting part. Jason called Sam "the mother of my child" and Liz snapped back "I am the mother of your child!" I think her tone and attitude was a great reference to the fact that she was the mother of Jason's kid first, that in her heart she never fully let go of the anger and hurt that SBu's Jason chose the Mob, walked away from her and let Jake be raised as Liz and Lucky's kid but then after Jake was gone, he chose to marry Sam and start a family with her. I'm not sure, but I felt like there was a hint of "if you had chosen me back then, there would be no Danny" to it.
  11. Patrick got real weepy and quiet, I think, because as Emma comes running in, excited, he's realized he had just (in his previous scene with Emma) set her up for heartbreak with the talk of setting a wedding date. He's only been focused on his own pain, anger, and jealousy. Also he doesn't have the balls to be the one to sit down and apologize to Emma for what has happened. So instead he let Sam break the news to Emma and then chose words implying Sam's decided to leave - not that he's the one who decided to end their relationship. I want to believe his emotional state was not just about Sam, but also choking on guilt at what he's done to his daughter's life. Sam's tears seem to be about feeling like she's now lost Patrick too after Jason's made his own feelings clear.
  12. Ugh, Patrick sucked worse today by not stepping forward to tell his daughter there's not going to be a wedding ... no, Sam gets to the be one to tell her, sobbing, and then listen to Emma beg her to stay. Emma screaming and sobbing at Sam and Patrick just letting her....uberdouche. Brooklyn did a fabulous job with Emma's breakdown. Her sobbing "no more falling in love," no more girlfriends, it hurts too much Daddy" and begging for her mother....WOW. I wonder if HeatLifer is cheering for Brooklyn/Emma. And no Sam, Patrick is responsible for Emma's heartbreak. So sad that it takes Emma sobbing, on the floor, wanting her mother for Patrick to decide they'll go see Robin. Ugh. I like that Jason says they're over because Liz didn't trust him. That's not love. BH was great and BM was actually watchable. I wasn't bored by his responses to her justifications. The line that the woman he was in love with is no more real than Jake Doe was ... interesting. KMc's words to Emma also got me. The tears....:( "What have I done to my life?" Dante, we've all been asking that for a while now.
  13. Ben was starting to grow up in a house of horrors, with Dr. O as a role model and two conscienceless people - Nik and Britt. Neither one was his parent. Britt knew how badly Dante and Lulu wanted to be parents because she had been their OB/GYN. Ben was an innocent baby. Totally different situation. Liz lied to Jason, not disputing that, but he's a grown ass man who didn't have a gun to his head preventing him from pursuing his identity by spending time in therapy, paying someone not related to Nikolas to really investigate him, etc. He said to Liz, hmm maybe I have a wife and kids out there ... and then an oh well, whatever attitude. He had zero longing. Also, Jake and Danny were living with at least one of their bio parents, in homes where sociopaths don't regularly appear and hang out because they're family. Btw, your Liz quote made me LOL. ;)
  14. Re: Danny's paternity, Jason asked, "So this was revenge?" And she said "I don't know," then said she didn't want Jason with Sam - that she wanted him with her to take her pain away, make things better. Re: your second comment, I was actually thinking of JJ and BH's scenes in Shadybrooke about the Niz affair. She said to him "you were on drugs; I don't have an excuse." Liz will acknowledge at some point and Becky does a good job of playing Liz's shame/remorse (esp. during alone moments) throughout a storyline and of course after a confrontation.
  15. Actually, Lulu outed Britt at the party. Nikolas gave Lulu crap, saying she didn't have proof, and at that moment Liz walked in saying there is proof - she had Cam's origami thing in her hand, with Britt's hand-written confession letter on the back. Britt intended to keep Rocco away from Lulu and Dante forever. Nikolas is a terrible parent, and Britt has shown she doesn't take a child's safety seriously. While Dante sucks now, at that time he was a responsible guy who wanted to have children with his wife. (And Lulu absolutely wanted to have children with Dante). While Liz has done some horrible things, stealing a child is not one of them. Britt also taunted Liz (when Nikolas wasn't there, of course) that her ex - Nik's brother- abandoned the children because he couldn't deal with her. Since Britt wasn't even in Port Charles and didn't know any of them when everything went down, her thinking that she had any place to judge/comment was trashy. Liz eventually owns up to her sins; Britt's default response for everything was: "It's all Mother's fault!"
  16. I think Liz and Nikolas may get verbally attacked together, i.e. Carly is at the hospital with Sonny, sees Liz and Nik talking, charges over and starts screaming at them, while Michael and Sabrina are in the vicinity for baby doc appt of course.. Or Monica tells them off. Or they both do. Liz had been verbally attacked in the workplace previously, Show is unoriginal, and Carly has no sense of decency that would stop her from making a loud scene in a place where there are other people (besides Sonny) trying to get well.
  17. BB is a trip. Johnny's reactions (while in hiding) to annoying Dillon were the best part of the show. Olivia going off on Dante, and insulting both him and Val, was good work by Lisa. Good to know she's outraged to see Val holding Rocco like she's the mommy, comfortable alone in the Falconeri home with him, and is going to go tell her off in the next episode. I called it that Patrick would break up with Sam. Gotta love the irony that he walked away from Sabrina after a talk with Sam, and now he's "moving on" from Sam after a talk with Sabrina. I thought of what HeatLifer said that Patrick has some tears, but nothing even close to how he was with Robin in the church. Sam's tears seemed more like she doesn't want to lose both Jason and Patrick because she's all "no, no, I want you/this" with him after sadly watching Jason walk out on her with that cold, dismissive "Goodbye." BH definitely does a good job with the crazy, scared eyes. But I rolled my eyes at her trying to say Jason's throwing it all away, and trying to get past him and avoid just answering yes or no. Previews: I recognize the voice of Jerry Jax. What a shocker...not.
  18. Aiden came down from the attic for a brief plot point scene with his daddy, Lucky, during JJ's appearance this past July at Liz's house. He was super cute. Then Cam was in a scene with Laura and Jake for a plot-point thing at Halloween about Jake being messed up/violent (I guess they didn't want Jake to be super bad by knocking his little brother down instead). The only time all 3 boys have appeared together was at the church right before the Liz&Jason wedding-that-wasn't. Ugh. It would be accurate to say I'm disgusted that Show has glossed over that Lucky was the true father of Cam (the bio one, Zander, died before Cam's birth and the boy's never heard his name). The emphasis on Lucky as Aiden's father (no mention of Cam) since JJ left is awful, especially since both GV and JJ's Lucky had sweet scenes spanning years with Braden's Cam. Lucky spent far more time with Cam than he did with his bio son, baby Aiden. Yet Cam got excluded from that Lucky&Aiden plot point scene.
  19. I recall she appeared in the Q mansion, asking Michael about Jason's whereabouts because he didn't "come home" (to her house). Then she went to Sam's, asked about Sam coming over to her house the night before, Sam said yeah I brought him his motorcycle, and they went from there with the tense words. Liz wasn't in Sam's house to know how Sam questioned Jake, or how many questions she asked. Sam was being confrontational, and said she questioned Jake and that's what he said. So Liz assumes Sam was being intense toward her son; that's not a big shock. I rolled my eyes at Sam calling Liz self-righteous about that, because Sam would be furious if Liz or someone else questioned Danny, when she wasn't around and without her permission, about a conversation overheard between her and her mother or mother-in-law. I can only imagine her outrage if someone overheard the time she asked Alexis, "hypothetically" if she could get in trouble for watching a crime-the kidnapping of infant Jake- and not telling anyone including the police. And then that someone who overheard told Liz, Lucky, or the police what they heard. To be clear I think Liz has been wrong about how she's handled things throughout this storyline....but Sam is just as capable of being a liar and hypocrite any day of the week. It's just that Show has really done its best to white-wash Sam.
  20. Am I the only one rolling my eyes that Carly wants Liz to stop being selfish so Jason will somehow remember/ go back to "who he really is inside" (the fixer of the fall outs of Carly and Sonny's inherent selfishness) and Sonny's like yeah, it's tough, I need Jason now more than ever. I saw the preview of Jason yelling he's "done with this" and "get out" and wonder why Sam would want that guy. I also feel bad for Emma in the preview, since apparently her daddy is misleading her about Sam. Poor girl.
  21. His disgust came from prosecuting Jason for murder; Liz was a witness. He had bugged Jason's Penthouse so he heard talk about Liason ONS, and then outed the ONS, and Jason as potential father of baby Jake, when she was testifying. They had a confrontation in the court room after; she called him cruel. He was disgusted by her attitude. His response was to tell someone - maybe Sam?- that he hated that Liz had turned into a liar because of Jason. Later, just after Sam's hired goons threatened Liz, Cam and baby Jake in the park, Ric came upon Liz and Sam (who had just chased off the goons with her gun), and gave Liz attitude about the trial. He made it clear he had nothing but contempt for her feelings for/loyalty to Jason. From then on, they stayed away from each other (he got involved with Claudia while she was married to Sonny) and then he left PC.
  22. More likely (IMO) so that Patrick can throw Scrubs fans some crumbs before JT's exit - that he chose to break up with Sam and then chose to pursue Robin's whereabouts/leave town with her because she was always his 'great love'... or some crap like that. This is the same show that had Ric leave town feeling nothing but contempt/disgust for Liz, not talk to her for at least a few years, and then return, inexplicably in love and willing to do anything to be with her. WTF is GH's specialty.
  23. Sams's anger is justified, but I roll my eyes at her telling Liz to "spare me the self-righteous indignation" re: her son Jake. Lord knows if someone got Danny alone to ask him about what he heard Sam and Alexis, or Sam and Monica discussing, Sam would be livid and say that's a violation of her trust. I will guess Jason wants Sam to leave in part because she tried to use his eldest son to get dirt on Liz and the boys' grandmother.
  24. So now Jason is joking about his own mumbling and the amnesia, and actually believes that Jake will be "fine" because he has Danny to play with?! Ugh. LOVED Mac stopping and confronting Anna! LOL at telling her, "You're a little rusty." Such a great, kind, loving man. I wanna see a Robin-Uncle Mac reunion far more than I want to see an Anna and Robin reunion. Sam saying she wants to fast-track the divorce so she's "not tempted" to use the truth against Liz (and mess with the Liason relationship) makes about as much sense as when Liz said she thought Lucky knowing he's Aiden's father would cause him to feel obligated to her and walk away from Siobhan. The truth is Sam is afraid of risking her amnesiac husband's rejection (again) if she goes after his "great love" Liz with her suspicions and blowing up her own relationship with Patrick, knowing deep down she doesn't want Patrick...she wants a second chance to be a family with Jason and Danny. Yet she obviously convinced herself that moving forward with Patrick is best under the circumstances, and this is what she needs to do to save her relationship with Patrick. Sad. Re Special Report: Not surprising, but very saddening, to hear that the attack on the center in San Bernardino, CA is officially being considered an act of terrorism connected to ISIS. Prayers for the victims and their families. ETA: I get the impression we missed Nikolas telling Liz to keep her mouth shut, go home and be happy with Jason? Liz and Laura both looked sad/tired (but Genie looks stunning nonetheless). A Liz-Sam showdown over Jason for Monday? Gee Show, that didn't get old the first 54351 times. Patrick snapping at Sonny is an almost decent preview though.
  25. Oracle - Maybe Liz's disbelief, shock, awe at Lucky bringing little Jake home alive? Also Jane Elliot did fabulous work in Tracy's good-bye scenes with Luke.
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