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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I wish I'd had a warning for that NotTodd!Franco-Nina kiss. I need brain bleach. Blech. Also: unmoved by the Nina makeover, show. Please stop trying to make her happen. And shut UP, Maxie. Alexis' "the wicked witch is dead" happy dance was funny. Not sure I've ever heard her call Nikolas "nephew" before. Did I see a tear in his eyes when she said he's carrying on for Helena? I liked her saying only what Sam wants/thinks counts re: where she and Danny belong and with whom. Liz telling Carly 'you loved Jason more than any man you were sleeping with" and labeling that relationship twisted is the best line BH/Elizabeth has had in quite a while. LOL at Carly tearing up a little. I have to enjoy Liz pushing back against Carly's attitude and demands. While some of what Carly said was true, I roll my eyes at her attitude that she and Jason are good for each other, him being with Liz + boys and not working as a hitman instead of being with his family and living with the danger he 'craves' makes him 'small.' Liz's weird chaste monage a trois line was funny (and accurate) too. So are these two women equally delusional now? Seems like it's a toss up. Too bad Sam didn't overhear Patrick telling Jason he's a distraction.who needs to get out of Sam's life. Jason's response was good. Maybe Jason will let Sam know? Anyway, SBu's Jason would have just glared or glowered, said a few words instead of articulating actual thoughts, and walked away. Laura looks beautiful. But I call b.s. at Sam wondering aloud to Laura if Liz knew who Jason was before Carly told him. Feeling a little surprised that Liz seems to sincerely give back the engagement ring because of his feeling of being trapped in a maze. Loved Sam telling Patrick not to drag her mother into it, that if and when she's ready to divorce Jason she'll do it without manipulation from him. Ha! She should yell "hypocrite" and bare her teeth at him for getting testy/hostile as he demands to know why she's trying to delay getting a divorce when she claims to want to marry him. What a douchecanoe hypocrite.
  2. The writing made both Sam and Liz look bad today. Liz: for pressing Jason to divorce Sam, rolling her eyes when Sam called, volunteering to drop Jake off at the Drake house instead of Jason doing it, and then her triumphant announcement to Patrick that Jason is going to divorce Sam. Sam: for telling Patrick she wants to sleep with him tonight, then closing the door, plotting to get Jake over to the house, and then trying to manipulate him into spilling the secret. I rolled my eyes at her telling Jason Danny's "climbing the walls" when he was just coloring at the table, not making a sound. She looked so sad when Jason left. Liz and Patrick are both utter idiots for thinking they've 'won' in this mess. The writing made both Sam and Liz look bad today. Liz: for pressing Jason to divorce Sam, rolling her eyes when Sam called, volunteering to drop Jake off at the Drake house instead of Jason doing it, and then her triumphant announcement to Patrick that Jason is going to divorce Sam. Sam: for telling Patrick she wants to sleep with him tonight, then closing the door, plotting to get Jake over to the house, and then trying to manipulate him into spilling the secret. I rolled my eyes at her telling Jason Danny's "climbing the walls" when he was just coloring at the table, not making a sound. She looked so sad when Jason left. Liz and Patrick are both utter idiots for thinking they've 'won' in this mess.
  3. While I'm disappointed to not see Alexis and Helena in a verbal spar (so much fun to watch!), Helena and Sam's exchange kinda sorta makes up for it. That's the most interesting Sam has been in a while. I liked Sam being all "Mikkos wanted my grandmother so he could get away from you" when Helena was talking about being with Mikkos on the other side. It was good to see, as opposed to her anger/hostility toward Liz that she and Jason are still living together after the reveal. I get her point about the man without connections moving into Liz's home, whereas Jason Morgan did/does have a family and home. Yet it cuts both ways. If Sam truly feels his current living situation is inappropriate because he's still her husband and Danny's father (which I thought was implied), it's certainly inappropriate as well for her as Jason's wife to continue living with Patrick. Yes, Danny and Emma (in addition to Patrick) would be disrupted if she and Danny went back to the Penthouse, but if Jason leaves Liz's house, Cam, Jake and Aiden's lives get disrupted (in addition to Liz). All the kids are going to continue to be affected by the mess, there is no 'good' or 'easy' solution in that respect.
  4. The spoiler on GHH2 says "someone unexpected," not someone familiar so I assumed it's Carlos, because she thinks he's dead and there was the conflict between Anna and Paul about the autopsy of "Carlos' (really Sloane). I figured Carlos' text to Sabrina was supposed to confirm for the audience he is indeed alive because GH has so far only allowed ghosts to talk to/torment people, not use electronics. I assumed that spoiler was about Jordan in the context of her work because the show already had Jordan and Shawn as past illicit and then current lovers. But they could go the predictable route and have the shrink be yet another man from her past. I agree, between that sweater and her hair, BH/Liz looked gorgeous on Thanksgiving.
  5. Absolutely. I really would like to see a scene of Cam complaining in front of people (or at least Laura) that Mom and big Jake/Jason are all about their brother Jake now, because they are dad and son but Aiden and I are only Spencer boys. We want to spend time with our Gram and Grandma Laura too, not just Jake's grandma. So Patrick spends Thanksgiving with his fiance and her son at the family home of her back-from-the-dead husband, and leaves his daughter....where? Did I miss a mention of him leaving Emma with some Scorpios to eat turkey? Ugh. KeMo did a good job of showing Sam feeling melancholy at seeing Jason with Liz and Jake while being stuck with consolation prize Patrick. I also liked her do-not-engage attitude with Liz.
  6. No, if Sonny, Carly, NotTodd!Franco, Nina, Kiki, Morgan, Ava, Patrick, Nikolas, Spinelli and TJ all actually bleed out in public first.
  7. It seems like she needs to convince herself, and him, that she didn't just *settle* for Patrick because Jason was gone (and Silas didn't work out), and because she doesn't want the kids to be more confused than they already are - Danny had gotten used to living in the Drake house, was accepting Patrick as daddy and Emma as sister; Sam knows Emma is attached to her and has been through losses already. She voluntarily entered this relationship/living situation, doesn't want to hurt anyone, and doesn't know if/when Jason will get his memories back ... or if the two will "fit" again with his current personality and after all this time apart.
  8. I didn't include that because Kristina didn't actually get in the car IIRC - Johnny figured out there was a bomb attached to his car and pushed her away/threw her down so she thankfully ended up with just scratches/bruises. What Sonny did was evil but it wasn't with the knowledge of her possibly getting into the car. I felt the Michael and Dante situations were different because Sonny took Michael to the warehouse with him knowing that he's always a target (plus of course the shooting was retaliation for having Johnny beat up/tortured when he was actually innocent), and of course Dante got shot at point-blank range by Sonny's hand.
  9. I know we're being trolled when I hear Carly insist to Morgan twice, "Nobody wants Kiki." LOL!!! Very strange to hear the guy who's supposed to be playing Jason Morgan accusing another person of killing someone. Although at this point it would be in character for Nikolas to kill Helena. Makeup dept. did a good job making Anna look haunted/exhausted/ill. I anticipate rage blackouts from some of you (in addition to the bi-polar poor storytelling) re: Epiphany to Sonny: "I've never seen you hurt any of your children." Was she not working the night/weeks Dante was in the hospital after getting shot in the chest, or when Patrick was operating on Michael's brain?! UGH. Rolling my eyes at both Liz and Nikolas. STFU. Did anyone else think that when Liz took Jason by the hand and pulled him to come with her, he looked like a man-child going home with mommy? Sabrina's faint was not convincing IMO, but Carlos' OMG we're having a baby shock/look was well done.
  10. Eh, I guess that's open to interpretation. The first re-cast acted like fiance Liz was a burden and he made out with and then slept with her sister, Sarah. He also took on a photography job, had an *interesting* dynamic with Nikolas, and in general truly earned the nickname Shouty McYellerson. He was truly the opposite, in looks, personality and acting, of JJ.
  11. Wow. So, Morgan has a gun? Clearly, this will end hilariously. Again, that is....It actually was LOL funny when Morgan showed up at a cabin with a gun to kill Julian (he bullied TJ to find out the location) and instead Julian charged at Morgan, causing the gun to misfire and Julian to hit his head on the floor. Michael then showed up, and talked Morgan into putting the gun down by saying dad doesn't want you to ruin your life and it's dad's decision, not yours, how to deal with Julian.
  12. I didn't watch today, but do we know for sure that Helena knows Nikolas told her the truth? Did Helena and Nikolas talk about him keeping this secret with Elizabeth (and now Laura and Lucky knowing, too)? I'm just wondering because Helena and Nikolas were alone last winter when she disclosed that Jake Doe was actually Jason.
  13. It seems like Sam and Liz are both being delusional/having selective memory about Jason and their history with him. Yet Sam's not wrong that Liz wanted Jason to be her white knight and also wanted some normalcy in a relationship (but the '9-5' line was crap). Liz admitted that to Jason when she confessed about changing Danny's test results. She said she wanted him to love her and take all the sadness/ pain away. The one time I definitely remember re: normalcy being an issue with Liason was they agreed to a romantic dinner at her house. She was excited and placing candles and such on the table, but then Jason called and said something came up, sorry. Liz (while alone) hung up the phone, got angry, threw stuff by her table and then was cold to Jason when he showed up during her shift at the hospital. Contrast that with Sam not getting angry/ just sort of sucking it up when Jason had himself sent to prison indefinitely (to protect Michael) without talking to her first. Then on the other hand we see Sam going about her great love with Jason and their great life together, choosing to forget that over the years she's been shot, threatened, kidnapped, violated (that's what Franco drugging her, and seeing/touching her naked body was, period), and had her baby stolen from her because of her relationship with Jason, or as a result of his own actions. There was also a time at the hospital when Liz and Sam were on okay terms, at a time when Liz and Jason were seeing each other. Liz mentioned Jason not showing up to be with her, and Sam's response was basically, get used to it because Jason is married to his work, I speak from experience. I look at these two women now and think, good lord you two have serious self-esteem issues and need therapy. STAT.
  14. Best moment: JJ as Avery, singing Will's song in the Bluebird. Beautiful yet sad. Worst: Maddie talking to Daphne like she's a boyfriend getting dumped because Maddie no longer cares/has no use for her. I wanted to smack Maddie over the head for being such an entitled, unloving brat. UGH. Also: Colt is much smarter than Luke gives him credit for.
  15. I'm thinking I don't need to watch the crap 'cause I prefer Perkie's summaries. Perfection.
  16. Dante/Lulu/Val would be a little bit worthwhile for me if, say, Lulu comes looking for sympathy and (while Carly is standing within ear shot) Bobbie puts her arm around Lulu and says, "I feel for you, honey - this isn't the first time a Spencer woman has slept with another Spencer woman's husband." Cue Carly's scowl/pout and Lulu shaking her head and shooting Carly one of her 'you're an awful person' looks as she says, "Carly and Tony, right. Ugh!" So typical that Bobbie should have scenes with her two nieces right now, but Show only allows her to appear to prop her awful daughter.
  17. There's also the difference in characters. Val came on the scene as an insta-Spencer who was furious at Luke's awful behavior and blamed him for her mom's death, which outraged Lulu. She immediately developed an attraction to/crush on Lulu's husband. She had no history with these characters, no home, no friends, no job. Her existence on the show is defined by mother's death, thorn in Lulu's side, and now an affair with Lulu's husband. Lisa came to Port Charles as a licensed doctor, working at General Hospital, who had a history with Patrick and a lingering attraction to him. She also dated Steven Lars. In the beginning of her storyline, she had some dignity - she wasn't pathetic.. I can't say the same for Val in this storyline.
  18. There you go giving Nikolas credit for being a half decent parent, and his employees credit for supposedly being responsible adults. There have been several incidents where Spencer went and did as he pleased, and his driver/ Cassadine staff were never held responsible by Nikolas for letting the little brat get away with stuff. The night of Spencer's birthday party, the staff as well as Nikolas himself left the children alone in a room with burning candles. Nobody, including Nikolas, had any clue the place was on fire until Emma appeared, screaming for help. Patrick saw his daughter appear, terrified. He gave medical assistance until Spencer was taken to the hospital! So why at this point Patrick would ever trust Nikolas or the Cassadine employees with Emma's welfare is mind-blowing, irresponsible parenting in addition to his behavior re: Sam and Robin. Emma's been allowed around the crazy doctor who tortured her mother and tried to kill her grandfather, in Nik's home with his knowledge!! Leaving Emma alone briefly because Patrick was running late (?) is probably the least irresponsible thing someone on Nik's payroll has done re: Spencer, and if Patrick doesn't know that by now (given all the incidents he's aware of that involve Spencer, the staff and Nikolas) I wonder if he has two working brain cells. The anger should be directed at himself for being an idiot.
  19. What made me go Ugh was Patrick approaching the situation with only anger toward the driver, and no signs of guilt that he wasn't there himself when Emma was afraid/in trouble - he is the parent. I just feel like yet again Patrick is being painted as the innocent one, while Emma's trauma is supposed to be all Robin's, and Spencer's driver's fault. It just screams stupid because Patrick knows Spencer/the Cassadines aren't reliable re: safety -Spencer ran away from camp and stayed gone, and then the kids were unsupervised at Wydemere when the room caught on fire during Spencer's b-day party.
  20. Sam is a Cassadine in addition to being Jason's wife, so does she even need an "excuse" to go? Grandma Monica, Grandma Alexis/Molly and Grandpa Julian could share babysitting duties. Does Elizabeth know Jason and Sam made out? Well, I guess she could know if Patrick told her. I thought Sam and Jason only told her that they talked and he visited with Danny.
  21. On a related note (in my mind), did Emma nearly get kidnapped because Patrick lost track of time/was late picking up Emma from the park due to fighting with/crying at Sam about her kiss with Jason? That's my impression. The text Spencer got seemed to imply that there was a specific time that his driver was supposed to take him home and that Patrick was supposed to get Emma. I heard Spencer say something about your dad's supposed to be on his way. I saw Patrick arrive and get angry that Spencer/driver left Emma alone, but I'm thinking no dude, you - not the Cassadines - are responsible for your child's whereabouts/safety.
  22. What gets me is that while yes, Liz and Patrick are being awful and pathetic, they look almost like the good ones in comparison to Nik's scenes today. He sneers at Jason immediately when Jason comes to see him and is angry, keeps lying to his face, is remorseless, and then (to Hayden) implies he'll do whatever he needs to do to keep Jason from taking ELQ away. It seemed to me like he truly does not give a damn how his future actions toward Jason could hurt Sam or Elizabeth.
  23. I understand that, I think it's just that some (like myself) would love to see the daughter of super agents Robert and Anna save herself. If the evil doers in hot pursuit happen to run into/piss off Anna, Dante, Jordan and others as Robin crash lands in front of her mother, that would be appreciated. I wanna see Anna be a mom and knock some people out because she sees people chasing or aiming at the daughter she claims to love so much.
  24. If someone from GH trolls this board, takes this idea and actually writes it into the show, I won't complain about Show for a week.
  25. I agree with you about the double standard, but I think the strongest instance of it is between Elizabeth and Nikolas. Laura was telling Nikolas to dissuade Liz from going through with the wedding, which was stupid because he's the one who encouraged it to begin with! Nikolas could have come forward with the truth anytime in the last 10 months or so. He hasn't - for selfish reasons. Liz also faced a lot more wrath/consequences after the affair than Nikolas did. Patrick's current behavior is consistent with his past before he was Robin's "great love" in that he's always thought of himself as the hot shot doctor, who women should want in their beds, fawn over, flirt with. His cheating on and put downs of Robin were at times when his ego/self-esteem got hurt because felt like she wasn't making him #1, when she was in a superior position at the hospital, etc. So he absolutely believes he is the better man (and obvious choice) for Sam. Is he a better man than guys like Sonny, SBu's Jason Morgan, Paul, Nikolas, and Julian? Sure, but that's not saying much. I think sometimes Patrick just gets credit because JT has great father-daughter chemistry with the little actress Brooke (I believe Patrick loves his daughter more than life in one-on-one scenes) and because he used to have great friendship scenes with Elizabeth (Shadybrooke, post-Niz affair scene comes to mind).
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