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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. It's really a toss up as to whether this or another poster's line about Hayden smacking Liz with a bedpan is my favorite comment of October. I love the mental image of Carly trying to rip either Kiki (KA or Erin ___)'s poorly maintained hair out.
  2. UGH that Bay, after having a horrible year, gets to be the one who comforts her crying bio-mother after her fugitive boyfriend goes on the run ... while the police have broken down the door/torn apart Bay's family home. That was one lame apology for missing Bay's show, too (yeah it turned out to be a lie but that's irrelevant here). I wanted the police to take Regina off to jail. Amusing though that John's ego got him handcuffed. I thought it was ballsy of Travis to kiss Bay. I couldn't focus on Daphne and Mingo's argument about Quinn because those bright pink bra straps were so distracting after she changed into that dress. Then they're gone like magic in the next scene! Daphne clearly has special powers. My other takeaway is Mingo can do better than Daphne. Kathryn going off on John was awesome. He's such an ass. Bay looked fantastic in China. She wasn't sobbing in despair when she reached Daphne, so I don't think the call was about her parents, Regina, Toby, or their friends being near death - I'm going to guess either baby Carlton is really sick or died suddenly? It would be sad but not a life-altering tragedy for her personally.
  3. Speaking of the kids, I saw the little boy actor who plays Elizabeth's son, Cameron, as an almost-victim along with another boy (saved at the last minute of course) in the 10/25 CSI Cyber episode. Good for him for getting work outside of GH.
  4. I saw the last 15 minutes or so - UGH that Michael has Sabrina come in the hospital room with him to deliver the pregnancy news to Sonny and Carly to 'cheer dad up.' Although Carly's WTF face made me chuckle. This makes me hope that Carlos actually fathered the baby. Also lol at Jake telling Jakeson "you are my daddy, I know it" (per eavesdropping on Mom and Grandma Laura's conversation) and Liz's look of horror. His tone suggests he would like to knife Jakeson (or something similar) if he thinks Jakeson would try to leave.
  5. No, Avery was upset because he came home to find a nanny with Cadence who Juliette had hired (without a word to her husband) in the hours he'd been away. He had a right to be angry that he'd never met/had a chance to co-interview the woman caring for their child. Juliette's attitude was yeah, I called this number and they got me a nanny super-fast, isn't that great??? Juliette told Avery "you're so good with her" while observing him with the baby. She was upset that Avery was going out for business reasons and she was at home with the baby. She didn't feel like she was a natural with the baby, and wanted to get back to what was comfortable for her, so she did something rash - hire a nanny in a matter of hours. Avery wanted her to do both (he understandably got upset that she wouldn't say the baby's name and was trying to avoid holding her). Her reaction was to yell at him to let her hold the baby right that second and then she threw the snow globe at him when he didn't want to hand the baby over while she was tense/angry. Their final scene was him saying she's sick, needs help, he and the baby are leaving because Cadence is not safe around Juliette. Her reaction is 'F this, let's go on tour Luke." Her behavior since then has shown that she's very self-destructive beyond any PPD symptoms she's having. She refuses to acknowledge that anything is wrong, so she's not getting therapy. A phone call/text to Avery or Emily after months of avoidance and terrible behavior toward herself as well as everyone else is not proof that she's "coming around." Avery knows that Juliette was selfish and self-destructive before they got married and had Cadence. He understands the reality, that Juliette is deeply messed up and that honestly Cadence can't count on her for the forseeable future. So he decides he's going to do his best to protect the baby from her mess of a mother. It may seem harsh, but it's sensible. As a previous poster said, better to cut ties now than to have Cadence being an emotional mess due to self-images issues because Mom is in and out of her life on whims of wanting to play Mommy.
  6. "He may resent her because she isn't trying to get help but this is essentially robbing her of her daughter should she ever finally come out the other side" Seems like Avery wants to protect the baby; it is not fair to Cadence to grow up with a hope that maybe her mother will 'come out the other side.' Avery doesn't want to watch his daughter have a crisis (when she's old enough to be aware) and be hurting because her mother doesn't show up when she let her believe that she's important. He knows Juliette is toxic. Toxic people who cling to denial don't get help, and can cause long-term damage. They let people who depend on them down very consistently. For all Avery knows, Juliette could behave like a sick person for the next 20 years -never seeking treatment or at least never fully becoming a reasonably healthy person and yet still work as a semi/fully-functioning singer. Avery figures hey, Juliette has already broken my heart. I won't let her do the same to our innocent child. He could still tell Cadence basic information about her mother when she gets older. Terminating rights does not mean the little girl won't ever know anything about the woman who gave birth to her.
  7. Juliette was on her own at age 16 because of her drug addict mother, so it doesn't even occur to her that Maddie being on stage could be an issue. Maddie has wanted to quit school and sing full-time since Rayna and Luke were engaged. So she sees Juliette as validating her, while Mom wants to hold her back. (I thought Luke's reaction is because Maddie IS a minor, and he's a father of a kid the same age. He wouldn't be okay with someone allowing Cole to do something he objects to). Then Cole calls her a "woman" for her amazing performance, and she wants to seal that validation of older identity/new 'reality' (in her mind) by having sex with Cole. She has no idea that Juliette has abandoned the baby, and is taking drugs. She does not know Rayna has info about Juliette's destructive ness that she herself is not privy to. She figures hey, Mom just won't accept that I'm not a kid and I can do duets and handle this world (as opposed to just singing with her little sister). I agree that snapping at Rayna that she's an adult, along with Cole saying how things were great until Luke sent Maddie home is indicative that they just had sex.
  8. It was the chipper way she flopped down and announced to Lily that she was helping Melody by taking Lily's job, just hours (?) after Lily told Melody she was quitting to go to London. As Lily said, she had worked hard to get where she is. Kathryn decided (from hearing Lily talk) that she wanted to be "a part of something" important/valuable. So she has a talk with Melody and just gets handed the job temporarily? How nice for Lily to hear -after the day she's had of the thoughts of guests about her child - that she's easily replaceable, and really fast. Yes, Kathryn signs, but does she have any background in education at all?
  9. I'm really hoping that Bay and Daphne find out about that and tell her off. I would like to see Bay then write her off. (I know Daphne won't; she has some of Regina's unattractive character traits).
  10. Bay was fabulous in this episode. You go, girl! I'm so utterly disgusted with Regina. There are just no words. I love that the last line was John blasting Regina for bringing a felon into their home. I wanted to slap Regina for shooting Bay a sad/betrayed look. I'm kinda rooting for the Kennishes to kick Regina out, and for her to go to jail for being an accessory to her bf kidnapping Will, who she loves as her own "son." She deserved to be blackmailed for her stupidity. Am I supposed to be impressed by Daphne after her scene with the professor, and then the former classmate? I'm not. Kathryn went from being great in sticking up for baby during the shower to being an utter idiot with Lily.
  11. I'm a Liz fan (but NOT in this storyline) and this comment still made me laugh. Intelligence and reasoning has gone out the window in her desperation to hang onto Jakeson. The endless dragging out of it all is just...a waste of characters. Blech.
  12. I think it makes sense, given that Dad #1 just went to prison, Maddie has put Dad #2 Deacon on a pedestal, told her Mom (before the R+D reunion) that she wanted them to be together, and will say Teddy isn't her real dad whenever she gets angry. She's scared because she's seen a glimpse of the violent/dangerous alcoholic behavior in Deacon now, and may be worried or afraid of the fallout/consequences if she tells Rayna - will they fight? will Mom tell him to leave? will he get angry at being called out, and decide to leave them?
  13. So Deacon has decided his sister died because Charlotte "gave up." I find it very hard to feel bad for him. After everything Charlotte did him for in the aftermath of his cancer diagnosis, after everything they've been through together and knowing that his sister was a shitty mom...his behavior toward and attitude about his loving niece is inexcusable. Ugh. Avery is a great dad and Emily is sweet with Cadence. The Will-Layla scene was also great. Re: the previews, it seems like Luke calls out Juliette? Yeah, her taking stimulants and sleeping pills and thinking she can advise Rayna's teenager is crap.
  14. Good call, TVForever. I liked that twist on it because I was seriously annoyed at the idea of 3 guys being into Daphne. Also, the woman posing for Bay at the end...she had this look on her face like she's up to something. Is that by chance the ex of Regina's boyfriend? Did somehow track Regina, find her family now living with Regina, and decide to hurt Regina by targeting Bay?
  15. No, but she is a jealous and vindictive one. I think it would absolutely be in character for her to see the paparazzi shot of Emily with Avery and Cadence and react both with that nasty phone call to Emily and by suing for full custody of Cadence (then turning her over to a nanny) to hurt Avery for her own perception that he's getting over her and 'moving on with Emily.' I could totally see her doing that after -maybe -finding the divorce paperwork and saying hey, here's my proof that you're done with me and you want Emily. Well fine, you can have her but you can't have my daughter.
  16. But that doesn't appear to be the truth from Rayna's perspective/the writing. The other possibility is she thinks the good he's done for them during their lifetimes - both during the show and way before the pilot - either balances out the bad or totally outweighs it. Individual audience members like yourself don't have to agree with Rayna's POV/are free to think she's reflecting on the past with 'rose-tinted glasses.'
  17. True, but Rayna couldn't count that on a list of potential grievances toward Teddy (if she wanted to call him out on the past right now) when she doesn't know about it. Yes, Teddy chose to do the heavy lifting ... but we live in a world where men often totally abandon, or at least shirk responsibility for raising their own children (yes, I know Deacon didn't know Maddie was his), let alone embrace raising other men's children. Whatever Rayna's feelings about both men, her secret and Teddy's feelings about it all, she clearly feels grateful that he chose to take on the role of Maddie's father. I think the Deacon factor could have been in the back of her mind because Daphne was sweet and adoring toward Teddy whereas Maddie was standoffish - until they left in a hurry because of Daphne's outburst, which really upset both her parents. Then we get "He's NOT my father!" from Maddie and the next thing you know Rayna has them back visiting Teddy so she can heal some of that disillusionment/encourage their love for Teddy.
  18. Does Rayna even know that Teddy didn't call 911 for Lamar? The only confrontation I remember was between Rayna and Lamar, about the assassin he paid who went after Teddy but killed his wife instead. You think Teddy put his family in a worse situation than Deacon could have, but it seems to me that Rayna does not think that way. She saw Teddy as stable and without any substance abuse issues, unlike Deacon. But some of Rayna's praise of him may also be fueled by underlying guilt that so much emphasis has been placed on "Deacon is Maddie's 'real' father" (by Maddie, the press, etc) since the reveal, esp. considering Teddy did all the 'heavy lifting' as dad of both girls all these years. Also, Daphne was sort of an outsider in the 'Maddie is the love child of country singers Rayna and Deacon' storyline reveal/on TV publicity. Rayna must feel kinda crappy about the bio father of one child being a country star recovering from cancer while the bio father of her other child is in prison for crimes and that child is being bullied as a result of the press about it.
  19. I didn't see it as Rayna trying to give him an ego boost - more that she wanted the girls to part from him on good terms right now while he's in prison because they were all crying during the last visit, with Daphne lashing out. Rayna later finds them tearing up family pics and reacts. Her speech came across like telling him and their girls that in the long-term (including their history before the show's pilot) Teddy was a supportive husband and devoted father, still deserving of their love despite terrible mistakes. Going to jail now is not the defining moment in his life, which seemed to be the girls' reaction in their state of anger and hurt. (Yes, Deacon has formed a dad-daughter bond with Maddie recently and has been a presence in all their lives for a long time, *but* he didn't have husband and dad responsibilities to fulfill over the what, 16? years they've been raising Maddie.)
  20. I watched the Anna/Emma/Sam scenes but I don't see Emma remembering her Mommy coming home as a negative moment. She's saying she wants a stable forever family, with a full-time mom in it - she thought she got her Mommy back, but she ended up losing Sabrina, and her Mommy again. She doesn't want to lose another woman/mother figure in her life. I saw the little actress doing sadface about the Scrubs divorce. What comes across to me is that Patrick has allowed Emma to believe Robin doesn't value her own daughter/family life as much as she values her work. Her concern now is for her father - the present parent - getting hurt. Little Brooklynn seemed like she was trying to play Emma as putting on a brave face instead of feeling rejected when Anna said Robin's doing important work that helps people.That hug for Sam screamed 'please don't you leave me, too.' I get that Anna was trying to make Emma feel that Robin would approve of Patrick and Emma's happiness with that line speculating that Robin would light a candle for Samtrick, but to me it was a real WTF moment. I need to believe that Anna's own guilt over abandoning young Robin for her work (and Robin repeating that choice) is doing the talking here.
  21. I get the comparison in that Juliette is destructive like Deacon, but I don't think the situations are at all similar. When Deacon was causing chaos in Rayna's life, he was 'just' the boyfriend/fiance - they weren't married and did not already have a child to consider. Rayna had decided it was over with Deacon and that she would marry Teddy at the time she was pregnant with Maddie. Juliette has quite literally - very knowingly - walked away from her legal and moral obligation to her infant daughter and her husband. Ditching the cell phone number Avery had for her so he couldn't call made my jaw drop. When she returned home, her first instinct was to throw a party instead of vowing to make a heartfelt apology to her husband and promising him that she would work to be a good mother because Cadence deserves that. She only kicked the party people out because Avery showed up and was furious - it was like a dad coming home and his teenager thinking, "oh shit, I'm caught, everybody out!" She's dismissed the vows she quite recently made to Avery because she's still fame hungry and singing comes easy to her, while marriage and motherhood take hard work that she doesn't want to do. It seems like she might be willing to be a mom and wife - if she gets to do so on her terms.
  22. Emily was half right; Juliette wanted the fantasy of a family. But even aside from any mental health issues, Juliette doesn't want to do the work involved in having a family - compromising with Avery, going to therapy, doing activities that encourage bonding with baby. And now in the preview, she's focused on her career but wants to claw Emily's eyes out over a picture of her in public with Avery and the baby? Ugh. Poor Avery. (JJ is terrific in this role.) It's great to see Daphne get to have genuine emotion about what's going on re: her dad, and not just be part of big sister's storyline. The Rayna-Teddy and girls scenes were well-acted. I liked Scarlett singing solo and her tearful conversation with Deacon, but just NO to the exes having any 'moments'.
  23. Haha yowsah1! I am referring to the underused/appreciated JYork. For a long time now, I've felt his Mac loved and has been devoted to Robin in a way that Anna and Robert just were not. Anna at least has guilt about that; I sometimes wonder if Robert truly did. I remember Robert and Anna talking about how Robin grew up; Robert said something like well I don't see what the problem is, she turned out fine. Mac was there for her. Anna pointed out they should have been there for her. Well, duh. I didn't like Robin whitewashing their pasts and saying, "you're great parents" when the three were at the docks one night.
  24. Not Mac!!!! I really want a heartfelt scene between Robin and Uncle Mac because he has truly loved her unconditionally. Also, unlike Anna, he has the history of feeling Patrick was not good enough for Robin. I even remember the acknowledgement of that in an uncle-niece conversation in the PCPD interrogation room. Mac knows Patrick, and the Scrubs past relationship, much more than Robert does. It's not Mac's fault that Anna hasn't bothered to really try to be a mother to Robin after Robin was written off the show the last time.
  25. It is, but this is the show that is about propping Sam as the hottie female lead, and also Carly to a slightly lesser extent. It's all about storyline agenda. I remember when JJ left and Lucky was recast w/Shouty McYellerson. He was lusting after (re-cast) Sarah, Liz's older sister, and acknowledged to Liz's face that he wanted to kiss Sarah - after Liz and Lucky had been the teen super couple. I hated that the Liz character got crapped on re: L&L2, and it seemed like a lousy thing for Becky, the actress who'd been there for years. So then the Show had Liz and Jason kiss for the first time because of the Lucky and Sarah garbage. Later on came the implications that Robin and Liz are just medical professionals, not even pretty (Carly re: Liz "muffin face"), and are questionable mothers/spouses because of their careers/priorities. Blech
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