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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Being an accessory/silent witness to kidnapping. The woman who kidnapped infant Jake assumed Jason showed up to get him back because Sam identified/gave her up as the kidnapper. Jason had no idea Sam had witnessed his son being stolen. Jason and Liz did not ask/make the woman give a statement to the police saying Sam had witnessed the kidnapping. Also, Sam hired two guys to take guns to the park and aim them at Liz, baby Jake and toddler Cam and say they were threatening them because of their connection to Jason. Cam later imitated the guys aiming guns at them.
  2. I assume you're talking about the Ric-Sam floor sex at the lake house during the blackout? Liz actually did out that, while testifying during the Alcazar murder trial. Ric was grilling her about cheating on Lucky with Jason the night of the blackout, and she said it happened after you were having sex with your stepdaughter. I don't know if Molly or Kristina (not SORASed at the time) were ever told about that. Both girls would definitely need therapy upon finding out Dad also had a daughter with my big sister but the baby died, and Dad had sex with my big sister on the floor of my home while my Mom and Dad were married.
  3. But I still feel awful for Brandon at this point. When it comes to Brallie, it seems to me like Stef and Lena become so singleminded about looking out for Callie that they really forget to look out for Brandon, too. The first time anyone in the family found out about Brallie, they acted like Brandon was a predator Re: the above, it seemed like they behaved that way due to circumstances at that time. Callie had been a maternal figure and protector for Jude since their mom died, esp. after he'd been abused by a foster father. And they know that Liam raped Callie. At that time point in time, they also knew that Brandon had been sexually active with his gf (Talia?). So you have this teenage girl who's lived with abusive situations, and their teenage son with some sexual experience who's declaring he's in love with Callie and telling his moms defiantly 'you can't keep us apart.' They also know he has seen reckless behavior from his dad; kids take that in and repeat that behavior, but in different ways. I can see why his attitude had Stef and Lena worried. He said he kissed Callie, but they had no idea what he might have said to her, i.e. "We belong together" or "We're right for each other" and if he might possibly cornered her into a kiss. Unless Jude told them he witnessed it? I don't think he did. If you don't see what actually happened, I can understand asking 'Are you into her way more than she's into you and you didn't get that, so she got scared and ran?' ETA: I've thought that the biggest reason Callie was determined to get adopted is love of Jude. That kid looked heartbroken when Callie wasn't getting adopted with him, and beamed with joy when the judge declared Callie an Adams-Foster. He has wanted them to be together under the same roof, safe, with the same parents for years. He was hurting and insecure upon finding out she had a father and sister who wanted to get to know her, I assume because it had been them against the world for so long. I clearly remember Callie trying to reassure him that the existence of this other family didn't change things between them at all - that he and the Adams-Fosters were absolutely her family and she wasn't going to live with the Quinns.
  4. I think Stef takes Monte's feelings for Lena seriously because she's an adult, but not Brandon and Callie's attraction because they're 'just teenagers.' Also, Stef seems to have a tendency to want to skip over/avoid giving credibility to anything that interferes with her single-mindedness of what she wants for her family. Her reaction to Robert not signing the papers immediately and being unsure about allowing the adoption to happen was to get tense and upset and blackmail him about his mistress. She might as well have said, "I'm adding to my family here. How DARE you interfere with that. I don't care if you are having fatherly feelings about the daughter you never knew you had. Get over it." She also has a 'get over it, period' attitude toward Brandon and Callie, just without the hostility. Seems like Stef was also angry because she has realized taking action and keeping secrets from Lena in the name of being a warrior for the family had the side effect of leaving Lena somewhat open to the attention of a predatory, inappropriate woman like Monte. This woman says she broke up with her gf because she's fallen for Lena, so Stef is jealous but she also must feel a sting at the realization that - 'my actions contributed to Lena not discouraging Monte's attention.' Both wives have some responsibility in this, and that reality must be a slap in the face to someone like Stef (who never thinks she's done wrong ...or if what she's said or done was questionable she believes it's justifiable because it's for the 'greater good.')
  5. I wish I could like this 10 or 20x. Well said!
  6. Disappointing episode. Sneaking into Brandon's room, telling him she loves, cuddling?? Really, Callie?! Callie gets to be a hero to foster kids, gets compliments from the judge and then lies to him and gets her 'happy ending.' Blechhhh. The "I love you" between the boys made me roll my eyes - they're what, 13? I think distance=death of their relationship. And Lena was too nonchalant about finding out they were making out shirtless. Thinking Callie's going to have a pregnancy scare soon. I really do not like her or Brandon for now. They deserve whatever fallout they get from this. She needs to be moved into Robert's home and get therapy STAT.
  7. Thanks for the heads up. Yep, Becky is playing it like Liz is about to collapse sobbing (like she did after the Lucky- Niz confrontation) because she's expecting that at any moment Jakeson is going to remember who he is and/or find out she's been lying to him and walk out on her.
  8. Yup - they'd need her for about as long as they had JJ for TG's retirement - or maybe a few more days than that. I'd be especially interested in a Robin-Nik scene, given their history and that Helena flat-out told him that Robin revived her and Jason. He had to know she didn't do it willingly, but never said one word of concern for Robin and her safety after that. Gross considering everything Robin has done for Nik as a friend and doctor over the years. I really want to see Nik get burned by his former and current family: the Qs, Robin, Sam, Alexis, etc. since this all started with him.
  9. Jason and Sam were broken up when Sam and Ric had sex on the floor and then Jason and Liz had sex in the Penthouse. The people officially cheating that night were Ric (on his wife, Alexis), Lucky (on his wife, Elizabeth) when he was caught w/Maxie, and Elizabeth (on her husband, Lucky) when Jason initiated and she went for it. Sam's "he cheated on me" later on was just b.s. He was written to look like Elizabeth's victim (esp. in Carly and Sam's scripts) when Elizabeth was torn about Jason, Lucky, and her boys' safety. Becky was not pregnant at the time Liz was pregnant with Jake. Her first pregnancy was hidden, her second pregnancy was when Liz was pregnant with Cam, and her 3rd was when Liz was pregnant with Aiden.
  10. HeatLifer - Agreed. I don't see how even a tiny squee would be anticipated from the audience when 'please please please don't let anyone ever find out' is written across Liz's face as she embraced Jakeson with tears in her eyes - after seeing Jason's wife in the chapel missing Jason and talking about Jakeson. I guess I'm comparing it a little bit in my mind to Jason proposing to Liz while she was pregnant with Jake and he was still in a relationship with Sam. While it was so wrong, terrible timing, and more, at least there was a long history between Liz and Jason for the emotional component to have some impact. I didn't feel *utterly disgusted* by it. In this case, there's no there there (short time span/lack of build up, no memory, and Jason was never a father to Jake) on top of the outside forces making it impossible for a payoff for this couple. Liz is just living a fantasy.
  11. More like ignoring their big moment (IDGAF attitude, LOL), in favor of taking his new toy to show his brothers. That, to me, is why it's a highlight of the show. Even a recently returned 8-year-old is over these two. It's just too hard to actually take Liz's tears of joy seriously or feel a moment of happiness for the character when she's been written as so utterly pathetic. Also, BM isn't playing Jakeson at all like SBu's Jason behaved toward Liz ever, and the kid had so little contact with Jason when he was a toddler, that the scene just has no emotional impact whatsoever (IMO).
  12. Apt descriptions, but it may be more efficient to just write useless X [insert a lot of character names here] = [insert appropriate insult here] I was assuming she remembered information like her name, the scam, and the Nik, Liz, Jakeson stuff, but not everything she's done just before the coma.
  13. Carly doesn't personally dislike Val (Val hasn't done anything to her) but I think she will forever have a grudge against Dante. If Carly does at some point trash talk Dante, I'd love for Ghost!AJ to snark at her a la Ghost/Conscience!Silas. 'Very nice Carly, shading your stepson-in-law to be. Doesn't that mean your cousin will also be your stepdaughter-in-law? Although I get that won't even cause a blink after you banged your mom's husband and me and my brother. Anyway, Dante's a prince compared to his father - how many kids does Sonny have now with how many different women? He shot you, shot his eldest son, got our son shot ... I guess his daughter's safe for the moment since she doesn't live here. If that poor little baby girl is smart she'll ditch you two and try to crawl to freedom as soon as as her little legs can get moving. Truly amazing you're choosing to marry that thug again ... I guess I just never really pictured you being this big of a loser for all the world to see, you know? Well, time to go haunt Ava now if Silas is done. See ya!'
  14. Wouldn't surprise me if Sam told Danny his Daddy loved motorcycles. This is the one thing writers got correct with now 8-year-old Jake; he liked them when he was a toddler although he was just barely aware of Jason. They played motorcycles the night at the hospital when Cam was in a bus crash with Olivia, Steven Lars, Matt, and teens. Liz told little Jake recently they were his favorite when he was little, too and didn't even mention Jason. I guess she was just still in shock at seeing him alive. Was anyone else amused that little Jake was completely uninterested in big Jake down on one knee, giving his mom a diamond ring? He just wanted permission to show off yet another new toy to his brothers. Such a lovely message the show is giving that Jake is Jason's son while Cam and Aiden are just Liz's (and Lucky's) other children./sarcasm I do get Sam's perspective, though, that she's happy her son has a sibling nearby. I've noticed she's not talking like Danny and Emma are siblings or like Patrick is her son's Daddy.
  15. I agree with backhometome - seems like Danny got recast again. Sam's face upon seeing the framed pic of Elizabeth and Jason on display - good acting by KeMo. I guess the pic worked well in that scene so Danny would realize Liz and his late daddy had a relationship. BUT the scripting error for KeMo was dumb/sloppy, esp. since Sam knows Cam and knew Liz when she was pregnant with Jake - he is NOT big brother to Cam and Aiden. He is the middle son. Also, the lame line that both boys are clearly Jason's sons because they like playing with motorcycles. The contrast between Liz's face and Sam's face as the boys played together was almost funny. Gotta love Sam's unhappy face to Liz about the engagement, then going for the fake smile and attempt at Congrats to Jakeson. BM and BH sure played that moment as awkward/forced happiness.
  16. It definitely isn't, but Marianna was comparing herself to her brothers having lost their virginity in her conversation with Stef and Lena. Knowing her history with insecurity around peers, I can buy that she thinks her sibs and classmates have already 'been there,done that' and she doesn't want to feel like she's the only/one of the lone virgins in her peer group. She felt rejected by Matt, so she stupidly went for Wyatt while under the influence.
  17. Thanks for the recap Perkie. Seems you really "took one for the team." Def. will not be catching up on Thurs.
  18. Ghost/ConscienceSilas! yelling at AvaDenise is the very best Silas. I liked him calling her a snake. The snarking in the background while she talked to Kiki - hilarious! Could you go snark at your ex and her psycho boyfriend too, pretty please?? I think I'd like to call Morgan and TJ the Stupid Little Shit twins. They've definitely stolen the title from Michael. Ha that Carly got offended about Jordan bringing up Michael getting shot because of Sonny. Although she's probably also ticked off that Jordan is looking hotter than her, and her hair looks much prettier than Carly's right now too.
  19. Actually I think the praying was a good scene in showing her (verbally, to herself) on the verge of a breakdown - that any of the progress she made after the Niz affair and losing her son has gone out the window in her desire for Jason to love her/fulfill her happy family fantasy. This is similar to the scene of her going to LnL2's teenage vow church on Valentine's Day, after Lucky confronted Niz about their affair. It's all about an emotionally unhealthy woman with a pattern of self-destruction wanting to feel whole, loved, part of a family. The Sam-Liz scene was well done in showing that A) Sam really wants to believe she loves Patrick, has moved on, and is being supportive of Liz because she believes their old rivalry about Jason is long gone. B) Liz feels incredibly guilty, is clinging to a scenario which isn't truly making her happy, and desperately wants to believe her deception is okay because Sam is telling her she looovees Patrick and is creating a happy life. Two women deluding themselves about love in a hospital chapel (in theory a sacred place) and not calling each other female degrading names maybe the least offensive thing I've seen on GH in a while. It's certainly soapy.
  20. I think it's the just Show wanting us to remind the audience again that Jake and Danny are both just like Jason - in looks and what they like (Danny takes high jumps, Jake loves motorcycles.) Reminds me of the eye-roll worthy statement from Monica (after the little boy was off GH) that she used to see Jake follow/run after big brother Cameron "just like Jason used to with AJ." I totally missed the line that little Jake is going to summer camp. Seriously?! If anything, Liz should go on a private vacation with her sons to see how Jake responds to various scenarios - after getting some insights into how he spent the last four years. Major parenting fail.
  21. They both pulled reprehensible stunts to hold onto him. Their history isn't simply one of "tension" - the bitterness and pain brought out the worst in them. But of course Patrick isn't going to recall the ugly truth because Sam can pretty much do no wrong and Liz is his bestie/ "a prize of a woman."
  22. No, Elizabeth, turning Jakeson down would not redeem you - but it would be a start. And it seems there's no clearer "sign" than coming face-to-face with his wife, her falling over herself to apologize to you for her and Jakeson keeping a secret, talking about honoring those love and lost, and telling you to give the Jakeson the answer that brings joy and peace. Elizabeth knows she's not feeling any true joy or peace right now. She's constantly terrified of being exposed. Also, does it not occur to her you can't marry someone who doesn't know who he is? That bus just ran over Liz again, with her saying yes and kissing him and promising to never let go while Sam cries in the chapel and talks to her 'departed husband Jason.' Jakeson looks like a jackass too. Who proposes while someone is on duty at work, without any planning beforehand, no identity, and no reliable source of income???!! Patrick and Jakeson's talk was lame and un-insightful. I had to laugh at Patrick saying Elizabeth and Jason broke up for "whatever reason" before Jason and Sam were together and got married. He looks like such an utter dumbass. AGAIN.
  23. Well said!!! When I read how Stef and Lena are such terrific parents, I don't get it. They are loving parents in that they don't abuse the kids or neglect basic needs and tell them they love them, but they don't address really important stuff - ranging from Jesus' lack of respect for himself and girls to all the symptoms of Brandon being emotionally unhealthy as a result of his father's alcoholism, parents' divorce/gaining an additional mom, Dani using him because she's sick, etc.
  24. Yup, he and Lucky had a scene on the big return-from-the-dead day, before Lucky brought little Jake into the house. He may also have been in scenes with Jakeson and Liz, but not sure...
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