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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Who besides Carly thinks that? (Of course she would think Jason's bio son must be exactly. like. him.) NuJakeson doesn't *remember* little Jake at the moment, so nothing he says is valid. Lucky said he's the same Jake after talking to the kid for a few minutes. He really has no idea if Jake was truly okay when he left again. The Lucky this audience knows would be present while insisting the kid has brain/body scans, and would not just leave them all again because of feeling "darkness inside." It's also absurd that Elizabeth and Lucky wouldn't be concerned that little Jake doesn't remember them. He was almost 4 when Luke hit him, he wasn't an infant. At that age, the actor smiled and chattered to SBu's Jason, had at least one cute play scene with Braden's Cam, and interacted nicely with Becky and JJ. Now, the only times he's smiled were when Jakeson talks to him about a motorcycle, or when Laura was being sweet/grandmotherly. Other than that, he is dead-eyed. Since Show won't acknowledge any residual brain trauma on little Jake so as to completely absolve Luke's crime, I think he was probably brainwashed, too.
  2. I think Cam is 11 now? The fire at Wyndemere was Spencer's 10th birthday, and my impression is Cam is a little older. Also, in the aftermath of the Niz affair, when Lucky had Cam and Jake in the park with him, he told the attorney lady Claire that Cam was 6. Amen to Helena shoving Val off a parapet for her sad face right after telling Dante exactly what he wants to hear. You'd think she was a jilted teenager. I fully expect that sometime in the near future (even if it's only during a pregnancy scare), Val will make sure Lulu hears her say, "Dante, I really want you to be in the room when I GIVE BIRTH TO OUR CHILD, ESPECIALLY BECAUSE MY MOTHER DIDN"T LIVE TO SEE ME HAVE THIS BABY."
  3. Ah, okay. I thought maybe you were talking about Patrick talking like Robin and Lucky bailed on parenting the kids/being partners to the two of them, and they are moving on. Nice crapping on two legacy characters, again, Show. I will really laugh when Sam eventually dumps him.
  4. Nope, she just said little Jake was feeling a bit overwhelmed. No specific mention of either brother getting along well or not well with Jake. Cam only seems to get mentioned in reference to Emma or Spencer, except for the moment when Lucky asked Aiden if he was having fun with Cam. Two writing errors/fails re: the kids in my opinion (or three if you count Liz not mentioning a Cam-Jake reunion) - Lucky not seeing Cam and now Laura saying his "two sons".
  5. Explain? This could apply to various things he's said or done, could you be more specific?
  6. "Enjoy this miracle and raise his two sons"?!! Laura, Lucky has three sons! Ugh that people talk like both Cam and little Jake haven't always been his sons! Hate that everything is about Jason. I'm sure RC's all "irony! awesome!" about Carly going on to Jakeson about Jason. LOL at Carly: "I know my daughter!!" Ugh at Jakeson "You're a good mom." Dude, you don't even really know Carly and have you ever even met Morgan?? Elizabeth doesn't care about the details?!! I don't believe that for a second. More b.s. writing. I guess I should be grateful that Robin got a mention when she was talking to Patrick, and he had tears in his eyes (I assume about both little Jake and Robin). Shouldn't Patrick do some scans, seeing as the person most recently escaped from Helena had a mind-control chip in his brain? I assume some of you are amused or disgusted by Liz tensing up and looking unhappy that Patrick figures Sam will want little Jake to have a relationship with Danny. I figure Jake won't be able to understand what it means to have 'two" fathers and a brother aside from Cam and Aiden for some years. UGH that Lulu's talking like Luke's a hero because little Jake has been returned to Elizabeth and Lucky is safe. Good for Tracy for not wanting Luke back. Shut up, Dillon. It was funny though, that an actor can make "Enjoy your pancakes" sound like F you. I'm disgusted that so far the one reaction I'd like to see is Cam's reaction to his brother Jake turning up alive after years of mourning. Instead, time is devoted to Carly's reaction and Jakeson's support of her. I will acknowledge that Laura and little Jake appearing to have a little bond is sweet to see. Nikolas' utter lack of emotion at seeing little Jake alive is so very Cassadine. Unsurprising that Laura accidentally overheard the secret.
  7. This leads me to ask - does Dante know Olivia is faking baby Falconeri-Jerome's death? Or does he think his baby brother really died? I know he is teary eyed that's he's been a POS with Valerie and Lulu will be devastated when she finds out.
  8. Did Dante confess to Lulu that he had sex with Valerie?! Not just the kiss?
  9. Speaking of Robert and WSB, have there been any mentions of him re: Luke's storyline? If, so I missed them. I know TR is not returning before TG leaves in a week. I thought for sure off-screen Robert and possibly the WSB would tie into Lucky leaving Port Charles (again) to investigate what Helena and Co. had been doing with little Jake these last four years. I figured Luke would have a throw-away line like "Robert will meet you in (City name), Lucky. He's there anyway now because he's been looking for information about Robin."
  10. Yes, according to the GH spoilers in my head, Michael's gift is a few days of North Carolina beach front living (conveniently situated between the two locations where the girl and the boy were attacked by sharks). Replace Sonny and Carly with bobble heads? Hellloooo, that barware isn't going to throw itself! And those guests in the Metrocourt rooms can't violate their own privacy!
  11. This is actually an excellent suggestion. The great thing about minions speaking an interesting mix of English, Spanish and French is that S,C,J etc. couldn't figure out that they were about to accidentally get killed. Instead, they would die looking very confused and this would amuse me so very much.
  12. I vote for Sonny and Carly to go first. Michael encourage an immediate honeymoon on the beaches of NC and frolicking in the water. Even better if the "Jaws" music is playing as we see fins heading right for the two of them. Afterward, Michael goes to the Q crypt and says, "Hey Dad, a funny thing happened while Sonny and Carly were swimming and smugly celebrating their own greatness. They were so self-involved that it was too late by the time they reacted. Oh, well. Time to go bring Avery home again."
  13. Include Franco in that scenario, make it a murder-suicide and bingo, you have a great episode or two on GH!! Glad I skipped today. Seems like mostly a waste to watch now that JJ has left the building, Show is making Elizabeth pathetic, no Laura going off on Nikolas so far, and no progress on the Qs fighting Nikolas.
  14. I'm just assuming it will be both ... that she'll be losing it day by day, and at some point in the near future will turn out to be pregnant. Then she'll 'reluctantly' tell Dante and/or Lulu that she's pregnant, and gloat to Lulu (especially if she finds out that Lulu hasn't been pregnant and given birth to a child, and that's a sore spot for Lulu). I'm also expecting 'my child, OUR child', in front of Lulu.
  15. This is cold and hilarious at the same time. What she has said, either alone and/or to Nikolas, is this Jason made it clear he wants to be with her, and is not devoted to Sonny, Carly...and Sam (as priority #4 after those two and Michael). He's not Sonny's right hand man, always a target for violence (esp. since he is not working for Julian or Sonny at this time). Lucky made a correct statement, that essentially Jason is now the man she always wanted him to be. He's all hers.
  16. I honestly thought this would be the reason Lucky left Port Charles indefinitely...to investigate what had been going on for the last FOUR years on Cassadine Island and to go after Helena and everyone who had been around Jake from the night he was taken from the hospital 'til the day Triple L arrived and found him. How dare I think a good, sound reason would be used in this plot! There's no way the son of Luke and Laura would just let it go that Helena and Co. messed with not only him, but Elizabeth and their relationships with two of 3 kids. (I say it that way because Aiden was not physically harmed by the paternity test shenanigans, but Lucky and Aiden did not start a father-son bond when he was born.)
  17. He may have heard that the aunt he never met has a daughter, but I doubt he was told that the stress of Luke's presence and the sound of Carly's voice killed Aunt Pat. (Yes, I'm sticking to that story. Who wouldn't choose death over being introduced to her?)
  18. Right on!! Sam held out Jason's retrieved wedding ring that Spencer left at the Drake House. She asked Nikolas about it point blank and he lied to her face. He's known her husband is alive for how many months now and kept it from her? Then he said to her face he's lucky Jason is dead. That eventual confrontation should be quite interesting. I expect that Carly will take on Liz, but I will be very disappointed if Monica and Sam don't aim there rage at Nikolas because he was their family, and Elizabeth found out the truth from him. They should have been the first to know.
  19. Actually she did know about the Liz and Jason affair, and that Jake wasn't Lucky's biological son. She specifically taunted Liz about having children by three different men (at the time Liz very recently found out she was pregnant with Aiden). Liz was in Shadybrook, and Helena got into her room. This was before the Nikolas/Lucky paternity test shenanigans. She then taunted Lucky.
  20. Oracle - He's not alright with it - he told Nikolas so. But I think we were supposed to infer from his forlorn face at watching little Jake and hearing Jakeson-Liz-Jake sound happy that he feels he should just walk away ... because he thinks he's no good for kids /has the darkness inside him like Luke. It's a variation of Robin's "I'm broken, tell my daughter I love her" Skype call with Patrick and Anna before Helena cut her off completely from her old life. So awful.
  21. Seriously ... I'll assume that was TC acting in dark Cassadine mode because Nikolas showed zero warmth toward Lucky. He behaved like he was talking to an old business acquaintance. He did the same thing with Laura; you would never know he hadn't seen his mother or brother in years. He's all, no worries if you go, this guy isn't a stranger, he's good with Elizabeth and the boys. HATED the "So is he!!" line in response to Lucky saying I'm Jake's father. I agree that he didn't really want Lucky to stay. Ugh.
  22. WOW, I was just thinking exactly that about Lucky's departing scene. Also, that I'm really ticked off the conversation wasn't Lucky- Nikolas-Laura because that's what I read it was going to be. Laura greets Lucky while talking to Nikolas, then disappears during the commercial break. And that's it for Laura and Lucky. FAIL!!! :(
  23. Question for those who were watching regularly when JMB and SC were teenagers on the show: is Carly correct that Dillon is Lulu's old boyfriend? Or is it just revisionist writing again? I really thought they were friends who had a one-time hook-up that resulted in pregnancy at a time when Dillon was in love with Georgie and Lulu had a big crush on Dillon. Lucky giving Nikolas WTF/are you out of your mind faces about Jason/Jake and it's all fine...GOLDEN. I'm surprised Lucky is incredulous that Elizabeth knows; he could see she was a mess when he left town. The 'darkness inside me" is not a good reason for staying away from his sons because he absolutely knew Elizabeth was not in a healthy emotional place either. If you leave, Elizabeth and the boys will have Jason, if you stay, Elizabeth and the boys will have you....WOW Nikolas proving himself to be a douche each and every day. Nikolas is so nonchalant about the holding the truth about someone's life in his hands for so long...hey Lucky if you want to tell him I'll respect that decision. Very disappointed at Lucky just watching Jake throw a ball to someone he can't see, hearing voices, and then just walking away from Liz's house somewhat teary eyed. No way would Lucky allow Nikolas and Elizabeth to go on deceiving Jason, and have it inevitably blow up and hurt his sons and their mother. Total cop-out writing!!!! As usual.
  24. Luke did the vague explaining to Laura and Lucky after Helena explained to him during the commercial break (and then disappeared). He told them Helena heard that Jake was in the hospital and sent "one of her winged monkeys" to snatch him. No explanation about the child who actually had a kidney removed and got buried. Lucky said it was plausible because Helena was around at the time, screwing with Aiden's paternity test results. It seemed to me like the implication was that since Elizabeth had a paternity test done without Helena's knowledge after Helena thought she succeeded in making it appear that Aiden was a Cassadine, she then decided to hurt the Spencer Family by taking away little Jake.
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