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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. She really doesn't - this is the woman who had sex with Sonny in a limo, and then slept with her husband Jax a few hours later. Actually dating implies they go out ... Sonny and Carly don't, unless Avery's custody hearing counts. They just screw in different residences.
  2. Lola16's version of the Jason Morgan storyline is the first time this character has been interesting or entertaining in approximately 5 years ... maybe more. I dig it! Please continue.
  3. Seems like KeMo is playing Sam as stunned and confused, feeling emotional because she hasn't seen that ring since the night Jason got shot. She is desperate for answers about the husband she still loves, as evident by her desire to get out of Casa Scorpio-Drake immediately and go talk to her cousin. I think BM played it like "um, this is awkward" because he already knows Patrick doesn't like him, and now he's (indirectly) responsible for Sam feeling emotional and wanting to investigate Jason's ring right then and there, instead of settling into her "new home"/having sexy time with Patrick. Notice Sam didn't even think to give Patrick a quick hug or kiss as she was heading out the door? Knowing Patrick, he'll probably blame Jake for Sam being so focused on Jason's wedding ring.
  4. Ulkis, you are hilarious!! She is tiresome, but I don't want to see her die because A) Mac would be devastated; he doesn't deserve to have his heart broken again and B) BJ's heart.
  5. Grrpants09 - Sorry for the loss of your cat. Why shouldn't Tiger get more respect on the boards than some characters, like GH's cat, who listens to the advice of Lucy (?!) of all people. Tiger demonstrated better judgement than that just by enjoying dock and roll. But that idiocy from Lucy is just more of the same terrible writing. For me right now, of those we see often, the only adult characters who aren't behaving like losers are Dante, Nathan, Michael and Anna. I've been a fan of the Alexis and Diane friendship, the Davis women as a family and Alexis sparring with Helena; of Liz and her friendship with Patrick and Robin, of Tracy and Monica's long-time love/hate family relationship, and more ... but I'm finding it hard to like any of them right now. Sad. Which is why the snark here makes me smile or laugh so much.
  6. I want Jakeson to somehow see Nikolas and Hayden having sex, then happen upon Ric and Liz and Sam and Patrick...somewhere ... and say "seems my marriage is over." Then, directly to Sam: "Your cousin is having an affair with my wife." I think Sam, Liz and especially Ric's WTF expressions would be hilarious. Patrick's reaction would just be damn it all, now Jakeson has more time to talk to my girlfriend and insist he knows Robin. Well...well...I'll just keep pointing out he has serious brain issues because I'm absolutely 1000% positive he could never, ever have seen or met Robin in his entire life.
  7. That's exactly what I was thinking. I feel like him parenting Maddie along with Rayna (going from 'fun dad' to 'real dad') is somehow a reward because she now has what she wanted - and because she's disgusted with Teddy's behavior.(I think she was punishing Teddy, but not to his face, by saying "our daughter" to Deacon when they were talking about Maddie on the phone.) When she was engaged to Luke, they kept talking about blended family time and Luke was stepping into the role of other father. It seems like who is father/father figure of Rayna's girls seems to shift depending on Rayna's relationship status, or how she's feeling towards a man at whatever part in the season.
  8. He's pissy that he has to acknowledge his ex-wife to a guy his current friend/lover is attracted to, when he's just convinced said lover and the daughter who misses her mommy that it's totally cool to form a new family in the the Scorpio-Drake home. Also, Patrick had a history of feeling threatened by Robin's accomplishments (for ex., remember the Chief of Staff storyline?) so he would never give her credit for being an accomplished doctor in a conversation with this guy he doesn't trust or like. In fact Patrick ignored any red flags regarding Robin; he's determined to believe Robin's commitment to medicine, and her own ambition, put the nail in the coffin of their marriage.
  9. I LOVE Jakeson making things awkward for Patrick and Sam, with Robin and Emma's photo. Patrick being an asshole to Jakeson in response, totally in character. Patrick of course never bothered, even for his daughter's sake, to be concerned about his ex's mental health/ why she never visited "even once." I tuned out for Ric lying to Liz, and Nina's tears. I don't feel for them, Show. I still think Fake!Jake is going to wind up dead via Ric, or Ric and Hayden. I really wish I missed Carly telling Spinelli she'll be his Jason. Blech. I did, however, like the "Oh, of course - got ya" look on her face re:who would gain by Jake having a wife, as she watched Ric and Elizabeth enter the MetroCourt restaurant. I have to laugh at the hostility radiating from Patrick. Yes, Jake's key throw was lame and contrived. Yet I genuinely did not expect Jakeson to find his own wedding band there (preview).
  10. Well said. I agree with MisterS, too, about the way Rayna and Maddie have been written. Rayna does get to be upset if she's lied to, but her tone/self-righteous way about it when approaching Maddie really bugs. I get the sense from Rayna that she expects her girls to just accept and roll with Mom's decisions and justifications, and quickly get over feeling hurt - whether it's why she lied about Deacon being the bio-father, jumping into an engagement and tour with Luke, etc.I feel like Rayna shows zero humility with her daughters, Her desire for an apology from Maddie has a "kiss the ring" (to borrow a church saying) feel to it. I find it interesting, too, that now that Rayna and Deacon are officially together (what she wanted), he's allowed to parent her with Rayna, like regular mom and dad. It wasn't so long ago that Maddie and Colt had a party, Luke, Deacon, Rayna, and Teddy showed up to deal with it, and Rayna dismissed him with something like "Thanks for coming" to Deacon. She and Teddy went to handle Maddie alone, as her two parents. Rayna absolutely should have turned down both proposals.
  11. I think Maddie's anger is allll about Rayna and attitudes, not about her dads Teddy or Deacon (except that she is genuinely sad and angry he has cancer). Rayna lied to Maddie for what, 14 years? And this isn't the first time she's spoken about the importance of trust, honesty and respect to Maddie, in a very condescending manner, since it was revealed that Deacon is Maddie's bio-father. Deacon was right about one thing - he had been sober for years, so Rayna could have told him the truth at some point prior to her teenage years. (Her 'promise' to Teddy was ludicrous.) That shows a total lack of respect for someone she claims to love, not to mention a disregard for the 'you never know what will happen' factor in life. Say Rayna and Teddy had been killed in an accident, and then Maddie had serious health issues - maybe even needed a bone marrow donation from a relative. She wouldn't know she could go to Deacon and Scarlett for help, because Rayna never told her the truth. Rayna refuses to acknowledge her own hypocrisy - she just expects total honesty and respect from Maddie because she's an adult and thus feels everything she's done is justified. (I've known people in real life like that.) In the big picture, Maddie not telling Rayna about dating Colt was minor. She wasn't withholding information about being sexually active/having issues with her period, getting high, cheating on exams, endangering Daphne, etc. I think Rayna needs to believe she is a super awesome mother who is practically all-knowing about her girls, so finding out that Luke knew all about Colt and Maddie's relationship and she did not was a swift kick to her ego. I found Maddie's "you make me sad" attitude toward Deacon specifically far more offensive because he's suffering so much and has been nothing but wonderful to her. She's a teen-ager, not 5, she's old enough to suck it up and show him love and compassion, not selfishly avoid him.
  12. It could be argued that being involved with first Sonny and then Jason sucked the life force out of Sam for many years, so some freaky moments with the "vampire" and then meeting his-look-like Silas did little-to-no damage to Sam's psyche. P.S. to boes - I don't know how you did the post above, but it's perfect. LOVE! LOL!
  13. May I please order LeftPhalange's version of GH? I so prefer it to what's actually happening on-screen. Thanks!
  14. TeeVee - I didn't say it was right for Silas to do. I'm just saying the way he's been talking, and his involvement in the baby Avery storyline since he and Kiki found Ava unconscious on the docks after giving birth, have me thinking he'll do what he thinks is right. (This is the same guy who coldly told Sam her baby boy had cancer, then walked away.) My spec is he has Avery stashed nearby and will work on Ava while she's unconscious.
  15. Lucy is a dingbat, Olivia and Ned are idiots, pretty sure Ava's death was a fake-out (she thinks it's real), and Duke's reaction to Sloane is almost funny. Go away Duke, Anna is waaayyyy too good for you. No murder-suicide for Nina and Dr.O...very disappointing. Although threatening her niece is one of the few times Dr. O is almost tolerable. My almost LOL moment is re: previews, with Fake!Jake showing up at the Webber house and coming face-to-face with Ric.
  16. I meant that Juliette wants to escape motherhood permanently. I don't think it takes balls to escape - any fool can abandon their child to be taken care of by some woman (or man) they hardly know. It takes balls to be honest about what you want (to be a mother and career woman, or not a mother - a career woman only) and then make decisions about what's best and healthiest for everyone. Abandoning a child you only wanted to keep in the first place because you were in love with the father is not the answer. So far Juliette has not come across as a woman who's in love with her child and wants the best for the baby.
  17. But this didn't seem to be an obvious case of postpartum behavior that's about a woman needing a little break from new motherhood, or fear that she's not cut out for it/going to be like Jolene. What I got from her this episode is "I want to escape motherhood." She hired a nanny in two hours, and was all 'Isn't that great?' to her stunned husband. The message was clear: any nanny will do because she had bigger priorities. She then got on an airplane and left for a music commitment - the nanny told Avery she didn't know where Juliette had gone. Every single new mom I've known (who's not mentally ill) lets a nanny know her schedule and calls to check-in. Juliette was giving off of a 'yay-back-to-real-life-now-that-I've-unloaded-the-baby (on my husband and a nanny I don't know)' vibe. She looked like she couldn't be happier to get away, like she was done with the baby interfering in her career. I didn't see any hesitation, any texting to Avery or the nanny, any looking at the baby's pic on her phone wistfully.
  18. LOL @ Juliette trying to look threatening with a fork full of fruit. But then she yelled and made Cadence fuss louder. The return of diva Juliette, who's more than willing to go for someone else because she doesn't get what she wants the second she wants it. What's with the look of disgust at having to change her own daughter's diaper? Umm, hello you're a mommy now. Get over yourself. I wanted to smack her for being horrible to Deacon, choosing a nanny without Avery's input and then stalking away from him to go work on her music. Seems like she really doesn't want to be a mother. She's been w/the baby for three weeks, not three months. Good for Avery for putting the baby first since Juliette doesn't want to. I had to laugh at Britton's WTF? face when Rayna saw Maddie and her ex-almost-step-bro making out. Good for Maddie for calling Rayna out. Rayna just wants what she wants, and doesn't see herself as a hypocrite. But Maddie telling Deacon she's been avoiding him because he makes her "sad" was just cold. Didn't like that Rayna got an apology and some sweetness from Maddie thanks to Deacon when she didn't make the effort to face and talk out the depth of Maddie's anger and pain about her own shitty parenting. Luke is capable of being decent when he's not about Rayna. So, will Teddy wind up dead or in jail?
  19. Good to see some of you were all as I touched as I was that Sonny's so worried about Avery's safety that he .... barged into a hospital room to visit his mentally and physically unwell old friend Luke and have his ass kissed. Yup, I totally felt Sonny's fear for that baby as he and Luke talked about their abused child selves, their history of mob activity and bromance. Meanwhile, Michael has been emotional and blaming himself for something that happened when Avery was not in his care, and Morgan wants to blame Michael for her disappearance because he's pissed that Mommy and Daddy aren't all "you're our #1 son. Michael is SUCH a tool - he's still not over us murdering his other loser dad and covering it up.Come into our embrace to feel the love you've always deserved, Morgan."
  20. The person who took baby AJ either knew the details of what was going on with the baby in that time frame, or had really luck timing. Also, the camera as the kidnapper's POV clearly showed someone trying to be stealthy/not be seen by Kiki and Morgan. I doubt Delia was getting hour-by-hour updates from Kiki about the baby. Delia doesn't strike me as stealthy, and we've already seen that she knows and feels affection for Kiki and the baby - so I really don't think she would sneak in and take her right from under Kiki's nose. I can believe Silas would briefly kidnap that baby/have a doctor or nurse (not necessarily a GH staffer) he paid off kidnap the baby with the justification in mind that "the ends justify the means" because he thinks he'll be able to save Ava's life. Him telling baby AJ he wished he could be her doctor, too must have some significance. Also, he spoke of helping Ava and taking away her pain, not about letting her die on her terms. It could be a red herring, of course, but I figure some sample from baby AJ is going to be used to save Ava. They've already done this with the Luke-kidnapped-for-antidote-for-Jerry Jax-poisoning, but hey GH loves to recycle stories.
  21. DollEyes: Aw, I'm touched. So much on this show is awful that I think our own interpretations of scenes, and scenes we create in our own minds, help us feel so much better. Makes me LOL to see that so many like my imaginary Michael/Kiki/Morgan scene. I suppose it's way too much to ask that we see a version of that scenario on-screen in the next week or so. Oh, you're feeling guilty Kiki? Choke on it. Until you stop breathing. Please. Silas and Morgan can plan a half-assed funeral that takes place off-screen. As for acknowledging to yourself and your uncle that Michael was right, too little, too late. I get that Show wants us to think that maybe Nina took baby AJ and her PsychoAunt has hah! caught her. Pretty sure Silas took baby AJ to save Nina's life, judging by his very careful choice of words, Ava asking about his phone call, and his very calm demeanor. I know this is Silas, but if he was worried about the baby's safety he would seem at least a bit edgy. I also liked Michael tearing up the paper in front of Ned, Alexis and Tracy. Tracy mentioning Ned's backstabbing made me roll my eyes. Wish someone had brought up her loyalty to Luke - the husband who's repeatedly stolen her $ and abandoned her - and being willing to turn over pieces of ELQ to her own brother's killer. Or the fact that Luke the drunk killed her brother and sister-in-law's toddler grandson. So her being all 'Michael has a drinking problem just like his father' and can't handle ELQ is pretty rich.
  22. I thought KSt played it like that "territory" is Georgie, and Spinelli as the necessary third part of the family unit. Maxie seemed to tense up/get jittery and jealous when Ellie was holding Georgie and gushing over her, calling her my little (insert scientific cutesy word re: flower). That's a sudden reminder that up until recently, Ellie filled the role of Georgie's mother, and that the three of them had been a family in Portland. Maxie has already expressed concern that Georgie will have abandonment issues (without two physically present parents loving her) like she still does because Frisco left her and her mother. I think Maxie still cares for Spinelli (but isn't in love with him), and is worried about what happens now if Ellie were to ask Spinelli to return to Portland with her. I can absolutely see Spinelli saying "Well, if you really want your studly Detective West, you can kiss your daily access to Georgie goodbye - we'll go back to Portland with Ellie and you can see Georgie when I'm feeling generous."
  23. Bullet of love for the post above, DollEyes. Next on my wish list of scenes involving Michael and family is him tearing Kiki and Morgan new ones because baby AJ got kidnapped, what, 3 minutes after they got custody? Michael: "Nice going, brain trusts!!" Morgan: "Huh? What the hell, Mikey?" "Minutes after you geniuses got rights to AJ, she went missing. Why, because your eyes weren't on her. Why? Because you two are so smug thinking you know what you're doing, that you're screwing me over. Well guess -" Kiki: "That's not true, Michael!! We love her. We are her real family, and Sonny is her father! You tried to -" Michael: "Shut up, Kiki!! Sabrina had the pills tested; they're not what I take. And security footage at General Hospital shows Morgan stealing medication. The outside security camera shows you waiting for him. See those police officers coming in now? Those shiny handcuffs have your names on them. Enjoy being behind bars! Now I can only hope and pray that my little sister will be found safe so we can go home."
  24. I would just like a scene where, 5 minutes into meeting Ellie, Nathan asks how in the world a bright, lovely woman like Ellie fell in love with Spinelli ... and then point out she's waaaayyyy too good for him. If someone gave Nathan the truth about Maxie's history and the toxicity between Maxie and Spinelli, he would realize he'd be better off staying away from both of them. His "love" for/infatuation with Maxie is just absurd.
  25. Grrpants - that wake up scenario sounds great if you just change "makes out with Nina" to "helps rescue Robin." AJ doesn't deserve to deal with Nina - he slept with Carly (in his room in the Q mansion) and made out with 'Connie' at the Floating Rib. Ewwww just doesn't cover it. I think he's suffered enough.
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