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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Hilarious! LOVE!! This really must be added to the warehouse of t-shirts. I also think people should be able to special order and substitute "Julian" for a character they especially loathe, and substitute "her" if the chosen character happens to be female.
  2. I also thought she was going to say "Stella", both because of the song they were singing and as a 'wink' to the sisters because Juliette seemed to be an older friend to/nurturer of the elder sister's character, Maddie. Although I wouldn't be surprised if they name the baby Harmony or Cadence.
  3. Nik's reasoning was regarding Jason's importance to the Q Family (relevant to the voting), and that he would support Michael, thus making it tough for Nik to take over ELQ. IIRC, Nik figures he can't do what he wants with ELQ if Jason, Michael, Ned, etc. stick together. Good, solid reasoning there Ron. *Eye roll* I buy that the ELQ business in its current state is worthy of international guru Nik's attention as much as I buy that the Corinthos organization as run by Sonny, Shawn and Duke scares other crime families, and regular adult citizens of Port Charles ... unless they know they're standing or have a vehicle parked a few feet away from a target Sonny has ordered Shawn to shoot. No vehicle or building greenery/landscaping is safe from him.
  4. It's just more of recycled storytelling. Valerie is getting a variation of the "Lucky treatment." When Tracy found out Luke had run over Jake, her concern was for Luke's feelings and future - the pain of Luke's own son over the loss of his child barely registered. Lulu's reaction wasn't much better. JMB didn't have scenes of Lulu raging about the pain of the loss of her nephew or the pain her dad caused her brother. Instead, she was all "please get over yourself because I need my daddy in my life, and I know you can make it happen because Dad loves you best." I'm pretty sure neither Tracy nor Lulu said to Elizabeth and/or Lucky even once, "Luke/Dad was reckless/drunk and killed your son. There is no excuse for that. I am deeply sorry for your loss." Tracy and Lulu are so focused on the voids they feel in their lives (T: a man who will love her and put her first. L: a loving, there-for-her father or paternal presence) and desperate for Luke to be that man that other peoples' anger and pain gets brushed aside or is deemed unreasonable and/or selfish. Unfortunately, that happens too often in real life as well.
  5. So let me get this straight. Hayden knows Carly, loud-mouthed owner of the hotel, is out to prove she's not really Jake's wife. The hotel has security cameras and takes payments for room service and such...yet Ric indiscreetly comes and goes from her room and she is charging food orders to him. They are both morons. If written in character, Carly would have someone monitoring that room and Hayden's transactions, and within two days go to Jake, Liz, Julian's newspaper, etc. bellowing that Hayden is working with Ric. Today is the most tolerable TG has been in well over a year. Shut UP Sonny, his spawn and ex-spawn-in-law, Tracy, and Lulu. I'm all kinds of amused that Patrick is jealous of Sam talking to and going on motorcycle with Jake while claiming he's concerned about her safety. Loved that he did not like her line about it being obvious that Jake knew what he was doing on that motorcycle.
  6. Yes, the Ric-Cameron exchange was cute and believable. I didn't think an adult could be more pathetic than Britt about using the the child of their "love" to try and get their ex back, but Ric is certainly as or more pathetic. Showing up at Elizabeth's job and laying it on so thick about being there for Cameron (and her) and not going anywhere just makes him look like a sad, desperate little man.
  7. I don't think he was deliberately lying to Emma exactly, but he seemed like he said yes (to her point blank question) and nodded/smiled somewhat enthusiastically so Emma would be cool with it. JT played it like Patrick hadn't acknowledged to himself that he's in love with Sam, or that maybe he's falling in love. Emma clearly did not think it was okay/no big deal for Sam to sleep in "Mommy's bed." Emma's protest about the two sharing the bedroom he used to share with her mother would have shut down a responsible father immediately.
  8. Hey, the scenario I mentioned that you responded to here may only be the more entertaining version of GH in my head, but I am totally fanwanking that the sound of Carly's voice caused her Aunt Pat's weakened heart to fail. Pat's alive and having a tear-filled hug with her siblings, then Carly arrives and Pat slumps over in her wheechair, dead. My next vision of GH: Michael looking at Carly, shaking his head: "Geez, even an old woman in a wheelchair isn't safe around you." Carly "Excuse me?!" Michael: "My Great Aunt Pat survived the abuse of her father, the deaths of her parents, many years of separation from Grandma and Luke, years of battling MS -but you enter her life and her heart gives out. Well, I gotta give her credit for sparing herself from more suffering. Rest in peace, Aunt Pat."
  9. I actually loved the bitchface from Elizabeth when Patrick said Sam's moving in (to Robin's home). She's the one who informed Patrick not so long ago that Emma was sleeping in his bed because she misses her mommy. Becky H. did well with the tone about wanting him to be happy (but you could practically hear her say is this really a good idea). Also loved the WTF look/bitchface when Hayden was encouraging her to get back with that "Ric guy" now that "my husband" isn't an option. KeMo sold Sam's emotion/pain at leaving/giving up the home she shared with Jason to move in with Patrick. I believe her about feeling like well, leaving here means I don't have to see Ric when he comes to visit Molly. Bummed that I saw Elizabeth losing her spine again at allowing the lip peck and hand holding from Ric. He's already decided they're back together despite the "no pressure" (yeah, right) and her clear reluctance. He clearly doesn't care if she actually wants to be with him, as long as he gets to claim her and Cameron as his own. Blech. Shades of GV's Lucky right now. I will give JT credit that when Patrick is alone and tells Emma he loves her and she's his #1, I believe him. They have such great father-daughter chemistry.
  10. Speaking of Lucky, has Lulu mentioned talking to him about Luke? Or did I miss her side of a phone call with Lucky? It would be out of character for her not to reach out and beg him to come save, or help save, Dad. I remember how horrible she was to Lucky in the aftermath of little Jake's death. It was all about how much she needed her Daddy, and how she was counting on Lucky to bring him back.
  11. Oh yeah, it's totally understandable that Bobbie didn't want to make her much older, ill sister feel worse about a traumatic time in their lives. It's just that of all the words/PC terms she could have used to describe her life in Florida, the choice of "unconventional" makes me shake my head. I could understand it being applied to the life-on-the-run that Lucky had with Luke and Laura, or being home-schooled in a commune or something ... but not to making money for one's aunt by turning tricks at age 15 (?). Even "unique" could have worked in that conversation.
  12. My favorite part was Bobbie saying their life with Ruby was "unconventional." Interesting euphemism for teen prostitution. So Pat died of heart failure without even getting that detail, or that the loud-mouthed blonde headed their way is a result of that "unconventional" upbringing. Is it too much to ask that if Pat had to die, it was as a result of meeting her niece, Carly? Pat: "You seem a little old to be Barbara Jean's child - who's your father?" Carly: "Oh, she had me when she was a teen-ager. One of the johns was my father. The bitch gave me up for adoption, so 20 some years ago I tracked her down and slept with her husband. It's all good now! Nice to meet you, it's cool to have a new aunt." Pat: ......
  13. When Carly told Lucas he's always been too trusting, I really wanted him to say, "Good point, I trusted you like my dad did, and look what you did to his life and my family. I've grown to love you over time because your my mother's daughter, and in spite of the fact you can't be trusted. You can't ever leave anyone be. Looks like Jake and his wife better watch their backs." Maybe it's just my imagination, but I could swear Becky H. looks tinier than ever next to Jason T. She only reached his shoulder as they walked - was there mention of Patrick wearing different shoes today, perhaps? I too was disappointed that Bobbie doesn't get to have even a moment of anger or sadness for how her life could have been different, and is already all about forgiveness for all Luke has done that hurt the family because he wasn't "in his right mind." Her clinging to Luke's shoulder like she's a little girl all over again makes me roll my eyes. But then, what else can you expect from someone who was more upset about her narcissistic succubus of a daughter going to prison for a crime she did commit, than about said daughter betraying her grandson and breaking his heart. Ugh. Lulu, Bobbie, and Tracy look pathetic for their need to 'get Luke back'. Good for Valerie for going off on Lulu!! Good for Sam for her hostility toward Ric for his attitude on the phone about her while standing in her home.
  14. The 'Luke accidentally killed his mother' thing could have worked without totally invalidating what Bobbie and Luke believed about that night. Just change details. Tim punches Lena in the appendix area (but all we see are the kids' horrified reactions), and Luke and Patricia both grab at him or jump on him to make him stop. He rushes at Lena again (according to Patricia), cut to the audience seeing the kids struggling with him as Lena gets knocked down by Tim or falls down in the struggle. Tim has pushed or knocked Patricia off him. Luke runs for his baseball bat and swings it at Tim's head as Tim is screaming in Lena's face. At the last moment Tim sees a flash of Luke with the bat, ducks, bam Lena gets a bat to the head. This could all be shot in a way that Lena's death is at least as much Tim's fault as Luke's, TG doesn't have to hit anyone or strain himself physically, and Bobbie and Luke's truth is still partially true. I really thought - after the line from young Bill that his dad also says he looks just like Luke - that there would be some hint Tim either had a ONS with, or raped, Mrs. Eckert, Bill was the product of it. Lena either knew or suspected but stayed loyal to her husband, and thus no relationship between the Spencers and the Eckherts that Patricia could remember. I could believe they would send Bill to the hospital for information on Lena's condition, and Bill would say something like, 'I've felt tension in the air for as long as I can remember whenever there's a reference to our family visit before I was born; just the mention of Tim makes my mom uncomfortable. They worried about your mom being abused, but she and your dad told them just stay away.' At least that would make it more plausible that the Eckherts didn't take in the Spencer kids. Bill doesn't tell his parents Tim is dead and so they're afraid of him showing up, or they don't want Bill's 'twin cousin' growing up in their house ... something. Maybe a reference to the bakery business struggling, and can't afford to take on children. Regardless, it's all a total fail for explaining Luke's behavior in the last year, or last five years, etc. (choose your own length of time since Ron's clearly just making it up day-to-day anyway).
  15. I tuned in a bit late, so I was really confused for a moment knowing this was a B+W/flashback episode but thinking I was seeing teenage Josslyn crying over Carly's dead body. I like the dirty looks from Becky, aka nurse in flashback, to "Dr. Hardy" when he broke the news so coldly to young 'Patricia' that her mother was dead. That's an eye-roll worthy hair piece/dye job they did with TG to turn him into Tim Spencer. Sooo...Luke has just turned into Tim. Except instead of being a loser who beats women and kids, Luke raped a woman and then recklessly killed a toddler decades later. Alrightey then. I guess young Luke was supposed to be channeling teenage JJ but it does. not. work. Also, TG is playing Tim as a pure nasty domestic abuser with no layers, who young Luke hated. Such a horrible situation for the 3 children. Dee is far more compelling than TG or JZ in this episode. Great actress. Side note: Carly being Lena married to Luke being Tim is pretty creepy, given that there's no way to de-age TG.
  16. Warning: The Alexis-Patrick scene (s) will make some of you feel stabby. I am finding it very hard to like Alexis these days. Clearly Alexis has no clue what a terrible relationship partner Patrick is. But I guess she figures he's still a major step up from a hitman and a doctor with a psycho wife/ex-wife. Hahahaha at Sam telling Julian she's invested in Patrick, but was supposed to be a family with Jason and is thinking of Jake while looking at her wedding band. Patrick choosing to ignore the 'She's not that into you' vibe and it coming back to bite him will make me laugh more. The Ric-Elizabeth scene(s) at Kelly's make him look desperate and her look stupid. She's barely gotten the words out about Jake and Hayden, and he's touching her arm and begging for another chance...no that's not suspicious. At all. C'mon Nurse Webber, you have met Ric before, yes? Clearly Ron thinks he's hilarious and ironic, re: Patrick - "nips" and Hayden re: Sam. So much eye rolling, geebus. Ugh.
  17. Yes! I'm glad I'm not the only one who's been thinking that Julian's hair is looking more and more like Scott's every day. Like one Chia Head wasn't enough already...
  18. The only scene partner I believe could make Luke's storyline compelling is JJ. Yes, JJ is an amazing crier, but he's also great at rage. Those of you who remember the scenes of Lucky with each parent after finding out about the rape know what I mean. Also, I'm sure many remember Lucky confronting Niz about the affair. The endless hand-wringing from Lulu and Tracy does nothing for me. Lucky would know what buttons to push, and I think would and could hand Luke's 'dark side' his ass.
  19. Absolutely. I felt her absence was glaring when Lucky and Elizabeth were sobbing for Jake in the hospital, and approached about organ donation - both because she experienced losing BJ and because she was so important in the lives of Lucky and Elizabeth when they were teenagers. I hated that adult JJ never had a scene with JZ :(. And, it was glaring when Bobbie was not there for the intervention re: Luke's drinking, while Carly - who always had an adversarial relationship with Uncle Luke - was part of the circle of tough love. Big fail on the part of Show.
  20. Yes, Sophia said BPD, that she has a chemical imbalance and felt better finding that out. Then the grandfather and his wife show up and the grandfather implies that the reason Sophia tried to kill herself and was making some changes in her life (that grandpa didn't like) was because Robert had become so focused on being a father to Callie, it messed with his beloved granddaughter's psyche. I thought it was interesting (not in a good way) that he didn't seem to feel any emotion at meeting his nearly grown granddaughter for the first time, and talked about her while she was sitting right there like her existence and introduction into the family (as handled by Robert) was responsible for the princess being a mess. The grandfather must have really, seriously disapproved of young Colleen to treat his new granddaughter this way. Also, wanted to ask about something in case I missed scenes. Callie said she was mad at her mom for lying to her and lying to him - assumed she was referring to Colleen never telling her about her Robert, and never telling Robert about the pregnancy. But with all the shenanigans Stef pulled, was she actually referring to a recent incident involving herself and Robert?
  21. Yup, and there will probably be some explanation of Pat having Valerie in her 40s (surprise, like Olivia now), along with why Pat never told Valerie about her past w/her siblings.
  22. Amused at this civil-with-utter-lack-of-enthusiasm exchange: Alexis: Olivia, you're .. glowing. Olivia: Yeah, Thank you. Uh, Valerie there were ways to get the upper hand with Luke, and not let him go straight to your sick mother with gun-in-hand. I'll guess Dante and Luke will face off with their guns for an episode or two while Lulu, Bobbie and Tracy gather around Pat. Disappointing that Anna didn't just knee Sloane in the balls. He deserved it. NotTodd!Franco shows up with Appendage in Pink, acts like a dick to Olivia, and blackmails her about the baby. Shocking. We never ever predicted this the moment he and Olivia had that inexplicable scene in Shadybrook.
  23. This really makes me wish you had written that scene. Their entire part of the episode - Danny jumping into bed and asking if Patrick is now daddy, talking about Danny's real daddy, and Sam obsessing about 'Jake' all the while her 'special friend' Patrick is next to her, semi-naked and acting like he belongs there, then later acknowledging that Emma misses Robin ....just GROSS. Made me remember the time Elizabeth told Patrick Emma went to sleep in his bed because of missing/wanting to feel closer to her Mommy. I thought it was gross and assy when Patrick mentioned himself and Sam in bed/intimate situation while on doctor duty attending to 'Jake' - with Elizabeth there...but this is worse. He shows an utter lack of concern for Emma, and is totally nonchalant about this - 3-year-old? - boy seeing him shirtless (or more) in the Daddy's place in the bed. UGH.
  24. They did the same thing with Elizabeth's sons - the previous Cam, and Jason's first born, Jake. I remember Becky did an interview saying little Braden was cast (at her suggestion) as toddler Cam because she knew him and his mom well, and because he looked like he could be Zander's kid. There were at least a few lines over 3+ years about how much little Jake looked like Jason. Back when Aiden was actually seen, or at least his stroller was, there were mentions from Elizabeth, Laura and Luke that he looked like Lucky.
  25. Lena's one-on-one scenes with Brandon, Mariana and Jude touch me far more than the drama/relationship stuff involving Brandon, Calllie, Mariana, Jesus or Jude and their various significant or insignificant others. She just loves them unconditionally, doesn't do denial (i.e., truth about Mike's predator gf) and wants them to stand tall with their gifts/talents (i.e. Mariana is good at math). I adore how she connects with these kids -such a great example that you don't need blood ties to form a family.
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