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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Speaking of Dillon, I wasn't watching GH when the character returned to Port Charles as a teen. Did he ever know his dad (Paul) never actually liked Tracy, let alone wanted to be married to her? If not, now would be a good time to bring up that he's aged/matured since the last time he was in Port Charles and doesn't want to see Tracy settle for Luke yet again, esp. since his father was hardly a loving, stellar husband. I vaguely recall him pining endlessly for Ned's wife at the time. Are we going to be "treated" to a scene of Lulu introducing Dillon to Dante, with a re-hash of "yeah, he's been my stepbrother on and off, he got me pregnant in the boat house, I had an abortion. Maybe this is awkward?"
  2. What I loved: KeMo and NLG's faces/non-verbal reactions to "Denise," Lucas saying Jack Nicholson's line from A Few Good Men, and "Denise" telling Morgan (paraphrasing here) handsome and dumb are not contradictory. Also, the way Dante treated "Denise" was great. Love ya Dante. What I hated: Carly and Sonny's entitlement (always). Sonny walking past Elizabeth into her own home because he wants to talk to Jake right this second - when she clearly didn't say come in - just irritates me. Jake isn't even Sonny's employee, and Sonny does not know Jake is Jason. Carly's entitlement annoyed me less because I don't like nuSloane, but seriously, she's not Jake's significant other and she has no say in Sloane getting a demotion or promotion...unless annoying other police officials to death with her mouth counts.
  3. YES!!!! So much this. I hated that people actually believed the Jersey Shore cast/crew from New York actually represented my home state. NO. Absolutely NOT. The only time I ever heard "Joisey" in my family was from a great uncle who lived near Brooklyn and then Long Island - never spent a day in New Jersey.
  4. I agree. I actually had Liz/this story cross my mind while working graduations recently because I heard the names "Elizabeth Weber" and "Elizabeth Spencer" read (different colleges, different days btw). The "lost her damn mind" bit seemed to be put out there in a scene where Liz confessed to Steve Burton's Jason that she had lied about baby Danny's DNA test results. She wanted to be with him, hoping that their connection would make her pain and sadness (and I think loneliness, too) go away. We saw her despair about Lucky walking away from her and the boys when she clung to him in her door frame when JJ left the show. I still remember her line to Lucky that she wanted Aiden to be his son more than anything, but didn't realize she'd have to pay for it with Jake's life. Internally, she still blames herself for the death of her son. Recently there were moments she wanted to believe she and Ric could really be in love and he could be a father to her sons ... while being in denial about having feelings for Jake. After everything that's happened, she desperately wants to believe she can be happy and in love with Jason - anything that interferes with that fantasy gets ignored or destroyed. She knows Jason's entire background and has always believed he's an "honest man" for the most part - unlike Ric, Nikolas, that shrink she dated briefly (before Jason shot him), and AJ and Lucky with their substance abuse issues. She knows that this version of Jason (at this point) wants to be with her, believes he will be devoted to her and not the Mob, and has said Sam is not his type. I feel for the Liz character because in addition to having no-onscreen family to support her despite being a member of a legacy family, one son died tragically before he reached his 4th b-day, Lucky abandoned their other two sons, the boss at GH is a nutso criminal (who shot her at one point) instead of a real doctor like Liz's late grandfather , and she has no girl friendships since NL and KMc left the show/Ron doesn't think friendships are important on GH. The only friendships Liz has at the moment are the douches Patrick and Nic. That's not even touching the love/romance angst in her life.
  5. What, you didn't find their caper at Crighton Clarke (with Sam having those glasses as a fab disguise) to be a super exciting adventure? Patrick has said repeatedly he liked being Sam's "adventure buddy." She's a PI and does sneaky things (like when she was trying to figure out who was responsible for the death of the baby he never wanted). She's super exciting. And as for Sam, Patrick "sparkles" and he was always there for her when her toddler son was sick. See, Ron's given you reasons for thinking they are super awesome together. His Twitter is waiting for your compliments at this very moment.
  6. Oh, I don't think Olivia is a victim - that baby boy is. Olivia's had a taste for dangerous men for years, but Johnny didn't get her pregnant, nor did Sonny (again). Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought the storyline right now is that she intends to leave Port Charles (where both Julian and Sonny live) indefinitely/forever. She raised Dante to adulthood in Bensonhurst away from Sonny, and wants to do the same with this baby (although maybe not in Bensonhurst?) Dante was an adult and a cop when they were talking about him having a relationship with Sonny. That's completely different from sending a baby/toddler/little kid off on visits to Daddy the criminal. I guess I thought that some posts here seemed to be saying Olivia and Ned are awful and gross for lying and Julian/his family deserve better. No, they don't. The baby deserves better than this mess, for sure. But Julian, Kiki and Sam have all shown reprehensible judgement over time. They're certainly capable of being as awful as Olivia and Ned are being labeled - if not more so. I'd bet if Kiki had heard this plan suggested for little Avery to keep her away from Michael, she'd have jumped at the chance. Kiki certainly has the same sense of entitlement Julian does.
  7. Based on Ned's last line in a scene, and then the way the actors delivered their lines today, I'm under the impression it was Ned's idea to fake the death and pay off the hospital? It seemed like Ned did most of the talking to Julian, Olivia cried and seemed conflicted, and then after Julian walked away Ned was smiling and full of self-praise that they pulled it off. I continue to not feel sorry for Julian. He ordered Duke's death,, is allowing Sonny to believe Jake killed Duke, knew who shot Olivia and only came clean to her when he was behind bars, knew Ava intended to kill Michael (an innocent) but didn't care and didn't try to stop her, praised Sonny and was shitty to Michael when Michael was the one who got that bomb to the edge of the boat, has been a smug, condescending ass to Ned since way before the ONS with Olivia, and more. Julian is no more fit to raise a child to be moral and kind, away from danger than Sonny is. Olivia and Ned are not wrong about Julian and his life. But what drives me crazy about Olivia is that she doesn't and never will see that Sonny isn't a better man than Julian; in many ways he's worse. Julian's "entire family" at the moment consists of Kiki, Lucas, Sam and Danny. None of them had any connection to Olivia and her baby, certainly weren't anticipating a new addition to the family, so it's not some big "Jerome Family loss." Sam JUST found out about the baby and confronted Olivia right before she went into labor. I think she'll feel sad for Julian because she once lost a daughter, but this won't be painful for her personally. If anything, I figure word will get back to the Q Family of this story and they'll be sad.
  8. Julian kept saying "my son" to Olivia, who is in a wheelchair, physically and emotionally exhausted from giving birth to their son and watching the pre-mature baby be in duress/NICU. I just found it gross that he's addressing her like she was merely the baby's incubator, not a parent who's just been through a lot. I saw a shade of Sonny's behavior re: his baby mamas and didn't like it.
  9. I think I could hear the cheering from you all from here when Jordan told Shawn some truths about himself, and the hit on her, in response to his smug attitude and anger toward her about her being a "traitor." His reaction was about on point for someone who values Sonny so much. And his equal disgust of/hatred for Dante just makes me roll my eyes. Elizabeth really couldn't appear more frantic, afraid, pathetic and obvious. Which is why, of course, Jake isn't picking up on it. I almost laughed at Liz's desperate and anxious look when (yes Ron, we see the IRONY) Sam said Jake probably really does have a family out there missing him. Are we all supposed to be entertained by Shawn failing to take out his predecessor, wanting to apologize to Sonny, and Shawn and Sonny appearing to be in a contest as to who's the biggest smug, condescending POS? I thought the acting in the Olivia and Ned scene with Julian was well done; must be really tough on an actress who's actually about to give birth in real life. Kudos to her. Am I supposed to feel sorry for Julian? I don't. I think it's the "my son" over and over instead of "our son" that really made me not care about his pain. It's sad that I'm thinking if Liz had witnessed Sam taking Jake's hand to comfort him, she'd have a full-out nervous breakdown in the middle of the hospital. And Patrick would have been there a moment later, flipping out at Jake in a fit of jealousy.
  10. Yes; her second pregnancy was when TPTB wrote a pregnancy for Liz, she left Port Charles, then off-screen Audrey called Ric to let him know Liz had given birth to a son. (IRL, Becky had her daughter.) Sometime later, she returned to Port Charles with infant Cameron.
  11. I've missed some details about her - she didn't look even a little pregnant in this series finale. Thought that was strange. Was she going to go to jail and ask Charlotte to take care of the baby or something?
  12. I wonder if the Show thinks it's being 'trendy'/reflecting society with the comments about Bones and those women. I've been taken aback by how strangers - store clerk, transit worker, a new guest in a friend's home - think it's their place to comment on or question a woman about her "pregnancy." Also, women get praised for appearing thin/losing weight and therefore 'looking great'.
  13. Laura -Lulu; Robin-Emma; Elizabeth-Aiden; Maxie-Georgie ... and I think a certain blond was already in the hospital and delivered Spencer just before she kicked the bucket?
  14. What I said was mostly in response to the post about how can Elizabeth justify not letting Monica know her son is alive since mourning a dead son is something they both have in common. I thought it was pretty clear in her conversation with Nikolas that she hadn't even thought of Monica and her pain. For me it's ironic that like Elizabeth was minimized during the aftermath of Jake's death, it's like currently Monica doesn't even exist in storylines or even just small scenes involving her own son and her profession/hospital. I truly thought we'd get at least a two-second shot of her sitting at a table at the NB with either her judge boyfriend or maybe Tracy.
  15. Ulkis - Really? When was that?? Details please.
  16. I saw Scott Reeves and JJ again on "Nashville," and I SO wanted 'Steven' to tell 'Lucky' - 'Go home now and be a father to your kids! My sister shouldn't be their only parent! You don't want Jason playing Daddy, do you?' I feel like that even more after Elizabeth was telling Jakeson to talk to Cam and Aiden about their interests. It's so wrong that they don't have their Dad. Liz, he has his own son and you know it!! I hated how Sam behaved when she was totally obsessed with Jason (both when they were together and apart). I suppose in a way this is karma for her since she deliberately slept with Lucky (while he was married to and living with Elizabeth) to stick it to Jason and Elizabeth. But Elizabeth keeping little Danny from knowing his Daddy is his daddy is just horrible.
  17. When she was listing to Nikolas the people who mattered to Jason, I thought it was weird that she mentioned Emily, who's dead, but not Monica. (Well, I guess it makes sense so that the audience isn't going, "Yeah, where is Monica?! This is the Nurse's Ball, after all.") She also said Michael, but not Tracy, Ned, or any other Q. Daisy - I think the first time something happened between Lucky and Maxie, she wasn't offering him drugs. Elizabeth tried to say "You're my hero" when Lucky was feeling shitty about not being one or getting credit for it or whatever, and he shrugged it off like a douche. What I remember being disgusted by was Liz catching Lucky nuzzling/putting his arms around Maxie in the L&L2 home, he saw her looking at them, and his reaction was basically 'um, awkward' ... not shame, not horror. She accepted what she saw, and looked to Jason as someone to trust and lean on. People seem to forget that during the blackout, after they had a few life sucks drinks, she said she should go, turned to walk away and Jason stopped her and kissed her. I've seen over and over that she "climbed 15 stairs in the dark to seduce Jason." It's crap! I also have a bad feeling Becky will be treated to another pregnancy/WTD story as the truth comes out and the baby will get the "second chance/replacement for little Jake" treatment from the writers. Ugh.
  18. I know that Nikolas told Liz Helena told him 'Jake' is really Jason - but did he also tell her that Robin brought Jason and Helena back to life? I really want to know if I missed scenes. Last I heard Liz only knew that Patrick and Robin were getting divorced and Robin "moved to Paris" because that's what Patrick or possibly Anna told her. I know she first knew Helena was alive when she read the newspaper which cited Alexis as a witness - but she didn't have any details as to how that was possible. She's not actively ignoring Robin's captivity if she doesn't suspect anything because she hasn't been given any details. I still feel like Anna, Patrick and Nikolas should have definitely figured out something was not right. Instead, when Nik hears from Helena that Robin revived her, he just shoots her a confused look and then lets it drop. Now that's being a terrible friend because he knows what she's already been through as a prisoner of Helena's associate, Faison. He would have figured out immediately that Robin didn't initially leave Patrick and Emma to go do AIDs-related work in Africa.
  19. There were some great scenes, esp. acted by SB/Erin, but I hated what Roman said to Burgess about Nadia. He was talking like Nadia was a police officer who got shot to death in the line of duty. Nadia worked in the office wanted to become a police officer but wasn't one at the time she was kidnapped, raped/tortured and murdered by a sociopath as a F You to the Chicago PD. Nadia did not "choose" that. I was disappointed that Burgess didn't call him on it and wasn't offended.
  20. Yeah, but I said if he had all the information. Jason was brain-damaged all those years and has no memories BUT he had the facts about who he was as soon as he woke up after the accident. His parents were doctors in that hospital! He saw pictures of himself with his family, understood Emily was his sister, AJ was his brother,etc. Right now Liz knows all that while Jake knows nothing. She's not allowing him to have the opportunity to choose her while knowing he has a wife and son close by. So because of all the information being kept from him, it's not informed consent. Although legally speaking it probably can't be defined as rape, either. Basically, I agree with jsbt. There's also the excellent point that as his nurse, she held a position of respect and trust at a vulnerable time, and is taking advantage of that.
  21. Excellent post, Grrpants09! Jakeson is an amnesiac/brain injured and if he had the information about himself would not consent to being intimate with Liz. I hate to say it, but I swear this has shades of Stavros/Cassadines and Laura. They kept her in the Cassadine world because Stavros wanted her, and convinced her that Luke was dead. This is definitely a new low for Liz. HATE it. Especially since she's told people in the past she felt guilty that she lied to/betrayed Jason and he lost out on time with Danny. Only a mentally unhinged/desperately lonely Liz would justify to herself keeping a young child from getting to know his very-much-alive parent. I expect any day now we'll be seeing guilty looks/hints of tears in her eyes as she hears Sam say stuff like, "I wish Jason could be here to see Danny (insert action/milestone)/ I hope Stavros has a painful death and burns in hell because Danny and I should have been sharing these moments with Jason/Danny asked if he could visit Heaven to see his Daddy."
  22. A - That is exactly what Liz is doing (and I say this as a big Liz fan) and I get what she's saying. When she was talking about people in that audience, I think it was a reference to Carly, Ric, etc. I think Becky is playing Liz as someone desperately in need of therapy: deciding she wants Jakeson in her own little bubble because she feels physically and emotionally alone, and is going full-on delusional to get what she wanted for a long time - a Jason without the Sonny and Carly responsibilities and without people wanting to harm him (which made him dangerous for kids). She had rose-colored glasses in that she never acknowledged that he was a killer. This time of lying is different because she is setting out to deliberately lie and only care about her own happiness. I think she was talking about her past of wanting to do the right thing - but not acknowledging her history is making poor reactionary choices (i.e. ONS w/Zander after finding out about Ric's panic room) or giving into her worst impulses while unhappy (affair with Nikolas while being engaged to Lucky/believing Lucky could save her from her own self-destruction). If it came up, it's likely she'd see a difference between what she wants to do and what Ric has done: she now has more knowledge of a situation she's already been apart of. Ric created a scenario, complete with an additional "character," and then set about to worm his way back into relationship status with Elizabeth. B - I actually think Nikolas deserves 90 percent of Sam and Monica's anger. He's family - was Monica's former and future SIL via Emily, and Sam's cousin. I remember a speech and toast/traditional toss from Emily and Nik's wedding took place in Monica's home. And when Sam showed him her husband's wedding ring and asked him for answers, he lied to her face. It sucks that Elizabeth is going to lie to them, and she's wrong to do it, but she really hasn't had a family-like relationship with them. MEGA betrayal on Nik's part, especially because his motivation is supposedly a desire to take over the family company. I could at least accept him wanting to screw over Jason if he said something like "It's his fault I lost Emily." C-I bolded part because this actually already happened, during the Alcazar murder trial. Ric showed disgust and contempt for Liz re: ONS with Jason and her loyalty to him, and Liz hated him in return for grilling her on the stand about her ONS, her marriage and Jake's paternity. After the trial he told someone (can't remember who, maybe Sam?) that he hated that Liz associating with Jason had turned her into a liar. They were not on friendly terms when he left town. All that got ignored or forgotten when Ric returned in 2014. Suddenly it was all "Liz I still love you, you've never been out of my mind, let's try again." So. much. WTF!!!
  23. TeeVee329 - You make a good point, which takes my theory a little further: "compelling" drama of Jason literally being torn between his 'two families', not just the family of his late first born son v. Sam and Danny. I think I must have missed a scene - did Liz find out from Nik that Robin revived Helena? Do Nikolas and Liz genuinely think Robin is happily living in Paris? I could understand Liz believing that going off what she hears from Patrick, but I know Nikolas had Helena dragged away into exile and then recently was yelling at her on the phone. So I was thinking he knows more than Patrick. Now I'm just feeling confused. Oh, and Nikolas being all 'Patrick is better to Sam and Danny than Jason ever was' doesn't surprise me because Nik was anti-Sonny and Jason, and probably blames Jason for Em's death (since she was murdered as revenge on Jason). Also because Patrick is a doctor, and was there at the beginning as a doctor and friend just before Danny got the cancer diagnosis. My reaction to that line about Patrick putting them first was, "Well yeah, it was his job." But I know that's not what Nik meant.
  24. Wow, between people leaving due to personal drama/proposals and what I assume is people leaving to get away from all the drama, there where what 15 people left in the audience for Lucy to address? For those who could stand to watch Spinelli's entire song, I couldn't tell...was he seriously singing a love song to Maxie right in front of Ellie? Girl, he is so NOT worth your tears!! Ugh. I'm also confused by when Lucy introduced Sabrina and Epiphany both as nurses of GH. Was that just another big writing error, or was Sabrina re-instated and I missed that line? Also I guess she and Michael are now together since she took his hand and led him to the stage? It did amuse me that she didn't even seem to look in Patrick's direction as she did so. Another bit of confusion - that's Spencer's "horrible scar"? It looks like (in a normal childhood) he just fell maybe while running or riding a bike and has a scrape healing on on the side of his face!! Makeup department fail!!
  25. That was a sweet scene, although I was surprised that Alexis didn't come into the precinct with Martha, and have a line/beam with pride at her grandmother's positive reviews being read aloud. Did I miss a line about Alexis going away with friends for spring break or some other excuse?
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