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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Oh, I remember those girls getting SORASed. The Molly and Cam ages (given history) are the most jarring, but the ages of Molly and Kristina aren't a total WTF (to me) because Alexis was into her 30s (can't recall exact age) when she got pregnant with Kristina. I think Kristina and Molly were both off-screen for some time before they were SORASed. Liz's son Cam is about 11 (based on what Lucky said years ago, and being in the same age group as Spencer who's been established as 10 because of the birthday party that went up in flames). Jake was 3, almost 4 the night Luke ran him down so now we've heard multiple times it's been 5 years/he's 8. I think Aiden is supposed to be 4. Cam being SORASed to 13 would not be too jarring, but 16 is pushing it esp. if TPTB still want Cam/Emma play scenes to go along with Liz and Patrick's friendship scenes. And I seriously do not want to see a teen Cam develop a crush on Molly, given all of Liz and Ric's history. But Laura looks old enough to be Chad Duell's mom, and it was well established a long time ago that Carly and Jason were at least a few years older (about 5-8 years?) than Liz, Lucky, Emily. AT's Emily was the little sister, definitely not in the same age group as her brothers AJ and Jason. In Carly and Michael scenes, I believe I'm looking at a mom in her mid-40s, and a son in his early-to-mid-20s. Morgan going from 12 to 19 off-screen in a couple years was definitely jarring.
  2. I don't know if Finola/Anna was on the show at the time Robin was born...but from my perspective Genie/Laura's situation was different from Becky/Liz's. Genie was not on GH for years; Luke/TG and Laura/GF returned with 11-year old JJ (can't recall if Lucky was also 11). GH viewers missed out on years of L&L's life together. Elizabeth has never been away from GH for longer than a few months. GH viewers remember her messy relationship with Ric and ONS with Zander, being pregnant (when Becky was pregnant with her daughter), leaving town toward the end of her pregnancy (RL maternity leave), and that Ric got a call that Liz had given birth to a boy. She returned with an infant. So the beginning of Cam's life, toddler/childhood moments with and without siblings, and all Liz's years as mom to him, have taken place on-screen.
  3. The kid in that photo actually could pass for the son of Zander and Elizabeth - a few years down the line. A recast would work because I don't feel enthusiasm for the current Cam, and I could see Liz as the mother of a put-upon 13-year-old right now (who's angry that Dad's not there for him). The recasting/SORASing of other womens' children has worked in part because they are significantly older than Liz. Elizabeth wasn't a teenager when she had Cam, so significant aging of him would look absurd.
  4. A) We may be talking about/have different ideas of "affair." I remember Liz confided in Jason about being angry and hurt regarding the mess with Lucky, but they weren't all "Oh, I wish we could plan a future together" and she wasn't saying the L word to/about Jason until months (I forget how long) after their night together, which was the last night of Maxie and Lucky. I actually watched a clip recently where Liz was pretty early into her pregnancy with Jake, and said to Jason I'm in love with Lucky and you're in love with Sam. They all did crappy things at various times. But I don't understand why Sam is being brought into an exchange that is about Maxie's awful behavior and attitude regarding L&L2's marriage and her attitude toward Val now. B) Actually, Liz and JJ's Lucky had a talk at Kelly's, after Luke hit Jake in 2011, where Liz reflected on choices she regrets and Lucky said the lies/deception in their relationship started with him. I think he may have been talking about the first Lucky recast, but my guess is the writers deliberately kept it vague.
  5. Yes, Liz being unsupportive of Lucky's drug habit/lies (with their baby/toddler son in the home) and not loving him for cheating on her in her bed with a teenager totally makes the failure of the L&L2 marriage all her fault. It's true that Liz fell out of love with Lucky over time and had feelings for Jason, but Maxie's attitude toward Elizabeth from the day she wanted Lucky for herself was just .. reprehensible. It didn't stop there. I still remember years later, Maxie putting Liz down as a yucky mother, saying Matt would never find that pretty/sexy.
  6. That's just Maxie being Maxie. She doesn't care who's responsible for what; she blames who she doesn't care for/flat out hates. When Patrick cheated on Robin, Maxie put the blame on PsychoDoc Lisa and told Robin she's sure Patrick's hating himself right now because he loves Robin so much. When Lucky was cheating on Elizabeth with Maxie, she blamed Liz for being an unsupportive wife who didn't really love or deserve Lucky, just wanted him to be daddy to her son(s), blah blah.
  7. Tony and Jackie's affection for each other touched me today - Bobbie's tears got me. Good flashback for their last moments together. Genie and Kin have such great friendship chemistry as Laura and Scott. They do very well showing a bond of history connected to the present. Such a marked contrast to the massive amount of garbage currently aired on this show. Morgan (now minus wolf hair) is so very much Sonny's son. Both hoping to cheat on Kiki while she's gone for the weekend, and worried about Kiki and AvaDenise talking before she leaves. ETA: Good to know Laura isn't just over Nik and Elizabeth's Jason Morgan/Jake Doe secret. Looking forward to more scenes of GF, TC, and BH. Seems like it's been a lifetime since they've had any scenes of substance. I wonder if she'll get a chance to (finally) address Nikolas and Liz about their betrayal of Lucky; it's somewhat relevant to what's going on now.
  8. Now that's a scene involving Brad I would happily watch! Brad was skeevy with the pursuing Felix and trying to blackmail (rape victim) Michael into sex. He got worse by turning into Britt's friend and his involvement with all her lies about baby Ben/Rocco and Spencer 'running away.' The so-called falling in love with Lucas did NOT redeem him. Lucas is way out of his league, and a legacy character who deserves so much better. Also, what kind of jackass proposes to someone in a public setting, that soon into the relationship, knowing he can't follow through because he's already married? Well, Lucas could easily get back at Brad - somewhat - by trapping him in a room and letting Shebeast sister yell at him.
  9. TG's last scenes before he disappears should be with Jackie Z/little sister Bobbie - the siblings only - so of course that won't be the case. I thought he would have at least a brief scene with Carly, to say one last time sarcastically "Sweet Caroline" and "don't break your mother's heart any time in the future with the crap you pull. She's been through enough hell for one lifetime, and some of that was your doing."
  10. No problem, and agreed. Just like Laura saying Lucky has two sons to raise (not three). Whether she was talking about Cam and Jake or Cam and Aiden, it is still terrible writing since Lucky has made it clear he considers Jake to be his son, all the fuss years ago about baby Aiden being his child, and Lucky telling Cam around that same time he's the first born/that Lucky learned to be a dad from him. Thanks, I LOVE that Jake was glaring at the man who ran him over (even if he doesn't remember that). I saw that he hit Luke with his toy, but I missed this look. Such an accurate assessment of Carly's reaction.
  11. Sam said that in the context of raising Danny without his dad there; that Elizabeth now gets to raise Jason's son without him around....which I still think sounds stupid because Elizabeth and Jason weren't together when she was raising Jake as a toddler. Liz had Jake with her when she saw Jason here and there, but he was not a parent in any capacity (except for the saving Jake from two kidnappings stuff). As for Laura - what you said. Wish I could like that comment 1,000 times. Cameron was Lucky's son from the time he was a baby, although he knew who Jason was. Aiden knows Lucky is Daddy and had no exposure to Jason whatsoever. I hated that Lucky saw Jake in the window, no Cam or Aiden in the scene, and just left because the two adults and one kid sounded like a happy family. Cam and Aiden's health and happiness is just as important as Jake's. It's the sloppiest, most lame way possible to write Lucky out of GH again.
  12. That is brilliant, LeftPhalange! Who's he looking at in that screencap? I personally am so very amused that 'Jason's first born son' is utterly uninterested in chatting with Jason's wife and 'BFF'. Also, laughing that his 'don't know you, don't care' attitude went completely over Carly's head. Yet he seems to be forming a nice bond with Grandma Laura. Love that.
  13. Jazzy24 -Yes, esp. since Lucky left again because he a) has doubts about his ability to be a father because of "darkness" inside him; b) Nikolas told him hey, you can take off if you want - you're not needed because Jakeson is in the father role to the boys now; c) he felt sad listening at the window and hearing Liz, Jakeson and Jake sounding like a happy family. I really really wish Laura had overheard Nik's conversation with Lucky, then slapped Nik across the face for being such a douche (again) to his brother. I hate that Laura is written to think that Lucky left just to get out of Elizabeth's way re: a happy family with Jason 2.0. No, she's not telling Jake that Jason/Jakeson is his bio father - at least for now. I think she may tell him *something* when this secret blows up in her face.
  14. Not exactly overwhelmed, but he did seem perplexed/weirded out that this lady - who hasn't been introduced as a family member who's missed him - is telling him he's so special as she cries over him. As someone else pointed out, she had a more emotional reaction to seeing the kid alive than Jason's own wife. Yes, Liz feels guilty, but to me Becky played it as protecting the kid from Carly's behavior/mouth, with some guilt thrown in. I saw more guilt and worry in her re: Sam and Danny. I don't know enough about child development to know if a kid that age is capable of understanding Jason as his parent due to DNA/how reproduction works, but Lucky as his dad who was raising him along with his mom prior to the Cassadine Island years. Also, it's tricky here because Lucky is NOT an adoptive dad. His name is on the birth certificate as father of Jacob Martin Spencer; Liz and Lucky were married when he was born.
  15. Well, Liz and Lucky signed off on Josslyn getting some kid's kidney - they didn't know it wasn't Jake's. So they did still save Josslyn's life. It's not so much growth as acknowledging the reality that Joss is healthy and they played a part in that. Also, it's the kind word before she finds out Jake is her precious Jason and comes after her, screaming and foaming at the mouth and saying she's going to ruin Liz and Nik's lives. (Not a spoiler, just my expectation.) ETA: CPP83, you're hilarious, although I think Olivia's baby, Sabrina's baby, Sam's baby with her sister's father, Ava and Sonny or Morgan's baby, and Maxie and Spinelli's baby all fall much higher on the list of unwanted and unnecessary than Jake did. At least Liz and Jason had years of history and genuinely cared about each other aside from their romantic/sexual moments. (I'm NOT saying that the babies cast as Avery and Georgie aren't adorable - just unnecessary, and not a one of those 5 characters are fit to be parents.)
  16. The secret went out the window to those mostly close to Liz and the Spencers - but not the general public. Liz has tried to have it both ways re: Lucky and Jason since she was pregnant with Jake, that's not new. She said "our son" to Lucky's face when they embraced in joy outside her house. Lucky already introduced himself to Jake as "your father" before he and Luke reunited Elizabeth and Jake. I agree she wants him to be with her in raising their son, now that he has a new face and is not a target as a Mob hitman. I get that Monica feels alone, like most of her family is dead or away, but it still annoys me that she is blind to her own hypocrisy (herself as the only mother who ever mattered to Jason, but Jason, NOT Lucky, as the true father of Jake even though Jake barely knew Jason). Actually I think the reason she told Carly today that Jake knows Lucky is his dad is because the shebeast has no sense of discretion whatsoever - she said "Jason" loudly in front of Jake (that name doesn't mean anything to the kid) and then started crying. I think Liz was trying to keep Shebeast's freak out to a minimum and let little Jake know what he's capable of understanding over time. I think she wanted to get little Jake away from Sam and Carly because she's lying to their faces about big Jake(son) and feels guilty about it, but I don't feel like that's why she was trying to get Carly to keep her mouth shut to Jake. He just heard from L&L2 what, two days ago, that Lucky is his dad? It's nuts to then directly contradict that to a kid his age. The kid is taking in a lot of information right now about his house, immediate family, hometown, Mom's workplace, etc. as it is. Yes, Liz has referred to Jake as Jason's son often after the "death," but I think that's more her hanging onto her only remaining connection to Jason and the fantasy of what could have been - not because she feels like Jason was the father more than Lucky was. In her anger and pain she spat out why Lucky is Jake's father and he's not the night of the accident, and what she said was essentially true. No, when Monica was drinking heavily she hit Sam with her car, long before Luke hit Jake. After finding out deceased little Jake was Jason's bio son, she got angry with Jason briefly, then came down on Liz at the hospital and was nasty to her as well as trash talked her to their colleagues repeatedly while on duty in the hospital. Robin even told Monica - no, stay away from (baby patient) Aiden because you have issues with Elizabeth.
  17. Did anyone else think Jakeson came off as a bit of a doofus today with the "he's already met two brothers, why not meet the 3rd" line. He knows from Elizabeth that this little boy understands she is his mom, Lucky is his dad, and he has two brothers. Does he (or Sam) really feel it's appropriate to consider attempting to explain that only a few people know that genetically, you are the son of a different man, and he had another son, which makes that son your brother and Sam here kind of your step-mom. Sam seemed like she's more than ready to tell little Jake she's his step-mom, and wants Danny and Jake to have a great brotherly relationship ASAP. Ugh. Sheesh. The wheels are in motion for a Jakeson, Sam and Danny v. Jakeson, Elizabeth and Jake war. There is not going to be peace in this kid's life.
  18. The best/only great nuDillon moment so far in my opinion. I love that his delivery made it sound like an F You to his father. Fabulous.
  19. Nikolas' play: "Mother, you kept my existence a secret to keep your family together" to get Laura to keep her mouth shut...No words. Good acting from GF with the horror and disgust that this is about ELQ?money (before Nik said he's doing the same thing she did). Lucky was not okay with it, douche, and you know it. You didn't talk to him after he left to know his thinking. Of course Carly doesn't say "I'm your dad's/Lucky's cousin" as a reasonable explanation after Liz's line about Lucky when little Jake wonders why she's crying. It's all "you were so important to my best friend in the whole world" then cries to Sam that Jake looks and sounds just. like. Jason. Um Carly you didn't even know Jason as a child. Gag. I enjoy watching Genie. So there's that.
  20. Except Monica isn't Jake's grandmother. I find it ironic that, since the time he was a tot, she felt she was Jason's mother in every way that mattered - yet apparently disregards Lucky as being Jake's father legally and in every way that matters because her precious Jason was the sperm donor. Jason didn't claim Jake as his own, end of story. Jason flat out told her she was never supposed to know Jake was his bio son. Yet Monica feels she truly was Jake's grandmother anyway, got screwed out of knowing him, and had an on-going resentment of Elizabeth for it (even when the woman was out of her mind from fever, wanting her son and asking for Jason's help). I was disgusted when Monica implied that baby Aiden probably had bruises (illness) because Elizabeth abused him/neglected him like she neglected Jake and that's why her grandson died. And Monica - not even Jake's own mother - got to slap Luke for "killing my grandson." It would be interesting to see her try to assert herself to 8-year-old Jake as Grandma Monica after Lucky just told him "I'm your father." Monica: "I'm your Grandma Monica." Jake: "Oh, your Mommy's mom?" Monica: "NO." (scowl). Jake: "I don't understand. I already met my father's mom, Grandma Laura." Monica: ....
  21. A) I wouldn't complain about GH writing/acting for a week if that happened. Carly getting electrocuted thanks to Karma would be a beautiful thing. B) I was actually thinking the same thing for Val's motivation, aside from her attraction to Dante. Lulu was all about "my dad," then shrugged off a relative's pain and anger that her mother died and Luke was a stress factor involved in that. ITA about Lulu being self-absorbed, esp. regarding Lucky. It in no way justifies Val being after Dante, but Lulu has been hostile and lacked compassion almost from the moment she met Val. I can, however, see someone in Val's position wanting to directly or passive aggressively get revenge on Lulu for that.
  22. The Val-Lulu stuff...wow Val. She really resents Lulu. This somewhat reminds me of SJB's Carly wanting Jason and acting like Robin doesn't deserve him. Although, LOL at Dante's boss point-blank telling him she knows she and Valerie had sex + Dante's reactionary face. It's also Carly-like behavior to be confronted about kissing another woman's husband and be all "my life is so hard" blah blah. Tues. July 21 is a truly grand Jane Elliot day. Wow. Wonderful acting, no screaming/rage. Bravo. Oddly, TG looks like he's aging as they speak. I will admit their tears and "I'll love you forever" to each other got to me. Obviously real tears that they will miss working together. Nathan, no one else being like Maxie is a good thing. It's sad that you don't get you deserve better. But who cares about anything else when you can have a sexfest in her apartment,right. Shut up Sonny re: Julian and Alexis, esp. considering you are a pathetic excuse for a Mobster and quite possibly the least manly man on this show. It's nice to see Sam with her mother, instead of being all about Jason/Jake or fawning about Patrick...even if I don't really care what they're discussing. I'd rather see her take on Nikolas face-to-face.
  23. No, her cousins are Lulu and Lucky, and Carly and Lucas (yes he's adopted, but he's always been Bobbie's son). Bobbie hasn't bonded with Val on-screen because she's supposed to lean on/fall for Dante instead. But Bobbie never made an appearance for the Jake-Josslyn lame redux of the BJ-Maxie transplant story even though she's Lucky's aunt and has great history working with JJ, Becky, and Geary. Speaking of, I'm disappointed JJ didn't get a scene with Jackie Z for TG's retirement.
  24. Agreed. Sam's most terrible moments (in my opinion) were due to her obsession with Jason. Since SBu left the show, she's been involved with two doctors, not Mobsters. The one time Danny could have been hurt was because her father was a target; you can't pick your parents. Neither she nor Liz deserve for Jason to take their boys. Zander is dead and Cam never knew him - Lucky is his dad. Lucky has now run away twice from being a parent, so he doesn't get to have Jason hand him any kid (including bio son Aiden). Jason himself acknowledged his life was too ingrained in the Mob for it to be safe for a child, so he walked away from Jake. Plus Lucky just flat-out told little Jake "I'm your father." Sam and Liz have been doing the work of raising their sons without the boys' fathers - with help from grandparents/great grandparents, sibs, etc.
  25. I wonder if the behind-the-scenes people remember it too; I noticed Liz had the exact same type of dress and hairdo for the Nurse's Ball this year as she did when she was in the FOD storyline that included Jason removing her makeup/the buildup of tension between them.
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