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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. A) I'm pretty sure that's Anna's guilt talking, since Peter ended up being raised by Faison thanks to Valentin. B) Georgie was an accidental pregnancy from a ONS with her ex, and there was a lot of drama and lying going on during both the pregnancy an when Georgie was a newborn. So, she decided that Spinelli and his stable (as opposed to Maxie) girlfriend Ellie should raise Georgie. Fast forward a few years, and Maxie was happily married and she and Nathan were awaiting the birth of their child. Then her husband dies tragically, trying to protect her and their unborn child. She's saying her James pregnancy, and now focusing on being his mother, is what has been keeping her from drowning in grief. Her husband lives on in their son, and that's how she is surviving.
  2. I was thinking the exact same thing. I feel like Danny, Jake and even Aiden (due to Drew's affection for the kid) should have been there. Both boys love Drew as their former dad/current uncle. I wouldn't expect Cam to show up given his jealousy of Oscar. But Jason/Jasam fans would be furious if Sam brought Danny and Elizabeth brought Jake to see Drew for the day that "their real father was also born."
  3. Add to that the fact that the first time Franco brought up marriage to Elizabeth (in a scene in the hospital) was because he wanted to feel like he had an equal say with "Jason" in how Jake was being raised. Elizabeth was gently pointing out that Jason is Jake's father and so his concerns/wishes matter, and Franco's response was basically well I could be his stepfather...and yes of course I'm totally, completely in love with you Elizabeth. At least in that moment, she was not happy with why/how he kind of sort of proposed. I feel like aside from Elizabeth's teen-age relationship with Lucky and the feelings that developed between Elizabeth and Jason prior to the Lucky character being recast (the first time), the Jake Doe and Elizabeth falling for each other storyline was the best one she's had ... until Nikolas told her Jake Doe was really Jason Morgan. The show made a point of letting the audience know that Jake Doe really connected with all three of Elizabeth's children. Elizabeth said her boys were "devastated" when their wedding didn't happen. Contrast that with the moment leading up to the Franco-Elizabeth wedding that didn't happen - preSORASed Cam says his mom deserves someone to love her and put her first, that Jake is excited and Aiden just thinks ok time to party. I LOVED that Drew said to Franco Elizabeth is the best, and he learned what he knows about parenting from her. It's an acknowledgement that in the beginning, their connection was real - when they almost kissed at Christmas (but Ric interrupted) it was real. There was no manipulation going on. Contrast that with Franco using Elizabeth's son to force his way into her life. I would love for the recent Elizabeth/Drew/Sam/Jason/Franco scenes to lead into both Drew and Elizabeth acknowledging that they had something real, up until Nik's intervention, and that Drew was in love with Elizabeth until he found out he was supposed to be Jason Morgan and in love with Sam. Sam has thrown Drew away. He deserves to be valued. I would really really really like to see Elizabeth pull her head of out of her butt about Franco, and for Drew and Elizabeth to fall in love (again).
  4. However, he basically said in their breakup scene a few months ago that he's so all about her because she redeems him/makes him want to and believe he can be better. That's about him, not about her. And he started out wanting her because he was laser-focused as a so-called medical professional on troubled Jake since he was the son of Jason, a man with whom Franco has a history of obsession. I think Franco's conversation with Drew this week was very telling. He's comfortable that he and little Aiden get along fine, and he just wants to get to the point of not being adversarial with Cameron. If he really loved Elizabeth in a healthy way and wanted to be a true family, he would not behave the way he does (lies/withholding truth, lack of boundaries) and he would be actively working on developing a loving relationship with both Aiden and Cameron since their dad is not in the picture. It really comes off to me like the only reason he cares about having a better relationship with Cameron is so Elizabeth won't contemplate pushing him away to be a good mother to Cam.
  5. Unfortunately, this does happen in real life sometimes. My aunt's husband didn't find out until out sometime in his adulthood that he had a serious medical condition and should not be drinking alcohol. His parents withheld his medical information from him, and refused to acknowledge/discuss it with him when he did find out and confronted them. He's had dialysis and surgeries on and off for X number of years now as a result.
  6. I would characterize it as "chooses to overlook." Robin sees Jason and Sonny through the rose-colored lens of gratitude for being there at her darkest time - after Stone died when she was learning to live with the reality that she was an HIV+ young woman. In conversations with people, she has credited Jason quite a few times with convincing her to go on the protocol. I also remember a scene some years ago where Anna thanked Jason for talking Robin into going on the protocol (at a time when Anna was presumed dead). A brain damaged young man should not have been the one to reach Robin at the moment. Robin desperately needed love and support from both parents when she was diagnosed, but she didn't have it. They were very lucky she had Mac. I still firmly believe she would have leaned much more on her parents (only somewhat on Sonny) if they had been present. That vulnerable time in her life is still imprinted on her heart; I think K McC plays it like Robin believes that turning her back on them would mean denying that time and their importance, so she never will.
  7. In the grocery store check-out line today, I was taken aback to see an 8.5 x 11 photo of MB's face....on the cover of a "Maurice Bernard special anniversary edition" magazine. The cover includes photos of young "Sonny and Brenda" current "Sonny and Carly" and "Sonny and Jason" (I assume that one is fairly recent). Maybe I'm the only one who didn't know to expect to see this. I think it's insulting, given how many years other actors on the show have been there and I can't recall a "special anniversary edition" for any of them.
  8. I saw it and unfortunately, there are still "sane" people who behave that way. I used to be friends with (but now just Facebook friends with) a woman who was raised Conservative Catholic in Pa. The first time I went "Wait, what?" was when we were in a salon because I really wanted a haircut. She was considering a cut, and I gestured that there were others free to work on her hair. One of them appeared to be flamboyantly gay, and her reaction was "Ugh, he's not touching me." She has also publicly criticized inter-faith marriages that involved Catholics (because Catholics are supposed to be superior!), and recently criticized parents on social media for not forcing their children to dress as boys v. girls because that's the way they were born. A right-wing (in my opinion, extremist) pro-life group hired her to be in charge of their public relations a few months ago. My point is, just because something seems ridiculous and downright offensive doesn't inherently mean it's fake.
  9. That is where he is most comfortable yes because he is used to handling those. I think he is happiest when he finds out that people he loves/has loved are coming back to the land of the living or did not die because of him/arrogant associates: Michael emerging from the coma after bullet to the brain, and Robin and Jake both being alive when he came back to PC.
  10. Agree, but I haven't enjoyed them in recent years because Molly's existence became about making the point that "Julian is the evilest evil to ever evil" and LA's Kristina as an adult seems to just want to stir up drama for her sisters out of revenge or for her own entertainment instead of supporting/connecting to/loving them. I remember thinking that teenage Molly and Kristina acted like they genuinely loved each other, as well as big sis Sam. Adult Kristina is an utterly self-absorbed Sonny apologist - no wonder she gets along well with stepmom Carly.
  11. Of course he had no right to do either of those things, but Robin saw him as behaving wildly out of character, "losing it" essentially from a combination of circumstances/events leading up to that horrible act. Robin had loved Tony as (extended) family for however many years at that point; Uncle Mac and Tony were role models for Robin after her parents "died." Child Robin was worried about baby BJ when Tony's wife died. She was there in the hospital with Tony and Bobbie when they decided to take BJ off life support after the bus crash. She knew about Tony and Bobbie's troubled marriage, and that Carly took advantage of that. Robin felt that Tony, a doctor, would never in his right mind endanger someone's life - especially someone he had known since she was a child. Robin spelled it out for Carly in the courthouse: you wanted him to think he was going to be a father and get invested, until it was no longer convenient ... you knew he had been through hell due to the sudden death of his child in recent history...etc. It seemed like Robin saw Tony as a shell of the man he had been, and for that reason couldn't get really angry at him. Carly was all "Tony is a horrible person, he needs to pay for taking my beloved babbbbyyyy" while conveniently glazing over her destructive influence on Tony, AJ, Jason and other's lives. I will say that LW really plays that entitled, judgmental, sanctimonious, condescending personality of Carly's as much as SBrown did.
  12. How so? I think that Elizabeth was at least 18, probably older, the first time they kissed (after she caught the Shouty re-cast Lucky cheating with Sarah). When she was in h.s., she went for rides on his motorcycle and they talked and hugged on occasion but there was no sexual element. I remember Robin was a few years older than Lucky, who was the same age as Elizabeth.
  13. Yup, in fact Robin and Patrick talked about this in his apartment. Patrick could not understand Robin's loyalty, Robin explained that she introduced Jason to Sonny and though she could not have predicted that he would choose a life of violence, she felt partially responsible for Jason's wasted potential. Patrick's response was basically, that explains a lot. I remember when Robin ran into Sonny and Carly at the Nurse's Ball (when SBu had left the show) and let Sonny know she was appalled to find out he was engaged to Carly. I was thinking, if you're really that surprised you have not paid attention to who Sonny really is. IMO Robin wanted to blame all of Sonny and Jason's heinous choices on Carly, because she refused to see/accept that they were (are!) just not good people.
  14. I can't recall - did Ryan even ever interact with Carly back in the Ryan/Kevin storyline(s) of the '90s? I assume that Carly and Kevin knew who each other was because Kevin was BFFs with Carly's mortal enemy's uncle and Kevin and Tony Jones were both doctors at GH. Then in recent history Kevin married Laura, Carly's now ex-aunt.
  15. Robin was not perfect, she just had to grow up too fast/mature too young because her parents were presumed dead. Yes she had Mac to be her guardian, but she met him a long time after she and Robert had built a father-daughter relationship. I believe Robin had a lot of emotional vulnerability from losing her parents, then she fell in love with Stone, and then lost him, too. To this day I think Robin would not have idolized/depended on Sonny so much if her parents had been there for her as they should have been. She fell in love with Jason while vulnerable from grieving Stone and thinking of herself as "the girl with no future"- not realizing Carly would be a long-term thorn in her side. Her sense of nostalgia - remembering how Sonny and then Jason were there for her when her heart was lonely/broken - keeps her from really acknowledging that they are not good people. The characters who called her "saint" or "angel" or "perfect" were Carly because Jason wanted to be with Robin, and later Lisa because of jealousy that Patrick chose Robin.
  16. A) Terrific description! :) B) Sam was at her most interesting and firey when she and Jason had split up (while Jake was an infant). She was in Casa Corinthos telling Sonny off, was not tolerating Carly, and was no longer of the mentality that Jason was the most wonderful person in the universe.
  17. I guess I never saw that scene - was it the original Karen or the recast?
  18. Did Carly find out/figure out that Joss was shoplifting, after she was such a bitch to Elizabeth about Cam? I also find it odd that the show re-cast Cam again - with a kid who looks much more like a teen JJ Lucky than either teen Elizabeth or a young Zander. The kid who played SORASed Cam for two episodes looked like a young Zander. Elizabeth's angry scene with Cam is the most I've liked her character in ... quite a while.
  19. Robin unfortunately excuses the behavior of people she loves too easily, though. What stands out to me is the time she was on the docks telling Warlock's AJ that he, not Jason, is Michael's bio father. She said that Carly taught Jason to lie, and explained what had happened in the last year +. It sounded to me like she was putting the responsibility for Jason's lies/deception all on Carly. Having brain damage does not mean Jason was/is not responsible for his actions. If Jason had been a teenage boy with Down's Syndrome, then yes her holding Carly responsible would be reasonable. Btw, when I said people I was thinking of her parents, Sonny, and Patrick. My (probably unpopular) opinion is that Anna and Robert were not spectacular parents who put their child first either during her childhood or during her adulthood.
  20. Nope. I think Anna/FH is consistently at her best when she's in scenes with Tristan Rogers, Kimberly McC and also John Y. York. Anna was hilarious one night at the docks, when she told Robert (while Robin was standing right there) to make Patrick pay for breaking her heart. Fast forward to Robin's wedding day. Anna and Robert are in the church, and Anna expresses regret for having kept Robin hidden from Robert for the first few years of her life. Robert said, "Water under the bridge." Anna responded, "Yes, but it's my bridge." It's those genuine moments that connect with the character's true on-screen history and attachment to other long-term characters, that are not embarrassing - they are great.
  21. This aspect of Elizabeth's personality was on display in a scene at Wyndemere with Cam, Jake, Spencer and Nikolas back when she was pregnant with Aiden. Nikolas had the cook make an elaborate breakfast, and she said it was a bit much - her kids were used to cereal. She didn't like the idea of them getting used to being spoiled. That topic came up repeatedly while she was pregnant, because Nikolas kept talking about providing well for the baby and wanting to provide for Cam and Jake because otherwise the child would notice a difference in his/her lifestyle while with Mom, as opposed to the lifestyle at Wyndemere. Elizabeth was very offended and insisted she could provide for her own children. I also agree with you that Cam knows entitled and/or affluent kids and Elizabeth is definitely not one to be okay with him comparing himself financially to them. I'm sure she could recall the arguments she had with Spencer's late father, and her irritation at Carly bragging around PC about being rich/powerful because of her marriages to men like Jax and Sonny (she never would have owned that hotel if not for her marriage to Jax). I would love for Cam to say he wants Franco gone and move Drew back in because he cared about all three of us and he's actually related to Jake - or "I want to go see Dad." Teenage Cam having a huge fight with Elizabeth and Lucky about how he's grown up is long over due, including calling out Lucky for abandoning him after he promised him all those years ago that he would always be there for him.
  22. Ten years ago, there were better connections, friendships, etc. on screen. JMB played Lulu reconnecting with Laura (who was coming out of the catatonic state), Elizabeth had a real friendship with Robin and Patrick which involved encouraging them/being excited for them about their baby (as opposed to what Elizabeth gets for scenes now), Anna was not the embarrassing character she is now, Tracy was still in town to spar with Monica and the Corinthos family, there was no Franco or Kiki, Sam was actually a bit interesting because she was not with Jason....I could go on.
  23. I agree. Drew engages with people in a way that Jason just isn't capable, or maybe doesn't care enough to do. When Drew had just met Monica recently, she started to touch on the history of the Q Family. Drew said he would like to hear more. He cares enough to have real conversations with people, to be polite/kind to Alexis even when he and her daughter have broken up, and to still want to spend time with Jake if and when Jake calls him. Contrast that with Jason being so nonchalant about seeing his mother Monica for the first time after five years, being rude/dismissive to his first love's parent(s), making the minimum effort to bond with his sons, and giving off a "I can't be bothered with you" vibe to all but a handful of people.
  24. That would have been perfect; such a wasted opportunity. I had to laugh at Jordan announcing to Michael that his sister helped to apprehend a "dangerous criminal/fugitive" as Nelle is brought in, handcuffed. Nelle is the same size as teen-age Joss if not physically smaller and should have been weak from giving birth - and she didn't have a weapon on her. Yeah. Joss is sooo brave for shoving a woman from behind and the other stupid moves after the woman pushed her to the ground. GMAB. The only good that came from the fight scene was CL convincingly playing crazy and her accurate insults (e.g. brat, mother's minion) of Joss and Carly.
  25. Yes, it's lack of self-awareness as well as people having their own standards of what's acceptable versus what's not in shading women (whether it's a man or woman doing the shading). People may also just not like KMc as an actress/the Robin character and same for BH but passive aggressively shade them about something physical instead. (Although I remember Sarah's Carly describing Elizabeth as muffin-face, so such a shade could have come from a Carly fan who didn't want Elizabeth paired with Jason.) I personally have experienced and also seen/heard about female family members and female friends who have been shaded by strangers about not being well endowed, or about weight or looks. Such individuals feel entitled to shade and think "I'm just being honest, what I'm saying isn't that bad and maybe it will help this woman work to become more attractive." (A blood relative of mine thinks that way.) On the other hand, we live in a time where perceived age discrimination (women in TV news, for example) has received a lot of attention and is a big taboo. So there will be people who think the worst non-physical violation toward a woman is to imply that she's old/doesn't look as young as she once did. KMc and BH are unlikely to be shaded in that way; I've lost track of how many times I've seen comments that the two actresses appear to not age at all (in their faces at least) in 15+ years.
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