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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. Maybe it is just me, but I feel very uncomfortable with Sofie and her mental illness, or maybe that is the point? She does incredibly stupid things with no good reason whatsoever. From her conflict with her family, her involvement in GOPA, her leaving the airline and her assuming other woman's identity, all seem too absurd for me. I also agree with you with the violence. Granted that Korvo guards are not the friendliest people, but what do they expect? And what do they want by escaping? That they somehow find their way to a city and live underground as illegals?
  2. First possibility is that he ran out of time already. He did not have the time to run back one car and decouple from there. Second possibility is that the car might have jackboots in it, the very people he wanted to eliminate. This show, and the 2013 movie before it, are based on French graphic novel Le Transperceneige. I believe TPTB wants to remind viewers that that is where they come from.
  3. IMO that arc is the weakest link of the show and for me it pulls the show down. It is rather pointless and not to mention the most unbelievable aspect of the show. Yes I know, in the show where the Soviet Union not only landed on the moon, they did it before the United States and they brought female cosmonauts there, I found that Aleida story was hard to swallow. She was the daughter of a janitor, yet she had free access to the restricted gallery to the mission control. Her father got employed in a supposedly very secure facilities even though he was an illegal immigrant. And his father could collect classified materials from the garbage and just took them home.
  4. I ventured into this series because I subscribed into the free trial to watch Greyhound. I also remembered the hype when it premiered. A disappointing end to a disappointing series, I have to say. Would not recommend it to anyone. However, I have one nitpick from the episode that bothers me. Are the police really unable to see that the hanging of Patz is murder, instead of suicide? There should be signs of struggle from where he was choked. It is amazing how the fast the police declares it as suicide, that the suicide note is genuine, and for the prosecutors to completely believes the note.
  5. Me too. I was watching other show about old England when 'hanged, drawn and quartered' was still in effect for high treason and learned that such punishment was abolished in 1870. It was therefore a surprise and a quick reminder that it was a fantasy world.
  6. Just watched the Pilot. Watched the beginning of the episode and it was okay. A story about an ex soldier served in the war (presumably WWII) and living in London with his parents ca. 1950. So everything was normal until it got to the scene where there were gibbeting cages hanging on the streets. I was like, "WTF did gibbeting cages do in 1950s London?" Then I quickly remembered that this is Batman world, Gotham world. Silly me.
  7. I admit, I do not follow the source materials for Stargirl / JSA so I do not know any better. However, I am a bit disappointed with the origin story. So they just get magical gadgets and those make them super heroes? That is... too easy. They do not come from another planet or from an ancient warrior race, or get exposed by chemicals / exotic matters / radiation? Or at least regular people who train above and beyond what normal people do to be extra proficient in martial arts?
  8. And I think that is the weak point of this show. We as viewers will accept the premise of the show, if only they let us know why. As such, may situations in the show are not what we think humanity would do in the given situation. Why train? Why not a fix habitat? How the power generation works? Why do they have to circle the world? Those are questions the show needs to answer in the first episode.
  9. It seems like the faster the train moves the more power it generates. The power needed for the head-end power, that is power used by the trains for any other use than propulsion. Okay, increasing the speed means the engine produces more power right? Producing more power means more for the head-end. But why the head-end must depend on propulsion? Why not keep the power generating separate? And speaking of which, even if they have perpetual engine (itself is a violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics), why do they bother putting people on a train? Taking risk by the fact that the train is moving through different terrains and exposing itself to different elements. Would it be better if they just build a habitat and let the perpetual engine power it? There will be less complex machinery to deal and better space arrangement. In addition, outside of science discussion, how does Wilford Corporation does this? First, second, third class passengers pay, fine. But for what? In that post-apocalypse world, what is the value of money? Point is, how do wealthy people maintain their comfort? Do their material possessions still mean something if everything is provided by the train anyway?
  10. New details in this episode confused me. Adler said that he had been travelling back and forth between Earth and Alpha Centauri*. I thought it was established in the earlier S1 episodes that the journey to Alpha Centauri was one way? Adler also said that it took him 3 months to travel. Alpha Centauri is located 4.37 light years from Earth. Did that mean that the Resolute travelling with faster-than-light velocity? So humanity had reached such a technological achievement that allowed interstellar travel and manipulation of gravity. Yet, just prior to departure they still drove internal combustion engine-powered Volvo V40? *There are 3 stars in Alpha Centauri. Each with its own planetary system. Which planet exactly?
  11. The boy's name is Vijay. That means, well, 'victor' in Hindi. And I think that one needs to be proud of one's heritage.
  12. I am confused. How did the kelp infect Don? He wore his spacesuit right? The suit that was suppose to seal him off from the vacuum of space and the methane atmosphere? How did the kelp get its venom into his system without breaching the integrity of the suit?
  13. Not only that, but from the storyteller's point of view the Nazi is a convenience. They can be depicted as bad or as evil as possible and nobody will dare to criticize, while remains politically correct.
  14. Nitpick a bit, and this has been happening since episode 2, but it irritates me that characters who are supposed to be German who were born and raised in Germany speak with each other in English with fake German accent. Either they speak German entirely or speak German at the beginning and continue with normal English (alla Vikings). It becomes even more ridiculous at the gathering when they sing German song in German but speaking English with German words thrown in.
  15. Question that I ask rhetorically: who sleeps in the nude when they sleep in the same room with a toddler who can see and say things? Questions because I have no idea: Do they have that kind of fall foliage in North Carolina? I thought the picture of rolling hill with fall foliage (especially if the trees are maple) was typical to U.S. Northeast / Canada East. Why did they hunt? Did the not have livestock in the farms of Fraser Ridge? Snuggling together naked to help someone with hypothermia (as Jamie indicated he was cold) is a technique that is still used today. However, for that to work of course they both need to be under the blanket tightly. And no, that technique does not include reaching down and make a stroke.
  16. The reason I ask the question above (SEAL vs Infantry) is because in his book My American Journey, GEN Colin Powell wrote about his experience in Grenada. He noted specifically that the SEALs was wrongly assigned to the tasks more appropriate to Infantry. He further noted that the SEALs suffered in the battle because they were not Infantry. But it was Grenada, in 1982. I wonder if DEVGRU has evolved since then.
  17. Okay this comment is about the last two episodes. What kind of leader is Hayes? Being hard with his team members because of their desire to advance their careers? He has no right whatsoever to do that, SEAL, Navy or just as a person in general. And it seems that he demands loyalty from the members to him, not to the chain of command. I may be wrong, but it also seems that he crosses the line sometime as an enlisted. As senior as he is, he is enlisted. He does not have command authority towards the other operators. Are SEALs, or DEVGRU in particular, better than Infantry for open warfare, platoon-size tactics? This is a genuine question to all current / prior service here. As good as the operators are, I still think that Infantry are trained to do Infantry. Patrol, search and destroy, maneuver. Spenser arrived, and suddenly he became the god of warfare.
  18. Ah okay, thank you. I used to live in Montreal and the popular Hebrew cuisine there was the Montreal smoked meat sandwich. Rye bread, smoked meat and mustard. That was until French Canadians came to visit and add mayonnaise to the sandwich.
  19. I understand the bologna, I understand the mayonnaise, but what is the issue with Jews and white bread?
  20. She also could have gone to Hong Kong to live with her mother. What I do not get is what compelled Lyndon to go on the ledge. Just to prove the many-worlds?
  21. The name of the café is Nightshade Café. What is wrong with that? Nightshades is a family of plants that also includes tomatoes, bell peppers and potatoes.
  22. Why am I more interested in Hoffman and Lee's adventure than whatever happens to Dex?
  23. Is arming a medevac helicopter - a helicopter with Red Cross logo - with offensive weapons - which the door machine guns are - not a violation of the Geneva Convention?
  24. It is not her ethnicity / species that bothers me. It is the fact that she is an Officer with other power. Imagine if there is an Admiral in the U.S. Navy who is also a Colonel with the Venezuelan Army and the U.S. Navy does not even know that.
  25. What kind of security does Starfleet Security have if its Head is actually an active Senior Officer of Romulan Empire?
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